#well like I said those two eps go to show just how close they've managed to become
firebirdsdaughter · 2 years
I know…
… That I’ve already mentioned how amazing their relationship development is going from the pilot to the series finale, but…
Also can we talk about them going from the ‘we’re not friends’/‘bc you have so many of those’ conversation to ‘get them to the chopper, now.’
W/ special mention to the ‘Nate, I can take them.’ preceding it, as well.
#Leverage#I went on about it in the tags before#but s1 is def building that relationship#it's somewhat rocky and messy#but by the Davids Jobs#well like I said those two eps go to show just how close they've managed to become#and then s2 is all about locking it in#like I know it was bc of Gina Belleman's pregnancy#but I feel like Tara's introduction goes SO FAR to show off just how completely Eliot and Nate have settled into their thing#like you def see the seeds on that first job from Eliot's professionalism to just how he talks to Nate later#but the development from there to him being the one Nate calls on to get the others out#bc he knows Eliot will do it for them and for him#and just#Eliot being ready to fight too many people w/ too big guns to protect his family#and ONLY not immediately trying bc Nate doesn't give the clear#Sterling would have had to be let go from work for medical reasons very early on if not for Eliot's loyalty to Nate#their relationship may not have quite as many ups and downs as the others#or at least not in the same way#you see the roots early on and it's proper settled by s2 and just continues getting deeper#they're pretty steady which fits both of them and fits w/ what I was saying about Eliot in that other post#Eliot will follow Nate to hell and try to protect him from it#s1 develops the relationship and the finale sees it solidify even if they scatter#s2 shows us just how deep and absolute it is#in s3 it comes under fire but comes back stronger than ever#s4 gives you another angle at it and shows just how deep it's come to run#and s5 is about passing the torch#but like I said the loyalty doesn't go away and the thing they had can't be replicated#his charge may be Parker and Hardison but Eliot's still Nate's left arm if he needs him#and it's beautiful#Literal Crime Family
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tanenigiri · 1 year
Episodes 6 and 7 of Our Dining Table have my favorite ever scenes in the manga (and that's not even considering that scene) so my opinion of the whole show was pretty much contingent on these two episodes.
And they knocked them out of the park.
(Stray thoughts and ramblings on Our Dining Table eps 6 and 7. Some light manga spoilers but nothing too revealing.)
Our Dining Table was one of the first manga I read, and by then I was very new to the concept of Christmas in Japan being a primarily romantic thing. So that whole scene about Minoru struggling to ask Yutaka about his Christmas plans flew over my head during my initial reading, but after re-reading it it made a lot more sense why Minoru was so on edge about it. I thought the show did this really well, and that added scene with Minoru and his manager in the ramen shop was a great way to contextualize it too.
We only see her for a single scene so let me just say: Ohata you will always be famous. (And her outfit looked so good??? We should've had a scene where Yutaka asked her for advice on which scarf to get.)
The whole "taking care of your sick loved one" trope is 50/50 for me as those scenes seem to be quite predictable, but I really like how Our Dining Table uses it as a catalyst for both Yutaka and Minoru to start truly opening up to each other. Sure, they've gotten very close over the past few months and I think both of them recognize by this point that their "friendship" is something special, but I found it very interesting that it's only by this scene - both in the manga and in the show - where they start digging deep into their issues and expressing why that friendship means a lot to them.
I've already said it in my previous two posts but it bears repeating: how they're handling Minoru's past in the show is such a step up from how it was in the manga. Minoru deciding to open up first so that Yutaka can be comfortable sharing his own past is so in-character and honestly makes that Christmas scene even more of a gut-punch than it already is.
And THEN we get that absolutely devastating scene with Tane and his dad, with the latter worrying about Yutaka dying. I feel like this scene was given a lot more weight in the show - mainly because I felt it gave the scene the space and time to play out - and I am still recovering from it. Very much a top 3 scene of the series for me.
(Also, shout out to the dad for getting the memo not once, but twice and letting Minoru get his much-deserved alone time with Yutaka. I'm sure he's making up for interrupting them in Episode 5.)
Cannot stress enough how fantastic the show's little plot additions have been, and the matching scarves as gifts is probably at the top of my list. I could go on and on about how it represents warmth and comfort and all that, but really I'm already screaming at the fact that they had the same idea on what to give each other.
I also want to point out how much I love that the very first shot of Episode 7 (after the opening credits) is Yutaka's dish rack with the washed bowl and utensils as it takes the viewer a second to realize that this was Minoru's doing. It's up there with the shoes in Episode 2 for me.
While I fell in love with the manga by like the first chapter, I think what cemented its grip on me was how they decided to gives us Yutaka's backstory in the style of Tane's drawings. That was definitely the scene I was most looking forward to in this entire series, and when I saw the Episode 7 preview at the end of Episode 6 with Yutaka just tearfully recounting his story to Minoru, I was worried that they were gonna do away with it. So you can imagine my reaction to not only seeing that Tane's drawings were kept, but that they also decided to animate a significant part of that backstory with the drawings. (All I'm gonna say is that I had to pause the video to calm down.)
Tane clinging to Yutaka like a koala was the best shot of the episode. It was a nice break from all the heavy emotions. And then Tane said sike and gave us that head patting scene and he really got us while our guard was down huh.
I really have nothing to say about the kiss as I'm not really a fan of dwelling on these kinds of scenes, but I will say that how understated it was fit with the tone of the show. If anything my only complaint was how I felt that scene was a bit dark (as in it lacked lighting haha not that it was grim).
Next episode is gonna be a rough and frustrating one I'm pretty sure, but I am curious on where they're gonna end it. There's one more scene I'm really looking forward to seeing but I think that's gonna come at like the finale.
I love this series so much. It's nothing flashy or groundbreaking but it takes pride in its simplicity and makes the most out of it. And I'm so glad more people are discovering it thanks to this show.
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