#which is the super hardy plant that thefoodwiththedood's Hes is named after
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Talked a lot about Woad the other day and figured I would draw the devo themself 💙 Gave Woad’s vest a brand new paint job as well!
Some notes on the vest design because I put a bunch of thought into the details! Also, most of these are in reference to headcanons created by the Devaron’s Angels group cause they’ve done so much worldbuilding!!
starting at the top are angel wings, for obvious reasons! they include the purple and gold of the Angels’ logo and the cream/gold feathering is in reference to the bird it’s based on, the Taka-tey 
the planet at the bottom is their homeplanet of Devaron, which they are dedicated to liberating
also included are Devaron’s two moons, Hibron and Tokai (which represent the Devaronian deities of, among other things, femininity and masculinity respectively)
the four shooting stars represent Woad, echoing the unique shape and structure of their horns, and are positioned roughly between but also away from both moons
circular patterns are in reference to Iridonian Zabrak tattooing, which they would have learned about from their great-grandma
the little ship is because they’ve always wanted to be a pilot!
front panel has the Devaronian equivalent of a succulent. Woad really likes plants in general and succulents especially!
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