#v : tbt
ofovertime · 4 months
"so is that a yes to coming over? I don't have time to come by the clinic." he asks, phone resting against his ear and shoulder. "pretty please with me and the kitten on top." work will have him filming something rather late, so the morning would have to do.
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The blonde couldn't help but hold the phone to his ear as he was looking after another animal for a moment. Hearing the other speak --- hearing that he couldn't come today for another film. He knew making house calls where bad, but this was still an animal the other needed to be looked after.
" Fine, I'll come over., but you better be home this time." Playing with the other pet, he couldn't help but smile a little bit. Not at the person on the phone, but more at the animal he had near him. " But I'll be around after what I'm doing. I take it you're already at your place? Or should I wait for later?"
Personally, Nanami really needed to stop going over to the other's place. It didn't matter what the other was doing, if he wanted to keep the cat at his place he needed to make sure it was fine and safe each time. Though he couldn't tell if the other was only getting the blonde over to spend more time with him. He always seemed so happy when he was around, but from all the rumors and what the media already says about it, it was another story. Something the other needed to ignore and forget because he didn't want to get mixed singles.
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accustiv · 8 months
@helllords (leviathan) liked
i never really understood how i found myself in situations that seemed to get increasingly more surreal and strange. most of the time, i simply adapted - resilience pulling me through the confusing, disorientating world that opened up once you stepped off the well-worn, law-abiding path of the majority of the population. needless to say, though, this was slightly unexpected.
you didn’t have to be an expert in theology or anthropology to recognise that there was something distinctly not quite right about him, you didn’t have to be an artist either to appreciate the beauty in his face, however unsettled he made me feel. it wouldn’t be the first time i had met someone who wasn’t entirely mortal, i recognised the signs… however i knew enough not to push and ask too many questions. so… at least i had that going for me.
“ you’re staring at me. ” i said, lightly, as i found his bright eyes and held them, almost defiantly. my hands slid casually into my pockets, and i shifted my weight onto one hip, lazy and easy and completely belying the way my pulse ticked up in speed in my throat. there was no way he could have seen my lift, there was no way he had been there, i’d checked, the only people around had been on the other side of the street. so i’d bumped into the mark, a quick flirtation, a hand on his lapel to smooth his jacket and then into the empty alley and away. it had been empty. not anymore. the corporate keycard, a flimsy piece of plastic, felt very, very heavy in my pocket. i smirked anyway.
“ well, this has been great. but i’m gonna - ” i gestured behind him, towards the other end of the alleyway. “ if you’ll just… ” i moved forwards, as if to edge around him, but stopped only a couple of steps in. his gaze on my face making my cheeks burn. “ what? ”
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instituteled · 2 years
@enchairr | cont.
     Hᴇ ʟᴀᴜɢʜs at that, and it's genuine — but not for the reasons one might think. He's not dead, far from it, and as long as he is able to start the circle anew, buy himself a couple more decades each time, he's fine. The great beyond hasn't lost any of it's terror (has, maybe, instead gained some more), but it's fascinating in a different way one, in one speaking of maybe false certainty that he will never get to meet that fate. How many bodies and names buried, how many more to come. And how easy it is to fool someone.
     Truth is, he hadn't really intended for this to go anywhere at all. Had simply wanted to see if his new disguise would hold out against someone so positively hateful towards him (enough ways, then, to ensure he would not be trapped there if it came to it), as he does with all the new ones, and ah: it's not that he developed any fondness for him, but it was more fun than he expected. And the loneliness leaking out of him would make for a nice gift, just as the despair of looking for some answers (not entirely unlike the ones he had searched for all his life) left a sweet aftertaste in his own mouth.
     And it's been a while since he had a plaything as such. Not as devoted as some in the past, but he doesn't need the worship as much as something, someone to use. Not as much as he needs something to feed on, in several ways.
     "I'd hope I knew if I was dead all along." In a way he is, in a way he's been dead for so long. "And I'd rather think I don't want to know any time soon, either. At least not by my own hand."
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ofamplify · 6 months
❝ How could you agree to this without even asking me what I want? ❞
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❛❛ tell me then. Because I didn't have a choice.❜❜ the woman stared at the other. There was anger that was building up and she was trying to keep it chained. ❛❛ do you think I want anything to do with your family? I don't want to be married to you, given how much I know about you -- how you dislike me and how you treat women. But My family -- ❜❜ the female couldn't help but let out a small exchange from her lips.
❛❛ I agree to this . . . I don't know why. . . but I felt as if I NEEDED TO. you can go fight with them both. if you don't want this, then you go tell them. I won't stop you . . . ❜❜
there wasn't anything she could have done. It was her family's fault for it, she didn't want to accept, but she had to play the GOOD GIRL she had to be a GOOD WIFE to someone. Not that she wanted to. she wanted to cut her family off, but even with how things are -- she wouldn't be able to take care of herself. her head handed down for a moment and she shook it.
❛❛ I don't know what I'm doing... I really hope you know that. ❜❜
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ARRANGED MARRIAGE SENTENCE STARTERS 2.0 || accepting @divinezenin
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mangher-a · 8 months
@capravulpes || x
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"flattering. not only are you cute, but you know your way with words~." shouldn't come as a surprise. she was a fox, after all. a cunning creature through and through. yuuji's crouched down, chin propped against his knees, looking rather content watching her chow down. "mm, he's a bit special, eccentric even... there are more people who dislike him than I can count." to not disturb the fox too much, he's careful with his movements, reaching over to brush two fingers over silky fur. he just couldn't help himself. "but to me, he's nice."
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cosmicgraves · 9 months
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" — and is that your final answer? " he turns, faces them, and asks his final question. a smirk at his wittiness pulls the corners of his lips up, but he otherwise stays statuesque. // OPEN.
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necrcmance · 1 year
*blows a kiss to Malcolm*
oh, a kiss!
by instinct, Malcolm blinks, and looks over his right shoulder to acknowledge the recipient: no one. how mysterious. he straightens, bestows a puzzled look upon the witch, before promptly turning to gaze over his left shoulder. just in case. still, no one. puzzling. a frown, and a couple of blinks that follow in its wake. . . . before, finally, the penny drops. ( it’s almost audible! )
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the grin he bestows upon them is dazzling in its childlike, carefree joy. ( he winks in return. )
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artistmarchalius · 5 months
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Broppy Capture AU, where Branch didn’t confess after World Tour, but a love confession when all hope seems lost is just what they need to free themselves from Velvet and Veneer.
A version without text can be found under the cut.
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kalopsic-lagomorph · 4 months
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ofovertime · 6 months
“  you know, if you moved in we wouldn’t keep having to say goodbye like this.  ”
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Hearing the other's words as he was getting ready to leave, he stopped and stared at him. Move in? That was a huge step for both of them. Nanami enjoyed having his quiet space, but he also enjoyed being around the others. Strangely, he was comforting for them both nowadays. spending time at each other's place. Half the time gojo lived at his place, and Nanami lived at the others. Just depends on what was going on that week. But really living together?
Nanami stopped and stared at him for a moment, seeing if the other would say he was joking or anything. He didn't think the other would be ready to commit like that. The blonde was almost speechless. Personally, he didn't mind being late to work if they wanted to talk about this, so Nanami moved closer to the other for a moment.
" I won't say you are wrong with that, but are you sure that's what you want? I know we pretty much see each other all the time, but wouldn't you want your own space when you are having a bad day? -- No. that wouldn't be nice. I enjoy making you feel better when things go south. Uh... I mean I'm not going to say no to moving in with you. You have to think about how serious this would be. once we move in together there wouldn't be going back on that for a while."
As Much as Nanami sees it, there wasn't an issue, Their relationship was going strong for a while now. The back and forth, trying to guess when the other would make it over, and even Nanam missed him when he was away. He just knew this was a big step for both of them.
" you know, I love you right? So, I'll be happy to do so. We just have to pick where we want to live, or if we want to live in your place since it's twice the side of mine... and aren't you about to leave for another trip? Do you want to wait until you come back to really think about it?"
morning after starters || accepting @gohjuo
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radiomurdeer · 2 months
@lilitophidian gets a starter cause the vibes are good.
Grief had a way of changing people. Alastor's mother had died, and with her the music and joy of life. Maybe if it had been a more peaceful death, he could have accepted it. An illness or injury that would give him time to come to terms.
But murder?
No, she'd been stolen from him, and Alastor couldn't let that stand.
He stood at a crossroads. Quite literally a turning point in his life, even as he laid out his offerings in the center of the empty road. it wasn't the first time someone had summoned a ruler of Hell here, and it wouldn't be he last. Alastor had no intentions on calling the Devil though. Laid out on a cloth of deep red, he set out each item carefully. Rose petals, cinnamon, silvery mugwort, and a glass cup in red. Next to them was a bottle of the nicest wine he could get his hands on - if he was lucky it hadn't been cut with water, but it was the Prohibition, he'd have to hope it'd still be accepted. The last thing recommended was animal blood, but that felt -- lesser. Alastor was young enough in his occult studies that he hadn't yet learned caution. Hadn't yet learned what a high price could be demanded and extracted when things when wrong, when the advice of those who'd come before wasn't followed. He didn't have a silver dagger, all he had was a kitchen knife, well loved and well used, and his own blood.
The words of the ritual came out haltingly, unfamiliar and strange, leaving a tingle on his tongue. Words of power as he sliced a shallow cut on the heel of his palm to let it drip down into the red glass.
Plip, plip, plop.
Now all that was left was to wait, and hope his entreaties had been heard.
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instituteled · 2 years
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@bonesfog​ inquired:  you realize... you’ve put me in a very bad position. (corruption boy let's GO)
     Tʜᴇ ᴘʟᴀɴᴛs had been an oddity at first. But it was just a new hobby, and as much as he watched the care they got with a tinge of — perhaps even jealousy, for there should be nothing taking away the other's attention from him — it had been harmless enough. Even when the garden became more and more, he had swallowed down what he meant to say about it, because somehow, inevitably, it would boil down to fighting again. A lot of that, lately. Every time he was here, there was, among that worship that had been there as long as he knew, some accusations, some yelling. Even more so if he reminded Barnabas that he had no claim on him: that they aren't married or similar, and he could do well as he wanted, and if it bothered him so much, he wouldn't have to return to him overall. And it was tiring. He doesn't want to leave his pretty boy — but more in the sense that he's such a stable of his life and always there, and lately, he's exhausting more than anything else.
     Then they've popped up all over the house, and not well kept in their planters, and he had asked, just once, if it was really a good idea to let them grow wildly all over. Oh; the angry outburst at that. It could have been something sexy, the intensity that had been lacking, that had him looking elsewhere in the first place, if it hadn't been so clearly aimed against him. And it hadn't gotten any better. Some of them were putting their roots down in the floor, and he decided already, stepping over some of them, that as regretful as it would be, it would be the last time he would visit his (dearest) friend on his own, and if there was no sense talking to him now, then he'd drag Fanshawe along, and if needed, they'd have to put the poor boy into a sanatorium.
     That was of course before they spread. Unreasonably much over night, and the house became some tropical jungle, only heard of in books. He knew the layout by heart, knew where the doors and windows were, and without it, he wouldn't be able to find any of them anymore, blocked off and if it wasn't as impossible, he'd swear some of the vines were breathing, moving, shifting.
     And oh. Oh. The sight of Barnabas. That had been enough to draw his throat close, have him choking on nothing. There's a terror so deep seated that doesn't have anything to do with the plants, but he's feeling four years old again and his wrist hurts from where Yelena pulled him after herself to his room before she had pushed the closet in front of the door and mumbled about how this was no sickness that was sent by God. Just a day before the spots bloomed on her skin too and she had stared at them in horror and cried and screamed before she, too, had left, after he had to promise not to leave the room no matter how hungry he got or what he heard. Not until it was all quiet.
     Or maybe his wrist hurts from the vine wrapped around it too tightly. He'd torn at it, but it only tightened it's grip, thorns burying into skin.
     "Barnabas." His voice isn't quite shaking, but it's a higher pitch than the one he trained so hard to get into it. "What have you done."
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apoapsis · 1 year
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my homework assignment from sigma stan university...
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widowshill · 1 month
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— But it's almost midnight. — Oh, that's the point! At the stroke of twelve, he turns into Dracula. C'mon, Vicki – he won't bite.
pose ref.
#dark shadows 1966#victoria winters#roger collins#➤ roger collins & victoria winters. ┊ pain sometimes precedes pleasure,miss winters.#vamp roger au tbt#➤ roger collins. ┊ I and my ghosts want a drink.#➤ victoria winters. ┊ because she’s lost and lonely. because she looks in shadows.#➤ edits & art. ┊ the evans cottage art gallery.#art.#i always feel a little apprehensive about putting r/v things in the general tags bc i know that's not everyone's cup of tea but.#if r/v squicks you out and you don't have me blocked idk why lmakldfgfg. that's what we do here.#well! did you know that the moonflower is a highly poisonous and psychoactive flower that belongs to the nightshade family#and can cause respiratory depression arrhythmias fever delirium hallucinations psychosis and death if taken internally.#and they are night-blooming and pollinated by sphinx moths. much to think about.#scenes from the vamp roger au that i've been plotting with tortie and have only posted like one thing about but. anyway.#should be making violent love to you behind a palm tree etc. but the moonflowers in liz's greenhouse will have to do.#yeah yeah yeah we've all heard about his more famous triangular cousin but what about the real collins vampire huh.#who was here in 1966 draining years off another man's life. who spent ten years in a coffin (augusta) and came back wrong.#who knows nothing but a habitual; driving; consuming thirst.#who feeds on the youth and innocence of his governess – of his sister's hospitality – of the shelter of the collins blood.#who prefers; instead of living; to bury himself in the collins tomb.#who creates not biological sons but makes other men into monsters just like him.#also lou was really hot as a vampire for 0.5 seconds in hods.
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oathwilled · 3 months
@oathfcrged / modern v. sc.
He’s  not  technically  on  call  tonight;  it’s  rare,  because  he  likes  to  keep  himself  busy,  and  work  is  always  certainly  that.  Take  a  night  off,  they’d  told  him,  and  now  he  doesn’t  really  know  what  the  hell  to  do  with  himself,  which  —— is  probably  a  little  depressing,  really,  but  he  doesn’t  really  linger  on  the  thought.  
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Either  way,  it’s  late  and  it’s  dark,  and  he’s  gone  out  for  a  run  because  he’s  restless  and  had  nothing  else  better  to  do.  It’s  late  enough  that  there’s  not  many  people  out  and  about,  the  only  spots  of  light  being  the  unevenly  spaced  street  lights,  flickering  and  yellowed.  He  spots  the  other  down  the  path,  and  initially  thinks  nothing  of  it  ——  as  he  gets  closer,  though,  it’s  clear  the  guy’s  hurt  in  some  way,  and  he  pulls  up  short  and  angles  thataway,  hands  coming  up  to  show  he  means  no  harm.  "  Oi,  mate,  you  okay?  "
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cosmicgraves · 1 year
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eyes stare ahead at the piece of art on the wall, unsure of what exactly to make of it yet. he tilts his head to the side, moves in closer to the piece, and squints — almost as if he's attempting to decipher a hidden code somewhere in the meticulous strokes of paint. but alas, there's nothing hidden but the canvas itself beneath the paint.
as a figure approaches behind him, his posture straightens, hands cradle behind him, and he continues to keep his focus on the same painting. some moments of silence pass (his favorite kind of moments), and he turns to acknowledge (@softersinned) to his side. " it is amazing what one can do with their mind, isn't it? though...i admittedly have no idea what i'm looking at. "
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