#update: conversing with ashe about flooring and apparently what I'm saying is universal to suburban houses of florida
birdmenmanga · 9 months
nobody will care or possibly even notice but there are just so many things that don't make sense about eishi's apartment. like I am aware it is painfully american— why the hell do they own a dishwasher, for instance? (and furthermore why do they have an additional dish rack hanging out on the counter— a perfectly reasonable thing to have... IF they didn't have that dishwasher already, of course.)
I put carpet in karasuma's bedroom but like. I have literally never seen carpet here in Taiwan (mostly it's wood paneling, tile, linoleum, or stone) and I just didn't want the same flooring material for private bedroom space and public living room space!! (here bedrooms are typically wood flooring and public spaces, like kitchens, bathrooms and living rooms are some kind of tile.) but in america tile is typically the Wet Places flooring material (so, hard no to tile in living rooms) and that's how I made the floor plans... kitchen & bathroom is tile, living room/hallways is wood and then the bedroom and closet is carpet. but like is that the right call like what if carpet is really secretly a stupid decision.
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