#were currently at the tail end of arc 3 before the ball :>
officialspec · 1 year
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FINALLY got around to starting a reference for all his little outfits
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it-sy-bit-sy · 3 years
The ending of Attack on Titan: a shallow analysis
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(I don't think I should have to put a spoilers alert on a blog about the ENDING OF AOT, but in general if you mind being spoiled on a series, I advise you to refrain from attending discussions about the body of work until you've finished it in its entirety/come up to speed on the current chapter/episode. Screw hype dude, do you like being hurt? Also for the TLDR, it’s that Attack on Titan explores the cycle of hatred (Eren’s journey) AND love which is why Mikasa and Ymir become relevant at the end of the story.)
Since the newly added panels of AOT’s ending have been likened by some to the ending of Naruto, I'd like to say that Naruto's end truly hurt me; the way it flows into Boruto is so contrived it burns. A story that's always centered around powerful ninja bloodlines fighting political wars suddenly introduced aliens that harvest planets for energy as the super antagonist, and additionally they're the source of all our characters' powers as well as the jinchuriki and tailed beasts themselves. Then when you look at the plot of Boruto which heavily relies on the Otsutsuki clan as an antagonistic force, their whole existence feels like the transition from Dragon Ball straight into the first DBZ arc with Goku learning he’s really part of an alien race that was meant to destroy Earth.
I didn't detect so forced a role in the ending of AOT, but it's absolutely plausible to speculate that the alternate ending was influenced for this reason, as we know Attack on Titan wasn't produced through Isayama's involvement alone. Certain compromises are made when operating as a team, though it would be wonderful if the original intent of authors were more absolute in the world of production than they are known to be.
And as much as I don't enjoy half-hearted continuations of series for a royalty check, I ALMOST can't blame them for doing it...it creates (many) happy fans, more jobs, and Isayama gets his royalty check. The rest of us suffer but hey, artists need money I guess... 🥀 Moving on. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
#1. Eren's development as a character
I never saw Eren's goal steered in the direction of breaking the cycle of revenge or hatred. He was acting wholly in his own interests. He's intensely selfish, doesn't want to change his views, and exists in the story to further the cycle itself. According to me, Chapters 129 and 131 perfectly explain his motivations for the rumbling.
Now before I go on, I'd like to bring a particular scene to mind. I do remember him saying this once (to Historia who had just told him killing the rest of the world is unjustifiable and wrong):
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Yes, he said that, but I don't think that is what he ever intended the rumbling to be used for.
After he stated that 80% of humanity was wiped out so Paradis will be safe for the time being, he neglected to answer Armin's questions in 139: "Did you really need to go that far? Are you sure you did all of this for our sakes?" We may also consider the thoughts he chose NOT to share in chapter 131:
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That combined with this excerpt from 129 is pretty much all there is to Eren's convictions.
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Those are the same words he said in Chapter 2 after his mother died.
So despite his brief period of self-loathing when considering 1) the countless lives in survey corps sacrificed for his sake, 2) being confronted with his and his father's involvement in the Reiss family, 3) everything he learned about his enemy--that all titans are formerly human, that the titan shifters were just children deceived by their world--he even admits to Reiner during Tyburn's speech (Chapter 100) that they are indeed in the same boat--and on top of that, admitting that the rumbling will do nothing to fix the course of history, he settled with the same conviction he held the moment he decided to do something to change the world.
Again, here's his words from 139 showing us just how angry a boi Eren was.
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This was Eren Jaeger...he didn't even really know what he was doing.
As a human being, Eren was very much in the cycle of revenge as much as everyone else was. His course of action never deviated too far from that path. He knew better, but he lashed out at the world to protect the few people he cared about anyway. He took freedom away from the ones who threatened him. He was a mass murderer, and so were the other soldiers in this series fighting for their own reasons, since titans were people. Survey corps were always slaughtering these people whom they saw as monsters. Marley viewed Eldians as monstrously and with as much hatred as Eldians viewed the titans. Eren did not try to justify his actions to everyone. He simply stopped seeing the value of life in others not important to him, as humans often do.
So what did he sacrifice 80% of humanity for? From 129 again:
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Them meaning his immediate friends.
No, he didn't care about their children's children and beyond because there's no way to control what happens when you're gone from this world. It wasn't his problem. Eren had 4 years at most left to live, and he wanted to do what he could to ensure his friends were happy before he left.
And as jarring as it was to see Eren become undone in the last chapter, I didn't find it completely out of character, because for one he was talking to his closest friend moments before his own death, and secondly, Eren was just a stupid human like the rest of the people in this series. Obviously, most people just want a normal life that they can spend with people whom they love. Eren was the same way, but was denied that future (and happened to be able to do something about it). Very selfish goals, but those chosen few were his world. Along with a general distaste for humanity, that's how I understand his character motivations.
*Which is to say in relation to the extra pages, Ymir's curse returning a generation or two after the events of AOT doesn't entirely void his actions. I’m assuming the power of Ymir apparently exists as a force of nature on this version of Earth period, so I suppose this points us to an endless cycle of humans eventually finding the power and using it as they see fit *
#2 Why is Romance Relevant to Attack on Titan?
I wasn't expecting a romance factor to be relevant at the end of the story, however considering that Mikasa's affection for Eren WAS her most prominent personality trait as a character, then the events that followed, I was forced to look back to a few moments in the series that could lend light to why, in the end, a romantic subplot ended the curse of Ymir. My conclusions are as follows:
1. Quite literally, the cycle of hatred never ends. Humans will always have a reason to be unkind to one another. We are animals after all; this trait cannot be reasoned through with logic, bred out, or defeated. We are a self-aware species (Eren's even aware of his own hypocrisy in Chapter 131). There will always arise those who take what they want for themselves because they decide in the end they don't care about others as much as they care about their own interests.
2. To make this second point, I'm stealing these words out of a certain machine lifeform's mouth, but bear with me here:
"But the humans...? Now THEY are interesting. Because they are an enigma! They killed uncountable numbers of their own kind, yet loved in equal measure! It's fascinating, don't you think? What could possibly drive such behavior? We have dedicated ourselves to unraveling this riddle of humanity..."
--Adam from NieR:Automata
AOT uses Eren and Mikasa as a case study of humanity. Humans hate and love in equal measure.
In Ch. 129, Zeke's piece here foreshadows the significance of those two for the story, I guess?
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Now everyone reading this series as well as the characters in it had noticed how much fondness Mikasa always had for Eren, and how aloof he always was towards her in return...that's something for them to work out.
Despite never really reciprocating Mikasa's feelings, Eren told Armin at the end of the series that yes, he enjoyed receiving her attention; he would have liked to live a happy life with her. So, Mikasa just liked Eren, Eren liked her... And similar to Mikasa, Ymir just liked King Fritz. It doesn't matter whether we think these feelings were sound or not; they did what they wanted with themselves. I suppose that explains the reason she was a mega simp for Eren in the whole story. Yes, this turn in the story reads like a different plot now, not one about war and killing monsters, but I'm pleasantly surprised that this trait taken as a flaw of Mikasa’s actually served as a necessary condition to end the conflict of the titans.
Eren wouldn't let go of his hatred of the world for his own satisfaction, Ymir wouldn't let go of her love of King Fritz for her own satisfaction, and Mikasa is the only one who decided to let go of her convictions in the interest of someone other than herself. That's what moved the curse.
I think Isayama used the characters of Ymir and Mikasa to demonstrate that while there is a cycle of hatred and revenge running rampant in humanity, the cycle of love doesn't stop either.
In closing, and I truly apologize for such a lengthy post; I hope I didn’t reiterate my point too often here...I didn't think about any of this until I heard so many readers upset with the way AOT ended. I'm not personally left with any disappointment in where the story went. I didn't know where it was going to go in the first place, and I think it could have been much worse for us in different hands. 
AOT is a story about the nature of humanity.
*And in regards to Jean, if that is supposed to be him with Mikasa in the new panels, all I can say is dude likes his girl. He was a simp for her and she was a simp for Eren, but the fact that they shared their lives together means a lot even if Eren was never completely buried in her heart. He meant a lot to her man, idk...
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bow-woahh · 4 years
She-Ra season 5 thoughts
A chaotic summary of my feelings/ reactions of each episode! Spoilers. Obviously. 
Episode 1 — Horde Prime
- First of...Adora stop throwing yourself into battle challenge - "You're not She-Ra anymore" — TELL HER SIS - The way Catra was so smug but Glimmer was not having any of it "You're just as alone as I am" if that ain't the truth idk what is - Catra wanting the climb up the ranks? Sis I don't think so let's see how long that lasts - The DINNER pissed me the fuck OFF - Oh yeah here's my obligatory SW FUCK OFF CHALLENGE - Micah, King, glare at her!! Yes!! - The way Scorpia said "Catra thought my singing was annoying" honey - That clone was SO annoying stfu about Prime being omniscient and omnipresent and shit like ugH idC - Bow and Adora are the BROTP - Scorpia stinging Adora to keep her safe - and that's on friendship - The way Prime INSTANTLY called Catra out "Adora means something to you" listen I hate the gay but damn he's smart. He saw right through her act. - "Adora chose her side and I chose mine" that doesn't mean you don't still care Catraaa - Also that was REALLL quick lmaoo the way five seconds she was like "imma climb up the ranks" then in about two secs HP was like "sis I have no use for you" - "What are you going to do to me?" IM CRYING - Adora and those weird flashback PTSD things -- are u okay sis?? - This was the first episode and I already want to cry so....wow
Episode 2 — Launch
- Adora omg she's so fatigued girl S L E E P - Bow getting pissed at everyone for not letting her rest...what a king - Catra disobeying HP and talking back to that clone but then HP took its form...fuck man that shit scary - STOP CALLING HER  LITTLE SISTER CHALLENGE JESUS FUCK - Everyone hates Entrapta wow ouch - Literally Entrapta being horny over robots is hilarious lmaoo - Mermista is a great leader and they worked so well together ahhh! I'm loving Scorpia and Frosta's friendship - Entrapta got the signal!! I'm proud -  Adora stop following holograms and illusions challenge -  Adora being all like "I don't know my destiny anymore but I know I need to save my friend." LIKE YES HONEY -  Glimmer is sO volatile like honey,, did you need to break HP's crystal ball thingy?? DID U?? -  also she knows her dad is alive now and that H U R T S ++ I bet she doesn't know the sword is broken so fuckkl -  Micah as She-Ra?? something I never knew I needed -  SW not being in this episode at all? love that for us - "I reinstate my horray" I LOVE YOU SCORPIA - "Can you stay?" MY FUCKING HEART GLITRA FRIENDSHIP HERE WE COME
Every episode I just feel immense f E AR
Episode 3 — Corridors
- THIS STARTS W BABY CATRA AND ADORA?? NOELLE WHY ARE TRYNA KILL US?? - Catra and Glimmer talking about sleepovers and Adora...damn my heart - Adora and her stupid ponytail 💀 - "I'll never say sorry!" - THE WAY YOUNG CATRA WAS SO JEALOUS EYE— - "There's no one in the entire universe who cares about me." - "Im sorry! For everything." IM SO UPSET WTF -  CATRA IS FUCKED BUT SHE SAVED GLIMMER -  HP GTFO CHALLENGE -  I'm so proud of my baby tho wow... -  What the fuck we gone do now? -  so much happened in this episode so this is a lot shorter because my brain is numb. Catra is gonna get brainwashed?? isn't she?? -  "I want to do that one good thing in my life." IM CRYING Y'ALL
Episode 4 —Stranded
- Adora is like "Catra, Catra?? saved you?? wtaf?” Lmaoo - Bow and Glimmer fighting is hurting my HEART - KYLE HAS A CRUSH ON ROGELIO?? SCORPIA DONE EXPOSED IT AHHH - Swifty tryna contact Adora?? kinda cute - him impersonating everyone was onbrand and kinda funny ngl - The way Adora is like "it's complicated" lmaoo girl everything is w you - I live the star siblings omg yeS - "I have to save someone. Someone I—" omFG ADORA - Adora is S T R O N K - she GLOWED OMFG SHE RA?? IS THAT U?? - BOW AND GLIMMER BEING OKAY?? MAYBE - Etherians really are wilding out here - YESSS THEY JOINING THE REBELLION - "Maybe we'll never be friends like we used to be."  Glimmer...I love her sm - "I can't just leave her there. I have to try." Adora actually cares so much about her!! and I love Glimmer being supportive wow we love a queen! - THE BEST FRIEND SQUAD IS BACK TOGETHER!! LETS GOO - "She-Ra is back." Swift Wind is annoying but thank you. thank you for saying that horse.
I literally threw my hoodie across the room and forgot that I did that wow lmao
Episode 5 — Save the Cat
- My friend who's ahead me said wait for episode 5 now I'm fucking S H OO K - this episode name has me shook I can't - its WRITTEN BY NOELLE?? WE'RE FUCKED - I love Wrong Hordak SM what an idiot - Catradora really is gonna be canon wow - WTAF IS THAT SHE IS NOT MY CATRA SHE IS A CLONE her hair tho?? kinda nice - the way HP said "your Catra." like low-key he said gay rights - "You broke my heart. And he has made me whole again." - "We both know I don't matter"  and "you're and idiot" "I know" THESE TWO ARE MADE FOR EACH OTHER - SHE JUMPED OFF A CLIFF FOR HER - the way she's holding her?? so soft - SHE RA IS LOOKING FLY -- and is she taller?? - "You miscalculated" YES QUEEN I LOVE HER. THAT WHOLE FIGHT SCENE WAS AMAZING - FuCK HORDEP PRIME - Darla is the best Light Hope SUX - the "Hey, Adora" was SO SOFT IM SO HAPPY
That episode really hiT different Catradora is DEFINITELY canon EVERYONE SAY THANK YOU NOELLE
Episode 6 - Taking Control
- Adora. Chill. - Catra's trauma...wow - honestly I have SO MUCH TO SAY and so little at all. - The ending w Catra joining was so cute and all the Catradora interactions are SENDING ME this is the development I need - "Adora. Stay." MY HEART - thank fuck that chip is gone YAY - Entrapta and Catra making up? Catra saying "Thank you and I'm sorry" her least favourite words -- characters DEVELOPMENT - The way Catra blushed when Adora transformed GIRL YOURE GAY - SHERAS POWER IS TOO MUCH SLAY GIRL - Horde Prime FucK off challenge I hate him - Micah tryna be a father figure? cute - the endING FUCK WHY WOULD THEY DO THAT SPINNERALLA??? POOR NETOSSA
okay but where tf is DT, KYLE, LONNIE AND ROGELIO??
my mum is so tired of me screaming lmaoo
Episode 7 — Perils Of Peekabloo
- Catra just SAT on Adora's lap the PDA is unmatched - We love a filler wow - we literally can't trust anyone this shit sucks - SCORFUMA STANS STAY WINNING - Mermista and Seahawk kinda cute tho (the  heart eyes) - DT I KNEW IT   - CASH KITTEN? EYE—JUST SAY SUGAR MOMMA AND GO - NETOSSA DOESN'T DESERVE THIS - MERMISTA TO - EVERYONE is chipped WTF - DT is a theatre gay through and through   - THEY'RE FUCKED WE'RE FUCKED - NOOOO SCORPIA 😭😭😭 - "I'm the muscle, remember?" - SCORPIA'S POWER, HER REACH, IT'S AMAZING - everything is going downhill FAST - "Happy Anniversary" EYE—😭😭😭😭😭
well that sucked What the fuck we gone do now?
Episode 8 - Shot in the Dark
- The soft smile Catra gave Adora while teasing? love that - loving this new squad - the wAY HER TAIL FLUFFED UP SHES SO SCARED MAN - Wrong Hordak is my main g - the LAUGHING!! THE BLUSHING!! EVERYONE CAN SMELL THE GAY TENSION - omg Catra being the brains of the operation?? yes please - "Catra's first mission" THEY'RE SO OBNOXIOUS I LOVE THEM - "I'm going to kill your friends." "Please don't." we are ASCENDING - Casta? Strike her down anyway please 🙏 - Adora is SO WHIPPED the way she blushed at Catra making the door - "It's such a cute sneeze" BOW KNOWS IT CATRA IS CUTE AND THATS THE TEA - literallyyyy I hate SW GTFO CHALLENGE get OFF my screen 😡 - CATRA WHY DID YOU LUNGE AT THAT THING?? - OMFG MAGICAT?? (Nope dumb bitch) - "I'm coming!" "Hurry." - "I'm sorry. I got angry. It's something I'm working on" ADORA GLOWED AND SAID "You are?" WE LOVE SELF GROWTH AHH - It was Catra's hand OMFG IN THE TRAILER - Adora and cat thing being magic? we love it - MELOG IS SO CUTE and Catra can talk to it?? wowow - they love taking strays lmao - Wrong Hordak's character arc is the best one in the show - CATRA HAS AN IDEA?? YES - Preach Casta shut Weaver up - "That about sums it up, yes." I love them as a team - the hand holding? so cutee Catra don't pretend you're not whipped - oml Glimmer kissing Catra before Adora? EYE— Glitra shippers gonna be so happy at that one moment lmaoo - THEY'RE HOMEEEE
ahhh we're getting close to the end nooo
Episode 9 —An ill Wind
- oh god oh god - Catra is so badass with Melog i LOVE HER EMOTIONAL SUPPORT ANIMAL  - having to fight your own wife? that shit sucks - Erelandia? it's free - omg HP is angry asfff - FROSTA CHILL SHE PUNCHED HER HARD - Adora and Catra are soft 🥺 that's all I have to say
Episode 10 — Return to the Fright Zone
- omg are we gonna see Kyle?? Lonnie? Rogelio?? (also nope, stupid hoe) - okay but Netossa getting screentime? YES PLEASE - I love the intro sm ahhhh - also her knowing everyone's weakness? love that shit - ouch Perfuma ouch didn’t have to go so hard on Catra and YET - omg I forgot Bow's dads existed - "Mostly bad memories" 😔😔😔 - competitive gfs for the win - Catra FLEW tho WOW Scorpia is STRONK - the dad jokes are immaculate - "I'm working is being a better friend. That has to count for something right?" - "We don't throw tanks at our friends" sis you don't give flowers to your them at this current time either - "why did I get stuck with the water Princess?" Catra...baby I love you - omg there's a fail safe THANK FUCK I was legit speechless - "There's real power in love and friendship" preACH IT GIRLIE - SCORPIA FIGHT IT YESSS - legit forgot Spinny and Netossa were fighting lmao oof - FINALLY ANGST OVER THE WIVES ARE BACK - omg THE PAN TO ADORA ABOUT BEING VULNERABLE AHHHH - Perfuma is Catra's therapist that's my headcanon - OMFG I FORGOT ABOUT SW FUCK SHIT CATRA BABY IM SORRY
damn I'm stressed out
Episode 11 — Failsafe
- Weaver STFU challenge - them taking about their abuse? we love to see - "We— I could really use your help" KILL ME NOW THEY'RE TOO MUCH - "Not because I like you" she says SMILING - Melog is Catra's affectionate side prove me wrong - Stan Entrapta for clear skin - SW doesn't deserve rights (as per usual) - DONT TOUCH HER BITCH LITERALLYYYY WHYYY - and now She Ra is glitching?? fuck - Catra is so jumpy eye— "Trust Me" MY HEART SBSBDB - Weaver really called her a DISTURBANCE STFU 💀💀💀 - Entrapta and bird horse ftw what a tag team - OMG NO BE CAREFUL - "Did you just jump in fire to save me?" SHE WAS SO SMUG - can SW burn like... now? - "It's none of your business" LITERALLY BUTT OUT  - "Catra, she distracts you, confuses you." WEAVER I FUCKING HATE YOU SM I FUCKING I WILL PUNCH MY SCREEN - Entrapdak being a thing? I do not know how to feel - "Your imperfections are beautiful."  I am.... conflicted - SW doesn't deserve screen time - Catra is an i no cap (I genuinely have no clue what I meant so sorry about that) - i think the fuck not - this episode is so stressful - Catra saving Adora >>>>>>>>> - what an awful reunion for Glimmer damn - "It doesn't always have to be you!" IKR IT SHOULD BE WEAVER - fuck dark magic fuck it all - Catra's upset?? no my baby 🥺 - this whole episode is just traumatising - Adora's heart do be glowing - Catra's LEAVING?? why?? - "What do you want Adora?" - MY HEART BEEN BROKE SO MANY TIMES I DONT KNOW WHAT TO BELIEVE 😭😭 - omg this time instead of Adora leaving it's Catra (you are a dumbass DUH) - that H U R T S - ADORA TELL HER YEs QUEEN
Episode 12 — Heart Part 1
- I am not prepared for this - Adora...baby I'm so sorry - Glimbow moment with a banjo?? that was cute - Adora really is a party popper - "Adora doesn't want me. Not like I want her." AND THAT'S ON LESBIANISM BUT ALSO FUCKING OUCH  - but really Catra...do you really think Adora doesn't want you? girl are youb B L I N D?? - Wrong Hordak is MY GUY - Stan the rebellion for clear skin - NOOO WHAT THE FUCK MY HEART DON'TPLAY WITH ME LIKE THAT THEY NEARLY KISSED AND IT WAS A FUCKING SIMULATION - real Catra be CAREFUL - "We have to warn Adora" YES SIS WARN YOUR GF  - "I thought I could make my own destiny" U STILL CAN SIS - I'm scared I'm fucking scared - my HEART IS BEATINGG FASTT - I really hate Horde Prime uhhhhhhhgg - for once in your sorry life do something good Weaver jfc - "I can't leave her behind again" - BEST FRIEND SQUAD + MELOG YES - "Bow, I love you." GLIMBOW IS BACK ON AHHH - BUT AT WHAT COST??? (literally what am I saying??) - "You deserve love too." AND THAT'S ON PERIODT - Glimmer coming in clutch!! - Mermista and Seahawk do be cute tho - Micah is actually the worst rn wow - "Goodbye, my oldest enemy" CATRA COME QUICK AHH
the last episode....I'm not ready to say goodbye
Episode 13 — Heart Part 2
- ofc this is written by Noelle - "Hey, Adora" MY HEART - "I'll catch up okay? Get to the heart." - SW ACTUALLY DIED?? THANK YOU MY GIRLS CAN HEAL NOW
andd that's as far as I got before freaking the fuck out with everything that was happening onscreen but THE CATRADORA KISS WAS EVERYTHING and the ending was perfect 🥺💖
Thank you Crew-Ra, Noelle for making such a beautiful and heartwarming show, this will be remembered for years to come because what this show did was incredible and unlike anything I've ever watched.
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sally-mun · 4 years
Why the Sonic movie is so great (SPOILERIFFIC)
AT LAST, I SHALL NOW LIST MY FAVORITE THINGS (and just a couple critiques) ABOUT THE SONIC MOVIE!! Do NOT proceed if you don’t want spoilers!!!
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and those echidnas are clearly from the Knuckles clan (or are at least designed as an homage to them)
using rings as warp rings a la Archie
Sonic playing with an inflatable guitar a la SatAM (even though there he can actually play one)
Sonic eventually getting a car bed a la Archie
Sonic yelling “GOTTA GO FAST” when abruptly waking up
Sonic getting to experience ACTUAL EMOTIONS in spite of all the Sega mandates (granted he didn’t cry, which I know they’re anal about, but still he has such a RANGE in this)
Sonic struggling to do yoga while copying Maddie
Sonic utilizing chaos energy basically the way Knuckles is known to (even though it isn’t specifically identified as chaos) (yet)
and they even took the time to have one of the GHZ arches crumble!
also on that note, Green Hill Zone’s theme song turning up, even if it was only for like 30 seconds
getting to hear that oh-so-familiar chime when Sonic drops his rings at the end
Sonic not being able to hit the dart board with the darts a la the cowboy episode of AoStH
Sonic confirming he ate a chili dog, even if it’s not shown (EDIT: Now that I’ve gotten to see the movie a second time I realized that we DID see him eat it; in fact, he ate like 10. I just didn’t remember that detail after the first time!)
the fact that Sonic not doing what he’s told is specifically characterized as him having poor impulse control instead of just being a jerk
and, on that note, that he’s shown TRYING really hard to control himself (even if he still fails)
Sonic’s mismatched shoes until he gets the iconic ones
Jim Carry’s take on Robotnik containing individual elements of various other portrayals while still being his own version
being proven ABSOLUTELY RIGHT when I said years ago that this scene in X-Men Apocalypse is “what Sonic would be like if he were human” since the Sonic movie has scenes EXACTLY LIKE THIS
Sonic using a backpack a la SatAM
oh my gOD the elevator scene AND THE AMAZING DIALOGUE that shit was bananas
Sonic having moments of vulnerability! I hate it when he’s depicted as just completely confident ALL THE TIME
that said, Sonic still has his charming level of arrogance a la SatAM, ie referring to himself as “an incredibly handsome hedgehog”
the chase at the end referencing MULTIPLE game environments and scenes, especially the City Escape chase from SA2
and, on that note, that they DO canonically go to San Francisco to kind of back up that reference from the game??
Robotnik having controls for his robots built straight into his gloves, that shit is tight
Robotnik actually explaining WHY he prefers robots over people for once
establishing from the beginning that Sonic gives people nicknames, which easily sets up for calling Robotnik “Eggman” and, presumably, Tails’ nickname if/when we get a sequel (and who knows, maybe even “Knuckles” will turn out to be a nickname too!)
on that note, the reason why the nickname “Eggman” was eventually introduced (I can’t believe I didn’t see it coming)
Tom suckerpunching Eggman not once, but TWICE
Maddie just kind of rolling with it when Tom asks her to examine Sonic
Sonic unintentionally traumatizing a turtle
SONIC FACEPLANTING (and the fact that I called it way before the movie was even finished)
the fact that Tom and Sonic actually had good chemistry!! it would’ve been really easy for the movie to have Tom constantly irritated by Sonic to try to play up the humor of the mismatch, but I appreciate SO much that instead Tom really is kind of charmed by him and also just rolls with it
Sonic’s soul-crushingly intense loneliness acting as a tangible motivation to protect the friends he finally makes!! I mean yeah, we always admire that Sonic places a lot of value on his friendships, but making that the culmination of his character arc instead of the starting point is just SO SATISFYING
the SHEER JOY Sonic gets from being able to give a high-five for the first time
when Tom carries Sonic in his arms, the CG communicates that Sonic has WEIGHT (which I feel like a lot of IRL/CG interactions forget)
Sonic rolling up into a ball, and more than once
how much Sonic genuinely and deeply cares about the residents of Green Hills and kind of lives vicariously through them
Robotnik being, let’s face it, straight-up abusive and occasionally threatening to his assistant, a la SatAM, while also demonstrating that he favors him above all others (tho that’s really not saying that much because anyone that’s not a robot is still a waste of space to him)
Sonic running repeatedly in front of Tom’s radar gun to check his speed
Sonic’s innocence. It seems like in a lot of media lately he’s been the one teaching lessons or providing others with those little simple joys they’ve been deprived of. It’s really gratifying to see HIM in that position and being so grateful to finally have those experiences.
Sonic saying his legs “feel like spaghetti” due to Tom shooting him with a tranq dart (and the fact that this actually makes him physically vulnerable, which is so damn rare)
Sonic using level 100 smarm to demonstrate to Tom that he doesn’t know how to get to San Francisco by himself
Sonic’s map containing even more game references, including (if I remember correctly) the Blue Sphere ‘planet’
And just a couple things I wish were changed:
In the bar, when the server asks if Sonic is “a kid in a mask” and Tom tells her he’s “43 and has a condition” that makes him look like that, why 43?! He should’ve said 28!! SONIC IS CURRENTLY 28 IT’D HAVE BEEN PERFECT~
The fact that Robotnik only really starts looking like Robotnik as we know him in the couple minutes of the epilogue. I wish his appearance had changed -- or at least started to change -- in time for the final showdown. Like, maybe there could’ve been an explosion that burned off some of his hair (which would explain WHY he decides to shave his head, since the hair’s half-gone anyway) and bushed up his mustache, and then the impact of the chaos-charged spin dash is still when the mustache got all orange
The movie makes a point a few times about how Sonic’s just kind of throwing whatever he can find on his feet, and just before act 3 Maddie even comments on “his poor feet” while examining him. The movie even specifically shows that his shoes and socks have holes in them because of how much stress he puts on them (and it’s not like he can just go get new ones when he needs them). Since he spends most of the movie with inadequate footwear, and the health of his feet is kind of majorly important to his character, I wish Sonic had intermittently complained about them hurting to corroborate that. Or maybe even never verbally complaining about them, maybe just now and then when they have a moment to pause he could be seen rubbing or squeezing them.
I really, really wish Tom’s dog’s name was Muttski! (But hey, given that Sonic is prone to assigning nicknames, maybe that could be a nickname for the dog in a later movie!)
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5. List all anime you have ever watched
This one is sort of impossible to do, because I sort of stopped counting about five years ago when I started watching seasonal anime. From what I remember I grew up with Kimba the White Lion, Moomins, Pokemon, Beyblade, Yu-Gi-Oh! and Digimon and sometimes I would catch glimpses of Sailor Moon. The “real” anime that really got me in anime was D. Gray Man and from that point on I got into Fullmetal Alchemist, Soul Eater, Black Butler, Bleach, Wolf’s Rain, Ouran High School Host Club and Ao no Exorcist. I think I never really got into long series like Naruto (I had a friend who watched all episodes several times and pretty much just told me the whole plot after I gave up somewhere in the middle of Shippuden) and Fairy Tail (my other friend really liked it and tried to get me into it, but I don’t think I watched more than 50 episodes). I also watched Death Note and I found it pretty interesting (though I needed subtitles in my native language cuz I was still 13 at the time and didn’t know a lot of difficult English words).  Yu-Gi-Oh! was that one anime for which I didn’t lost interest and it also convinced me to start watching anime in Japanese (5Ds was still ongoing at the time, right somewhere in the middle of Dark Signers arc). I was slowly getting into cosplay at the time and I met a very good friend at one of the local anime conventions who introduced me to a lot of good anime like Shiki, Mirai Nikki, Attack on Titan and Code Geass. I guess that’s when I figured out I like certain genres, especially supernatural and mystery, though there were several anime whose genres I didn’t like that much, but I still loved the anime. Sometime in 2015 I started watching seasonal anime aka. I would read all descriptions for upcoming anime, pick up to eight of them and pick one that was “old classic” alongside it. This hasn’t changed much ever since and it is a pretty good way to stay in touch in anime. I tend to drop a few of them after 3-4 episode rule, but I try to be patient if the story, characters or setting are especially good. The current anime I’m watching right now are: Pokemon 2019, Pet (anime version of Inception basically), Breakers (anime shorts about para-athletes), Somali to Mori no Kamisama (cute story about a golem and a little girl that he adopts), Uchi Tama?! Uchi no Tama Shirimasenka? (hilarious show about daily lives of cats and dogs), Jibaku Shounen Hanako-kun (supernatural mystery about urban legends in school aka. Seven Wonders), 4th season of My Hero Academia and Mairimashita! Iruma-kun (My Hero Academia basically, but with blue Deku and demons). Out of “old classics” I’m watching Fafner in the Azure (mecha, post-apocalyptic anime) and Kyou Kara Maou (probably the funniest Isekai anime I ever watched and it is just getting funnier ever after 50 episodes).
So yeah it would be better to just ask me if I know a certain anime or not, rather than asking me to list down everything I’ve watched so far.
 6. Popular anime you didn’t like
The thing with me is that I’m sort of following the rule “First watch, then judge” and that I tend to avoid popular anime because I enjoy rare gems more. Like I needed a while to get into Attack on Titan and My Hero Academia because it was everywhere and so talked about it was annoying, but it is still among my favourite action series due to incredible story writing, memorable characters and unique setting. It was easier with Yuri on Ice! and Kimetsu no Yaiba because I got to watch it before they became so popular and that’s one of the many reasons why I started following seasonal anime.
If I have to point at one or few popular anime I don’t like, then that’s probably long shounen series like One Piece and Dragon Ball. I don’t think I saw more than twenty episodes for both and I guess the reason was that I just didn’t find it interesting enough to continue or I didn’t like the humour. The main issue I have with long shounen series is that they follow the same cookie-cutter recipe where you have a hero who goes through a long training arc and then goes through a long villain fighting arc which just gets tiresome after a while. There are long shounen series like My Hero Academia and Kimetsu no Yaiba that put more emphasis on the well-paced story and don’t drag on as much.
I’m also not that fond of popular romance, drama and slice-of-life anime like Toradora and Clannad. I understand why people like it, but I’m very picky when it comes to such genres in anime. That doesn’t mean I don’t watch such genres at all, it is just that I prefer them in a certain way. For example, I really love Charlotte, anime that is considered bad due to a plot twist somewhere in the middle and rushed ending, but I actually really like those parts and find them really emotional. The story was just so well put together. But for anime movies like Maquia: When the Promised Flower Blooms and Silent Voice… I didn’t find it emotional at all due to how forced it felt and the story was very clumsy when exploring such difficult themes. In this case, it wasn’t that I didn’t like them but more like I saw potential in them and was disappointed when it wasn’t properly developed.
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geniuslab · 6 years
New Tricks (M)
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→ Pairing: Taehyung x reader
→ Genre: Fluff, Smut, Dog Trainer AU
→ Word Count: 10.1k
→ Summary: When your newly adopted puppy turns out to be a lot more work than you expected, a cute dog trainer comes to the rescue. You soon become friends, but you begin to realize friendship might not be all you want.
→ What to Expect: Fluff, friends to lovers, smut, dirty talk, dom!Taehyung, bad jokes, and cute puppies.
→ Alternate Title: Doggy Style (I’m a serious author, I swear)
“I can't believe I'm finally doing this!” you said excitedly, locking your car doors and jumping up and down a little. The day you'd been waiting for had finally arrived.
Ever since you were young, you’d always wanted a pet. You couldn’t count how many times you’d begged your parents for a dog, or how much time you’d put into creating powerpoints about why you needed one. But no matter how persuasive you could be, your parents still weren’t buying it. To be fair, your mother was very allergic to dogs, and your dad was a little scared of them (which he refused to admit, but every time he saw one on the street he would dodge it like it was something deadly). You lived your whole childhood watching all of your friends get dogs, which is exactly why when you finally moved out that one of the first things you did was go to a shelter.
“What kind of dog do you want to get?” your best friend, Namjoon, asked. Over the years that he’d known you, your favorite breed had changed dozens of times. When you were 7, all you ever talked about was German Shepards. But then when you were 8 Namjoon adopted a Husky and those became your favorite dogs. Nearly every year you fell in love with a new breed, so your friend really had no clue what dog you’d want to get this time around.
“Hmmm,” you pondered, unable to hide the smile that was creeping along your face as you walked across the parking lot of the shelter with Namjoon in tow. “I guess I’ll just see which dog speaks to me.”
“Every dog is going to speak to you, Y/N. I’m coming with you specifically to make sure you don’t walk out of here with 10 dogs.”
You rolled your eyes but couldn’t help but laugh. “What’s wrong with adopting 10 dogs?”
“You’ve never even taken care of a fish, I think it’s safest to start with just one dog for now. Plus, we’re roommates. Any dog that’s yours is essentially mine too.”
You pouted at him as he held the door open for you, and then you entered the noisy shelter. The sound of barking met your ears instantly, and you nearly skipped over to the first cage. A small black pug sniffed up at you in its cage, and you instantly dropped to the floor and started cooing at it, smiling and waving your fingers at it. Namjoon crouched next to you and held his hand out to the cage to let it sniff.
“I love it already,” you said, looking around for the sheet that had information about the dog written on it. She was named Minnie, and you could already imagine yourself rolling around with her and playing fetch.
“Y/N, I know what you’re thinking. How about you walk around and see what other dogs they have first?”
With a sigh you stood up and let him take your hand, leading you to the next cage. Over the next 20 minutes, you fell in love with every single dog that you saw. A Pit bull puppy had your heart melting, and an older Border Collie had Namjoon tugging you away because you didn’t want to move. You had no idea how you were going to choose just one pet; you wanted to take them all home.
And then you saw him: a small, fiery red Shiba Inu puppy, curly tail wagging excitedly as it played around in a pen with a few other dogs. An employee let you into the pen with them, and the second you entered he was bounding over to you. You pet his head in between his adorable pointed ears, and he instantly started biting your shoelaces.
“Stop that!” you giggled and moved your feet away, but no matter where you went his mouth followed.
“That one’s got a lot of energy,” the employee told you with a smile on her face, and when you picked him up you never wanted to let go.
“How old is he?” you asked.
“He’s just a pup, a little over 3 months old.”
The dog’s big brown eyes looked up at you eagerly, and he started trying to lick your face. You laughed and squeezed your eyes shut, trying to move your head away.
Namjoon was playing with a Beagle in the pen with you, but when he looked up he knew you’d found your new best friend.
“Not gonna lie, I really only know them from the doge meme,” you admitted.
“They’re a very sweet breed,” the employee said. “A hunting breed, so keep them on a leash unless you want them running for every small animal they see. Can be a bit stubborn, but very loyal and kind.”
You nodded your head, but you knew that no matter what the employee had to say, you were already attached to this dog.
“I think you’ve looked at all of them by now,” Namjoon said. “Do you know which one you love best?”
You looked up at your friend, and you could tell with the little glimmer in his eye that he already knew. You’d put the Shiba down on the ground, and he went back to chewing endearingly on your shoelaces. You weren’t even trying to stop him anymore.
“Yes, I know exactly which one I love.”
“They told you Shiba Inus were stubborn,” Namjoon said, trying to keep the smirk off of his face. You were currently being tugged along by your energetic little pup. You’d had Haru for about three weeks now, and they’d been three weeks of near torture.
You loved him, but you were in hell.
“I can handle stubborn, this dog came straight out of the pits of hell,” you grumbled, but you both knew that you absolute adored him. Haru had become the biggest part of your life, even bigger than your new job and apartment. He was all you thought about 24/7, mostly because he had you up nearly 24/7.
The last three weeks had been filled with lots of barking, numerous “accidents” in which he ruined the new rug you’d just bought, and several jailbreaks in which he slipped his collar and made a run for it.
Needless to say, you’d gotten very little sleep and were at your wit’s end. But every time he’d crawl into your lap and lick your hand, your heart melted all over again and you knew exactly why you’d chosen him.
“Do you want me to take the leash?” Namjoon asked hesitantly when Haru yanked you forward again, chasing after a leaf blowing in the wind.
“I can handle him,” you huffed and wrapped the leash around your hand a third time to get a better grip.
“Is it all you thought it would be?” Namjoon asked and looped his arm around your free one.
“Owning a dog.”
“Oh!” you said. “It’s a little more work than I was expecting, but after all he is just a puppy.”
“I cannot believe Haru already got kicked out of puppy training school,” Namjoon laughed.
“It’s not his fault!” you exclaimed. “Haru is just very inquisitive.”
“He sniffed another dog’s butt and all hell broke loose.”
“He caused a momentary commotion, but the other dogs started running around and barking too so I don’t really see why it was all his fault.”
“Nevertheless, the instructor told you to never bring him back. You officially have a dropout on your hands.”
“That instructor was a dick,” you sniffed. “Haru is an absolute angel and I can train him by myself.”
“Just a minute ago you said he was from hell.”
“Well, he is. But he’s also an angel. My perfect little angelic demon dog. The perfect companion.”
You and Namjoon had reached the dog park entrance, and you let Namjoon open the gates for you so you could keep ahold of Haru. You’d been taking Haru for several walks a day, but when Namjoon suggested a dog park you could feel a weight lifting off of your shoulders. Being able to let Haru run loose and burn some energy sounded exactly like what you needed right now.
As soon as Namjoon closed the second gate, you bent down and let Haru off of his leash. He paused for a second, but as soon as he realized he was free he bolted away from you, hopping across the yard with his tail wagging.
“Haru!” you yelled and waved the new tennis ball you’d bought in your hand. The energetic puppy turned around at your voice, tongue wagging. You threw the ball in a wide arc, and he jumped into the air to catch it.
Unsurprisingly, once he had the ball he ran in the opposite direction with it.
You sighed and sat down on the bench, and Namjoon joined you a moment later.
“A boyfriend probably would’ve been easier,” he remarked.
“Namjoon!” you yelled.
“What? You wanted a companion, right? At least you’d get some sleep with a boyfriend.”
You ignored your best friend and watched Haru chasing a dog around the park. The dogs seemed to be having fun, but soon enough the owner of the other dog called it over to them and shot you a dirty look.
“So when are you going to start training him?” Namjoon asked and leaned back against the bench, tipping his head up toward the sun.
“I already am,” you responded. “Haru, come!”
Haru did not come.
“He’s very independent, just like his mommy.”
“That is such a load of shit,” Namjoon said with his eyes closed. He didn’t even have to look to know that Haru was definitely not coming.
You rested your head on Namjoon’s shoulder with a sigh. “He’s a pain in the ass, but he’s my pain in the ass.”
“I could say the same about you.”
“Shut up,” you said half halfheartedly, cozying up closer to your friend. You had a few moments of peace before you had to jump up and run to Haru, who had decided to eat garbage for lunch.
It took you twenty minutes to finally catch Haru and get him back on his leash, but the second you got out of the dog park and stepped into the parking lot he slipped his collar. You watched in horror as he wiggled his head out and then ran for it, and you screamed his name and started running after him. He wove in between parked cars, and your heart was pounding as you tried to catch up with him.
“Haru!” you yelled, clutching the leash in your hand and looking around for him desperately. Your throat was getting tight, and your breathing hitched when you saw red in the corner of your vision. Haru was standing next to a sandy haired man, and when you caught up to him you saw that the man had treats and was holding them above Haru’s head.
You walked up slowly as to not scare Haru off, and the man glanced up at you and gave you a small nod. He continued to shake the bag of treats while you crept up on Haru and finally got ahold of him. The stranger helped grab the collar from your hands and put it around Haru’s neck.
“Thank you so much,” you said, your heartbeat finally slowing down.
“It’s no problem,” you stranger replied and petted Haru on the head. “You’ve got an excited one here, don’t you?”
“He likes to break free.”
“You should try a harness, that way he can’t slip out of it.”
Haru started pulling on the leash again, distracted by a dog passing by.
“What’s his name?”
“Can I give him a treat?”
“Sure,” you replied with a shrug.
“Haru,” the stranger said and shook the bag of treats again. “Come.” Haru turned around and looked at him, and then pranced over. The stranger bent down and gave him a treat.
“Are you trying to train him?” the stranger asked.
“I was, but he kinda got kicked out.”
“I see.” He looked down at Haru, who was trying to chew on his shoelaces.
“I’m Taehyung,” he said and stuck out his hand for you to shake.
“I work as a dog trainer, if you’re interested?”
Haru tried to bolt again, barking loudly at a Chihuahua that was walking past, and you had to pick him up to make sure that he wouldn’t slip his collar again.
“He’s really stubborn,” you admitted.
Taehyung smiled, his mouth boxy and his brown eyes bright. “I don’t mind a challenge.”
You struggled with Haru in your arms, and when you set him down Taehyung shook the treats again and repeated the come command until Haru was at his feet, waiting for a treat.
“What’s your rate?” you asked hesitantly. You’d just moved to this area, and you had lied to your parents about what you’d eaten for dinner the past week (instant ramen every single night). You didn’t have a lot of spare change to spend on private training.
“For someone so gorgeous? I can do the first few lessons free.”
“Are you hitting on me?” you asked, incredulous.
Taehyung looked at you and then looked pointedly down at Haru. “I was talking about this handsome man right here.” And then he shot you a wink.
“Is everything alright?” Namjoon asked, coming around the car. “I couldn’t even figure out where you’d ran to.”
“Yeah, Haru just decided to make a new friend,” you replied.
Namjoon gave Taehyung a nod and came up to your side.
“That would be really nice of you,” you finally responded to Taehyung. “But I can’t ask you to do that for free.”
“It’s my pleasure,” he said, opening the back door of his car. A couple golden retrievers hopped out, and Haru started barking uncontrollably.
“Can you help?” you asked you friend. Namjoon grabbed Haru and started walking away with him to stop him from barking.
“I suppose he really does need some training, but I still feel bad having you help for free.”
Taehyung shrugged. “I come here almost every day; I walk some people’s dogs as well so this is pretty much my second home. I don’t mind giving you some tips while I’m here. I’m just sitting around anyway.”
“Haru, no!”
You glanced over and saw Namjoon pulling Haru away from a puddle of mud.
“I think I’ll take you up on that offer,” you said when you turned back to Taehyung.
“I’m usually here around this time, so I’ll keep an eye out for you.”
“Thanks so much.” You shot Taehyung a smile and then gave him a small wave before you ran and help stop Haru from bathing in mud.
“Haru, come,” you commanded. Haru looked at you and wagged his tail. “Come!”
It was a few days later, and thankfully only a couple other people were in the dog park. Taehyung had brought treats again, and you had a few of them in your hand as you tried to teach Haru his first command. Taehyung and you were sitting across from each other, and he was holding Haru’s leash. Each of you were taking turns calling Haru, and each time he’d come over you’d give him a treat.
You sighed after you’d called Haru for the tenth time.
“Just be patient,” Taehyung said, ignoring Haru’s inquiring nose at his hand.
“I’m the most patient person there is,” you retorted.
“I’ve only known you for a few days, but even I can tell you that’s false.”
You glared at him but then took a deep breath, determined to stay calm and patient.
“Haru, come!” Nothing. “Come!” A turned head, tongue sticking out. “Come!” Haru’s tail started wagging. “Come!”
Finally he came over, and you smiled wide as you gave him a treat. “Good boy!”
Taehyung spent some time calling Haru over, and the two of you sat there for almost an hour having Haru stubbornly walk back and forth between you. Taehyung had a poodle with him today, and it sat next to him calmly, head down on the ground as if this were boring them.
“Is that your dog?” you had asked when you first spotted Taehyung in the dog park.
“Nope, this is my neighbor’s dog.”
Now, with Haru resting his head peacefully in your lap, you asked Taehyung about his own pets.
“I actually only have one dog at the moment.”
“Really?” you asked, surprised. “I assumed you’d have a ton of dogs.”
“I do, in a sense. All the dogs I train are kind of my dogs.”
You smiled at him and petted Haru. “What kind of dog do you have?”
“A Pomeranian,” he answered. “His name is Yeontan. I just adopted him a little while ago.”
“Maybe some day him and Haru can go on a play date.”
Taehyung laughed and sat back on his elbows. “That sounds like a good idea, once we get Haru trained.”
The sun made Taehyung’s hair shine, and leaning back he looked like a work of art. You blushed when you realized you were staring, and focused on the sleeping pup in your lap.
“Is Haru your first dog?” Taehyung asked you a few moments later.
“He is.” You smiled down at Haru and kissed him on the head, causing him to nuzzle his head further into your lap. “How many pets have you had?”
“I’ve had pets all my life.”
“Is that why you went into dog training?”
Taehyung shook his head no. “I’ve loved animals forever, but I didn’t want to go into training until I started volunteering at a shelter. People give up animals so easily when all the dog needs is some training.”
You thought back to the nights you’d spent crouched over a mess Haru had made and wondered how many people would’ve given up by then.
“So many abandoned pets came into the shelter, and I realized that I could help in some way.”
“That’s really admirable of you,” you said.
Taehyung sat up and smiled at you. “It’s not, it’s just my way of putting some good into this world.”
“I really appreciate you helping train Haru. He’s a little devil but he has the softest heart.”
“I don’t mind at all. Besides, who else can say they get to spend time with someone so charming?”
“You’re talking about Haru again, aren’t you?”
Taehyung winked at you. “I’m talking about you this time.”
You blushed again and busied yourself with untangling Haru’s leash, as he’d knotted it up going back and forth between you two.
“Have you lived in this area very long?” you asked him.
“I’ve been here for a couple years now. But you must be new, right? I’d remember seeing you around town.”
The fact that he was determined that he’d remember you made your stomach flip in ways you hadn’t felt in a while. “I just moved here last month. I lived a couple hours away from here, but my friend needed a roommate and I really wanted to move out.”
“Have you liked it so far?”
You shrugged. “It’s been okay, but I really just stick around my friend Namjoon. I haven’t really made any friends at work or around town yet.”
“I’m your friend!” Taehyung said nonchalantly.
“You’ve known me collectively for around an hour.”
“So?” he asked. “I can already tell I like you.”
Haru yawned in your lap and you looked down at him to avoid Taehyung’s gaze.
“That’s sweet of you, but you barely know me,” you said.
“Can you give me a chance to get to know you?”
“How so?”
Taehyung stood up and held his hand out to you to help you up. “See you here next week?”
Over the next several weeks, Taehyung trained Haru faster than you’d even imagined. Of course, Haru was still incredibly stubborn. Every time you told him to come and he’d just stand there wagging his tail at you, your blood boiled. He knew the commands, he just didn’t always choose to obey them. But you and Haru had become inseparable, as if you’d been waiting your whole life for him (and, in a sense, you had).
You started growing anxious once Haru had learned most of the common commands. You were enjoying spending time with Taehyung more than you cared to admit, finding yourself hanging on his every word and blushing whenever his hand brushed against yours when you passed the leash over to each other. You feared that you’d run out of excuses to keep meeting him. After all, you already felt bad having him train Haru for free. You certainly couldn’t expect him to go above and beyond in training when you weren’t even paying him.
You wondered how Taehyung kept finding things to teach your pup. Haru had already learned how to come, heel, sit, lie down, and fetch. Haru had become a little tamer, no longer constantly running for every moving object that he saw.
“Hey, buddy!” Taehyung said one day when the two of you finally got to the dog park. He petted Haru between his ears and then took out his usual bag of treats. “Let’s teach you how to high five today.”
You laughed, thinking he was joking. But sure enough, he started trying to teach Haru how to high five. Your heart melted a little as you sat on the bench and watched Taehyung bent over, fluffy sandy hair covering his eyes and a big smile on his face when Haru finally put his paw in his hand.
The next week, you were certain Taehyung would tell you this was the last lesson. You couldn’t even think of more things to teach Haru at the moment. You’d achieved your goal: having a dog that didn’t drive you absolutely nuts. What else was there that Haru absolutely needed to learn?
But this time around, Taehyung had decided to teach Haru how to roll over.
The next week, he wanted to teach Haru how to play dead.
“Running out of things to teach him?” you asked when your session was over, walking out of the dog park with Taehyung. He had an adorable Bulldog with him today and you let her lick your hand before she hopped in his car. He closed the door and leaned against it, a small smirk on his face.
“You can never run out of things to teach a dog,” he replied.
Haru barked once at a passing dog, but when you commanded him to be quiet he sat at your side silently.
“He’s absolutely perfect, Taehyung,” you said, sadness filling your voice. Taehyung didn’t have to train Haru anymore, which didn’t give you much of a reason to spend time with him at the dog park.
“He is,” Taehyung responded, voice sounding equally as disappointed. You felt like your time with him was almost at an end, and your head started spinning trying to come up with an excuse to see him again.
Finally, you knew the perfect excuse.
“Do you want to go out for drinks soon?” you asked. “As a way of paying you back for training Haru.”
Taehyung stood silently for a moment, and then a smile brightened his face.
“Sure, I suppose that would be fair payment. I’ll pick you up this weekend.”
“You asked him out for drinks?” Namjoon asked you later that night as you plopped down onto the sofa next to him. You put a pillow on his lap and rested on it, looking up at your best friend and the dimples you’d adored since you were little.
“Yeah, as a way of thanking him for his help.”
“Are you sure that’s the only reason why?” he asked.
“Namjoon, what are you implying?”
“I’m just saying that you’ve been taking Haru to get trained for weeks now, and half the things he knows he’ll never even need. Plus, every time you come home from the dog park you have a goofy grin on your face.”
“I do not!” you exclaimed.
“Yes, you do. I’ve known you my whole life, I can tell when you like someone.”
You huffed and turned so your back was to him. “I don’t know if he even wants to be friends with me.”
Namjoon rolled his eyes at you. “Y/N, it’s so clear he’s been wanting to spend time with you.”
“What do you mean?”
“Did Haru really have to learn how to play dead?” he asked.
You bit your lip, not having a response. You had been very aware that Taehyung didn’t need to teach Haru any of the tricks he’d taught him these past few weeks.
“He’s been looking for any excuse to see you every week. You two are driving me nuts.”
When he put it that way, it did seem a bit obvious. Most of your training sessions were spent with the two of you just chatting anyway, and Haru certainly didn’t need more training right now.
“When are you going out with him?” Namjoon asked you and started braiding your hair.
“This weekend, he texted me the time he’d pick me up.”
“Alright, just text me if you need me to clear out of the apartment for you two.”
“Namjoon!” you yelled and picked up the pillow you’d been lying on, throwing it at him and walking away in frustration.
When Taehyung buzzed your apartment, you could feel your own nerves buzzing beneath your skin. You took a deep breath and gave Haru a pat on his head before leaving him alone with Namjoon.
You were dressed casually in a T-shirt and jeans, and Taehyung was dressed much the same. The two of you walked together to the nearest bar, the air between the two of you feeling heavy and weighted. This wasn’t a date, you reminded yourself. You were the one who asked him out, and it was purely so that you could thank him for all of his help. So what if he had the most gorgeous brown eyes you’d ever looked into, or a laugh that made your knees weak?
You hoped he wouldn’t notice that your hands were trembling a little.
This wasn’t a date. This wasn’t any different than spending time with him in the dog park. Except this time you didn’t have Haru as a distraction and a buffer.
“How’s Haru doing?” Taehyung asked you to break the silence. You’d been sitting tracing your finger along the rim of your glass, too nervous to speak.
“He’s doing well,” you replied, nodding your head but still not looking up at him.
“Are you alright?” Taehyung asked, lowering his head to catch your eye.
You finally looked up and gave him a small smile. “Yeah, I guess it’s just weird seeing you outside of the dog park.”
“To be honest, I’ve been looking for an excuse to see you out of that godforsaken dog park for a while now.”
You widened your eyes at him. “Really?”
“Yeah, but I didn’t want you to think I was coming onto you.”
“You weren’t?” You pouted jokingly, although you secretly meant it.
“I meet a lot of people because of my job, but you’re one of my favorites.”
You blushed and stirred your drink before taking a sip. “Thank you so much for training Haru, you were my savior.”
“It really was my pleasure. Besides, if I hadn’t then I wouldn’t be sitting across a pretty girl right now.”
You choked a little on your drink and coughed.
“What do you do for fun, other than training and walking dogs?” you asked, desperate to change the topic. Taehyung had been a flirt ever since you knew him, but the alcohol was making you take him seriously tonight.
“I’m really into music, always have been. I’m in a jazz band. I actually play here some weekends.”
“No shit?” you asked, sitting up straighter in your seat.
“Yeah, but what about you?”
“Funnily enough, I love listening to jazz music in my free time.” You winked. “Go figure.”
Taehyung tipped his head back and laughed, and you joined him, the alcohol finally making you mellow out.
A couple hours and several drinks later, you had your feet up underneath you and you were leaning in close, laughing at the stories Taehyung was telling you. Without Haru distracting both of you, you finally had a chance to fully get to know Taehyung.
“And I shit you not, Hobi passed out at least three times on that ride. He’d scream and then a second later be completely knocked out.”
“Oh my god,” you said in between your laughter. “Next time you go to an amusement park with your friends, please bring me with.”
“You’re welcome any time,” he said. “My friends are your friends.”
You smiled and leaned back in your seat.
“Finally feel like you have friends now?” he asked you.
You scratched your head and acted like you were thinking about it. “I think I do.”
“Do you always play this hard to get with your friends?”
“Unless you’re a dog, it takes a while to win over my heart. But you’re getting there.”
Taehyung nodded and downed the rest of his drink. “I should be getting home.”
“Me too,” you agreed, noticing that the room was spinning a little bit. When you stood up, you had to hold onto the table as to not fall over.
“Let me walk you home,” Taehyung said and threw some bills down on the table, taking your hand and leading you out before you could protest.
“I was supposed to pay for those!” you complained, swaying as you walked.
“I’m not sure you can even count properly right now. Besides, we’re friends. I don’t mind paying. You can pay next week.”
“Next week,” you promised and leaned into him. The two of you were quiet until you got to your apartment.
“I had fun,” Taehyung said. “Now go get some rest.”
“I did too,” you confessed. “See you later, Taehyung.” You fumbled with your keys but finally got in. Before the door closed behind you, you gave him a wave.
“You can call me Tae, by the way. All my friends do.”
He turned away before he could see your sloppy, drunken smile.
Every week, you met Taehyung for drinks. And every week, he walked your tipsy ass back home. Namjoon still joked that he could always clear out of the apartment if necessary, and you acted like you couldn’t hear him. It’s not that you hadn’t thought about it; Taehyung was very attractive and he still made your stomach flip when he smiled. But you’d been friends for some time now, and you figured that’s how he wanted it. You told yourself you were fine with that.
But whenever Taehyung ran his hands through your hair, you felt a pang in your stomach. And when he held your hand as you walked home from the bar, you could feel your heart skip a beat.
“Goodnight, Y/N,” Taehyung said every time he'd drop you off at home. He'd help you open the door and then kiss your forehead before you stumbled up the stairs.
You were fine being just friends.
At night, though, you sometimes found yourself thinking about him. It felt wrong, thinking about your friend this way as you writhed in bed. But everyone fantasized every once and a while, right? It didn't mean anything.
You were totally fine being just friends.
“Tae, you were amazing!” you said one night, leaping into his arms after his jazz performance. “I’m so glad you invited me finally.”
“I’m glad you wanted to come,” he replied. “I thought you were joking about liking jazz music.”
“I kinda was. But you’ve made me a fan now.”
Taehyung’s eyes were sparkling in the dim bar lighting, and your heart rate increased. Somehow, even though both of you were surrounded by dozens of people, this moment felt more intimate than when the two of you were tucked in a corner alone.
“You're very talented,” you said, your voice so low that he probably couldn't even hear you over the noise of the bar.
He was about to say something when a dark haired woman touched his arm and yelled his name.
“Taehyung!” She pulled him away from you and threw her arms around him.
“Nayeon, I didn’t think you were going to show up.”
“I couldn’t miss my favorite guy performing,” she said. She’d pulled away from her hug, but she still had her hand on his arm and her eyes were sultry as she looked up at him. “Who knew jazz could be so sexy?”
You suddenly felt like you shouldn’t be here anymore. In the months you’d known Taehyung, plenty of girls had flirted with him. But none that he clearly already knew. Not wanting to intrude, you acted like you needed to get a new drink and excused yourself from their company.
Taehyung turned to talk to you but Nayeon squeezed his arm a little and stepped closer to him, grabbing his attention again.
Walking straight past the bar, you slipped into a crowd of people and left the bar, cool air hitting your face as you walked outside. You walked home completely sober, and you wondered if that’s why things felt so wrong to you. Your stomach churned and your palms were sweating.
By the way Nayeon had been clinging to Taehyung, she clearly wanted to go home with him tonight. And as his friend, you should want that for him. You knew he was single, and any person your age deserved a good fuck every once and a while. Besides, she was adorable and he seemed to know her. They’d probably make a cute couple.
You were sweating now, and by the time you got up to your apartment your breathing was labored. The idea of your friend getting laid tonight shouldn’t bother you this much. Namjoon had had plenty of girlfriends and boyfriends over the years, and you’d never once felt sick thinking about it.
“Are you okay?” Namjoon asked when you slid down the door as soon as you closed it. You landed on the floor with a soft thud and closed your eyes, trying to regulate your breathing.
“Y/N, are you alright?” He was at your side now, hand pressed against your forehead. “Did something happen?”
“Tae’s probably going home with some girl tonight,” you mumbled and kept your eyes closed.
You heard a sigh and then Namjoon sat down next to you, taking your hand and holding it in his. “I knew this would happen.”
“What do you mean?”
“You were bound to figure out your feelings eventually.”
“I don’t—”
“You might be able to lie to yourself, but you can’t lie to me. Finally figured out you don’t just want to be friends with him, didn’t you?”
You stayed quiet, unsure of what to say. Is that why you felt so sick? The thought of Nayeon clutching Taehyung’s arm made your throat tighten.
You were not fine being just friends.
“I don’t like this feeling,” you whispered.
“I know,” Namjoon said and gently pushed your head onto his shoulder. “But you’re gonna be fine.”
Haru walked up to you and placed his head in your lap, and you finally felt yourself break. All this time with Taehyung and you’d convinced yourself that friendship was all you wanted. But reality had hit you hard tonight, and it was a feeling you didn’t like.
The three of you sat there for a while until your tears dried on Namjoon’s shirt and you fell asleep.
No longer having training sessions for Haru, you were able to avoid Taehyung during the week. And when his texts came in, you acted like you didn’t see them. He buzzed your apartment that next weekend as he always did, but Namjoon covered for you and said you weren’t feeling well.
“How long are you going to keep this up for?” he questioned the next week when you asked him to cover for you again that night.
You shrugged. “Until my feelings go away. Or until he gives up.”
Namjoon sighed. “Maybe you should just talk to him.”
“Namjoon, I really don’t think he’s interested. He’s probably wrapped up in Nayeon anyway. Talking to him will just complicate things.”
“You can’t keep avoiding him.”
“Why not?”
“Because for all he knows, you hate him now.”
You curled up under your blanket and ignored your best friend. Haru nudged your hand, his sign that he wanted to go for a walk.
“Go take Haru for a walk and get out of this house. You only leave to go to work now, and it’s getting a little sad. I can’t be your only friend.”
“You’re not my only friend!”
“Haru doesn’t count,” Namjoon countered. “Go take a walk, get some fresh air, talk to some strangers.”
“I shouldn’t talk to strangers.”
“Get out of this apartment before I kick you out.”
“What if Tae is out?”
“Just go to the other dog park. Stop looking for excuses and go.”
You groaned and then sat up, shooting him a glare before you put Haru in his harness and finally stepped out of the apartment.
Avoiding your usual dog park, you took a longer route to get to the dog park Namjoon had mentioned. Haru seemed to perk up when you rounded the corner, and you realized why a moment later. Taehyung was in the middle of the park standing next to what appeared to be a ball of fur. It moved, and when you looked closer you saw that it was a small, brown Pomeranian. This must’ve been his own dog that he was talking about.
You were just about to turn around and walk back when Haru started barking. “Quiet!” you whispered, but it was too late. Taehyung was looking up at you, and when he caught your eye he waved you over.
Not wanting to be rude, you walked your traitorous dog over to him.
“Hey, buddy!” Taehyung said and bent down, petting Haru. Yeontan blinked up at you, two angry looking eyebrows above his eyes, a stark difference from his excited tail wagging. You bent down too and gave him a little pet, if nothing but to ignore the fact that you were standing in front of the guy you’d been avoiding for several days.
“I should get going,” you said.
“You just got here.”
“I was just taking Haru out for a small walk.” You started to pull Haru away, and he whined pitifully as Yeontan got farther away from him.
“Y/N, can we talk?”
“I really have to get back home. I, um, have water boiling for my tea.”
“You left your water boiling?”
Your back was to him by now but you paused, knowing your excuse was absolutely moronic.
“The least you could do is invite me over for some tea.”
“You’ve ignored me for two weeks. Can we please talk?”
You turned around, and you could see the hurt in his eyes. Namjoon had been right—you couldn’t ignore him forever. Taehyung had become one of your best friends, you owed it to him to let him know why you were avoiding him now.
Haru and Yeontan went running off into your apartment when you opened the door, and Taehyung took a seat at the kitchen table as you rifled in the cabinets for your tea. Namjoon was nowhere to be found, so the apartment was quiet save for your dogs playing.
“Has everything been okay?” Taehyung asked.
“Yeah,” you replied. “I’ve been fine.”
You finally found the box of tea and took two sachets out, plopping them into mugs and starting your boiling water. Your back was still turned to Taehyung, but you could hear him readjust in his seat.
“Why haven’t you texted me, then?”
“I’ve just been busy.”
You turned around, eyes wide. Taehyung actually looked mad, his jaw clenched.
“If you don’t like me anymore, just tell me. Don’t ghost me.”
“No, that’s not it!”
“Then what is it? Why have you been ignoring me for weeks? Why can you barely look at me?”
“It's complicated.”
“Don't give me that excuse, tell me why you've been ignoring me.”
“Because I like you!” you blurted out.
The apartment was silent. Haru and Yeontan must’ve settled down somewhere.
“I like you, Taehyung. And it hurt too much seeing you with someone else.”
“You like me?” he asked. The water beeped that it was done, and you turned your back to him and distracted yourself with pouring the water into the mugs.
“I like you,” you said quietly. “But we’re just friends, right?”
“We’re both idiots,” Taehyung said behind you.
You heard a shuffle and then he was turning you around, his chocolate eyes inches away from you.
“I’m sorry I didn’t tell you, Tae, I didn’t—”
“I should’ve been the one to tell you.”
You cocked your head to the side. “What?”
“God, Y/N, why are we both so clueless?”
Your head was spinning, and you leaned against the counter to steady yourself. “What do you mean?”
“I’ve been flirting with you for months.”
“You flirt with everyone,” you said.
Taehyung shook his head and took a step closer to you. “Not like I do with you,” he said softly.
“So are you saying that you like me too?” you asked.
“That’s exactly what I’m saying.”
You were breathless, unable to say anything.
“You kept brushing off my advances so I thought you just wanted to stay friends.”
“I thought you just wanted to be friends!”
Taehyung rested his forehead against yours, and your breath mingled together.
“I really don’t want to be just your friend.”
“But what about Nayeon?” you asked.
Taehyung put his hand on your hip, rubbing small circles into it which made your stomach flip.
“I just walk her dog a couple times a week, she doesn’t mean anything to me.”
“Y/N, for the love of god, please stop talking so I can kiss you now.”
You shut up and your eyes fluttered closed as Taehyung wrapped his other hand around your head and pressed his lips against yours. You’d imagined what it would be like to kiss him, but your imagination couldn’t even compare to the real thing. His lips were soft, and he moved slowly against yours before he ran his tongue against your lip and you opened your mouth against his. He tasted like strawberries, and you leaned in closer to him and sighed softly. His hand moved from your hip to your back, pulling you as close as he could.
“The tea,” you mumbled against his lips, and he pulled you away from the counter, still moving his tongue against yours.
“Fuck the tea,” his voice was husky, sending a shiver down your spine.
He pushed you against the kitchen table, and you sat on it and wrapped your legs around him as he continued kissing you, making your head swim. His hands were everywhere but it somehow wasn’t enough, and you arched your back into him and wove your fingers into his hair. He trailed kisses from your lips to your neck, going down further until he reached the neckline of your shirt. He looked up at you devilishly, and you pulled your shirt off without a word. He reached behind you for the clasp of your bra, and then he finally had his lips wrapped around your nipple.
“Tae,” you said breathlessly, gently pulling on his hair.
“I can’t tell you how long I’ve imagined this for,” he said, and you moaned softly and grinded your hips against him.
“So have I,” you admitted, not even caring about the blush that was creeping up your neck. Not when he had moved to your other breast and was softly sucking on your nipple.
You kept moving your hips, and Taehyung finally pulled away with a glint in his eye. He tugged gently on your waistband, and you wiggled your hips and let him pull your jeans down. He pushed you back further on the table and bent down, kissing along the band of your panties before he slowly, achingly pulled them down your legs. You were sure you were absolutely red in the face now, completely naked in front of him, sprawled out on the kitchen table. But he looked down at you as if you were found treasure, a mixture of awe and hunger on his face.
“You just going to stare?” you asked, suddenly nervous.
“I want to remember this for the rest of my life,” he said. His voice was even rougher now, and before you could respond he ran his middle finger in between your folds, causing your breath to catch in your throat.
“You’re already dripping, holy shit.”
“You always make me this wet,” you said.
His head snapped up and he looked at you. “Have you thought about me before?”
“Sometimes at night.”
He groaned and tipped his head back. “You’re so fucking hot.”
He moved his finger again and you dropped your head to the table, unable to think straight. He teased your entrance with his finger, but then he moved it away and you felt his breath against you. His hot breaths made you tingle, and then his tongue was on you, lapping up your juices and pressing against your hole and your clit in cycles. You were moaning now, your head foggy with pleasure. His fingers joined his tongue, and he finally moved one finger in, curling up and making you pull his hair harder.
“You like that?” he asked against you, lips pressed up against your clit.
“Fucking hell, yes,” you gasped out, and then Tae grabbed the backs of your knees and slung your legs over his shoulders, pulling you closer to him. He inserted another finger, pumping in and out slowly as he sucked on your clit. You thought you were going to go insane, bucking your hips up into his face and moaning his name. Your orgasm was building already, and with every curl of his fingers you were seeing lights in front of your closed eyes.
“Look at how filthy you are,” he said. “Wet and moaning on a kitchen table. You’re already dripping and you haven’t even had my cock yet.”
“Oh my god,” you moaned, grinding your hips into his tongue. “Keep talking like that, please.”
“Really?” he asked, and the innocence in his voice made you pick your head up. He was looking at you with a twinkle in his eyes. “So you like it dirty, don’t you?”
“Quit teasing, you asshole.”
He pumped his fingers in harder this time and you bit down on your lip to stifle your gasp.
“My fingers are soaked, do you always get this wet for guys?” he asked, continuing to thrust his fingers in harder and faster.
“No,” you said, moving your hips into his thrusts. “Only for you.”
“What was that?” he asked. “I couldn’t quite hear it.”
He put pressed his tongue against your clit and you screamed, “Only for you! Fuck!”
“That’s my girl,” he hummed against your clit, curling his fingers up again. Your thighs were trembling against his face, and you had to stop yourself from squeezing them shut so that you wouldn’t suffocate him.
“Keep hitting right there,” you said breathlessly, your orgasm building. You smacked your head against the table and massaged his head as he continued to thrust into you, and before you could even warn him, you were clenching around his fingers, your release making you moan his name. He continued to pump in and out of you slowly until you finally came down, and then he inched up your body and kissed along your hairline before pressing his lips to yours.
“I bet you can taste yourself, can’t you?” he asked when he pulled away. You sat up and nodded, and he ran his thumb against your bottom lip. “Are you going to clean off my fingers?”
He didn’t have to ask you twice; you took his fingers into your mouth and wrapped your tongue around them, cleaning your juices off of him and then releasing them from your mouth with a pop.
“That’s one of the hottest things I’ve ever seen,” he groaned, and you could see his bulge straining against his pants. Your hands were still shaking from your orgasm, but you were able to unzip his pants and push them down, and then you dipped your hand into his briefs and pulled out his dick. It was red at the tip, already leaking a bit, and when you dropped to your knees and licked your tongue against the slit he hissed and wrapped his hand in your hair.
“I take it back, this is the hottest thing I’ve ever seen,” he said, looking down at you with his cock in your mouth. You bobbed your head up and down his dick, all the while looking up at him. He was biting on his lip as to not make a sound, but you could tell by his tightening fist that he was probably going to lose it soon.
“Do you like that, baby? My thick cock filling your mouth?”
“Hmmm,” you moaned against his dick, and the vibration made him throw his head backwards. Your hand ran up his thigh and fondled his balls, and he groaned and stepped backwards, making his cock fall out of your mouth.
“If you keep doing that I’m going to cum.”
“Isn’t that the point?” you asked innocently.
“Where’s your bedroom?” he asked.
You pointed to the closest door, and then he was pulling you toward it, slamming the door behind you two so that no one could enter. He was kissing you again, slowly pushing you backwards into the room until your knees hit the bed and you fell onto it. He pulled away to finally take his shirt off, exposing his tanned chest. He hovered over you, arms around your head as he dipped down and kissed you. You bit down on his lip a little, causing him to moan against you.
“You like it rough, you dirty girl?”
“Fuck yes,” you said, wrapping your legs around his waist. But he shook his head and moved your legs away from him.
“Get on your hands and knees.”
Pleasure shot through your core at his command, and you did as he said, waiting for his touch. When he finally palmed your ass, you moaned and rested your head on the bed.
“Keep your head up,” he said, grabbing your hair and pulling just enough to be a little painful. You moaned again and dipped your head down a little bit so he’d pull it up again.
He rubbed his dick up and down your slit, and you thrust your hips back against him.
“You’re eager, aren’t you?” he asked, teasing you by pushing the tip against your entrance and pulling away.
“Fuck me, Tae,” you begged. “I’m on the pill, just fuck me already.”
“I can’t believe you’re bent over begging for my cock,” his voice sounded nearly strangled, and then he thrust into you swiftly, burying himself up to the hilt. He stayed there for a few seconds, letting you adjust, and then he was snapping his hips back, setting a bruising pace. He filled you up every inch, and your arms were growing weak trying to keep yourself up. You’d never felt so full, and so complete, in your life. His hips smacked against your ass, the sound obscenely loud in your empty apartment.
“You’re so fucking tight,” he said, thrusting into your harder. “When’s the last time you got fucked?”
“I don’t even remember,” you confessed, breathless. “Never like this.”
“No one’s ever fucked you this hard?”
You dropped your head down, and he pulled on your hair again. You screamed and clutched the sheets, thrusting your hips into his.
“No, no one’s ever fucked me this hard, oh my god!”
“Do you like it, baby?” he asked, tilting his hips to hit a new spot.
“Oh my god, yes!” you screamed, nearly tearing into your sheets. “I’m so close.”
He suddenly pulled out of you and flipped you onto your back, wrapping your legs around his waist. You were grateful to no longer have to keep yourself up, your chest heaving with your heavy breaths. You were absolutely throbbing, seconds away from your orgasm.
“I want to see your face when you cum,” he said, and thrust into you again, hard and deep. “Cum around my cock, baby.”
At his words, you came, screaming his name and bucking your hips against him as you rode out your orgasm. Your nails scratched down his back and with a couple more thrusts he was joining you, stifling his moan by capturing your lips in a heated kiss. He slowed down as he came against your walls, filling you up so that when he finally pulled out, his cum dripped out of you mixed with your own juices.
The two of you lied there for a while, tongues pressed against each other and soft hands cupping each other’s faces.
Just when you thought your lips were going to bruise, Taehyung pulled away.
“You’re going to have to wash your sheets,” he said sheepishly.
“I might just throw them away,” you admitted, looking down at the mess you made. You started to get up but Taehyung pushed you back down and got up instead, walking to your bathroom and running a washcloth under the sink. When he came back, he kissed up your thighs and wiped you down, cleaning up the stickiness between your legs. Then he pulled your toward his side of the bed and you curled yourself around him, legs interwoven.
“Did that really just happen?” he asked incredulously.
“It really did,” you said, equally surprised.
“Was I too rough?” He sounded genuinely concerned. When he looked down at you, you smiled at him.
“No, you were perfect. I see why you’re a trainer now, though,” you said with a giggle.
“Shut up,” he grumbled, but pulled you closer to him.
“I bet you can teach me some new tricks,” you said, tracing your finger along his chest.
“You're never gonna stop with the trainer jokes, are you?”
“You're the one who wanted to do it doggy style,” you pointed out.
“Okay, you make a good point there. But that was a coincidence.”
You giggled and sighed against him. “I can’t believe you trained him for free. I sincerely hope you charge your other clients.”
“I’ve only ever trained your dog free of charge,” Taehyung said softly.
“Wow, you really did want to get in my pants,” you said.
He hugged you closer and rested his chin on the top of your head. “I told you I’d get to know you, didn’t I?”
“I suppose you did.”
You were absolutely spent, and you felt your limbs grow heavy and your breathing slow as you laid against him.
“Get some rest, angel,” he said, his lips brushing against your hair. He hummed a song and rubbed your back, and you were finally lulled to sleep.
When you woke up a few hours later, the bed was empty. Taehyung’s shirt was no longer on the floor, and you opened your door and looked around. He was nowhere to be found. You walked around the apartment and saw that Namjoon still wasn’t home, and then you noticed that Haru was also missing.
Unless Taehyung had fucked you in an elaborate plan to steal your dog, he was most likely out taking the dogs for a walk. You stilled your thumping heart by pouring out the now cold tea and cleaning up the mugs. By the time you were done he was knocking on the door, and when you opened it Taehyung was standing before you, two leashes in one hand and a tray with coffee in the other.
“The tea got cold, so I figured I’d pick up something to drink,” he said, smiling at you.
You let him in and picked Haru up, giving him a kiss on the nose before setting him back down and giving equal attention to Yeontan.
“He’s the angriest looking dog I’ve ever seen,” you said when you picked him up, holding his fluffy little form in front of you.
“The second I saw him, I fell in love,” Taehyung said and set the coffees down on the table.
“That’s how I felt about Haru.” You set Yeontan down with a little pat on the head and then sat at the kitchen table, taking a coffee and staring down at it. You’d just fucked your friend, and you didn’t know what that meant now.
“Did I worry you by disappearing?” he asked. “I wanted to leave a note but I couldn’t find any paper. Do you and Namjoon have something against paper in this house?”
You laughed a little and looked up at him. “We try to keep our paper usage to a minimum.”
“I’m sorry if I was, um, too much earlier.” Taehyung wasn’t looking at you now, and you could have sworn he was blushing.
“I like it like that,” you said, putting your hand on his chin and tipping his face up so he’d look at you. “Did you like it?”
“I liked it a lot,” he said with a small smile.
“So…” you trailed off.
“Are you going to ignore me again?” Taehyung asked.
You shook your head no. “You know how I feel now.”
“And now you know how I feel too.”
The two of you looked at each other in silence for a few moments, and then both of you started speaking at the same time.
“I really want—”
“Do you want t—”
“Sorry, you go ahead,” you said.
“Do you want to go on a proper date with me?” Taehyung asked you.
“Oh!” you replied. “I was actually going to suggest that.”
He pulled your chair closer to him and pecked you on the lips. You could feel him smile against you, and you leaned forward and kissed him again.
“Just so you know, I only do exclusive relationships,” Taehyung said.
“Is this already a relationship?” you asked, nervous to hear his answer.
“Of course it is.”
You kissed him again, and your tongue was just brushing against his lip when Namjoon came in the door. The two of you jumped away from each other, but you could see Namjoon roll his eyes.
“It’s about damn time,” he said, dropping his keys on the table and nodding his head at Taehyung. “How did you like that new dog park?”
“Thanks for suggesting it to me, I found exactly what I needed,” Taehyung said.
“Wait!” You looked in between the two boys. “Did you set this up?”
“I just suggested the same dog park to both of you, and you both happened to go to it at the same time.”
“Oh my god,” you said, reality sinking in. Your friend really managed to finally hook you up with Taehyung.
“Did you know I was going to be there?” you asked.
Taehyung threw his hands up in defense. “I didn’t, but I had a feeling you might show up.”
“Men,” you huffed, but you shot Namjoon an appreciative glance before he went into his room and closed the door.
“Hey, do you regret going there now?” Taehyung asked, pulling your chair closer to him again.
You sighed and threw your arms around his neck. “No, it’s the best decision I’ve ever made.”
Haru came up and pressed his nose up against your leg, and you looked down at him and smiled. “It’s really all thanks to this furball from hell,” you said. “If I hadn’t gotten him, I never would’ve needed a dog trainer.”
“Maybe you can get another dog and I can help you train that one.”
“Or maybe we can just go on dates like normal and stop coming up with new tricks for my dog just to spend time together.”
Taehyung leaned in and you could feel him smiling against your lips again. “Sounds like a plan.”
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lycorogue · 5 years
Meet My OCs: Willow (Part 1 - Background)
Sorry this post was delayed a week. Sorry again that it’s 11pm on Sunday, so I almost missed my publication deadline AGAIN! 
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I really did aim to get this up for my weekly Sunday updates of this series. However, Willow proved to be a bit more detailed than I gave her credit, resulting in her introductory post taking the better part of a week to write up and edit.
Before I get further into this post, however, have you had a chance to read my intro posts? They're not needed, but they do provide added context.
Part 1: What is this “Meet My OCs” series, and what was my inspiration when creating the worlds these characters live in?
Part 2: What IRL inspiration helped me create my four main OCs for my Gyateara stories?
Part 3a: What is the X-Future play-by-post game, and what inspired the creation of the main characters for Glitches?
Part 3b: What X-Men canonical characters needed to be reworked for Glitches, and how have they changed to become more original creations?
Feel free to check those out, and then come back. Otherwise, links will also be at the end of this post for your convenience.
Now then, let's get into the true meat and potatoes of this series, starting with the character I tend to unintentionally favor. The one who has the most visual presence. The one whose introduction was so massive (over 30pgs long in a Word document) that I had to split it into 6 parts to avoid overwhelming people (this may still overwhelm, though; sorry). These Meet My OCs posts are getting beefy.... I think I’ll have to switch to every OTHER Sunday for the updates.... Anyway, be prepared for a nice 6-post dump onto your dash!
Willow “Wisp” Driver
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I was the one who watermarked that pic, BTW, to make sure Willow can't be swiped by anyone...
And, can we also give another quick shout out to @edendaphne​ for the beautiful commission work on my baby girl?
Anyway, Willow was my second X-Future character, and quickly climbed the ranks to one of my most prominent and vocal characters of all time. Check below for Part 1 of Willow's intro, which includes a broad overview of who Willow is, and some backstory for her. In a few minutes, I'll also have up Part 2, which talks more about Willow's main relationships: her family, her friends, and her romances. Later, I'll post Part 3, which talks about her basic storyline within X-Future, and how it relates to my intended starter arc for her in Glitches. In Part 4, I showcase some more artwork of Willow, followed by some narrative scene examples in Part 5. Finally, I’ll conclude with Part 6: wrestler entrances for Hubby’s WWE13 game.
Willow was 15 when she was first created back in 2012. She is currently 18 in our game. She's about average height at 5'4” (162.56cm), and has a fairly lean body. She's not overtly muscular, but she is sculpted due to her favorite form of exercise: parkour/free-running, an activity she started after school when she was 10 in order to help burn off extra energy. She's playful, flirty, a mischievous prankster, bubbly, and has a bit of a snarky/sarcastic attitude. She's also cunning, a bit manipulative, incredibly passionate, and surprisingly cautious and suspicious. She tends to surprise people by having a different view of life than most expect, making her playful when most might be somber, making her angered when most would be relieved, or making her harsh when most would be sympathetic. (examples of these outlooks will be in Part 5)
Further Physical Description:
Her hair is naturally a silvery-white, but that's too “grandma” and “bland” looking for her, especially with such pale Irish-American skin. So, to accent her aquamarine eye color, she routinely streaks the silver with blue. The shade of blue varies from dye to dye.
Willow's mother Meryl is a “normal” human. However, Willow's father Jacob Driver is a mutant (glitch). He has the power to “manipulate” any object so it looks like whatever he wants, as long as it's roughly the same shape, size, and weight. For instance, a chunk of cement could appear to be a large, raw ruby. A stack of blank paper can look like a first draft manuscript of a famous novel. A flashlight can look like a stick of dynamite, and children's play money can look like $100 bills. (Yes, Jacob was inspired by Hook Waters and the Shifting ability from the 2009 movie “Push,” and the categories for The GRID are also inspired by “Push”). Now, the objects aren't physically changed in any form. Instead, Jacob drapes the items within the illusionary forms he desires. His targets will 100% believe the objects are what Jacob claims, as long as they are indeed the correct size, shape, and weight; giving the items the tactile features the illusions suggest. Non-targets of Jacob's powers, however, will see the object for what it truly is. So, if someone accepts the “raw ruby” from Jacob, and takes it to a jeweler, said jeweler will simply see the original chunk of cement.
In his youth, Jacob had used his ability to manipulate items in order to swindle his way through life: making his homework appear done, his dissertation seem ingenious, his wallet always look filled with large bills, etc. He was eventually caught, and served some jail time. He was released early on good behavior, and ended up meeting Meryl, who turned him from a life of crime and swindling. (In the Glitches version, Jacob even had a bit of a playful con-artist rivalry with Ryder, and both men went legit after meeting their wives).
Now trying to stay off the radar as much as possible, Jacob resisted using his powers. He also avoided the public visibility of protesting at mutant/glitch rallies, deciding instead to silently protest mutant/glitches injustice from his home via online boards and petitions. Jacob also made a point of following the latest mutant/glitches news reports, even with his children Shawn and Willow within earshot, much to Meryl's disapproval due to the violence usually talked about in the reports. The news affected Shawn and Willow differently than Meryl originally expected, and the two would pretend to have battles using the various superpowers they heard about via the news.
Willow has the power of illusion. To be more technical, she has the telepathic ability to make her target's brain believe an illusion so faithfully that it becomes a seemingly physical manifestation. They actually hear what Willow wants them to hear, see what she wants them to see, taste the flavors she mentally puts into their mouths, and smell the scents she coats her illusions with. Most importantly, through a secondary use of her telekinetic powers, she can have her illusions have a “physical” form to those targeted to experience them. She can lift someone off the ground to make them feel like they're flying, falling, or climbing. She can mentally push down on someone to create the feeling of weight. She can also manipulate parts of the brain so the illusions have texture. The target can feel the cool lick of water splashing against their legs, the sharpness of a needle pricking their skin, the softness of satin, the frigid cold of a snow storm, the rough texture of sandpaper, etc. For all intents and purposes, for Willow's target, the illusions are physical manifestations.
When Willow first started using her powers, she could only concentrate on the two main senses of sight and sound. If she wanted to target more than one person, or if she wanted her illusions to affect more senses, she had to shift to the psychic world of the Astral Plane, causing her to fall unconscious as her consciousness transitioned onto the other level of existence. While on the Astral Plane, she could also use her telepathy to read minds and communicate telepathically. After some practice, she was able to learn to condense the psychic energy of the Astral Plane into a weapon (psy-weapon) she could use while on that plane.
Now that Willow is 18, she has much better control of her powers. She can create fully immersive illusions targeting up to 20 people within a quarter-mile radius (402m). She can use her telepathy for communication and reconnaissance for up to 5 people within the same quarter-mile radius. She can also use telekinesis to lift a collective weight of up to 600lbs (~272kg) within a 30ft (9.14m) radius. All of this without having to shift to the Astral Plane. When she does move to the other plane of existence, her powers increase 10-fold.
One of her favorite illusions, which also truly showcases her base personally, is turning herself into her version of the Cheshire Cat. One can usually tell that Willow has a prank or other mischievous plan in mind when she manifests cat ears, a tail, and a cat-like grin.
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Image generated via gen8′s Chibi Maker on deviantart.
Power Manifestation: 
As mentioned above, when they were kids, Shawn and Willow would run around their backyard in San Diego, California, and pretend to use superpowers to battle either each other or an imaginary foe. They would pretend they had telepathy, telekinesis, teleportation, wings, pyrokinesis, electrokinesis, accelerated healing, energy blasts, etc. One day, when Willow was 11, she became upset that her nearly 13-year-old brother was refusing to play pretend anymore. While nagging him to play with her, she imagined herself throwing fireballs at Shawn. He then actually saw the fireballs aimed at him, as well as the fire damage the dodged balls created. Understandably, he ran, terrified, and screaming for their parents.
Jacob, still trying to stay as far off-radar as possible, avoided sending Willow to a “Mutant Only” school, and instead tried to train her to control herself and her powers. It was tricky, though, since she showcased different powers on any given day, making it hard to know what her abilities actually were. Her imagination also expanded with her powers, and she soon reveled in the thrill of pulling pranks with her ability, usually resulting in terrorizing Shawn. After two years of Willow “playfully” tormenting her brother – as well as some classmates – Jacob finally caved, and sent Willow to the Colossus Academy; a sister location to the Xavier School for Gifted Youngsters. 
It was at the Academy that a telepath was able to finally figure out Willow's power of illusion and manipulation, and helped start Willow's training. While Willow continued to pull pranks, they weren't nearly as mean spirited as they were towards her brother.
In the Glitches rework, Emily’s school on the east coast is the only place Willow is sent. I’m still reworking the timeframe of everything now that I don’t have those 2 extra years between Willow discovering her powers and going to the school. I do know that Willow is sent to Emily’s school because of Jacob’s connection with her husband Ryder.
Xavier School for Gifted Youngsters:
In X-Future, Willow originally went to the west coast branch of the Xavier Institute: Colossus Academy, appropriately run by Piotr “Colossus” Rasputin. Willow stayed at the Academy from age 13 through 15; grades 8 and 9. While at the Academy, she became best friends with her roommate Noelle “Penumbra” Firada. She also became close with Marjory “Lookout” Allodis, the girl tasked to keep her safe whenever Willow went into the Astral Plane, leaving her lifeless body defenseless. A young boy named Winston “Hedge” Michaels became a bit of an unwanted tag-along. He was only two years younger than Willow, but the introverted and awkward boy with virtually no social skills latched onto her as an unwanted and bothersome younger brother figure.
When Willow was 15 and nearing the conclusion of her second year at the Academy, Colossus and his wife Jubilee were needed for a crucial X-Men-related mission. Neither of them returned home. Delegates from the Xavier Institute were sent to the Colossus Academy so the students could finish their school year, as well as figure out where to go next. Then, once summer hit, the Academy was shut down. A lot of the students were sent to the east coast and the Institute. Once there, Willow originally stuck with her core group of Noelle (Penny), Marjory (Marge), and Winston. Willow's a friendly enough person, outgoing and inviting, so it didn't take long for her to make friends with Devon, Chayse, and Lia, as well as create a playful rivalry with a classmate named William.
For more about these relationships, check out Part 2 of Meet Willow.
Willow's Style: 
Her base style started off a bit punk/rocker/scene, similar to the early 2000's fashion Rogue and Boom-Boom wore in X-Men: Evolution. Over the past 7yrs since I created Willow, her style toned down a little bit. She still wears fairly form-fitting outfits and short skirts, though. Her main color scheme trends towards blue and white, to match her hair.
Willow's a borderline exhibitionist, always teetering on that line between showing off enough to excite onlookers, and leaving JUUUUUST enough to the imagination. She has budding curves, and she's perfectly fine showing them off to everyone. In fact, much like Trish, Willow has an unofficial theme song herself: “I Get Off” by Halestorm
Willow doesn’t really care who you are when she flirts and teases. All she cares about is if she's getting your blood pumping, if you end up desiring her, and if she's riling you up somehow. She's just turned on by someone else getting turned on by her. She's much more modest than she lets on, though, and rarely follows through with any sexual acts. Instead, she uses her powers of illusion to create a copy of herself, and lets the copy continue along with the act, should the other person wish to go along still. She's so used to deceit and manipulation, thanks to her powers and how she uses them, that it's actually hard for her to find full trust in others. As much as she teases that sex is all well-and-good fun, deep down she knows she, personally, would regret participating with her own body unless she fully trusted her partner.
Her desire to get others riled up and turned on even extends to using her illusions to try to draw other couples together. Especially with a bunch of “Will they; won't they”, she has fun having an illusion of one trying to seduce the other, just to see where the snag in their “will they” might be. Plus, she loves watching her classmates blush.
Welp, there’s your broad introduction to Willow. Now to move on to Part 2, where I’ll talk a bit more about her main relationships.
While waiting for Part 2, you can also check out my introductory posts for this over-all Meet My OCs series.
Quick recap this series thus far, in Part 1 I talked about why I wanted to do this series in a bit more depth than I did above, and I talk about the real world inspiration for creating my two main worlds:
Gyateara – a high fantasy world that will, presumably, house many self-contained series that may or may not interconnect beyond all taking place on the same planet
Glitches – a pseudo-cyberpunk future AU of Earth where mutated humans – known as Glitches – must fight for equality, and even survival, while also dealing with the normal dramas of puberty.
In Part 2 of my series, I explained the real-world inspiration for my four main Gyateara OCs:
Amara Yori
Jolene Crisslebalm
Part 3 of this series went a bit long, so it was broken down into its own two-parter. In Part 3a, I talked about the creation of the four main characters of Glitches:
For Part 3b of this series, I explained the canonical character origins of my adult Glitches, and how they've been reworked to create my still-evolving adult support characters for Glitches:
Alright, this long post is becoming more epic, so I'll catch you guys in Meet Willow Part 2 in a few minutes!
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hueynomure · 6 years
Summoning Disaster - Part Four: Battle Cry
In which two of my OCs end up in @fatal-blow 's Golden Verse. Set in an unspecified point before Defenders of Earth's prologue; You can find out more about the story on his wip page.
First part
Second part
Third part
Elise has dirty thoughts, and I manage to write an awful sentence with three characters whose name starts with the same letter. Yes, these are the only events in this part, really. (this part is more Sharaka-centric and as such it's rather bloody)
* * * * *
“Grey one, it’s Elphimas.”
“Roger Windfall,” Amp replied as he crushed the throat of the last living guard in Lab 1’s entrance. “Mist protocol lifted. Status.”
“Cornered, guards seem to be taking a breather,” Adamantine replied. “It won’t last.”
“Too many hostiles, retreating to Lab 3. Magic’s not working right.” So much for the distraction.
“We still need time to rig the building, they’d disrupt us. Their comms are still sealed.”
“Someone opened the front door, but the courtyard’s under control. Elphimas has been a godsend so far.” Windfall commented.
“My new acquaintance is lovely too,” Static chuckled. “Dents armor like it’s tinfoil. We’re free birds, moving toward Ad and co.”
“Adamantine, do you have space for Link?”
“Negative, too risky.”
“The whole experimental wing is desert.”
Amp took a deep breath. Quantum could keep a rigged building alone, and if Sharaka continued to be an asset the diversion team could easily hold a room for Link to portal to… The bigger picture was a problem on its own: this facility seemed to be somewhat detached from the Magics’ hierarchy, but they could take their intrusion as a declaration of war anyway. He frowned, refocusing on the here and now. “Static, get to Adamantine before guards can prepare another offensive, then secure an area for Link. I will cover Reaper and Ethereous, then we’ll portal to you or to the experimental wing.”
As it often happened, Amp wanted to be everywhere at once, but he forced himself to march back to the unhinged door. His nerves were taut as bowstrings: there was an air of danger he hadn’t felt in a while. No one had been wounded yet, but-
Amp noticed the killing intent too late. He jumped backwards, but the bullet caught him in the abdomen. He fell, skyrocketing his own anger to boost the adrenaline rush. He couldn’t pass out. Not now.
“Sniper in the northern sentry tower!” He snarled as he crawled back in the Lab. “Link, to me now!” Fergus broadcasted his location and got himself another anger burst to get on his shaking knees. His guts were a constant explosion of agony, but his legs worked. He started to bury the pain and the rage – hoping they hadn’t hindered the others - as he waited for Link.
The small, sudden void of the sniper’s mind as Windfall got them was a meager satisfaction.
* * * * *
Static’s fingers twitched when he heard Amp call for help. Well, growl for help. “I suddenly feel like jogging a bit.”
Sharaka sniffed toward a metal windowless door. “That was sharp rage, he’ll be fine.”
“As reassuring as you may have meant it to be, I’m still feeling the fitness kick.” Static started running, straining to feel hostiles on his way. It was of some relief to hear heavy stomps following him.
A minute later, Static felt people-like current behind a corner. He slowed down, gathering charge, and noticed he couldn’t hear Sharaka anymore. Which was why he almost fried her when she dashed past him at full speed. He stuck his head and a hand beyond the corner, ready to cover her.
Sharaka turned into a blur, tackling the armored guard into the wall at impossible speed with the sound of bent metal and crushed bones. An arc of fire caught the other two mooks in the face before they could lift their weapons. She clawed open the throat of the first, and her tail shot like a scorpion’s to crack the skull of the second. She started running again without a glance to the crumpling bodies or to Static.
He picked up a gun from a dead guard, then it was his turn to sprint to catch up.
* * * * *
Faizah gestured for her three teammates to take their positions, and cringed feeling the armor’s gloves hindering the simple movement. Not that she wasn’t grateful for the protection – it had allowed her to walk right through the bright pink barriers and even to shrug off a hit from motherfucking Static – but it was experimental equipment, so not exactly tailored for comfort.
The door seemed intact. Faizah crouched and nodded in Noah’s direction, who unlocked the door with his pass card. Faizah cursed the genius that had decided to make unlocking doors beep, and the magic blowhard with no field experience that didn’t want to cover her squad’s noise with fire. Nevertheless, they were two walls away from the Defenders, odds were they didn’t hear it: there were two doors to the archives, and all three Defenders had been seen at the other one. They checked the room with practiced motions and moved onwards.
When they approached the room next to the Defenders’ she heard low feminine voices. One fast and nervous, the other dry and confident. Ideally Faizah would have wanted to check the side rooms, but they had to pass right in front of the open door to do that so no such luck. She gestured for her team to be extra cautious and they slowly took positions to attack the Defenders.
“Shield!” Third voice side room fuck!
Faizah moved to shoot but a pink barrier blocked the bullets. A flashbang obliterated her sight and hearing. A shotgun got her square in the chest, and Faizah took her last moments to appreciate the tungsten balls it took to throw a flashbang at the last possible moment.
* * * * *
“Shield!” Someone shouted from the archive’s back rooms, followed by a deafening boom and gunshots. Good, Faizah’s team had fulfilled their scope.
Lei Fan’s magic coursed the inscribed staff in his hands, which in turn infused enough magic to the knife lodged in its end to turn the metal kill them dark red. He tapped the knife’s point to the wall and it just… exploded outwards, as if yes destroy hit by a wrecking ball, and the magic’s buzzing subsided a bit. He stepped away, allowing security to exploit the new path of attack, and shook his head to clear it from the magic’s unusually definite intrusive thoughts.
He gestured to a waiting squad to follow: “We’re going up, collapsing their escape routes,” and left the other firing squads behind. He had no delusion to overwhelm the Defenders’ strongest defensive powers yet, and as useful as his armor was it wasn’t designed to block heavy gunfire. It also was pretty heavy; he promised himself to start working out as he sweated just by climbing the stairs.
He was tracking down the Defenders’ position by following the sound of gunfire when something large slammed against a wall behind him. Lei Fan turned to see the squad decimated: the leader was crumpled against a wall, chest caved in, another was clawing at the horrible burns on his face and... his lizard?! ...was ripping something bloody from the back of a third. How? Why?
Lei Fan charged a Wizard’s Fire to throw at the lizard, but destroy the attack slipped from his hand before he could aim it properly. The lizard dodged easily and drove its claws knuckle-deep in the throat of the fourth member of the squad, using him as a shield. Its tail lashed out and hit the man with face burns, who fell with a whimper.
They started kill circling each other, Lei Fan with his weapon high to discourage a direct attack – the lizard hissed when it recognized the knife – and the lizard keeping the dying man at arm’s length. Lei Fan remembered the helmet’s visor was mirrored, and started the Black Maze’s incantation under his breath, his head ringing inexplicably as the spell took hold.
* * * * *
Sharaka was suddenly holding a shapeless mass of darkness in a dim-lit, flickering hedge maze. It all smelled strongly of illusion, plus the sharp stench of this plane’s mana; no contest with the finesse of vedalken magic. She could almost feel his illusion as a slimy coat over reality. She closed her eyes, focused on the burning anger and fanned it, fueled it until she started to shake with rage, fury overtaking all her functions, and felt the illusion flicker when her last sliver of control evaporated.
She flung the dead weight aside and roared, the world vibrating with her rage. She smelled her sweating prey, holding her weapon in front of it - as if it mattered, as if it wasn't already dead. She dashed, entering its guard before it could notice, and shattered its visor with her fist. The prey was sent flying, slow as a snail. She grabbed the weapon from its hands and slammed her tail on its chest so hard the ground shook when the prey hit it.
The following hit with her weapon turned the prey into an explosion of gore and scrap metal.
* * * * *
A terrified silence followed the roar, as everyone’s hindbrain screamed there was A Predator around and failure to locate it would mean certain death. Fortunately for the Defenders, hanging around Fergus had them somewhat tempered against sudden bursts of emotion; Siphon and Adamantine took down five hostiles before they could snap out of it. Fortunately for the Magics, five people weren’t going to matter in the long run: Siphon still had afterimages and ringing from the flashbang, and judging by Astral’s and Adamantine’s concentrated frowns the prolonged use of their powers was starting to take its toll. Reaper and Ethereous were retreating without cover. They hadn’t heard from Amp since he had been hit.
The whole building shook. Siphon looked up, cold sweat running down her cheek. No part of the ceiling seemed to be about to fall on their head. Good. She took aim and cracked a visor, stunning her target for the time Adamantine needed to finish reloading and turning their face into mashed beets.
Hearing electricity crackle made her dizzy with relief. Lightning took down every hostile in sight in less than a second, and Siphon wished she could ride Static there and then. She settled for savoring the familiar smell of ozone, and moved forward to make sure there weren’t armored hostiles left.
Four kills later, Static casually strolled in. “I hope it still falls under the ‘fashionably late’ category.” The magnificent bastard grinned his shit-eating grin, and Siphon felt the urge to shut his mouth with her-
“What was that roar?” Adamantine asked, interrupting Siphon’s train of thought.
“A friend, believe it or not,” Static replied, “I’d have gone for the ‘she followed me home’ line if she had actually come with me. Now unless you want to take a few more souvenirs, we have a Link to catch.” Static led the way to the experimental wing. All guards in the building were probably either dead or hiding in a broom closet, but the four Defenders swept the rooms properly because no one wished for more surprises, not even Static.
“Sharaka! Fancy meeting you here!” Static blurted as he checked a T-shaped junction, then slowly backed away. “…Sharaka?”
Siphon moved to see who Static was talking to and stopped dead in her tracks when two reptilian eyes met hers with an utterly inhuman stare. ‘Sharaka’ was half-crouching, as if poised to attack, her blood-soaked arm wielding some sort of spear with a bad case of magic buzzing and her tail arched like a scorpion’s. Siphon had no problems associating this… creature… with the blood-curling roar from earlier; she had to be even more dangerous than she looked, because despite the dozen paces between them Static’s fingers were flexing nervously.
“Nice to meet you! Are you Static’s new friend? Disclaimer: we taste terrible.”
Sharaka followed Astral’s voice and something sparked in her eyes. She blinked twice, as if trying to remember something.
“Amp said to get out of her way. I say we go.”
“And leave her like that? She was snarky ten minutes ago! The ‘can I keep her’ was supposed to be a joke. Sharaka, it’s me, ‘thank you for saving my sorry ass’!” Siphon’s brain failed to understand whatever Static was saying, but Sharaka’s mouth was moving, almost mimicking his speech. “Did you used up all your brain power for today?”
“Fuck you,” Sharaka replied with a raspy voice. She straightened her back, blinked a few more times and suddenly looked like a person. A very reptilian person, but still. “Next time you go after the mind mage and I take out the fodder.”
“Will do!” Static was beaming. “Care to come with us?”
“Sure, before Frigid Girl there has a stroke,” Sharaka replied.
Static marched onwards and kept staring straight ahead, probably to avoid Adamantine’s gaze.
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Tumbling off Trees
((A short RP I had with @majros-mishaps ages ago, hope you guys enjoy reading it! If the ending seems a bit abrupt it’s because towards the end I had to quickly leave ‘cause of late night issues but hope you guys enjoy it regardless! <3))
Majro Skyfern never was one much for hikes in the past, but these days, civilization seemed too stifling. The wilds around The Pier were too familiar, and anyway, who wants to hide outside the place they technically work? This place was infinitely more welcoming. He could get lost here, which is what he wanted to do. He even had found himself humming softly to himself until a sound unlike the chirping of the local wildlife caught his ear. He fell silent looking about himself uneasily.
Jazz let out a defeated sigh and hung upside-down again. She glared at her effects below her that had fallen upon her entrapment; she just HAD to set off one of her own traps on the day she decided to not wear her machetes.
“Take the day off Olka said…” Jazz grumbled as she crossed her arms glaring at her bag down below, “It’ll be fun, just take a walk and jam some tunes, Olka said.” Indeed her uke lay uselessly beside her stuff, but she doubted the instrument would help either. She blinked however when she spotted a passerby and gasped excitedly. An Aurin! They were usually super helpful right?
“Ey! Ey buddy!” Jazz stuck both her index fingers in her mouth and let out a loud whistle before waving her arms wildly, “Up here fella!”
Majro’s ear satellites this way and that. If he was a hunter worth a damn he’d have pinpointed the source by now, but the whistle made it impossible to mistake the direction. He lifted his head and tilted it as he regarded the swinging human with a blink.
“...You sure are, ma’am. Looks like I found the best hangout spot in the forest huh?” He approached, tail twitching in tentative curiosity. Jazz’s smile brightened, looking quite silly as she dangled with a happy grin and her limbs swinging in the air. But she was just happy somebody finally spotted her!
“Indeedy! D’az why I been ‘hangin’ around here’ so much!” She snorted at her own joke, but quickly shook her head and grabbed her hands at him. “Ya mind grabbin’ my effects there friend? I just need one o’ my stabbies ta knick offa dis rope!” She pointedly looked down at her belongings on the boulder beneath the stranger.
Majro looked down toward the aforementioned effects, then back up towards the human. “Is that...er. A good idea?” He peered downward at the base of the tree, which was very far down below the woman, “Might be kinduva crash landing. How’d you get up there, anyhow?”
“Um...Jazz did a thing and the rope don’t like humans.” Jazz ambiguously explained while her eyes glanced everywhere but at he Aurin as she didn’t want to admit the silly mistake she made.
She glanced down at the tree bass and scrunched up her nose at it before she waved a hand, “Bah, fuck it, what don’ kill ya only make ya more badass, amiright?” She smirked and proceeded to swing excitedly at the Aurin “Effeeects, c’mon gimme somet’in’ sharp at least dude!”
The Aurin chuckled and moved towards the items before kneeling down, “Sooomething, huh? Sure it wasn’t something you weren’t supposed to be doing? Don’t figure the property owners take kindly to poaching or anything like that.” He cast a cheeky look to the human, even as he continued to rifle and sift. “...suppose it’s none o’ my beeswax either way.”
Jazz puffed up her cheeks indignantly and looked away “Oi I ain’ gotta explain what I been doin’ ‘round here. An’ it weren’t like dere was any signs saying ‘Yo, ju ain’ allowed ta grab any snackings off da animals here!’ so I figured first come first serve!” She tried to swing forward again to see if he found any of her knives in there but tilted her head in a bewildered manner as she asked “Bees...wax? Well Jazz ain’ too sure where dose are, but I sure dey can be yours, don’t see anybody else claimin’ em!...Just keep dem away from me please, Jazz don’ like bees.”
The redhead shrugged a shoulder, his tail curling thoughtfully, “Guess you got a point there. They might even want help with keeping the wildlife back anyway, can’t build on top of a bunch of angry malverines yeah?”
He seemed to find what he was looking for, his ears perking upward in recognition. “Oh yeah no, that makes two of us, really. Can you blame us though? Their stingers are as long as my slagging arm.” He gives a visible shudder, and holds up the machete over his head for her approval. “Think this’ll do the trick?”
“ASS-CRACKER!” Jazz cheerfully cried out the name of her blade and nodded enthusiastically, “Yeah yeah, just throw him o-” Before she could finish the sentence Jazz thought over the horrible results of what could happen if her new acquaintance didn’t throw it properly. There was a silent moment before she sheepishly asked, “Uh...ya reckon ya could bring it on over here? Hehe…”
The little Aurin mouthed to himself worriedly “Ass...cracker?” But then smiled amusedly when he realised it was the name for the blade, “Ya give all your things names like that?” After Jazz’s second suggestion, his tail grabbed onto the handle of the blade before he started to climb up the trunk as he asked “Ya got a name ma’am?”
Jazz couldn’t help how she stared at the intriguing use of his tail. Truth be told she had seen Aurin from afar, but never really interacted with them much outside of passing, so it was always fascinating for her to watch their new quirks. At his question Jazz nodded brightly, “Mmhmm! Each o’ my stabbies got names, includin’ me fists!”  
She tried to wave up at the fellow as he climbed, but it was awkward due to the upside-down position. “Da name’s Jazz! Friends call me Jazzy or Shorty, enemies call me little shit, but ya can taaaa-okay Jazz doin’ a spinny, I can’t see ya.” She tried to wiggly around but she currently found herself rotating on the rope slowly.
Majro grinned, “Hopefully those fists won’t ever have MY name on ‘em!” He reached a height where he thought he would be in range to hand over the knife, and his tail rose carefully towards his waiting hand. His grip on the tree faltered a bit as the transfer happened, but he managed to hold on.
“Pleasure to meetcha, Miss Jazz. Name’s Majro. Majro Skyfern.” He began to extend the knife toward her, handle first, but recoiled a bit as she span. “Oh that’s...that’s no good.” The blade was placed between his teeth, and he reached out with his free hand to steady the rope. Then he realized, “...Thish ish worsh.” He looked back toward the tree with worry.
“Majro Skyfern? D’az an awesome name!” Jazz felt him nearby and tried to lean over once the rope started to spin towards the Aurin again, but found herself stuck. “Eh? Wa’z happenin’ over dere Majro?!” Jazz called out and tried to yank herself to him again, but ended up accidentally pulling Majro away from the tree.
“OH SHI-!” She cried out in panic and quickly grabbed onto his arm to make sure he didn’t fall, “Sorry sorry I t’ought ju was done!”
Majro gave a somewhat undignified shriek around the knife as what remained of his grip slipped free of the bark. He seemed destined to make a great splat onto the ground below, but Jazz’s grip on his arm saved him. For that moment, anyhow.
“Noh noh. Thash -” His now free-hand removed the blade from his mouth. It probably didn’t have much slobber on it. Probably. Poor Ass-cracker. “...that’s my bad. This never was my best event in boot camp, come to think of it.” He did his best to lift the machete’s handle towards the human again, “Think you can manage it with one hand? You can let me fall, I wouldn’t blame ya.”
“O’course I can do dis with one arm, I ain’ been buildin’ deez guns for nothin’! Jus’ hold on to my belly an’ I’ll grab the blade!” Jazz sounded almost offended that he even had to ask, but she simply lifted the Aurin up with one arm, grunting with effort while doing so, and waited for him to do as instructed before grabbing the blade.
She started to whack away at the rope until it snapped and jolted them lower suddenly, making Jazz gasp out in shock. Well. Too late to back out now. Her eyes widened as she remembered this time she had a passenger with her in this fall and before the rope finally snapped, Jazz quickly threw the blade down and braced an arm around Majro. She warned him with an awkward smile, “Uh...sorry about dis next part.”
She rapidly grabbed onto the Aurin and wrapped all her limbs around him before they plummeted.
Majro did as she asked, clinging onto the human for dear life. “Don’t you worry ‘bout lil’ ol’ me! We got dis! It’s gonna be-” The downward shuddering of the rope put an end to whatever platitude he was in the middle of crowing, “...well, I was gonna say ‘alright’, but.” He clung tighter. “I’m sorry too.” He screeched pretty much the whole way down as the rope finally gave way.
Somehow, he possessed the presence of mind to send an arc of espernetic energy sparking at his hands, but he couldn’t formulate the thought quickly enough. His attempt to cushion their landing with espernetics fizzled before it fully took form.
Jazz didn’t bother screaming and instead squinted her eyes shut as she braced for the painful impact and encircled the poor panicking Aurin. Luckily for the both of them Jazz’s instincts came out in a blaze, quite literally, as the ball of tangled limbs was inflamed with espernetic fire that took all the damage from the first bounce against a large root. Both Majro and Jazz ended up rolling quickly into a soft flower bed before they slowly halted to a stop, the flames having long dissipated.
Jazz hesitantly blinked her eyes open and let go of Majro as she stared incredulously up at the sky. She let out a small titter. Then a giggle. Which grew into a relieved chuckle and then a loud chortle as she heaved with laughter.
Majro’s eyes squeezed shut as they hit the tree root, a hiss of alarm escaping him. Blue sparks continued to dance about his arms and hands as they continued to roll, trying to formulate some kind of cushion to prevent them from hitting whatever’s coming next as hard as they hit the first stop. The runway however was a great deal softer than he expected. He cracked an eye open, then another. As Jazz pulled away, he sat up, looking not up to the sky but to the ground around them. The human’s laughter proves contagious, and before long, he’s cackling right along with her. He flopped onto his back as he ran out of breath, petals flying up in his wake.
“Hee hee DUDE! WE’RE ALIVE!” Jazz cried out with glee and raised two middle fingers into the air in victory as she roared with a grin “SUCK IT GRAVITY! HAHA!” Jazz felt so buzzed from the rush of the fall that she couldn’t help but start rolling around on the grass still laughing, albeit now at a smaller and quieter level. She didn’t notice the little firework espernetics that shot out as well from her excitement.
Majro’s arm shot upward out of the grass, a single fistpump, for great justice. “Slag yeah! Trees thought they were taking us down, but not this time!” He boasted, blowing away a petal that had settled on his nose before pulling himself back up to a sitting position. He looked over towards Jazz, “Pretty sure I owe my head not being split like a melon to you, ma’am. Thanks for the save. You all right? Need any healing or anything?” He lifted a hand, faint blue light at his palm flickering to gold and back to blue a few times before holding steady. As he spied the fireworks she gave off, his hand lowered, “Or...maybe you got it covered.” He added softly.
Jazz’s laughter finally simmered down as she heaved, “Oh...Oh sorry boy gimme a sec, I jus- I’m excited!”
She giggled one last time before sitting up and tried patting down all the flora that got tangled in her curls that grew wilder amidst her rolls. “Nah, no need ta thank me when you was da one who got me Ass-cracker from the bottom!” She gasped when she saw his hand flicker gold, “Oooh! Ju got the esp-y things too?! That’s awesome!”
Majro favored the human with a warm grin, a hand lifting to rustle grass and petals from his own hair as she got her bearings. His hand reached around to the back of his head, stopping short seemingly in surprise before his claws fell, returning to the grass behind him. He still wasn’t used to having short hair yet.
Her comment regarding espernetics set him to curling the offered hand back towards himself sheepishly, one hand wringing the other. “Heh, yeah, more like I try to, anyway. Usually pretty good at doin’ stuff that hurts, but the stuff that makes the hurting go away...eh. Not my strong suit. I’d be willing to try though, if ya needed it!” He crossed his legs, patting his pockets as though looking for something.
The human followed his hands with a thoughtful gaze, not really melancholic but not quite fond either. She didn’t really feel like explaining the complications behind her espernetics so Jazz hugged her knees to herself as she simply shook her head smiling, “Nah, Jazz been hurt worse than a stupid tree. It’s how I got dis after all!” She poked the tip of her broken nose with a wink before she patted his knee “But t’anks for helpin’ me out fella! Ya sure didn’t have to do that since you was busy with...with…”
She blinked, “...what were ya doin’ ‘round these parts?”
Majro’s ears flattened slightly, and a nervous chuckle escaped him. “I...dunno, actually. Whole lotta nothin’, if I’m honest.” He found what he was looking for, a chron, somehow miraculously still in one piece. He tapped it to life, “Just...getting fresh air, I guess. Nothing as interesting as fighting rope like you were haha.”
Jazz crossed her arms defensively, “Eyy, I said I wasn’t lookin’ for rope I was jus’...doin’ somet’in’ else. Y’know. Oh shit speakin’ o’ which!”
She bounced up onto her feet and checked the time before grinning, “I oughta be headin’ back to my friend, she’s probably expectin’ me by now!” Without warning she grabbed the Aurin up into a brief hug snickering, “I see ya later Maj-bro!”
She dropped the Aurin unceremoniously before taking off into a quick jog while waving over her shoulder, poor Majro left bewildered on the grass with petals in his hair again.
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darrenrawesome · 7 years
What if DBZ treated its large supporting cast better?
An idea has been knocking around in my head because I’ve been too spoiled on some shows and stories that have as much love for their supporting cast of characters as they did for the main character, like in One Piece. But I have been enjoying the slice of life bits between the story arcs currently in Dragon Ball Super, which from time to time reminds me of all the characters that have been left out of most of the major story arcs just because. So how would I improve it so that most of the characters don’t get left behind in the dust by our main character? Easy, By treating death as more of a significant factor that only happens to a few characters at a time. Death should be important to some events and treated as it normally should. Wishes can bring people back to life, but I want to keep the death count of hero characters to as few as possible.
The Saiyan Saga.
Everything should play out as it normally does with the coming of raditz and the kidnapping of Gohan. Goku and Piccolo would team up and Goku will sacrifice himself like he does in the original continuity and the Saiyans will try and communicate with Raditz and overhear about the Dragon Balls. BUT! We will approach this with a change of direction in how they handle getting ready for the Saiyans. Piccolo will kidnap Gohan once when Bulma, Roshi, and Krillin arrive on the scene. They will find both corpses of Goku and Raditz and assume that Piccolo betrayed Goku and killed them both,. Cause remember, He is still kinda the bad guy from the original DB series. So Bulma, Krillin and Roshi try and figure out a plan on how to deal with Piccolo and bring back Goku with the Dragon Balls.
We will then divide the plot up between three stories.
-Goku’s adventures in the afterlife, Kami would usher him in and King Yemma will recommend meeting King Kai. Minus the snake princess filler and focus more on the build up of trying to reach the end of Snake way to start and end each episode. Until he evenutally meets King Kai and over the course of the events, trains and learns King Kai’s techniques.
-Krillin, Yamcha, Tien, and Chiaotzu Will gather up and try to track down Piccolo and rescue Gohan. They will initially find Gohan seemingly being terrorized and abused by Piccolo, much like how they initially behaved in the episodes from the original continuity. All the Z fighters will then challenge Piccolo and he takes up their offer, asking them to fight him all together. And based on the gap in their strength they seize the opportunity but find themselves outmatched. But instead they feel like Piccolo is holding back as they all should have been killed several times. So Piccolo then speaks frankly, saying the reason why Goku died was because they failed to fight as a team, depending on their individual strengths and tactics did more damage to them and resulted in their last resort being Goku’s sacrifice. So if the Saiyans are going to come, and if they are stronger than Raditz then they have to train and learn to fight together. So the Z Fighters then agree and train with Piccolo and Gohan.
-Bulma will once again go on a hunt for the Dragon balls, but because time is short, and she is not a skilled fighter to handle any obstacle like Goku would. So she goes to Chichi to break the news of Goku’s death to her, but then ask her help to find the dragon balls again. In turn they would then recruit the Ox King, Master Roshi, Oolong and Yajirobe to try and hunt for the dragon balls to wish Goku back to life. This allows us to have more fun with the old Dragon Ball Characters as they go on three and a half episodes worth of collecting Dragon Balls. Roshi might be pulled away to help Krillin and Yamcha train. But this will be the episodes that alternate between the ones focusing on the Z warriors training and Bulma’s group hunting for Dragon Balls. Then eventually the Saiyan’s will make Earthfall. Bulma’s group hasn’t found the last dragon ball. So the Z-Fighters go off to intercept and try and take their plan into action. Since they are six fighters in total against two, they figure their best option would be to fight 3 on 1. But their plans are immediately complicated by the use of the Saibamen. Now they would attempt to self destruct when fighting Yamcha, but Piccollo will notice this and save him. Now knowing what they are dealing with, the Z fighters will be fighting off the minions without blowing up. Bulma’s group will have found the last dragon ball and summon the dragon. This will cause tension as the group has to defeat all the Saibamen and then the Saiyans before they could go and steal their wish. Vegeta will then give Nappa the go ahead to clean house as as the last Saibamen are about to blow up. 
Nappa would dramatically overwhelm Yamcha and Chiaotzu who would be knocked unconscious or across a great distance. Tien can almost hold his own but is lucky enough to be saved by Piccolo and Krillin as he was about to receive a death blow, he too will be rendered unconscious from the force of the attack leaving three against 2. But then Goku is wished back to life, He uses his newly trained strength and speed to leave King Kai’s world and cross Snake way in a matter of minutes, insanely faster compared to half a possible 10 episode training arc worth of running. He will be met by Kami who will transport him to earth’s look out. Getting an update to the situation. Goku then plans to fly over to Yajirobe, Bulma, Chichi, and Ox King to personally thank them and to be embraced by his wife. He then decides on a plan to get senzu beans and help from them as he immediately flies out to save Gohan, Piccolo and Krillin.
Nappa would prove too powerful on his own, proving that their three on one strategy is not enough, as Gohan is still struggling to keep up, his strength is mostly dependent on his rage, but he is more terrified than angry. And when Gohan was about to be killed by Nappa as he does in the original series of events, Piccolo sacrifices himself and takes the brunt of Nappa’s attack. His death will play out like it should, as it does and this sets Gohan off. He will try to fight off Napa which knocks the saiyan back a bit, but his inexperience leaves him open and Nappa is about to kill Gohan till Krillian saves him. Krillin is distraught as he is almost the last man standing. But then Goku Arrives,
Goku peaks the interest of the Saiyans as they thought he was dead, Goku then reprimands the two as he informs them that he was dead, but wished back to life, using up the only wish the dragon balls had for a while. But since Piccolo is dead, Kami is too, and so the dragon balls are forever rendered useless. He punctuates this by instantly defeating nappa with a taste of his newly acquired strength and abilities from training with King Kai. This enrages Vegeta who tries to take out  his anger on Nappa, but as a show of strength and compassion, Goku would deflect the death blow that would’ve killed Nappa. Further reprimanding Vegeta’s actions as they have mentioned that they might be the only Saiyans left and how a life shouldn’t be so carelessly wasted. Vegeta and Goku will then duke it out as they normally would in the original story.
Once it gets to the point of when Vegeta turns into an Ozuroo. This plays out normally, but in the background of the fight, Yajirobe, and Roshi would be giving the Z fighters Senzu beans to wake them back up, but when Gohan recovers he sees the energy ball that triggered Vegeta’s transformation and transforms himself. This throws Vegeta off his game, Goku is debating using his spirit bomb but he could end up killing Gohan if he gets in the way. The rest of the gang who have experienced this situation before immediately jump into action. As Tien, Yamcha, Chiaotzu , Roshi, and Goku try to restrain both great apes, allowing Krillin and Yajirobe to cut off both of the great ape tails. Rendering both Gohan and Vegeta nearly unconcious. Vegeta struggles to get up, Nappa eventually gets up and he limps over to grab Vegeta despite the saiyan prince’s protests. Goku offers the same mercy he gave to Nappa to Vegeta. Nappa regretably accepts and retreats to his pod with Vegeta in hand. Vegeta promises to come back and kill them all.
In the aftermath, Goku will be severly injured, and when he asks for a senzu bean, Yajirobe pretty much used all Korrin currently had in order to recover everybody while Goku had been distracting Vegeta. Goku was gonna have to wait like he does in the original series. But now they had to wonder, the dragon balls are gone, and Piccolo died saving Gohan. Gohan then asks why they can’t bring back Piccolo like they did his dad. Mr. Popo will pop up and mention there is a way. Revealing that Piccolo and Kami were originally aliens called namekians, and they might have their own dragon balls. The group decides if it is worth having Dragon Balls back as everyone always is trying to hunt for them like Pilaf and might wish to rule the world. Goku vouches for the idea to go to Namek, Piccolo was Gohan’s friend and in his absence helped everyone protect the earth, despite his previous motives. He should be given a second chance. So they learn of the Namekian ship from Mr. Popo and make a plan to have Bulma, Gohan, Krillin, Tien, Chiaotzu , Yamcha, and Master Roshi and Oolong and Puar. go to Namek to meet the namekians and ask to use their dragon balls to bring back Piccolo and Kami. While Goku waits to make his own trip to follow them once he is healed back up.
I’m too tired to do the Freiza Arc at thi point. I’ll probably do it later on when I find the time. But with the changes made  We still keep most of our human cast alive, Nappa is alive to participate in other things. Piccolo begins his evolution into becoming a hero like the rest of the Z fighters and there is a deeper emotional connection felt when Gohan wants to bring him back to life despite how Piccolo first treated him,
Good Night!
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goddamnwebcomics · 7 years
Predicting Spinnerette Arcs 26-35
Everyone except very delusional people know that Spinnerette is going downhill. With it’s current asinine plots, the fact the whole comic seemed to lose it’s serious plot-related grasp after Colonel Class arc, and it’s stupid awful artstyle drawn by a guy who keeps altering the designs of characters - let’s call him P. C. Dimbleby - and actual script calls for chibi faces, things aren’t honestly looking good for the Asylum version of Empowered. But hey, Kraw’s printing money with merch involving scantily clad protagonists and porn comics that are canon so nothing’s gonna be a problem for him!
With that said, it’s pretty easy to call what he has in his mind next, and here i will predict the plot of every issue from 26 to 35. Let’s begin.
Issue 26: The Return Of Jara
It’s revealed that before Spinny, Mecha Maid dated a man who was abusive towards her and made her become a lesbian. The said man is now working in the same science lab place as Heather, and the man titled Jara - who looks like a Biff Tannen with classic P.C. Dimbleby hooknose, by pure accident runs into her. Jara grows fondness for Spinny, thinking she is single. After several irritating catcalls, Heather wants to bring Jara to comfort HER love. Heather forgets that secret identities are a thing that must be protected, and in her futile ALS form, she comes to see Jara again. Jara calls her buzzwords which are meant to make audience angry, allowing Heather to transform into Spinny and beat the crap out of him. Mecha likes it for some reason and they get away with it, because turns out Jara had been stealing scientific tools from the lab in order to make moonshine and the cops think Spinny was beating him up for that reason. Their relationship “develops” and Kraw wants to inform you he is not like most guys and he is single ladies.
Issue 27: Colonel Glass 2: Part 1
North Korea has done some nuclear tests, which pisses off America and it’s anti-superhero and anti-fun and anti-allthingsKrawlikes president Meanie D. T. Incompetent. He teams up with prime minister of Canada, who is a topical Rob Ford parody despite the fact dude died several years ago, in order to use the “superity” from the local superheroes to recreate Cherenkov-Kirby Reactor or something which could wipe N.K. off the map. However, the superheroes know MORE THAN THAT, Benjamin Franklin returns to reveal the nuclear tests are actually massive attacks performed by Colonel Glass 2. Turns out N.K. had a bodyclone of Colonel Glass in case he would die in his trip, which he did. Benjamin also tells the heroes to watch out for government who are trying to do something with “superity”, we get exposition that the first superhero that did CK reactor basically created superheroism by using his blood to create the reactor, which gave birth to “superity”, more “superity” they have, the stronger they are and so far CK Reactor is the only one that can infect being with “superity” but governments all around the world are looking for other ways to make it. Because governments are hypocrites, says Kraw as he pats himself in the back and thinks he’s about to create the next Brave New World. Superheroes get canadian superfucks to help them because of course they do.
We cut to Colonel Glass 2 doing shit, turns out he shares the memories of Colonel Glass 1, including the memories from before he died? and develops perverse fondness for Mecha Maid, he starts flying towards America as all glass around the world go haywire. Spinny, Mecha Maid, Tiger, London, Minerva, Katt O Nine Tails and Green Gable try to sneak with their supercar when Sergeant Generic notices them, he sends Noob Saibot after them. Meanie D.T. Incompetent finds out about the escapees and proceeds to BOMB THEM AND NOT CARE ABOUT CASUALTIES because that’s how politicians in real life work. Cliffhanger.
Issue 28: Colonel Glass 2: Part 2
Spinny and rest of superheroes survive the attacks and reach the Atlantic, where they bump into a weird group of rejects with really one sided personalities, one is a character meant to point out the flaws of Netflix series Daredevil which Kraw seriously thinks he could write better, other one is a friendly zombie girl and another is a quirky scene girl who licks things and a wacky running gag is that Mecha Maid finds her creepy. They reveal they are South Korean Superheroes who were almost killed by Original Colonel Glass and set up a base in the atlantic. They were before experimented with CK Reactor and therefore have more “superity” than any other superhero on the planet besides Colonel Glass 2. Meanwhile President Incompetent decides to start a war against the entire continent of Asia, considering them all “anime-watching rice eaters who did Pearl Harbour” because Kraw never puts stereotypes in his own characters. American War Fleet flies past the superfucks, and canadians and Tiger stay in the base while the SK heroes and Spinny and Mecha Maid go after them. They all get destroyed in one hit by Colonel Glass 2. Spinny, Mecha Maid and SK heroes somehow survive the blast but turns out it was INTENTIONAL as Colonel Glass 2 finds Mecha Maid to torture her. Spinny is mad. Cliffhanger.
Issue 29: Colonel Glass 2: Part 3
President Meanie D.T. Incompetent has HAD ENOUGH and demands Sergeant Generic to call some abnormal guy to help them set up the CK Reactor Weapon properly that can wipe out CG2. Because world is small, Generic calls Dr. Universe, who agrees to let past be past in face of common threat, but also wants to manipulate them into following their objectivist goals. Mecha Maid wakes up in a dark room, where she gets fed memories and other shit, that Kraw wants you to think resembles sexual harassment geddit Kraw knows your feelings Kraw understands Kraw is a friend. Bullshit happens as Spinny’s anger manifests inside him and transforms him into a giant golden spider creature, one of the SK Superfucks say “this is like Dragon Ball Z episode” and at that point you know where this is fucking going. Spinny tears inside Glass’s base conveniently and a long climactic fight ensues, ending with Glass 2 dying by thermite again. Spinny becomes normal again and wakes up in the SK fleet, where Mecha Maid is mad at her for once again murdering someone. Mecha then cries it was her own fault and crying crying crying. Dr. Universe fools Meanie D.T. Incompetent as he calls Super MILF and Greta Gravity to sex him out of working on the weapons! Ha ha! This is a serious comic!
Issue 30: Boring Prequel
This story is a prequel to the first ever case of “Superity”, which takes place in Wild West, in yet another stupid unimaginative alternate universe twist, Buffalo Bill was a superhero, and from there it’s shown how first CK Reactor was made, but the first superhero whose name i forgot is warned of “them”, who are “they”? You’ll find out soon enough.
Issue 31: Critical Analysis
Spinny has returned home with a bad feeling, and she’s got strange aches all over her body. Turns out the Friendly Zombie Girl is there to investigate upon Spinny as she reveals to her both of them are “Stanisian”, people who are full of “superity” which is just Stanisian blood, and are unable to toggle their powers off. Spinny somehow became stanisian by CK Reactor because before stanisians were only by birth only which intrigues the zombie girl. She reveals what happened in the last arc was her exposing her “Ultra Stanisian Power” which only comes into effect over strong stress. Heather also finds out Stanisians never die, as SK zombie girl was the first child of Genghis Khan. Stanisians have existed since humanity’s beginning, but only when CK Reactor was created, humans could get “superity” AKA Stanisian blood too. The reason most humans don’t know about them is because they’re the mortal enemy of “Enlightened”, perfect humans who have ability to manipulate people and are omnipotent but don’t have superpowers, Enlightened have controlled the world by their secret society - you guessed it - the Illuminati since the old times in order to wipe out Stanisians but they always fail.
First thing Spinny realizes after all of this is that, she can cure Mecha Maid by transforming her into Stanisian! Friendly Zombie Girl advices this is not a good idea because exposing a human to too much superity could kill them, and types like Heather are a rarity. Spinny can’t convince Mecha though, who just gets madder so Spinny asks help from Universe. Universe reveals he knew about Stanisians all along and he constructed CK Reactor so that he could in fact turn more people into them so that the Illuminati could be taken down. It’s revealed Ayn Rand was against the Illuminati and the infamy of the book is a pop culture propaganda. What. They begin working on it. Cliffhanger.
Issue 32: The Lesbian Torment
Adrastea and Sara NIcole meet on same jailcell, they fall in love because Sara Nicole hasn’t eaten her anti-gay bagels. Their relationship is meant to be “different” as in, “it’s same shit as Mecha’s and Spinny’s relationship, except they’re both more aggressive”. They fool the guards by making out and escape.
Issue 33: Critical Analysis Part 2:
Dr. Universe takes a bit of blood from Friendly Zombie Girl as she has finished the POCKET SIZED CK REACTOR. Then government rushes in with Sergeant Generic on helm and Universe as well as Spinny get arrested. They’re taken in front of Illuminati, who are ready to literally wipe them out of existence because oh cool Kraw read 1984 just now. Friendly Zombie Girl wasn’t arrested and Greta takes her to bite Mecha Maid, curing her by all of her fucking problems and she becomes Ultra Stanisian, saving Spinny and Universe. Illuminati finds out THE INFESTATION IS SPREADING. At this point it’s also revealed N.K. Government is actually propaganda’d as shitty dictator state because they refused to join the New World Order and is the only state ran by Stanisians.
Issue 34: War Of Minds
A kickstarted exclusive story focusing on SK Superheroes, with Daredevil potshotter dating the other. Boring.
Issue 35: Revenge of Revenge
Life has become harder for Spinny to keep double identities when Sara Nicole and Adrastea butt in to cause chaos. Adrastea wants to nuke science facilities while Sara Nicole wants everyone to like her. They nag like an arguing couple, isn’t that funny. It ends with Mecha Maid dying as Spinny cries, when she wakes up to find out it has all been a drug-induced dream and she remembers when she went to comfort Mecha Maid after Colonel Glass Arc, she threw Heather off the bed and beat the ever-living shit out of her, before she got a massive heart attack and passed away, with her last words being “I wish i never met you.” Heather wants to go back into these dreams when she finds out she’s been carried to hospital, where Sahira states that she’s been diagnozed with a rare variation of ALS that is contagious. Haw haw.
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recentanimenews · 5 years
Crunchyroll Favorites 2018 Part One: Anime and Manga!
2018 was a wild ride for all of us, but at least we had a whole lot of great anime and manga to keep us entertained along the way! We laughed, we cried, we recoiled in horror, and we waited for the "ahh, you are motherf**ker?" moment in Pop Team Epic's anime that never actually came.
  We recently talked about our favorite anime of the past season, and our most-anticipated anime of the coming season, so that brings us to now, to the now-annual tradition of Crunchyroll Favorites (can you believe we've been doing this for eight years?!), where CR's staff, editors, and writers share what stood out most to them over the entirety of 2018. The rules were simple: for Part One, only anime, manga, and related media that were released in 2018 (or received a Western release in 2018), or experienced a major milestone (like starting a new season or closing up a major arc).
There's a whole lot to look at in Part One--let's get started!
Nate Ming
Devilman Crybaby - Satisfying violence and a pulsing soundtrack headline this savage modern retelling of the Devilman legend--this is the kind of thing that got me into anime in the first place, and it felt great to be back.
Dragon Ball Super ending - Meanwhile, Dragon Ball Super wrapped up with an insane 3v1 fight to the finish in the Tournament of Power. Imagine a group of grown men sitting around screaming at the TV like excited children--because in that moment, with a gassed-out, shoulder-to-shoulder Goku and Freeza meeting Jiren head-on… we were again.
HINAMATSURI - MY SMARTPHONE!! I figured Hinamatsuri would just be this goofy domestic comedy about a beleaguered yakuza adopting a psychic child, but then it got real. Like, "why am I crying so much at Anzu's story" real. It's so good, and one I really need to rewatch.
March comes in like a lion - The beauty of March is that it's sad, and sometimes a downer, but never a miserable pity parade that constantly dumps on its characters. There's growth, and a light at the end of the tunnel--healing and catharsis that come after the worst parts of life. We're going to lose the people we love, and we're going to be treated like garbage by the people around us… but that's never the end of the story if you have people you love and trust by your side.
Shonen Jump - This is what I'd been dreaming of for years, but always felt too difficult to implement… until now. New chapters? Free every week. The massive back catalog, along with an updated list of currently-running titles? TWO DOLLARS A MONTH. This is madness, and it's never been a better time to see people reading classics like Dragon Ball for the first time ever.
Honorable Mentions: A Place Further Than the Universe, Asobi Asobase - workshop of fun -, Laid-Back Camp
Cayla Coats
Liz and the Blue Bird - Sound! Euphonium is one of my favorite series, and this film takes the franchise to new artistic heights. Director Naoko Yamada and composer Kensuke Ushio reunite and create something truly special together.
A Place Further Than the Universe - This wasn’t the best-directed, best-animated, or best-scored anime of the year, but the sum is greater than the parts in this case. A Place Further is by far my favorite broadcast anime of the year.
That Time I Got Reincarnated as a Slime - I love “another world” anime that focus on worldbuilding and characterization over action, but Slime has both in spades. Also, protagonist Rimuru is super OP, but they’re so likable that I don’t really care.
Violet Evergarden - There’s a lot I could say about this stunningly-produced show, but I’ll just note that toward the beginning of the first episode, Violet picks up an object using her mouth. While it seems like a weird character eccentricity at first, it’s later revealed that she has trouble using her new prosthetic hands. That’s a pretty good indication of how thoughtful the entire series is.
Dead Dead Demon’s Dedede Destruction - The newest series to be brought stateside from Goodnight Punpun author Inio Asano, Destruction is easily my favorite work from him to date. Taking the trademark eccentricity and attention to detail of his other titles, Destruction merges it with a much less grimdark tone that I find hugely refreshing.
  Nicole Mejias
Golden Kamuy - It’s no secret that I love Golden Kamuy to bits! The unique characters got me hooked, and then everything else (the story, action, drama and comedy) reeled me in to keep anticipating each and every episode. When’s season 3?!
Pop Team Epic - Where were you when the anime gods blessed us with Pop Team Epic? It’s basically anime shitposting, and it’s absolutely GLORIOUS! Yeah, I’m gonna be thinking about Hellshake Yano for a very long time.
Ms. Koizumi Loves Ramen Noodles - If you know me, you know I love my ramen. And this show was a testament to how amazing and delicious ramen is while presenting a different array of wonderful ramen you can find in Japan! Of course, after each episode, I was left with the overwhelming desire for ramen, which was hard to curb.
Banana Fish (manga reprints) - Once news of the reprints began spreading around, I knew it was time for me to actually experience the majesty of Banana Fish! I don’t know what I expected, but I was addicted, reading all the volumes so fast, and I had to know what was going to happen next, so I went from volume to volume until I reached the end… What a thrill! I can’t believe it took me this long to check this series out. I’m glad I did!
Pokemon marathon on Twitch - The second Twitch announced this marathon, I was SO ready for it! I watched the old Pokémon anime when I was a kid, and watching the marathon brought back a lot of fun memories. There were also a bunch of moments in the anime I didn’t remember at all, like that bizarre Kangaskhan episode… It was a fun time to relive the show with thousands of other fans on Twitch!
Daniel Dockery
Dr. Stone - This is the “Are you reading this? No? WELL YOU BETTER GET ON THAT” manga of the year, along with Promised Neverland. It’s so good and funny and I just love it.
“Mr. Osomatsu In Hell” - The second season of Mr. Osomatsu was more uneven than the first, but the season finale is a work of art. I really hope the movie is good, and that we get a Season 3.
JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure: Golden Wind - I only got into JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure this year, and the more I watch it, the more I like it. It’s one of the few pieces of media that I’ve seen that is just as good as everyone made it out to be.
My Hero Academia: Two Heroes - No theater experience will ever top hearing an entire audience erupt into applause when All Might yelled “CAROLINA SMASH.”
That Time I Got Reincarnated As Yamcha - Poor Yamcha. His stock has dropped significantly since he went toe-to-toe with Goku in his first Dragon Ball appearance. Luckily, this manga knows that, and is more hilarious for it. Next I hope for “That Time I Got Reincarnated As That One Pterodactyl That Tried To Mess With Goku In Dragon Ball Chapter 1.”
Peter Fobian
A Place Further Than the Universe - A Place Further felt like it was going against the grain in many ways, as a character-driven drama without many of the usual anime trappings. It’s a damn near perfect show with an excellent story, tight character writing, and some truly brutal emotional beats delivered in novel and creative ways.
Planet With - Maybe some of the tightest storytelling I’ve ever seen, getting 24 episodes' worth of content finished in half that, at a pace that felt perfect. If you decide to check it out, be ready for two full narrative arcs and a ton of interesting character-based subplots all serving the overarching message of the value of compassion and forgiveness.
SSSS.GRIDMAN - It feels like I’m always waiting for the next TRIGGER anime that has the same bombastic energy as Gurren Lagann or Kill la Kill, but GRIDMAN proved they’re able to deliver a muted and thoughtful show as well. Amemiya penned a love letter to tokusatsu so reverent that even people like me can feel his passion. Some characters felt underutilized, but GRIDMAN was charming, mysterious, and stuck the landing.
Laid-Back Camp - I wish there were more anime like this: realizing a new episode of this anime was out became a weekly highlight. It’s chill, it’s funny, it’s educational, and it doesn’t pull any anime shenanigans. Just like the title says, you have absolutely nothing to worry about while watching this show.
HINAMATSURI - I remember seeing a promotion for this anime almost a year before it was released, showing Mao’s kung-fu sequence and thought: this would be a martial arts anime. Nothing could have prepared me for one of the single funniest anime I’ve ever seen. Hinamatsuri has some of the greatest comedic timing this year, and still managed to pack in beautifully-animated psychic fights and some ridiculously powerful emotional moments. I still have whiplash.
Ricky Soberano
Fairy Tail Final Season - This marks the end of this legendary shonen and inevitable Fairy Tail-induced tears well up with every episode that inches slowly to the end. It may look like a victory lap on the surface, but the show is answering every burning question, fueling a fire in hearts, and cementing every reason why it’ll be missed.
As Miss Beelzebub Likes It. - As someone who doesn’t go out of their way to look for cute anime, I was pleasantly surprised at myself and this show for the effect it had on my well-being. It was my guiltiest and fluffiest pleasure of the year and I enjoyed how light, adorably cute, and heartwarming it was.
Attack on Titan - I’ve been holding off on watching this for as long as I could and I definitely regret holding back on it. I will note: I did become vegan for a month after watching the first episode. Now I’m left screaming at the screen and dissecting every moment. With stakes as real as they could get, and consistent losing, I live for the small but progressing wins in the neverending battle for humanity.
Food Wars! The Third Plate - The tables have turned and a new set of rules have left our favorite food orgasm inducers to fight for their survival despite an entire system against them. The creations only got more mouth watering and frankly so did the more visible presence of Joichiro-san. In all seriousness, Hayama-san’s betrayal and Erina’s heightened courage in front of her father was enough to induce a lot of stress eating. Next stop: the final showdown.
Emily Bushman
Mo Dao Zu Shi - Technically a donghua (Chinese Animation), and not traditional Japanese anime, this is BY FAR one of my favorite shows of the year. There’s magic, it takes place in ancient China, and there’s lots of zombie slaying. The character designs are gorgeous, the pacing and action are exceptionally well done, and there’s juuuuuuust enough romantic tension to keep my blood warm.
Banana Fish - I didn’t catch this manga when I was younger, but my roommate told me I was missing out. We started watching the anime, which entranced me with cool character designs and excellent pacing. I got impatient and read the manga (which is just as good, if not better than the anime), and cried my eyes out at the ending.
Rascal Does Not Dream of Bunny Girl Senpai - I thought I was going to hate this, and instead ended up loving it. The dialogue is fast-paced, which keeps otherwise off-color jokes from souring, and instead transforms them into witticisms worthy of a chuckle. It is fun, heartwarming, and a little nostalgic, but does a wonderful job of transforming those perceived insurmountable imperfections into challenges worth overcoming.
A Place Further Than The Universe - Great characters, wonderful development, original story line, dramatic without being overwrought, an improbable scenario without being impossible. It made me cry big, fat tears (I was alone, in my apartment, it was kind of sad honestly), but I loved the salty-clean feeling of relief and forgiveness that came after I finished the show.
Kakuriyo: Bed and Breakfast for Spirits - This is a great show that DID NOT get enough love. It was a bit of a guilty pleasure for me, but also great from a cooking blog perspective. Aoi, the main character, makes a lot of foods that are interesting and not pedantic. It’s definitely a slice of life, but has a main character that is steadfast in her determination to burn through the prejudice, anger, or sadness of those she meets through her cooking.
Noelle Ogawa
The Promised Neverland - I got into it this year and what an absolute treat! Having grown up on the slow pacing of the Big Three, this turned the Jump formulas all around. Excellent cast of characters, a condensed story, intrigue about the world, a constant wonder- this series had it all. Emma is the rare female shonen protagonist who is completely capable on her own terms, and every character is sharp. It’s worked its way to be one of my favorite Jump series, and I can’t wait for the anime.
Pop Team Epic - I genuinely looked forward to this every week. It’s so hard to describe how absolutely wild it is. It’s hard to describe what exactly Pop Team Epic is but it’s definitely some kind of an experience. Being able to catch all the many cultural references were always a fun game to play for every episode, as well as seeing what chaotic entities Popuko and Pipimi had to shove into our faces.
That Time I Got Reincarnated As A Slime - This caught me off guard because I really am not a fan of 99% of isekai. I’d passed this series off as silly because of the title but I was wrong. It’s still an isekai in its bones, but it combines having fun with having something to say- with a slime protag, of all things. I’m really excited to see more!
My Solo Exchange Diary - Nagata Kabi’s autobiographical work always cut me to the core. Her dealing with both depression and her seuxality with finding her place in the world really speaks to me. At the same time, it’s not a dismal story at all, but one that’s filled with hope. It’s about trying to find your way in the world and make do with what you have, and I think we can all relate to that.
Paul Chapman
Planet With - A series that squeezes 52 episodes' worth of story into a trim 12, Planet With is packed with honesty and heart. Few shows leave me with a feeling of hope for the future, but Planet With's relentless positivity and effortless heroism in the face of unspeakable tragedy speak to how fiction can embody the best aspects of humanity.
A Place Further than the Universe - Blurring the boundaries of the “cute girls doing cute things” subgenre, A Place Further than the Universe is a heartfelt (and sometimes heartbreaking) drama about coming to grips with loss while on a journey of self-discovery. Incidentally, any moe show that features the main cast becoming seasick barf-monsters for an entire episode is A+ material.
Umamusume: Pretty Derby - It's hard to imagine that a tie-in anime for an as-yet-unreleased smart phone game that's supposed to sell viewers on the glories of Japanese horse racing can also be so consistently entertaining and emotionally sincere, but that's just the sort of thing that makes Umamusume: Pretty Derby a dark horse candidate for pure viewing pleasure.
Cells at Work! - Equal parts hilarious and horrifying, Cells at Work! makes learning the basics of human biology fun, because it's nice to imagine that every individual part of my cellular anatomy is just as dorky, self-conscious, and occasionally inept as I am.
Pop Team Epic - Every so often, there comes a work of art that so overwhelms me with its beauty and its ugliness that it leaves a scar upon my soul. But enough about Devilman Crybaby, 2018 is also the year that gave us the inimitable, inscrutable anime adaptation of Bkub Okawa's Pop Team Epic, and no one's complaining (except you).
Nick Creamer
Liz and the Blue Bird - As an unlikely followup to a side story from Sound! Euphonium’s second season, Liz and the Blue Bird was basically guaranteed to have niche appeal. But even if you haven’t seen the show it’s spun off from, Liz is a stunning accomplishment in any right, a gorgeous expression of love composed by one of the greatest directors in anime. Beyond its overt beauty, Liz uses visuals and music to perfectly evoke the mental states of its heroines throughout, making it easy to get carried into their world. Liz is a perfect jewel of a film.
Violet Evergarden - This has certainly been a strong year for Kyoto Animation! Along with the stunning Liz, their full-length Evergarden took my breath away again and again, elevating a poignant melodrama with all the animated splendor and thoughtful visual storytelling you expect from this team. It feels like my favorite animation studio are somehow leveling up.
After the Rain - There are far too few dramas about actual adults facing realistic problems in anime, and After the Rain stands as a welcome and brilliantly executed counter to the trend. Equally sympathetic to its teenage heroine’s feelings of displacement and its middle-aged hero’s feelings of regret, After the Rain paints a thoughtful and sympathetic portrait of its melancholy leads from start to finish. More people need to check out this insightful and very pretty show!
Planet With - Satoshi Mizukami has long been one of my favorite mangaka, and so I was thrilled to see his work finally debuting on the small screen. The results don’t disappoint; Planet With is a wildly ambitious, creative, and emphatically humanist tale of interplanetary war, secret identities, and much else besides. Along with providing some of the most thoughtful human insights of the anime year, it’s probably also the only show this year to feature a space general in a giant cat suit.
March comes in like a lion - March has stood among the best anime dramas for three straight years now, and the conclusion of its second season was an absolute triumph. Having slowly and compassionately articulated Rei’s journey from depression to genuine self-love, the show was at last able to extend its focus outwards, and celebrate the journeys of all the people Rei has come to care for. From its vivid visual embellishments and keen psychological insight to its great empathy for all its characters, March was a wonderful experience this year, and a show I’ll dearly miss.
Wilhelm Donko
A Place Further Than the Universe - The heartfelt story about four girls’ spectacular journey to Antarctica is not only my personal anime of the year; it also managed to secure itself a spot among my all-time favorite shows. Add highly-likeable characters, a great soundtrack, as well as gorgeous visuals to an excellent story, and you have one of the most well-crafted anime in recent years.
Laid-Back Camp - Laid-Back Camp accomplished the feat of making camping out alone in the cold look extremely enticing. Its cozy atmosphere, light humor, and the simply gorgeous-to-look-at backgrounds always made me want to grab my tent, and head out to the great outdoors after each episode.  
Harukana Receive - This was a perfect fit for this year’s summer anime season, getting us in the summer spirit with a whole season of nothing but beach volleyball in tropical Okinawa. On top of its vibrant visuals, the show also had a great upbeat soundtrack.
Kara Dennison
ZOMBIE LAND SAGA - The series’s vagueposting approach to publicity was as interesting as it was risky, but none of us could have been prepared for undead idols finding closure while Mamoru Miyano yells a lot. The back half of the series was especially good, touching on everything from personal identity to the spiral of depression. And in spite of all that heavy stuff mixed in, it brought me so much joy.
Lupin the 3rd Part 5 - I will always be a sucker for new Lupin, but there was something extra special about this season. Maybe it was the no-fear approach to action balanced out with the characters staying in-character, a dichotomy the franchise sometimes fumbles. Maybe it was just how deeply important the characters’ intelligence was, to the point of reminding us that Lupin is no mental slouch. Or maybe it was the callback filler episodes. At the moment, probably my favorite of the many Lupins.
Pop Team Epic - From a news standpoint, this series was a disaster to cover because we never knew the truth from the troll. Watching as a fan, and one with very little experience with the 4koma, was delightful. The cultural references were on point, and Norio Wakamoto made his way onto the cast list at least five episodes earlier than expected.
And that's a wrap for Part One! Be sure to tune in at the same time tomorrow for Part Two, where we share our favorite VIDEO GAMES of 2018! If you're in the mood for more CR Favorites, here are the links to past years' features:
Crunchyroll Favorites 2017 Part One | Part Two | Part Three
Crunchyroll Favorites 2016 Part One | Part Two | Part Three
Crunchyroll Favorites 2015 Part One | Part Two | Part Three
Crunchyroll Favorites 2014 Part One | Part Two | Part Three
Crunchyroll Favorites 2013 Part One | Part Two | Part Three
Crunchyroll Favorites 2012 Part One | Part Two | Part Three
Crunchyroll News' Best of 2011 Part One | Part Two
What were your favorite anime and manga of 2018? Remember, this is a FAVORITES list, not a BEST-OF list, so there are no wrong answers--sound off in the comments and share your favorites!
Nate Ming is the Features Editor for Crunchyroll News and creator of the long-running Fanart Friday column. You can follow him on Twitter at @NateMing. His comic, Shaw City Strikers, launches January 15, 2019.
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