#until i didn't. yes I got lazy in the second panel
vhalesa · 1 year
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You thought I could just make one (1) dumb joke about the rings in fe engage? lol
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more-better-words · 4 months
For @pajamasecrets, who has been vocal in her fandom. And because of that, this is for all of you!
And also for me, because I do love getting to do an outside POV.
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Pictured: Karveth, judging you (and Trip)
Karveth surveyed the group before him with a comfortable sense of satisfaction. Blue-clad human Starfleet personnel and blue-skinned Andorians working together, creating something new. It was a metaphor, he was sure, but he wasn’t really the literary type.
He could say that he had volunteered to take part in this project for a variety of reasons, but really, there were only two. In the macro, he'd come to share the opinion of his former commander Thy'lek Shran that humans were worthy allies, and in the micro, he'd heard good things about Charles Tucker. In both cases, reality was proving more interesting and complex than expectation.
Particularly Tucker.
The reputation that had proceeded him was not undeserved. When it came to his work, he Got It – he existed in that rare and indefinable space that a fellow engineer could not name, but simply knew on sight. It was an elusive quality, one that the universe seemed to distribute at random, and in varying degrees, and in Tucker’s case, it appeared to have been bestowed lavishly. Working with him meant Karveth couldn’t be lazy or take shortcuts, and the challenge was invigorating.
It didn't hurt that he had an entertaining way of speaking and was fun to have a drink with.
At the moment, Tucker stood a few meters away, drumming his fingers on the railing in front of him. “We ready?” he called down.
“Yes, sir!” came the response from the floor.
He glanced wryly at Karveth. “Here we go,” he said softly, then raised his voice. “Fire ‘er up!”
Below them, the partial reactor power plant that took up a third of the hanger’s floor space hummed to life, a sound that increased in volume and frequency until its smooth upward projection was suddenly interrupted by a series of loud pops, sparks cascading from the conduits. Tucker swore and set off down the stairs at a run. “Shut it down!” Karveth roared, hard on his heels.
The assembled engineers clumped off to the side, casting anxious looks at each other and at their superiors while Tucker stalked around the power plant, his expression tight. He stopped in front of a panel, arms crossed. “Anybody wanna tell me why this manifold wasn’t sealed before we turned on the power?” he asked.
Thalri, her antennae low with embarrassment, cast a guilty look at her work partner Ensign Butler and stepped forward. “That was us, Commander,” she said.
Tucker surveyed the pair of them for a long moment, before saying, “Patch it up and reset. We’ll go again.” He turned and headed back up the steps.
“And you’re leaving it at that?” Karveth asked.
“Look at the side-eye they’re gettin’,” Tucker replied. “They’ve cost us a half a day and everybody knows it. Butler and Thalri won’t forget it, and neither will anybody else.”
“Letting the herd discipline itself.” Karveth nodded thoughtfully. “Not a bad strategy, actually.” Tucker grinned at him.
“I have my moments.”
They stood together in silence for a few moments, watching the crew below grudgingly clean up. Then Tucker’s head turned suddenly, like an ice cat scenting prey. A slow, delighted smile crossed his face. “No way,” he said, seemingly to himself, then in a louder tone added, “’Cuse me, Karveth. Looks like I got a visitor.”
He turned and jogged towards the north entrance, leaving Karveth staring after him in confusion, a state that lasted approximately five seconds before he followed.
There was a woman in a Starfleet uniform standing in the open hanger doorway, her hands folded behind her back, her posture impeccable. But of course it was, because she was Vulcan.
And not any Vulcan. The Vulcan.
Karveth watched Tucker slow to a walk, still smiling. “Hey,” he said. “Didn’t expect to see you this afternoon.”
She held out her right hand, the first two fingers extended. Tucker mirrored her, brushing the tips of his fingers against hers. It should have been a relatively chaste gesture. And yet.
No, the gesture itself was chaste. It was the eye contact that was obscene.
“I found myself with more time for my meal break than anticipated,” she said. Her voice was low and throaty. “I had hoped you might be able to join me.”
“You askin' me on a lunch date?” Tucker asked, continuing to grin like a fool. Karveth cocked his head, watching the exchange with fascination. The man was infatuated.
“Yes,” she replied. “Can you?”
“For you? Gimme five minutes.”
“Commander Tucker!” Lieutenant Petersen called down. “Admiral Gardner for you!” Tucker sighed heavily.
“Okay, maybe ten.” He headed for the nearest comm.
Karveth, seeing the opportunity, made his approach. “Commander T’Pol,” he said. She turned her dark, direct gaze on him.
“Commander Karveth?”
“I am. I’ve heard a great deal about you.”
“And I you. How do you find Earth?”
“Warm. I imagine the opposite is true for you.”
She inclined her head. “At times.”
“And yet here we both are. On his account.”
“He’s brilliant,” Karveth noted.
“He is,” she agreed. Was that pride in her voice?
“And yet there are times I can hear the wind whistling between his ears.”
Perhaps it was his imagination, but he could swear he saw her lips move in something that might have almost been the ghost of a smile. “That is not an inaccurate description.”
“Why is he like that?”
“Commander,” she said seriously, “I do not believe any one person could ever answer that question.”
“That doesn’t seem like a very logical stance.”
She dipped a shoulder. “Commander Tucker operates by his own logic. It may not be obvious, but it is internally consistent. And I...find that sufficient.”
They looked at one another, taking each other’s measure. Interesting, Karveth thought. His experience of Vulcans had always been of a rigid, hidebound, humorless people. Was she different, or just more honest?
“Sorry about that, I-” Tucker stopped a few paces from them. “Well, I see you two have met.”
“Commander Karveth introduced himself,” T’Pol said. Her gaze returned to her husband, and Karveth suddenly felt completely redundant. He had always thought himself an open-minded individual, but looking at each other the way those two did was indecent.
“Talkin’ about me?” He grinned at her.
“Yes,” she said simply. “Shall we?”
“Yes, ma’am.” He spared a glance for Karveth. “I’ll be back in an hour, give or take.” He touched T’Pol’s fingertips again, and Karveth was certain he was witnessing Vulcan pornography.
We’re good together, Tucker had said of his wife. She kept me sharp. Watching them leave, Karveth could see it. It would take strong stuff to hone a mind like his, and if that was what he’d found with T’Pol, no wonder he was so taken with her.
But the way they looked at each other? Karveth was no prude, but that sort of thing should not have been permissible in public.
It did, however, confirm something he'd suspected about his project co-lead ever since the night he'd first been introduced to bourbon.
Tucker returned exactly 65 minutes later, his cheerfulness bordering on the obnoxious. "I'd ask if your break was pleasant, but that seems self-evident," Karveth said drily.
"Definitely better than what I'd expected when I got here this morning," Tucker agreed happily. "We about ready to reset?"
They watched the activity on the floor in silence for a moment, then Tucker asked, with the air of a man who couldn't contain himself, "So what'd you think?" Karveth didn't have to ask what he was referring to.
"She's both exactly as I expected and completely different."
Tucker laughed. "Yeah, she's full of surprises."
"So it would seem." Karveth cocked an eyebrow at the human. "As are you, apparently." Tucker shot him a look of apprehensive good humor.
"God, what did she say about me?"
"Oh, it wasn't anything she said. It was your own behavior." Confusion stirred the apprehension like snowmelt, and Karveth knew he was going to enjoy this. "I had no idea you were such an unapologetic wanton, Tucker," he said heartily.
Tucker stared at him, and Karveth fought to keep a straight face. He'd had no idea humans could turn that shade of pink. He clapped Tucker on the shoulder. "But there's nothing wrong with wanting a woman to utterly destroy you. It's perfectly healthy, really."
Tucker continued to stare, his mouth tight, his complexion approaching infrared. There was a war being waged behind those flushed features, human (and by extension, Vulcan) mores battling to the death against objective truth. Finally, he leaned forward, his voice low. "Honestly? She can wear me out any day of the week and twice on Sundays."
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monchouliz · 7 months
Monday November 6, 2023
Honestly speaking, I have no idea on how to start this entry. Since this will be my first entry here, I want to say hello. Tumblr is probably my 3rd journal/diary app that I wrote on(digitally), Let's hope I won't get lazy and become consistent since I'm hoping to change.
First, I want to write what got me here. I saw a TikTok post saying Tumblr was the best app you can rumble or vent your feelings on. I wanted to try it and so far so good, I heard you won't get tracked easily too. Well none of the people I know uses Tumblr anyways so I'm safe. I wanted to start writing again to enhance my vocabulary(english isn't my first vocabulary, you see), gain motivation, and I don't know I just got suddenly in the mood and wanted to write something.
Let's start talking about what happened today. I didn't go to school, part of it was because I couldn't get up on bed, yes I'm lazy. Second was My throat was dry and it was killing me, Lastly, I couldn't breathe properly. I don't know what's happening with my body at all, a part of me thinks I'm chronically ill(which is impossible, i think I'm just too mentally ill that I seriously want to get chronically ill so I can just die) and the other is because of my fucked up sleep schedule. I guess I was just too lazy to go to school, but hear me out, the other reason was because I haven't done any school works yet until now.. As I'm writing this, I'm laying in bed and yes, I still haven't bathe. that's how lazy I am :((
Moving on from my depressing state(no we wont), I finally watched Attack on Titan today!! It officially ended, I'm gonna miss my babies a loooot. The animation was so good! everyone did so well, especially the animators and the VAs. I love that they didn't show Jean and Mikasa ending up together lol, I'm quite sad they didn't animate the panel of Falco(I don't know if I got the kid's name right), and Gabi pushing Levi on his wheel chair, though they animated Levi giving kids candies it was so cute. I cried a bunch to the point I felt like fainting, I'm not even kidding. My head was going bonkers, I felt so dizzy. When I stood up I felt extra dizzy, I still felt dizzy even though I was sitting, and laying down. It was so heartbreakingly beautiful. Attack on Titan will forever be my favorite. I don't think any other anime can top that. They should win a Grammy for this.
After watching AOT I ate and then I ate again and decided to watch Frieren! It was honestly heartbreaking too, because Frieren's an elf and she outlived everyone she loved. It's not that sad because the show has some really good comedic relief, and Frieren's such an unserious woman, I love her. I love Fren so much too, She's so much like me. I hope this week pass by quickly to Saturday so I can watch the new episode...
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unholyhelbig · 3 years
Title: The Victorian
Ship: Jemma Simmons/ Daisy Johnson
Summary: Jemma Simmons is offered a position as a local biologist in Georgetown South Carolina, effectively moving her family across the country to a southern-style victorian house. Strange things start to happen and they’re suddenly pulled into a supernatural nightmare. With the help of a coworker, the next-door neighbors, and a renowned Ghost Hunting team, the Simmons/ Johnson household fight against forces unseen.
The house loomed over the inlet. Its white exterior had been mossed over in some areas, sharp and green compared to the off-white paneling. Soft orange hummingbird vines hid any blemishes, their green tendons twisting through the delicate lattice that moved over the left side of the home.
There was a worn stone birdbath and a deep green hedge that lined the back of the property. Past that was a deck that moved into the watery swamps that smelled thickly of fish and saltwater. Even through the car, Daisy could smell it, and her chest swelled with the familiarity of the ocean.
Jemma had a smile across her face. It was warm and welcoming and a little prideful. This was their house, even if they hadn’t seen it until now. There were pictures but it didn’t’ give the southern style home any justice, with its wrap-around porch and large bay windows.
The driveway was gravel and she winced as she pulled the front wheels of their SUV over the dip, welcoming the back wheels with another bump. She stared up at the canopy of trees, willows with seeping Spanish moss, and struggled to keep her focus on her movements. Jemma didn’t’ say a thing, if she noticed, too entranced herself.
“I didn’t’ think it would be this,” Daisy trailed off, bringing the car to a stop.
“Magnificent? Archaic? Stepford wife?”
She settled for all of the descriptions. She had always wanted a big home and this was a far cry from their two-bedroom in Los Angeles. It was half the price too. There was enough room for her own office and a library because even Ayla enjoyed curling up and flipping through her mothers' books.
Daisy could imagine a tire swing and a nice coat of paint, and the sweet southern breeze seeping through the back screened-in sunroom. She glanced back at the girl, her head leaning against the window and soft rhythmic breaths filling the silence. The jostling of the car hadn’t deterred her from sleep, and neither did the sudden attention trained on her.
“Beautiful too. Kind of… haunted-looking?”
“Oh, don’t start with that. Ghosts aren’t real, and if they are, it’s just”
“Science we don’t’ understand yet, yes sweetheart, I know” Daisy finished her wife’s sentence with a loving smile.
Jemma smiled back and the gesture was warmer than the South Carolina air. She could smell the floral trumpets that lined the wall and gravel crunched under her feet as she emerged from the driver’s side of the car. There was a thick sheen of sweat already forming against her brow.
She rounded to the backseat and opened it with enough gentleness that Ayla didn’t’ stir. She had also become victim to the heat; small whisps of blonde hair clung to her forehead and she breathed in with a little bit more force than before, but still, she didn’t wake from her sleep as Daisy pulled the five-year-old from her car seat and hugged her close.
One shoe had been toed off during the drive here and Ayla’s feet dangled at Daisy’s side as she shifted her to her hip and Jemma shouldered the overnight bag that they had packed for all three of them. They knew it would be a long trip, and it had been, but the moving truck hadn’t beat them here and they figured they would make do with a duffel bag of clothes most worn.
“Darn, I must have the keys here somewhere” Jemma mumbled after they braved the aching steps and stood under the slightly shaded porch. It would be nice for rocking chairs, or string lights.
Daisy’s mind was racing with possibility, even when the door did creak open to reveal a dark and cooling interior from the late ’50s. It had vast cherrywood flooring and a stained-glass side window that caught the sun and drowned the grained wood in color.
There was a long oak staircase and a dining room that had an old table in its center, but no chairs. At least Daisy considered it to be a table. It was covered in a white sheet that was equally covered in dust. Jemma closed the door behind them and looked up at the vaulted ceiling that seemed to stretch until the second-floor landing.
Ayla shifted in her arms and gripped her little hand around the excess fabric of the blue cotton button-down that Daisy wore. She whimpered; nose pressed close to the inside of her mother's neck. The cold had gotten to her and Daisy didn’t want to admit that it instantly dried any damp part of her skin.
“It’s charming,” Jemma sounded out “Needs some love, but certainly not something we didn’t’ account for.”
“Needs some light too,” Daisy said as she stepped further into the house.
The living area was a lot better; it swam with that very light that she was hoping for. She figured that they would set up the air mattress in the trunk right in this room. There were already floral print curtains that could be drawn to keep the nightly creatures from peering in, and the warmth flowing through the two bay windows had begun to thaw her skin.
There was another white sheet, covering a blocky object like a tacky ghost. “A bookcase?”
“A piano,” Jemma corrected “You can see the pedal under the right edge. It’s an old one too. I can’t imagine why anyone would leave it behind.”
Daisy didn't want to entertain the idea of anything causing abandonment other than pure laziness. She wouldn't want to lug a piano onto a moving truck in this kind of Southern heat either. Her arms were starting to ache- Ayla wasn’t as small as she used to be, and she got the nagging urge to wake the girl.
Jemma seemed to read her mind as she always did. She carefully pulled the girl into her arms resulting in a tiny nose scrunch and a little groan, but still not fully awake. Traveling must have taken it completely out of the kid, and truthfully, it took everything out of the mothers too.
They had eaten at the hotel this morning, Daisy demolishing three pancakes while Jemma limited herself to a banana and a few bites of Ayla’s slowly softening cereal. She didn’t’ do well with the winding mountains of Tennessee and had clenched her eyes the entire time, gripping what she called the panic handle.
Other than that, they had shared a bag of trail mix and Daisy squeezed the untouched applesauce pouch into her mouth to quell the rumbling in her stomach, but that had been at the border of North and South and she was getting agitated with hunger now. She considered Jemma and her daughter were more than halfway there themselves.
“I think I saw a Chinese restaurant on the way into town,” She offered, rolling her sore shoulder around “What do you say to an old tradition?”
Jemma smiled again, and it brightened the room even more. The first place they rented together didn’t have power yet and it was above a take-out place that had the best Chicken Lo Mein. They lit a bunch of candles and ate on the floor, a fell asleep in each other’s arms despite the less-than-ideal circumstances.
Daisy took this as confirmation and placed a chaste kiss on her wife’s cheek before fishing her car keys from her back pocket again and stepping into the stifling heat. The door fell shut behind her and her stare instantly fell on a woven basket filled with fresh apples and baked muffins. The scent made her stomach plunge even further.
And there was a man, quite a large one, stalking away from the gift. His shoulders had a wide span and his dark skin glistened in whatever sun the trees allowed through. Daisy stifled a smile of her own.
“Thank you!” She called out
The man turned quickly around. His face was kind despite his large stature and he let out a groan. “See, you weren’t supposed to catch me leaving this. It was going to be an anonymous welcome from the community.”
Daisy walked down the front porch and the man met her halfway, that warm expression still on his face. He wore a flannel over a sweat-dampened tank top despite the heat. He was even taller in person, his hands stained in what Daisy could guess is grease.
“It was my wife’s idea, she saw you guys pull in and threw something together last minute. She’s not used to having neighbors.” He let out a soft chuckle “I told her that ya’ll have L.A plates and that’s not how it works there, but she refused to listen.”
“No, it’s really nice, actually. I’m Daisy… like the flower.” She stuck out her hand.
The man’s own engulfed hers entirely, it was calloused but firm “Mack like the- oh hell, the food?”
“Nice to meet you, Mack. We really do appreciate it, I guess Southern Hospitality is a real thing?”
“Oh absolutely. Look- I’ve gotta get back home, we live right across the way, but on that little note wedged between whatever fruit she could scrounge up, is an invitation to dinner tomorrow night. It’s up to you if you want to accept it or not”
“We’ll be there,” Daisy said. And they would.
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sansationalsoriel · 7 years
Sansational! Part 3: Empress-ed
Only thing better than a bachelor party is a bachelor after party!
Part 3: Empress-ed
Boy, what a crazy night this was turning out to be. I was treated to two bachelor parties, great gifts, and a free lap dance thanks to Asgore. What did a lazy ass like me do to deserve such great family and friends?
Now I was on my way to get my complimentary lap dance from The Empress. I got the empress-ion that she was pretty popular in this strip club. If her photo on the card was any indication, I could kinda see why. She was a beautiful monster. Not as beautiful as Tori, but she came pretty damn close. From the looks of things she was also tall like Toriel…and I gotta admit I liked that. Geez…I think I might have a bit of a fetish going here.
The V.I.P. room was dimly lit with purple track lighting. It was pretty quiet compared to outside the door. I could kind of hear the music coming from the main part of the club, but it was very muffled. There was some ambient music playing softly and the subtle scent of lavender hung in the air. I didn't see anyone else in the room, so I settled down on the sectional sofa and got comfortable. I noticed a complimentary bottle of fancy ketchup sitting on one of the end tables. I felt so happy when I read the gift tag, which read 'to my sexy Sans from your future wife. I'll ketchup with you later.' So that must have been why Tori asked me if I had gotten to the club yet. She wanted to make sure her gift for me got there before me. She's such a sweet lady. I'll make sure to thank her when I get home.
As I took a swig of ketchup I froze, the bottle still pressed against my mouth, when I heard an unfamiliar voice coming from a shadowy place near the back of the room. It sounded feminine and soft with a slight accent I couldn't quite place.
"'Allo, cutie. 'Ow you enjoying your time so far?"
I set my ketchup bottle down and peered into the dimly lit corner see the hint of a tall, slender figure leaning against the wall. I couldn't make out all of her features, but I could clearly see a pair of long, lean legs covered in silver gray fur. I recalled the photo on the lap dance pass and came to the conclusion that I was in the presence of the Empress.
"uh…hey…i'm having a sans-tastic time. thanks for asking."
In spite of the dimmed lights I could still make out the puzzled expression on her face. She stood up straight and took a few steps toward me, allowing me to get a better look at her. As I expected, she was tall. She didn't seem to be as tall as Tori, who's 6'9". I'd say the Empress is about 6' tall. She had a pretty face with almond shaped eyes. Her ears were set near the top of her head and looked kind of like a cat's ears. Her pearly fangs poked from beneath her flirty smile as she continued to approach me. I'm not gonna lie. This monster was fuckin' sexy. She was so sexy it was making me feel uncomfortable.
"While I'm glad you've been having fun tonight, I'm 'bout to take the fun to a whole…other…level." As she spoke the last three words she took three more steps closer. "But first, I need you to close your eyes and don't open them until I tell you."
I gave it some thought before shutting my eye sockets. I didn't know this monster, and I kinda have trust issues that go way back. Then I realized I was being a bit paranoid. She was just going to give me a lap dance. That's what she was getting paid for. If she crossed the line I would make sure that she had a bad time. So, I closed my eye sockets. As soon as I did that I heard some music start playing. It sounded like a club remix of 'Sexual Healing', or some shit. By then I could feel a presence right in front of me. Moments later I felt a furry hand against my left malar bone and a warm pair of lips press against my right one. She had overstepped her boundaries from the get go. I immediately pushed her away as my magic pooled into my left eye socket.
Normally, I'm a pretty laid back monster. It takes a lot to get me riled up. There's certain things you just don't do to me. Don't mess with my family and DO NOT overstep personal boundaries. I went off on her like a rabid dog, I was so pissed.
"look, bitch! you got a lotta nerve puttin' your lips on me! this may be my first lap dance, but i have sense enough to know that it don't involve kissing! you're lucky i didn't…!"
Once my eyes caught up with my mouth I had to pause. Hold on…milky white fur, long floppy ears, horns, and reddish brown eyes? This isn't the same monster from the photo, or the same monster that was just standing in front of me! What the fuck happened?
"t-tori?" That's when I saw that lovely smile and there was no doubt in my mind, even in the dim light. Oh, god…I had just called my fiancé a bitch! "tori! babe, i'm so sorry!" It took me a moment to realize that I had my left hand thrust forward and that my future wife's soul was visible and blue. I apologized profusely after I cancelled out my spell. I didn't stop apologizing until her big, soft hands took hold of my face and she kissed me.
"Sans, it is all right."
"b-but i just called you a bitch and turned your soul blue and…!"
"Sans…my love, you didn't know it was me at first. I'm actually glad that you reacted that way."
"what? really?"
"Yes. You want to know why, do you not?" I was curious about that, in spite of me finally noticing the lacy, purple lingerie she was wearing. The lighting gave her fur and the lace an iridescent appearance, and the lingerie accentuated her curves perfectly. I couldn't believe I almost dunked the shit out of this gorgeous lady! "Sans, are you all right?"
"huh? oh, yeah. i'm fine. was just admiring the view." She giggled shyly and blushed. Oh my stars, she's so precious.
"Thank you. I'm glad you like it. Anyway, The reason I'm here is because…I haven't been honest with myself or you about my feelings."
"what do you mean, tori?"
"I know I said I'm ok with you looking at the strippers, and I am…it's just that once I found out about the lap dance it bothered me…a lot." She leaned closer until our foreheads touched and we were seeing eye to eye. "I can't stand the thought of someone else touching you…that way."
"so, you're saying you were jealous?"
"Y-yes. I probably sound silly…"
"no,no! that actually sounds kinda hot to me. you don't want some other lady pawin' all over your sexy sansy, right?"
"Right." That's when I saw her look down at my shirt. "Sans, why are you wearing a shirt with a rooster and an owl on it?" I decided to give her moment to catch on.
"take a closer look, babe." I could tell the wheels were turning in her mind, then she shrugged, having given up on figuring out the punchline. "if you cross and owl with a rooster you get...a cock that stays up all night." And then came that bubbly, bleaty, beautiful laugh of hers. There was no way I could have NOT fallen in love with that laugh. Still giggling, she kissed me once more before standing up. Wow. This gorgeous creature was going to be my wife in a couple days. I gotta make damned sure I don't fuck things up.
"Sans…uh, since I pretty much ruined your free lap dance I would love to make it up to you."
"oh, really? how so?"
"I'm going to give you a private show. You'd like that, would you not?"
In my mind I shouted a hearty 'HELL YEAH!' which came out as "sounds cool to me, tori."
She ran over to some kind of control panel on the other side of the room. She manipulated the screen for a few seconds until another song started playing. Once she returned she did something I had never seen her do before. She danced. Now I had seen Tori dance before, but that was silly, goofy fun she had with Frisk. This dance was neither silly nor goofy. It did leave me with a goofy ass grin on my face though. Well, goofier than normal. I had no idea that Toriel could roll her hips like that. Soon she had her whole body moving as if she had made time and space her bitch and was loving every second. It was like watching liquid fire. She looked glorious. It was suddenly clear to me that I was marrying a goddess.
When she knelt in front of me I could feel her body heat and magic radiating from her. That's when the teasing began. She began rubbing my rib cage through my t-shirt as she brushed her soft fur against my bones. Damn, that felt good! I could feel her heat down to the marrow.
"yeah, tori?"
"What did you think of my dance?"
"I thought it was quite hip-notizing." I shuddered as she laughed at the pun. It wasn't her usual, cute laugh. It was deeper and more sensual. Damn it, how did this sweet lady turn out to be so fuckin' hot?
Words can't express how happy it made me to see my fiancé enjoying my touch. Until we had our first intimate encounter I had no idea a skeleton monster had so many sensitive spots. The very thought of some other female touching my Sans in those sensitive spots got me fired up, and not in a good way. He's my skele-cutie and I was going to make sure to make this the best bachelor after party for my love.
I lifted his t-shirt and slid my hands over his ribcage as I released a tiny bit of my magic. His cute little moans just encouraged me to tease him even more. I asked him to raise his arms above his head, allowing me to remove his t-shirt with ease. I was surprised he let me take it off in a place far beyond our bedroom. Hell, it wasn't until five months into our dating that he removed all of his clothes when we made love. He tended to be self conscious about the scars on his left humerous and several of his ribs. He never told me what caused the scars, and I didn't press him for details.
As I continued to massage his rib cage I couldn't help but gaze into his face. His eyes were half closed, his smile was relaxed, and his cheekbones were tinted blue. He looked as if he was in paradise, and I felt a bit proud that my touch took him there. It was time to kick the teasing up a notch. I knew his spinal column was another sensitive spot for him, so I gripped it at the base just above his sacrum. I smiled as I got a big reaction from him. He let out a pleasured groan as he arched his spine. I so love it when he's vocal like this. Once I started licking his sternum I had him begging and pleading for his release. I was going to give him what he wanted, just not right then and there. It wasn't long before my beloved Sans was a sobbing mess. He always cried just before his climax, which I found so adorable. He was feeling so good he could no longer contain himself. I told him how cute he looked as I kissed away his tears.
"t-tori…i'm s-so close…" he whimpered as I traced a claw down his sacrum to his coccyx. I gave his tail bone slow, deliberate strokes as we shared a kiss. With one last down stroke I felt him moan into our kiss. It sent a wonderful, vibrant sensation through my whole body as his magic mixed with mine. He then slumped down on the sofa shirtless, eyes closed, and with the most content expression I'd ever seen. "babe, that was fuckin' amazing. remind me to return the favor soon."
"You can bet I most certainly will, my dear."
I leaned in for another kiss when the dimmed lights suddenly brightened. Sans' eyes shot open and we both looked around to see who had turned on the lights. Although I couldn't see her, I heard the Empress' voice give a brief explanation.
"You were booked for thirty minutes, sweetie. Sorry, but your time's up. There's a wash room with a shower back 'ere if you need it. Congratulations on your pending nuptials."
With that we didn't hear her speak another word. Sans and I decided to make use of the shower. I noticed a gift bag for Sans on the sink. It contained a Peccadillos t-shirt, a music CD, some K-Y jelly, and a pair of soft cuffs. Oh, my…I could see all these things being quite useful in the future.
My fiancé and I took a quick shower together. Sans spent most of it with his face either buried in my cleavage or between my legs. After our shower Sans donned the complimentary t-shirt and put his punny t-shirt and bottle of fancy ketchup in the gift bag. I kissed him one last time before he headed back to the main part of the club. Before leaving the V.I.P. room he paused to ask me something.
"tori, how did you find out about the lap dance when even i didn't know about it?"
"Oh, I have my connections, sweetie. Being the former Queen of Monsters does have its perks."
"heh. that makes sense. also, how did you convince the empress to let you switch places with her?"
"Sans, my love, I was trained in diplomacy so I'm quite aware of the power of persuasion."
With a flick of my wrist I let some of my fire magic dance across my fingertips for emphasis. I think I got my point across.
Holy shit, Toriel can be a bit savage. I think that's one of the sexiest things about her. Boy, have I got issues. I kissed my future wife one last time before we parted ways, making sure to ask her to be wearing that lingerie when I made it home. She said she'll consider it. Tori can be such a tease. She left the back way to go pick up Frisk from the babysitter's house (and to avoid the rest of the guys seeing her), while I returned to our reserved tables.
"it was pretty great. in fact, i was quite…"
"DAMN IT, NOW I REGRET EVEN ASKING," Papyrus grumbled as we all pretty much staggered onto the party bus.
"guys, i just want to thank you for all this. i had a really great time. i hadn't had that much fun in a while."
"Aww, no problem, Sans. Glad you enjoyed yourself." Doggo slapped me on the back pretty hard. It knocked the breath outta me for a second. He seemed pretty drunk, but not as drunk as Dogamy.
"hey, dogamy, you got any other plans for the night?"
"H-hellllll yeahhhhh! I'm a…I'm a go home and f-fu-fuck da SHIT outta my wife! Whoo!"
"tmi, dude. tmi."
"Fuck you, Sans! HA HA!"
"no thanks, i'm taken."
The party bus driver was kind enough to drop each of us at our respective homes. Leaving a bunch of inebriated monsters wandering the streets wasn't good for business apparently. It's a good thing we all lived near each other. Paps and I were the last ones to be dropped off. When we got inside it was quiet in the house. That was expected since it was about 1 AM. Fortunately it was Spring Break so Frisk didn't have to get up for school. Although Frisk attended Monster School (for the most part), Toriel, who was the headmistress of the school, did her best to observe the same breaks and holidays that the human schools followed. That was also the reason Tori and I chose that particular weekend for our wedding.
Paps and I shuffled upstairs to our rooms to call it a night. I was still a bit tipsy and didn't trust myself to teleport. Shit, I might've ended up with my head in the toilet or somethin'. I stopped by Frisk's to check on them. They were out cold. I stroked their messy brown locks then gave them a good night skele-kiss on the top of their head. When I got to the room I shared with Tori I could see she was already sound asleep. I couldn't help but smile at the sight of her wearing the beautiful lingerie from before. My lady sure is great at keeping a promise. I changed into a pair of pajama bottoms, but kept my Peccadillos t-shirt on. I climbed into bed to cuddle up with the soft and warm love of my life. I played with one of her velvety ears as I observed her peaceful features. I'm such a lucky goofball to have such a wonderful, beautiful lady by my side.
"i love you so fuckin' much, tori." Right then I heard the cutest snore/snort come from her. My Tori is just so damned perfect.
Next Part: Eat, Drink, and Be Married
AN: The song I imagine Tori would dance to for Sans is a real song titled 'Luv Ya Bad.' There's lyrics that refer to 'my queen, my wife' and the song in general made me think of Toriel and Sans. Also, the tropical dance mix of 'Sexual Healing' is also a real thing. You can find both of those songs on the Pandora app if you want to have a listen. Anywho, I'm still open for kink requests. Don't be shy, now!
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