#unless sweden does it's usual thing and the weather is shit
thirdsonofeve · 7 months
im determined to convince my friends we need to fuck off to lappland for midsummer and experience the midnight sun and go mad for a week this totally isn't the intro to a horror movie
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forestryfae · 11 months
not to be a whiner on main but i fucking hate talking to my dad. he just called, i thought maybe it was important since he called again like 1o minutes after the first time he called which is like. a thing he doesnt do. he never calls twice he calls once and then expects you to call him back.
was not important. dad and stepmom are in the car on their way somewhere, as usual, and got bored i fucking guess. they never fucking call unless theyre in the car on their way somewhere and theyre bored. he then "lets me know" the cat peed on the floor again. as if i didnt fucking know already? ive had them for two years im awar of snuskens piss habits. asks "when are you gonna come visit us?" as if i fucking knew they were home? they didnt fucking tell me they were even going on vacation, i had to ask, and they certainly didnt let me know they came home. and somehow its when AM I visiting them. fucking cunts cant even come visit me when im so depressed i cant fucking function but they can drive to their beach cottage and go to sweden for no other reason than They Felt Like It but its "when are you visiting us" and "you can visit us whenever jus call beforehand" and "we can go to the cottage" whenever they want attention AND WERE NOT EVEN GOING TO THE COTTAGE. WE NEVER FUCKING DO. ive been invited several times both to the cottage and to meet stepmoms family and we even made new years plans that one time and they NEVER go through with it. they ALWAYS change their minds right at the last minute, especially my stepmom. every damn time they change ther mind mainly because she just doesnt want to all of a sudden. the usual excuse is "im too tired today" or "the weather isnt nice" but frankly im starting to think shes lying and shes just being a bitch on purpose
and then theres the fucking audacity. every time i go grocery shopping or i really need something at the store. like fucking food or something else NECCESSARY TO LIVE, if i ask for a ride home they ALWAYS drag me home with them and i wind up staying there until fucking midnight every damn time. i get HALF AN HOUR to buy food before im driven home??? cant fucking visit people for 6+ hours are they fucking insane. and its every time. and i cant even say anything cus theyll just ignore it. and somehow its still "when are you visiting" and "are you coming to the city" and shit like that like. WHEN ARE YOU COMING TO VISIT ME? to help me with the house like you said you would??
and he fucking brings up driving lessons as if the cunt didnt say himself he was gonna practice drive with me. its been ONCE. ive driven with him ONCE. what the fuck does he think he gets to talk to me about driving lessons for.
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shinymooncolor · 4 years
Hi all!
As usual, I owe all of this to the wonderful world created by @lumosinlove. 🙏🏻
I love Kris so much. Single dad, hockey star is a mood. Apologies in advance. 😇
Sweater weather chats #2
Kris joins a super secret club. Lily gets emotional. We get introduced to the bat cave. Kris is a cautionary tale for the rookies. Or that’s what Nado days. Kris is also an honorary mom. Celeste reminisces. Kasey, Nado and Kuny babysits. Everybody loves Remus. Ava wants a pony. Natalie has plans. SO MUCH BROMANCE.
Emotional support group and Remus 🤩🥰🏒:
Friday 3.32 pm
NatNat added Kris to the group.
Allison: do I spy a new member? Welcome to the dark side, Kris. The rules are simple - this is a safe space for us to discuss our men, babies and other related topics.
Lucia: also, never tell the boys what happens at brunch. 😁
Celeste: welcome Kris. We thought you’d enjoy coming to brunch with us - Ava is always welcome.
Kris: woah? What is this? Shit. I’m honored. Also Remus? Wtf.
Remus: hi kris yeah I don’t know how I was allowed in, but it’s nice. 😁
NatNat: well Dumo might be the honorary dad but Kris is totally the honorary mom on the team. He wiped Gatorade off of Leo’s face last game. It was adorable 😍😍😍
Kris: well James did unscrew the top as a prank, not actually sure it’s a prank if you do it every game. And Leo didn’t realize. And he’s weird about not taking his blocker off. Had to help the kid out. 😆
Allison: well it made us enroll you in our secret and sacred club. Welcome! 🤩
NatNat: i forgot to send this on Wednesday!! Baby Russian with baby puppies
*kuny puppy pic*
GingerLily: awwww he looks so happy. James said he’s been depressed he cannot train this week. I love this. 😍
Anyaismyname: my baby. I knew him from he was 16. Such a sweet boy.
Kris: sweet? Are we talking about the same Kuny? He taught Ava to cuss a ref and last time the media asked her what she thought of the game and my playing, she parroted that. I had a trending tag for a month after that on Twitter😔
NatNat: I’m not condoning it but it was hilarious. I cried. But seriously he adopted a cat and named her Aya and they send me selfies with her every 7 minutes. They built her a castle in their ridiculous bat cave game room. 😅👑🐱
Remus: the bat cave is awesome. They’ve got pro surround sound and all. And a real slushee machine. 🤖 also kris, coach want you all back on the ice in 10.
NatNat: yeah haha kase is excited to go for halo night. Apparently they’ve got some sort of new VR stuff for practicing as well. 🏒🏒🏒
Celeste: Kris, don’t worry about the curse words. Marc spent three months yelling fuck at everything after Logan accidentally taught him. They get over it quick and the fans love you even more after that - haven’t you been on the most eligible list for your entire career? Also, didn’t Anya tell Kuny’s mom?
Anyaismyname: da, and believe me, Scolding work better in Russian. And I promised her to look out for her boy.
Kris: thanks guys, I know. I was just shocked. She’s my baby and sometimes I just can’t handle how quick she grows... it’s not fair... and yeah, apparently a single dad with a travel heavy job is eligible. Weird.... also - the boys’ game room is amazing and they did set up a my little pony game for her last time on the projector. Be there in three Re!!! 🏃‍♂️
GingerLily: awww I cant believe she was a baby when I first met her. She grows sooo quick! 😍
Kris: well it’s you soon! Good luck - you think you know what love feels like but. Damn, a baby just changes things. ☺️
GingerLily: we’re starting on the nursery next week and I can’t wait. James is hopeless with tools though but we’ve decided on a color theme at least 🥰🥰🥰
Celeste: mmh, that is always a big moment. I remember when I was pregnant with Adele, Pascal was still just settling into the Lions and we’d already moved twice, but something changed when we started working on the nursery. It got real then - he didn’t get the puck theme he wanted but nevertheless, I think that was when he really realized he was about to become a father 😍
NatNat: awwwww, can’t even imagine you two without your babies 😁
Celeste: me neither, honey, me neither. 😉
Friday, 4.38 pm
Kris: Natalie do you think we could find a puppy for Ava? We could house train it during off season and she’s been begging for a puppy for a while and i really want one too and hopefully with a puppy the “I want a pony” phase can be forgotten! :)
NatNat: of course!!! Also shouldn’t you be at training?
Kris: We finished 5 minutes ago. :) also thanks for cheering Kuny up, he was allowed to do stretches today.
NatNat: oh god. Forget the time out here. Is kase done too?
Kris: yeah but he’s currently unavailable. Something about hug a goalie day *pic of kasey and Leo, on the ice under a mountain of players*
GingerLily: 🤦🏽
Celeste: on another note my lovelies. I would love to host brunch next Sunday! We have full attendance - Elsa is visiting from Sweden! :) please let me know how many babies you’re bringing.
Sunday 7.03 am
Kris: hi Celeste. I’m really sorry to do this last minute but ava’s mom has cancelled again and I can’t get a sitter this late. I’d love to come for brunch next time though.
Celeste: oh my dear. Bring her. It’s absolutely no problem.
NatNat: hey kris. Kasey is going to nado and Kuny and he says they’re happy to babysit. Also he wants to know why you and Remus are invited to brunch. Don’t tell him anything. 😉😉😉
Kris: oh I don’t want to be a problem they probably don’t want a 4-year old to disturb their halo game...😬
NatNat: it’s not a problem at all :) (also need kase to practice - not getting any younger here 😏🤩)
Kris: well if it’s really no problem I know Ava would love to spend time with them. :) also totally rooting for baby blizzards soon!
Blizzard created a new group: Babysitting
Blizzard added RussianGod, Nadotheman and KrisVolley
Blizzard: hey guys. Quick change of plans. Ava is hanging out with us today. Kris is going to brunch with the girls?! Said we’d be happy to spoil baby munchkin and teach her more Russian curse words
RussianGod: ok. Can we eat cookie? Also no bad words. Don’t want more yelling from Anya. She scary.
Blizzard: season diet Kuny. Oreos are only for Ava. And isn’t Anya like 5.2?
RussianGod: nado is still sleeping. But we can go to park and meet ladies. They love single dad. But Anya is little but scary. Have you not see how she keep sergei in check?
KrisVolley; you are not using my baby to meet ladies. Haha oh never thought of that. Anya is always nice to me 😂
KrisVolley: Here are the ground rules gentlemen!!!!
1) no begging - you need to say no and stick with it, unless she’s crying properly don’t give in to her. She hissy cries when she wants things her way
2) not too much sugar and candy alright? (Looking at you Kuny)
3) Kuny and nado can’t use her as a ploy to ensnare women.
4) do NOT teach her any more Russians words unless they’re good, safe and cute words. The press still hounds me from the time you taught her to cuss a ref....
5) have fun and don’t do anything I wouldn’t do
Nadotheman: Morning boys. Also happy to babysit. But tHaNkS fOR aSkInG kase... 👍🏻 also @KrisVolley:
1) how the hell are we supposed to say no to that face? No idea how you made such a beautiful baby.
2) no problem. (Totally lying to you)
3) we would never use our baby niece in such a despicable way 😳 also it was one time and we can’t help that we are irresistible to baby-crazy ladies.
4) she can only scold a ref. According to Kuny totally safe and good words. Don’t believe what Sergei or Sunny says. Or the press.
5) so don’t knock up a fan at 18? Alright man got it.
KrisVolley: ....
Nadotheman: just keeping it real. You’re a cautionary tale for the rookies man. But your baby is cute. And you do a great job bro! 💪🏻
KrisVolley: I’m a what?? And thanks Nado. 😊
Blizzard: When you’re done with your moment.... I’m picking her up in five, can Nat go with you to Dumo’s? Ava and I will go have brunch at the bat cave and have an awesome time. And don’t worry. I’ll keep an eye on the boys.
KrisVolley: thanks Blizzard. Good practice as well 😉
Kuny: 👀👀👀👀 baby blizzard????
Blizzard: alright calm down m8. We’re not even married (no judging kris)
Nadotheman: whatever you say bro. You gotta make a baby with that girl - she swooned at family skate. Also we all saw you makin heart eyes at the Brady bunch. 😆😆😆😆
Blizzard: they’re adorable and this conversation ends here. We’re outside now Kris. Also don’t encourage Nat. I’ve got a plan. 😬
Nado: Kuny. Kuny. Is it baby safe? They’re here in 15 minutes.
Kuny: why you text me? I’m next door.
Kuny: also yes is fine. Maybe get bra down. It been in fan for 3 days
Nado: you’re the tall one. Get it down.
Kuny: I not put it there.
Nado: fine you lazy jerk. I’ll get it down.
Kuny: 😘
Nado: fuck off. But I love you too bro.
Until next time, my lovelies 🥰
Always open for ideas, prompts, constructive criticism!
Also - does hug a goalie day exist? I think it should.
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secondplayercanada · 6 years
Super important muse update.
Hello everyone! As you may or may not know, I came to the realisation a while ago that a lot of Matts behaviours and other things actually line up perfectly with several signs of being on the autism spectrum. Further investigation showed yep, Matt is your local undiagnosed autistic adult! So yeah, this massively huge fuckoff document is a detailed description and walkthrough of where he fits on the spectrum and other important details. Its fucking massive, but please please read it all! Everything on there is important and details important things that make him him.
I’ll whack it under a readmore so you don’t have to scroll for forever.
So, before we get too far let me just preface this with an important disclaimer: autism is a spectrum. If you meet or know someone who’s on the spectrum you know just that, A person on the spectrum. Everyone is different and that's what I strive to show with Matt. Keep in mind he’s also undiagnosed, and was raised in a very different world to ours, and thus has learned to “act normal” over the centuries as he’s grown up. I’m not saying this is how every person with autism is or acts, I’m just saying this is how Matt is, as someone who’s a demigod style immortal thing. Now that we’ve done the obligatory disclaimer so tumblr doesn’t throw a shit fit, let's get into how Matt fits on the spectrum.
I’ll apologise in advance, this kind of wanders a bit, and occasionally just slides from one topic to another, but this does cover everything. And its long as FUCK.
As previously stated, autism is a spectrum ranging from the more extreme to the more subtle. Matt fits somewhere in the middle- some traits are noticeable and others are not. For example, Matt stims a lot, and he has no idea he’s actually stimming. His main stims have changed in how he shows them over the centuries, but these ones have never changed, only adapted.
1. He fiddles. Constantly. He’ll play with the hem of his shirt, the opening on the sleeve where his hand comes out, with his buttons (regardless of where they are), he’ll tug on the belt loops of his pants.
2. When his hair is long enough, if he’s starting to escalate or he’s got a lot of emotionsTM he’ll play with his hair. He’ll plait it, twirl it around his fingers, tug on it when he’s starting to get near a meltdown. If he’s having a full on meltdown he’ll pull out his hair and eyelashes.
3. Tapping and twirling. He’ll tap on the table, twirl his pen around, roll a stone with a soothing texture around in his hands, tap his arms, feet, so long as its a texture he likes he’ll play with it. Kinda fits into the fiddling, but I like to classify this as a different thing as the connotations are different.
In the modern day, he uses fidget cubes and spinners, certain slimes, certain stress balls, and he’ll occasionally chew on a pen if he’s trying not to fiddle or tap/twirl. He’s INCREDIBLY picky about textures, and he’s very sensitive to these. He flat out refuses to wear certain fabrics and styles because they are Not Good and he’ll do whatever he needs to not wear them. The main styles he hates are things like suits and ties, turtlenecks, anything that covers/restricts his neck and fabrics that don’t breathe. He can tolerate military uniforms in general because they’re designed to move and breathe. However, if something is baggy he’s usually ok with it.
Fabrics he likes are things like wool and cotton, soft things that feel like the sorts of clothes he grew up wearing. In the modern day he wears jeans and a baggy flannel mostly, though when he needs he’ll trade the flannel out for plain cotton tees. He prefers not to wear synthetic clothing as an environmental thing, and some of those fabrics are BAAAAAAAAAAD. He’s not sure which ones though, and can’t be bothered to find out so he just avoids anything synthetic as a general rule. He does know he would rather die than wear any kind of velvet, fake or real. Don’t even try he WILL rip it to shreds. Loves cashmere though.
He also has a love/hate relationship with shoes. It really depends on what the ground underneath is like. In forests and such, he can happily go barefoot. Sand? Sand is the devil. He hates sand on a similar level to Anakin Skywalker. Sand can get fucked. He refuses to go to beaches simply because he cannot handle sand, so unless its rocky or you can effectively keep the sand off of him, he won’t go. Ice and cold stuff he’s fine with, he doesn’t feel the cold as a weird ass nation thing. So he will walk barefoot and buttass naked in the middle of a antartic winter blizzard and he’ll be fine. Heat, on the other hand, he’s got a mixed relationship with. Heat on its own he can tolerate, same with humidity, but when its hot and humid he suffers and is constantly on the edge of escalating into a meltdown unless he can get somewhere cool. Hot ground is shoes weather, and he really doesn't like how most sandels feel. It's incredibly rare to find him in sandals, 99.99% of the time he has some form of enclosed shoe on. He’s also picky af about what shoes he wears, because it’s gotta fit his foot right, be comfortable, and most importantly the laces have to be just right. It’s dealing with laces thats hardest for him, if something doesn’t lace just right he can’t wear something. He hates thick, hard laces and prefers the softer ones that fit fairly flat and smoothly against the top of his foot so he’ll hardly notice them.
On the subject of noticing him, it’s his social ability that’s most likely to make someone suspect Matts on the spectrum. He HATES crowds, and the noise associated with them. He gets overwhelmed very easily in them, which best case scenario leads to panic attacks, worse case scenario he has a meltdown. He hates feeling cramped in and trapped in people, he hates feeling people in his bubbles or touching him without permission. The noises and smells in the city also tend to be his biggest trigger. He hates the smell of diesel, smoke/smog (he’s ok with woodsmoke though. And marijuana smoke. That's about it. He will throw your cigarette into the sun and you with it if you don’t back off when he’s getting antsy, as cigarette smoke in particular will give him huge headaches. He really suffered a lot when casual tobacco consumption was the norm.) he also can’t deal with lots of auditory input, and the noises in cities is often too much at once and will make him freak. Unless it's mostly the same sort of thing, for example just the babble of the crowd talking at a normal volume, he will leave ASAP.
Adding to his social problems, Matt exhibits the following common signs of autism:
1. Struggles with eye contact (over the centuries he’s learned to look at people’s noses and eyebrows, but it’s very rare he makes the concentrated effort to look someone in the eyes. It stresses him out.)
2. He struggles with facial expressions- both his own and others. He can’t read facial expressions very well, and has a resting bitch face that rarely changes. Kinda similar to canon APH Sweden. The most common facial expression he has is smile, frown, and raising an eyebrow in confusion. He’s learned raising an eyebrow while frowning is usually a nonverbal question of “please explain” so he uses this a lot.
3. Leading on from facial expressions, he can’t read body language in general or the atmosphere. He’s gotten a bit better over the centuries, but since he’s taken to hiding in the middle of nowhere on his own, he’s not as good as he could be with, ya know, a diagnosis and proper help to learn.
4. He gets fixated on things and then it's hard to stop him from focusing. Currently his things he focuses on are various environmental issues, mostly focused on conservation and preservation. His other major special interest all stages of building, from designing to actually making it. If you don’t let him finish it he’ll get really upset.
5. He really struggles with playing pretend. Like… a lot. Either something is real, or it isn’t. He understands fiction, which is fine and he enjoys reading fiction and other works that are clearly fictional, but if you try and hypothetically ask him something or have him pretend to do something it’s a struggle. As a child and early teen it would distress him to no end, but as an adult he can work through it if you’re patient.
But in saying that, he does notice things when he likes you. He’ll remember if you mention your favourite colour or food, he’ll notice when you wear a lot of a certain kind of jewelry, if you wear a certain scent a lot, if you wear certain accessories or styles a lot. He’ll notice if you have a certain kind of flower you use as decoration or in your garden. He’ll notice when you change your hair, if you wear a different style, he’ll notice you’ve been talking a lot about something you enjoy. And he’ll do his damn best to engage in the things those he cares about like. And when you’re sad he’ll use this to try and make you feel better. Think like Sherlock Holmes’s super noticing and remembering ability, only unlike Sherlock he’s not a foot-in-mouth dick about it.
On the subject of noticing what people like, Matt highly enjoys repetitive or easily broken down tasks like sewing, cooking, baking and gardening. His garden is meticulously cared for, and if he really likes you, he’ll either start growing your favourite flowers or he’ll give you as many as you want when they’re blooming. If possible, he’ll either start growing any herbs you like or use a lot in his herb garden or he’ll give you some. Stuff like rosemary he’ll bottle and dry himself and give to you so you have good homegrown stuff to use.
When it comes to clothes, he makes his own a lot so they’re Just Right, so he’ll mend your clothes, make you a nice coat or shirt, he’ll tailor things for you. He’ll even use fabrics he loathes if he really loves you. Including velvet.
He’ll also randomly make food for you and causally fob it off. Going back to noticing, he’ll make your favourite dishes where possible, things traditional to your homeland, whatever will make you feel happy. He likes making those he cares about happy. It makes him happy to spread some joy.
Moving on from happy, people yelling or otherwise freaking out is horrible for him. Mostly because the loud noises and aggression makes him escalate like that in turn, so when people get mad at him and start yelling and getting up in his business, it’ll end in disaster. Just the loud noises people make when going through a strong emotion in general isn’t good, but he’s ok with laughter now. Another reason why he avoids people- people are hard and when emotions and tensions start rising, so do his chances of meltdown.
So, what does Matt’s meltdowns look like? Depends on how bad it is and what caused it. At worst they’re your stereotypical autistic meltdown, he’s screaming, maybe crying, if it’s brought on by someone else he’ll try and hit you, if it's not a person he’ll rock, he’ll hit himself in the head, bite his arms and lips, pull out his hair by the firstful. He’ll kick if he’s on the ground, and if you get too close he WILL hit you. At this point it’s best to leave him alone. At his most mild there’s crying, he’ll hit himself and scratch his arms and rock in place. No matter how bad the meltdown is, as much as possible he’ll try and get away or remove what's caused the meltdown. If it's too much stimulation he’ll run away and find somewhere peaceful no matter what, if its a person he will fucking yeet you across a room, don’t get close. Things like sand are harder, he’ll usually just stay at his peak until someone can get him away or he doesn't have to wear it/touch it/feel it/ go near it. No surprise that war in general is absolute hell for him. During wartime if he’s in the hospitals or on the frontlines he’ll be right on the edge of a breakdown. While serving the world wars he developed a temporary hatred of mud and everything associated with them, and temporarily developed selective mutism. In general, he refused to interact with all but a handful of people (mostly nations) and even then he was mostly nonverbal.
In saying that, Matt is surprisingly good with children and it was children that were key to his recovery after the wars. He adores kids, as kids tend to be very honest and easy for him to read, and even when they lie it's for reasons he can understand. And most kids are shitty liars so even he can tell when they’re lying. Matt loves playing with kids, with kids and animals being his magic combination to help him chill no matter how close to a meltdown he is. After the wars he worked a lot with kids because he was quiet and to most kids, he was scarier than anything else that they imagined could be after them. So he became the big scary friend who looks after everyone else. Once he adopts a kid as his, he will do whatever he needs to keep them happy and safe.
He does a similar thing with animals, as animals are like kids but easier again for him to understand. He loves the small cute animals, and has been known to opely sob in delight over impossibly tiny animals like kittens and puppies. In saying that, he also loves adopting the grumpy old bastard cats who no one can get near from shelters. If you give him an inch he’ll take a mile and end up running like a bajillion Old Friends Senior Dog Sanctuary style sanctuaries for animals in need. Don’t test him. Their fur is oddly calming to him, a throwback to his childhood when animal hides were commonly used, especially in winter.
And yeah, that's everything. Thanks for reading this stupidly fucking long talk about Matts autism! This is a living document, so it’ll evolve as Matt evolves, so it’ll be a good idea to check back in on this every now and again once I add it to his page. However it is about 11pm as I finish this edit before posting and I woke up at 6am this morning for work and must do so again tomorrow. So yeah.
Thanks again!
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violetsystems · 5 years
I’m off work today but don’t have any real plans to go out anywhere.  I came home early from work yesterday to a bunch of my neighbor’s packages.  I’ve gotten into the habit of either locking them in our foyer or delivering them outright.  I don’t have the privilege anymore of feeling like I can have anything delivered to home to me personally like that.  My packages disappear instantly even after the delivery takes the photo.  Just mine.  I made a joke that somebody really must want coffee and pore reducer.  That was after somebody sent a meme making fun of my sebaceous glands.  I get my packages anyway dermatology notwithstanding.  I just have to walk to a pickup location to get them.  I don’t often get stuff sent to work because it isn’t appropriate.  I did get the Stranger Things drop sent there.  I consider that a piece of fashion.  Only one person recognized that Hawkins logo when I wore it to work.  It was a painter in the stair well.  They seemed genuinely excited to see it in the flesh.  Caleb McLaughlin has done some shoots for Undercover so I thought it was kind of appropriate.  I’m making a Spider-man shirt to wear to the movie.  Nobody really talks to me or invites me anywhere fourth of July notwithstanding.  On the flip side of that I travel to New York alone and nobody really bothers me.  I usually take the train by my house to the next suburb over outside of the city to see movies.  I sit in the front by myself.  Kids pretty much know who I am around here at this point.  I never really feel out of place where it matters.  I had to walk to University of Illinois at Chicago to pick up a screen printing frame I ordered.  I don’t usually go out after work or leave the house anymore.  I ate dinner and took the next neighborhood over.  Chinatown is the other way about the same distance.  I walked through Greektown and took the train back home.  It’s a lot less convenient in some ways to not be able to get deliveries.  But then again the city is never all that inconvenient for me.  It likes to try.  In America it seems everybody likes to try.  But they can’t ever successfully bring it to you.  If this were China or even North Korea, this would be a different story probably.  Though I often wonder if my packages would be delivered safely.  I get a lot of respect overseas for being a safe person.  But here I don’t think anybody respects how much that has been worth to people all over the world.  Maybe today of all days is a time to reflect on that.  Alone in my apartment home of the brave.
If I sound a bit bummed I am.  But this doesn’t exactly mean I’m sad or anything.  I realize how ironic it would be to talk about Hong Kong when America escaped the commonwealth.  Just as ironic as it is for Nike to release a shoe celebrating the Thirteen Colonies.  Some conservative in Arizona got offended and threatened action.  California just laughed at them.  That’s still all America.  Illinois just legalized recreational Marijuana.  We did that by voting on a referendum.  That’s at least how it started.  The governor signed it into law.  That’s how it ended.  At least in 2020.  For now I can still play fuck the police in my apartment while getting high.  I drink coffee and smoke weed.  That’s it.  When I stay in New York I don’t smoke at all.  When I’m in New York I feel the most free.  I often take that feeling back with me here to Chicago and walk around like I own the place.  That’s what you get when you share power with people.  Some people don’t share back.  They take and they write you off.  That’s a normal thing in America.  How conspicuous it is that only your packages get stolen?  Only you have this dark cloud floating over your head?  Or is it a halo?  Being written off in America has kept me out of trouble.  But it’s been largely myself who has done the keeping out of the constant shit.  I train a lot.  I’ve trained seriously since August.  I made a lot of commitments to myself back in August.  I became aware of a lot of things in my life too.  I’ve lived side by side with those dreams and goals every day since then.  They’ve grown into something indescribable to most people.  People often try to find out but they never dig deep enough.  Part of being buried in the last year for me has been realizing nobody actually remembers.  Most of the time it’s the people you consider friends around here that forget what makes you tick.  You start to realize people barely know who you are at all.  People around my block know who I am.  I took the garbage out in the Hawkins shirt the other day after saving the packages.  In Chicago we have alleys.  Roads behind buildings.  Roads that are not roads.  My latino neighbor is a mechanic and hangs out in his garage.  He’s always listening to country songs about drinking.  He and his friend with a Harley were drinking beer when I threw out the trash.  We talked a bit about the weather and the far South Side.  We disagreed on the chance of rain.  I always err on the side of caution.  It ended up pouring for an hour shortly thereafter.  I’m sure nobody blames me for checking the weather.  Package deliveries may be a different story.
If you ask me if America is working for me I’d probably tell you I’m working for America.  America is often a freeloader in my life.  It’s also incredibly egotistical thinking it knows what I am about.  I am for the most part about America.  I was born here.  I am a citizen.  I don’t think that’s any of the government’s business to know on a census.  I also know that the longer I resist the harder it gets to prove me wrong.  Because America has fucked up with me more times than I can count.  The level in which I’ve resisted things has been written about for years on Tumblr.  I was actually kind of impressed the whole Taylor Swift narrative unfolded down here.  How she called out Kanye for being misogynistic and rapey.  How men control the music industry.   It’s neither here nor there that Universal films the next house over.  I have no ties to anything.  Brands don’t give a shit about me.  Some do.  But what does that say about America when you can rely on brands more than your local government?  It says a lot when politicians are bought.  And I live in a state where a billionaire won the election.  A billionaire from the hospitality industry.  Who just legalized weed and gambling.  This is America.  We have a president who bought his way into office too.  I could never imagine being president or running for office unless I sold out to a party.  I never want to be president or run for office mind you.  I’ve already done enough ineffectually for my country.  Or so it would seem.  If you ask me what I know I often pretend to know nothing.  It’s in my signature line at work in both Korean and Chinese.  I don’t know anything.  That’s what it says point blank.  It’s said that for years.  When people ask who I am working in concert with I always tell them I sleep alone.  Every night.  I go to bed and wake up every morning forgotten about.  Or so it would seem.  Only in America right?  Only in America am I free to keep all the secrets that I hold dear and it’s none of your fucking business.  How did we get to this place?  I was born here.  One side of my family came here from Sweden and became lutheran ministers.  The other side were Gypsies and Bohemian Germans.  There’s still people who think I’m Irish because of my accents.  I used to be a jungle MC.  Wicked man.  That’s some commonwealth bullshit.  These days I just play games, watch tv and wish somebody would realize the work I’ve put in.  America home of the free.  Where I’m brave enough to save other people’s packages but nobody looks out for me.  Most people are only ever around to watch my next move and talk shit about it.  Everybody else stares in either horror or support.  Pink is a pretty loud color in that respect.  And honestly pink is my favorite color over red white and blue.  I don’t wear much of it.  I leave that to the troops.  I’ll be out mowing the lawn Saturday in my Hawkins shirt for my mom.  I never really hear much of the talk.  I don’t give any of that bullshit the time of day.  I’m free to do that.  One fourth of July at a time.  One screen print at a time too.  No matter how much intellectual property I steal.  <3 Tim
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