#wanting to date and go out with the one person that's basically ignoring you.....😀
n0heart · 7 months
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harlowsslut · 2 years
Miles From Normal
A/N- Hey
How y’all doing?😾 So let's pretend i didn't disappear for a week.
Word Count- 1.1k+
Jack Harlow x Reader
Summary- You are avoiding telling people you and Jack are dating. You guys eventually do but the way you did it is not the way you expected.
Warnings- cursing, fluff
You and Jack have been dating for 8 months. You knew eventually that you would have to tell people. You ignored it for a awhile. Every time Jack tried to talk to you about it, you diverted the conversation. You wanted too keep yours and Jacks relationship the same as it's always been.
He assured you that after you guys announced it that it wouldn’t change the way he saw you or loved you. But you knew he was terrified, even if he tried his hardest to hide it. You knew that the twitter comments, the criticism, and online news articles would get to his head. So when the time came to tell, you avoided to every extent you could. "Y/N" "hmm" you hummed half asleep.
"You gotta get up babe" he stated rubbing your back. Jack had gotten up early to do checks for the concert he was headlining and to do some other things. "I'd rather not" you mumbled "Okay" he mumbled into your hair while kissing your head. "Well im leaving to go do checks and some other stuff" "K. I love you" you said turning onto your back looking into his eyes.
"I love you to" he exclaimed leaning down to kiss your lips. You could stay in that position for eternity. "Mamas" he mumbled into the kiss, "I gotta go". "K". "I'll have Urban or someone from my team come and get you to take you to the show" "What time does it start again" "5 my love". It was 7 am.
"I'll be there at 4" "im sure you will" "LOVE YOU, BYE" Jack screamed. "I LOVE YOU TOO". You were in bed till 11. The only reason you got up was cause you had chores to do. You had to clean the house, go to the grocery store, and go shopping just cause. You got up took a shower, washed your face, and picked out something to wear. You decided to wear a cropped tank top, your air forces, and a little jewelry.
Also you picked out a little handbag to go with. You weren’t that hungry so you didn’t bother to make breakfast. You wanted to get back in your bed as fast as you could. You grabbed your keys and left. “Gross” you commented.
Your car was filled with fast food bags. Stress Eating is a bitch. “I’ll do it later
or get Jack to do it”. First stop was the grocery store. You didn’t have a specific list if stuff you needed, so you basically went with your gut. You walked out with everything but food.
“Note to self: Don’t tell Jack i just bought more then 100$ worth of anything but food”. Next stop was the mall. It was so crowded, you had to park at the walmart next door. You didn’t wanna be there any longer than you had to so you got in and got out. You were not getting stuck in traffic. You went to so many stores you had to ask one of the security guards to help you with your bags.
You got you and Jack matching shoes, matching jogger sets, and matching jackets. The jackets had yours names on the back. Was it corny? Yes! Is it cute though? Also yes!. You finally got home at around 4 so that gave you enough time to get ready. It took you about 10 minutes to shower and wash you hair. But at least another 20 to figure out what to wear.
Your a very indecisive person. One of your best traits Jack says. You decided on something simple but still compliments what Jack was wearing. A white button up with a “California” crewneck. For shoes you chose off white converses.
Jewelry you just wore some plain gold pieces and your promise ring from Jack. By the time you were done it was around 5 and Urban just texted you.
UrbđŸ‘ș: Hurry up. Don’t wanna miss your baes showđŸ˜».
You and Urban were practically best friends. A bunch of people thought you and Urb were dating him for the longest time. You hurried up, grabbed your bag and got in the black suv outside you home.
“Send me a text like that again and i will hurt you” “Love you to Y/N” “Stfu and drive please” you said smiling. “whatever”. What felt like hours you finally pulled up to the venue. Riding with Urban wasn’t so bad actually. You too blasted a bunch of music.
Some of Jacks songs and some of Nicki Minaj. “Get out” “Hmmmm- No!” “Y/N. I will crash this car right now”. You knew he was bluffing. “Ok” “Ok”. He took his foot off the brake and the car started rolling.
You just sat on your phone scrolling thru instagram. After about a minute he slammed on the brakes. “Your an asshole” “I know” you said smiling while getting out the car. You already knew where to go. You got to the back and saw Jack getting mic’d up so you just went to his dressing room.
He eventually texted you asking where you were and you said his dressing room. You didn’t even here him come in, you wouldn’t have known he was in the room until he plopped down in the couch next to you. You would be lying if you said you didn’t have a mini heart attack. “Hello lover boy” “Hi mamas. What did you do today” “Bought alot of stuff.
I got us a bunch of matching stuff”. His face lit up. He loves matching clothes. Jack had a little while before he went on so you and him just sat on the couch talking the day away. You were interrupted by Urban running into the room.
“Jack! Dude you go on in like 2 minutes” “Crap ok we’re coming” “We?” “Yes we” “Jack- What did you do?” “Something! come on” Jack grabbed your hand and dragged you to the side of the stage. They called Jack onto stage. After awhile the crowd calmed down. “Before we get this show started i have a special person i would like y’all to meet” You knew were this was going and you hated it. “My Gf!”.
Your heart sank. You didn’t wanna go but you had to for Jacks sake. You walked out on that stage like a runway model. And the way Jack looked at you. You knew you would never let him go.
You walked up to Jack and kissed his cheek. After all that you went back stage and hung out with Urban and Jacks manager. Jack eventually finished. You guys decided to stay for the whole show. After the show you and Jack went to interact with his fans.
His fans were so sweet but seemed to be more in love with him then you were. It was a bit concerning. You eventually left but. “So you know how i said i went grocery shopping earlier today” “Yea” “So i didn’t actually get food” “Y/N!” “WHAT?” “You had one job” “You shouldn’t expect much from me” “why can’t you be normal” “Baby, im miles from normal” you announced.
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