#vee's oc Heart Crusher
homicidal-slvt · 5 months
"Summer Snow"
Warnings: Fluff, Toxic Family Situation Implied, OCs
A young girl sat upon the front steps of the building, a night breeze blowing past as she plays on her own, the sound of her parents arguing echos within the home.
Snow Moon stood on the roof of the building as the pale light of a full moon illuminates him, he doesn't even flinch when he hears the steady footfalls of a pair of heels behind him, knowing immediately who is approaching.
Her eyes watch as the man she knows as grumpy as all hell stands there- his attention entirely elsewhere. She has become used to his distant demeanor over the course of working with him, now taking chance to admire him in the light of the moon.
His short snow white hair is a bit of a floofed mess, the straight strands sticking out everywhere and some of the longer bits carelessly tucked behind his ears, his hands stuffed into his dark blue jeans front pockets. His porcelain skin pale enough it could give paper a run for its money, however then there is his eyes... Always striking in an unnaturally bright blue, tonight though they seem to practically glow.
A puff of breath leaves him and the temperature surrounding them steadily begins to drop, making her shiver as she clutches her arms- confusion etching across her features.
"Ey, Frosty... The hell are ye doin'?"
Being dressed for the warm summer night definitely made the sudden drop much more offensive... Though something is so eye catching about him, his pale skin slowly gains a shimmer to it- a light coat of frost forming across his flesh making him sparkle in the moonlight. It's beautiful. A cold display of pure art... Snowflakes begin to drift through the air, a few catching onto her hair and eyelashes.
"Jesus, what-"
She doesn't continue her sentence as she hears the over joyed laughter of a little girl below, moving up beside Snow Moon to look down as well. The snow is drifting down towards the child, her eyes bright with wonder at the miracle of snow in summertime.
The little bit of snow warms the heart of an innocent kid in a tough situation, the sound of arguing much more distant now...
A slight smirk crosses her face as she looks back up at Snow Moon.
"I see... That heart o' yours ain't completely made of ice, eh?"
"Shut up."
He grumbles with his typically irritated tone, sparing a little glare in her direction... But nothing could remove the faintest hint of a smile he has, warmed inside at the sound of the child below having the time of her life. A much needed distraction.
The world is cold enough in spirit, perhaps a little miracle could warm a soul for a lifetime.
{I wrote this awhile ago and I've been scared to post it. Idk if anyone is interested in this content but <3 presenting my babies.}
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