#unless he's drunk or you're a supernatural entity who can tell otherwise. both of which Do happen pretty often lmao
talentforlying · 9 months
i know i like to call him a rat man and harp on about how much of a mess he is, but in reality, constantine is such a nesting doll of fuckery that it's no wonder so many people get fooled into thinking he's safe (even hero-worship him, a few times). like yeah, on the surface and in passing interaction, he's a fun time or the thrill of the unknown or just a more-pleasant-than-not encounter at your nine-to-five customer service job. but once you get in a little closer, you start to see the cracks in the veneer turn into ravines: the anger, the meanness, the lies, the nasty transactional mess of favors. the little spinning saw blades that shred up whatever comes too close. he's a con man, he can look normal when he wants to. he just can't be it.
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