#uterus rights
ohfersherbahd · 2 years
Some of these mfers still think women pee and give birth out of the same hole lol
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geminisecrets · 2 years
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Not our usual content, but for anyone with a uterus, no matter how you identify, you deserve the right to choose. Under all circumstances. No exceptions.
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craftedguilt · 2 years
please please PLEASE take a look into this if you live in a state with restrictions on abortion.
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urratfather · 1 year
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zainekabang · 2 years
Please check out the original video and account, Feleciaforthewin.
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sonictacocat · 2 years
Pour one out for those we will lose.
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Welcome to America! Home of the free! I mean as long as you're a rich white het-cis male 😇
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elliottcoka · 2 years
Permission from the original poster to share.
Originally on tiktok by @madisonfares
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cat-clawz · 2 years
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You know, I think twitter may be on to something
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lenbryant · 8 months
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Making it illegal to use the roads to travel to a free state is so authoritarian dictator.
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xxdustnight88 · 2 years
Someone ruined the display of little American flags the HOA crew decorated the front of the neighborhood with this evening.
They're all in an uproar and posting in the neighborhood fb group about how disrespectful and un-American it was to do so.
Not me sitting here in my house wishing I knew who did it so I could be their friend. 🤣
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craftedguilt · 2 years
being pro life also means you are:
pro capitalism
anti uterus havers
pro racism
pro sexism
anti lgbtq+
pro discrimination against all minorities.
you cannot support the overturning of roe v Wade without also supporting a dystopian system.
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recallingrealities · 2 years
It really - makes me baffled when people reply to my post against transphobia in the feminist community with "your identity doesn't matter" and then a list of transphobic comments. If individual respect and identity doesn't matter what are you even fighting for? Trans and nonbinary people also are looking for rights over their uterus. Trans and nonbinary people are also fighting to not be treated with persecution bc of society shits on women, whether as they are women or not. Trans people understand being a woman isnt the problem, it's the way society treats women. And forces us into those constraints. I am assigned female at birth and i experience the pain feminist is fighting to be free from. If you are a TERF (trans exclusionary radical feminist - keep in mind not all rad feminists are TERFs) - we are all fighting the same fight. As a nonbinary person - nonbinary literally means identifies outside of societies binary of gender - we are fighting the same fight.
Its okay to be angry. It's okay to be frustrated. It's not okay to spam someone's post with transphobic comments. You telling trans people their bodies don't matter - that hey don't matter - is the same hatred as people saying women's bodies don't matter. It's not the same injustice but it is the same hatred. Stop the hatred. Nobody is discrediting your trauma or the trauma against women. Let trans people fight for their own rights - along side you. Everyone's trauma is valid. Everyone's retaliation and anger is valid. But bullying people, and spreading more hatred is not the answer. Hating people is not the answer.
The definition of feminism - literally by femist suffrogettes definition is - " ADVOCACY of women's rights based upon equality of the sexes. "
ANYONE can advocate for women's rights. Regardless of gender or sex. Trans people want to fight for you too.
Not only that but trans people also want to be treated as valid and equal too. EVERY HUMAN IS WORTHY OF EQUAL RIGHTS ND RESPECT. And trans people have supported feminism from the get go. If you think hatred and spewing bullying over trans people is the answer if you think anyone should be excluded from equal rights, you are literally being just as hateful, are harm creating as the misogynists.
We are all on the same team.
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zainekabang · 2 years
I was asked
"Since you believe in bodily autonomy being absolute, then do you also believe that parents should be allowed to starve their children?"
First of all, I wanna point out that the situations don't really compare. Feeding your children after their born doesn't adversely affect your body.
Unless you're going with the narrative that working to pay for food adversely affects the body. Which if that's the case, hilarious. Lemme tell you why.
Let's say a teenage girl gets pregnant. Her parents kick her out and disown her (it does happen) so she's left penniless on the streets.
Would you say that the child deserves to be born into homelessness, poverty, and starvation?
"That's what Foster Care is for!"
Do you know how many kids are waiting to be adopted? Do you know how many kids end up being aged out and thrown into the streets? Do you know how many kids are abused because of the Foster Care system?
Let's have another question. A 10 year old girl is raped. She's pregnant with the child of her rapist and her body is physically unable to handle it. Even just carrying the fetus to viability could have disastrous results; miscarriage, early labor, birth complications, many issues that could result in her death AND the fetus's.
You're telling me that 10 year old girl's parents shouldn't be allowed to choose to save their daughter?
You're telling me I support parents neglecting their kids while you actively support parents neglecting their kids. Hell, you're enforcing it.
Fuck you. You don't care about the kids. You care about controlling people with uteruses and looking good while you do it.
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In my experience a lot of the shit trans men get from within the queer community comes down to ignoring half of our identity in favor of the other half
Either were men and therefore are basically the same as cis men
Or were trans so they'll use gender neutral/ inclusive language while still reducing us to our sex assigned at birth
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suchawrathfullamb · 5 months
sometimes I'm fine but sometimes I remember this:
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