#we could argue these -are- human stories and we're playing with metaphor and analogy but we will not because shut up it's monsters
dyrewrites · 3 months
I realized today (something all of you probably already figured out, but forgive me I'm slow) that I don't write human stories.
Even the ones that have humans in them, that are all about them, they are likely dead, dying, soon to be dead, or transforming into some kind of monster.
I don't do the other way around.
You won't find monsters being made human here. My thing seems to be writing stories where a monster is accepted for being itself, loved more for it even. If they soften at all through the story, it is because they started as an asshole, not because they started as a monster.
Now, we can dig into why that is and the parallels of feeling like an other and how being an outcast and 'weirdo' throughout ones life can make them sympathize with monsters...
But we wont!
Instead, I'll say that I loves monsters and stories about monsters and I will never, ever, ever stop writing about them.
So I hope you guys like these stories because I have a lot in my noggin and you'll all probably see them before anyone else does. >.>
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