#v; blue moon
mintytealfox · 3 months
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Have some lovie dubbies heh~🤌🤌🤌🙏🙏🙏
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anerianaa · 2 months
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Blue Moon from Us Cracks but I redesigned her costume.
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for-lovely-things · 8 months
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I finally got my @eurotour copy recently and i just recalled I never posted the whole spread I did for the zine! Sooo, enjoy xD
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arczism · 1 year
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very important comic because i genuinely believe Kerry had a very needed support group and US Cracs girls ships them too okay 
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plazmafields · 3 months
When the Us Cracks girls invited him out, Kerry asked V to be his plus one. They all had a blast, but at some point in the evening, the boys seemingly disappeared.
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deusvmachina · 7 months
can we have more songv prompts? 👀 "It would mean a lot to me if you stayed."
"It would mean a lot to me if you stayed."
V could feel her chest tightening again. Her stomach twisted and fluttered at the same time while she sat there in the chair at So Mi's bedside. Her blue-grey eyes searched the other woman's face but her expression did not give way to her thoughts though she did note how Song's eyes seemed to glisten with unshed tears. A long period of silence lapsed between them but it wasn't a matter of debate for the merc so much as it was a moment of self-reflection. Of accepting that as much as she had every damn right to feel upset and betrayed, she just couldn't bring herself to actually be angry about it. The anger just... wasn't there. Instead, an intense maelstrom of emotions tore their way through a body that was beyond exhausted. Worn out from both combat and the frequency of her relic malfunctions.
Then there was worry about what Mr Blue Eyes would ask of V in return for that panacea she so desperately needed. The unexpected call she got from him, telling her to board the shuttle alongside her half-dead companion and that he was an interested party who she could strike a bargain with... Well, it sounded too good to be true but a part of her wanted to get away from it all. To remain by the woman she'd come to call her friend. To ensure her survival, even though that left V back at square one.
Could the clinics on Luna help her at all? Was there even enough time left before she lost more of herself to the biochip rewiring her brain? Who the hell was this guy anyway? He was entirely shrouded in mystery. And then there was a feeling of dread that had seeped in her very being: what would be the aftermath of all the things she had done to free Songbird from her gilded cage? If V was certain of one thing it was that all of the sacrifices she made were worth it. No regrets there. Surely this would lead to another corporate war; Night City could be changed forever. V was brought back to the present when she heard Song speak again, more quietly this time.
With a heart-wrenching quiver to her voice. "I'm sorry, V. I... shouldn't even be asking anything else of you."
V had to swallow the lump in her throat before finally speaking up, "No, hey... it's alright. We're—we're good, okay? Talk about it all later when you've recovered." With fingers that trembled slightly, the merc reached out to touch her cheek. Cradled it within her palm while letting her thumb stroke over the EMP threading embedded in the soft skin of So Mi's face. She dared to murmur what she'd said once before—as they were witnessing Myers give her final orders to Reed. "I'm stayin'. Not goin' anywhere." She watched So Mi practically nuzzle into her hand, seeking comfort in the touch.
"Thank you, V," was all the netrunner could manage. A tear escaped as she closed her eyes and it would trickle down her cheek until V tenderly wiped it away.
"As long as I'm still drawin' breath, I won't let anyone hurt you again, Song."
That earned a weak, halfhearted chuckle. "You promise?"
"Consider it an oath I can stand behind."
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pinkyjulien · 9 months
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━ The RVC00N Dumpster 🦝
🟨 Candy Dress
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For Fem V 10 Colors - RGB leds & transparency!
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🍈 Refit for Hyst's EBB Push Up available 🎒 Compatible with Equipment EX
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🔹 On Nexus
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calicodreamer · 4 months
Lets Watch the entirety of the Sun and Moon Show I said, This will be Fun! I said!
News flash, If you only watch the animatics for something, your not getting the full flashes of the show. And if your like me, and this is now an obsession for the next month, we'll make this Tumblr post to give you an idea of how to watch the actual thing 
If you have no idea what I’m talking about I’ll give you a hint.
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This is the Sun and Moon show, and it looks most certainly like a content farm. or at least was set up to be a content farm in the beginning as it is definitely bleeding the “I’m 11! FrEDdY FAzbEaR!” crowd dry, and the “Sister Channels” of the Channel (With the direct expectation of maybe 2) are just content farms. However, The funky little channel heads went about giving the show lore, and traumatizing all the characters which is how I got invested, because I am a SUCKER for angsty edits.
But- as shown the thumbnails look like this:
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The only good ones, are some of the drawn later ones, and they look like this.
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Mwha, beautiful, appreciate it now because they are few and far between.
So now out of anger and spite, because I’ve been told I can’t just pick and choose to get the lore that I want and leave the rest behind: Here is me going through each episode to let you know what is actually happening during theses ten minute little shorts and gameplay Footage, because Calico must organize her thoughts, and If you see this and know me in real life - No you don’t.
We’ll be looking through the series based on this playlist as recommended to me by the folks on the r/TheSunandMoonShow Subreddit
So anything you need to know before the show starts - Sun and Moon are animatronic daycare attendants for the pizzaplex from the security breach games, they have separate bodies, they have started to a channel together to try and bond as Brothers due to some mysterious incident.
So we’ll be going through the show, five episodes at a time, and analyzing it for whats going on, because the human isn’t getting me through this, so the rage might as well.
More to come, 
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spiralstims · 10 months
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🌩️☕ Anon asked:
Hey I'm really sorry my request took this long! Could I get a stimboard of the Nahobino form smt V? If you don't know what it looks like I can send a picture of the official art. If you could put it with blue stims and a galaxy aesthetic that would be great, thank you!
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forsty · 7 months
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djfatchip · 8 months
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waywardsalt · 1 month
so. i've had an idea for a warrior cats fanfiction story, and have spent the last few years hammering out characters, the clans, how they work, the story... a whole lot of stuff. i've tried writing it before, and right now i don't have a current draft of early chapters, but I did recently write out a scene from much later in the story, and i'm pretty happy with it, soooo... here! a warrior cats fic scene i wrote in like an hour a week ago
By the time she led ShadeClan to the Gathering site, Emberstar felt her anxieties lessen. Her foreleg ached from the effort of the journey, but she kept her head high. Beside her, Acornfall glanced back at their clan, then nodded over to Emberstar. He led the clan down into the Gathering hollow, and Emberstar padded over to the slope up to the leader’s perch. PineClan and CliffClan cats were already quietly milling about in the hollow, and up on the overhang she could see Lakestar and Wolfstar waiting. There was no MoorClan scent among the gathered cats.
              Emberstar made her way up the slope she’d seen Gorsestar and Froststar before her traverse. It was a thin path, slowly becoming steeper and steeper as she slunk closer to the overhang, finally reaching the steep, gravelly slope that led up to the leaders’ perch. Down at the base of the cliff, she could see Acornfall joining the other deputies with a polite nod of his head, and Troutfoot was carefully weaving her way through the crowd to meet with the other healers. Emberstar twitched her whiskers when Lakestar and Wolfstar noticed her. She crouched and tensed her back legs and leapt up the slope.
              It wasn’t enough to reach the top, but she reached out with her forepaw and sunk her claws into the loose gravel and dug her back paws into the ground to keep from slithering back down. She slowly inched forward, moving a kittenstep at a time, but she kept her eyes fixed on the other leaders, more determined than ashamed of herself. Emberstar forced herself up the slope, but her heart skipped a beat when the gravel under her paw proved too loose to get a good enough grip- so close to the top, too. What a shame she had no other forepaw to lash out and find a grip with.
              Emberstar felt herself begin to slide back down the slope, but a pair of jaws grasped her by the scruff and hoisted her up onto the overhang. She clawed at the grass and stumbled a step when let go and turned to meet Wolfstar’s amused gaze. “Careful there, three-paw,” the CliffClan leader gruffly purred. “It’s bad luck to fall at your first Gathering as leader.” She brushed past Emberstar to sit back down next to Lakestar.
              With a huff, Emberstar followed her with a shake of her pelt. “I appreciate your help, but I would have been fine on my own. I suppose I owe you now?”
              Wolfstar’s whiskers twitched. “Are you saying ShadeClan is now in CliffClan’s debt?”
              The young leaders stared at each other, then broke out into amused purrs. Lakestar rolled her eyes and wrapped her tail around her paws. “So, you are ShadeClan’s leader now, Emberstar? Or is it still Emberblaze?”
              “It is Emberstar now. I visited the Moon Cavern for my lives only a few sunrises ago.”
              “May StarClan light your path as leader, then.” Lakestar stiffly dipped her head. Despite the brusque words, there was genuine respect in her pale eyes.
              Wolfstar’s own eyes were still bright with humor. “You’ll be great, I know it. What happened to Froststar, then?”
              Emberstar narrowed her eyes and turned her gaze to the gathered cats. “I’ll explain that once the Gathering begins. MoorClan is late tonight.” She surveyed the crowd of cats, peering straight down at the huddled healers. Sitting with her back to her PineClan clanmates, Flarelight was sitting close to Troutfrost. After a moment, she gazed up at the overhang, and her eyes met Emberstar’s. Her eyes grew wide and she stared at her littermate for a long moment until another healer got her attention. Then, as if she’d seen nothing, Flarelight flicked her tail and joined the conversation. Her twitching tail-tip was the only hint that she was distracted. Emberstar blinked. She’d become leader so recently that not even the other healers knew, much less the other clans’ warriors. In the crowd of CliffClan cats, she spotted Sunscorch, sitting with his fur brushing Moonwhisper’s, his eyes wide and his body stiff while he stared at his sister up on the overhang.
              Poor Sunscorch, so softhearted under those honed claws and strong limbs- he was likely to take the news of Froststar’s death the hardest. Emberstar held his gaze, blinked slowly, and turned her head to the sky. The moon was nearly overhead, and still MoorClan was absent.
              “You ought to start the Gathering now,” Wolfstar growled to Lakestar. “It’s newleaf, after all, and if MoorClan’s late then they’re late.”
              “We should wait,” Emberstar sharply mewed. “This is my first Gathering as leader, so it would be disrespectful to me as well as MoorClan if we begin without them. It may anger StarClan as well,” she finished in a murmur, flicking her tail-tip up at the sky. Wolfstar just bushed out her stormy gray fur and huffed.
              Lakestar gazed up at the sky. Emberstar looked over at her. For so long, as an apprentice, as a warrior, as the deputy, she’d never dared to be so close to the cold PineClan leader. But now, she was barely a tail-length from the sleek silver tabby, and they sat as equals in standing. Lakestar was likely at less than nine lives and Emberstar was without a right foreleg, but they were equals nonetheless.
              She was knocked from her thoughts by Wolfstar headbutting her. The larger cat nearly shoved her off-balance. “Glad to see that we’re both finally up here. I was waiting to see when you’d catch up, three-paw.”
              Emberstar licked Wolfstar’s ear. “You know I must take things slower than you.”
              “Who’d you pick as deputy?” Wolfstar leaned over the edge to inspect the group of deputies. “Hm- Acornfall?”
              “He’s a good warrior. Older than me by four seasons, so I trust his advice and his skill.”
              “I thought you would have picked Lavenderflash. Or maybe Darknose, you two always seemed close.”
              Emberstar gazed down at Lavenderflash, spotting the pure-black molly quickly- she was almost certain there was obvious fondness in her eyes as she looked at her former apprentice. “Lavenderflash is… young and still training her first apprentice. She is a good, loyal warrior, but not fit to be deputy or eventual leader in my mind. And Darknose…” The tom was sitting at the edge of the crowd, alone. “He is a possibility, but he still mourns his brother even all these moons later, so I don’t know if he would be the best choice.”
              Wolfstar made a sniff of approval, then her gaze snapped to the far hill. A yowl rang out, and the three leaders pricked their ears and the cats in the hollow turned to see MoorClan finally arrive, led by Applestar. Emberstar sat stiffly until she spotted Glowflame in the crowd, side-by-side with Orangeclaw. He joined the cats in the hollow with his clan while Applestar broke off to climb up to the overhang, and he seemed to murmur something to Orangeclaw before she angled her ears up at Emberstar. Glowflame looked up and spotted her, and his jaw dropped open. Emberstar couldn’t help but let out a purr of affection for her brother as he gaped in amazement at her.
              Applestar greeted the other leaders when he finally joined them, nodding briefly at Emberstar, and hurriedly sat down next to Lakestar, his mottled fur standing up along his spine. The leaders gave the cats in the hollow a few moments to settle down. In that time, Emberstar saw her littermates make their ways through the crowd towards each other. By the time Lakestar threw back her head and yowled to signify the beginning of the Gathering, Flarelight, Sunscorch, and Glowflame sat huddled together with their eyes trained on their sister. Emberstar met their gazes for just a heartbeat and felt the final icicles of her anxiety melt away.
She then turned her head to watch Lakestar as she began to announce her clan’s news for the moon, and reminded herself of what she had to announce when it was her turn. She was ShadeClan’s leader, now. StarClan had approved of her. Emberstar lifted her chin and, with a deep breath, finally settled into her place at the head of her clan.
#woe warrior cats fanfiction be upon ye#my writing#fanfiction#warrior cats#hmmm...#waywardsalt's warrior cats#yeahhhh#anyways a few things abt this related specifically to whats in here#emberstar and wolfstar are not in any kind of relationship theyre just longtime friends n rivals tho at some point wolfstar had a crush#emberstar is meant to be aro/ace and otherwise has no interest in taking a mate at all but she loves her clanmates#glowflame and orangeclaw are mates and sunscorch and moonwhisper are mates idk if flarelight will be in a relationship#the map for this fic (clan territories and camp layouts and moon cavern/gathering spot) is based on a minecraft world i have its v helpful#i have a full alliances list for the living cats at the very beginning of the story but it lacks cats outside the clan bc uhhhh i dont#think there are too many that are present that early and also loners arent usually a big thing its mostly cats passing through#emberstar is mostly dark ginger and black flarelight is mostly just dark ginger sunscorch is gold/yellow and glowflame is yellow and white#all four of them have ice blue eyes and black ear tips i am getting funky with cat designs i do not care. they have teh most unique designs#calling med cats healers bc of. reasons you may know why. and she cats are mollies bc like. why not#emberstar is a tripod cat she is missing a foreleg and she is the primary primary protag she is the most frequent pov#so i have thought a lot abt how she would need to be trained and assessed differently and what she cannot do and how she does warrior dutie#ember flare sun and glow all grew up together but separated into the different clans for Reasons ember stayed in shadeclan bc she was deput#it was also for those Reasons but dw abt it. sunscorch is gay glowflame is bi flarelight is a lesbian#gorsestar and froststar (the previous shadeclan leaders emberstar thinks of) were both mollies and were mates. frost mentored emberstar#its a little bit of nepotism but ember was frost's like. third deputy so its whatever. i picked acornfall as deputy as a placeholder#and bc i couldnt fucking remember anyone else except nobodies in shadeclan but now that i think about it he's actually a good choice#aaaand emberstar is my oldest warrior cats rp character shes been with me a long time- second oldest is sunscorch#emberstar began as emberheart and sunscorch was an edgy murder rogue named sun i roleplayed them in a specific mc server
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blue-needle · 2 years
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“As we slip back underneath, say you will Cover Me”
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kylehyde · 1 year
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❤️ SCOPE CHECK ✌️😭✨ 💙💗
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beregalmiscreants · 1 year
@cardtricksandminormendings | x
Quentin sets down his tools, raking a hand through his hair. "Why? What do you want from me, Eliot? You all have your lives, I'm just trying to rebuild mine."
He can't believe they really followed him to London out of... what, sentiment? There's got to be a catch.
“I know. I know you are, and -” He closes his eyes. This was so much easier when it wasn’t just him and Quentin. When the others were there to back him up, to say ‘yes, we need to go find Q’. They made it easy for Eliot to tell himself that he’s doing the right thing, that coming here, asking Quentin to please come back, is in fact the right way to go about this situation. That it’s not selfish.
Right now, he feels like a selfish bastard.
Because Quentin is right, of course. He’s rebuilding his life. He’s been through hell, and really, is it even surprising that he’d choose to run far away from one of the sites of all the trauma they’ve been through? From Brakebills, from New York?
“I’m sorry,” he finally says, deflating. “You’re right, I should - you wouldn’t have come all the way here if you didn’t need this. I shouldn’t be asking you to come back. But maybe...” Eliot likes New York. He really does - he dreamt of moving there his entire childhood and teenage years, and the city absolutely did not disappoint. But he’s not tied to it. London will do just as nicely. “Would it stop you from rebuilding your life here if I was here, too?”
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spatulahat · 8 months
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Going through my Cyberpunk 2077 Screenshots Folder Part 3
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