#uuuugh the desire in these pieces
christinapotter09 · 2 years
first and last reaction to episode 10 and daemyra because HBO simply loves to butcher characters
first of all, thanks for the leak and ruining the weekend
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I refuse to accept that this was the final episode, if this indeed is the final cut of it.... the cutting of the scenes was funny, just so many things shoved up before our eyes and so many ooc interactions and things happening like... chill out you can make it 1hr+.... why stumble upon it?
to the characters, Daemon Targaryen is a piece of shit, we all know that, he’s been angry and cruel and plain awful in many cases, lets be honest BUT he had one redeeming quality, his love for Rhaenyra Targaryen, he has been through some serious shit like exiling himself to Pentos to try and get over her and when he came back he realised there was no way around his heart’s desire, he stood for his niece/wife and struck down anyone who dared insult her. Married her in the tradition of his house just like he had asked to do that decade ago. 
I do not accept that the same man would be calling Laena “My brave girl” during her torturous labour but when it comes to Rhaenyra starting being in pain he would remain without even a reflex towards her, when she’d be screaming his name, he’d continue to mumble around with lords and generals to a point where a knight would ask him if he should talk with the maester.... and while she’d been birthing on the floor he would finally go and check on her later on.... or that he would leave her alone to wrap their baby dragon on her own while still bleeding and he’d go to the beach (no matter the cut scene from there too which we got in the trailer but not in the episode)
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he crowned her congratulations and then he decided to choke her while he wasn’t even understanding the magnitude of what Rhae was saying and how it worked? he’s short tempered, not stupid, he’s going singing valyrian lullabies to Vermithor, he would stay and listen to something important involving Aegon the Conqueror.... she’s shocked and whimpering and he still held on, even tightened his hand around her neck before shaking and freeing her....? and why? because he’s sad/stressed/angry/frustrated? No, the Daemon who was cupping her belly two episodes ago, leading the family to King’s Landing because “What choice do I have?” and he wanted to give her all the choices.... he would never lay a finger against Rhaenyra hours after her horrendous ordeal with Visenya (btw Visenya who? we didn’t even get the name of the poor babe) especially after having lost Laena the way he did. 
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the biggest thing is that this is not Daemon’s fault but the showrunners/writers’ 
I AM DONE with inconsistent writing and portrayal, I’m certainly done with character assassination, they cut down his scenes with his daughters and now they cut at least 4 scenes showing him and Rhaenyra interacting after what happened to them. 
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a massive blow to this shitshow was the change of Aemond’s crime. turning it into an accident is the biggest shit decision they could make. Aemond loses agency (just like Rhaenyra herself because yes I guess you don’t want her locco Dany 2.0 but that doesn’t mean she has to be a frozen person who simply takes the blows and values the song of Ice and Fire less than the fucking page from that book Alicent sent with the fucker she has for father) so it was Vhagar who didn’t listen to Aemond? BECAUSE ARAX GOT SCARED AND PROVOKED HER WITH FIRE? 
Blood and Cheese will taste completely different and I don’t care what is happening with AemondxHaelena about it, Luke deserved better, so did Aemond’s storyline, the battle at the Riverlands will be completely different, the battle above God’s eye too..... I wonder if Sunfire will also kill Rhaenyra by accident, not listening to poor little Aegon who tried to save his sweet sister? UUUUGH
for the love of the Gods, let the fucking characters have their agency, their crimes and black moments without loading only Daemon with all the evils of the world just because you can’t deal with a plotline from start to finish and above all even if you want to fuck the characters WRITE IT BETTER AND GIVE IT TIME
THIS IS GAME OF THRONES SEASON 8 ALL OVER, we accepted the time skips, we accepted the dark battle of the dawn like shit, we accepted stupid Alicent fully knowing what would happen to Harwin, Rhae and her kids if she got her way proving them bastards to Viserys and then she played shocked when Otto had been planning to kill Rhaenyra the moment Viserys was dead.... We accepted the way you want to tell the story but HBO, this is the same audience with GoT but not with the same patience
Daemyra was beautiful but I don’t know how it can survive after tonight, frankly, why would it?
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fool me once, shame on you, fool me twice, shame on me
thank you, HBO for fucking up with this so I can keep my spine straight before SNOW and the shit that is gonna hit that fan, I say this wholeheartedly, you better not involve my darling Sophie/Sansa into that because you clearly don’t deserve the people’s good graces and our love for the universe, GRRM has straight up abandoned the books and you can’t possibly deliver a fucking justified result from the source material
I am done with canon once again
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everylastbird · 3 years
gaaaaah im so insanely proud of the lineart for a TMA art piece I’m chipping away at right now, it’s so hard to just sit on it lmao
i’m also afraid to color it bc i feel like my lineart is improving a lot but my coloring skills leave a ton to be desired uuuugh
obviously i could just color it while maintaining the lineart as an individual piece and then choose which to post in the end, but I kind of want to use this as a first attempt at gif making. also it’s the principle of the thing 
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