#we also know the two of them married but later split bc cliff was a womanizer. so heres my question
shijiujun · 4 years
Have you read 2020 bc of you book/novel? If so I'd there any sex scenes? From like the older brother and middle brother couple? Is there any differences or additions? Also do you know where I can read it sense I couldn't/still can't buy it?
yeap i read it. and nope it’s pretty much almost PG13, no explicit scenes, despite the misleading cover. some innuendo and discussion of top/bottom positions again -_- but it’s a pretty friendly book.
and i don’t know where you can read it sorry - if you want to buy it i think yesasia is still the easiest way to get it.
and since you asked i shall take this time to put in the additional parts of 2020 Because of You via the novel here (there aren’t a lot, it’s a pretty thin novel compared to MODC and Trapped, and there’s like double spacing between sentences):
Dad Yuan Wei Zhi & Cui Ying’s story - This wasn’t really explained in the show, so what happened was YWZ and CY lived together since young and they were a couple until YJC’s Korean mom stepped into the picture, and YWZ like the dick he was told CY that he was definitely going to marry the Korean lady because it’d be beneficial to his business, and he kinda broke up with her but expected her to wait for him? I think like 2 years later or smth he divorced the Korean lady (which led to her going back to Korea in tears) because he got what he wanted and he didn’t want to live another day without CY, so ya know,  he went to look for CY at the cliffs and that’s why they had the bet and everything, because CY was tired of waiting for him 
Jun Dao is the hot-headed brother and Jun Ping is the one who kind of is blur and mediates between his second and big brother - This was totally opposite in the show, and so Jun Ping and Jun Cheng’s relationship is better, that’s why JP had the keys to JC’s house (idk why it was necessary to switch it over but oh wells)
Kidnapping incident where YJC hung up - It was both Jun Dao and Jun Ping who were kidnapped, and yes, YJC still hung up on the kidnapper after he said “do whatever you want with them”
Xiang Shi’s backstory - So Xiang Shi’s family was rich before, until their fam’s company got caught in a crossfire between Jun Dao’s mom and YWZ, the fam lost their company and wealth to YWZ, but YWZ still let the Yang family i.e. XS’s parents oversee the company as his employees in a sense, but he needed a guarantee that they wouldn’t try to betray him or whatever, so XS’s mom sent him over to YWZ. Poor XS thought he was going to become some rich boy’s play thing and was gonna live like a servant and subject to abuse or whatever but he was okay with that if that meant his parents would stop being so worried about the whole thing, but of course he was shocked when he was picked up in a limo and then went to YJD’s house (which is where he’s lived alone all his life with only servants for company) and the first thing Jun Dao did was to ask him to play with him and they played until you know… a decade or so later
Xiang Shi was a bit pissed that Jun Dao didn’t tell him about YWZ looking for Lin Xun and granting the son who got to him first a wish - Because I think he wanted that wish for some reason? He might’ve asked Jun Dao to ask for something specific, probably to do with his own family, if JD got it, but he got over that quickly
Jun Ping, Jun Dao, Xiang Shi, Yue Rong and Lin Xun are indeed in the same university - And instead of meeting at the Taiwanese street stall for the food/alcohol part, they meet in the university’s cafeteria instead and there’s alcohol there because this school is kind of a luxurious school owned by the Yuans so… 
Lin Xun has four jobs when YJC met him and YJC made him lose all the jobs by stalking him (wtf….) so he would ‘work’ for YJC instead - He was working at the convenience store, as a tutor, at a petrol kiosk and delivery I think
The scene where YJC is sappy and confesses to LX in their house, and they’re interrupted by a phone call, it’s not for a meal, but because Xiang Shi is ill and Jun Dao was asked to go away so Jun Dao called his older brother hoping that he would know what to do - And LX and YJC go over to YJD’s house and Lin Xun helps out. Xiang Shi wakes up and gets a shock to see LX and YJD sitting there lmao. And then LX went to cook a chicken dish that had alcohol in it, so YJD has it, and that’s why he’s so like clingy to Xiang Shi after, and idk they never once like define their relationship and this CP still confuses me tbh
Epilogue 1: Yue Wu - She’s still terribly unlikeable in the novel, but they do say she’s good friends with Xiang Shi but she’s a bitch to him in the first scene they have tgt so bleugh - And then she screams at Jun Ping and is like: “You choose, do you want me or Yue Rong?” And everyone is confused?!!! Because she’s never been close to Jun Ping? So of course YJP would pick Yue Rong ??? And then she scolds Yue Rong for being a mistress????! Totally confused at this scene
Epilogue Two: Meal + basketball match - They meet up outside for like a picnic kinda thing I think and the three brothers compete with each other with bball, and it’s a mess because like they’re split brothers in one team and their boyfriends in another and dumbass Jun Dao keeps giving the ball to Xiang Shi, and then the other two bros do the same more or less later in the game
Epilogue Three: YWZ talking to CY at the cliffs - YWZ knows that YJC and LX are together, and he’s super chill about it and all approving like, hey nice that our kids are together huh? (wait till he finds out about the other kids)
Epilogue Four: YJC and LX - They discuss who’s on the top between YJD and XS -_- and then I guess sexy times ensue but we don’t see it
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