#which was definitely around halfway through season 1
freakadr0id · 2 years
Someone had a bit too much fun animating this.
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chimaerakitten · 6 months
I’ve been thinking today about off ramps in long running stories, especially book series.
By that I mean like, places where a person could stop reading and have a satisfying ending even if they’re not yet at the actual ending. (Someone tell me if there’s an established Tvtropes name for this I’m missing.)
Now, a lot of book series will have an off ramp at the end of book 1, because many first books are written without promise of a sequel. Like sure, there might be a sequel hook, but the actual second book is still up to publisher whims in most cases. So you can read All Systems Red or The Thief or A Madness of Angels and have a perfectly satisfying ambiguous-end sci-fi story or middle grade fantasy romp or inverted murder mystery revenge quest without ever picking up book 2. This is definitely an off ramp but it’s not necessarily the interesting or revealing kind because again. Whims of the publisher.
There’s also stories that have an off ramp after every installment. Leverage is famous for this—they had a philosophy of having every season be a satisfying ending, which says a lot both about the writers and about the story they were trying to tell.
But I think the most interesting ramps are the ones where by design or by circumstance, there’s a single off-ramp somewhere in the middle. One spot where unless someone tells you there’s more, you’d never be unsatisfied with leaving halfway through.
Sometimes these will be signaled in some way, where there’s a big timeskip after the off-ramp, or the series changes names or has a spin-off, or the POV changes, or after book 3 the author publishes a short story collection before hopping back in to novels, or the series suddenly jumps from being only novellas to a chunky 120k novel. (The Raksura books, Percy Jackson/HoE, Matthew Swift/Magicals Anonymous, and Murderbot all do one or more of these)
But sometimes off ramps aren’t visible in series order or marketing. Sometimes they’re organic to where a story happens to leave off at the end of an installment.
The queen’s thief has one of these after King Of Attolia. I know this was a satisfying ending because for seven years I thought it was the end. My local library didn’t have A Conspiracy of Kings, so I thought it was a trilogy. And you really can leave it there! KoA ends with Gen back in his element and recognized as king, the main internal threat to Irene neutralized, and peace on the peninsula. The Mede aren’t yet the immediate threat they are in the back half of the series, since up through KoA they’re mainly represented by the magus’s vague warnings and Nahuseresh, whom Irene thinks circles around. There’s no real reason to assume the Mede are a threat within the scope of the series. Now I absolutely prefer getting the whole story, but KoA is a damn solid off-ramp for anyone who feels like exiting there.
And that’s one kind of off ramp where the end you get is pretty similar in tone (mostly happy) to the one you get if you go on to the rest of the series. I’ve also read books where you can off ramp successfully right at the lowest point in the series and get a tragedy out of a series that ultimately ends happy, or leave at a high point and get a happier end than the main one, or exit at an ambiguous point and continue on with ambiguity. The Giver sequels make it pretty clear what happened to Jonas and Gabe at the end of the book. but you don’t have to read them or have that question answered if you want to.
I don’t have a really solid conclusion to draw here except that I think the positioning of off ramps says a lot about authors and stories, and choosing whether or not to take an off ramp says a lot about readers.
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legionofpotatoes · 6 months
All other criticisms of modern Star Wars aside, the thing that gets me the most is how every single story is being written to fit into some Avengers-level grand finale that just isn't laying a solid enough foundation to make it worth the wait. Regardless of whether the individual stories are good or bad, what makes them fall so short, imo, is that there's usually no real payoff within their own runtimes (unless you count cheap callbacks or loose promises of More, which you shouldn't)
Like, I already knew halfway through Ahsoka that we were in for a cliffhanger and it's just like...alright, guess we'll see how this ends in about 5 years? Even Mando, which had a great first season and was poised to stand on its own two feet and ride off on a rootin' tootin' bounty huntin' adventure, has ultimately become yet another dusty path on the road to the current Big Plot with an indeterminate due date. That's not deliciously addictive media, it's a dry-ass carrot on a spindly little stick, lol
Of course, this is a problem that many franchises are happily getting cozy with lately because everybody wants to have their own Infinity War / Endgame moment, but I guess it seems a bit more egregious with Star Wars because, ironically, it used to work best because it had less overall focus. Like, sure, we had concurrent movies, animated series, and games, but they were always happy to do their own things and tell their own stories with definitive conclusions. Now it all has to funnel into the Big New Plot and, man, I honestly just can't bring myself to care when it feels like an endless waiting game
I definitely need to get around to watching Visions at some point because, every time it pops up, it sounds like the lifeblood that Star Wars sorely needs atm
Yeah the setup-and-payoff a-to-b type dramatic clarity that seemed so entrenched into the very bones of cinematic grammar - up to around the emergence of streaming, wink wink nudge nudge - is sorely missed in star wars atm. sure maybe downsized writers rooms fidgeting with limited series formats instead of doing actual seasonal TV has something to do with it, but even that is probably such a small piece of the larger issue that spins all this longform storytelling bullshit ferry wheel around.
Another part is certainly chasing the MCU business model of it all like you said. Carrot on a stick is verbatim how I've often described these things myself, the endless promise of another promise of another promise instead of forming a complete thought with a beginning and an end. servicing the plot before story at all costs. another part still is reverence towards the aesthetic trappings of the source material instead of its themes, trying to nail the exact texture of tatooine's huts and dial in the perfect balance of lightsaber choreography and pay homage to a thousand iconic shots before articulating something true in the text.
And like it's an endless laundry list, this confluence of capital-I Issues both industry-scale and creatively-driven that seem to be flaying the skin off the bones of whatever star wars even "is" nowadays. no one can answer that in the context of billions of dollars made off toys and storylines centering around this one moment in fictional history about sons and fathers and empires and rebellions. so they just keep twisting in the wind filling in any gaps within that period. I don't know nonnie, it's all so bleak. ahsoka and obi wan and even mando tbh. as charming as season 1 was, it truly felt like it coasted on its incredible restraint to avoid muddying its aesthetic with cameos, and lucked into effective storytelling as a result of that utterly unintentional alchemy. that's obviously well and truly gone now as its true optics have reared head.
what star wars is by itself is such a pointless discussion, right? andor argues it's a perfectly functional heightened universe that can support incredibly nuanced and dramatically charged stories of grassroots rebellion and the bureaucratic strain of fascist regimes. visions argues it's a world beholden to the force, an endlessly mutable and elegant metaphor that can support infinite monomyths and fairy tales. both are equally fantastic at executing on their takes, despite being in diametrically opposite extremes of interpreting the source. so it's not really about that at all, why the other stuff sucks this bad.
they're just bad at the craft of it, that's really it. whether it's auteur worship or business decisions rotting that fish down, it still rots all the same. maybe the new writers' guild contracts can shift the winds a little, because I was so securely done with star wars and then the aforementioned 2 shows came and affected me. so, so profoundly that I'm back on the hook again. like a lil sucker!
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clonehub · 1 month
The bad batch has some of the shallowest writing I've seen in ages. The wrong character interactions get the attention, while the audience is left with a "tell, don't show" style of narrative storytelling that just leaves people unsatisfied left right and center. Hunter is upset because he feels guilty (a generous read imo) for letting omega get captured while Crosshair was the one to escape with her. Hunter is not mad at Crosshair for his decision to choose the Empire, which led to Tech's death. Hunter is not mad that Crosshair joined the regime that literally mind controlled him into attempting to set them on fire.
Omega afaik never had a solid, positive interaction with Crosshair the way she did with the rest of the bad batch all during seasons one and two. Crosshair tried multiple times to kill her, under influence of the chip. He objectively knew this and still chose the Empire. Omega also objectively knew this and forgives him anyways? And still has faith in him? She was hurt over his decision to stay, but never harbored any fear or resentment. Just pure and total love. And now she's guiding him through dealing with his trauma by meditating on sunset-lit beaches.
Wrecker is still a non-character who doesn't lead and hardly participates in any meaningful way in conversations. I don't recall him having any extensive conversations with any of the other batchers. I remember Tech being snappy with him, and Crosshair saying he has a tiny mind back in season 1. He has cute moments with Omega, but doesn't get developed outside. He doesn't get developed at all, really, besides following the narrow track of the trope set out for him.
The entire emotional arc of the series is dedicated to everyone around Crosshair forgiving him for his choice to join the Empire, but...he's never once thus far actually seemed remorseful. Does he condemn the Empire's violence? Does he look sad or regretful that he got so many of Howzer's men killed on Ryloth? Does he say "I hate what the Empire did to clones, I hate that they used chips on us, I hate that they made me oppress people throughout the galaxy, I hate that the Empire is a violent oppressive regime hurting innocents"? No. He says "The Empire wasn't loyal to me." He doesn't justify what he did, but he definitely doesn't regret it.
(Which is funny because soon afterwards, Rex is able to sow the seeds of doubt into Wolffe's mind that the Empire is bad because they're making him hunt a child.)
And the writers do the laziest thing in the world by having this potentially massive conflict between two characters and using rescue/saving their life as a stand in for a real conversation. Crosshair saves Hunter from the ice worm, they nod, and now they're chill/more chill. They present this as if anything else was a viable option, as if Crosshair would have reasonably or realistically left Hunter to get eaten by the giant ice worm. Then they frame Hunter and Crosshair's mistakes (for the former, I have no idea what) as on par with one another. After their non-argument, Crosshair saves Howzer's life (?), they nod, and that's it. Forgiven.
Halfway through the season and the writing still feels just as unbalanced as it did in season 1. Multiple people keep talking about how they feel like coworkers and roommates with guns rather than brothers. The writers do a better job saying the word loyalty than actually showing it. The majority of the emotional burden is being put on Omega, the only prominent female character in the series and a child. Why is she the emotional support group for a group of grown men? It's just classic misogyny. I'm amazed that type of trope even reared its head again, it's been so long since I've seen it.
Even the writers don't seem to know how to express the batchers' supposed love for one another. No, saving each other's lives is not proof of a deep love or even respect for one another. That's bare minimum. That's SoP. Them leaving each other to die would be the extreme thing, not the other way around. They hardly mention Tech. They had a forced-feeling "hang our heads in silence at the mention of tech's name", and every time after that he's been mentioned as far as his usefulness to the squad. Maybe the second half of the season will have people actually confront Crosshair about Tech. The "Don't have the heavy emotional conversations" thing has been a problem since The Clone Wars, unfortunately. Pretend Teth didn't happen. Pretend Umbara and the Kadavo arc didn't happen. Don't show Rex's reaction to Ahsoka leaving at ALL. Don't show Omega informing Crosshair of Tech's death, which is WILD to me.
Some people claim that the Bad Batch have had six or so months to grieve and mourn, and they're seasoned soldiers who've experienced loss and death before, so they're used to this. The former I can see, but the latter? Who would they have been losing? They're not connected to other clones, rarely worked with them, and never liked them. What losses have they fielded beforehand? They don't even act like 99 or share his values.
I know I'm not alone in this, and at this rate I'm probably beating a dead horse, but it bears repeating: Crosshair hasn't condemned Empire violence, he's only condemned how they treat him in particular. This is a dangerous way to present fascism and why people choose fascist organization/regimes. There's absolutely a personal element to it. Arrogance. Ego. Material or emotional insecurity. But there's an external part as well: desire for control, hierarchy, order, violence. Fascists understand that the ideology is violent. That's why they join the regime. They want and support the subjugation of those they believe deserve it. In real life, this is people of color, women, disabled people, immigrants, the "degenerates" of society, and others. In Star Wars, that's the aliens and the enslaved, the "traitors" and the Rebels. Fascists being "lead astray" or "misguided" by thoughts of loyalty or personal power come secondary to oppressing others.
Maybe they'll address that in the second half of the season. It's a generous read, but I don't want to make any calls til I've seen everything. Unfortunately, every interaction Crosshair has with people has been designed to service their forgiveness of him, all without him actually apologizing for anything. Yes, he must explicitly apologize. He joined a fascist regime after they made him do terrible, heinous things. The text tells us that Crosshair only left because the Empire wasn't loyal to him. Anything other than a clear apology would be bad and frankly dangerous writing.
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some random reboot headcanons because I just finished season 1 but you can clearly tell who my favorites are
Lauren/Scary Girl is so transfem demigirl to me and I can't explain why
Lauren showed Damien smile HD and/or cupcakes and now he's traumatized
Damien got into science from those grow your own crystal kits
I feel like he has a favorite word
Lauren got Damien a cactus and he named it after the shade of green it was
Raj taught Bowie how to ice skate
Raj has absolutely no storage space on his phone so Bowie's always the one taking photos
Wayne will tease Raj about literally anything but if he notices Raj getting upset he immediately stops
They play wrestle CONSTANTLY (and Bowie has to watch and make sure nobody breaks anything)
Wayne LOVES pies
He actually gets pie for his birthday more then he does cake
Bowie wears perfume (sometimes)
He eventually starts understanding Wayne and Raj's hockey lingo after hanging around them so much
He most definitely took Raj clothes shopping atleast once
Bowie got Raj a fidget slug and he fucking loves it and takes it everywhere
Wayne and Raj started collecting fidget toys after that
Axel keeps having this recurring dream where she cooks and eats her neighbor's cat (this started as an inside joke but I kinda see it)
She cuts her bangs herself
Chase livestreamed himself reading fanfictions about himself with Ripper and Zee (it ended with Chase curled up on the floor crying, Zee trying to comfort him, and Ripper going on a rant about why Andrew Tate isn't an alfalfa male)
Chase has been banned from multiple public places including but not limited to: Disneyland, Disneyworld, every Walmart in Canada, most Targets, about 5 McDonald's, and two malls
Chase has low empathy, while Emma has high empathy, which leads to a lot of disagreements
This mf is like the JayStation of Total Drama of course he makes 3am challenges and dark web videos (and of course has gotten canceled)
His parents most definitely said that "boys will be boys" bullshit
Zee most definitely likes the emperors new groove
Actually, he likes a lot of movies, but he sometimes forgets that he's watching them halfway through
Zee's a skater, and really well liked at the skate park he goes to
Everyone assumes he hates water because of how much he drinks soda, but he doesn't and says that soda is just "more his vibe"
Zee's absosexual and agender with all pronouns
When I tell you Emma has Chase blocked on EVERYTHING I mean EVERYTHING
She has slight anger issues (and trust issues)
Emma really likes sunsets
Ripper has dandruff and I can't explain what makes me think that I just do
He's also dyslexic because I said so
Priya's parents were friends with Sierra and were super jealous when she got on the show, which led to them falling out
Sierra actually recognized Priya for this reason, and got into contact with her after s1 ended
Sierra is basically Priya' crazy aunt
Priya ran away after s2 because she didn't want to face her parents after losing, and she moves in with either Millie or Sierra
Millie makes video essays where she just infodumps
Nichelle is so cupiromantic idk why
MK has been wearing that same beanie since they were 9
They had an emo phase in middle school
Also non-binary they/she/he MK is so real
Julia and MK have so much Twitter beef
Julia sold her crystals after s1 (Damien bought all of them)
If you recognize her in public she will RUN
Blaineley is her wine aunt and you can't tell me otherwise
and some random charts
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echowithpain · 30 days
Buckle Up, Bitches. This is a long one.
Okay, I've definitely had some gripes with episode 2 and the fact that it took me this long to rewatch the episode to collect my thoughts says something. I even stopped the episode halfway through and got distracted with something else for about 3 hours before remembering what I was doing and resuming it.
I didn't like this episode. Unfortunately the bad outweighed the good for me.
First up, Lola, Norman, and Julien.
Why the FUCK did they do a storyline where Lola cheats on Norman?? Their whole introductions/characters in season 2 were about how Norman didn't see her after they had a kid so she went out of her way to force him to look at her by flashing the freeway. Go off Queen.
She gets arrested but she and Norman are super happy and making out, and they even admitted that the situation saved their marriage when Josh and Sue gathered people Maddie helped to convince her not to quit. The cheating storyline is so out of character for Lola that when I saw episode 1 and she was acting weird around Julien, I thought she knew he was a bad guy but he had threatened her off screen or something and she didn't want to worry Norman, not that they were seeing each other???
I thought Julien had just mistaken them for smugglers since they were living on the cruise ship, Lola found out and confronted him, and he threatened her to keep quiet about the operation but didn't get to call off the guys he was working with in time so Lola and Norman ended up getting jumped.
When Norman found out Lola was cheating on him after getting shot and was groaning in pain, all he could do was go into denial and talk about how Lola cheating couldn't be true. Then when he was lying on the poker table talking about the life he and Lola had, 37 years, selling all their stuff with handmade price tags, it made me feel both genuinely sad and angry. Not angry at Lola, angry at the writers for making this storyline for them. If people who have never seen the show go back to watch all the seasons and get to Lola and Norman's episode, they're gonna have it in their mind that their love is a lie and apparently Norman doesn't love Lola enough to keep her satisfied which is why she's cheats on him later. They're gonna see it as Lola being a horrible person this whole time, someone who likes to sleep around, or even just chalk it up to "Women ☕" and that pisses me off! That's not their characters and the fact the writers were portraying them in that light is horrible.
Then we have the whole Hen storyline, and oh boy do I have words about that.
Episode 1 did an amazing job reintroducing the characters to new people (except for Athena, I don't care about Marisol). In fact, if not for the Athena thing, I'll make a post about that later, it would've been a solid 10/10 (9/10 cause Karen wasn't in it lol).
Hen was shown to be a great captain when under intense pressure, going with her gut about which wire the pilot said to cut and even double checking, being a teasing but helpful friend to Chim about the forever dating thing, being kind and knowledgeable with the woman in the hot tub incident and teasing Chim again, and being an ear Athena could rant to when she thought Norman killed Lola. She was absolutely amazing...
Episode 2 ruined all of that.
She's at the car accident and is caring and attentive to the daughter and her mom, but then she's suddenly in a bad mood and making assumptions when it comes to the guy who blew through the light. She sends Chim over to him and when the dude is acting rude, telling them off, and threatening their jobs, she does the right thing and asks if he's refusing care. He says yes, he doesn't consent, so she doesn't give him care. Even in a bad mood she's still doing her job properly. Chim's been a firefighter/paramedic longer than her and should know that if someone refuses care, you can't force the care onto them, so he had no reason to try to make her change her mind about that.
Putting that aside, her words to Chimney really made me upset,
"No, he's done. Why is it that drunks always come out of these things without a scratch?"
Why the fuck did the writers make her say that? What did the dude being drunk have anything to do with it? Also Aisha's delivery is great but the line is terrible. Why put so much emphasis on the guy being drunk?? Hen doesn't act like this. She gets pissed off sometimes, yes, but in season 1 when Bobby had a relapse and she and Buck found him in his apartment, she was empathetic and sensitive to his struggles and has been ever since. You can't tell me if Bobby was the captain on that scene, she would've said it anyway because she wouldn't have. So I'm just supposed to believe that when he's not there, that's how she acts??
I think the thing that really made me upset was the fact they kept going back to the guy being drunk. He could've been completely sober but texting on his phone while speeding, he could've had a muscle spasm that made him hit the accelerator, he also could've just been a dick and decided to run the light for the hell of it. The part about him being drunk or not shouldn't have gotten so much attention, because either way HE STILL REFUSED CARE!!!
They could've still had the whole Hen's intern captain position being paused because it's a councilwoman's son and rich people use money to sue and try to make things go away to keep themselves in a good light with their public image. Like the chief said, all the signs of impairment could've been indications of the brain bleed the dude had, but again, THE GUY REFUSED CARE!!!! Hen says this but still gets put on pause cause rich people.
Buck saying they can't fire her for one bad call is true, but it also wasn't a bad call??? Toxic reports or not, if the guy refused care then he refused care!!! It's not her problem!!! It would've been worse if he refused care, she gave it to him anyway, saved his life, but now she's getting sued for bullshit reasons and can't be a firefighter/paramedic anymore because she went against protocol.
And they're talking so much about how the guy was definitely drunk. So drunk that obviously everyone could smell it off him. WHY DOES THIS MATTER????
You might be wondering why I'm repeating myself but I was wondering the same thing watching the episode. Why are they repeating the fact that the guy was drunk??? And then Hen thinks all of them betrayed her because they don't know for a fact if the dude was drunk or not.
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Hen's ranting to Karen (omg Karen hi!!! 🥰🥰🥰 I'm so sorry this is your only scene 😭😭😭) saying,
"I just feel like if I was any other captain, I would not have been benched."
Shut the fuck up, yes you would have. It doesn't matter who the captain is, what mattered was who the victim was. I'm sure there's been times where someone refused care and ended up dying because of it. It's like that woman's dying mother with cancer who took a bunch of pills but had a DNR so when Hen and Chim showed up they legally weren't allowed to do anything. Even though the daughter was freaking out and telling them to do something, they stayed professional and said they couldn't. Neither of them got benched for letting that woman die. Hen's getting benched because the dude's mom was a councilwoman, not for any other reason.
Hen's upset cause she thinks Buck, Eddie, and Chim were trying to comfort her because "they assumed she screwed up", then she starts second guessing herself on whether or not she did screw up and goes on about how she thought the guy was an "entitled rich brat" anD OH MY GOD WHY WERE THEY ON THIS FOR SO LONG!!!!!
Entitled or humble, rich or poor, brat or dom, drunk or sober, IT DOESN'T MATTER!!!!
And then the reports come back and it turns out he actually was drunk plus had drugs in his system. Whoopty fucking doo. That didn't matter nor did it excuse the fact they carried that stupid plot for no reason across the entire episode.
The guy. Refused. Care. That should've been the end of it.
*sigh*... I have a headache.
Sorry guys, I love 911 but this episode was a flop for me. 3/10. If not for the cool action scenes and beautiful transitions, it would be much lower. Hopefully things are better in episode 3.
The Lola cheating on Norman with Julien storyline fucking sucked, and everyone and their mother focusing on if the guy who caused the car accident might've been drunk or not storyline fucking sucked too. He refused care so it shouldn't have mattered if he was drunk or not.
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okthatsgreat · 1 month
So how would your OCs fare in a different killing game setting than the game they're a part of, sure the killing game is the killing game no matter what, but a DR 1 style enclosed building is completely different from a DR 2 style sunny and beautiful island. I'm not exactly asking to put them in those specific killing games, just sort of putting them in different vibes.
OOOOOOOOOOOOO INTERESTING and yknow what im realising that i never really disclosed where dr:50 happens either so YIPPEEEEEE I GET TO TALK EVEN MORE !!!
for the 50th season of danganronpa they realllyyyyy wanted to hone in on the nostalgia, which means the location takes a lot of influence from the very first season!!!!!!! the group has been locked inside what THEY assume is some sort of weird boarding school/odd storage unit that has been boarded up to all hell with ZERO sunlight that isnt artificial. similar to thh areas continue to get unlocked as the killing game continues, but overall it is meant to invoke the same claustrophobic atmosphere as the first game, which REALLY influences quite a few of these people lol. not to mention that about halfway through the season (probably late chapter 3/early chapter 4, bc it definitely influences pippy to do what she does lmao) it's revealed they are WAYYYY underground in a survival bunker that has been abandoned and forgotten about (hence why everything is dusty as hell). catastrophe struck and the class is mostly presumed dead down there. also there is a single elevator but they are NOT getting to it unless they kill somebody
yoshito: i think regardless of location he would have the same attitude going into it!!! would it be NICE to send that man on an island vacation where he can run around at the beach with his friends? yes. but would it ultimately influence his "i can fix everybody" mentality? likely not
ryobe: similar to yoshito i think this guy gets fucked up regardless of where he's kept lmao!!!!!!!!!!!! the claustrophobia of the bunker ABSOLUTELYYY has some influence, it'll definitely get to ANYBODY after a while, but ryobe is very stubborn in his own escapism that i find it difficult to imagine he acts super differently in a sunny resort lol. he'd definitely be a lot more annoying with a water gun but he would still refuse to acknowledge reality and spiral regardless if he's sunburned or not
mika: i reckon there is a SLIGHTT difference with how she acts here!! not enough to drastically change her character arc, but i honestly think throwing her in a beach would make her a bit more friendly to start off with. when season 50 begins and they all meet each other, she is the FIRST to assume that they are at a hopes peak boarding school, meaning she has already boxed herself in as this ultimate lucky student with no talent in comparison to all of these talented people. a lot of the reason she is so standoffish originally comes from that immediate insecurity. i reckon if they met in a more relaxed setting where ultimate talents arent IMMEDIATELY relevant she'd be a little more open!!! of course there is no denying how they are all ultimates in some way or another but surely they arent here just to work on that right??? its VACATION TIME!!!!!!
erin: DEPENDSSS depends. she's going to act like pippy no matter where she is because like ryobe she is relentless. but that feeling of total claustrophobia in the bunker and complete isolation absolutely lent itself as motive for her. this is a girl whose entire life is dedicated to her work, and the bunker setting REALLY emphasizes just how completely separated from it she is!! it further tells her that HEY, EVERYBODY FORGOT ABOUT YOU IN THERE, and regardless of what her actual motive to kill ended up being that feeling absolutely contributed to the mania that led up to the murder in the first place. rp!pippy is a whole different story BUT HONESTLY it's a pretty good indicator that in a more open/less claustrophobic setting (since the rp took place at a camp, and while it WAS abandoned there was still the SUGGESTION of other people somewhere), plus with some close friends lol, erin could have reasonably survived!! throwing erin in a setting like that OR an sdr2 beach setting could help her quite a bit because it feels much less isolating if that makes sense. looking at the sky at least gives you a bit of hope that somebody else is looking up at the sky also. looking up at a bunker ceiling for weeks is going to make you irrational
rie: same with erin the idea of being completely isolated absolutely contributed to her entire facade crumbling in the later chapters. she misses her dad!!!!! and shes the primary caretaker for him so being locked away from him presumably forever hurts!!!!!!!!!! the bunker makes her feel completely alone and absolutely helpless, and is a big part as to why nobody trusts her in that final trial. trusting rie was IMPORTANTTT too, because if they had listened to her a bit more or even attempted to calm her down enough to get an alibi together they actually might have been able to get through chapter 5 lol, instead all of them had fallen into a rush of mania and exhaustion that led them to distrusting her wayyyy too easily. throw her on a beach and she'll be a litttleeee more chill i think, still VERY upset about her dad but maybe jusssttttttt calm enough to rationally talk things through. the isolation of the bunker is really good at making all of them feel very alone, which is why finding somebody to confide in was a tricky task (and then when she did find somebody to confide in they accused her of murder. lol). the beach might be a better setting at making friends!!!! maybe!!!!!!!!!
billie: the entire location billie was in was a constant and walking reminder of her father LMFAOOO, it was LITERALLY his own creation that she had been constantly testing for him. and BECAUSE she had done that so many times, she was immediately quite standoffish and awkward to the others, just because it felt very repetitive at that point. BUT ALSO i do think a big point of her character during the one and only chapter she survived was that she WANTED to help, mostly because she felt GUILTY. she felt that this simulation going haywire was partially her fault, because she recognized signs of malfunction and didnt run to stop it in time. in another location where she is less familiar of her surroundings and doesn't feel immediate responsibility, i reckon she'd be a lot less helpful LMAO. this is still billie so she is still going to be very easily influenced, but she'd be a lot less inclined to help and honestly might just hide away for a lonnggggg while. she would NOT fall for the note the way she had in the rp, which means lets give it up for wilhelmina "billie" lane for making it past chapter 1 WAHOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
sae: GET HER OUT OF THEREEEEEEE SHE NEEDS FRESH AIR SHE NEEDS THE OCEANNNNN. NO MORE CHLORINE-FILLED POOL NO MORE WEIRD HOTEL SMELL AND BLEACH. this resort she is currently in (in the rp!!) is kind of a mix of the bunker setting and the beach setting in that it is still isolated BUT she can at least SEE the outside. she can put her hand out there. its more taunting than anything but it COULD be so much worse
naomi: honestly she might be the most immediately and gravely affected by the location LMAO. this is a girl who is used to have places to RUNNN, and this bunker is allowing her NONE of that. she CAN not run away from these people, and the most she can do is hide, even though the entire cast knows that she is in her room. it is very very easy for her to grow extremely helpless in that location, because so much of her survival instincts is rooted in packing up and leaving!!! setting her in a beach gives her farrrr more freedom, and while that DOES mean we probably wont be seeing her until chapter 2 lmfao she is going to feel a lot more comfortable. it is still a very isolated island dont get me wrong, but it is a HUGE island, and naomi would feel far more inclined to meekly join in with the others now that she knows she has a surefire means of fucking off to the other side of the island should anything go absolutely haywire. HONESTLY would stop her from doing anything too rash. she is still remarkably paranoid but it is slightlyyyy easier to find lucidity on a beautiful island with a lot of open space rather than a dusty old bunker where everybody is cranky and the only enemies that know you are alive are currently trapped underground with you
andi: specifically made for the new waters retreat, would not exist in any other location
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educatedinyellow · 7 months
People I Wanna Know Better
Thanks for thinking of me, @sanguinarysanguinity :)
Last song?
My son has been singing Tale As Old As Time from Beauty and the Beast all day. He's super adorable doing it, too, and you've gotta love a classic <3 We miss you, Angela Lansbury.
My funniest musical adventure from this week, though (as you know, Sang), was finding out that David McCallum -- who apparently played oboe and arranged orchestral scores, having studied music at first before switching to acting -- recorded a jazz number in the 1960s which then got sampled by Dr. Dre in the 1990s to create what, according to my brother, is 'definitely one of the most famous hip hop beats of all time' (warning: explicit language including the n word).
Who knew? Like a good secret agent, his influence pops up where least expected!
Favorite color?
Currently watching?
Not much of anything lately, to be honest. I just haven't found time to fit in a movie at the end of the day, and I don't have any new TV shows I'm currently following. But I'm sure I'll catch the Dr. Who specials when they come out in a month or two. I might watch Loki season 2. And I do still like to read and watch movie reviews and collect a 'to be watched' list for myself.
A couple films that came out this year that sound good & I would like to catch up with are Rye Lane ("Raine Allen-Miller reinvents the romantic-comedy genre utilizing vibrant colors, a fisheye lens, and British rap to present a truthful depiction of London that celebrates Black joy in Rye Lane." -Jillian Chilingerian; "Rye Lane is a shock to the system and the current landscape of romantic comedies. It’s loving, genuinely humorous, and an effortless crowd pleaser. A beautiful, energetic reminder that love is worth going after time and again." -Tina Kakadelis)
and Fancy Dance ("Cloaking a family drama in crime-film conventions, the plot of Native American filmmaker Erica Tremblay’s exceptional directorial debut concerns a young woman’s disappearance from an Oklahoma reservation and her family’s urgent attempts to locate her....not even halfway through the film, Tremblay (who is from the Seneca-Cayuga nation) and co-writer Miciana Alise’s keenly observant script has touched on a disconcertingly complex array of social issues, including endemic poverty, racism, foster care, and drug and alcohol abuse in Native communities. For the filmmakers, though, it’s the crisis of missing and murdered indigenous women and girls that provides the film’s thematic throughline. Handled with candor and grace, these concerns are well integrated into the narrative and dialogue (often in the Cayuga language) so that they’re recognizable, but not melodramatically manipulative." - The Hollywood Reporter)
I'd also like to rewatch some Man From UNCLE, catch up with Spielberg's West Side Story, watch the latest Indiana Jones movie (which despite all the negative press my brother says was good fun), and sometime maybe get around to the Sandman series from last year and Good Omens 2 from this year.
Last movie?
Uhhhhh, maybe Mission Impossible 7 back in July?
I dislike spicy. I like savory just fine. I like sweet best, but I have had to learn to seek it out in new forms this year. In January my blood test results indicated I was approaching the upper edge of what's considered pre-diabetic and edging close to full-on Type 2. I have been at high risk to develop it, not only due to family history, but also because I had gestational diabetes when I was pregnant a decade ago. I was told at that time that 1 in 2 women with gestational diabetes go on to develop type 2 within 10 years, and, ahaha, look at the time. So, this year I have been working much harder to reverse those trends and make healthy changes to my diet and get more active. I joined a Diabetes Prevention Class (there's a national program for this, by the way, though it's not well-advertised. My doctor didn't tell me about it, because they never told me anything, but I found a search engine online that helped me find classes locally. Mine is a free, virtual, 12-month program run out of a nearby hospital as a community health initiative and geared toward helping people make lasting lifestyle changes using a small support group style). All this is just to say that I am eating fewer sugars and carbs these days, but I can still get my sweet tooth fix enjoying my red peppers, honeycrisp apples, chocolate-dipped quinoa crisps, and coconut water :) I'm also happy to say that when I was retested in July my blood sugar was so far improved that I have almost dipped out of the pre-diabetic zone altogether and back into what's considered normal range. But of course, it's not something you can stop once you hit a certain number -- the goal is to keep doing this for the rest of my life. So far, it's been going fine and I'm figuring out what I like to eat that's within my new purview. I have to say that California Pizza Kitchen's cauliflower crust mushroom pizza makes me very happy <333333
Relationship status?
If my marriage were a person, it would be old enough to vote. Hurray!
Current obsessions?
My cousins introduced me to a spelling bee game this summer, and over the last week I've picked it back up and am finding it a bit addictive. The two of them regularly ace its highest levels, but I content myself with the goal of getting to the "Great" goalpost and then walking away :) It's fun, but the full word list is, to me, a bit frustrating because it's hard to guess what anachronistic spellings, odd plurals, or never-used permutations they will decide to count (you won't take 'glugging' one day, but you want me to try 'ufts' the next? bah humbug!!) *shrugs* If you're not a completist and would be happy just finding as many patterns as you can, it's a good little daily hamster run for the brain. The solutions to one day's challenge are posted on the following day.
Last thing you googled?
Glugging, LOL. I was, like, oh god, is it somehow not a real word? Better check before I post. But it is!! VINDICATION!!
I will say I also got miffed at the thing for wanting "annum" but not accepting "unum" (oh, we're accepting Latin if it's for accountants but not if it's for a national motto? FINE.) And I was denied "unarm," but that one I eventually had to concede -- you can be unarmed or you can disarm someone else, but 'unarm' by itself isn't actually a thing, okay. But neither is 'ufts', spellbee, GET OFF MY LAWN.
Anyhow, I argue with it and then come back the next day to play again :)
I tag anyone who wants to share, of course!
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corneliushickey · 1 year
dear @shinelikethunder tagged me to post eight tv shows to get to know me ~
under a cut because a) i did this with director’s commentary and b) i got too into this and it’s embarrassing
this exercise also made me wish that the tag was about eight movies because i really struggled to think of eight tv shows... i have definitely WATCHED more than eight tv shows in my lifetime, but it’s hard to name eight that have had a significant enough impact on me that i would show them to someone as a get to know me exercise, whereas i can think of like a dozen movies off hand that like, showing them to someone else feels like cutting my chest open and letting them root around in between my organs
okay, on to the tag! it’s organized by year the tv show came out because i am incapable of ranking things by how much i like them/they mean to me
good omens (2019); amazon
do you know how embarrassing this is to admit? 
i fully didn’t like the majority of this show because newt and anathema mean nothing to me and i hate being made to look at children
but crowley and aziraphale did something to me, man. on a molecular level. i got got. extremely got. i’m moving this week and tonight had the pleasure of taking everything down off my walls and a solid 30% of my wall space (which is a full coverage collage of stuff) is aziraphale and crowley prints... they inprinted on me in a way that i simply cannot justify nor explain. i have watched the intro to episode 3 more times than i can even attempt to count. it’s heinous. i’m serious.
the terror, season 1 (2018); amc
says tumblr user cornelius hickey...
the terror is a show i feel very comfortable telling people about because while i love it dearly and it means a lot to me, it’s a great example of craft and technical accomplishment, but it doesn’t hit any raw emotional wounds the way a lot of my most cherished media does. it’s just so technically well executed, an absolute masterclass of horror. it says and does so much in such a tight run. it is emotionally devastating and brilliantly written. it is hopeless and painful and dense.
i have a 3ft x 5ft print of an oil painting of cornelius hickey custom framed in my room. its haunting eyes will likely be moving to my office in the new place. he is a character that like very singularly stands out to me as one of the most incredible combinations of writing and performance i have ever seen on film.
i want this url buried with me when i die like digitally encoded onto my corpse
mindhunter (2017); netflix
this is another example where the show is just really really technically well crafted. beautifully written, acted, and filmed. i loooove a period piece and this one really captures a very specific time and place. plus it scratches my thomas harris itch because hannibalverse made me fond of quanitco stories at a young age
bill/holden is a whole ‘nother level
i want to study holden like a bug, and in fact i have!! the fic i’m most proud of is an intense play by play pov of his psychosexual hangups and while i only got halfway through writing it before the hyperfixation left me forever... i am still very proud of its concept and execution
true detective, season 1 (2014); hbo
another absolutely incredible example of television as a craft
this one though does get a little personal so while i recommend it to people often i am needlessly touchy about how people receive it because it hurts my feelings if they’re stupid about it
rust cohle you will always be famous!!
seven of its eight episodes really really really satisfy my need for hopeless, nihilistic media that wallows in its own despair and then episode eight always comes and bites through both my kneecaps with the blinding light of hope, the beatific face of god, the soul barring power of faith
hannibal (2013 - 2016); nbc
what is there to say, really?
if i loved it less i could talk about it more
the borgias (2011 - 2013); showtime
i literally almost didn’t submit my college applications because i was in a horrific depression hole watching and rewatching this show alone in my room in the dark for weeks on end. 
another show i watched at a very delicate time in my life but i have rewatched it since then and it 20000000% holds up, once again, as an exercise in the craft of television
a lot of the themes in this show really helped shape my own interests in media going forward
micheletto corella is really really really precious to me and the one thing i will never forgive this show for is how they handled his and cesare’s divorce because it is thematically inconsistent that cesare’s reaction to finding out micheletto was keeping a long line of secret curly haired brunette boyfriends half his age was anything other than scathing jealousy and extremely loud protest. like it’s just unrealistic that his reaction would have been anything but “why have you been fucking me by proxy when i have been desperate to fuck you for years” and the fight would’ve been really ugly and cesare would have lost because he’s not very good at fighting and then, well :) then 
house m.d (2004 - 2012); fox
absolutely humiliating
i was nine when this show premiered and watched it at a very delicate time in my development
the fucking unreal levels of 2000s homophobia did a psychological number on me as a very very gay child living in a violently homophobic environment
literally one of the worst shows ever put to television, and also, of course, one of the best
hugh laurie can still hit me up whenever
the twilight zone (1959 - 1964)
obviously didn’t watch this one while it aired lmao but back when it was on netflix in its entirety i watched it a few times start to finish
one of the all-time greats of american tv and a lovely comforting thing to have on in the background
rod serling is also welcome to hit my line
this show is still very much a cornerstone of how a lot of sci-fi and horror that came after it are done, and for good reason! being as those are two of my favorite genres, this is of course a staple of my tv loves
i tag @vincentpriceofficial @thegleamoftheknife @daemons @coweyed @awildwickedslip @voxceleste @intomyth @coffeeandorange
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centrally-unplanned · 11 months
I am almost done with Season 1 of Gundam: Witch from Mercury! Random thoughts:
Lol the first episode literally *is* just Gundam Utena, I saw the memes and did not realize how on-the-nose it was
The character designs are *very* fun, great job on the main duo's hair in particular. I really like how the school uniforms are almost drab? They are understated so other elements of the design - Miorine's hair swoosh, Suletta's bold colors, Shaddiq's titty window, etc - can stand out, mad respect
On the flip side, look I know this is tough, but the original gundam has extreme 80's toy design cheese tacked onto it, particularly its french flag tricolor scheme. Its not a great design and they did not succeed at modernizing it here. The drone system looks great though.
It does seem to lack Utena's commitment to the duels; Utena made the duels work by having their mystical magical wundercademy revolve around them. Halfway through the first season the duels really recede into a secondary position in relation to the corporate stuff, which imo draws attention to how silly they are.
The pacing of the show is very good, brisk and poppy with a cast of dozens, I appreciate it
I think the show's directing is at its best when it is portraying emotional plot beats, which it does with verve and creativity that utilizes its character tropes to the fullest. The Suletta/Miorine "tell me I can rely on you" confrontation is a great example of that, staging it around a zero G chase that shows both of them off.
I appreciate the detailed business plot for its world building and interesting angle, but this show is not succeeding where Evangelion succeeded in making its adults interesting. In Mercury they all seem to be pretty much assholes, they exist as exposition dumps and obstacles. Since "the olds" in a realistic show like this aren't waifus, it can be tempting to leave them as plot cogs, but imo its a mistake.
Related to that, while its great at emotional beats its less great at emotional build-up and character dynamics - there just aren't many scenes of Suletta & Miorine just hanging out, building a relationship, and the same applies to the wider friend group. The main duo's dynamic is kindof all drama - I know why they admire each other, but if you ask me why they want to actually date each other, how that relationship would work, its a bit of a wipe.
The duels kindof suck. One of my biggest complaints, they dp put *some* work into given them 'narrative' but not that much, most of the time its just "Suletta is losing and then she Heart of the Cards and decides to win", and the fight choreography is very messy and relies too much on CG effects and movement. Definitely the parts I am most tempted to hit "skip 5 seconds ahead" on.
Overall a solid show, will definitely finish this season and hopefully give the currently airing one a shot.
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g1ngerbeer · 2 days
percy is a stupid ridiculous nerd who thinks he's SOoO cool but in reality he runs around and gets his hand stuck in his own inventions and nearly gets blown up by running through fire with gunpowder in his pockets and has a pompous-ass name with 14 fucking syllables. i love him sm.
finished season 2 btw. it was fabulous how all the other characters got their issues delved into but also funny how its reading very much "here's a trauma episode for keyleth and here's an episode for the twins and here's an episode for grog and here's one for percy- actually wait you're really fucked up you need an entire season"
do you know what cr youtube episodes correspond with the show plot? I know that the first several aren't show related bc dnd copyright, but is there a confirmed period for s1/2?
~ percy anon
(thanks for letting me chat w/ u)
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percival fredrickwhatever the fuck de rolo iii is so funny. hes my favorite pathetic little loserguy. now that he is (kind of) free from the tragic backstory demons he gets to be goofier :] builds an actual mousetrap out of forks and then sets it off on his own hand ... gives his ridiculous fancy coat to the girl he likes then tries to pretend hes not freezing his ass off ... he does NOT act like a guy with 16 wis. loser. and yeah honestly with the amount of gunpowder he has on him at all times im surprised he hasnt exploded yet. what a freak. what an absolute loser. nerd. i love how they do let him be cool with his tragic backstory and really good aesthetic and swagful competence at violence and murder. and yet he is still silly. and dumb <3 my little guy. bully him more its what taliesin would want
his name is a running joke in the campaign btw he'll introduce himself with all 17 syllables of it and at least two other people will immediately follow it up with "you can call him percy"
also WOW you got through this show fast. congratulations! and welcome to the eternal waiting-on-s3 trenches </3
actually episodes 1-2 of tlovm are a very loose adaptation of some of the pre-stream content (since they didn't start streaming until several years into the actual campaign)! they've got a summary video for all of the pre-stream stuff called the story of vox machina which has some really pretty illustrations. there's also "vox machina: origins" which is an ongoing series of comics adapting pre-stream vox machina. the briarwoods arc (tlovm season 1) corresponds to campaign episodes 24-36. they get the invitation to the feast with the briarwoods at the end of 23 though and it's all set up in 14 iirc. i'm not entirely sure of tlovm season 2 content since i actually only just started on campaign chroma conclave, but according to the wiki that whole arc would be episodes 39-83. although tlovm definitely hasn't gotten to campaign episode 69. so i think they're only halfway through that. the children yearn for season 3
(and yeah ofc np!!! its very nice to have somebody to yell about percy with sldkgjsljglsk)
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lycanlovingvampyre · 1 year
S4 Trailer Relisten
MARTIN: "Hi, Jon." (shaky breath) (pause) "Uh-hh… How are you?" (short pause) (short laugh) "Yeah. Yeah, same here. It’s –  It’s bad all over, y’know? [Hold I’m –] getting by, I suppose. Um… Basira’s keeping things, taking over, and Melanie is –" (sigh) "Well, well, Melanie is Melanie." Trying to be so normal about Martin trying to be normal...
MARTIN: "We – I need you." Interesting how in about 40(ish) episodes it will be the other way around. Jon begging Martin...
MARTIN: (soft, shaky breath) "But we need you, Jon. Jon, please, just – (wet) Please." T_T Aw man, this is really a punch in the gut...
MARTIN: (pause, more put together) "Please." (inhale, definitely about to cry) "I-I can’t –" T_____T (Alex does such an amazing job here.)
So yeah, I guess this was after the Flesh attack because we know Martin was still with the others when Hopworth attacked. And that's kind of the thing that made him seriously consider Lukas' offer in exchange for protection of the others. Which he takes on in this phone call.
Since another season is over, I'm gonna do a new update on my progression when I was first listening (I'm so happy I finally write this down, so I can delete it from my brain and use the space for new nonsense!): MAG 1 bis 19: Start of September 2020 - July 2021 (11 months) MAG 20 - MAG 40: July 31st 2021 - August 19th 2021 (20 days) MAG 41 - MAG 80: August 19th 2021 - September 2nd 2021 (15 days) MAG 81 - MAG 120: September 2nd - September 20th 2021 (19 days, but 7 of these 19 days I couldn't listen because I was in Italy. So it was MAG 81 - 93 in 4 days. Then I had to simmer for a week, but luckily I still had vacation when I came back and September is always the time when a lot of the gardening starts. So I could go through MAG 94 - 120 in 8 days)
I was pleasantly surprised that there was so much going on in S3 in comparison to S2 or S1, even if I went "ok, can we give Jon a bit of a break" at about halfway through the season.
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karatam · 8 months
for the ask meme 1, 4, 27 and 77 (for "come back (even as a shadow, even as a dream")
For this writing meme
1. Do you prefer writing one-shots or multi-chaptered fics?
I've only really written that one multi-chaptered fic, so I can't be totally sure, but I think I probably prefer writing one-shots. Or maybe just slightly shorter multi-chapters lmao. it was literally 4 months of writing 2000 words a day, and kind of burned me out for a while afterwards. It was fun, and (mostly) rewarding, but wow it was a lot of work. With one-shots, I usually write them in a week and don't need to worry quite so much about plotting out every little thread and detail.
4. Where do you find inspiration for new ideas?
truly randomly. some are prompts from friends, but some are just random ideas in my head. like come back was all based on a single image in my head that happens about halfway through, and I then wrote over 100k words to make it happen lmao
I have written ficlets based on submitted prompts before, but I think all my more substantive fics have been from my own ideas or a friend's suggestion
27. What is your most and least favorite part of writing?
Most favourite: that moment when a bunch of plot threads come together and just resolve themselves, either on purpose or by accident. there were a few times when Kay, my beta, went "oh wow, this is a great callback/parallel to this previous scene" and I was like "oh, huh, I definitely meant to do that. definitely". also when people leave comments about how rude a fic is lolol
Least favourite: there were days when I just had to write the bits getting us to the important scenes, when I had to just drag myself to the keyboard to get some words down. also, when the plotting wasn't quite working, when things aren't lining up quite right.
also, honestly, when the feedback isn't quite what I was hoping for, but I've been trying to not focus on that
77. Do you have a favorite scene you’ve written from "come back (even as a shadow, even as a dream)"?
I think in chapter 3, it's just a scene of Ava and Bea talking about the situation, about their relationship, and it has my favourite line of the whole fic. I wrote it and went "oh, there it is" because the romance of the fic really finally clicked into place for my writing.
also, in the final chapter, there's a part with Beatrice and Mother Superion that I hadn't intended to really write, but it got me in the heart. Also Ava and Lilith (fun fact: Lilith was not originally going to have such a large part in this fic, but as it grew and turned more into a speculative season 3, it just made sense to have her there, because she's such an important character)
and, of course, the scene that I wrote the whole fic around, which I hope I did justice to ;)
Send me a few numbers!
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sunoodilocks · 2 years
BRIDGERTON S2 opinions
(everyday I wake up and find inconsistencies about the 2nd season of bridgerton as a kathony stan)
This time it's about the most controversial ep in the season.
I want to bring attention to this line ->
S2, ep6, 23:41 s
(the short confrontation between Kate and Edwina after she runs away from the alter)
Edwina to Kate: you have feelings for him!
This particular sentence just made no sense to me? And this is coming from someone who has repeated the entire scene (from the wedding to the confrontation) a number of times solely to understand how she came to the particular conclusion (and being unsuccessful at every attempt btw)
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Yes, while the conclusion itself is correct - the way she came to it had basically no substance at all ( it very honestly made me remember those math questions in exams where you get the correct answer but with the absolute random steps)
Why i think so?
Bcoz all throughout the scene it was Anthony who did all the shit that eventually made Edwina figure out what was going on
1) Staring at Kate who was behind Edwina at the alter instead of focusing on her who was his bride
the archbishop asks anthony to repeat after him but anthony doesn't cause he's busy imagining Kate wearing the wedding dress and marrying him - Edwina notices when she turns to look where Anthony's attention was
2) Not knowing what to do after Edwina break his trance during the wedding
after Anthony had broken the daydream he was in after being caught in 4k by edwina, he basically looks around trying to get an idea what he missed - he fumbles because guess what? this guy who was going to be her husband any minute doesn't know shit about what was going on in his OWN WEDDING
Edwina has to sharply (you can easily see how tense she was here) remind him what he was supposed to do
"Yes ofcourse" he says but doesn't stop looking at Kate
Does it even need an explanation at this point?
Anthony, the same guy who was so listless when his own wedding is going on - but now a bangle falls, Kate's bangle - and his response is prompt
I feel like in this scene he subconsiously just told Edwina, "I don't care how unnecessary this is but I'm gonna do it I'm gonna pick up this damn bangle and no one can stop me"
Like please, Kate is perfectly able to pick up the bangle herself but does he care? No
When both Kate and Anthony are crouched down and Anthony picks up the bangle...
"Allow me" he says as he hands Kate the bangle
This whole ordeal could have been done in 3-4 secs max but it instead takes about 10s max and WHY??? bcoz Anthony is busy staring at Kate again - mans was literally caressing her hand in slowmo 😭 while returning the bangle and didn't let go of it till they were halfway standing up
Now then? What did we find out?
Basically that it was ALL ANTHONY'S ACTIONS
So yes, when I say ep6 was a fever dream that I wished didn't actually happen - its bcoz of these scenes.
But hold on!
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It however would have made perfect sense if the sentence was phased like this
"I saw what was going on! He has feelings for you!"
the unspoken words here would have been "I saw those looks! I saw those actions! You have something going on between you both!"
Here I could have actually sympathized with her bcoz she after all felt betrayed - she was about to get married but she finds out her soon to be husband has feelings for her sister? Here she blames Kate, yes - but definitely blames Anthony too (which is again, very different for the og line and the feeling conveyed through it)
But when she says "you have feelings for him!" to Kate, I'm just like
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Cause deadass what did Kate even do??? 😭 she was literally just standing there like🧍‍♀️baby that was all Anthony Hornypants and you know it 🤌
So yeah, when people complain about how we kathony stans are so protective of Kate - do you ever see the senerio from our side? Well I don't think so
Half of this show was basically
BRIDGER -how can we make kate feel bad- TON
And this scene was a prime example of this. Edwina could have gone off on Anthony about his conduct or shown him atleast a fraction of her anger but no 😂 let's blame it all on Kate! Let's let Anthony fuck around and blame it all on Kate.
After all...
It's always easier...
(Phew! that's all - thanks for coming to my rant)
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sonicasura · 3 months
Persona 5: Ramón's Comeback
I wasn't going to leave this post alone especially since I began playing Persona 5 Royal. Do know keeping up with multiple social links puts a dent in your wallet to make maxing them out easier. I'll delve into that later though as it's time expand on this concept.
Ramón appears in the world of Persona 5 after CLH Season 1 events come to a close and halfway through Kamoshida's Palace. For how he ends up there... You can say his heart cried out and something answer the call.
The Castle of Lust Palace definitely isn't a place Ramón wanted to wake up in. You can predict his reaction to what seems to be teenagers being constantly tortured or the obviously inappropriate decor. Thus the Phantom Thieves next infiltration turns into a run-in with a furious Ramón using real tommy guns on Shadows.
(For any oblivious Rayman fans, the action in Persona 5 takes place within the Metaverse. A realm of cognition where someone sees or thinks can become very real. Like realistic fake weapons being able to function similar to the real deal. Palaces are a dimension created when someone's heart becomes heavily distorted and their behavior turns very dangerous in the real world.)
Believing they could help each other, Ren/Joker convinces the Thingamajig to come with them. An arrangement that leads Ramón to join the Phantom Thieves. Since he doesn't have a Persona, the Limbless uses various gadgets to aim for Shadow weakpoints. Ramón's codename will be Enigma as that what he is. Now he has three reasons in why he joined the Phantom Thieves.
The first one is to keep the group from getting into a mess they can't get. Every member of the Phantom Thieves are children who are still trying to find their path in life. He also the only(non-Persona) adult that can help them out in both worlds without drawing a crowd.
The second is to find a way back to Eden. Even though this world's better than the dystopian nightmare he calls home, there are things Ramón has to do. He can't risk losing the only chance to fix Eden's corrupt society especially since his imposter is still on the loose.
The true reason however is redemption. Even if Ramón wasn't directly involved, his obliviousness to Eden's true nature had hurt so many innocent people. He CHOSE to look ignore the red flags and share their propaganda until Bullfrog showed him the ugly truth. If protecting these kids and changing the hearts of the corrupt is something he needs to do then Ramón accepts.
That doesn't mean the Thieves nor their Personas are gonna leave him alone. It isn't hard to see how broken Ramón is. Just like them, he is someone who also became an outcast to society and bears a tale just as tragic.
Thus Ramón gets dragged into so many shenanigans. Whether it be heavily dressed up to walk in public or passed around houses so he always has a roof under his head. Ramón does help which member he's staying with in some way. The Limbless is usually a tutor since Ann and Ryuji aren't the only ones who need help when it comes to their grades.
Sojiro does let him stay after he finds out about the group's identity although it took sometime to get used to Ramón's peculiar appearance. Can't forget a good chunk of older Ren/Joker's Confidants that get dragged in once he maxes them out. Ramón and Iwai would be a terror together though.
Also considering he's an adult, the man always gets dragged in more mature conversations with the team's Persona. Ramón absolutely butts heads with Carmen on multiple occasions and ain't afraid to call her a broad. She thinks its hilarious though thus teases the hell out of him.
Do not leave Ramón alone with Captain Kidd as those two probably have a drinking contest. The Limbless needs to work on handling his liquor healthily if his bad days are proof. And sailors love their booze.
Ramón is a sad drunk kind of guy to me. Thus Arseńe listens to his liquor fueled sorrows and tends to bring tea or water so the hangover isn't harsh. Any info about Ramón's life is heavily filtered since 'cow sushi' is a bit much for their minds.
Zorro makes sure the Limbless doesn't get in over his head. Ramón tends to be quite hotheaded and the Persona knows what trouble can come with unstable emotions. Someone had to keep Morgana out of trouble when it was just them.
The more he helps the group, Ramón will slowly grow alongside them. Forming bonds he never thought would happen and come to terms with his inner demons. It is only when Ramón learns to accept himself completely shall his own Persona emerge.
When it comes to the Arcana, he represents the Aeon Tarot. Fitting since the negative side to this is ignoring the truth and accept corruption like he done as Eden's newcaster. The more Ren/Joker strengthens his bond with the Thingamajig, he'll gain abilities which revolve around combat items alongside counter based techniques.
Ramón's Persona shall be the Almighty Element Augustus, specifically James Augustus Hickey the father of Indian Journalism. My personal take on what his entry could be.
'A pioneer of Indian journalism, James Augustus Hickey launched the Bengal Gazette from Calcutta in 1780. Augustus' writings commented on the inefficiency of the British administration in India. His newspapers served as watchdogs against those in power thus influencing contemporary thought and awoke civic consciousness among the people.'
Things are definitely gonna ramp up since Ramón will gain the abilities that his videogame persona acquired with every Palace he conquers. Our group of high schoolers are about to have a powerful and quite protective parental figure. Also if he could, you know Ramón definitely adopt certain thieves when those moments arrive.
That's all for now! Until next time folks, I'll see you in the crossroads between Leblanc and Eden.
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zalrb · 1 year
I’m so sorry this is gonna be long. but regarding the believability/justification of anthony vs kate in bridgerton…
as you’ve commented, anthony’s actor carries, and his performance is the reason I sympathise better with anthony compared to kate. I also feel his narrative is better portrayed though. I hated him s1, but even as a side character it *shows* him being a fuckup as head of the household, because he’s selfishly distracted by love — everyone hammers this in. so he drops the girl, can’t let go, drama ensues etc. until he’s finally hopeful and all “consequences and your status be damned” but siena is like “reality is it’s duty or me. let me go.” so he ends s1 heartbroken like “feelings aren’t real. everyone is right it’s about being objective, and the best viscount.” and I think that mindset is there and expanded upon s2. so his being an ass and proposing to the ��season’s diamond” rejecting feelings etc. is like… he’s a dick but it all makes sense, because he’s consistently trying to be “logical and unfeeling” and I sympathise with why and believe his turmoil is proportionately acted.
as for kate, sure she’s not around s1, but she comes in as a main character s2, and there’s still not a lot of justification for her motivations? WHY does she have a compulsive need to put edwina before herself? WHY does she resist falling in love? and as edwina’s SISTER, to let things play out the way she does, is worse to me than anthony who owes them nothing. she often came across to me as “I’m doing/did what’s best for edwina because I know better”. plus without the proportionate performance of turmoil (which imo should be on another level compared to anthony, not passive) throughout I’m just like… there needs to be more for me to sympathise the way I should?
morality aside, do you understand what I mean or have thoughts regarding the narrative believability of anthony vs kate?
I totally get what you mean especially because I didn't watch season 1 before watching season 2, I just acted as if Anthony and Kate's individual stories started at the same time without taking into account that Anthony had a story in season 1 so now that I know his backstory, his behaviour definitely makes more sense although I'm still like it really didn't have to be Edwina though, like he breaks down how they each know their roles and can build a life together based on that mutual understanding, which is a speech that is now further contextualized and nuanced by what you're telling me happened in season 1 but still, she's not the only woman in society who would know her role.
Like before on this blog we've spoken about when there's a line a character or a ship crosses that you're just like nope, I'm out, usually in relation to Chair because I've spoken about how the hotel plot was a line that Chuck and Chuck/Blair couldn't come back from for me so as a viewer who could make excuses for Anthony (and Kate) that line happened when Daphne caught them. So from 2x01 to halfway through 2x04 Anthony persistently pursuing Edwina, the Queen's diamond, makes sense to me and can be rationalized but the minute Daphne catches them when they're like this
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and he chooses to propose to Edwina anyway, particularly because he says this in 2x05,
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which means he still has a streak of being a "fool for love" in there, I'm like no, that's unforgivable.
And exactly for Kate. I don't really know anything about her motivations and her motivations aren't even portrayed properly, which is why I keep being like I need to see what they're talking about in scene, I need to know about her for this to be anything other than fucked up. Because after that library scene, you're just around listening to all of this knowing it's not true, knowing what he wants is you
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and you just go along with it and that's cruel af. Saying that you'll be going away to India and hoping that both of your feelings will fade is so extremely passive and naive that it doesn't work for me as an indication of putting Edwina first, it's terrible.
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