#ve swab
enidsinclesbian · 2 years
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krillin-fanfic · 7 months
Small Worries
Here we go, my K18 Day 2023 Entry! Had to power through a stomach bug that seemed to go away and then had a resurgence (and may have lost sleep and caught a cold trying to get this written down) but we did it! So, without further ado, enjoy this entry.
“Look, Babe, I appreciate the concern and all, but I'm OK, honest.” A short, disheveled man, sat in a chair facing the living room couch, bald head splotched with small burns and sweat-streaked dirt.
“Hush. Let me work.” A beautiful blonde woman shook her head and shifted slightly on the couch as she swabbed at a small burn on her patient's cheek
Krillin sat slumped in his chair, frowning. He'd come home from his training session with Goku just a bit disheveled, and 18 was acting as if he'd just come back from the middle of a war zone. She was totally overreacting... though he dare not tell her that. When 18 got like this, he found it best not to protest.
She dipped a fresh swab into some rubbing alcohol and touched it to one of the burn marks on his head, causing him to wince and pull back in discomfort. “Gah!”
“Stop whining, you've been through worse. Though not usually from training with friends.” Her expression was unreadable to most, but Krillin knew what was on her mind.
“18, I know it looks bad, but this happens sometimes. You don't need to worry about me, alright?”
She halted for a moment, fixing her icy blue eyes on his, expression still unchanging. “I don't, huh? I seem to recall you saying that the first time you came home from spending the day with Goku with your gi shredded like this, bruises all ove-” she jabbed the cotton swab at him. “Don't bother with the joke, I saw the other guy and he was fine.” She frowned. “I... worry sometimes. Can't help it.”
Krillin turned his head downward to stare at the floor. “I'm sorry. I didn't realize this was worrying you so much. It just feels... so good to be back in action again, I guess. Spend more time with Goku again.”
18 rubbed his cheek softly. “I know that, honey. I really do.” She gently cupped his chin and lifted his gaze to meet hers. “Hey... I'm not telling you this has to stop. OK? Just... I really need you to try to take a little more care of yourself. Marron and I both worry about you. You're not some weird alien who bounces back stronger from this sort of thing.”
Krllin broke eye contact, trying to look anywhere else than at her. “...yeah. I know...”
18 frowned again, softer and less stern. “Sweetheart, look at me.” She cupped his cheeks and turned him to face her once again. “You're still strong. You still have more strength in you than anyone else I know. You have such a strong moral compass. You have the strength to be willing to put others above yourself and your desires, which is not as common as people think. She smiled. “You have the strength to show compassion to people that even your own friends thought didn't deserve it, and for that I'm forever grateful.” She gestured toward the window with a tilt of her head. “And so's 17, not that the tsundere bastard will ever admit that to your face...” she saw him try to suppress a smile. “There's more to being strong than just muscles, dear.” She allowed a hand to drift down and gently rub his shoulder. “Though I'd be lying if I said I didn't enjoy these too. Just know I'd still love you even without them, OK?”
He blushed and allowed a small smile to slip through. “Yeah. OK.” He reached over and placed a hand on top of hers resting on his shoulder. “I really don't like to make you guys worry. It's part of why I've been a lot more careful lately, honest. And so has Goku.”
18 raised an eyebrow. “If he's been so careful, how exactly did you wind up coming back looking like you'd just survived planetary destruction?”
Krillin removed his hand quickly and rubbed the back of his head sheepishly. “Well-ah... y'see... it wasn't actually Goku who did this. See, he and I were training together and our session was going on for a while. Then Vegeta showed up all upset about it-”
“Vegeta?!” 18 froze, bottle and swab she'd been preparing still in hand. “What did that prick have to do with you?”
“So, ah, funny story... it turns out that he said Goku told him he'd come train with him for a while over on Bulma's private island, and he said what we were doing was cutting into his time...” Krillin tapped his index fingers together. “And well, he kinda, sorta... stepped in to hurry things along. Heh...”
Krillin gulped as he saw 18's eyes narrow. “S-sorry, babe. I can always stop for a while, it's fine.”
18 closed her eyes and shook her head. “No. Krillin, why do you think I'm mad at you?” She leaned forward and gently swabbed a scrape on top of his head. “You did nothing wrong, Goku didn't do anything wrong here really...” she frowned and looked out the window. “That pig-headed 'Prince', on the other hand...”
She sighed. “Krillin, I know how much you sacrifice for Marron and I, and I know how much this makes you happy. Seeing you so enthusiastic and full of energy again... it makes us happy too.” She caressed his cheek again. “I need you to stop worrying that you need to apologize for enjoying yourself here. Do I worry? Absolutely. You're kind of a big deal to me, y'know?” He chuckled and looked down, blushing. “I'm serious. You're my best friend. My home. My everything. So of course I'm going to worry a bit. But if a little bit of temporary worry is what I need to endure for you to have your happy place, then so be it. Besides,” she winked. “You always know how to help me get over it.”
Krillin felt himself turn beet red and shifted a bit in his chair. “Heheheh... I suppose so.”
She poked him lightly in the chest. “So let's stop with the moping, huh? Next time that royal pain in the rear shows up and lets himself get carried away though, you tell me. I'll deal with him.”
Krillin's eyes went wide. “Uh... 18, don't get me wrong, you're strong, amazing, wonderful, tough as nails, and I love you so please don't kill me here, but Vegeta is kind of leagues stronger than you and me put together now. I'm not sure that's a great idea.”
18 chuckled and lifted her phone. “You'd be surprised what a simple phone call to Bulma can do. She scares him more than his own fears of irrelevancy. She'd have him here apologizing within an hour.”
Krillin laughed and leaned forward to peck 18's lips. “You're amazing, you know that?”
“I do. You're not so bad yourself, Mister.” She leaned in and kissed him again, lingering just a little longer, relishing the feeling of butterflies he still managed to give her.
“Now,” she said, pulling out a bandage and more antiseptic, “time to let me finish patching you up.” Krillin reluctantly agreed, mumbling minor complaints as she did so. But even so, 18 found herself smiling. Sometimes, she had to admit, it was nice to have an excuse to fuss over her husband. When she finished, she draped her arms around his neck and leaned down, planting a gentle kiss on top of his bandaged head. “There. All done, big baby.”
Krillin smiled and craned his neck to look up at her. “Thanks, babe. Best nurse a guy could ask for.”
She returned his smile and tapped the spot where his nose would be. “And you better not forget it. Now, would you like to help me make dinner before Marron gets home?”
Krillin hopped up from his chair and stretched. “Sure thing. What are we having?”
“Taco night, “ she called over her shoulder on the way into the kitchen.
Krillin grinned. Tonight was going to be sweet indeed!
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So what am I? The butt of the joke?
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Scout didn't like coming to Medic's office. He didn't like being around him, he didn't like talking to him, and he sure as hell didn't like having to get patched up by him. The old man pried too much into his life, talked too much, and a million other things Scout could list off that would take up an entire day. Something about Medic just boiled Scout's blood, and he didn't even seem to realize it.
Scout hissed through his teeth as Medic pressed a peroxide-soaked cotton swab to his busted knuckles, clenching his jaw and other fist, nails digging into his palm. "You said it'd only sting a little," Scout hissed through gritted teeth, furiously glaring at Medic.
"Oh, don't be such a baby," Medic said with a roll of his eyes, placing the cotton swab onto the sterile tray where the rest of his medical instruments lay. Scout warily eyed the needle as Medic wiped it down with a sterile alcohol pad, pulling nylon thread through the eye. "Now, zis will pinch a little, so try to be still, ja?"
Scout fought the urge to whine and complain as Medic began to slowly stitch up his knuckles, pulling the wounds closed cleanly and with extreme precision. As much as Scout hated it, Medic was extremely good at his job, though he'd never tell anyone that.
"Zere." Medic snipped the thread, wrapping gauze around Scout's knuckles. "Zat wasn't so bad, ja? And you can even take a lutscher since you didn't whine!" Medic grins gleefully, pointing at a mug filled with various colorful suckers and lollipops.
"I'm not a damn baby," Scout snapped, sliding off the table, snatching a sucker from the mug with a scowl. He wasn't going to turn down free candy, that'd just be stupid.
"Kleines Arschloch!" Medic shouted as the doors swung shut behind Scout, his voice muffled as Scout walked further away from the lab, peeling off the plastic and putting the sucker in his mouth. It wasn't half bad.
Maybe he'd swing by Medic's lab more, just to get a sucker every now and then.
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"Ah, Scout!" Medic clasped his hands together, smiling widely as Scout poked his head through the swinging doors of Medic's lab. It was odd, seeing the doctor so... excited to see him. It was almost unsettling, seeing him so happy. "I was hoping you'd swing by!"
"...you were?" Scout hesitantly let the doors swing shut behind him, the action feeling like he was signing the warrant for his death. What the hell had he just gotten himself into?
"Ja, ja!" Medic waved Scout over, turning to his desk. "I vas vondering, I've been taking ze team's DNA samples, and-"
"You've what?"
"Shush!" Medic glared at Scout, mouth pulling into a scowl as he continued. "As I was saying, I've been taking ze team's DNA samples, and you mentioned not knowing your father, ja?"
Scout's brow furrowed. His dad? What the hell did that deadbeat piece of shit have to do with anything?
"Vell, if you'll give me a sample of your DNA, I can find out who it is!" Medic seemed... a little too excited about the prospect, like there was an ulterior motive he had in mind, but... Scout couldn't think of one.
"And you promise no funny business?" Scout frowned, eyes trained on Medic, searching for any sign that he had an ulterior and nefarious motive.
"Promise, promise!" Medic gleefully handed Scout a small tube. "Just spit in ze tube, and I vill take care of ze rest!"
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"Hey doc." The doors to Medic's lab swung open and closed, a noise Scout was starting to become familiar with. He wouldn't admit it, not even with a gun pointed to his head, but he was starting to enjoy Medic's company. "You, uh... y'said you wanted to see me?"
"Ja, ja!" Medic turned around with a wide grin, a stack of papers held tightly in his hand. "Ze DNA results are in! Oh, I should tell you, ve made bets on vho it vould be." Medic laughed, continuing before Scout could even interject. "Anyvay, ze results confirm zat Spy is your biological fazer!"
Scout paused for a moment. Bets? Confirmation? Spy?!?
"Woah, woah woah WOAH!" Scout held his hands in the air, staring at Medic with a horrified and confused expression. "You made bets on who my dad was?"
Medic shrugged, nonchalantly nodding as if it were as normal as drinking water. "Ja, most of ze team zought zat Spy was your fazer."
Medic pauses for a moment, his face falling and turning into one of abject horror. "Oh. Did you... not know zat?"
"My dad's Spy!? And you made bets on it!?"
Scout... didn't know why it bothered him that the team had made bets on who his father was without even bothering to tell him first. Sure, he'd always had his suspicions about Spy, but it hadn't occurred to him that his suspicions went beyond speculation.
No, no, it couldn't be true. It couldn't. There was no way Spy was his dad, no way in hell. This was all just some cruel joke that he was the butt off.
"Very funny, doc," Scout snapped, jaw clenched. "Where's the real results."
Medic paused, staring at Scout blankly. "...zey are ze real results, Scout."
No, it wasn't true.
It couldn't be.
This was all a joke, a joke that he was the butt of. He was always the butt of the joke. That was all it was.
A joke.
Just a joke.
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hallieerin97 · 10 months
I Hate asking anyone for help, especially out of nowhere. But my pets are my life and one of them needs help. Stevie is an 11 year old DSH brown tabby cat. He was adopted as a kitten from the local Humane Society. He was born with ulcers on both of his eyes, when they healed the scar tissue cause his eyes to become foggy and he has been partially blind ever since. Because of this, he was named Stevie, after Stevie Wonder.
Stevie has not had an easy life, but he has taken it in stride. He is so happy and full of life. He has survived hot spots, a house fire, a cancer scare, receiving the wrong medication that made him sicker and multiple ear and eye infections.
He has been scratching his ear and eye raw to the point of bleeding because of the ear and eye infections.
Despite our best efforts with the antibiotics and having a cone on him the infections keep coming back. After having the cone on for 18 months he’s found ways to get around it to scratch again. After many, many expensive trips to multiple vets for blood testing, skin testing, dental work, vaccinations and ear swab testing.
We have ruled out allergies, Thyroid issues, cancer and herpes (though they believe he has had herpes in the past, that could still flare up).
Our only successful diagnosis is a cocci infection in his ear, mild anemia and a type of dermatitis that is causing severe itching that he scratches at to the point of self mutilation. Our only course of treating him to keep him comfortable is to continue the antibiotics for his ear, give him expensive food and supplements, an oral corticosteroid, and continuous bloodwork every few months.
Anything we gain from fundraising will go to paying off the current vet bills, as well as paying for the corticosteroid that costs $163+tax every 6-8 weeks, and the bloodwork he will need to monitor for anemia and underlying conditions that may arise due to the corticosteroids.
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unionfish · 1 year
The Skeleton, Designation 6: The Opal Man: Swab Dog: Blessed Flesh
Ve, Vim, Vits
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gill x adult x white
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bighousecats · 2 years
https://www.youtube.com/embed/-_Yk7mS7PhQ British Shorthair cats stay home alone Can British Shorthair cats stay home alone? Yes, they can. British Shorthair cats are strong and independent and cope better than other breeds with short periods of solitude (1-3 days). For longer periods (5-14 days), hire a cat sitter or friend to visit them daily. You can ask this question if you've just brought a new cat home. They're very easy-going, calm, and don't tend to get depressed. They're also good with children. Listed below are some tips for keeping your British Shorthair company when you're not at home. They are easygoing If you're looking for a cat that is quiet, easygoing, and doesn't need a lot of attention, a British Shorthair is the perfect companion. Although these cats aren't very playful, they're extremely affectionate and will form strong bonds with their owners. British Shorthairs aren't the type of cat to smother you in attention, but they do enjoy cuddles and will tolerate other pets, including small children. The British Shorthair is a sturdy, muscular cat with a friendly and easygoing nature. Though they are aloof and reserved, these cats are affectionate when they're feeling loved and cared for. They have short, dense coats in various colors and patterns. To maintain a healthy coat, British Shorthairs need to be brushed about twice a week and should be clipped once a year. The British Shorthair is one of the oldest recorded breeds in the world. It is thought to have originated from domestic cats brought to Great Britain by the Romans in 43 AD. This breed almost went extinct during World War I and II, but has been brought back to popularity through cross breeding. They are easygoing, calm, and generally friendly, but male British Shorthairs have more energy than females. They are calm British shorthair cats are a peaceful breed, and they don't have destructive tendencies unless left alone for long periods. They tend to nap and aren't very active during the day. They have a polycyclic sleep-wake schedule. This means that they will not engage in destructive behavior while left alone, and they're safe around strangers. British shorthair cats are a peaceful breed While many cats are prone to depression, British shorthairs don't suffer from depression. They just don't like to be left alone for long periods of time. Cats like a familiar routine and having a human companion. If you can't be with your cat, consider leaving it with an elderly person. They'll be happier and healthier if they have some sort of company. British shorthair cats are very low maintenance, but they do require regular grooming and regular visits to the veterinarian. They also need regular nail trimmings and ear checkups. You can use pet ear cleaners to remove small particles that may be in their ears. Do not use cotton swabs to clean the ears, though. If you notice that your cat's ears are red or swollen, they need to be taken to a veterinarian. British shorthairs are known as teddy bear cats due to their round face and dense furry coats. They are medium to large in size, with a deep chest and short legs. They weigh between seven to seventeen pounds and are twenty-two to twenty-five inches in length. They are not prone to depression British shorthair cats are not more likely to develop depression than any other domestic cat. They do, however, require a lot of attention and affection when at home. This is because they are solitary animals and dislike being alone for extended periods of time. This can cause them to develop depression and loneliness. Left alone for too long can also cause them to exhibit destructive behavior. If your British shorthair cat is constantly demanding food, it may be due to chronic stress. It may not be prone to depression, but a constant need for food is a sign of prolonged stress and can be a sign of underlying health problems. You should consult a veterinarian if your cat is experiencing any of these symptoms.
Although British shorthair cats are resilient and do not have a high risk of developing depression, you should keep an eye out for any signs of psychosomatic conditions. Some common symptoms of depression include a lack of interest in physical contact or grooming. It may also exhibit signs of pain or nausea. Your cat may be suffering from a disease or be experiencing a change in its environment. A veterinarian can help determine the cause of depression. They are good with children The British Shorthair cat breed is an excellent choice for families with children. This breed is very tolerant of children and is very patient with them. The British Shorthair will not attack or get angry with children, so they will never bite or claw them. However, if you do have small children, you must always make sure that they know that cats are not toys and that they should be treated with respect. While British shorthair cats make great pets, it is important to remember that these cats need frequent nail trims and regular visits to the vet. Moreover, they should be neutered or spayed to avoid problems with their health. In addition, it is important to remember that British shorthairs should not be allowed to roam outside without supervision. Even though British shorthairs are large and relatively hardy, they do need the security of an indoor environment to prevent them from catching illnesses. British Shorthair cats are sociable and playful cats. Children will enjoy playing with them. They do not mind playing with other animals, such as dogs. This makes them a great family pet. They are a good companion for single people British shorthair cats are medium-sized cats that are lovable and affectionate. Their coat is thick and round and they are generally quiet. They like to play by themselves, but can also bond with a family. They also do not require constant attention, but are happy to watch other cats and play with humans when they're not around. British shorthair cats do not have any known breed-specific diseases, but it is a good idea to bring them to the vet every year for routine checkups. Because of their lazy nature and love for food, this breed of cat tends to become overweight. This can lead to joint problems and lack of mobility. If you're single and don't have a roommate, a British shorthair cat may be an excellent choice. They're easygoing and good-natured, making them the perfect companion for a busy person. They don't require much maintenance and don't have doe-eyes when you leave the house. Because they're low-maintenance, you can spend more time doing other things. Unlike many other cats, British shorthair cats are easy to care for. They need only minimal grooming and are suitable for households with children. However, they don't love to be picked up. They can be a good companion for single people who do not like to be held constantly. They are a good lap cat If you are looking for a lap cat that doesn't require a lot of space, the British shorthair is a good choice. This breed is also known as a teddy bear cat, and has a very large personality. While they do not require a lot of room to play, the British shorthair is still very sociable and friendly. Although British shorthair cats are not known to have any breed-specific diseases, they should be visited by a veterinarian regularly. Their large body size and love of food make them prone to obesity, so you should make sure to bring them to the vet for a checkup every year. Larger bodies can lead to joint problems, pain, and lack of mobility. The British shorthair cat is one of the oldest breeds of cat. It is believed to have originated in Britain during the Roman period, and the breed shares ancestry with the native wild cats of Britain. It nearly died out during World Wars I and II, but breeders kept the breed alive by outcrossing it with Persians, Russian Blues, and Burmese. This breed is known for being very sociable, tolerant, and low-maintenance, and makes a great lap cat.
They are prone to overeating Although British shorthair cats are generally healthy Although British shorthair cats are generally healthy, they may be prone to overeating. Their small size and lack of high-energy activities make them easy to overfeed, leading to unwanted weight gain. As a result, it is important to monitor your cat's diet and portion sizes closely. Your vet can also provide advice about the right diet for your pet. Like all breeds, British shorthair cats are prone to over-eating. They should not be left outdoors without supervision. As they cannot run away from predators, they should be kept indoors or in a sheltered area. They should also not be left outside in the heat. Vaccinations are essential for British shorthair cats, including rabies and panleukopenia. Additional vaccines may also be necessary to protect your cat from specific diseases. British shorthairs are generally friendly and will enjoy attention from young children. However, they don't like being picked up. British shorthairs do well with other animals, although you need to consult a vet before introducing them to other pets. As they don't require a lot of exercise, they do well in apartments.
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jobssok · 2 years
Grinigh Vitamin E Swabs Stick Disposable VE Cotton Swab Aloe Q-tip Applicators to Moisturzing & Healing Lip and Gum Before and After Teeth Whitening - 100 Pack
Grinigh Vitamin E Swabs Stick Disposable VE Cotton Swab Aloe Q-tip Applicators to Moisturzing & Healing Lip and Gum Before and After Teeth Whitening – 100 Pack
Price: (as of – Details)
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milkury · 3 years
that bit where eli and victor sort of worked together to bring down marcella gave us the glimpse of how fucking powerful they would be as a team
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escape-the-real · 2 years
Wanted to let you know that just because you speak in a different language, doesn't mean that I don't know when you're cursing me out. (Sero x reader)
Drabble, Characters are 18+
Synopsis: Sero comes home after a long night of hero work, you help him address his injuries 
Word count: 1,216
Key: (Y/n) - Your name, (T:) - translation, (s/o) - significant other, (p/h) - preferred hand
Warnings: Injuries, blood, fluff, and swearing
Sero stumbled through the front door as quietly as possible, grimacing as he leaned against the nearest wall.
 ''Joder qué noche tan dura! '' (T: ''Damn, what a hard night!") he mutters out to himself while closing the front door softly.
 The kitchen stove light was still on, giving the atmosphere a warm buttery glow. He made his way into the kitchen, steadying himself with the help of the breakfast counter. Turning ever so slightly to make his way to the kitchen table, the pain from his right ankle licked up his leg like flames and caused him to hiss. Trying to put not too much weight on his ankle, he manages to drop into a kitchen chair and bow his head so that it's resting on the cool surface of the table. The only sound audible was the sounds of his deep breathing, which he was so focused on that he didn't hear the soft steps of his s/o.
'Lord, Sero! What the hell happened?'' You say, flicking on the kitchen light.
He lifts his head from the table and attempts one of those wide-signatures smiles to reassure you that he was fine, but he knew that you saw right through him. You drew closer, worry lines forming on your forehead as you took in his injuries.
''Nada mi amor...s'nothing, I'm fine.'' (T: ''Nothing my love'') He says while smiling, reaching his hand out for yours. You shake your head as you take his hand, allowing him to pull you close.
''Babe?'' You say, moving his matted hair off his dirt and blood-covered face.
''Sí?'' (T: ‘’Yes?’’)
''I love you, but let's face it.'' You withdrew your hand from his and held his face, forcing him to look at you before continuing. ''You are a terrible liar.''
He chuckles as he caves in, leaning toward your palms.
''Come on, let's get you cleaned up...Yeah?
He nods in agreement and lets you cautiously lead him to the bathroom in your shared bedroom. You had him take a shower to wash all that blood and grime off. While he was showering off, you grabbed him clean clothes and placed them on the bathroom counter before grabbing the first aid kit.
''Y/n?'' He calls from the bathroom
''Coming, I just had to grab the first aid kit that's in the hall closet.'' You call back.
He is drying off his hair when you walk back into the bathroom, sporting no shirt and grey sweat pants that hung dangerously low on his lean muscular body.
''Te gusta lo que ves bebe~?'' (T: ‘’You like what you see baby?’’) He asks, lowering the towel.
''I....I-I...Shut up and sit down, you're injured!'' You huff out, face burning.
He winks at you before taking a seat on the edge of the bathtub, slinging the towel on the tub beside him.
''You know you don't have to do this...I can do it and join you in a minute'' He sighs, staring at your turned back while you open up the first aid kit.
''It's alright babe, I want to help.'' You say, smiling faintly
You turn back around with a cotton swab dipped in alcohol and a couple of bandaids of different sizes in hand. Sero spreads his legs further so you can stand between them and so he can wrap his arms loosely around your waist.
''This might sting a little.'' You say, gently grabbing his jaw and dabbing the gash on his forehead. Sero cringed at the pain, hugging you a little tighter and exhaling through his nose.
''Do you want to tell me what happened out there tonight?'' You question him, tossing the used cotton swab in the garbage and starting to unpeel a bandaid.
''I was on patrol, as you know, spent the whole night tracking down algún villano idiota (T: ‘’Some idiot villain’’). I finally found it. But it had grabbed some civilians and was holding them hostage. I had to hold it off from escaping and from hurting the hostages while my partner on patrol caught up to help me deal with it.'' He says, drumming his thumbs lightly on your hips.
He was all bandaged up when he finished telling you of his night, from the gash on his forehead to the tiny cuts on his arms and legs.
''You are a great hero, Cellophane. Many innocent people got to go home and be with their loved ones because of you. I am proud of you, truly.'' You say sweetly.
''Yeah? Hmmm...I think this hero could use some compensation.''
You rest your arms on his shoulder, making you closer to him than before. Your p/h finds long black hair at the base of his neck, going to the roots you give a gentle tug. He closes his eyes as his head tilts back, neck exposed. You kiss up to his neck, feeling his pulse jump. Right as you got to his lips you stopped.
''I still need to check your ankle'' You whisper to him, letting his hair go and backing up. He looks at you, blinking owlishly and lips slightly parted.
''Diablo descarado." (T: ‘’Cheeky devil’’) He chuckles lowly, shaking his head.
You give him a smug smile before you guide him to sit down on the bed. ''I'm going to apply pressure around your ankle and feel if anything is out of its place.'' You tell him
''Pfffft, it won't hurt that bad. My ankle is fi-''
Sero never did finish his sentence due to you applying pressure to his ankle.
''Hijo de las mil putas! Qué demonios punk sin corazón! Advertir a un hombre, por favor.'' ( T: ''Son of a thousand whores! What the hell heartless, punk?! Warn a man, please.") He gets out through gritted teeth.
''Sorry! I saw the opportunity of you being distracted... talking about how fine you are, and I took it. I don't think it's broken because you can still feel the pain, and nothing is misshapen. Plus, the pain appears to be on the soft spot of your ankle, which indicates that it is just a terrible sprain. I'm going to get ice for you, don't try to go anywhere, or I'll break the other ankle!'' You say, cheerfully getting up.
You grabbed an ice pack from the freezer and a clean tea towel to wrap it in. Sero was in the same position you left him, sitting on the bed and now scrolling through his phone. You handed him the wrapped ice pack before crawling on the bed and leaning against the headboard, motioning for him to rest his head on our chest. He pocketed his phone, snuggled into you, and put the ice pack on his ankle. The sigh that came from the man was one of relief.
After a while of you playing with his hair and getting to listen to your heartbeat, Sero's eyes began to flutter closed.
Sero hummed while peeking an eye open to look at you.
''Wanted to let you know that just because you speak in a different language, doesn't mean that I don't know when you're cursing me out. Just a reminder, ok?'' You giggle out.
''Muérdeme'' ( T: ''Bite me") He says before capturing your lips in a passionate kiss, which you instantly respond and melt into.
Thanks for reading, hope it was enjoyable!!
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biologyworld01 · 3 years
What is RT PCR test? And how it is done..???
COVID 19 testing usually begins with a swab test of nose or throat. Sometimes the saliva or the mucous of the lungs of the patient is also used
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The swab of the person with COVID 19 will contain a mixture of human cells, viral particles and other microbes.
Like all living beings, the human cells have DNA as their genetic meterial that passes information from one generation to the next.
The DNA is made of two strands that looks like a twisted ladder or double helix. But many virus such as SARS-COV 2 or HIV has RNA as their genetic meterial. Moreover RNA is single stranded.
The Viral RNA is surrounded by viral capsid which is further surrounded by Viral Envelope.
The genome of the COVID contains genes that carry the direction that are needed by the virus to replicate inside the human cell.
The objective of the COVID 19 testing is to identify the part of the viral genome in the patient sample.
This usually the N gene which carries the direction for the production of the Nucleocapsid protein.
There is not enough viral DNA to detect directly in the patient sample, so a process called Reverse Transcription Polymerase Chain reaction amplifies as many copies of the segment of the N gene.
Short single stranded DNA called primers  recognize unique RNA sequence within the viral genome that bracket the target region of the N gene. After the first primer binds, an enzyme called Reverse
Transcriptase extends a single stranded DNA copy of the viral RNA known as complementary DNA or cDNA. After the template RNA is removed, the second primer binds to the single stranded cDNA.
Then a second enzyme known as Taq DNA polymerase extends the 2nd strand to produce a double stranded DNA copy of the target region of the viral RNA. And like this the DNA undergoes successive rounds of amplification.
After 30 cycles upto billion copies of DNA from the viral RNA is produced by the PCR. Adding a fleurocent probe allows the amount of target DNA to be detected in real time and is quantified after each cycle of PCR which tells that the person ks COVID +ve or -ve.
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enidsinclesbian · 2 years
juliette fairmont: *simply exists*
me without missing a beat
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falseroar · 4 years
((Based on the prompt for today from Trail 6 of the Ten Trails whump challenge, “Burns.” I have no plans of sticking to one trail (I’ve already written for one of tomorrow’s prompts, ha) and can’t even promise I’ll finish ten, but it feels really nice to write again. Even if it’s not on my other two writing projects I’m “supposed” to be working on. XD
Dr. Schneeplestein tends to Jackieboy Man following a dangerous rescue that didn’t go the way the hero hoped.
Warnings: Angst, house/building fire, and implied possibility of death))
Jackie’s fist clenched tight around the blue domino mask in his hand and he inhaled sharply despite his best attempts to stay silent.
“Breathe,” Dr. Schneeplestein reminded him, not for the first time, as he continued to gently daub cream onto the splash of red skin on the superhero’s shoulder. For the moment, the burn nearly matched his suit whose top half lay bunched around Jackie’s lower back, which just trying to remove enough of for the doctor to work had brought tears to Jackie’s eyes. Hopefully, the medicine would prevent it from swelling and blistering, but even the light touch of the cotton swab that Schneeplestein was using to apply it was almost too much to bear. “Relax, if you can.”
“I’m trying,” Jackie said, but that might have as well been a lie when every time he closed his eyes his mind went back to that building. He could still smell the smoke in his nose, his mouth, his lungs, feel the ashes clinging to his body and mixing with his sweat until it seemed to coat every inch of exposed skin.
And he could still hear the crying.
“Any word from the hospital?” Jackie asked, and immediately regretted it. His burned and bruised back made even breathing difficult, much less trying to string together questions he wasn’t sure if he wanted to know the answer to.
“Nein, but I know zhe doctors there, they are very, very good and are too busy doing zhe best they can to return phone calls. Not everyone has a personal doctor just waiting at home for zhe chance to take care when they choose to drag themselves in.”
“I had to wait, had to talk to the firefighters and be sure…” Jackie trailed off, not sure if his vision blurring was from the pain, the desperate need for sleep, or the tears trying to make a comeback.
“I know, Jackie,” Schneeplestein said softly, but he wasn’t sure if the vigilante’s super hearing caught it.
Jackie inhaled, only to wince again at the pain in his shoulder. The support beam, finally giving out under the stress and flames eating away at it, he should have seen it, should have moved faster, should have dodged or something, but instead he spent too many precious minutes trapped, struggling to breathe, to free himself, to move at all even as he heard the desperate cries overhead.
“Everyone made it out,” the doctor gently reminded him, like he couldn’t remember the huddled form when he finally freed himself and found them in the thick blanket of smoke, the blur and painfully slow escape from the building, the voices outside mixing with the sirens in a confusing mess as he could only watch the firefighter press the oxygen mask to their face, the chest barely moving as they were put into the ambulance and sped away. “You did zhe best you could.”
“No, I didn’t.” Jackie’s voice was flat, and standing behind him Schneeplestein could see the muscles tense in his shoulders and arms again as his head tilted toward the floor. “I could have been smarter, faster, done something, anything differently, and maybe that kid wouldn’t be…”
Dr. Schneeplestein put down the tub of burn cream and the cotton applicator and walked around the bed in the center of the room they had set up as a patient room until he stood before the superhero. Jackie didn’t look up, but the doctor could see the clear lines from his mask, and the twin trails left trailing down his cheeks.
“Yes, ve can always do better, zhere vill always be zhe ‘could have dones’ or the ‘should have dones’, but beating ourselves up does not change what has already happened. And zhey do not change zhe truth of the zhe matter, no matter what your brain says otherwise.”
The doctor placed a gentle hand on the side of Jackie’s neck, opposite the burn, and guided his chin up until they were looking each other in the eye before he continued.
“You did good today. And I am so proud of you, Jackie.”
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whump-tr0pes · 4 years
Ash/Athena AU: Unmarked
@ashintheairlikesnow‘s Danny and Nate have gotten Isaac out of the Michaelson house. The brand on Isaac’s neck marks him for life as someone to be sold back to the Michaelsons, or tortured for information on them. Isaac has to take an even bigger leap of faith if he is to live without the brand. 
Cw: drugging, needles, fear of noncon, blood
The worst part wasn’t the needle sliding into Danny’s arm, the little hiss as Nate slowly injected the contents of the syringe. The worst part was how Danny sat back, shaking a little, before he started to fade. Those blue eyes got a horrible dull look to them as he slipped away. He looked at Isaac with a blank expression that looked… empty. Like he’d been there before.
Isaac’s voice shook a little. “Wh-what did you give him?”
“Versed,” Nate said calmly has he reached for another syringe.
Isaac turned his eyes to Nate. “What is that?”
Nate drew up the next dose with practiced care. “It’s a b-benzodiazepine. Like Xanax. It’ll r-relax you. And… you won’t r-r-remember me cutting the b-brand off.”
Isaac swallowed. “I won’t… remember?”
Nate flicked the syringe and pushed the bubbles out of the needle. “It k-kind of… turns off your m-memory for a little while. B-before and, and after. Means you might not r-remember this c-c-conversation, either.” He reached for Isaac’s arm.
Isaac froze. Nate paused and sat back in the seat. His eyes softened just a little… like they did when he looked at Danny. Nate opened his mouth. Shut it again. Blew out a slow breath. “I’m sor, sorry this ha-happened to you.”
Tears burned in Isaac’s eyes as he turned to look at Danny, slumped in the seat, eyes half closed. Isaac licked his lips. “Did he –”
“Yes.” Isaac looked back to Nate. “Wha, whatever you’re g-going to ask, the an, answer is yes.”
“Oh.” A tear ran down his cheek. “He… I thought…” Nate waited. “I thought he… wanted to…”
“He needed to s-save your life. He did what needed to be, to be done. You’d be dead r-right now if he, uh. If he hadn’t.”
“I know.” Isaac wiped at his eyes. “I know that now. But… I thought… and he’s been… held… too…”
A deep fury coiled behind Nate’s eyes. “Yes. And I’m going to do to the people who hurt you what I did to the people who hurt him.”
Isaac swallowed hard. He didn’t want to think about what that meant, although he thought he knew. “He…” Isaac rolled his eyes to the roof of the car, embarrassed at the tears that wouldn’t stop running down his cheeks. “He called me a… a whore… He claimed me…”
“I know.” Nate’s voice was even. No stutter.
“I thought I’d never see my family again… I thought it was happening… all over again… Corrine said she’d torture me and, um.” He shuddered. “Dispose of me when you got… um… tired of me…” He was trembling, holding down the sob that was rising in his throat.
“I know.”
Isaac let himself fold forward and covered his face with his hands. “I thought… I thought it was happening all over again. But Gavin never… collared me. Gavin –” He froze, and the words caught in his throat. He felt a cold thrill of terror down his spine. He lifted his eyes to Nate and saw anger, but not rage. Not murderous fury. “You knew.”
“I sus, suspected,” Nate said softly. “The way you all act ar-around him, the way you look at him… and, and d-don’t look at him.”
“Oh.” Isaac’s hands were shaking. “I shouldn’t have said anything. Please… please don’t kill him.”
Nate snorted. “I’m s-surprised you haven’t killed him, f-for what he’s done.” He shrugged. “B-but if he’s w-with you, then I w-won’t touch him. I d-d-don’t know what’s ha, happened b-between you two to make things r-right.”
“He…” Isaac ran his hand through his hair, still damp from the party. “Vera… um… tore his father’s throat out in front of him. And shot him in the chest. He hates the smell of blood now. The thought of hurting people makes him… scared.”
Nate was grinning darkly. “Ve, Vera did…?” He chuckled. “I knew there was a r-reason I liked, liked her.”
“You don’t need a reason,” Isaac mumbled. “She’s incredible.”
“That she is.” Nate looked pointedly at Isaac’s arm. “Are you, r-ready?”
Isaac’s breath caught in his throat. “And… that will…” He shot a glance at Danny. He still sagged against the car door, his eyes partially open and moving slowly around the car, seeing nothing. Isaac wrapped his arms around himself. “You can…” He cleared his throat as he tried to find the words. “You’ll be able to…”
Nate waited, his green eyes seeming to pierce through Isaac.
“Once you give me that…” Isaac eyed the syringe. “…you can do… whatever you want. To me.”
Nate’s eyes softened again. “Yes. You’ll b-be sedate, a-and suggestable. B, but…” He glanced at Danny. “I kn-know you don’t have a good r-reason to trust, to trust me. After everything that’s been d-done to you. But…” He nodded in Danny’s direction. “He was… he was willing to ta-take this, too. For you. So you w-would feel safe.” He held Isaac’s gaze steadily. “He c-cares about you. M-more than you know. And he would, ah. He would do anything to ke-keep you safe.” There was a slight tremble in Nate’s lips. “…and s-so would, would I.”
Isaac could feel the panic rising in him. Once he gives me that, he can do anything he wants to me. Anything at all. He could drive me back to the house, right now. I’d wake up in a cell. In the basement. He could sell me to Colleen Stormbeck. He could use me as leverage to bring my family back to the Michaelsons. He could… he could do whatever he wants to me right here. He could… Isaac couldn’t finish the thought. He couldn’t stand to think of the things he’d done with Danny and Nate turned around and made something awful. He couldn’t.
He looked at Danny. He looked at the dull eyes, the hint of fear in the tension around his mouth, even when he was sedated. He saw the man who had walked through the basement with him. The man who had reached out and pushed away his mother’s gun, for him. The man who had said those awful things, been that awful thing, to save his life. He swallowed hard. He nodded. He held out his arm to Nate.
Nate took it gently and cleaned the crook of his elbow with an alcohol swab. Isaac shivered as Nate handled the syringe, guided the needle into the vein that stood out in his arm even without a tourniquet. He shivered as he felt the cold momentarily rush through his vein. He bit his lip as Nate withdrew the needle and held his thumb over the vein to keep the blood in until he could reach for some gauze.
The sedative took some time to work. Isaac kept feeling into his body, waiting for the tendrils of exhaustion to snake through and drag him unconscious. He waited for the feeling of limp, total vulnerability to wash through him and leave him trapped in his own body.
It came on faster than he thought he would. He felt an upwelling of… stark relaxation. He felt the tension flowing out of his limbs, felt himself droop back against the seat of the car without having made the decision to do it. He felt his brain swim with foggy, comfortable confusion. He couldn’t find it in himself to be scared anymore, even with the words repeating in the back of his mind: Nate can do anything to me now. Nate can do anything to me now. Nate can do anything to me now. Nate can do anything to me now.
He felt a presence over him, a weight on his legs and chest. A soft voice in his ear. “Let m-me just get this off, off you and we c-can keep going. I just want to get the, the brand off.” He felt his head pinned down against the car door. He felt pain sparking in his neck, then stabbing through, as the knife cut through the skin to the undamaged layers underneath. He felt his mouth open, heard a scream fill the car. That’s not mine. He tried to push away at the pain, the confusion. Nate said he wouldn’t hurt me.
“I’m sor-sorry.”
Nate has to get the brand off.
He felt the trickle of hot blood down his neck, and the rag that caught it. He felt more gauze pressing into the wound. Burning. He whimpered. More pressure.
Gavin’s choking me again.
He opened his mouth to beg. The words came out as a string of slurred sounds, not even speech. “Nnn—Nuuh p—nnnuuuoo.” Tears rolled down his cheeks. His arms were limp against the car seat. He couldn’t push Gavin away. I’m going to die now, after everything. He couldn’t fight it. He gave himself over to it.
The pressure eased. He heard a strange shhhrk sound and realized it was tape as Nate stuck it on his neck. Why is he taping my neck? What’s going on? He felt the swipe of the rag again. More blood wiped away. His head lolled on his neck.
“It’s d-done. It’ll scar, but… you won’t be m-marked.”
He felt himself being arranged a bit straighter in the seat, the seatbelt coming around to hold him in place. He felt the soft brush of a hand across his forehead, pushing his hair out of his face.
“Let’s g-get you home to your family.”
His head dropped onto his chest.
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nabrizoya · 3 years
tis 3 if i sleep by 5 i'll be fiiinnneee :D
okay wait
sai → kai → tvd → elena → avalor → disney → ney → knee → nee → previously → ously → viciously → vicious → ve schwab → swab → cotton → plant → verb → erb → herbivore
may i call u herbivore pls
yes you may and that analogy is super fine so i shall grant you a boon of a few more hours of sleep (also if u sleep by 5, when tfare you waking up??? sleepeth).
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yeolidut · 3 years
So this is a continuation story from the last time.
Nov 4th we went to hospital, we did general check up including lab test, chest xray and swab test. We waited for a long long long time until the result came out. The result I mentioned only lab test and chest xray. My dad got bronchitis and turned out my sis, the who got covid-19, is dextrocardi 😨😨😨😨😨 we have no idea lol
Because my sis is anemic (Hb 8.1g/dl) she got admitted, the rest of us will hav to quarantine at home while waiting for swab test result.
Me and my mother waited at hospital for 16 hours and we haven't even sleep for 38 hours 😵 that was tough
My sis cried and cried because no one is allowed to accompany her but today she's fine and got blood transfusion too!
I report our case to nearby puskesmas so they can trace everyone else.
I guess this is the update for the time being, hope our swab results are -ve covid-19 and speed recovery for my sis 🙏
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vorish-egos · 4 years
Henrik: Experimenting (for Science Of Course)
Henrik Von Schneeplestein had been engrossed in one of his books when he heard someone knock on the door to his office, and it took him a few moments to register what he’d heard and go to respond. When he opened the door, a very pale, bloated-looking Jackieboy-Man met his eyes, green in the face and looking desperate as he clutched at his stomach protectively. He was hunched over and taking slow, shallow, quaking breaths.
“Doc, ya gotta help me,” he said quietly, “Can I come in?”
He moved aside and gestured for the hero to enter, “Of course, vhat’s wrong?”
“Cl-close the door first. It’s about [Y/N] an’ I don’t want Anti hearin’,” the hero said, taking tentative, shaky steps as he entered the tile-floored section of the office.
He closed the door and crossed to Jackie’s side before placing a hand on his shoulder, “Vhat’s happened? Are zhey alright? Vhere are zhey?”
Jackie looked around the room nervously before standing upright and revealing his abdomen. It looked uncomfortably swollen and oddly lumpy. Henrik didn’t understand at first, but then the lump moved and made a sound. No, it didn’t just make a sound, it spoke! He didn’t understand the muffled words, but the voice was unmistakable; it was the only one in the house that didn’t resemble Jack’s in some way. He felt the blood drain from his face as Jackie pointed at the lump in his distended belly.
“I had to act quick or Anti’d get ‘em again,” Jackie said, “He’d eaten ‘em before I… well, never mind that. He wanted to eat ‘em again so I… God, Schneep, ya’ve gotta help get ‘em outta me!”
“Zhat… I don’t… How is zhis possible?” He asked, bending over to study the small form inside the hero, “How did you manage to get zhem down your sroat?”
Jackieboy groaned, “Doc please. Now ain’t the time fer this. D'ya have any ipecac left from the last time Anti poisoned someone? I tried ta make myself throw ‘em up earlier, but it didn’t work…” 
Henrik glanced up as Jackie grimaced, then stood upright with a mental sigh. He was right, of course. As scientifically fascinating as this was, it might only be a matter of time until digestion kicked in and the clock was ticking. He did in fact have ipecac left, plenty of it, and crossed the room to his medical cabinet. If things were less dire, he’d want to study how this happened and what effects this would have on both parties, but… He plucked the little bottle from its shelf and pulled a swab from a nearby jar before turning back to see Jackie bracing himself against the examination table.
“Is everysing alright?”
“Y-yeh, just not feeling so good. They keep movin’ around.” 
Even from here, Henrik could tell the hero was sweating and trembling. It looked like he wouldn't need the ipecac to throw up, [Y/N] would just need to keep moving. Regardless, he took the few steps back to Jackie as he prepared the swab. He was about to tell his near mirror to open wide when a thought occurred to him.
“Just a second, ve don't vant zhem getting hurt vhen you srow zhem up,” he said.
Jackie nodded weakly and seemed to gag as his stomach jostled from inside with an audible slosh. [Y/N]’s small muffled voice said something and Jackie mumbled in response. Henrik made quick work of grabbing a towel and folding it over a few times before returning once more. He didn’t catch what either of them had said. 
He held the towel near Jackie’s chest and held up the swab, “Open vide please. I'm afraid zhis von’t be pleasant.”
“Yeh, I-I know. Oh God, [Y/N] please stop doin’ that…”
Jackie did as he was asked, opening his mouth and sticking his tongue out. Henrik wiped off a bit of the excess syrup before swabbing near the base of his friend’s tongue. The emetic worked quickly, almost giving him no time to set the swab down and prepare the towel. He got both hands covered in time to catch the first heave, which was, unfortunately, just bile. Jackie winced and groaned as he rubbed his stomach, and Henrik glanced down to see that the lump had moved upwards. That was good. The second heave was completely dry, but the bulge jumped up enough to be hidden behind Jackie’s ribs. It took two more heaves for [Y/N]’s squirming form to appear in the hero’s throat and two more for him to spit them out into the towel.
Poor Jackie then turned and threw up on the floor. [Y/N] was drenched in bile and smelled awful, and they spent a long time laying and gasping for breath in Henrik’s hands.
“Are you two alright?” Henrik asked.
Jackie had his hands on his knees, doubled over and dry heaving but he nodded. The approximately six-inch tall [Y/N] did the same and gave a weak thumbs up.
“Jackie, can you get yourself to zhe bathroom? I’ll be viss you in a moment, but [Y/N] is mein first priority. And don’t vorry about zhe mess, I vill take care of it.”
The tiny in his hands began to shiver, so he wrapped them in a drier portion of the towel and held them close to his chest. Poor thing had really been through the wringer lately, hadn’t they? Jackie nodded again and collected himself long enough to stand, sign a quick ‘thanks doc’ (he probably learned that from Jameson), and stagger to Henrik’s bathroom. Meanwhile, Schneeplestein walked over to his sink on the other side of the room and placed [Y/N] on the side as he ran warm water.
“How did zhis happen?” he asked the moving lump in the used-to-be-green towel, “Vhy are you so small?”
When they spoke, he had to strain his ears to hear them over the water hitting the metal basin of the medical sink, “Anti did it. Some sort of magic. He pounded on my door when I was napping and caught me off guard.”
He nodded though they couldn’t see it. That sounded exactly like something he’d do. What a despicable demon, that Anti. Lord only knew why Jack allowed him to live here, like he wasn’t a threat to everyone else in the house. 
Soon the sink was plenty full, so he shook himself from his thoughts and turned off the water, “Let’s see vhat ve can do about zhe bile on you [Y/N]. I’ll have vords viss Anti later.”
They peeked out from under the towel, “Careful, he's on a rampage. You know how he gets, especially with me.” They peeked over the lip of the basin and seemed to pale further, “Oh that’s a long drop…”
“Here,” he said, placing his hand, palm up, flush with the wall of the sink, “I can help viss zhat.”
They scooted onto his palm and he lowered them into the sink and spent a good long time getting clean. Once they indicated they were done (with the childlike ‘I want up’ hand motion no less), he picked them up out of the sink and placed them on the counter.
“Zhere you are. Nice und clean.” He gently dried them off with a washcloth. He stared at them for a moment, fascinated and curious.
[Y/N] nodded slowly, shivering and clinging to the washcloth for warmth, “At least I’m not being eaten again.”
He paused, then spoke softly,“Explain to me how you ended up inside Jackie please, if you vould.”
“I- well, quite simply, I asked him to eat me to protect me from-... from being eaten by Anti,” they covered their face with a hand and sighed, “I sound like a total idiot.”
“No, no. It sounds to me like you didn’t have many options. It may have even been vhat saved you bohss in zhe end.”
“I don’t know, Schneep, I heard Anti threaten him if he didn’t keep me down. And, from the sounds of it, he’s still throwing up too.”
“True. I should go and check on him.” He couldn’t help but hesitate. This might be his only opportunity to experiment with the poor shrunken kid.
“Go, I’ll be fine. I’ve been like this for over two hours. I’ll stay here,” they promised.
Henrik nodded and went to check on Jackie. He could satisfy his curiosity later. When he reached the bathroom, Jackie was in the midst of a dry heave and drenched in sweat. Henrik took a clean washcloth, ran it under cold water, and placed it against the back of Jackie’s neck. 
“Don’t vorry, Jackie. It vill be over soon. Zhe good doctor vill take care of you,” Henrik soothed, knowing Jackie could use some reassurance in his state. “You are a sveaty boy, hm?” he teased lightly, “I bet a nice shower vill feel very good after zhis is over. I vould recommend cold vasser. Cold vasser very good after a sveat.”
“Gotta say, Doc, I hate ipecac…”
“I know, und I am sorry. I wish I had somesing zhat I could use instead.”
Jackie heaved again and panted for a while, but he seemed to be mostly over it. Henrik sent Jackie to go get washed up and clean. In the meantime, it seemed like the perfect time to satisfy his curiosity. He walked back into the main lab, noted the puddle Jackie had made, and went to clean that up before he made his way back to [Y/N]. 
They were still tiny, wrapped up and burritoed in the washcloth he'd used to dry them. He picked them up gently and looked them over. They looked to be simply scaled down, completely proportional and mostly unharmed save for wrinkly fingers and toes. Henrik debated asking for permission to experiment.
“Henrik, I’m getting dizzy,” they said, “Please stop holding me upside down..!”
He righted them with a hasty apology and a light embarrassed blush. He hadn’t meant to look at their feet for so long, but there was something interesting about how very small they were. Well, he decided, for now he’d let them recover. He wrapped them in the dry towel again and picked them up. Goodness, but they were still shivering! So he held them to his chest and took them to his examination room where it was warmer. 
Over the next several hours, he jerry rigged ways to check their vitals and see what effect  their new size had on them. So far, it seemed, the only lasting effect was being cold. Their O2 levels were fine, heart rate was relatively normal if mildly elevated, bmi was vastly unchanged, mineral levels were fine… The only difference was they couldn’t retain their body heat. 
By the time Jackie had come back more or less recovered, Henrik had their tiny friend wrapped in several warmed facial washcloths and resting on his work desk. Understandingly, the hero was concerned about their shivering, as was Schneeplestein. He’d offered to care for them, but Hen wouldn’t hear it; not in the poorly condition he was in. In Jackie’s current condition, Henrik wasn’t sure he could even defend himself from Anti. Speaking of, he was grateful he hadn’t seen him lately and said as much.
“He’s sulking,” Jackie explained, wrapping himself in one of the many heated blankets, “I’ve been avoidin’ him.”
“Zhat is probably for zhe best, mein friend.”
“He’s a dick!” [Y/N] piped up vehemently.
And as much as he hated to admit it, Henrik laughed. He laughed harder than he should have in all honesty. 
But fate is nothing if not a bastard.
At first, no one noticed the hissing white noise, not even [Y/N] who was understandably on edge. Jackie was the first to make a face of discomfort, turning his head to try to avoid the subtle noise almost subconsciously. But as the sound grew, even Henrik started trying to drown out the sound.
Until everyone realized what it was and paled.
Jackie wobbled to his feet and put himself between Henrik and the door not a few beats before a pale green foot rammed it open. No one had time to react as Anti glitched himself into the room and tackled Jackie to the floor. Poor Jackie didn’t stand a chance, not after what he’d been through.
Henrik watched in abject horror as the glitching maniac headbutted the hero at full force. He turned and grabbed [Y/N], clutching them protectively and when he turned back, he stared into the jet black eyes of Jackie’s assailant. What was worse, Anti was now holding a very small, very squirmy hero who was no more than six inches high.
“I w͘a̛rn̸ed ̢h̶įm͘. Now ͢it͢'̀s̡ ̶hís ̶tur͝ņ.”
With that, Henrik could only watch as he lifted the poor lad up and dropped him into his maw. He told himself to do something, to do anything, just get Jackie away from Anti’s throat! But something held him frozen. Maybe the look in those mad, black eyes or maybe not, but he got to helplessly watch as Anti gulped hard and Jackie sank. Still unable to move, he made a sound of protest, but not even words came out. Another gulp and the distention in Anti’s throat elongated, which made the slit in his trachea ooze a few small drops of blood. Henrik demanded his arms do something, but nothing happened. Not even when Anti closed his mouth, sealing the weakened hero’s fate.
One last gulp and the spell was broken. Henrik screamed but the damage was done. Anti’s throat bulged and swelled with the struggling, but the lump slid down and disappeared, squeezed behind his clavicles. 
“Let him go, Anti!” Henrik begged.
“An̕d ̕w̡h͝y̶ ͠wou͡ĺd̸ ͠I ͟do ̸that? ́H̵e͘ f̨e͘els̕ ̡s̷o͠ g̢oo͜d~!͡” he quipped, rubbing his abdomen as it rounded out noticeably, “Bu͏t͝ ́I'͜m̧ s̨ti͞l̡l h̷ung̴ry̴. Why d͘on͞'̡t ́I͜ t̡a̛ke̛ ̷th͟at pi͘psqųeak o͏ff y͝o̸ur h̡an̢ds͞?”
He reached for [Y/N] and Henrik’s brain exploded into panic. His chest went tight and his mouth went dry, and every thought vanished from his mind. 
So he did the unthinkable.
His body acted on instinct and he shoved the terrified shrunken person into his mouth and gulped hard. Anti stopped and scowled as Henrik gagged on their hips before reflexes took over, causing him to swallow again and again to dislodge the blockage in his windpipe. He closed his mouth over their feet and with one more gagging swallow, they disappeared.
He sneered with a frustrated chuckle, “That'͏s̸ f͡in͞e,҉ I̴ ͝alrȩądy̕ h͞ave͞ a ̷meal͟. ̸But͟ ͜know͠ ̕th̸is: i̡f͝ ͏I͘ s̸e̢e͜ th̴em ̴o̢ut aga͡in͞,̡ ͞a̵l͟l t͞h͡re͜e̕ ơf҉ ̧yơú ̡ar̴e̵ ͡min͏e.”
With manic laughter, the glitch fizzled out of existence and Henrik’s legs collapsed beneath him. He hadn’t even felt [Y/N] sink into his stomach, but there they sat heavily, trembling like a leaf inside him.
“Vhat… have I… done..?” he breathed, “Vha- vhat do I do?”
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