#whenever I mention one I'm always contemplating whether to tag the post as 'sou hiyori'.
Hiyori’s “You all can’t understand my affection” is a line that bounces in my head like one of those DVD screensaver things and when it hits a corner I write a paragraph overanalyzing it
just. not only does he think wanting to kill Shin is affection, he thinks it’s the superior way to show affection. which. how does someone come to either of those conclusions?? what kind of mental gymnastics do you have to perform to think that?
I prefer to think that growing up he was just taught that the ASU-NARO way of doing things is generally the better one, and ASU-NARO probably had some weird ideas about affection. but also Hiyori probably took those ideas way too far and added some of his own insane nonsense, considering how much more unhinged he is than the other floormasters.
also also he might just think that killing Shin himself is an act of mercy, “since he was going to die anyway.” at least that way he’ll be dead at the hand of his best friend instead of a stranger that saw him as a tool for escape! and his suffering won’t be pointless because Hiyori’s definitely going to enjoy it!
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