#w oryo
icatchzs · 10 months
Want a joui 4 reunion where gintoki ends up bringing Kagura and shinpachi bc he didn’t get the memo abt it being just between them four and Katsura bringing Elizabeth bc she’s “just a pet” and mutsu shows up w Sakamoto cz dude was too busy oogling over oryo-Chan that he almost forgot the reunion thing and takasugi thinking he’s the only one who’s there alone but matako, the lolicon guy and bansai are hiding in the corner just in case takasugi gets attacked
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aurata-rin · 3 years
Fate/Grand Order Gudaguda 2021 (Ryouma Close Call) - Chapter 8 summary
Arrow 1
The scene fades in at Oumiya, an inn of Kyoto. Toukichi, standing guard outside, greets a visitor who claims to be from Totsukawa and is here to see Sakamoto. Toukichi walks in to inform Sakamoto, but he's cut down before he gets very far.
In Sakamoto's room, Nakaoka Shintarou is surprised to hear Oryo has already returned. Sakamoto tells Toukichi to not make fun of her, and is about to agree she's early when someone bursts into the room. The assailant attacks Sakamoto. Nakaoka tries to find his sword, and Sakamoto calls out to him with an alias.
Sakamoto: "Ishikawa! Ishikawa, you alright? Ishika--"
His yells are cut short as he suffers another blow. The assailants flee the scene. Nakaoka, still barely alive, checks on Sakamoto. With Nakaoka being the more injured of the two, Sakamoto administers first aid. He calls for Shinsuke, the owner, to fetch a doctor. Sakamoto collapses, and with his dying breath, calls for Oryo.
Later, Oryo returns to find Toukichi on the ground. At first mistaking him for sleeping, she moves onwards to Sakamoto's room, cheerfully talking about the game fowl she brought back to eat. He doesn't respond.
Oryo: "Hey, wake up, Ryouma, don't sleep. ...Wake up. If you don't wake up, I'll eat you, you know. ...Hey, I'm actually going to eat you! I'm not lying, I'll eat you... I'll eat you... I'll... eat you..."
The scene shifts. We see the night sky. It fades to black.
Keio year 3, 15th of November. Oumiya. Assassination of Sakamoto Ryouma.
Back in Restoration Saitama, we return to the scene from the previous chapter; Shinbei is enveloped in dark energy. Okuni and Ranmaru are taken aback by him cutting down his own ally, Takechi.
Loyalist Sakamoto: "My my, seems like Tanaka has some sort of grudge towards Takechi. One he didn't even realise, himself -- just a tiny little grudge. No, perhaps that's incorrect. Perhaps it's rather that he didn't want to realise it?" Shinbei: "W-what?" Sakamoto: "I know. You got screwed over by Takechi in life, didn't you? Something about being made to take on the false charge of an assassination incident and cutting open your own stomach. Moreover, you were a literal sacrificial pawn for the sake of making the incident look like Satsuma's fault. Truly miserable." Shinbei: "You-- you're lying! I did this for Takechi's sake--" Sakamoto: "That's the type of guy he is, that Takechi. He won't care about the sacrifices so long as it's for the sake of his goal. Aren't you happy you were able to take revenge?" Shinbei: "As if, as if I'd do something so foolish!" Sakamoto: "Now now, don't move."
The dark aura grows around Shinbei. This is the power of the head; someone like Shinbei cannot go against it. Takasugi says he got worried for a moment there, with Shinbei charging. As it turns out, in true mastermind fashion, he'd been conspiring with Sakamoto in the shadows. Sakamoto was his accomplice fromt he start. He's grown tired of everyone going 'Ryouma, Ryouma'. He sends Shinbei after the group, and a fight begins.
Shinbei collapses after his defeat. Sakamoto is disappointed. Sakamoto absorbs the dark energy that enveloped Shinbei; Okuni catches on. He's the one she's been looking for. Ranmaru is still confused, but Sakamoto once again claims he is Sakamoto Ryouma. Chaldea's Ryouma arrives and confirms; that man is him. Takasugi isn't too pleased that he's still alive.
Takechi: "Then that Ryouma and this Ryouma -- they're both Ryouma?!" Chaldea Ryouma: "Yes, he's another me. Indeed, the me who did not die that day at Oumiya!" Loyalist Sakamoto: "Caught on to that much in such a short time... You truly are me."
Ranmaru remains confused, but Chaldea's Sakamoto will explain later; for now, they have to flee. Takasugi calls his Kiheitai to stop them. Just as Loyalist Sakamoto is about to cut down Takechi, the other Sakamoto calls out to Izou, who blocks the blow. When Takechi asks him why he'd help him, Izou simply says an idiot like himself wouldn't know that. Loyalist Sakamoto calls for Oryo; the other Sakamoto tries to bring her to her senses, but she holds him in place. Before Master can help him, they're attacked by the Kiheitai. Right as Loyalist Sakamoto is about to spear his other self, Oryo remembers the Oumiya incident. She takes the blow for Ryouma.
Chaldea Ryouma: "Huh? O-- Oryo!" Oryo: "Th-thank goodness, I made it this time." Loyalist Sakamoto: "She... undid the spell of the Ama-no-Sakahoko?" Chaldea Ryouma: "No... covering me like that...!" Oryo: "Don't worry about it. This is nothing... well, I guess I can't say that in this case." Loyalist Sakamoto: "This is absurd, don't you know what it means to be struck by this spear? Being struck by this Ama-no-Sakahoko means your existence is inverted, you detach from the world." Chaldea Ryoma: "Why did--  Why me--" Oryo: "I didn't want to cause you to die anymore. I mean... A world without you is... lonely, you know."
Oryo fades, and Sakamoto calls out after her. He breaks into tears. The scene ends.
Arrow 2
The scene fades in to the same room. Loyalist Sakamoto and Takasugi's plan has been messed up now with Oryo gone; they were going to use her. Still, it ultimately changes nothing. Master and Izou try to bring Chaldea's Ryouma to his senses, but it's not working. Shinbei stirs; he's seething with anger. The fact he can move catches Sakamoto off guard, and Shinbei charges at him. He'll hold them off to let Master and co. escape with Takechi and Ryouma. Takechi is about to say something, but Shinbei stops him. He'd always been jealous of Izou and Sakamoto. Takechi admits he tricked Shinbei back in the day, and that he's not the man Shinbei thinks he is.
Shinbei: "...Then stand up. Like the Takechi who stood tall and passionately spoke of the world of Loyalism, back when we first met."
With that, he leaves the task of protecting Takechi and Sakamoto to Izou. Mustering all his remaining strength, Shinbei makes ready for one last stand. Okuni has Zanzaburou handle Takechi, and Shinbei charges at the enemy with all his might.
With the sound of a loud collision, the chapter ends.
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cielospeaks · 3 years
event review bc. idk. i guess i forgot to do them but i have some stuff to follow up from this
Story- 3/10. like. its not the absolute worst i guess. i feel like senseis character is actually ok, the ceo look fits him (i would assume he has better looking ascensions if he ever becomes playable) compared to ryomas naval look and izous suit/tattered clothing. the absolute shock and “why didnt we get that version” i felt when seeing the last day cutscene of takasugi is unparalleled. like that guy actually looked like the person hes based on. i really didnt get the draw of his most used design tbh. the new assassin was kinda eh, i think it was mostly his pose. again id assume maybe hed get a better ascension sorta thing? the actual event story, not accounting for fandomwide drama, was really meh. the “saber wars” allusions were really sickening (which was prolly due to my illiteracy, but it still detracted from my enjoyment) and the fake ryoma was absolutely hateable. but in the good side the interactions with izou and ryoma especially were really great, and seeing him get to tell off the people who abandoned him was also good. the scene w oryo in the second to last day was very good (and very sad). the ending is so much no but whatever, i was expecting it. im prolly just gonna pretend the ending didnt happen.
Free servant- 7-8/10. im gonna put ranmaru here even tho im still not 100 percent. i think theyre pretty much not saber wars verse so thats an instant win for me. free avenger that is actually cool, you have my appreciation. i like their expressions being a throwback to mori (i know theyre both mori but shhh) and i think they had a nice dynamic in the event, again illiteracy aside.
Gacha servant- 5/10. completely split down the middle. izumo no okuni has been on my list since college of “historical figures id love to see as a servant” and i was disappointed when kabukimono valentine girl wasnt her or goemon (still am, but i like okuni’s design better so. i win) i love her english lines, she is very kabukimono. the “wakeup!” literally woke me up this morning lol. however, i do not like the second gacha at all. i wish that instead the historical dress for ryoma and oryo was just a costume, bc that would have been so ideal. but then again, shrugs at camera its tradition. screw over the free guda servant by giving them a bad op 5 star variant because fuck you in particular.
Event gameplay- 6/10. not much on the “power level” events of the event clear, and honestly idk why it was 5.5 clear besides making the fights harder, but with okuni and himichii the fights were a breeze. honestly w her the whole main classes of the game are covered w gudaguda servants so you can just use whoever and its great fun. the last few boss fights were utter bullshit but thats to be expected
Other- 4/10. myroom is eh. the sakamotos lines at the event shop at the start of the event were so pure, but im not looking forward if (spoilers) appears. i really hate how this event could have elaborated on previous npcs/incorporated them in the story, yet chose to just introduce a bunch of characters in their most generic designs and basically went nowhere. i guess my standards were high after 5, which incorporated himichii with the rest of the squad and made katsu playable, and the npcs were strongly tied to okita and hijikata. i also hate that it didnt have a low rarity character, thats basically how less popular/npc characters have been being added and that sucks. the fandom reaction is also just disgusting and pathetic. yall dont deserve okuni.
Overall- 5/10.
in terms of guda events theyre either really good or really eh. this one is an eh one, but thats to be expected as i loved 5 and wasnt much into 4, 3 had good characters but setting was eh, the first two were fine. this one was like... the setting of 3 + the flyball characterization of 4, so on all accounts i should dislike it more. but okuni and ranmaru are cool, and there were some good moments for my favorite characters, so it was ok. a pass, but just barely. literally those izou and ryoma moments and the half of the oryo ryoma moments that werent abuse or lazy designs are carrying this entire event on their back.
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psycho-pass-lists · 7 years
Psycho-Pass: The Musical
1. Opening number: Sibyl’s ominous singing while viewers get glimpses of city life.
Akane: W-wrong musical!!
Kogami: But fits so well.
2. Akane’s introduction song
Set after she botched her first mission.
Akane: My name is Tsunemori Akane. I want to be a police officer and I will prove my worth.
3. Division 1 Crew Song, mostly Ginoza singing (!!!) with Kagari, Yayoi, and Masaoka singing chorus in the background. About how the police department works and how she should act. Short reprise of Akane’s intro song after the song is finished and the crew leave her alone to her thoughts.
Akane: I never knew you were a singer, Ginoza-san!!
Ginoza: Y-you’re supposed to be listening to the song while feeling conflicted!
4. Kogami’s song to Akane
Not a love song, unfortunately. But a song about how she should listen to herself. Around the time between Rikako Oryo’s case and when Akane first meets Makishima. Lots of rock metal.
Akane: The rock metal makes me want to know more about you.
Kogami: Ah...no.
5. Makishima’s song. 
Has the same background as his theme music. During the pauses, Akane’s Dominator can be heard. His voice blends in with Yuki’s scream at the end.
Akane: The chills are real.
Makishima: My mere presence can do that to a person.
6. Akane’s reprise as she recovers from the trauma.
Akane: My Psycho-Pass shines as bright as a crystal. I can hear and feel my cold heartbeats. Could someone such as me really be so worthwhile as Sibyl decided?
6.5 Sibyl’s song as they reveal themselves to her.
At the end, Akane fights back.
Akane: One day we will turn off the switch. I have faith on humanity. And right now, I’m saving Kogami’s life and capturing Makishima. You will help me.
7. Kogami and Makishima duet.
Not a love duet!! During their fight scene in Nona Tower. Mostly a reprise of both of their songs, but with swelling music with each line and each speaks at once.
Kogami: I feel so... shippy.
Makishima: Shhh. I’m supposed to be killing you right now.
Kogami: Oh. Right.
8. Masaoaka’s song of comfort to Ginoza before he dies.
Ginoza: Y-y-you’re not a very good singer.
Masaoaka: But I am your father and I love you.
9. Makishima’s song reprise as he is chased by Kogami.
Makishima: Everyone is alone. But I am glad that the one who will kill me... is you.
Makishima: It’s not me!
10. Akane’s final reprise.
Akane (to Mika): I am your commanding officer. My name is Tsunemori Akane. If you want to survive, I suggest you follow closely.
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cielospeaks · 3 years
re: the drama abt f g o event
first off, honestly i dont rlly like the new designs. the new npcs are... ok. but like. i felt more potential from literally any other npc in the series, and i felt like they meshed better w the world they were in. katsu has a strong relationship w his sister and than gosh he got out of npc heck, shibata is chacha’s father and their relationship was rlly sweet/touching, maxwell is in the hecking original story, akechi has a cool design and is really integral to the nobunaga story. even the two new shinsengumi characters from last year were awesome and helped flesh out their story a lot more.
meanwhile i dont rlly feel inspired by any of the new npcs. theyre... ok? but they dont rlly click somehow. like. idk. they feel more like the creator wanted to make a “pretty clamp boy” or a “evil ceo” or a “big muscle boy” and not like they were actually making the characters. but then again apparently the whole event is like a final fantasy reference for literally no reason so it adds up to f g o bullshit referential ‘humor’
i also. idk. the event isnt over but im not into the new ryoma at all. he has that air of “smug evil pretty boy sexyman” that the game pushes a lot (douman, bad character, kirei, ect) and to make matters worse is kinda overwriting a neat character (that being ryoma) who doesnt have that personality at all. i am glad that ryoma does interact w him, and stands up for his friends, ect. (unlike marie, bc i dont think itd fit ryomas personality to just let his doppelganger abuse his loved ones just bc theyre pretty or something like that). idk if looks were it id stop there but he also is cruel to oryo, calling her a monster and basically just using her, and who knows what he says to ryoma/izou/ect. i dont trust or like him and honestly he can stay in npc heck far away from oryou after what he did.
im also just tired of the woman hating fans singling out izumi just because their lazy pretty boy designs arent playable. listen, if ur gonna blame anyone blame the teams obsession w voice actors/big names, as the kabuki robot is voiced by one of the main special guests, and that alone was probably a big factor in her being playable/5 star. izumi is a character ive wanted to see in the game for a very long time, and her design isnt blatant “sexy” the way tons of characters from the beloved lb6 were, or just a burning trash heap like lb5.2 and 5.5 were. shes a fun and interesting character yall just are sexist pieces of shit.
and more regarding characters. the “ranmaru is chuuni” thing would be fine, but please leave the mhx verse out of this. not only did your bad star wars parody kill halloween for 2 years, its also not funny and is just the laziest non committal excuse to pull together more “op” characters. also. yall are throwing a tantrum over some generic pretty boys not being added yet somehow stuff like saber wars/lb/ect is fine that it doesnt introduce guys/many guys? something seems a bit unbalanced. fucking bastar piece of shit scumbag worthless trash heaps i hate you all
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