#we don't have to choose it's not the empire or rebellion here
danwhobrowses · 1 year
Just to make a point
It is very possible to like both Mandalorian and Andor by the way. I see a lot of people shitting on one to praise the other, they are both Star Wars but in different ways, and they're both great for it.
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kanansdume · 1 year
Luthen literally says "oppression breeds rebellion." He says it outright. He's fully aware of the ultimate consequence of what he's doing. That's literally the entire reason Mon is so upset with him and seemingly stops working with him much after Aldhani is because he's USING the success on Aldhani as a way to intentionally piss off the Empire enough to get them to tighten the noose on the galaxy and cause people to suffer enough that they fight back. Which is going to get people killed, it's getting those prisoners extended sentences and random citizens harsher punishments. And Luthen knows this. He's added it into his calculations and decided their losses are worth the possibility that something like what happens on Narkina 5 and on Ferrix MIGHT happen.
Luthen is COUNTING on people eventually, ultimately, rising up. He's not surprised by what happens on Ferrix, he's not outwitted by Maarva Andor in a hologram.
Maarva is inspired by Aldhani. She says it pretty blatantly, she chooses rebellion BECAUSE she sees it can succeed, because she refuses to just look the other way at the oppression on Ferrix. She says it in her own speech, too, that she and the rest of the people on Ferrix just kept hoping if they kept their heads down and didn't cause a big fuss that it would go away and it DIDN'T, it just stayed longer and got worse. Maarva calls it sleeping. Luthen calls it not recognizing the noose around their necks because it's tightening so slowly that no one notices.
But either way, what happens on Ferrix is precisely what Luthen is hoping will happen as a result of his choices. I don't think he ever assumed he'd be lucky enough to see it happen, though. And he doesn't KNOW Maarva was inspired into rebellion because of Aldhani. So he's not anticipating it when he arrives on Ferrix, and he's shocked when it happens, but not because he doesn't think regular people can rebel, or because this old dead lady accomplished what he could not, but because he wasn't expecting to see the fruits of his labor finally blossom here in this moment.
And just because this is what Luthen's been aiming for doesn't necessarily make this a victory for him. The guy has an entire speech about how he knows he's going to be condemned for what he's done and will do in the future, he's doomed to use the tactics and weapons of his enemy. People are dying on Ferrix. People die in this riot, a LOT of them die. And there isn't even a guarantee that they win here, that they kick the Empire out of Ferrix. We have no idea if they manage to do so or not because the storyline leaves before we can be told. It's entirely possible this rebellion is quelled for now, and it may even cause the Empire to crack down HARDER on those who survive, but the spark has been lit now and Ferrix is fighting back. It's horrifying, it's devastating, and Luthen knows that, has understood the reality of this from the beginning. It's not some big glorious fight for Luthen, it's battlefield triage where he's swapping the lives of 30 good men for one impeccably placed spy.
Luthen isn't outwitted, and he's not surprised at the ability of regular people to rebel. This is his plan at work, whether he realizes just how much of an impact he had on Maarva or not.
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alicent-vi-britannia · 2 months
Lelouch vi Britannia, the Prometheus of Japanese animation
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Today I want to upload an analysis about Lelouch that I had saved for a long time. This analysis is very special to me because it was a university essay (I wrote it in 2021 and it was a way to reconnect with this series since I didn't want to know anything about it after I was destroyed by the canon ending, I was disappointed by the alternative universe and the fandom disgusted me). I got a good grade, but it wasn't the best and it made me very sad because I worked hard and wrote that essay with a lot of love.
Anyway, the professor was terrible and I hated with every cell of my being every one of her classes and her way of teaching (some people shouldn't be teachers), so I don't care that I gave her a spoiler for one of the best endings from the television (maybe some of you will say that she didn't give me a higher grade because of the prejudice against Japanese animation and that could be, although it would be ironic because she said that it was allowed to choose anime characters as long as we explained to her everything with luxury detail and that's what I did.)
The essay exercise consisted of choosing a fictional character and explaining what archetype it was based on. What is an archetype? They are expressions of the collective unconscious or psychic elaborations that are part of the universal common language and that help in the composition of stories. In Jungian terms, Lelouch is a "Trickster" that mythologist Campbell defines as characters who violate the principles of the natural order, destroy life as we know it and restore it as a new dynamic. Lelouch also fits the Shadow archetype with respect to Suzaku, who is the Hero archetype, since Lelouch, in a way, represents everything that he represses about himself. I decided to analyze Lelouch starting from the figure of Prometheus because I felt that I was going to do a more complete analysis within the limit of extension that I had. If you notice that I'm being a little too explanatory in some parts or I don't stop to delve into others, keep in mind that it is because the essay was directed to someone who has never seen Code Geass in her life. With that said, here we go.
"It was 2006 when one of the most important Japanese animated series in the world premiered: Code Geass: Lelouch of the Rebellion. The story is about Lelouch vi Britannia, the seventeenth prince of the Holy Empire of Britannia, who at his young age was sent to Japan as a political hostage with his sister after rebuking his father, the Emperor, for failing to protect his family during an attack that left his mother dead and his sister paralyzed and blind. The series begins ten years after the tragedy when Britannia has already colonized three quarters of the world, including Japan, which is renamed Area 11. It's then that Lelouch obtains Geass, a mystical power that will allow him to dominate the will of the others, and with it he will adopt the alter ego of Zero, a masked vigilante, and will lead a rebellion in order to find answers for the murder of his mother and to give a kind world to his sister - and, in the process, destroy the empire who repudiated him. Stories about rebellions have been told many times. In his book The Rebel Man, Albert Camus observed that man rises up against the order that oppresses him when the situation has lasted so long that it is unsustainable. But the feeling of insurrection, although it is an awareness, arises from the archetypes that serve as a guide in times of crisis for societies and establish patterns for the characters in the stories we like. That being so, what archetype do we identify in Lelouch? The one from Prometheus. In this work, we will unravel Lelouch through this archetype.
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The myth of Prometheus is of vast symbolic richness. Hence it lends itself to inexhaustible reinterpretations and is one of the most reworked myths. In Prometheus: myth and tragedy, Carlos García Gual traces the different materializations of Prometheus throughout the ages and declares: "all these Prometheans (...) are united by the same resistance, the same insurrection, the same voluntary suffering" (p .194). So Prometheus transcends as a benevolent rogue who disobeys the commands of Zeus in favor of humanity, emphasizing values of rebellion and progress. However, this is far from Lelouch because, while it is true that Area 11 is under the yoke of Britannia, it is not driven by a genuine desire to free the Elevens (the colonists of Area 11), but by revenge and resentment, and it disguises its selfish reasons with intentions altruistic. He does, at least initially, as, at a turning point in the second season, Lelouch realizes that his struggle extends beyond him and his sister. He also fights for the people he loves and the humanity. In this sense, we can say that Lelouch embodies the negative expression of the archetype and this, in turn, makes him similar to another mythical figure: Lucifer. Like Lelouch, Lucifer questions the supreme power of God and incites the angels to oppose him by masking his personal motivations. When the rebellion fails, he hatches a plan to corrupt man in order to get revenge on God. And the similarities don't end there. Lelouch and Lucifer were exiled and as a result they harbor a deep hatred against their creators - in God, in the Emperor of Britannia and even in Zeus we can identify the archetype of the Father. Lelouch and Satan, additionally, are manipulators and liars. Both resort to rhetoric to get what they want from others and, like evil itself, they are seductive and charismatic. We see how Lucifer deceived Eve and how Lelouch pretends to love Rolo as his brother when he is really using him. To make it more evident, in the final stretch of the series, the other characters distinguish Lelouch as "Demon Emperor" in allusion to his evil. It may seem like we are getting off topic; however, the opposite is true. Prometheus and Lucifer are more similar than it seems at first glance. In fact, Milton's Satan drinks from Prometheus and, apart from that, emerged in the Baroque, a movement that preceded Romanticism, which had an intense affinity with Prometheus. Thus, Satan, Lelouch and Prometheus have their origin in the fact that they were part of the order that they challenge and stand out for their powerful nature. Lucifer was an angel at the service of God; Prometheus was a titan with the prophetic gift who helped Zeus during the titanomachy and Lelouch was the son of the Emperor (plus he possesses mystical power and genius intellect). And, above all, all three are essentially characterized by their cunning.
Outside of his love for the human race, Prometheus is still a scoundrel who used tricks to get his way. Hesiod presents him as a challenger to the omnipotence and omnipresence of Zeus in the Theogony, highlighting his negative traits (because his attitude is contrary to the purposes of Zeus, who wants everything good). The myth of Mecona demonstrates this since Prometheus mocked the father of the gods with malicious art with the distribution of the parts of the sacrificed bull, knowing that he would choose the most appetizing one. Here Prometheus is transgressing the sacrifice between men and gods [here I open a parenthesis to tell my readers who aren't familiar with Greek mythology nor are they mythologists that the myth of Macona is the explanation and meaning that the Greeks gave to their sacrificial rituals and if we analyze it carefully, you will see that the Prometheus' trick benefited humanity since it was established that humans could eat the meat and that the burned bones would be the sacrifice for the gods; if it had been the other way around, human would have chewed the bones as if they were dogs and the gods would have eaten the meat because that was what Zeus, who "knows what is good for man", wanted (f*ck you Zeus).] Lelouch does something similar in the eighth episode of the second season. The vicereine of Area 11 decides to restore the Administrative Zone of Japan, which is a conceptual State created with the aim of returning the rights and privileges to the Elevens that were previously denied to them as colonial powers, and establishes a dialogue with Zero (Lelouch). He accepts, on behalf of the Elevens, on the condition that "Zero" be exiled and, in this way, they close the agreement. On the day of the inauguration, Lelouch, his army and the Elevens attend the ceremony dressed as Zero, forcing Britannia to let all the Zeros go and, in turn, preventing the reduction of support for his rebel group and the Elevens are subordinated to a puppet State. This situation is one of many in which Lelouch uses his cunning to benefit the people (and his own plans).
Prometheus' other trick is the theft of fire. Against the will of Zeus, Prometheus steals the fire from the gods and gives it to men. The myth of the creation of humanity tells that Prometheus decided to give man fire to elevate him to a higher category than the animal and guarantee his survival; but what does fire symbolize in this context? David Fontana answers, in The Secret Language of Symbols, that it is "a symbol of the wisdom that differentiates men from gods" (p.111). Fire is the light that allows us to see through the shadows. It's the knowledge that constitutes the central axis in the progress of civilizations. And isn't knowledge what Lucifer offers to man in Genesis? Just in case you have any doubts, the etymology reveals it: Lucifer comes from Latin and is made up of lux (light) and ferre (carry). Therefore, Lucifer means "bringer of light." Several literary critics will compare Lucifer to Prometheus, among other aspects, for this. Paolo Astorgo, in his essay "The myth of Prometheus and human knowledge", points out in relation to this: "[Prometheus] favors humanity by providing it with certain means by which it not only systematizes its activities more quickly (... ), but it creates the first ideas about technology” (para. 5). With fire, man can create weapons and instruments. For this reason, Astorgo talks about technological advancement and this brings us back to Code Geass. In the preamble to the first episode they explain to us that Britannia conquered Japan (and many other nations) because they had "Knightmares" at their disposal, which are large armed robots. No matter how hard the Japanese tried to get their land back, they were always outmatched. It's Lelouch who obtains several Knightmares and bestows them on the rebels. Thanks to its resources and tricks, the group establishes itself as a kind of organization that soon gains the sympathy of the people and the patronage of the Japanese plutocrats. Under Lelouch's leadership, the organization grows exponentially, becoming an army that rivals that of Britannia and, consequently, is capable of fighting for the freedom of Japan. Astorgo shows that men find themselves in the need to depend on the divinities because they have fire that they also use to subdue them. By giving them fire, Prometheus not only makes man rebel against the oppressive divinities, he also provides him with tools to free himself from them. Likewise, Lelouch provides the Elevens with the same power with which Britannia bends them to become independent. And, to this, Astorgo adds: "This almost dialectical relationship God-Humanity, revolves in the myth as a constant closely linked to the fact of necessity and rebellion, which is what regularizes all the acts of “deception” that Prometheus uses before Zeus. , to steal power, with the sole objective of providing freedom to humanity" (para. 13). Here one of the values that Prometheus represents comes into play: freedom.
Satan, Prometheus and Lelouch affirm themselves as rebels against the tyranny of the powerful, but humanity suffers the consequences. Adam and Eve are expelled from Paradise; Zeus takes fire from man and grants him a new evil, and in his obsession with revenge, Lelouch unintentionally drags down innocent lives and his loved ones. But while Lucifer is apathetic; Lelouch and Prometheus suffer. In his work "Prometheus: Human Existence in Greek Interpretation", Karl Kerényi says that the nature of this archetype pushes the Prometheans to think deviously, which brings misfortune for humanity and for themselves. He alleges: “in their devious (ankyios) way of thinking (…) they are caught in their own web (ankyie): (…). And all kinds of devious paths correspond to it, from lies and deceptions to the most ingenious inventions, whose precondition, however, is always representative of a lack in the way of existing of the clever" (p.45). This is the imperfection that Kerényi reiterates throughout the text. Even though they are "titanic", Lelouch and Prometheus are imperfect because they suffer and that pain humanizes them. From there, Kerényi stipulates that suffering is part of the human condition. Lelouch, in particular, is aware of the damage that his actions have on those close to him and the innocent and lives with remorse. An example is episode thirteen of the first season: the father of one of his love interests dies due to a landslide that he causes in a confrontation with Britannia. Lelouch never forgave himself. Of course, if there was an event whose guilt always tormented him, it was the massacre of the Administrative Zone of Japan, of which he was the indirect author. The sum of the tragedies in his life leads Lelouch towards the positive side of him as an archetype and, eventually, makes him make the decision to pay for his sins, but not before leaving behind him a kind world as he had proposed.
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Both Prometheus and Lelouch end up succumbing to divine justice for their misdeeds. Prometheus is tied with strong chains to a rock where an eagle devours his liver and remains there for a long time until Heracles appears and shoots the animal. Lelouch's punishment, on the other hand, takes the form of the Zero Requiem; which is a plan that he develops with Suzaku, his best friend, with the aim of ending all wars and ushering in an era of peace and, in unison, answering for their crimes. After killing the Emperor and usurping the throne, Lelouch quells the insurrections against him, imposes a cruel dictatorship and establishes himself as the enemy of the world by kidnapping the leaders of the United Nations Federation (a coalition of states equivalent to the ONU), which forces the world to confront him, giving way to a war that culminates in Lelouch's victory. During the public execution of the fallen, Suzaku, dressed as Zero, appears and kills Lelouch. With his death, Lelouch accepts his punishment and takes all the hatred with him, leaving a peaceful world. Kerényi stops to analyze the tetralogy of tragedies dedicated to Prometheus by Aeschylus and observes that the cunning titan's hardships will not cease until a divinity takes charge, since Prometheus' suffering is inherent to existence. In such circumstances one could speak of a "redemption." Who replaces Prometheus is Chiron, since longed to die after being wounded by a poisoned arrow. In Lelouch's case it is Suzaku. Suzaku is a knight in the service of Britannia. Like Lelouch, he aspires to a better world, only he doesn't believe a rebellion is the key. In him we recognize, as in Heracles, the archetype of the hero. And he, like Chiron, wanted to die. However, in the end, Lelouch, who longed to live with his sister, is the one who dies and he, who wanted to die in order to purge his guilt, is the one who lives at the cost of giving up his own happiness for the good of humanity by existing. just like Zero. Thus, the two friends atone for his sins and Lelouch, who proclaimed himself as the Messiah, achieves his redemption by becoming what he preached so much (although a few know that). There is no doubt that this sacrifice for love of humanity makes us think of Jesus Christ.
Literary critics also often compare him to Prometheus and, by extension, we could compare him to Lelouch. The three are united by their closeness to men, for whom they endure a via crucis and the three are saviors of humanity. And this brings us back to Joseph Campbell's words about the definition of "hero." In simple terms, a hero is one who gives his life for something greater than himself or different from him. It is likely that there will be those who resist considering Christ as a hero. Lelouch, for his part, certainly falls within the category of tragic hero. Regarding Prometheus, García Gual attributes his heroic character to Aeschylus stating that it was his work that immortalized in tragedy for posterity the myth of an old trickster.
Either way, Lelouch is an excellent example that archetypes are rooted in the collective imagination and are binary, universal, and ahistorical in nature. Despite the enormous time gap and the difference between cultures, the archetypes represent the same values that they once had and are still capable of continuing to captivate us with wonderful narratives that have a lot to teach us."
And, well, that's how I concluded my essay. The truth is, I think I could have gone deeper since the approach has enough potential to develop a thesis, but I couldn't go on for five pages and the proffesor complained that some of my classmates decided to ignore the rule and, therefore, exceed the limit. It seems that she is one of those proffesors who doesn't want to read shit (did I mention that I despise her?). So I apologize for so little and I will allow you to hate me for this horrible English (I didn't put the quotes in their original language and then translate them, I know, I deserve you to hate me for that too).
But, if you don't hate me and you liked my work, I invite you to give me a like. If you've never thought about what archetype Lelouch is based on, give me a like. If you found the association between Jesus Christ, Satan, Prometheus and Lelouch fascinating, give me a like. If my essay made you think, give me a like. If you want to make me happy or would like my humble essay to be more widely disseminated, share it. This way I will take into account that you like me to analyze Code Geass characters through archetypes and I can bring more similar content. I would like to talk soon about a part of Joseph Campbell's hero's journey in particular that is very easy to identify in Lelouch's journey (how the hell can Lelouch be an antihero, if he has the word HERO tattooed all over his forehead?). Well, there are a lot of things I want to discuss! It's just that my life and time are not enough for me to do everything I want. Anyway, have a nice night and don't forget to eat meat to piss off Zeus.
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avelera · 1 year
Andor brings the importance of money and economic systems back to mainstream sci-fi/fantasy
So fun fact, one reason I love "Andor" so much is that they have money in it.
Right off the bat, in episode 1, they start establishing that things cost money in this sci-fi industrial town where we find ourselves. People have jobs. There are things people can't do because they have money. There's things that even people with money, like Mon Mothma, can't afford because money isn't infinite and it requires logistics to move around. There are haves and have-nots in this society and the Rebellion will sink or swim based on if it can pay its people and purchase equipment. One of the first major arcs is a bank heist.
Ok, so why is this so huge? Shouldn't it be obvious that money makes the world go 'round, even in a sci-fi setting like Star Wars?
Well, here's the thing. Think about all the Disney-owned movies you've seen. How many of them talk about money in any kind of concrete terms? It does happen, but it's quite rare and it's almost never to the extent that money matters in "Andor". A character might have "rich" or "poor" as a character trait, but economic systems are rarely discussed, why certain people do or don't have money isn't discussed.
This is for a very good reason. Back in the mid 20th c., entertainment companies like Disney made a conscious choice not to talk about economic systems in their stories. Why? Because to do so forced the story to take a stance in the existential battle between Capitalism vs. Communism. Even seemingly innocuous story choices like the injustices a poor kid might face in a story could be seen as taking a stance, not something you wanted to invite with things like the Red Scare going on.
But it's really a shame that this choice, which was in response to the political conflicts of the time, has been so perpetuated and that companies like Disney still avoid the concretes of money in most of their works. And that warps the conversation within those works and within society at large as a result. More often in mainstream genre fiction stories as a result, stories must play to fantastical elements and undefined Good vs. Evil to explain why a conflict is taking place between two sides. Certain "So what?" factors and plot elements don't quite line up. Money and resources are at the heart of most real world major conflicts, but by focusing on "good" and "evil" instead you obfuscate the interests involved, the motivations involved, what everyone is getting out of a conflict when they choose to help or not to help. You can't feed yourself on idealism alone.
By leaning into the existence of money, resources, and the haves-and-have-nots of a society, Andor is able to couch its story of revolution in real world limitations for the characters and real world obstacles. It makes everything deeper, more satisfying, more understandable as to why anyone is doing anything. It's hard to talk about fighting a fascist state like the Empire if you don't talk about complicit corporations, or forced labor (because even the Empire can't afford to pay for the sheer amount of labor it needs otherwise) or how everyone on the Rebellion side can afford these fancy X-Wings.
I hope shows like Andor will be taken to heart, not just by more mainstream works of genre fiction using the inherent conflicts that arise from a defined economic system, but also by younger creators who may have grown up on a steady genre fiction diet of "money only sort of exists when it's needed for the plot, if at all". So much worldbuilding is impossible if you don't understand who has resources and what economic systems are being employed. So much character conflict is shallow if you can't define who has money, who has resources, and who has obstacles from not having a limitless supply of those things, and what are those obstacles?
It's super refreshing to see and I will reiterate, Andor is perhaps the best show out there right now from a writer perspective and everyone should watch it.
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Clones mourning the Jedi
Ok, so, bear with me, my brain is constantly making up scenarios that I want to happen in Bad Batch Season 3. Most of the time I don't do anything with them, but this one today was especially emotional, so I just can't keep it to myself. Even though it doesn't fit into the story at all and is probably also very out of character. So… I need the connection between the clones and the Jedi to be appreciated, right? So my brain was like: How about we have the clones collectively, in their little community that they built, (which will also totally happen, right? I mean… clone rebellion?!?…please?!!), mourn the Jedi? And I was just: Umm… I don't think… And my brain went: Shut up, I've already made up a whole fucking ceremony and the precise camera angles and shots it will be shown in. So anyway, it starts with the Bad Batch needing Rex's help for a mission or something, so they go to him, and Rex is like: "Sure, but not today." So Hunter asks why, and he just says: "It's Empire Day." No missions till tomorrow morning." "Why? You're celebrating?", Wrecker asks jokingly. Rex huffs and flashes a sad little smile: "We're mourning."
Empire Day would be roughly the day Order 66 happened, right? I mean, I have no idea how space time works so I just assume that. So anyway, they go inside and meet all the other clones from Rex's little Network who sit together, talk and laugh, and many of them, most of them, are doing some sort of pottery. Echo is also there (which doesn't make sense because at this point he would have been back with the Bad batch already, but honestly, I don't care when this happens. Could also be way earlier. Actually, that would maybe be even better, so we can have Tech and Omega on board as well) so after some big hellos, of course the Bad Batch asks what's going on with this pottery stuff. Rex has excused himself at this point, but Echo shows them they're making little bowls and explains that it is part of the ceremony to honor the Jedi. At this point, it becomes a bit awkward for the Bad Batch since they never had such a connection to the Jedi and also experienced order 66 differently. But it gets better when Wrecker asks if he can make one for the little Padawan (Caleb), even though he hopes he survived. Just to remind of him. And Echo beams and says "sure" and shows them the bowl he's making for Ahsoka. He started it, still thinking she died during Order 66, but then Rex found out, teared up, and told him everything. He still makes her a bowl. To remember her. Because wherever she is now, even though she survived, the sassy, lighthearted, funny little commander he knew is definitely dead. So the Bad batch mixes with the other Clones. Wrecker makes his little bowl; maybe Hunter and Omega (if she's there) make one for Shaak Ti and Tech (if he's there) helps with the technical preparations for the ceremony and makes some valuable improvements. (Um, yeah, I have no Ideas for Crosshair. I'm open for suggestions! As said, not following any continuity/timeline here.) In the evening, everything is ready for the ceremony. It goes this way: Everyone who wants to has made a bowl for a specific Jedi, or several bowls for several Jedi, one bowl for multiple Jedi at once, or just one for all of them or no one in particular. They fill the bowls with a special material that will create a colorful flame when burned. Normally, they choose the color of their Jedi's lightsaber.
So for the ceremony, one after another lights up their lanterns, takes them to the little shrine or altar they built, says the name(s) of the one(s) they want to honor/remember maybe adds a little prayer if they feel like it, and then returns to the group to watch the flames leaping up to the sky. A colorful, beautiful mess, so bright, so hopeful, just like the Jedi were. Many bring blue ones for Shaak Ti, their beloved guardian on Kamino, who was killed by the ones she protected and watched over so lovingly. I'm thinking some of the Ryloth clones, the ones from Howzer's squad, maybe served under Mace Windu before they were stationed on Ryloth after the battle, so we get a few beautiful, strong purple flames. Wollfe brings one for Plo Koon, and his hands, ever shaking, now that his mind is no longer trustworthy, are steady when he sets down the bowl. His eyes, that are now mostly clouded by thoughts he can't voice, are clear for once as he remembers the brave man he fought side by side with, that he knows died wrongly even though his mind, corrupted by the chip for far too long, won't let him believe it. Cody's Hands (of course Cody is there, why wouldn't he be?) on the other hand are shaking as he brings forth the bowl he made for his general. It's not the only one for him on their little shrine, but it is probably by far the brightest and the most detailed. "Obi Wan Kenobi", he says, his voice is not shaking, but it's oh so quiet. He swallows hard and thinks for a moment before he adds: "Wherever you are right now… be safe. I miss you. I'm so sorry, love." And he wants to say so much more, but he doesn't know how, and now it's too late anyway. Echo's lantern for Ahsoka burns bright in the yellowish green he remembers, so fresh, so young, and so free. Rex is the last one to set down his lantern. "Anakin Skywalker", he says, making sure to place it right in the middle of the shrine, next to the bright blue flame that is Cody's lantern for Obi Wan and in front of the green one that is Ahsoka's. His voice does not shake, his steps do not falter, as he walks back to the group and turns around to watch the lights. (We see Hunter shooting Rex a quick, slightly worried, slightly curious glance because he's still convinced Anakin and Rex had something going on after that very suspicious scene in season 7.) We see the Bad Batch exchanging glances because they kind of feel like intruders. Because they suddenly feel grief over something they never even really knew. But then again, did any of them? We see Omega holding on to Hunter, deeply moved but not completely understanding why or what this is all about. We have a wide shot of all the clones standing in front of the lights, watching them with varying stages of grief. Some of them look deeply hurt; some of them smile sadly or even relieved as they watch the bright light resembling their friends, their mentors, their comrades, their idols. Only a very few of them are crying. Because even after all that's happened, they're still so strong. So used to the losses. Most of them watch the lights and gain strength. Grow a determined look on their face. They're going to make up for this. If there's one thing they can do, it's fight, so you bet that's what they're going to do. Cut to Rex staring into the flames and putting on his brave face for his brothers. His strong face as the leader. The determined face that makes it so easy, natural to follow him. He stares into the lights and knows this is his fight, the role he plays, the task he is set to fulfill. He is setting himself to fulfill. Their destiny is in their own hands now. And they're going to use it to make the galaxy the Jedi couldn't. It's what they owe them. And, most importantly, it's what they want to do, too. They were made to protect the galaxy, and damn well, they will. Because the Jedi gave them hope. Showed them that it can be different. Taught them to believe in themselves. In the human in every single one of them. 
Cut to the Lanterns burning on the table, the colorful dancing flames, and it slowly zooms in on the bright blue flames of Anakin and Obi Wan burning next to each other.
But it doesn't stop there. It continues zooming in on Anakin's flame. And slowly, through the flickering light of Anakin's flame, we catch our first glimpse of Darth Vader. I'm thinking a Kenobi-like reveal. With dramatically swelling music and then just…breathing.
And then the screen goes black, bam episode over, bam Vader is the villain of Bad Batch now.
I know none of this makes sense, but it made me emotional, so….
Anyway if somebody else is having feels now, go listen to "Goodbye" by Ramsey, it's the song that was stuck in my head while writing this and it makes everything 100 times sadder :).
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tarisilmarwen · 9 months
Rebels Rewatch: "Ghosts of Geonosis"
Packaging this two-parter as one big episode because shut up, you're not the boss of me.
I could have sworn I had a live reaction version of this already, but I can't for the life of me find it. Oh well.
This cue here sounds like it comes from TCW, maybe Saw's theme if he had one, anyone wanna confirm that for me?
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This whole opening interaction between Ezra and Sabine is cute, she watches him as he plops down into her seat, gives a long-suffering eye roll, and dope slaps him across the back of his head for asking a stupid question and aside from a silently-mouthed "ow" he doesn't object to any of it lol.
Sign of the tightly-written continuity, we are returning to Geonosis to check out the missing populace and also pick up a Saw Guerrera guest appearance post his prominent role in Rogue One. (Out of text-wise that is.)
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Empire cleaned up their mess pretty well.
Early establishing of the plot complications of the underground tunnels blocking comm signals, which features throughout the episode as a major element. The GFFA equivalent of establishing "no cell service", essentially.
The sandstorm also obscures things, visually and sensor-wise. And provides us with much humor as Sabine complains about it frequently.
Ho man, I remember how much I loved the banter and dialogue this episode, it was so much fun. Felt like a return to the early days of the show.
This episode was another really great one for subtly showing off Kanan's blindness. He mentions the stillness of the air, his hearing picks up on Klik-Klack before anyone else does, Saw has to let him know to watch his step...
As we already know, abandoned helmet = they 100% dead. The showrunners would use this visual shorthand very effectively in the promo image they did for "Heroes of Mandalore", with a whole pile of empty Mando helmets littered across a scorched landscape.
Kanan plays the voice of caution here, almost like he's the genre-savvy one in a horror movie, lol. Fitting, some aspects of the episode are played up like one. (We got the "Monster POV" shots, we got the cryptic remains left behind, we got no cell service, we got a storm.)
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Badass boys shot. <3
Unlike Kalani's decrepit troops, these B1s and Destroyers have been better maintained and repaired, and give the group a bit more of a hassle until Saw shows up.
There's excellent teamwork between all the hero parties involved, Kanan and Ezra work smoothly as oil to slice up the Destroyer once its shield is gone, recalling Obi-Wan and Anakin from TCW.
Something I loved about this season was that characters would offhand mention, "Oh, we don't have this." or "The Rebellion really needs this." and then a couple episodes later they would manage to either acquire them or have them come into play.
Some examples: Proton bombs, this shield generator, spacesuits...
Ooof, was I the only one who caught the similarity between Saw urging them forward to satiate his obsession, Ezra agreeing, and Kanan choosing to trust him and, well... [gestures vaguely to the whole Malachor thing with Maul].
The tension this episode is great, the communication problems lend a sense of urgency and anxiety during both groups' separation and you get a feeling like the messages are coming almost too late to save them.
The Zeb and Sabine banter. <3
Kanan asking Ezra to look for him. <3
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There he go, lol.
Kanan is really impressive, Force-wise, this episode, tossing Ezra aaaaaall the way across that chasm, separating and levitating that bridge for Saw and Rex to cross, and still somehow having enough energy and stamina to leap across himself.
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And the Force theme that accompanies said above is lovely. <3
Ezra's pretty cool himself, using Force sense to find Klik-Klak when it seems like the bug has given them the slip. His theme is even excerpted a bit.
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(Possibly he actually forms a connection, because he's very empathetic towards Klik-Klak after this and defends him from Saw repeatedly.)
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Already having some Concerns about Saw's methods lol.
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I love how this show depicts Ezra's compassion as one of his major strengths. It's natural for most Jedi and combined with Ezra's natural affinity for connection it's practically a superpower. Ezra's really sweet with Klik-Klak. :)
DEATH STAR-SHADOWING. Oh man the Dramatic Irony was painful, like any time TCW alluded to or called forward to Order 66 and a mental scream rings in your head and you want to yell at the characters and shake them as if that can somehow help them avoid the inevitable doom. Same feeling.
Saw, those binders do NOT have a tracker in them, don't lie.
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Obligatory "Stab the TCW fans in the heart" moment.
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Ezra seeing shades of himself in Saw's grudge against the Separatists, god his face this whole scene.
Once again touching on those Star Wars archthemes about breaking the cycle of revenge, about not turning your internal pain outwards on the rest of the world, no matter how righteous your cause, about not becoming a monster in your efforts to slay the dragon, about showing compassion to everyone, even your enemies. Saw is representative of the Well-Intentioned Extremist, and even though his ultimate goal is noble--destroying the Empire, exposing their secret superweapon so that the galaxy will finally wake up and deal with the tyranny they've come to complacently accept--Saw loses parts of his humanity in the process, emotionally and ultimately physically. He becomes almost like Vader in the bitter end, for his efforts. (And he's also a shadow of Thrawn.)
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Brunsen! I love her.
Saw's personal grudge against the Separatists in general for killing his sister and his squad is blinding him. Ezra points out that Klik-Klak is basically the only survivor of a planet-wide massacre and is understandably a little defensive about invaders, trying to live up to his name again and "bridge" the differences between the two factions, only it doesn't work this time because Saw is too fanatic.
"Saw, we had this argument back at Command." Oh DID YOU now, Rex? Really could have forewarned the team that Saw might get a little deranged in his quest for truth.
I love Saw, he's the best example of an actually Morally Gray character in Star Wars. Unlike Thrawn, his "greater good" reason for going to such extremes, doing whatever it takes to achieve the goal, is actually directed outwards towards the whole of the galaxy, he doesn't selfishly focus inwards on his own interests. Part of it is of course that Saw has already lost his people and planet, so there's nothing left for him except to prevent it from happening to other people. We're encouraged to sympathize with his pain and sense of loss, but not necessarily be comfortable with his actions.
The narrative both condemns his extremism and, ultimately, vindicates him in regards to the Death Star. There's the same sense of futility about him in that neither he nor the Senate and Jedi before Order 66 could uncover the plot quick enough to avoid their fate.
Back to the action, though. Love how the Ghost is so infamous now that their capture/destruction leads to big promotions lol.
This music cue sounds full of adventure, I like it. :)
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Klik-Klak trusting Ezra because Ezra was nice to him aww.
"Neither have yours." Saw has a reputation, oof.
It's cute how Klik-Klak keeps tugging on Ezra's wrist.
Yeeeeeeeah I don't think we're supposed to sympathize with Saw in this moment. It's very deliberate, they even have him throw Ezra across the room.
"Your methods are soft, Jedi." Shades of Tarkin much, Saw? I know this annoys people to hear but even if you're fighting fascists, there are lines you don't cross. Saw points a blaster at a baby for heaven's sake. You do not become like your enemy in order to destroy them, because then you're just taking their place, exchanging one kind of cruelty and violence for a different one, for your particular flavor of one.
War is hell but you don't have to become a demon.
Saw's long hesitation after Ezra uses the word "family", Ezra got to him a bit I think, lol. Rex reinforces that tactic, ha ha.
My only minor nitpick this episode, the show once again using the Empire as a Diobulus Ex Machina to make Saw play nice with the others. One more Persuasion Check would have done it I think.
Cue a very excellent action setpiece.
IIIIII think I heard this cue before, back in "Imperial Supercommandos" when Rau ambushed Ezra and Sabine in the shuttle. Interesting choice.
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A nice little badass moment for Ezra. :)
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And a hero shot for Sabine as we prepare to show off her new jetpack.
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He adores her.
Kanan's the only one who can't see how awesome she is. :(
Her little "That's cute." shoulder pat when Ezra says he wants a jetpack too. <3
Love how this Imperial's hat gets sent askew slightly from Brunsen's slap.
Saw listens to Ezra this time, next time we see him he's even more apathetic towards the beings in front of him who need help now.
You get such a sense of the speed here.
Ugh, the pictures of the canisters aren't enough, ow, that feels like some kind of Politically Relevant commentary.
And as I said before, the narrative lets Saw get off (this time) with some stern looks from the others, but it's still not completely approving of his actions. He's not the Empire, yet, but he'll come closer and closer to their tactics and methods.
This two-parter episode is almost perfectly paced and it's really well-written. Everything about it works so well.
Solid Rebels content. <3
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stayarmytinyzenmoa-l · 9 months
hii teehee i just saw ppl asking for this and since im sick of the yangyang drought in here could you pls do ❛ i know how to keep my life and my crown. and i will. ❜ with yangyang?
[Choose a prompt and send me an idol! I’ll write a drabble for it]
"(Y/N)!" Yangyang ran up to you as soon as you'd closed the balcony doors and, likewise, you were quick to pull him into a hug long overdue. "God, I've been so worried about you, Highness," he lets his head fall into the crook of your neck and you held him tighter.
"I missed you too," you gave him one more squeeze before pushing him back at arm's length. "But, look at you! Wow, you really shaped up," you complimented him, though you weren't too used to the new knight's build on him. "Who would've thought two street rats would find their way into a castle, huh?"
"Oh, pardon me, I greet the star of the Empire, their highness the Crown Royal," Yangyang exaggerates his bow and you laughed and rolled your eyes.
"So... why risk your head to come see me?" You ask.
"I need an official reason to see my best friend?" Yangyang asks with a quirked brow. You eyed him suspiciously while his eyes slanted toward the door that was firmly shut and, in a quiet voice, he answered, "you're in danger, (Y/N)."
"Of course I am, huh?" You shook your head.
"The Rebellion, they're targetting you next, you're the last remaining bloodline of the Royal family," he says. All things you already knew. He checked the door again. "The King asked me to take you somewhere far from the kingdom. You have to survive," he says. You shook your head.
"I can take care of myself," you said, but Yangyang didn't look convinced. "I know how to keep my life and my crown. and I will," you said sternly. Yangyang sighed and ran a hand through his hair.
"I don't think you do, (Y/N)," he shook his head.
"I do!" You shot back.
"Do you?" He asked again. You nodded your head and Yangyang held your crown in his hand. "You sure about that?" He smiles and you rolled your eyes while slumping your shoulders, not even bothering to feel the space at the top of your head.
"You're insufferable, give that back. How did you even grab it with all the pins?"
"These ones?" Yangyang held the numerous pins in his other hand. "Child's play, (Y/N), even you could do this," he shrugs.
"Dare I ask when you grabbed it?
"You know when," he scoffs. You thought back.
"I thought that hug was a little too tight."
"There you are! The (Y/N) I remember, anyway, we gotta go now."
"Where are we going?"
"Dunno, somewhere far, at least until I get a letter from your rich dad telling me to bring you back," his smile grows and, naturally, you felt much safer. "But, uh, don't tell anyone. This is some top secret stuff, yeah?"
"Got it, I know how this works," you tapped your head with your finger and smiled, trying your best to alleviate the obvious worry Yangyang tried to hide, "see you in a bit?"
"See you in a bit and," Yangyang leans toward you, securing the crown on your head with gentle hands, "be safe," he opens the door and gestures for you to leave first and, once you were gone, he shuts the door and leans against it, covering his face with his hands. Then, as he brought his hands up to brush the hair out of his face, the obvious grin appeared before he brought his hands back down and again the worry was there. Then, he left the room, immediately being stopped by the last person he wanted to see.
"You, there, knight!" Dejun stops him.
"Your Highness," Yangyang greeted him with a bow. Dejun, the prince from a neighboring country and, distastefully, your fiancé.
"Have you seen (Y/N)? I haven't seen them all night and I'm supposed to bring them back with me."
"Nope, haven't seen them all night, sir," he says with a small smile.
"I'll keep looking around, let me or my men know if you find them," he rushes off and Yangyang waits until he's gone before walking off toward your room.
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bibliophileiz · 2 years
It's after Mace dies that the movie really goes off the rails, because it makes plenty of sense that Anakin would choose Palpatine, who he loves and thinks of as a mentor, over Mace Windu and even the Jedi Order, because he's basically spent the movie watching the Jedi and Padmé question Palpatine and even the Republic at every turn.
It's basically the story of how someone who has anxiety about the future and confusion about what he stands for, becomes radicalized. The war makes everything seem like it has higher stakes, and Anakin begins conflating Palpatine with the Republic. This leads to seeing everything in black and white when he otherwise would understand that it's all context and nuance. So a minor politcal disagreement with Padmé in Attack of the Clones ("I don't think the system works." "How would you have it work?") becomes almost treasonous in Revenge of the Sith ("You're starting to sound like a Separatist.") Liking Palpatine and admiring his leadership in Attack of the Clones becomes thinking anyone questioning Palpatine is actually questioning the Republic and democracy in Revenge of the Sith. (For a real world parallel, see all the alt right people claiming anyone who criticizes Tr*mp is unAmerican.) Combine that with witnessing the very real cracks in an institution he'd always believed in -- the Jedi Order -- and you have a recipe for radicalization.
But I don't think that necessarily translates to murdering children and committing domestic violence. There's an argument to be made for being swept up in the mania, but Anakin's not part of a mindless mob (where you see otherwise normal, if somewhat radical, people become violent against anyone they perceive as Other, because mob mentality is A Very Bad Thing). He's leading an army. He doesn't even think he's switched sides, he just thinks all his friends have. (which. given the context of the original movies, isn't even really inaccurate.) But that doesn't necessarily translate to committing war crimes.
I could see Anakin arresting the kids, I could see him enrolling them in some kind of Hitler Youth for the Empire where they un-learn what they were taught by the Jedi and become radicalized for the emperor. I can even see him turning them over to the emperor, learning later that the emperor had them all killed, and trying to rationalize it in his mind as the only way to keep the Republic safe. I can even see him killing a couple of the kids himself if one of them tries to run at him with a tiny lightsaber. But I'm not sure I believe Anakin would walk into a room and kill a group of scared, defenseless kids asking for his help. And the fact that he DOES do it in this movie makes me resent his redemption arc in Return of the Jedi.
Then there's Force-choking Padmé. Again, I have no problem believing Anakin would kidnap arrest Padmé and keep her under house arrest "for her own protection." ("I have to save you with my New Powers, Padmé, I can't do that if you run off with Obi-Wan to join the Rebellion Separtists.") I can see him using Force Powers against her to keep her from escaping.
But choking someone is a very, very specific form of violence, especially against a family member or intimate partner, and no one does it unless they've always wanted to kill the person they're strangling. And sure, in many cases, political radicalization becomes someone's excuse to act out the violent fantasies they've always had. But I don't think that's why Anakin's being radicalized here, and the Anakin we've seen so far is many things, but he's not a domestic abuser. He's never forceful or manipulative with her. He barely even touches her -- she mostly initiates their kisses, even. my headcannon is she's the one who always takes control in the bedroom, but that's another post. They communicate very well and he never tries to gaslight her. Sure they bicker, but the only time we ever really see them argue is, one, when she dismisses him and his abilities in front of the queen in Attack of the Clones (something that aggravates him when ANYONE does it) and two, the aforementioned political argument about the Republic. There is nothing about him to indicate that he's going to murder his wife just because Palpatine patted him on the head and told him he's a good boy.
And yes, I also know about all the dictators who abused their spouses or girlfriends. Again, those fall under the ranks of men who used political ideology as an excuse to commit violence. Those aren't the people who become radicalized because they lose faith in institutions but who can still come back if, say, the person who radicalizes them starts brutally murdering their son.
I know it's easier to make Anakin look like the villainous Darth Vader if he murders a bunch of kids and Force chokes his wife, but it also makes Anakin much less likable (which I guess was to be expected) and also less realistic.
I think a better ending would have been Anakin killing the adults in the Jedi Temple who resist arrested and then arresting the kids and turning them over to Palpatine, all the while promising them that the empire will keep them safe from the evil Jedi. If you REALLY feel we need to see the murder of children to know the Empire is bad, then you can have Palpatine kill them, but you could also just, you know, not murder children in your movie.
And from there Anakin can go back to his house and be like, "Padmé, the Jedi have betrayed the Republic, I'm working with Palpatine, he knows the ways of the Force, and we're going to keep you here now. For your own safety. No, you can't go back to Naboo, it's too dangerous." *locks door using the Force, stations clones outside her house.
And yes, trapping someone in their house and keeping them there under armed guard is abusive. But it's not choking them to the point of unconsciousness, and it's not (necessarily) something you do because you've always wanted to kill them. It can be something you do because you don't want them to run off and join your political enemies.
Then you have Obi-Wan sneak in and free Padmé, SHE'S the one who tells him Anakin's gone to the Dark Side, and Obi-Wan confronts Anakin that way and they have their embittered fight to the death.
You may be wondering, how does Padmé die in all this? Well, she fucking doesn't, Palpatine just tells Anakin she does so he won't go looking for her. Then he sends assassins to go after her and babies because he doesn't need little Skywalkers walking around just waiting to be big enough and/or cute enough to un-radicalize their dad, and so Padmé, Obi-Wan and Baal make the plan to split the twins up. Padmé actually visits them a lot when they're toddlers before she dies, preferably in battle pulling off some awesome move like Scurge in Thor: Rangarok. (That's not super realistic as Padmé, while able to hold her own in a confrontation, does not ever appear interested in being a soldier.) But the point is she doesn't die via broken heart or Force Choke.
Anyway, that's how I'd fix this movie.
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I read an earlier ask.... So what IS your game on the sequels??? (Feel free to make it as long as you need, I also don't like sequels
Ok here goes (I warn you this is long):
First of all I was mad about how they started ignoring the side characters. In the first movie Finn and Poe had so much potential that I really feel like they wasted and failed to develop. They introduced Rose in the second movie and expect her to actually keep being a character then at the end of the movie they reduced her to a love interest and she was barely in the last movie.
Next the plot of the second movie was stupid. It was just a really slow chase where one group was almost out fuel and the other just didn’t feel like going faster or sending smaller ships into fight. Then there’s the casino trip. Why the hell did Rose have to explain to Finn (who was literally taken from his home as a child and turned into slave for the empire) why slavery and oppressing the poor is bad? He literally felt with the empire’s oppression his whole life.
Next there’s the villains. So much wasted potential. I thought for sure there was more to Phasma but there wasn’t (I know there might be in the book). Then with Hux I once again hoped for a complex character and once again didn’t get it. When he help the rebellion I thought we were about to get some development but instead we got “I just want Kylo to lose”. As for Kylo they did expand on his character but they turned the redemption arc into an unnecessary love story.
Speaking of the unnecessary love story let’s talk and Rey and Kylo. (If you ship them skip this section because I don’t feel like getting attacked for insulting your ship). I felt like them getting together was unnecessary. The movie felt the need to give the female lead a love interest because that’s what pretty much all media does. Everyone female characters needs to date someone and she’s the lead she definitely does. That’s just something I’ve noticed. They then had decided who and because they had already put Finn with Rose they had to choose someone else so they picked Kylo. I thought the end of the movie would have been way better off without it. Kylo and Rey could have fought and if they still wanted to redeem him instead make it about how he felt remorse for what he’d done. How he wished he hadn’t killed his father. Not because he decided he liked Rey.
I mentioned villains earlier and another thing they could have done better with the villains was the whole Palpatine thing. Explain his return more. Plus you can’t just drop the information he had a kid (Rey’s dad) and not elaborate. No previous love interest for Palpatine was mentioned as far as I knew. Who was she? Did he actually love her? Did he just want an heir?
Also I feel like Snoke could have been a way better villain. They killed him so easily AND it turned out he was just just a puppet. Literally so disappointing. I thought he might actually be an interesting villain. They could have made him so much cooler.
Another wasted opportunity was stormpilot. They had so much potential in the first movie that got pushed away in the others. They put Finn with Rose (which I’m not against I just like stormpilot more) and they had that one girl they tried to make us think Poe liked. Then they talked about how there was going to be a gay kiss in the last movie and people thought that stormpilot might actually become canon but instead it was the like 3 seconds of those two girls.
There’s probably more stuff I could mention but I think I’ll leave it at that. This conveys my opinion enough. There are many things I like about the sequels too, and they are pretty good movies, I just really think they could be better.
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lorenfangor · 2 years
"Visser" and AEGOU
a. What’s your favorite single moment in this book?
Hands down it's Eva's line to Edriss about how she believes in higher powers and she believes she was infested so Marco would grow strong and destroy the Yeerk who enslaved her. Not only am I partial to it because Eva's one of the few characters who gets to be textually religious (and with a hefty dose of Marian symbolism which contributes back to a probable devotion to Our Lady of Guadalupe, we stan) but I love it because it's such a different perspective on infestation and the question of bad things happening to good people. Eva seems to think that bad things happen at least in part so evildoers can be brought to justice, and that's metal as fuck.
e. Most important contribution to series canon?
If I'm forced to pick one thing, I think what I'm going to choose is the fact that we see exactly how awful the Yeerks are from the perspective of someone who's not Esplin the Andaboo. Edriss is everything Visser Three isn't - she's cold, calculating, good at politics, good at playing the game. She makes people like her, and respect her, instead of just intimidating them. And, despite this, the system still fucks her over and drives her to quiet rebellion - but she never manages to escape it, either. She's both trapped in an authoritarian state and eagerly building that state higher. I wouldn't even say she's loyal to the Empire - she's loyal to herself, and she elevates her status by elevating the cause.
the reason this is important is because it makes the Yeerks more menacing and more realistic than a bunch of Saturday morning cartoon villains who shout menacingly but never pose a threat to the heroes - Esplin is dangerous, and there's a reason he's so damn good at war in the end, but this is a completely different ballgame.
g. Which side character SHOULD have appeared in this book but DIDN’T?
I don't actually know how this would work, but I'd love to see Illim and Mr. Tidwell's relationship/partnership contrasted with Edriss and Essam's Sex Crime Love Square From Hell. (Essam is not off the hook here, he's exactly as bad as Edriss is, Essam Does Not Get Rights). Actually I'd love to see more of Illim and Tidwell in general - they're so wonderful and sweet, and such a good example of what actual respect and equity between a Yeerk and a host looks like. Seeing that and then switching to Edriss going "Allison loves me. Hildy loves me. Essam loves me. Everyone loves me. It's such a funny joke that she tried to kill me." would drive home in a more concrete way that none of this is consensual.
o. Favorite new piece of info you learned in this book?
This is very minor but I love the idea that fiction is a human thing, and its existence as entertainment is very alien to Edriss and Essam. There's so much of Animorphs that highlights what makes Earth special without going full Star Trek: The Next Generation, but this is both fun and heartwarming and possibly a Galaxy Quest reference, so it wins in my book.
u. Are there any moments of this book that have aged badly? How would you change them?
I'm ignoring the timeline issue because the timeline is fucked, but actually I do think there's a part of this book that hasn't aged well, and it has to do with Hildy.
Edriss is a narcissist, so it makes sense that she's not focused on anyone but herself? But at the same time, there's a striking lack of awareness that what happened to Hildy was horrible because there's not any attention paid to him. We know less about him than any of Edriss or Essam's other hosts, and he doesn't get a voice or a personality or a background.
(One theory I've heard is that originally Allison was supposed to be Edriss's host while Lowenstein stayed Essam's host, and I think that's possible - Hildy is a very nothing character, like he was inserted in place of Lowenstein to address the age gap between the producer and the young Allison)
I'm somewhat grasping at straws, I'll admit, because the things that are fucked up and awkward and uncomfortable about Visser (easily Applegate's best work, I think) are the things that are supposed to make you feel that way. So what I'm left with is this: Hildy is either a nothing character because Edriss only sees him as a proxy for Essam and doesn't care who he is outside of that or he's deprioritized because particularly in the 90s, sexual assault where the victim was male just... didn't get talked about. and if that's what's going on, then yes, Hildy has aged badly, but if it's just in-character self-obsession, then I can't think of anything. I'm not talking about Allison or Eva or Jenny as a victim here because I think the books do a really good job of foregrounding the suffering of those women. Edriss even victim-blames, that's how on the nose it is.
(Send me a book!)
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teddybasmanov · 2 years
We're Choosing, We're Being Chosen: Prince Pharos and his listener
So, I was thinking about it for a very VERY long time and decided to finally write it at least in some form, because the only person who could have written it properly is ThiccDiccEnergy on AO3 and they're already writing so much stuff (some of which are already my requests) that I'm going to put it here in the form of short headcanon instead of a proper story.
TW: arranged marriage, injuries, violence, scars, mentions of death, torture and execution. Nothing is detailed though.
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So, we know that the listener's (do they have a name? I can call them Darling, but that would bring a lot of misunderstanding) family was probably all killed (there are no direct sayings, but they're not mentioned and he says "complete elimination of royal family") and they were captured. So, I think that Emperor Lockvire Ganis Killmere, First of His Name, The Rising Sun That Burns The Graves of His Enemies, Rightful Emperor of Runika and the Crimson Sands (no matter what the false queen and those savages in the west say) in his wisdom didn't initially decide that the listener should marry his younger son. His first idea was that they should be publicly executed on the capital's central square to teach all the future enemies what resisting the Empire leads to. It might have not been made public right away and Pharos isn't involved in the politics enough to know about it.
So, prison, death sentence, guards taking their anger out on them - imagine having a member of a royal family from a country your country has just been at war with (and the propaganda has definitely exaggerated the savagery of the enemy) in your hands. You can do with them whatever you want as long as they're alive and in one piece. Yeah. So their problems are not to bleed out too much and to pick a song to sing on their way to the scaffold.
But then his Imperial Majesty (in his wisdom yet again) changed his mind. The captured heir is to marry Pharos to quieten that damn kingdom without spending any more resources on it and the boy will finally have someone to keep his day-drinking in check. So, the castle doctor had to make THIS presentable for the prince in record time.
And not to say that the listener is very happy with that sudden turn of fate at first. When you first were preparing to be the ruler of your country and then a glorified martyr and now you have to marry an imperial brat you'd definitely be frustrated. This we still see a little bit in the very first video when they say they don't want to marry him, but then they find out that by doing so they can save their people and, being the dutiful ruler they are, they agree and adapt. If needed they'll be his perfect spouse and love him till the day they die, if it means saving their kingdom from the Imperial wrath.
But then the Emperor is dead, long live the Emperor. Pharos goes mad and the capital is on fire. He comes to them offering to run away or to lead the rebellion.
Their first impulse is to drag him to the balcony and slit his throat open in front of a crowd. But they know better than that, the revolution usually eats its own children, and they won't even get a chance to try and help their homeland until their head goes up on a spike.
So, they run away with the fallen Emperor. In the evening of the first day of travel, they get far enough from the capital to stop at an inn.
I think the listener, since they were supposed to be a proper heir to a small kingdom, is well versed both in royal subjects - like diplomacy, languages, history, etiquette, the science of war etc; and in more daily skills like cooking, camping, actually talking to people and so on, so they take the reigns:
"Shut up, I'll talk! Excuse my husband, he's a bit of an idiot." 'Husband?' 'What would you want me to call you? Thought so, now silent.'
When they finally get to the room and order to bring there a tub of hot water to wash away the cinders. They take their shirt off and Pharos rushes to turn away but he isn't fast enough and in his peripheral vision he sees their back. And it's all covered in scars and bruises. Most of them seem quite freshly healed.
"Oh, what, no one told you, that your future consort is damaged goods?" they turn to him and, being the sheltered prince he is, he finally flushes seeing them shirtless. Their front is not much better. That one little scar, usually peeping out from their collar, he always found so charming, appears to be the end of a huge bruise going from their neck and across their torso.
"Who did this to you?"
"Guards. But mostly your father," their tone is calm and cold. In this tone, they explain to him the whole story and the picture of Emperor Lockvire as a perfect man and a perfect ruler crumbles in his mind. He never faced the results of his father's actions directly, but now he is staring at them with tears in his eyes and swears to himself that he's going to protect them from everything. He doesn't know how yet, but he definitely will.
Cold long nights in the dungeon have weakened their health.
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emblemxeno · 3 years
I asked ezralahm the same, but I also would like to hear your opinion. I saw someone post that the Black Eagles are absolutely miserable on SS, but I absolutely don't see it. What are your thoughts on this?
Well let’s consider the context of Crimson Flower vs Silver Snow.
On Crimson Flower, the Eagles are all together following Edelgard, fighting on the side of their home.
On Silver Snow, the Eagles are fighting against the Empire and Edelgard, against their home and their former friend.
The latter has them seem more solemn and sad because that’s what it means when you think your home and its leader is wrong and must be stopped.
The Eagles on Crimson Flower make it clear that they are in it for the sake of the professor and Edelgard regardless of their own morals and beliefs. They turn away from the foundations of their characters and do things contradictory to their established personalities. Caspar fights for “justice” but is on the side steamrolling the continent, Linhardt and Dorothea hate blood and fighting but join the side that’s instigating violence, Bernadetta hates social interaction but is on the side which forces her to fight, Petra hates the Empire but fights for the Empire anyway, Ferdinand thinks it’s his responsibility to give advice when Edelgard is on the wrong course but ends up joining the side which is trying to dismantle everything he’s worked for.
They throw away their established character foundations to start their negative development, all for the temptation of friendship and “true wisdom” that Edelgard and Byleth would have. Because when Byleth chose Edelgard, they chose loving her over their responsibility as a teacher and guide for Fodlan.
When Byleth chooses Silver Snow, they choose it because Edelgard’s actions are unacceptable and put people in danger, regardless of the fact that she was a former student. Following this, the other Eagles do the same. They cut away at what is unacceptable. Linhardt and Bernie have to escape their territories because of how the Empire is, Ferdinand’s family is deposed and he’s forced to wander Fodlan, Caspar cuts ties because he thinks the Empire is unjust and throws himself into the fight, Dorothea helps people escape the Empire and assists people across Fodlan, Petra fights against the Empire for the freedom of her homeland.
They are naturally less happy at the start of Silver Snow than they are on Crimson Flower; they chose their morals and values over sentimentalism, and are a band of rebels working with the scattered Knights of Seiros fighting against the full might of the Imperial army. They don’t think they have a chance, but do it because they put faith in themselves and their professor. They see their odds and the trials they have to face, and confront the path anyway.
They don’t have to do that on Crimson Flower, because everything is taken care of by Edelgard and Hubert. The Eagles see what Edelgard and Hubert want them to see.
I’m kind of reaching here, but compare the last exploration character dialogues for the two routes. 
Crimson Flower’s last exploration has people apprehensive, focused on violence, this supposed future that’s being promised. As we see in the ending mural and various endings, things take a dark turn, with rebellions, censorship, and constant strife.
Silver Snow’s last exploration has characters genuinely happy, excited for the peace that’s to come, for Byleth to lead Fodlan, for things to be better. The ending mural is a parade, and things are peaceful and prosperous in the endings.
The Eagles themselves start out solemn and sad on Silver Snow, but end up happier at the end of that route than they ever were on Crimson Flower.
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hosts-of-valyria · 3 years
An epic clash: Yennefer and Jon in Casterly Rock, "Let me do the talking for now, honey", said Yennefer.
Yennefer of Vengerberg vs Tywin and Kevan Lannister; Yennefer instantly recognizes lies
Yennefer's wisdom and strength: Yennefer Stark-Vengerberg and Jon Stark-Vengerberg. Only Yennefer of Vengerberg can get the most out of Jon
"What Makes a Good King or Queen?"
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Independence for the Kingdoms
"I am only human, Tywin. Be glad the Iron Throne is gone and the Lannisters are kings and queens in Casterly Rock", said Rhaegar.
"I'm sorry, Cersei, that Emhyr declared war on House Lannister. I run through worlds, screaming, crying alone only to see in the end that chaos awaited me. Only here in this world do I feel good", said Ciri.
Cersei smiled, "Cintra suffered because of Emhyr, Ciri. None of this is your fault. Myrcella, you and I are going to Cintra to unite the armies of Cintra and House Lannister. That would also be in the spirit of Pavetta and Calanthe."
"Everything I did was for the good of House Lannister. Yes i was hiding under Casterly Rock. What's bad about staying neutral that doesn't make me evil if I want to choose the winner.
It stinks of rebellions in the Kingdoms, the treacherous vassals are already mutinous. Gregor Clegane rebels against House Lannister, Addam Marbrand rebels. In the north, the Boltons are rebelling. Brienne of Tarth's father rebels against Robert Baratheon in Storm's End. Yronwoods rebel in Dorne. The hill tribes in the Vale of Arryn attack the knights in broad daylight.
We still need alliances. The Kingdoms of Westeros fought each other even before Aegon the Conquer. I have to break vassalage now or I'll lose Casterly Rock and it belongs to House Lannister. If Winterfell is rightfully owned by the Starks, or King's Landing is rightfully owned by the Targaryen, Casterly Rock is rightfully owned by the Lannisters. Then borders must now be drawn on the maps. I always wanted Cersei to be a queen, she's a queen in Casterly Rock. And Jaime is a knight in Storm's End", yelled Tywin.
Yennefer laughed aloud, "it took 5 minutes for the lies to start. What did I expect from a place held together by bullshit."
Yennefer looked at Jon, "listen carefully honey. We have a man here who believes what he says is wise. Do you know what Tywin is missing?"
Jon nodded, "I listen to you Yen'. Tywin lacks humanity."
Aegon, Sansa, Yennefer, Rhaegar, Lyanna and Elia laughed aloud, "yeah you know things, Jon."
Tywin growled, "then give Jaime back to me, Rhaegar. Then I'll make him a good king at Casterly Rock. Then I'll send Cersei to Cintra. Then Jaime should no longer be a knight in Storm's End for the fat Storm King. When I'm inhuman sometimes I want Jaime back in Casterly Rock. Then Gregor Clegane will stay away from now on, then I'll lock him away. Then I'll send Pycelle and Qyburn back to the Citadel in Oldtown."
Rhaegar nodded, "ok, fine I'll give Jaime back to you as your heir if you give him the chance to fall in love then he can get married."
Tywin nodded, "it's Okay."
Jon smiled, "I love this woman."
Yennefer laughed.
"It makes you evil when you want to shed a bloodbath at Westerosi, Tywin Lannister! Myrcella is a good girl, Tommen is a good boy and Joffrey makes every effort in life and wants to be a king. I think Rhaegar was still born in Westeros. Then dissolve vassalage, then you need a standing army in Casterly Rock. Rhaegar is a human like you! It makes you evil when you want to marry off your children against their will! The Lannisters spent all the gold at an exorbitant price!
You slaughtered House Reyne, Lord Tywin Lannister! You! You! You! You all alone! Yes, then vassalage must be dissolved immediately in all kingdoms. Then borders have to be set on the cards.
Do you want Jaime back as your heir? Then you have to give him the chance to fall in love. And do you think Cersei will be a good queen in Casterly Rock? What makes a good king or Queen, Tywin Lannister? Tell me, I want to know. Tell me and Jon how the procedure works."
Tywin growled like a lion, "I know the answer. Yes, I can't fight against Jon and you. Well done Jon. You found a wonderful woman there. I'm powerless against you, Jon."
Yennefer and Jon looked at each other and they both grinned, "very wise answer, Lord Tywin."
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"Yennefer. This is Sansa and Rhaenys", said Daenerys, Lyanna and Elia.
"We heard so much from Yennefer of Vengerberg and wanted to see this wicked witch Jon sleeps with. Benjen, Will and Jeor Mormont cheered over Jon who brings resources from strange worlds to the wall. Jeor Mormont calls Jon a hero of the Night's Watch and gave him Longclaw when he saved his life from a revenant. We have seen cruel things in Westeros since we left our homes. We met Daenerys, a Witcher and a Child of Surprise on Dragonstone. These three spoke of a sorceress who travels with Jon to get support. When Ciri opened magical portals for us, we saw this new world. Robb, Aegon and we haven't seen Jon in years and suddenly it was said he was in another world. Yes, we should have taken care of him more often", said Sansa and Rhaenys.
Yennefer laughed out loud, "Yennefer Stark-Vengerberg. I'll show you two brats right away what this wicked witch is capable of.
You can be very proud of Jon. King Foltest of Temeria was the first monarch in my world to step down as king and make elections in Temeria possible, he is the first Warden to be elected by the peoples of my world. King Virfuril of Aedirn followed suit and was elected Warden of Aedirn by the people. Elections are already coming in my world. Nilfgaard breaks, the people choose their own leader and Emhyr var Emreis is powerless. The people in my world cheer Jon loudly. The jubilation extends from Nilfgaard to the northern kingdoms of my world. People cheer Lyanna Stark's son. They call him Savior of Worlds, empires bow their knees to Jon. Evil people are powerless against Jon. Wars stop across the board in two worlds. Jon brought justice and order, the races and nations choose their leaders and live in prosperity together.
Elves, gnomes, dwarves and humans cheer loudly to Jon, who unites them in times of peace and independence they say he knows what's right.
He told me that you two forgot him. Oh, Your Highnesses, is Robb Stark already ruining the north? Oh Jon is a married man we got married in Vengerberg six months ago. Ciri, Geralt, Daenerys, Rhaegar, Lyanna, Rhaella and Triss were also there. I've seen tyrants. I've seen terrible things in my life. I met Daenerys, Geralt and Ciri at Sodden Hill. I met Jon for the first time north of the wall, he was tired of fighting. I met Lyanna, Rhaegar, Elia for the first time, in Harrenhal with Jon. Sansa, Rhaenys, then you forgot about Jon. Foltest of Temeria is a friend of Jon, he gives him good steel for the Night's Watch. Ah, Rhaenys the whore queen in the north and Sansa the whore queen in King's Landing", said Yennefer.
Elia laughed out loud, "I envy Lyanna, I would like you to be my daughter-in-law too. Such a strong woman."
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Three sisters: Rhaenys, Sansa and Yennefer
Sansa looked wide-eyed, "you, Rhaenys and I are similar, Yen. Like sisters. There are men and women who are capable of cruel deeds. This world just sucks like yours", said Rhaenys and Sansa.
Lyanna, Elia, Yennefer nodded, "you're right. There are people who enjoy the suffering of others."
Elia and Lyanna nodded, "What Yennefer is talking about is that damage comes up even in times of independence, that is vassalism and that vassal oath sucks."
Tywin nodded, "I'm just a feudal lord like Rickard or Jon Arryn, that's all I am. Boltons rebel on their own, too, and who comes next? Umbers? Karstarks? That runs like a red thread. Insurgent vassals are everywhere in Westeros. Yennefer is right about that, there are lying vassals in her world too. Wheels of power are also in her world."
Yennefer nodded, "that's what I'm talking about, how far does loyalty go to a feudal lord, Tywin is a feudal lord, Eddard and Rickard are. Damage comes up, Sansa, right before your eyes, tell me how far does loyalty go for a feudal lord or lady? This world and my world are still shitty where everyone wants power, including vassals. These are worlds where you can die if you do something wrong. Jon doesn't want to be king, he says it openly. He's not a bastard, Geralt is happy to have a companion in the fight against monsters, believe me, Geralt just wants friends he can join. You're wrong, Sansa, if you think Jon is power. You and I get into real trouble if you turn Jon into a game ball. And you don't want to mess with me, Sansa. Girl, I see that when you lie, I see that very clearly. I smell lies a thousand miles against the wind. You are a grown woman and you are queen, then you have to take sides too, Jon is afraid of Robert. You say openly that you like beautiful things because it gives you a feeling to be better than others, I am not saying that you are superficial, I am saying that you also want power, that can be seen very clearly. But now listen carefully to me, you are only human, you are not perfect, I am not perfect, I am mortal too. Don't pretend to be a goddess, miss! You can't turn the shit around as you want, at some point it has to be over. You may survive, but I would survive you. It really needs to be made clear now that Winterfell belongs to the Starks, or Casterly Rock to the Lannisters, or King's Landing to the Targaryen. That means vassals need work now and Winterfell needs a standing army of northerners, which smells very strongly of conscription in the north. Given the size of the north, I would estimate 30,000 northerners in Winterfell to intervene in famine and disease. Oh, Winterfell needs big army barracks, money for that can be shot north. Winterfell urgently needs a standing army, otherwise there will be a bang in the north. The vassals become sovereign rulers in their territories. You can't get the Dreadfort under control, if the Boltons in the north skin people alive they have to be captured, the Boltons are already rebelling of their own accord and a thirst for power. Other vassals could take the Dreadfort in a thirst for power and also rebel against the Starks. Then I would append the lands of the Boltons as a province. But if Roose Bolton legitimizes Ramsey and allows him to marry Miranda, they need work, then Robb gets it all bent so that the Boltons no longer rebel. Military service for a few years or for life is possible. Then you have to deal with a military, titles in an army, leaders, generals. Jon and Geralt have been doing military service with the Night's Watch for a number of years. The independence was given by Rhaegar, he did everything right when he burned the Iron Throne with the Wildfire and he removed Aerys as king. Life goes on, now work is waiting for each of us. Banks are already built from north to south, money is in circulation. You want to be better than others, Sansa. That is also a hunger for power."
"We just have the power to protect those we love", said Sansa and Rhaenys.
Yennefer laughed, "This automatically increases your power over others! You only want me as an advisor because I'm Jon's girlfriend and Daenery's, Jaskier's and Geralt's best friend, at the moment I only have power because of Jon. It will be expensive for you to buy me out of my neutrality. You two have no power over me, I will not love you as queens, I will accept you as queens. Jon has power over me, he gives me so much and I give him something back by now aging normally, you two have no power over Jon, Geralt, Ciri, Daenerys or me. Jon believes in Geralt, Ciri, Daenerys, and me. Jon says he wants Geralt to be his best friend. Geralt and Jon stay neutral. Jon already wields power, he too is already powerful, Geralt and Daenerys are powerful too. I am already powerful.
Sansa, Rhaenys, I'm not what I look like, I was powerful before I got this look. Either you want power or you don't want it. There is always a choice. You want to play a game with me? A choice was stolen from me, I am a sorceress but this was forced on me, I could have become a sorceress of my own accord. If Geralt is a warrior then he could have made his own choice instead he was forced to be a Witcher. Jon is a leader that he can learn without taking an oath. If I had become a bad mother, I would have realized that. I'm not a bad mother, if Geralt wants me to be a foster mother for Ciri then he just has to say that. He and I don't have to have an on / off relationship for that. If Geralt wants Daenerys to share her knowledge with Ciri, he just has to say it. Mine and this world are cruel. Daenerys openly says she wants a little girl and there is Ciri. Geralt conjured something up when he tied Ciri to himself, he already has Ciri. Daenerys and I can choose to be foster mothers for her. Geralt doesn't have to force this in a wish where he uses the wrong words. It's not about what he wanted, it's about what he didn't want. I said that I want a child and there is Ciri. I say I want to age normally because power is not everything in life. And now I age normally, Ciri says she wants to hear Jon's knowledge too. No Sansa, no Rhaenys, Jon and Geralt stay neutral, if you have something to discuss you can speak to Daenerys and me. Jon belongs in Winterfell too, Sansa. Geralt loves Dragonstone and Essos. I love Jon because he doesn't run after me, he tends to avoid me, but only I can make more of Jon. Geralt evades Daenerys sometimes, but he loves her and doesn't cheat on her. That is the difference. Jon sees Daenerys as human, that has to be enough. Why should Jon be submissive to the two of you, me, or Daenerys? He can learn anything, but only through me. You don't show enough empathy for Jon. And Daenerys makes Geralt great. When these worlds met, fate linked Ciri, Daenerys, Geralt, Jon and me.
If you Don't want power you still have to do something with your life. Oberyn is a good example, he doesn't want power, that's why he travels the world, Rhaenys. Your uncle Oberyn knows very well that he would be a terrible politician. And your uncle Brandon loves Ashara, Sansa, you can't blame him for that. He lives in Dorne.
And Oberyn takes care of his children, nothing more can be expected. There are no bastards. Lyanna is not power, Jon is not power, I am not power. Ciri is not power.
Sansa's and Rhaenys's uncles: Oberyn Martell and Brandon Stark. Brandon never loved Catelyn.
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Jon, go outside for a moment, I have something to say to the two bitches. Jon is Jon Stark through Lyanna. Girls, think. Do you want to sit idle for a lifetime? Do you want to twiddle your thumbs and get fat? You can live another seventy years! What is your incentive in life? What do you want to achieve. Jon doesn't want to be king or inherit Winterfell, he says it openly, he works for money, he gets honors from others, he hunts monsters. You both have to take Jon as he is. Yeah, he doesn't want to be a king, he doesn't want to commit incest, and that's really cool, it makes Jon smarter than the two of you together. Either Jon is part of your family or not, if he's a part you must treat him sensibly. If he's not part of your family then Geralt goes to the wall with Jon, he won't swear the oath and you won't see him for years. You're the older one, Rhaenys. Where is your heart, where is your love? Should I call you a bad queen in the north? Do you want that? If you don't do anything with your life, you two are losers and spoiled brats. Come on, show me how smart and strong you are. Jon would love me too if I was still disfigured. Be careful, you two brats. I eat brats like you for breakfast. What Makes a Good King or Queen? What is wisdom? Come on, this is a test. Have you two ever been little birds or worms? Yes, the three of us are similar but you have to recognize that now. Show me the feminist heroine in you. Haha, yes Daenerys and I have a thing for white wolfes. Daenerys and I are the black wolves because Jon and Geralt are monster hunters. The more successful Jon is in life, the harder I want to fuck with him. Geralt says he wants Jon's friendship and he calls Jon his leader. Geralt says that Jon should share his knowledge with Ciri, Jon knows what is right but there is more, much more possible.
The more successful Geralt is, the harder Daenerys wants to feel him in her cunt. Do you know why? Daenerys and I are chaos, and only Geralt gets Daenerys tamed and only Jon gets me tamed. Geralt, Ciri and I can also teach Jon magical skills, mastering fire and ice. If he wants that, Jon can become anything. I find a magical gateway in Jon. He already has Ghost. Jon is also a white wolf. Do you want to rule fire and ice, Jon? Geralt can teach you sword skills from a Witcher. Jon can go hunting monsters with Geralt in my world too. Ciri wants to be like Jon, Geralt, Daenerys and me, and not like you two bitches! Come on, how big is your heart, Rhaenys Stark, Rhaenys Nymeros Martell, Rhaenys Targaryen! Do the names make you horny? Then Robb should ram his cock up your fat ass until you whimper for mercy! Do you think it's funny to deport someone? How do you think Jon feels you two bitches? Maybe you two bitches should go to the wall and swear the oath."
Rhaenys snorted.
Jon smiled, "Magic is cool."
Geralt patted his shoulder, "Sword training starts tomorrow."
"Daenerys and I suck", said Yennefer.
Daenerys laughed aloud, "we're just cunning."
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Sansa nodded. "Yes Brandon never loved my mother Catelyn."
Rhaenys rubbed her head, "yes, Oberyn knows he would be a terrible politician. Sansa and I ran across Westeros and made more of our lives, traveling north to south helping others. I would never drop Sansa and she wouldn't drop me. Sansa runs away from Petyr Baelish. I ran away from Robert too. Sansa and I have been through a lot of shit. We often had nervous breakdowns and we gave each other strength.
I love her brother Robb, she loves my brother Aegon, and Jon is my brother too, I never treated him like a bastard, he rightly called himself Stark. And to Sansa, Jon is a brother too."
Rhaenys and Sansa groaned, "We are not spoiled brats. We are stronger than ever. What doesn't kill you only makes you stronger. We put a lot of effort into learning. We have earned our power, we wouldn't spend our entire lives in Sunspear or Winterfell. Aegon and Robb are strong kings. We never wanted to learn a Game of Thrones, but we wanted to make more of our lives. We've seen the shit and ugliness of the continent. I'm a good queen in the north and Sansa is a good queen in King's Landing. Sansa and I help women who are abused and raped by their husbands. Sansa sells her own knitted clothes in the capital and I design jewelry, we make money too. Sansa and I brought prosperity to the north and Dorne. I've earned the Crown of the North, I know all about the North and Dorne, and I love Winterfell, King's Landing, and Sunspear alike. Sansa made the capital a better city."
Rhaenys shook her head, "I'm not a bad sister, I never have been. Families are complicated. I give a shit about the name Stark, Martell or Targaryen when I know Jon is happy it's just names.
I'm happy that you two found each other. He is Jon Stark. Aegon and I love Jon. Robb loves Jon. Sansa loves Jon. We would never want him to suffer. Sansa and I would never want Jon to hate us, we're trying to do the best we can, we just want peace like you. Kings and queens are never safe, we have to end this. Robert chose Eddard to be his brother, what should I do Yen. Stannis and Renly protect Jon too. I wouldn't live in Sunspear all my life either, I love Robb. Aegon loves Sansa more than anything. I would never make Robb a king consort. Before that happens, I would resign as Queen. I don't give a fuck about the Realm, i'm human too. Robert called Elia an evil snake and threatens everyone. He hit Lyanna and Cersei. Ciri is so wonderful, we can change your world too, Yennefer. I've seen Kaer Morhen too, Robb and I have ridden through your world. You and Sansa are my sisters, I just want to be strong for Jon like you and Sansa. We need elections, Rhaegar was elected Warden of King's Landing by the people in the capital. We need new offices in the Kingdoms. As Tywin says, the name lasts for a thousand years, if there is a baby boom then the children don't automatically have to become kings and queens, we can create new jobs for heirs. Even if Jaime and Brienne have children together, the children don't automatically have to be kings. Robb and I hardly argue, Sansa and Aegon hardly argue. We do our best, we love Jon and he can always come to us. We are happy that Ciri calls Geralt, Jaskier and Jon father and Daenerys and you mother. Ciri is so wonderful."
Yennefer laughed aloud, "That wouldn't have been justified if you had treated Jon like a bastard! He's Jon Stark, this may or may not suit you two, bitches."
Sansa and Rhaenys huffed, "We are not bitches."
Tywin nodded. "That would be best when kings and queens end."
Yennefer smiled, "ah ok. But families can be great together. Robert is unfaithful, Rhaenys. Lyanna is Eddard's sister.
He just wants to bang Lyanna and the next day he would be gone, he was just fascinated by the idea of ​​marrying Lyanna. You see Robert's character, he hits women when something doesn't suit him. Either you have a decent relationship with no quarrels over small things, or you leave it if you are unable to have a relationship. Jon doesn't hate you. Come back inside Jon. It is very clear, Sansa, you either want Baelish in your service or you don't, he is breaking families apart in his greed for power. Give him politics in Riverrun and you're rid of him."
Sansa nodded, "I don't want Baelish."
Elia smiled, "Oberyn knows that he would be a cruel politician, Rhae. Lyanna, Rhaegar and I haven't had sex in ages."
Rhaenys and Sansa groaned, "Ok, we have to put up with that. Ok, right, we don't want to be inactive. That would make us losers in life."
Yennefer nodded, "Yes that would make you losers."
Lyanna, Elia, Kevan, Rhaegar, and Tywin nodded, "Yes, that smells like conscription. Military service for a few years or for life is possible."
Sansa and Rhaenys nodded, "we got it. Yes then we all have to dissolve the vassalage. House Stark is not going to hand over Winterfell."
Yennefer looked at them.
"An oath can mean doom. Rhaenys and you are the sisters I never had, Sansa. Yes we are similar. It's not difficult for me to fall in love with Jon either. The problem is, Jon must want more than just defeat the Night King. He knows things and he can learn anything and he already sees it. Elia and Lyanna are the mothers I never had when I was a kid. It's nice to see how happy Jon is in the fact that he got the name Stark from Lyanna and he's not a bastard, he never was. Aegon, Jon and Robb are brothers for Geralt, I'm all the more happy that he finally fell in love with Daenerys. Ciri is happy. Ciri can achieve something great in these two worlds, these worlds are very similar. Ciri loves Westeros and Essos. We can make this continent, Essos and my world so great, create a better future. Tywin is right, if you want my advice I'll give you that, but then you have to listen to me, rulers listen to their advisors Sansa. I give Rhaenys as queen in the North my advice, no problem, but not for free! I want money Sansa. That crown from King's Landing gives you no power, Sansa. That gives you no power over me. A crown can break. I will not love you as a queen, I will accept you as a queen. Each of us learns our whole life. If you live a quiet life as a queen, I will call you a bad queen, because then you are no better than Robert Baratheon, as a Storm King. Oh you want my advice. Then we look each other in the eye and we agree that we need to talk about money. I don't give advice for free. I've seen so many bad kings and queens who didn't care about my advice because they enjoyed the power that came with me. Who tells me you're not such a ruler too, Sansa? A feminist heroine has visions, tell me about your vision. Maybe I can relate to it. I've already stopped counting how many bad monarchs I've seen. True to the motto: Good advice is expensive, Sansa. I hold out my hand, if you want me as an advisor you have to pay me. Yes, one doesn't talk about money, but we have to do that briefly. Aegon is a good and strong king, and he loves you with all his heart. I love Jon more than anything. Oh it will be expensive for you two to bring me into your service and alliance. Sansa, Rhaenys listen carefully, Jon and Geralt remain neutral. I can also stay neutral, if you want me you have to offer me a lot. I will not love Rhaenys and you as queens, I will accept you both, Sansa. When I see that you start a project to change the continent I will support you. What are you offering me to give up my neutrality, Rhaenys, Sansa. What does Catelyn offer me to help her daughter as a counselor? I know my worth, what am I worth to you two? I don't give advice for free, I've seen so many bad monarchs. I think the currency was gold dragons, right? I do not give advice for under 500 gold dragons every month when I also pay taxes."
Tywin and Kevan smiled, "yes, because advice usually costs money, it is not for free. I don't want to talk my mouth lint and nobody listens to me. Yes, it is easy to become a bad king or queen. My brother Kevan and I pay you every month, Yennefer", said Kevan and Tywin.
Sansa and Rhaenys nodded, "We deduct the taxes. the taxes are used for schools, roads, the kingsroad has to be expanded. The capital is getting cleaner. Winterfell needs to get cleaner and healthier. 500 gold dragons every month for you. That's the currency. We all offer you a career. I like money too, Rhaenys likes it too. I'm better than Robert Baratheon. Rhaenys is better than Robert. Aegon, Rhaenys, Rhaegar, Tywin, Lyanna, Elia and I pay best in Westeros. Rhaenys and Robb give you rooms in Winterfell and Aegon and I give you money, work and rooms in the Red Keep. I'm building a political council with Lyanna and Elia, I could use you Yen. Your qualifications are great, I will pay you well. I pay you. Rhaegar, Aegon, Lyanna, Elia and I are making new laws. Politics as competition. We pay you every month, Yen. Jon and Geralt get money from Rhaegar, Rickard, Eddard, Robb and Aegon every month. Jaskier is in Highgarden. Olenna and Margaery are fascinated by him as a bard. Your jobs are in Casterly Rock, the Crownlands and the north, King's Landing and Winterfell."
Yennefer looked at with wide eyes, "ah a career, all right. Politics as a competition? That's cool, I'll join in, I'll join this council. Ok I can travel through magical portals, I come to the capital when Jon and Geralt go back north and Daenerys sails back to Essos. Then Ciri, Tissaia and I have to think about expanding the portals. A career, you made it up nicely, you two bitches. Have you studied my path in life?"
Rhaenys and Sansa laughed, "If it works."
Yennefer laughed out loud, "Attention." Daenerys laughed out loud, "Oh that was Geralt, Ciri and me, we told them about your path."
Yennefer groaned, "Ah ok. Well done Ciri. My parents abused me when I was a kid. I was disfigured when I was a kid. I didn't have anything when I was little, I was treated like a pig. Jon gave me back that choice that was stolen from me."
Lyanna and Elia looked at her, "then be happy that Ciri has such great opportunities now. Be happy that Geralt fell in love."
Dany barked at Sansa and Rhaenys, "Geralt and Jon remain neutral. Are you deaf in both of your ears or just stupid?"
Yennefer nodded, "I'm happy about that. I am happy that Ciri has a foster father in Jon and Geralt and a foster mother in Daenerys. Like Jon, Jaskier, Geralt, Daenerys, I want Ciri to be fine. Emhyr is a monster. Yes, I have to put up with the fact that I'm shit and be manipulative. But then you have to put up with the fact that you suck too, Daenerys."
Daenerys nodded, "he's a monster. Yeah, I'm a bitch sometimes, I admit it. But we love Ciri. Ciri doesn't want to experience chaos or on / off relationships, she wants to live a life."
Yennefer groaned, "I know."
Rhaenys smiled, "Oh you get money. It would be so nice if you, as Jon's great love, were mine and Sansa's advisors. I am ready to pay a lot of money for you."
Aegon smiled, "Jon, Robb and Geralt are my brothers."
Tywin nodded, "Yennefer is right. I can't turn Myrcella into a bastard, I can't. Yes, you must want something more than just defeating the undead, Jon. You have to kick yourself in the ass if you want to achieve more in life. Yes, when Myrcella isn't a bastard then neither are you, you're a Stark through Lyanna, you're Jon Stark. Yes, the continent has potential. We can change all this, this is possible. New titles, claims, elections can be created. The Lannister fleet and I join you on the expedition to Valyria. I'm looking for Brightroar. The Lannister fleet and Targaryen fleet sail together, Jon. We get valyrian steel. Expeditions to Valyria to get steel can be planned when we attack the undead together. We need more valyrian steel. Then we have to take care of safety if we should meet stone people, I will definitely not sleep on Valyria overnight. Southern armies can be mobilized for the cold, but I need time for that. It's okay with me if the Wildlings stay in the north as long as they don't start looting south of the wall. Then Wildlings should also be allowed to come to the capital, no problem for me, they should get food and supplies. They can come back south of the wall during long winters. Nobody wants to get sick because of winters or the cold. Then I want to hear from Ciri what Emhyr is capable of, then I want to hear about the cruelty of this tyrant. Myrcella, like you, works for honor and money. I support you on the expedition to Valyria to get valyrian steel to fight the revenants, I know the blacksmith in Essos."
Yennefer smiled, "I'm sending Ciri and Myrcella to you, Tywin. The wall does not fall Tywin. There is magic buried there to stop the Night King. Only dragons can destroy the wall. The sorceresses strengthen the protective magic of the wall. That's what Triss, Tissaia and I do. When we are stronger we hunt the Night King to the wall, all armies of Westeros against the undead. A great story. Yes, Lyanna and Elia are right, at first it doesn't matter whether there is fair rule, at some point royalty has to come to an end, Sansa. A name remains even if there are no longer kings and queens. Now we all take a deep breath, because we have enough to do for the future, we are now fundamentally changing something. We will ensure justice now, and then we have to change continents. I do not serve a queen who makes a quiet life. You and Aegon are political geniuses in King's Landing, fine, start making a change, rights for Lowborn, there's so much to do, Sansa. Lyanna, Rhaegar and Elia are already making new laws."
Aegon and Sansa nodded, "yes, we will change this continent colossally in the near future."
Tywin and Rhaegar nodded, "Yes the kingdoms are independent and the Iron Throne may be gone, but it's too easy to become a bad king or queen. You cannot rule with love, it is impossible that makes others jealous. This is still a shitty world where everyone wants power. That means there has to be an end to kings and queens at some point. Come on Rhaegar, let's get drunk", said Tywin and Kevan.
Rhaegar nodded, "That's a good idea. I can't stand Lyanna's, Cersei's and Elia's cackling any longer."
Tywin and Kevan laughed aloud. Cersei, Lyanna and Elia looked at him, "Be careful Rhaegar Targaryen!"
Sansa, Aegon, Rhaenys, Daenerys, Myrcella, Jon, Geralt, Ciri, Cersei, Yennefer laughed aloud, "we could get used to this atmosphere."
Aegon, Jon and Rhaegar nodded, "we have time, Tywin."
Yennefer smiled and kissed Jon, "just a cunning sorceress", said Jon.
She smiled, "oh yeah. I may be powerful, but in the end I'm just cunning, nothing more. I am not a queen or a princess. If Elia is Princess Elia and Lyanna is Lady Lyanna, I am Lady Yennefer, but nothing more. Yes be Queen Sansa, at some point there has to be an end to kings and queens, remember that. You're too tight-knit there Sansa, you have to widen your view of things. You're in your early twenties girl. I am an old woman, Sansa. I age normally now, live another seventy years and die with Jon. I've seen more than you can ever imagine. Aegon loves you. My head was in chaos and only Jon kept me in check. Even Geralt was hardly able to do that. You have no idea Sansa what Emhyr var Emreis is capable of, a tyrant who uses an ax and a whip to compel allegiance. This man is capable of anything, he would marry Ciri to control Cintra, he would marry his own child. When Emhyr var Emreis finds out that Ciri is in another world he will try everything to get a united continent and three dragons. And then Tywin is dead too. Emhyr var Emreis knows no mercy. He'll kill you too, Sansa. He kills everyone and dances on the bodies of his enemies. Emhyr var Emreis will have everyone from Robert Baratheon to Eddard Stark killed. He's going to kill Cersei, Myrcella, Starks, Martells, Arryns, he just has to let the armies emerge if we don't have any more strength. You wanted a crown, a handsome prince. You were never a little bird. You have already seen bad people. You know power games, a Game of Thrones, lies, you've worked for your crown, you've earned it, but history knows really evil people who dream of world domination. These people don't stop at you either, Sansa. These people don't stop in front of Robert Baratheon, who can also be assassinated. Nor do these people stop before Tywin, who may drink poisoned wine the next evening. These people enjoy dancing on dead bodies. These people tell Tywin what he wants to hear and the next moment he's dead. Emhyr var Emreis only has to send the armies of the Empire and Tywin would be dead if he faced him alone in battle. Emhyr var Emreis is greedy for power, a bad father for Ciri, a tyrant. I'm not saying Emhyr should die, he's a tragic figure. He should just apologize to Ciri. Emhyr, Tywin and Rhaegar could still be best friends, the three of them are similar. Emhyr may suck but is a good leader for an empire, which means that at some point there has to be an end to kings and queens. It is always said that kings and queens are to blame when wars, famine or disease come. The people in the streets must choose their own leaders, not vassals appoint a king. Cruelty? It can be a lot, Sansa. I've made questionable decisions too, I'm a murderer too, and I can cope with that. But no more kings, queens or tyrants. And it is always the fault of the kings and queens because they sit in their castles, have warm asses and the population gets sick because the hygiene is not right. Winterfell, Karhold, Sunspear are dirty, Sansa. You can write pig in the dirt. It may be that Rhaenys and you are good queens, but vassals also want to have more power one day. It's very simple, the king and queen have to pull together. You must make an effort in your relationship and rule as monarchs. Otherwise you don't need to have a relationship if you think there will be kings or queens in the future. I am very happy that Geralt finally shows love and has his true love in Daenerys. But Ciri, Dany and I want Jon and Geralt to be neutral about wars."
Sansa and Rhaenys groaned, "we got it."
Jon, Geralt, Dany smiled, "you are the best.
Jon smiled, "I love you", she smiled, "I love you."
Tywin and Rhaegar agreed, "these types of people and tyrants have no friends or mercy. No more kings and queens in the near future, we are creating new offices.
They are two steps ahead of us, which means we have to hit them with weapons, which they don't have. Tyrants don't have time, an empire must grow or die. And this downfall must be our goal. An empire needs armies and an economy, if one of the two pillars breaks, the other pillar cannot compensate for it. Varys will poison the economy to the core, and we will bring Emhyr var Emreis with all armies directly to Westeros where he is most vulnerable. Then we will defeat him in battle."
Rhaenys, Sansa, Lyanna, Elia, Daenerys, Tywin and Rhaegar groaned, "Yes tyrants are terrible. Yes then we have to destabilize him until he makes mistakes. We're sending Varys to Nilfgaard to overthrow the empire. Then the empire must be disbanded when we have him on the battlefield. Then the conquered territories must be returned to the point of sovereignty. Then we have to increase the number of armies immediately, then we will immediately mobilize from north to south when he soon finds out that Ciri is gone. Then he has to kneel so that an empire can be overthrown. Then the tyrant must be defeated in battle. Then fighting is important", said Sansa.
Yennefer nodded, "That's it."
Sansa nodded and kissed Aegon, "and I love my strong king."
Lyanna cheered like a cheerleader, "yeah Jon. Yeah Yen. This is my girl. This is my boy."
Daenerys, Rhaenys, Lyanna, Elia, Sansa and Yennefer gave each other high five and patted each other on the buttocks.
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reydjarinkenobi · 4 years
Can we get more of that time-travel fanfiction? (With maybe a few more clones? If you don't want to it's ok)
Hi. Here is the next installment. The clones get a bit of action, but really I needed to do one more chapter of set up first. Clones will be much more prominent soon.
As soon as the doors of the light freighter - which Mace could now see had clearly been modified as a smuggling ship - closed, the girl turned on Obi-Wan with a guarded expression.
 "How did you know just who we'd want here for our explanation?" she demanded, her question immediately causing the others in her party to tense. 
 Mace spied Cody and Ponds, who had escorted them in, no doubt to provide an extra layer of protection for their generals, whilst the non-Force Sensitive human had frowned, but acquiesced to their presence with a nod.
 Obi-Wan, ever the smug bastard, just smiled knowingly.
 "Your mental channels for speaking are very strong, but you all still project some thoughts," he informed them gently. "It was quite easy to overhear them - thought I was the only one close enough to."
 The girl pursed her lips and squirmed slightly, but she nodded and stepped away, retreating so that she was standing in line with the two other humans of their party. The Wookie had retreated from the room they were in with a garbled roar that Mace hadn't understood, as he had not elected to learn Shyriiwook in his time. However, Obi-Wan had not reacted, so Mace assumed that the Wookie would not harm them.
 Obi-Wan quickly explained what he and Bail had seen and learnt back in the temple.
 Mace would find time travellers from the future difficult to believe if it wasn't Kenobi. At this stage in the war, he may as well just accept it. He was too tired to summon the appropriate amount shock, even if he was inclined to show it on his face, which he wasn't.
 This was meant to be a simple mission.
 "We may as well sit down," the male Force User - Finn - said. "We have over fifty years of history to cover."
 His companions nodded in agreement, gesturing to the various couches around the living space. They waited until they were all seated, including Cody and Ponds before they all squished themselves onto one side of seat shaped in a semi-circle around a holoprojecting table, with Bail and Obi-Wan on the other side and Mace, Cody and Ponds on their own chairs that had been pulled up to the table.
 "Where do we start?" Finn wondered absently, as he leaned his elbows on his knees.
 The other human male - Poe - hummed. "I know that General Leia has been teaching you and Rey about the Clone Wars."
 "She's been telling Rey about the politics and the Jedi for longer - I was usually only around when she got to talking about the clones."
 Both men glanced at the girl, who was sitting on the right edge of the seat, next to the male Force User, who was sitting in the middle. Rey sighed and stood up but didn't complain.
 "I may as well get straight to the point," she began, crossing her arms. "The Clone Wars are pointless and were constructed, and are being drawn out by the Sith for the sole purpose of destroying the Jedi and for cementing their reign over the galaxy."
 Cody and Ponds stiffened in their seats.
 Mace blinked. He felt Obi-Wan's shields wobble.
 Senator Organa straightened. "I beg your pardon?"
 "It's true," Poe said. "His Empire lasted twenty years before the Rebellion managed to defeat him."
 "So the Separatists won?" Ponds asked with a slight frown.
 Rey grimaced. "Not exactly."
 She hesitated, obviously choosing her next words carefully. "The clones were supposedly commissioned by a Jedi who had visions, or something along those lines, right?"
 Mace fought to keep his expression under control. That information wasn't exactly public knowledge.
 "That is correct," he confirmed. "Master Sifo Diyas."
 The girl's hands tightened around her arms and she shifted onto her other foot.
 "The… accounts are not sure, but it is theorised that his visions were planted by the Sith Lord… or that Darth Tyrannus took control of the project quickly enough to alter the original order."
 She took a deep breath. "The few surviving sources say that that after the main Separatist leaders were killed, that the Jedi discovered the identity of the remaining Sith, but those that were dispatched to arrest him were defeated - betrayed by one of their own, who allied himself with the Sith at the last moment."
 "Then," she went on, breaking off for a second to glance nervously at Ponds and Cody. "He activated an order on the control chips, which are embedded inside every clone troopers' head."
 Her eyes lowered and she swallowed. "Order sixty-six: execute all the Jedi."
 Mace went completely still even as he saw Cody and Ponds recoiled as if she had shot them. Obi-Wan's eyes widened and shock reverberated through the Force, mixing with Mace's own.
 "You lie," Senator Organa claimed. "The clones are loyal to the Republic."
 The girl's head snapped up, a glare flashing through her eyes and hardening her features.
 "I do not."
 She looked away, breathing deeply.
 "We have proof," Finn interjected. "History books, recordings, diaries. They should be tucked away somewhere around here. We always carry out study material with us."
 "Our two clearest sources of information on it are the diaries left by you, Senator Organa and General Kenobi," Poe explained, looking at them. "I know General Leia has had Rey read them closely."
 Obi-Wan's gaze jerked to them. "I survived?"
 Poe nodded. "Until almost the end."
 "It wasn't your fault," Finn informed Cody and Ponds, his voice strained as he stared at them desperately. "The chips. They-they overtook you. They erased you. You didn't have a choice."
 Mace could tell from the horror leaking into the Force around the troopers that his words brought them no comfort.
 "Who is the Sith Lord?" Mace asked.
 Rey looked at him, breaking out of the haze she had been lost in.
 "Palpatine," she breathed. "Chancellor Palpatine was the Sith Lord."
 Mace instinctively wanted to deny her. The Chancellor couldn't be the Sith Lord. He was the most powerful man in the Republic.
 And yet.
 There had been many instances in which Mace had, privately, questioned his decisions. He knew that a few of the 'debates' he had engaged in with the Chancellor had hurt their standing with him. But none of the Senate, nor many of the Republic citizens, were willing to trust the Jedi anymore.
 And who had been the one to suggest that the Jedi lead the war. The Chancellor had denied his involvement but the man had not discouraged the idea when it had quickly gained popularity.
 Out of the corner of his eye, Mace saw Obi-Wan tense.
 "What is Anakin's role in all of this? You talked of him with each other."
 Poe glanced down and Finn's jaw tightened.
 Rey turned her attention to him, her eyes holding a deep regret.
 "No," Obi-Wan breathed, his shoulders hunching forward slightly.
 "Darth Vader was one of Emperor Palpatine's most effective weapons," Rey murmured. "But, at the very end, he did turn back to the light. To save his son."
 Obi-Wan curled into himself and Mace felt the wave of pain and sorrow pulse out of him before the other master slammed his shields back into place.
 "We are here now, though," Rey said firmly. "None of that has happened yet, and our knowledge can help you stop it."
 "Yes," Finn agreed readily, still looking mostly at Cody and Ponds. "We can start to de-chip the clones and work on a way to deactivate them en-masse."
 "It won't be easy," Poe cautioned. "Didn't you guys tell me that the Jedi were powerless to prevent their fate, even if they had known about it?"
 Rey frowned and nodded. "Yes. They do not have the political power to make any significant move. Which is why we need the senators to start working. We have the information they need to start changing the system. They just need to get the physical evidence in this time period."
 Senator Organa glanced around at his still shocked companions, and cleared his throat, startling all three of the time-travellers.
 "You said it took around two decades to defeat the Empire, yet you are from fifty years in the future. What is the state of the galaxy in your time?"
 Mace nodded his agreement with the questions.
 Poe let out a shaky sigh. "Yes, the Empire was defeated the first time. Though not without heavy casualties. Alderaan was destroyed. The Mandalorians were wiped out almost as thoroughly as the Jedi. Countless lives were lost. And we still could not prevent the First Order rising from its ashes."
 It was the Senator's turn to jerk back in surprise in pain. "Alderaan was destroyed?"
 Poe nodded. "Yes, by a weapon called the Death Star. Capable of destroying whole planets. Luke Skywalker and his twin, your daughter, Leia Organa helped destroy it, along with the second one they built a few years later."
 Rey went on, "Finn, Poe and I were there when its successor, Starkiller Base, was destroyed. Not after it destroyed the Hosnian System, the capitol of the New Republic first though."
 "Though Poe did all the heavy lifting with his X-Wing," Finn said, shooting a smile at the man beside him.
 Poe gave him a fleeting smile in return, barely a twitch of the lips.
 "It wasn't enough though," Poe murmured, his voice thick. "The Resistance was losing. Many planets would rather submit to another tyrant than fight, and there was nothing we could do to stop them from invading systems and growing their army."
 Finn stared hollowly at the table in front of him. "The Empire's stormtroopers were a poor mockery of the original clone troopers, meant remind Imperial citizens of them but have very little of their effectiveness save in their overwhelming numbers. But the First Order's stormtroopers… we were modelled more closely to our predecessors. Taken from our planets as mere children and raised to be the perfect little brainwashed soldiers. They even started chipping us in the end, when more and more started to defect - refusing to carry out the horrors they asked us to."
 He stopped abruptly, looking down at his lap and taking a deep, shuddering breath as Poe rubbed a hand across his back.
 Rey smiled at him sadly before turning purposefully to Senator Organa.
 "I have little love for the Senate," she claimed and Mace had to suddenly suppress a smile at her frankness. "It failed to protect the Republic twice in fifty years, and all because of its corruption and general uselessness. However, Leia has told me stories of senators who could have changed it, if they were given enough time and manoeuvrability. I'm sure we have more than a few political texts that can inform you of just what corruption is being hidden in the shadows and behind the closed doors of the rotunda."
 Senator Organa, who had paled drastically since the start of the conversation, swallowed and nodded. "I think you are right."
 Poe smiled sharply. "I'll start looking for some of our books."
 With that, he pushed up off the couch, sliding over Finn's lap and left.
 "We will contact the Jedi Council, but what of your stories?" Obi-Wan asked. "What of your training? Surely some Jedi survived."
 Rey shrugged. "I heard that a few did. Many of them died during the Rebellion. Most of the survivors were wiped out by the First Order when they destroyed the New Jedi Order. Any remaining would have gone into hiding, and I haven't exactly had the time nor the opportunity to look for one. Besides, Luke Skywalker has been… assisting me with using the Force. He was going to take Finn on as a padawan any day now."
 Mace frowned. "Not you?"
 Rey gave him a close-lipped smile, something in her eyes causing Mace's gut to twist. "Master Skywalker does not think I am suited for the path of a Jedi. And he may be right. I… I struggle with control. Of my powers and my emotions. And I know that anger can be dangerous when accessing the Force. I have spent hours almost every day meditating for the last eight months and I still haven't made much progress."
 Finn scoffed. "That's a load of banthashi - er - I mean, that's not true and you know it. Besides, you're a lot less angry than most would be in your situation."
 Mace tilted his head to the side, his mind whirling. They were both already very powerful, especially Rey. Shatterpoints surrounded all of them as if they had smashed a dozen glass bottles at their feet. They would need to be trained, regardless of their suitability. Their connection to the Force was open too far for them to go untrained.
 But, he would like to know if they could really grow to be suitable Jedi.
 "Situation?" he questioned.
 Rey looked to him and smiled sadly again, her dark grey eyes becoming shiny.
 "My parents… sold me to the junker on Jakku when I was five years old and I spent the next fourteen years waiting for them to come back."
 Mace's eyes widened and he felt everyone around him look sharply to the girl. However, before they could touch anything, there was a tumultuous crash which had a panel in a door swinging open and small one-wheeled droid with a cone-shaped head come barrelling out of it.
 "D-O," Rey greeted quietly, kneeling down as the droid approached her.
 "Rey," the droid said, "I missed you."
 Rey smiled and carefully smoothed out one of the three antennas poking out of the back of his head.
 "I can't believe you brought him along," Finn muttered.
 "I wasn't very well going to leave him. He doesn't like being away from me for long."
 Finn hummed non-committedly. "You know, you never told us where you got him. He just turned up after that mission you and Jess went on a few months ago and started following you around."
 Rey stilled, glancing up at him as she stood up, rubbing at one of the arm bindings that ran up her arms.
 "I found him on my parents' ship."
 Finn pursed his lips. "So they're - "
 "Dead. Yeah. The First Order got them. Or the Empire. Whatever they were calling themselves then. The chest has everything they left to me. I haven't been able to read through all the datasticks yet."
 Finn nodded solemnly as Rey joined him on the couch.
 "I think Finn would make a great Jedi," she announced. "We've been looking at what little we could find of you, and he's everything you want. He's kind and thoughtful, and doesn't let his emotions overwhelm him."
 Finn rolled his eyes. "All of that could describe you as well."
 He looked between Obi-Wan and mace seriously. "She talks of how her power could lead to the dark side, but if she was going to Fall, she would have done it by now. Something awful happened on Dandoran, but she didn't let it affect her and managed to pull like three and a half dozen TIE fighters right out of the air. At once. There was no dark side; she was calm as a desert."
 Mace felt his eyebrows raise in surprise. That was not small feat. Even for the most skilled of masters.
 "It's not like you haven't had to do your job before when Poe was being threatened," Rey shot back.
 "Yes, well, he hasn't…" Finn trailed off before he could finish the sentence, but the damage was already done.
 Rey's expression crumbled and she looked away, needing to scrub at her eyes before she looked back up.
 Obi-Wan cleared his throat. "Yes, well. I think we've heard enough to tell the Council. And we have just enough time to comm them before we must leave. Regardless of the outcome, I imagine you will be leaving with us."
 The meeting did not actually take that long. They used their most secure lines and still did not dare reveal the full extent of what they'd been told, only that they had uncovered something of import regarding the Senate and that they would convene with any councilmembers physically on Coruscant as soon as they returned.
 As for the time travellers? Not unexpectedly, the Council voted to train the Force Users, whilst allowing the others to accompany them. It did not seem like a good idea to separate them. Especially if they found a way to return them.
 They, of course, would not be telling the Senate that the newest padawans of the Order were time travellers, at least from the future. Officially, the group had been caught in a stasis trap for hundreds of years, which was only released by Commander Cody accidentally brushing a specific rune. It would explain their unusual ship, which was actually not that old, but had been modified beyond recognition from its original model, and it would explain their lack of training, as the Jedi had not always had the reach to collect as many Force Sensitive children as they did.
 "Now, we must decide who will train them," Obi-Wan said, rubbing his chin as the session began to draw to a close.
 "Decided, it already has been," Yoda announced.
 Mace glanced at his companion before they returned their attention to the holoprojector.
 "By whom, Master?" he asked, keeping his voice level.
 "Brought them to you, the Force has. Train them, you must."
 Mace sighed. He knew he was going to say that.
 "We are both far too busy to properly train a padawan, Master," Obi-Wan tried to reason only to be stopped by an imploring look.
 "The best choice, you are. Sense it, I can."
 Obi-Wan pursed his lips, but had no argument to that.
 Then, Yoda had the gall to laugh.
 "Stick together, you two will, for the foreseeable future, whilst you train your new padawans."
 Mace was going to kill him. The Force knew he loved and respected Obi-Wan as a friend and fellow master, but that did not mean he wanted to be partnered with him, which would also, inevitably mean being partnered with Skywalker more often, especially after recent revelations. The man was a trouble magnet if Mace had ever known one.
 Even if he didn't hate the idea of training them.
This is also on ao3. What do you think will/want to happen next?
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firstumcschenectady · 3 years
"Mutuality" based on James 2:1-10, 14-17
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People often think I am a “bleeding heart liberal,” a “tree-hugging hippie,” or – to get to the point – an “everything goes progressive.” I do not deny the bleeding heart nor the tree-hugging, but actually I don't think “everything goes.” James speaks the language of my faith, and in doing so makes clear why I find it so challenging to live out my faith the way I want to.
Both in Biblical times, and today, the culture is permeated with the premise that deference should be given to wealthy and powerful people. The work of Christians to treat everyone as beloveds of God is profoundly countercultural. James even suggests preferential treatment for the poor, although I can't tell if this is because it is necessary to counteract the brokenness of the world, because most of the early Christians were poor, or because people living in poverty really do have a better grasp on faith. Maybe all of them.
To make his point, James sets up a believable story about two people gathering with the community of believers. One is a rich man, a senator or nobleman based on his ring, likely running for office. This rich man has some powerful quid pro quos to offer the fragile and vulnerable faith community. He could be a useful protector for them.
At the same time, another man enters the community of believers. He is poor, his clothes are old, ratty, and dirty.
The faith community responds with the world's standards, James says. They give the rich and powerful man the best seat in the house while telling the poor man that he can either sit in a place of dishonor or stand out of the way.
James is a wisdom teacher. He speaks clearly through the ages. I can easily believe this was an actual experience in plenty of early Christian gatherings, and I know for certain it still is today. The world's standards infiltrate the church. While Galatians 3:28 says "There is neither Jew nor Greek, slave nor free, male nor female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus." That is a RADICAL claim of equity within the Church. All of the distinctions of humanity are erased by being followers of Christ. All are one. All are equal. All are equally important.
But that is easier said that done. The unconscious bias
gets carried into the church, even when people don't want it to. And they do great damage. James says, “Siblings, do you with your acts of favoritism really believe in our Lord Jesus Christ?” I always worry that when we say or hear “Lord Jesus Christ” we hear it with the hierarchy of the English Nobility, a system rife with patriarchy, sexism, and economic exploitation. Which, pretty clearly, isn't what James is saying here. For the early Christians, calling Jesus “Lord” was the utmost subversion, because it claimed that if Jesus was Lord, Caesar was not.1
By ALL of the worldly standards, Caesar WAS Lord. He was Emperor of the largest empire known to that part of the world, he was wealthy beyond imagination, he had the power of the best armies behind him, he had systems of nobility and administration under him, he could execute as he pleased, change laws when he wished, and of course his FACE was on all the money. He had titles galore, including “Lord and God,” and those were the OFFICIAL declarations of the empire, to claim otherwise was to risk death.
In the face of that reality, the early Jesus followers chose another way. A “narrower” way, a more dangerous way, a way that subverted the understanding of power, and choose nonviolence over the power of violence. They claimed Jesus, a peasant from the backwater Galilee, a rabble rouser of the small but ancient Jewish faith, a man executed by the violent power of the Empire as a the leader of a violent rebellion (even when it wasn't true)... they claimed JESUS as Lord.
And when JESUS is Lord like THAT, to favoritism to those who hold power and sway in the Roman Empire could reasonably make James question if they actually believe in Jesus or not. Are they following the narrow way, or are they slowing just making the way wider? Are they about the radical equality of all people in the eyes of God, or about making it easier to be a follower of Jesus? Are they overturning assumptions about who matters, or are they just replicating the ways of the world.
And, of course, the crux of this series of questions: are we?
I can see some evidence that we are committed to inverting the world's values:
Our Community Breakfast is an abundance of good food, offered with grace and respect, that anyone would be pleased to eat. We are not only interested in feeding God's beloveds, we are interested in feeding people AS God's beloveds.
Both the long-running Sustain Ministry Program and Community Breakfast have welcomed and kept volunteers who are also recipients of the ministry's gifts. This suggest to me that we have been interested in re-distributing God's gifts of abundance RATHER THAN just in giving gifts to ease guilt or unconsciously hold power over others.
Our stewardship pledge sheets ask about all of the membership vows: prayers, presence, gifts, service, and witness in order to remind us all that no one way of giving is more important than another, and that all of us are stronger in the ability to give in one way than another.
The church has long advocated for living wages, and puts its money where its mouth is, paying its own employees as it believes the world should.
Before the pandemic, some church groups offered luncheons with (nonobligatory) free will offerings, making genuine space for everyone to be fed and together regardless of income.
Many of the trips we take as a church – hiking, baseball games, canoeing and kayaking trips – are free or affordable to people across a wide income spectrum.
Our community is profoundly diverse, especially in socioeconomic status and income. Beloved members are rich, beloved members are poor, beloved members are in between.
And yet truth be told, I see evidence of the values of the world creeping in too though:
Before the pandemic, often parts of the church celebrated or connected by going out to lunch or dinner, or offering support by sending a communal gift, which assumes that everyone has the discretionary money to participate.
I sometimes hear people living in poverty referred to as “them,” such as in the context, “how can we help them?” which forgets that people living in poverty are part of us. The questions might be, “How can we ease the pain of poverty?” and “How can we transform society to end poverty?”
There is a great value on education in this community, one that isn't always held in enough tension with the reality that in the US access to education has more to do with pre-existant privilege than intelligence.
Our primary worship style speaks to people's heads at least as much as their hearts or souls, which historically fits the values of the upper class.
Among some of our members, there is still a sense of discomfort with the struggles of people in poverty. While discomfort is itself neutral, lack of facing it has resulted in people who live in poverty perceiving that they're welcome to eat at our Breakfast, but not join us for Worship. The perception of a two tiered system, I fear, is not entirely incorrect.
Given these two lists, I think James still has plenty to teach us, even if we've been trying to learn along the way.
In order to build God's Kindom at FUMC, it may mean we have to look deeply at our discomfort. Although discomfort is natural, a willingness to change it is sometimes harder.
To live into the values of Jesus and James requires soaking up God's grace, and a constant awareness of the ways that the world tries to separate people into worthy and unworthy categories. To be a church that lives out the “Lordship of Jesus Christ” requires us to notice class, notice classism, and actively work to change it – in ourselves and in our community. It means that those of us who do not live in poverty need to listen to people who do live in poverty, and learn from them. Our actions to disrupt the status quo and move the world toward the kindom must be based in mutuality. We can't serve in the name of Christ if we see those we serve as “others” rather than as a part of “us.” And we can't claim anyone as part of “us” unless they claim “us” too.
I hope and pray that God will help us take the lessons James offers to heart. Amen
1 Marcus Borg, Jesus: The Life, Teachings, and Relevance of a Religious Revolutionary, (HarperCollins) 2015, p. 279.
September 12, 2021
Rev. Sara E. Baron
First United Methodist Church of Schenectady 603 State St. Schenectady, NY 12305 Pronouns: she/her/hers http://fumcschenectady.org/ https://www.facebook.com/FUMCSchenectady
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I Don't Like You Part 2 (Cassian Andor x Reader)
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Word Count: 1307
Pairing: Cassian Andor x Reader
AN: You can read Part one here and part two here
Today was the day you were leaving for Jedha, accompanied by the man you hated ever since you joined the rebellion, Cassian Andor. That morning Mon Mothma had briefed both you and Cassian on the mission. You were to gather information from a gang leader on Jedha (who has been rumored to be working with the Imperials) whom the rebellion believes knows about the weapon that the Empire is building.
You were making your way to Cassian’s ship when you heard the all too familiar voice of K2 shouting your name. “Y/N! I didn’t believe Cassian when he told me that you would be accompanying us on this mission, since there is only a 10% chance of that ever happening. But it appears to be true! I finally get to go on a mission with you!” You had never seen the droid so excited before, you couldn’t help the wide smile that appeared on your face. K2′s sarcastic remarks and kindness towards you were what always made you feel at home on Yavin 4, being in the rebellion would suck if this droid wasn’t here with you. 
“Good morning K2, always a pleasure to see you.” You greeted him, giving the droid a friendly pat on the shoulder as you moved past him into the ship. You didn’t hear K2 respond because your eyes were too busy glaring at your worst enemy. Cassian. You broke your glare to dump your backpack onto the floor, choosing to just ignore him this entire mission. It would be easier then actually trying to work together.
“Don’t I get a good morning?” Cassian asked, sending you a sarcastic smirk that you really wanted to slap off his face. 
“No, you don’t.” After double checking you packed everything, you yelled out to K2 who was conversing with an R2 unit outside.
 “K2 we’re leaving now!”
It wasn’t long before your ship left, K2 piloting it. You were sitting in the corner eating the crackers that you packed with you since you were always hungry. You thought you were being quiet and keeping to yourself, but Cassian obviously thought otherwise.
 “Could you stop chewing so loud.”
His irritated voice made your attention move to him. Was he serious right now? You weren’t even chewing loud! You decided to use this to your advantage however. If it was a war Cassian wanted, it was a war he would get.
“What do you mean?” You purposely take a loud bite out of your cracker, chewing loudly knowing it would piss him off. 
“Can you two not start a fight please, it’s only been 30 minutes.” K2 groaned, just wanting both of his friends to get along for once. “
It’s not me, she’s the one chewing like a child.”
“Really Cassian, is that the best you’ve got.”
“Well-yes!” He blurted out, not having enough time to think of a comeback. 
It was silent for a moment, both of you processing what Cassian just said. You don’t know what came over you, but all of a sudden you were laughing hysterically, clutching your stomach. Then you heard the most adorable sound, the sound of Cassian Andor laughing. This was the first time you’d ever seen him happy and you honestly liked this side of him, even if you only saw it for a few minutes. You would never admit that to anyone though. 
“Is this your strange way of getting along?” K2 asked hopefully, you hated to break his hope but you and Andor were not getting along. Not now and not ever. 
“Oh.” The droid looked down, obviously disappointed with your answer, but it was the truth, even if you shared that laugh with him, you and Cassian were still and always would be enemies. 
You decided to continue to ignore Cassian until it was necessary not to. The rest of the trip you spent making conversation with your favourite droid. When you finally arrived on Jedha everyone grabbed their weapons, preparing for whatever may be outside the ship.
“The plan for now is to scope out the area. Strategize how we can get the information and how tight the security is. K2 you’ll stay here on the ship, the last thing we need is someone trying to shoot you or reprogram you.” Cassian spoke with authority, it was honestly kind of hot. You shook your head at the thought. This was Cassian you were thinking about!
You nodded, waving goodbye to K2 and following Cassian out of the ship. “Let’s spilt up, that way we’ll cover more ground.”
You were quick to object to the idea since it was a stupid one. “Do you really think that’s a good idea? There are imperial droids and stromtroopers all over the place, it would be wise to stick together.” You protested whilst you both were moving from alley to alley, trying to stay out of sight. 
Cassian halted his movements, turning to you with an annoyed expression on his face. “Y/N I know we hate each other but could you just for once listen to me! Splitting up is the better option, we’ll cover more ground and-” 
His words were cut off however at the sound of a blaster. He looked up at you, your blaster pointing somewhere behind him. He quickly looked over his shoulder to see an imperial droid laying on the ground. 
“You were saying.” You couldn’t help the cocky grin on your face, knowing that you just proved your point. He turned back to you  a little shocked, obviously realizing that you were right. He couldn’t give you the satisfaction of winning this argument, so he just continued walking.
“Let’s get going then.” 
You didn’t hide your laughter as you followed after him. “What’s that Cassian? I thought we were splitting up, it’s safer you know.”
It was night and you were all back on the ship, getting some rest before the mission tomorrow. You were in your room, laying down in your bunk, tapping a tune and slightly humming along to the sound. The doors to your room slid open, causing you to sit up and stop your tapping. It was Cassian, unfortunately. What was he doing here?
He looked a bit uncomfortable, not really moving from his spot in the doorway. You were both kind of looking at each other, it was weird. He cleared his throat, trying to break the awkward tension.
“Uh, I just wanted to let you know that I’m-I’m sorry about earlier today. I should have listened to what you had to say and because of my stubbornness I could have got us both killed. What I’m trying to say is, thank you for saving us back there and i’m sorry for the way I acted.”
You were speechless, completely and utterly speechless. This was so unlike him, to apologize to you, let alone say thank you. You often thought of Cassian as a machine since he never seemed to show much emotion. 
“Who are you and what have you done with Cassian Andor?”
He couldn’t help but chuckle at your words, scratching his head, obviously uncomfortable. “But thanks, for the apology, I appreciate it Andor.” You spoke honestly, sending him a genuine smile. He sent one back and awkwardly nodded his head.
“Well, night Y/N.” He left the room and you were left more confused then ever. 
You laid back down on your bunk, thinking about what just occurred a few seconds ago. Strange, but maybe Cassian wasn’t so bad after all? He did have a really cute smile too, one that you’d hope to see again. What was wrong with you? This was the second time today you’d thought Cassian was attractive. You shook your head, trying to rid your thoughts of the man and get some sleep.
Thanks @ly--canthrope for appreciating my fic, means a lot to see that people actually enjoy it :)
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