#we get those shiver-seizures too- mostly when we eat
multmilk · 4 years
Strawberries and Cigarettes | l.t
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Pairing: idol!Taeyong x idol!reader
Genre: angst
Warnings: Use of cigars/smoking, character death, a bit of smut
Word count: 2.6k
He was from SM and you were from JYP. He was a member of 3 boy groups and you were a solo artist. His genre was more of pop while you make rnb. The two of you were working on opposite sides of the world so when you received the news that the two of you were collaborating, you were bewildered.
Now you were sitting alone inside a coffee shop waiting for Taeyong. You knew he was a talented man—a rapper, a composer and a hell of a good dancer. You’ve watched a lot of fancams out of pure curiosity and you were surprised that you had the pleasure of getting to work with him.
“Y/N?” a rich and foreign voice said, looking up at him you felt your heart skip a beat at his appearance. His hair was brown and it had some streaks of gray to it, it was a little disheveled but it still looked good. He was wearing a black long-sleeved shirt that made the veins in his hands more prominent, a dangling earing on his ear that added more charisma to him.
“I’m Lee Taeyong,” he smiled. Ooooh fuck he looks good, his voice sent shivers down your spine. You gestured for him to sit down across of you. This is going to be interesting, you thought.
It’s been a month since the two of you worked together. You mostly worked in his apartment, though his members lived there with him, they respected you and treated you like their family. They leave when the two of you work so that you could focus and they wouldn’t create ruckus.
You weren’t fully comfortable with him yet and you know he felt the same way too. You always sat on the edge of his bed while he sat on his chair across you. It was hard to work with someone so new, someone who’s a stranger. You had to be careful with every step you take—and although that being cautious is good, it’s difficult to not voice out your ideas to him because you’re afraid of him judging of what you thought.
You two were working on an album that focuses on the issues of society today. You had two solo songs, he had two solo songs and then there were two songs that features the both of you.
Your first song tackles about the beauty standards of men and women of our generation. How men aren’t allowed to wear make-up because it makes them look more feminine and how women should have this petite figure and if they don’t look what society expects them to look like, they do not belong in this place.
Your next song focuses on gender roles. Women can have a job that is expected to supposedly be for men and vice versa. Also, how people should be respected no matter their chose of job. Whether they are sex workers, drag queens or a waitress—each should be treated equally.
Taeyong’s first song is about corruption in politics and the politicians that don’t uphold the values and  morals of a good leader and how in turn, makes a country incompetent and their people ignorant.  
His next song is about the challenges faced by the mass. Poverty, treated unequally, high medicine fee and all things in between. What the two of you have worked on alone is a masterpiece.
Right now you were stuck inside his room, diverting your attention towards anything but making the music together. You’ve asked him for help and he did that but working on two whole songs together just seems a bit out of your comfort zone.
“What about pizza?” he asks “I don’t think pizza is a good top-“ you got cut off with his laugh. It was a hearty one too, not the chuckles you hear he lets go once you accidentally do or say something funny.
“I meant maybe you want me to get a pizza delivered? Maybe it’ll help remove this,” he gestured to the space between us, “Tension?” you just laughed, probably because you felt stupid and embarrassed for not catching his drift but you agreed to get pizza.
You and Taeyong are now seated on each side of his bed sharing a box of pizza. For the past hour, you two have been sharing stories and jokes like childhood friends catching up. You’ve learned that he has a passion for understanding arts, he’s really good at playing video games and he likes listening to Drake.
Neither of you initiated to start working on your songs but you liked the time you were using to get to know him. He was kind, gentle and warm.
There were numerous spotlights surrounding Taeyong. The photographer asked him to try different poses and to relax but for some reason, his shoulders were too tense and his hands were shaking a bit. You and Taeyong started hanging around a lot when you two decided to write your music. You two hung out in his apartment where his members stay and spend time with the two of you, you hung out in the convenience store eating ice cream and telling jokes. You didn’t have many friends in the music industry and now you consider Taeyong as your best friend.
He looked good, you thought. He was sporting a gold glittered blazer with a black top beneath it, 3 layered chokers and he was wearing the dangling earrings you loved so much on him.
You walked towards Taeyong and said, “Yong, look at me,” he let out a breathy laugh but kept his head down. Putting your fingers under his chin and tilting his head upwards you ask, “What’s wrong?” he closes his eyes and exhales “I smell strawberries,” your eyes widened at his statement. “S-strawberries?” “Yes, strawberries,” he then looks at your eyes and continues “Before my best friend died, she asked me to fetch her strawberries. So, I went to the hospital and see her having a seizure. Doctors were all around her, her boyfriend was frantic and I dropped the jar of strawberry jam. It was the last time I ever associated myself with the fruit,” then he laughs. You apologize and say that it probably was your perfume but he tucks your hair behind your ear and says that it was fine.
This whole time you were talking the photographer took candid photos of you and Taeyong and claimed that it was good for the album cover already. Taeyong kisses your cheek and feel blush creep in on your face.
You were going to sleep well today.
The both of you were in Amsterdam to film your music video. You were dressed in a black laced bustier top paired with black flared pants and Taeyong is wearing a white button up top.
It’s been an hour of filming and Taeyong has been showering you with compliments. Your relationship has gotten to the point where you two flirt shamelessly and honestly, you didn’t have any complaints.
As the crew and directors all were huddled to talk about the next scene, you were out smoking looking at the museums and buildings surrounding you.
“You didn’t tell me you smoked,” Taeyong stalks toward you and keeps his hands inside of his pockets. “You never asked. Want to join me?” “No thanks. I quit after she died,” you nod.
“Do you believe in heaven and in hell?” you ask and then he stands beside you, “Move away from me Yong, you’re going to get cancer from second-hand smoking you know,” “I believe that if we die, we’re just going to live a life with eternal darkness and quietness and loneliness,” he answers your question and ignores your previous statement. “I do believe in God, yes, but if we die and then that’s it. Do you believe in it?” he asks, “I believe that we do go to heaven or hell based on the actions and choices we’ve made in our borrowed time living here,” you say.
“What separates the people who will enter heaven to those who will enter hell? I mean, humans make pretty bad and wrong decisions. If hurting a person, unintentionally and intentionally, is just the basis for us to live a life in paradise or in damnation then I guess we’re all fucked huh?” you both laugh. You throw your cigarette to the trash can near you and stick your hand out for Taeyong to hold.
The first time you and him kissed was after your comeback stage.
It was hot, it was messy and you felt like flying. He told you you tasted like strawberries mixed with the after-taste of cigars. You just laugh and continue kissing down his neck.
He tugged at your hair and removed the strap off of your dress. You got on your knees and unbuckled his belt.
As the night went further and your relationship progressed, he had told you that he loves you and that you indeed smell like strawberries. And as much as he dislikes the fruit and what comes with it, if loving you means he has to smell and taste like strawberries for the rest of his life then so be it.
You slept with a smile on your face, head on Taeyong’s chest and his arms caging you for protection.
You were hysterical.
You had rushed Taeyong into the ER as soon as your comeback stage had ended. You were supposed to go out and celebrate with him, announce the tour you were having but all your plans had ended once you saw the he had coughed up blood and was having a hard time breathing.
Machines and tubes were stuck in his body, his unconscious body. You held his hand for the longest time that day and you weren’t planning on letting go.
You woke up with Taeyong speaking to the doctor and you saw that they were having a serious conversation. “Taeyong?” he looks at you, a little startled. He ushers the doctor to leave and says to you, “Hey, you should go back to sleep,” you ask what the doctor said and he just simply says that it was a bad bad bad case of food poisoning. You were apprehensive but you didn’t want to push it any further, he needed his rest after all.
That was the first mistake you made.
The second mistake was smoking around him. You wanted to stop but it had helped you through the sleepless nights and when you were overthinking.
The third mistake was pushing through with the tour. It was his idea, saying it was the least you two could do for your fans but it was your fault for supporting it.
The last straw was watching him being taken away by the paramedics and staying kneeled and glued to the stage as they rushed him into the hospital.
You arrived seeing doctors moving everywhere and getting paddles and shouting ‘clear’. You couldn’t stand to watch him as they revived his body. So, you took your pack of cigarettes and went outside.
By the time you finished three sticks, you decided to see how Taeyong was doing. Every step you took felt like it weighed tons, like your world was crashing but seeing and hearing the doctors call the time of his death? You felt that the world has ended.
You were screaming and crying and questioning everything and anything. You screamed and screamed until your cries had taken over and seeing Taeyong lying on his bed cold and lifeless, it shattered you.
Months after his death, you continued on with the tour.
Today, you were in Amsterdam and was about to finish the last song.
Right before you sung though, Taeyong’s voice rung around the concert hall. Everyone was quiet.
“Hey Y/N. If you’re hearing this it means that I’ve died. I have a few things to say so please listen.
From the first day I met you, I knew that I was going to fall in love with you but the minute I smelt your strawberry scent? I knew I had to distance myself,” he laughs.
“It was hard to though. It was the boys who pushed me to hang out with you more. It would benefit our work after all. Hence, the pizza mistaken as a song topic incident. From that moment on, I found myself liking you much more than I intended to.
Fast forward to all of our shared jokes and stories. Late night ice-cream stops at the convenience store. Breakfast dates. Coffee-stained sweaters and deep conversations while you smoked.
I knew that I fell in love with you the moment that your lips brushed mine. It was special, magical, felt like I was floating on cloud nine. I just let myself fall deeper until the moment you rushed me into the ER when I coughed up blood.
I needed you to stay away from me because I knew that it would happen. I am sorry, I am very sorry, that I didn’t tell you the truth.  Maybe if I had told you the truth you would’ve really stayed away from me but I just couldn’t bring myself to tell you and hurt you.
I am a smoker. I quit because my best friend died of second-hand smoking. It was my fault she died, it was my fault I hated strawberries and it’s my fault now that I left you without ever explaining the truth about me.
I don’t want you blaming yourself for not noticing the signs or for keeping on smoking. None of this is your fault Y/N.
I just didn’t want to lose the time knowing that you’d be so cautious around me. No, I wanted us to be as normal as we could ever be. I wanted more time with you but I guess this is for the best.
You deserve so much more this world could ever offer. You are a great person with a great personality, great talents, great body and a great heart.
I want- I need you to keep on using that talent and heart to inspire people all over the world to fight. We have achieved so much together and I want you to use this pain into art.
I loved you and I will love you even if my soul ends up in a cold and dark place. I will love you even if you choose to love another guy. I know, I know that I will be in your heart and that I will always have that one piece saved specifically for me.
I love you and your cigarettes. Your strawberry-flavored perfume scent, your strawberry-flavored shampoo and your taste when I kiss you after you smoke.
Your strawberries clung on to my shirts and sweaters, and it did hurt me at first because it brought back the memories of her but you gave me a new reason to love strawberries.
I love you, Y/N,” as he sings, the whole crowd were in tears and you were sat on the stage clutching your microphone near your heart.
You smile and look up at the ‘heavens’ as he sings,
“Strawberries and cigarettes always taste like you,”
(A/N: This is my first taeyong one-shot and i hope you liked it. i tried to be very angst-y haha. please send in requests aaand feeback is always appreciated!)
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I had another panic attack today. Most of the time I can’t tell when or where they’re going to strike. Even after early ten years of having them, I am still learning to navigate all of the curveballs my body will throw at me. 
Today, I was working with one of my best friends on a very small job site (construction). He knows about my panic attacks and is actually the best (besides my father) at spotting them. 
I am almost as overwhelmed by the fact that I’m having them in public as I am with the attack itself. Mostly, I experience the crying and shaking and what-have-you. But. Every so often, I go nearly catatonic. My mother is still convinced I have a seizure disorder. (I’m not so sure.)  
Today was total catatonia. He said I was ‘unresponsive’ for nearly ten minutes. It. Felt. Like. Years. My knight in shining work boots quite literally swept me off my feet and simply moved me to a dim, quiet, and remote location. Slowly talking me back to the surface. 
I felt loved, cherished, cared for. This inspired me to write. I know it may be OOC. It was either Mulder/Scully or Janeway/Chakotay. Voyager won out this time. Sorry. Anyway. For anyone who wants to know, this is what it feels like to lose your body for a little while. At least for me. 
I laugh. We chat. Life moves swiftly around us. I smile. He grins. The trek to the Bridge begins. We’re nearly there. Calling for the ‘lift. My heart unexpectedly skips a beat. No. The all-familiar chill races up my spine. Not here. The doors open as my throat promptly swells shut. Walk, Kathryn. WALK.
Legs continuing to cooperate, together we enter the ‘lift. He talks. I will the bile rising from my stomach to remain where it belongs. Eyes forward. Eyes forward. It’s too late. Too late! There is no quelling the over-powering sensations turning my body against me. Transforming my own subconscious into a prison. Help me! I thought I had this under control.
Count the seams on the bulkheads. Solve for the square root of nine-thousand-one-hundred-and-twenty-five. Shit. SHIT. How long is this ride? No! Don’t’ go there! Think of Mendelssohn. Too much. Debussy.   What will I do once I’m on the Bridge? Which Arabesque calms me? What if I don’t make it to my Ready Room? Who wrote that piece? What if they find out? What kind of captain has panic attacks? Will they understand? There is no reason to panic! How will I explain? What if? This is it. What if? I’m finished. WHAT IF?!
I’m going to be sick. I know it. I know it! The bob of my larynx hurries the clench of my gut. Swallow. Swallow. The taste is so bitter! The sweat on my brow burns my clammy flesh. I’m hot. But, it’s cold. SO cold. My cheeks flare with the rush of blood through my overwrought system. Why? Why? Irrational fear. Irrational.
Oh, GOD. Is he speaking? Tongue is sandpaper. How can I answer you? Swallow. My arms shake. Choke. My belly quivers. Gag. Nails press firmly into the soft skin of my wrist. Wringing. Scratching. Pulling. Digging. More scars. More scars.
“Kathryn. Please.”
His eyes. That is all I can see. I cannot look. I cannot breathe. It hurts. I’m trapped. I want to shout. I want to move. I WANT MY BODY BACK.
“Just try and breathe, Captain.”
I’m moving. I’m moving! I can’t move! Ohhhh…my stomach! Am I falling?
Where? What do they want from me? They’re going to know! They’re all going to find out! I’m weak. Helpless. Irrational fear. IRRATIONAL.
“Captain, can you tell me the Stardate? Anything at all? What did you eat for breakfast this morning?”
­Kathryn’s not here. Please, get me out of here! GET ME—Irrational. Adjective. Not logical or reasonable. Groundless. Baseless. Unfounded.
“Kathryn? Can you hear me?”
I-R-R-A-T-I-O-N-A-L. Irrational. God, my stomach is rolling. Make it stop. MAKE IT ST—
A hiss.
I shiver. Is it cold again? My face burns with the intensity of a sun.  
Numb. I tremble. It. Is. Not. Cold. Stop it. Stop it!
Fingers. Running over my arms. Tickling. Prickling. Crawling over my skin. I can’t be here. So tired.
“Heart rate is returning to normal.”
Who’s heart rate?
“Good. That’s good.”
The DeBroglie wavelength of a charged particle accelerated by a potential is inversely proportional to square root of—
I’m not here. I can’t be here.
“Kathryn. Are you here with me?”
Chakotay. Where are—Sickbay. No. No.
“Shh! It’s just me and the Doctor. You’re alright. We transported from the ‘lift. Can you look at me, Kathryn? I want to see your eyes. Please.”
My eyes? His eyes. His brown eyes. Those deep dark orbs. They’re beautiful. His lips. Kiss me. Hands. Warm firm hands. Ground me. Keep me here.
My head throbs with the effort of functioning properly once more. I feel the pulse of my body keenly. Thump thump. He brushes my hair away. Thump thump thump. He’s humming softly. Thump thump thump thump. His smile returns; a pale comparison to the one before. Thump thump thump thump thump.
“Chakotay, I—“
My mouth moves with the heavy thickness of Aunt Martha’s molasses. Lips, teeth, tongue sluggishly returning along with my other senses.
“Rest now. You’ve been given a sedative. I’ll be back to check on you in a few hours.”
Thump thump thump thump.
I’m warm. Finally. So warm. A kiss. A promise. Feathered lightly over my forehead.
“Know that I will always keep you safe. From others and yourself.”
I want to believe. I know that it is true. I need you to help me fight this battle. I swear I’ll do my best. That’s all I do. All I can muster. Until the next time.
There’s always a next time.
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Welcome to day 7. It's so awesome to see you have made it this far. Way to stay focused. Today and tomorrow are doing to be the longer courses. So be sure you spare a little extra time for these than the last. If you need to set it aside and come back to it later. Your more than welcome Todo so. All your progress is tracked in your dashboard 👌☺️
Now let's hop on in to today's lesson!
When working our way to wealth we need to know what it is. We as individuals are master at. Also know as the genus zone. Your zone of genius is said to be the intersection between: Your talents & your purpose. Find yourself square in the middle of these two and you'll feel as if you're doing exactly what you were born to do. The Zone of Genius is a phrase created by Gay Hendricks in his book, The Big Leap in relation to fulfilment to success.
To be able to find our genius zone. We need to have a clear mind by finding happiness and no matter how bad it may seem. Trust and believe that is possible to achieve. This is a biochemical processes with the release of so-called happiness hormones. The most popular ones are endorphins, dopamine and serotonin. we can enhance our endorphins, dopamine and serotonin. naturally without putting drugs in our bodies. This is a chemical all bodies need Because it runs in our nervous system and can effect many parts of our over all health to low or to high of levels can be very dangerous to put mental and physical health.
A little about serotonin. Serotonin is a chemical nerve cells produce. It sends signals between your nerve cells. Serotonin is found mostly in the digestive system, although it's also in blood platelets and throughout the central nervous system. Serotonin is made from the essential amino acid tryptophan. Low serotonin levels are often attributed to anxiety, depression, panic attacks, insomnia, obesity, fibromyalgia, eating disorders, chronic pain, migraines, and alcohol abuse. Negative thoughts, low self-esteem, obsessive thoughts and behaviors, PMS, and Irritable Bowel Syndrome are also symptoms of low serotonin. increased serotonin levels brought on by medication are thought to decrease arousal. To high of levels can also resultin overwhelmingly feelings.
Although there are drugs to help balance these leveles we like to take the more natural way and that is the only way we advise anyone to try. Because using drugs and alcohol might seem like it temporarily boosts serotonin levels, therefore making you think you feel happier, but in the long term, excess drugs & alcohol can actually lower serotonin levels, and therefore either causing or exacerbating depression
Serotonin is a chemical your body produces that's needed for your nerve cells and brain to function accordingly. But too much serotonin causes symptoms that can range from mild (shivering and diarrhea) to severe (muscle rigidity, fever and seizures). Severe serotonin syndrome is a real thing and can be fatal if not treated.
Nausea: Serotonin is part of the reason why you become nauseated. Physical activity also stimulates the release of dopamine, norepinephrine, and serotonin. ... For example, regular exercise can positively impact serotonin levels in your brain. Raising your levels of serotonin boosts your mood and overall sense of well-being.
A little about dopamines; Dopamine. Dopamine controls many functions, including behavior, emotion, and cognition. This chemical also communicates with the front part of your brain, which is associated with pleasure and reward. On the positive side, it helps motivate you to work toward achieving a reward. It also is a neurotransmitter, one of those chemicals that is responsible for transmitting signals in between the nerve cells (neurons) of the brain. It is released during pleasurable situations and stimulates one to seek out the pleasurable activity or occupation. The principal symptom of dopamine deficiency is depression, the feeling of boredom (chronic boredom), apathy, loss of satisfaction, chronic fatigue and low physical energy with no desire to move the body. There is a general lack of drive, motivation and enthusiasm. Dopamine problems are implicated in ADHD, Alzheimer's, Parkinson's, depression, bipolar disorders, binge eating, addiction, gambling, and schizophrenia. Having too much dopamine in the wrong place can make you psychotic.
Dopamine is an important brain chemical that influences your mood and feelings of reward and motivation. It helps regulate body movements as well. Levels are generally well regulated by the body, but there are a few diet and lifestyle changes you can make to boost your levels naturally.
Same with endorphins.... the brain chemicals known as neurotransmitters, which function to transmit electrical signals within the nervous system. ... Endorphins interact with the opiate receptors in the brain to reduce our perception of pain and act similarly to drugs. Some people ruin these receptors by using them harsh drugs. While we practice and how to enhance them naturally without drugs and supplements. Any exercise or physical activity that gets the heart rate up and the blood flowing naturally releases endorphins and is going to raise your energy level. Good cardiovascular exercises will strengthen your heart and give you more stamina. Helping give you that boat you need to succeed.
Many things can trigger the release of endorphins. ... These endorphins then find their way to the brain's opioid receptors. Endorphins are produced throughout your body. They can also help bring about feelings of euphoria and general well-being.
they reduce pain and boost pleasure, resulting in a feeling of well-being. Endorphins are released in response to pain or stress, but they're also released during other activities, like eating, exercise, or sex. As stated the list below....
To enhance endorphins, dopamine and serotonin levels naturally they can be balanced by eating foods rich in L-tryptophan, such as chicken, eggs, cheese, turkey, beef, salmon and tuna, tempeh, beans, lentils, spinach and other dark green leafy vegetables, pumpkin and chia seeds, and nuts.
Here are the a few ways to increase your happy levels naturally.
Eat Lots of Protein. Proteins are made up of smaller building blocks called amino acids. ...
Eat Less Saturated Fat. ...
Consume Probiotics. ...
Eat Velvet Beans. ...
Exercise Often. ...
Get Good Consistent Sleep. ...
Listen to Music. ...
Take a vitamin D supplement. ...
Go for a walk in the sunshine. ... walk and step slowly to lower stress.
Exercise. By moving your body and increasing your heart rate with cardiovascular exercise, you can stimulate the production of endorphins in the bloodstream. ...
Eat chocolate and chili peppers. ...
Drink wine. ...
Have sex. ...
Get a massage. ...
Meditate. ...
Laugh More...
Once your happy levels are happy you'll understand that you'll find your genius zone!
Your genius zone might be your language + your home country + your college degree + work experience + a hobby, or some completely different combination of skills, traits, and experiences. While your genius zone may be related to innate talents and abilities you possess.
There are a few different types of genius zones.
Gay Hendricks identified four different zones of function in his book, The Big Leap.
1. The zone of incompetence: In this zone, you are engaging in something you inherently do not understand or are not skilled at.
2. The zone of competence: In this zone, you are doing what you are efficient at, but recognize that many people are likewise efficient at it, thus not distinguishing your capabilities in any significant way.
3. The zone of excellence: In this zone, you are doing something you are tremendously skilled at. Often, the zone of excellence is cultivated, it’s practiced and established over time.
4. The zone of genius: In this zone, you capitalize on your natural abilities which are innate, rather than learned. This is the state in which you get into “flow,” find ceaseless inspiration, and seem to not only come up with work that is distinguished and unique, but also do so in a way that excels far and beyond what anyone else is doing.
In another interview with Forbes, Hendricks explained: Most successful people are operating in their zone of excellence, in which they are doing things at which they are highly skilled. This zone is ultimately unsatisfying, though, because it does not engage the innate genius of the individual.”
He continued:
As with any other kind of lasting, meaningful change, commitment is the gateway to the zone of genius. When I work with busy executives, I start by asking them to make a commitment to blocking out just ten minutes a day in their calendars to devote to cultivating their genius. The ten minutes can involve journaling, meditating or any number of other activities, just as long as you are focusing on your genius for ten uninterrupted minutes. After you have gotten your ten minutes a day you’re your routine, then bump it up to fifteen minutes. Ultimately I want to see people I work with spending 90% of their time in their zone of genius, but you’ve got to start somewhere.
Now the important thing to recognize is that your zone of genius is not just what you’re “passionate” about. It’s not just what you like the idea of. In fact, it can often be something you may not love a whole lot initially, but it’s something you recognize you are naturally gifted at. When you can identify those skills or interests, you can capitalize on them by working on them consistently. The combination is what will help you strike gold.
doesn’t seem like work?”
“In your work, what produces the highest ratio of abundance and satisfaction to the amount of time spent?”
“What is your unique ability?”
Ultimately, it’s about identifying what comes most naturally to you. The idea that you have a hidden zone of genius that you could be operating from, but that you don't recognize it, keeping yourself stuck in a lower mindset.
Wow what a lesson of the day right!! We are so proud that you have made it this far already and we can not wait to do so much more together in the future. That is it for today we will pick back up tomorrow and begin the process on putting all we have gathered this week to the ultimate test. Again CONGRATULATIONS on making it this far!
Just one day left. You already made it this far let's finish this out strong!! See you mañana 😉
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