#which are absolutely incredible tracks and my life would've been less without them)
ereborne · 28 days
Song of the Day: May 14
"Diamond on a Landmine” by Billy Talent
#song of the day#buckle up babes this one's a nice showcase of how my brain retains memories which is to say it's a long path to a close destination#in early 2011 when Leverage's season three had recently wrapped#one of my friends was writing a character study piece for Eliot with a partial focus on his toxic relationship with Damien Moreau#and they made a writing playlist for the fic that included this song#(and also 'Laughing with a Mouth of Blood' by St Vincent. absolutely killer song)#and I like the song but for whatever reason I never looked up anything else by Billy Talent#(I was at the time not spending so much time looking up new music but more just letting it come to me#in 2017 St Vincent came out with 'Los Ageless' and I was like oh I know her!! and I started paying attention to her albums#which is good because then in 2021 she released the Daddy's Home album which has 'Pay Your Way in Pain' /and/ 'The Melting of the Sun'#which are absolutely incredible tracks and my life would've been less without them)#and then today I saw a Call of Duty post with lyrics from Billy Talent's 'Afraid of Heights'#and I didn't recognize the lyrics so I went and pulled up the song as how I do#and as it played I was like. do I know this? no. I know something like this. what is it?#and at first I was convinced I'd just been listening to it but then why couldn't I place it? and then I realized I hadn't heard it recently#but I had been /thinking/ about something /related/ to it--which I had been. sort of. there's a Damien Moreau post queued for tomorrow--#and then in Afraid of Heights the chorus was wrapping up#'you're the only one I'd follow til the end of time / if we fall we fall together baby don't think twice again'#and something clicked and I dragged 'Diamond on a Landmine' up out of the depths of my various-artists folder#it's a great song got an excellent build to it#'alone at last / I can't wait til we're alone at last / all I wanted was a second chance / a second chance / to hold you in my arms at last#and the visual of 'better watch your step / she's a diamond on a landmine' is fantastic#anyway! I made giant scotch eggs with my family's spicy sausage ball mix instead of the normal breading and they're amazing#a good day#two weeks into May already can you imagine
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Others of my Kind: Part One (My story for the photo prompt)
{-Hiccup wouldn't let Toothless hear him scream against the pain when the Outcasts and Alvin tortured him. He was used to physical pain from being bullied by Snotlout for as long as he could remember before they stopped the Red Death. Then, he'd had to protect Berk and life became even more painful on Berk as he and Toothless had to protect it. He'd always hidden his pain from Toothless. His now beloved Night Fury meant the world to him. He was the only one who seemed to enjoy being in his company, even after they saved Berk. He couldn't take the thought of Toothless hating him for being weak. He'd accepted his romantic feeling for Toothless months ago. He heard a rumour a couple weeks prior to their capture by the Outcasts that the dragons had humanoid forms that still had a few of their dragon features, but looked mostly like a regular human. Hiccup had considered this interesting and watched Toothless for several days after hearing it, but the dragon made no sign of having any such ability. So, he did not believe it.-}
{-I hear my darling Hiccup's whimpers of pain everyday. I know he's in the cell right next to me, but we haven't seen each other since we were captured a week ago. I love that little Viking in more than just a friendly way. My senses are going crazy, and I sense a faint presence that seemed to be watching us both, but I was bound and in a cell, so I couldn't investigate further. There is a rumor and yes, it is true we dragons have human-like forms, but we haven't revealed them to the people of Berk yet, because we don't know what they'd think of us. If they'd panic, if they'd think we were watching them, pretending to be their friends to find out their weaknesses and deepest, darkest secrets. I was especially worried that is what Hiccup would think since I didn't reveal my humanoid form from the beginning. He'd be hurt that I didn't show him all of me when we first became friends. I wasn't honest with him, and I regret that, deeply, I do. I know at least all his secrets, and yet he doesn't know all mine, especially that I love him romantically. How pathetic is that, I know. I, Prince Nightwind of the Night Furies--known and famous for my bravery, mind you--am to much a coward to tell my scrawny, stupidly highly smart, awkward, understanding, amazing, innocent Viking crush that I can turn into a part human and that I love him. Hiccup would understand, eventually why I kept this secret. That was one of many amazing things that was so great about him about him. That was the part that told me me that everything would be alright between us. I just wanted Hiccup to instantly be okay with me, as selfish as that sounds, being what and who I am. So fragile and special he was to me, I would not let anybody hurt him. It's funny, I never thought I would find myself fallen so hard, especially for a human. And a runt of a Viking at that. I was--sooner than I could stop it--smiling so hard and like an idiot at just the thought of Hiccup. So innocent and purity overload. I heard some of the things the Outcasts said to him when they tortured him. They teased him for being a virgin and not knowing any sexual ideals and references at his age. He's fifteen! In my culture, it's not uncommon, unheard of and it is definitely nothing to be ashamed of if you don't know those things when you're seventeen! Plus, it's not his fault that nobody liked to be around him growing, that's their loss, he's an incredible being. In short, he had no one to teach him these things. Except maybe Gobber, but by the way my dear friend Rock (her bulky Rider called her Meatlug) described the way he taught the teens in dragon training, I definitely don't blame Hiccup for not going to him for help and advice on this subject. It wouldn't have been much help anyway, because his teaching style is turn them loose on it and let them figure it out on their own. Being new to it, it would make sense that just doing it with no clue what to do would scare him, and so would any sort of intimacy. You could not say I was wrong. Even when we were together and he was showing me his form of affection, which I probably enjoy way too much, he won't get anywhere near my stomach because he knows at the bottom is my sheath for my cock. I want him to touch me, and I want to touch him. His cock, I never seen, he never lets me see him undressed or in the process of doing so and I hate it. I understand he's shy, though. So, no he doesn't have to if he doesn't want to show me. At least, I hope it won't come to that...I am almost at my dragon's body's limit to exhaustion where I'll be forced to turn back into a human, though...-}
{[I am not happy that I haven't gotten to see Toothless for a week and I don't know whether or not Alvin kept his word to abstain from harming him if I didn't fight back. He is called Alvin the Treacherous. I'll be able to see for myself today, apparently, though, because Alvin said that for keeping my word, he'd let me see my dragon for a few hours in the same cell as a 'reward' for handling my 'lessons' so well. He made it perfectly clear, though that the guards would be returning to beat me in front of him, then take me away from him forever. They were laughing about how my new captor had 'special plans' for me once he had me in his clutches. I knew what they were saying. I was to be raped, and Toothless could do nothing to save me from my captor, because he would never find me. I tried to remain optimistic that Toothless and I would find a way to escape in the few hours we would have together. No matter how hard I tried, things seemed to remain bleak, that outcome becoming less and less likely in my mind, the guards were right and that would be my future, and his would be uncertain. I just hope he finds escape simpler without me.-?
Guard 1: Come, you dragon boy?
Guard 2: Yer reptile's waiting for your arrival.
{-I stood, weakly, and they, picking to grab me on the back of my neck, marched me to the cell adjacent to mine and opened the door and shoved my weak body onto the ground. The closed and locked the cell door. They didn't need to bind me, I in too much pain to stand again, I'm amazed I could just moments ago. The guards walked away as I attempted to roll onto my side from my belly to be able to see Toothless and have a semi-easier time breathing than on my front side. Rolling (had I already been on my back) was one thing I could actually accomplish without the pain when I used my arms. I pushed myself up in absolute pain, but I pursed my lip and fought off the urge to produce a sound, even a slight hiss from the pain. I swerved and managed to sit against a wall, where it escaped my lips, a loud wince and I couldn't stop my hand from covering my ribs. I felt the sharp pools of toxic green on me and I looked up without hesitation to meet the gaze of my muscular, sleek dragon staring intently--no boring intrestedly in me. I hadn't laid eyes on his black-scaled chassis for days, a week, much less his entrancing eyes. I managed a weak smile, that grew from ear-to-ear, me no longer caring how much pain it would surely inflict and put upon me. I was just so happy to see him. Adrenaline filled me as I stood--very weakly and painfully--shaking. My great Night Fury looked to me smiling his signature TOOTHLESS smile.-}
{-Here they come, they're bringing Hiccup to me. The two burly Outcasts unlocked the cell door and shoved him to the ground inside my cell after they'd held the back of his neck so hard, it would definitely leave a bruise. They carelessly forced him to the floor and LEFT, locking the cell door behind on the way out. I knew they'd be coming to check on us in a half-hour. Hiccup was in pretty bad shape, he was bleeding, bruised and that was just his dorsal side. I knew he was in immense pain, but he rolled and swerved into a sitting position anyway. He let out a sound before he could stop it of agonizing pain and held his rib/side. I roared, concerned about him, but he met my piercing gaze without hesitate and forced through the pain to smile at me. Seriously, was he happy even though he knew I could tell he was in excruciating pain? Was he happy to see me that much? I gave him my signature Toothless grin which had earned me my name given by Hiccup himself. He smiled ear-to-ear, not caring about his pain. I loved this human, of this I am sure. Standing to on his prosthetic leg and the real one, still smiling-}
Hiccup: Hey, bud, (shyly) I'm so glad you're alright...
{-Did he just say that with the amount of pain he's in? Oh no, I feel dizzy and numb and weak. Hiccup can tell that my eyes are going in and out of focus and has the nerve to ask if I am okay and my eyes go blurry and I can feel my bones changing and the magic dust forming around me. Well, at least this way, Hiccup can see it first-hand. It takes about half of a minute before I hear the dust settle down and stop feeling my bones change. I look back up at Hiccup, my eyes becoming less and less blurry and finally coming back into sharp focus where I can plainly see Hiccup with a curious and concerned--not frightened face. I am in shock, I thought he wouldn't accept this. Suddenly, I see him push his undoubtedly burning with pain arms to get him off the wall and struggles to maintain his balance as he struggles to advance towards me without falling, he is shaking uncontrollably--in apprehension and absolute fear, no doubt. I just now realize that the Outcasts left my mouth uncovered, and my snout and face unbound and what I'm about to do next, I've practiced so I'm not so awkward at it. Trust me, I would've died of embarrassment..-}
Human-like Me: Hiccup...
{-That stopped him dead in his tracks and he looked at me like he'd been for the past three minutes, only his eyes were full of pain, concern, sadness and regret--four emotions I never wanted to see Hiccup's face embody. The next thing I knew, tears were flowing from his eyes in thin, steady streams. No...-}
{/Did he just...oh my gooooooods, he just talked to me, he just said my name. I looked again into his eyes--I'd been unable to imagine that Toothless would be able to have actual conversation with little, scrawny me. Ever since I heard that rumor and even after I'd deduced it to be just a silly rumor floating, I'd always wondered if it had been true, what would Toothless be like...What would his personality around me be like from then on? I imagined and that made me wonder even more..one of the things I mulled over and over in my brain was if he could talk to me, what would he sound like? What kind of tone would I hear and how would he say things to, well, ME...? Full of dread and disgust since he could finally voice how much he must resent me for shooting him down and taking away his tailfin? I still hadn't gotten over that by the way. For RIDING him! He must definitely hate me for that, I'd always assumed. Being demeaned and dishonored and undignified in such a way by a fishbone of a human, no less! I continued to stare, well aware that my eyes were pouring tears. His voice, so smoothly even and masculine and authoritated...it was laced with compassion, concern and loving for me...for me, how is that possible? This WAS Toothless!--}
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{-He isn't saying anything, just standing there, eyes wide, but he's still looking at me, not scrambling backwards. Whew, that's good. Seriously, though, say SOMETHING, Hiccup! You're torturing me! (Imagine the GIF above as his state of mind thinking this as well as Hiccup's mind with his non-existent self-like and self-esteem, even) I seriously hope he doesn't hate me for this. I don't think my heart could take Hiccup hurting it by hating me or being hurt by me! Let me break the ice here, as humans say. Or try to..!-]
Myself: You know, I always wanted you to stare at me, but not in this way. It is kinda rude.
{-Cutie Hiccup blushed and seemed shocked back to reality, he looks down, still blushing of embarrassment.....gods, I wanted him. I meant that in more than a pure way, obviously. I have to concentrate, I totally feel the growing of my bulge. Shit, now that I have a humanoid form, I no longer have a sheath containing it, which means Hiccup will be able to see it, my boner/erection. Finally, Hiccup mumbles something inaudible to me and I give him a 'seriously' look and he chuckles slightly. Time goes by where we simply looked at each other and the guards came back twice already to check on us and tease Hiccup some more. What the h*l* are they talking about, new master who had 'unconventional' activities for him to perform? Another check where we got lost in each other's eyes.-}
Me: Hiccup, you know you can get closer to me, I won't ever chew something off of you, even if I could. (shrug)
{-That got his attention, and he seemed to zero in on my leather bonds. He also got closer, but his curious eyes were locked onto my bonds, I right now feel kind of jealous of the rough leather restricting my movement. Hiccup got close enough to me where I could reach my arms out and wrap them around him if I could move them. He is at most two inches from me and reaches his hand slowly, carefully to my arm and the leather binding it. He feels it for the buckle, and I suddenly realize what he's doing. He is trying to free me just like last time! He follows the tightened strap to the front and finds what he's looking for--he's looking for a way to free me! Hiccup looks up at me apologetically and whispers the next thing so that only I can hear. Yes, Hicc...do share with me, your best friend.-}
Hiccup: I'm sorry, bud.
{-Sorry? What the f*** exactly is he sorry for? He turns back to the buckle and pulls it tighter, what? I look down at him in confusion, it didn't necessarily hurt me too much, but what was Hiccup talking about?-}
Hiccup: So sorry if that hurts, bud, I'm trying to undo this buckle and it'll be easier if I have the fastened ends together.
Me (having forgotten about my new ability to speak): Why didn't you just say so?
{-Hiccup makes a shocked face that was priceless, just as the buckle snaps undone from his careful handiwork, quietly, so it doesn't draw the guards' attention. Now free to wiggle my arms that were still tied around my back, I shake off the stiffness in them by doing just that. Hiccup's face still hasn't changed. Apparently, I wasn't the only one who'd already forgotten about my improved vocalization. Hiccup blushes even brighter, it is so adorable! I guess, we've just always been able to read each other's body language and signals, because that was the only way we could learn to communicate. Hiccup learned how to read me as a Night Fury, but not as a person, because he's never had to. Now, I could tell he was confused and a little scared, honestly, because I learned how to read him as a human, as Hiccup and he doesn't have a second form. I understand his point of view completely. It was the reaction I expected, after all. I look back up to Hiccup with my toxic green eyes and he's biting his bottom lip, blushing uncontrollably. It is taking a fucking lot of will power to restrain myself right now. He'd stopped the straps tying me from falling to the floor and making a lot of noise. I also just now realize that I can now move and walk about my cell, freely, that is, I could, if my ankles had not been buckled together, putting me in an awkward, humiliating stance just to be able to stand up. Those had the only straps that bound me to stay stationary, now that the one around my arms that held me tight with the ceiling were gone. Hiccup must have realized this. He gulps and lowers himself softly to his knees, careful not to make too much noise. He works quickly and carefully to unbind my ankles. I watch and admire him for getting so close to something that made him so nervous. Also, working through agonizing pain must be straining him. Hiccup stays silent as he works and barely manages to unbuckle that strap binding my ankles, and I stood to my full height, which must have scared or startled Hiccup, because he takes several steps backwards. I look down to him, tilting my head, curiously. It's taking every single fiber of my self-control not to say something dirty to him and pin him, taking him, fuck him against the cell's rock wall. Hey, my hands may still be bound...but I have some--a lot of practice, I could get it done.-}
Hiccup (haven't heard from him in a while)...
{-Why's he looking at me like that? What's going on here? It'll only be a few minutes before the next guard check, so, I better get moving on those tied hands. Toothless continues to watch me, letting his still feral slit eyes taking in every detail of weak, fishbone me, give me several once-overs. How did he see me now? As a human? Most likely, he's masking his desires to slit my throat or strangle me as a hands-on...no, no, not now, Hiccup, focus. Now that I know he can talk, it's like torture that he won't say a word to me, even they're hateful. Why do I wish his hands were on me? No! Bad Hiccup, focus on getting you both out of here alive! I make my way around him and pick up the knot gently in my hands that binds him, so it wouldn't hurt him. I try to undo the knot for a good three minutes and got it almost there, but Toothless still isn't able to freely use his arms, when one of the two Outcast guards shouted at me...-}
Guard 1: Hey!
{-Hiccup was just standing there, clearly nervous by the way I looked at him. I continued eye-fucking him until he managed to move around me and start on the cloth knot tying my hands. So dedicated, I loved the feeling of Hiccup wanting so badly to free me from the bonding factors. So, I really like--love him. All the sudden, the guards came back as he almost got the knot, and one yelled at him, halting him in his actions and before he knew it, they were in the cell and chasing after him, axes raised and I roared at them. I distracted one and gave him a good kick to the nutsack for having the balls to treat such an amazing being with such disrespect. I looked over briefly to see the other guard standing over Hiccup who was balled up on the floor while the guard was kicking him in the stomach, I was so angry, I was seeing red and was about to jump him when the guard I knocked down lunged at me and grabs me around the torso just under my raised arms and held me as the other guard gave me a sinister smirk and grabbed Hiccup by the back of the neck and hoisted him up into the air and carried him over to me. Oh, no don't tell me he's going to--}
Guard 1: Watch this, freak--!
Hiccup: (groans, boredly; rolls eyes)
Guard 2: Oh...that's right. Pain is nothing new or unbearable and utterly miserable to the little bugger. He's felt it most of his life, after all. Ah, well, it'll make me feel good, you?
Guard 1: Definitely, so would you like to do the first honors?
Guard 2: And give you a go afterwards, of course!
{-I struggle against the burly Outcast guard holding me. Had my hands been unbound, they would both be dead. As the one holding on to Hiccup which wasn't difficult, landed/ administer and pulled back each blow, my anger and bloodthirst grew. Suddenly, Hiccup made a move and as the guard dug his nails into the opposite side of his neck, Hiccup sunk his teeth into the guard's arm and apparently a big, muscled man can't take a bite from a little teenager who drew blood, apparently, and he dropped Hiccup from his other hand, pulling back to cradle his 'wounded' arm, please, just look at Hiccup. The small boy didn't waste time complaining, though and bolted, barely letting himself stumble to the floor. The guard holding me offered, but the guard chasing Hiccup screamed at him to keep me still. They're afraid, as they should be, hmph...-}
Hiccup: Come get me!
Guard: Get back here, you piece of--! Oh no!!!!!
{Hiccup had ran and ducked under my arms after I lunged forward, still imprisoned in my captor's arms. Hiccup grabbed mine and kept them in place as the guard's axe came down, then SLICE was the only sound I heard as the blade had freed my hands, cutting clean through what remained of the knot perfectly in half.
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Hiccup, you scrawny genius! With the last of my bonds gone, I felt my strength kick in and Hiccup had already gotten ahead of me to free me from the captor guard and kicked him in his dick. He doubled over, releasing me from his hold and whining loudly in pain. The other guard trembled as I advanced and I quickly disarmed him and slid the axe over to Hiccup with my foot. Hiccup got it and blocked the guard's blows with the flat end of the axe. Once I had finished the one I was fighting in mere seconds, I leap over to Hiccup and instantly block the other guard's blows to him and give him a real and short fight for his skin, which he lost in even less seconds than his companion and I turned back to Hiccup who was lying on his back--no, wait, ahem, SITTING on the floor trying to get up, but I 'tch' at him, twice and he watches me closely leaning backwards a little as I lean my face closer to him. Our faces are inches apart and my right arm has stopped him from leaning back any further and Hiccup's knees were still bent in a propped position, which made it easy for me to sweep my left arm under his knees and lift him with me as I stand. There's no way I'll try to have him push himself further, at least I hope so...he's mumbling in protest, but really, even though a part of me thinks it's cute, I really don't give a shit whether he thinks I can't tell that he's too weak to walk.-}
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So, I carry him silently out of the cell and past all the others filled with ACTUAL criminals and outside. I sense that presence again, now it's overwhelming! Oh no...it's...it's my kind...THEY found us! I take my stance to take off, but then realize I can't operate my tailfin, shit. Now, I have to make Hiccup utilize it in his condition.-}
Me: Psst, Hiccup.
Hiccup: (gasps slightly when I talk) Y-yes, s-s-sir?
{-Sir, what the f**'!?!! I'll ask later. I HAVE to get us out of here and safely back to Berk, but if we leave now, it'll take longer for them to find us.-}
Me: I need you to get on my back and operate my tailfin. I can't use this one on my own.
Hiccup: (realizes) Oh...
{-Without any questions, Hiccup obeys me and climbs over me, adjusting in my still attached saddle and making sure he is secured to the saddle and his prosthetic in the proper position, quick in only a few seconds, he bent his foot backwards and in turn opens the tailfin. Silently, I crouch again and leap, flapping my wings, taking us away from Outcast Island back to Berk, so at least Hiccup wouldn't have to navigate. As I fly, Hiccup is silently adjusting himself, as he seemed not to be able to get into any comfortable position and I assumed, he needed time to absorb the fact that his Night Fury could actually turn into a human-like form. Hours seem to slowly pass before I finally see the telltale giant torches that signify we've entered the ocean air space of Berk and I climb higher, to rise above the rooftops quite a ways so I won't set one on fire when I do this!-}
Me: (shoot plasma blast and roar)
Hiccup (startled): Oh my--! (faint)
{-The villagers race out of their homes to see me gently glide down and land in my humanoid form. Astrid and Stoick push their way to the front as I finally touch down. Before they can say anything from their open mouths, Gothi comes forward, as I was hoping and I gently slide/take Hiccup back into my arms and reveal his injured body to the old woman to see. She is covering his face from the view of the other villagers. Hiccup stirs at her touch, remembering it as familiar and he slowly blinks his eyes up at her wrinkled facade.-}
Hiccup (weakly): Gothi...?
{-His father must have heard this, so he rushed to us, me still crouched slight over him and gently nudged Gothi slightly to the side so she could still get her hands to him, but Stoick got a good look at his son. Hiccup turns his head to him and gazes at his dad. Stoick cries in relief and I reluctantly let Stoick take him from my arms. Stoick backs up only slightly-}
Stoick: Just who are you--?
{-We stood. No doubt it was the question everyone had towards me until Hiccup, still able to reach me, grabbed my arm. I looked at his face and it showed nothing but pure joy, happiness-relief that I was safe and alive with him.-}
Hiccup (scratchy; loudly): T-Too--Tooth--less...
{-I smile at him and chuckle, tears running down from my eyes in absolute relief. I take his face in my hands and he looks at my face.-}
Me: It's okay, Hiccup. We're okay.
{-I know right now, everybody else must be confused as fucking shit, but I don't care about them right now. I cup his face. Hiccup was the only person who mattered to me in my life.-}
Me (tears streaming): Hiccup...you saved us. Saved us both. We wouldn't have escaped had you not pushed yourself through, disregarding your own pain to save me and still trusted me, even after I transformed into my human-like form that you had no way of knowing about enough to undo my bonds. You've been here for me every single day.
Hiccup (coughing): Just like I've been since the beginning, Bud...you, you couldn't have done anything while you were bound, I don't blame you for that. You cannot blame yourself.
Me: That's kind of hard when you wouldn't let yourself make any sound of pain while you were being tortured in the cell right next to mine--so close, but I couldn't get to you to save you from more injury--except for slight whimpers.
Hiccup: But you were there for me and saved me when it really counted.
Toothless: Just like I've always been since that day you released me and then the next, you completely persisted to bug the absolute fuck out of me. (slight chuckle..)
Hiccup (forlornly): Oh...I'm sorry...
Me: No, no, I'm happy you did, otherwise I wouldn't have seen what a wonderful being you are!
{-Hiccup makes the next move, returning my affectionate action and cupping my face gently. We pressed our foreheads together and I signalled the Riders' dragons to transform. They all looked at each other in worried glances, yet they obeyed.-}
Rock: Ah...have to admit, it does feel nice to be able to tell them.
Flare: Yeah...
Twin 2: Yeah, now that Prince Nightwind has transformed in front of his human, we can all tell our beloved Rider teens the truth.
Twin 1 (pointing to the Riders, who are slack-jawed): Well, we know one thing for sure, we've struck them speechless...
{-Indeed, the teens did hold shocked expressions and their jaws seemed to hang, limply. All I cared about right now was that Hiccup was finally safe at home, we both were...that is until Stoick, well, yanked Hiccup away from me in his arms and turned before either of us could say anything in protest and followed Gothi up to her cottage, followed by Gobber, with a sour expression. Shit...Hiccup was probably right, Stoick had been naturally angry for many years. Hopefully, he was wrong about it being since the day he was born...I watched as my love was carried away from me and I was left, longingly gazing after him...the Riders cleared their throats. I turned to them as they crossed their arms, clearly expecting an explanation. Well...ffffffffuuuuuckkkkkk...-}
End of Part One...
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