#welcome to another instalment of ellie's rb!oscar agenda
nyoomfruits · 9 months
For the kiss thingy landoscar 17!!!!
17. kiss to distract
“But then, if Max gets fifth, and I get fourth, I still win, but only if Charles doesn’t get third. Oh, and if Yuki doesn’t win. But if I win and Charles gets second, that’s fine? But Max can’t place above me regardless. If he wins it’s all over. So I definitely need to place above Max, and not more then one below Charles. But if Charles-“
“Lando,” Oscar cuts him off, from where he’s sitting on the couch, amused expression on his face. He’s already in his Red Bull polo, and Lando is once again struck by how well dark blue looks on him. Sure, Lando still thinks orange looks much better on him, but that probably mostly has something to do with how Oscar was wearing orange when he fell in love with him. Or something.
Besides, he’s traded his own orange hoodie for a black one a while ago, so really he isn’t one to talk. It’s laid out on the bed next to him as he speaks, but he hasn’t been able to bring himself to actually put it on and walk out of their hotel room. Something about it makes it all so official.
If he puts the hoodie on, he’s one step closer to winning the championship. If he puts the hoodie on, he’s one step closer to losing the championship.
“I mean, I probably shouldn’t worry too much about Charles, Ferrari has been Ferrari-ing it a lot lately, so the chances of them screwing something up at least are pretty big. Oh my god, what if my team screws up? I mean I love those guys to death, but we’re so close to winning a championship here, and they have to be nervous, and you know what happens when a crew gets nervous, they get all jittery and-“
“Lando,” Oscar repeats, and he’s in front of him suddenly. He’s smiling, that soft one with the crinkly eyes he saves specifically for Lando, and Lando can’t help but smile back, even though he knows it’s a little fragile at the edges.
“I’m sorry,” Lando sighs. “I know it’s unfair to you, you’re practically out of the running, unless Max, Charles and I all DNF, or fall outside the points. Or, hey, no, if Max and I DNF and Charles gets, uh, eight, and you win, then you could still-“
Oscar kisses him. As far as distraction methods go, it’s pretty effective, because Lando’s brain immediately turns to TV static.
“What was that for?” He asks, when he pulls away, even though he kind of already knows the answer.
“You were rambling,” Oscar says, smiling fondly. He’s still holding Lando’s face, and pulls him forward ever so slightly to press a kiss to his forehead.
“Bleh,” Lando says, lets himself flop forward into Oscar’s embrace, nose buried into the crook of his neck. “I’m nervous,” he says.
He can feel Oscar’s smile press against the top of his head. “I know.”
“What if I don’t win?” He asks. “What if I go through all of this and then I just don’t win?” It’s the one thing that’s been on his mind the most. What if he’s been fighting this whole year only to throw it away at the last moment. What then?
Oscar shrugs, jostling Lando a little in the process. “Then you take a deep breath, straighten your shoulders, and try again.”
“Hm,” Lando says. It’s not that reassuring, but Oscar’s never really been good at being reassuring. It’s what Lando loves about him, at the end of the day. How he will always be honest, even though that’s not what Lando wants or needs to hear.
“Hey,” Oscar says, pulling away from the hug so he can look at Lando. “I love you.”
“Yeah,” Lando says, smiling. At least he’s won that. “I love you too,” he says, and with one last kiss to Oscar’s lips, goes to pull on his hoodie.
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