#unfortunately it's thrown my schedule off for the third time this week (various other shit happening not related to dogs)
watcher-wilds · 9 months
I fucking forgor my roommates are out of town this weekend and I have to take care of The Dogs
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ladyhallen · 5 years
Prompt: Tsuna wakes up in someone's bed
Tsuna wakes up with someone’s hand on his stomach.
It’s a pretty nice hand – large, warm and perfect.
Still, the fact is, Tsuna usually slept alone. It’s too much of a hassle to find partners that his Guardians won’t eviscerate when found in his bed. Or Reborn. Let’s not talk about Reborn’s reaction. The asshole probably thought Tsuna was still a child.
Tsuna had needs, alright?
He’s getting distracted. Who’s the owner of said hand?
With a sigh, Tsuna turns and opens his eyes.
And squeaks.
It’s better than a scream, alright?
Not everybody would be fine seeing Xanxus di Vongola in their bed.
Shit, it’s not even his bed. Which meant that it’s Tsuna in Xanxus’s bed.
He tries to process this. He fails.
Like an ill-timed alarm clock, there’s a shout of, “Voi!!!!!!” sounding through the doors.
“Fuck off, Squalo!” Xanxus roars back, making Tsuna jump. He didn’t even know that Xanxus was awake.
“Xanxus, you’re awake?” Tsuna asks, biting the proverbial bullet. It’s difficult to find his courage, given that he was naked, without his weapons and in perfect proximity for Xanxus to shoot. Or punch. Xanxus isn’t usually picky when it comes to venting out his frustrations on Vongola Decimo.
“I’m not,” Xanxus refuted. “Stop talking and go back to sleep.”
It’s very, very hard to remember that Xanxus can kill him with that bed head and that adorable grumpy scowl that makes Tsuna want to coo at him. Stone cold killers shouldn’t be cute.
Tsuna shakes his head and makes to get up, only to bite back a squeak of alarm when that hand – which he had forgotten was on his stomach – tightens its hold on him and drags him closer to that warm, sleepy torso.
“Stop squirming,” Xanxus grumbled. Tsuna sighed and doesn’t protest anymore.
Both of them get comfortable, sleep creeping up on the edges of Tsuna’s mind.
Of course, that’s when the door bursts open, Tsuna’s Guardian’s in a panic as they search for their wayward Decimo.
Xanxus gets off him in an instant, guns suddenly sprouting from his hands and shooting everyone moving, even any of the Varia stupid enough to go near Xanxus’s room without any coffee.
Tsuna just groans, covering his face with a pillow and going back to sleep.
It’s not use, his Guardian’s drag his unresisting body back to the Medical Wing, convinced that he’d been drugged.
He’s too embarrassed to tell them that he just fell asleep on Xanxus while both of them were consuming the wine he’d brought to the Varia as a, “my father sucks too, can we commiserate about it,” party.
And then, he does end up nearly assassinated and everyone’s too busy hunting down the perpetrators to find him regular bodyguards. Or rather, even Hayato is too pissed off to stay by Tsuna’s side.
Given that his birthday cake got poisoned with Bianchi nowhere near it, he did concede the point that it had been getting a bit personal.
Still, who volunteered the Varia to be the bodyguards of the week? They needed to be shot.
“You’re staying with me,” Xanxus tells him. “We can’t spare the people to watch over you.”
What Xanxus means about that is clear until it isn’t.
Well, it’s clear that he’s going to be making use of Xanxus’s office as he works on his paperwork. It’s also understandable that he’s going to have all his food tested and he’s going to end up eating with Xanxus.
What’s not clear is where he’s going to sleep until he’s dragged in his pajamas to Xanxus’s room, and to his large bed.
“What,” he asked, more a statement than a question.
“Get in,” Xanxus growled sleepily. “I told you I can’t spare anybody to watching you. So you’re with me.”
He climbed in. He’s willingly climbing into Xanxus’s bed. What even is his life?
Tsuna didn’t know, but he’s willing to bet that it’s Reborn’s fault.
And then it happens again.
By the third time, Tsuna’s resigned to the fact that fate wants him to end up in Xanxus’s bed. It’s no hardship, despite what other people think.
Tsuna gets cold pretty easily – a remnant of the seal that Nonno placed him under – and Xanxus was practically a bonfire. He’s also pretty comfy to sleep on, warm with all the right firm parts to lean on.
He also cuddled. It didn’t look like it, but Xanxus was a champion cuddler.
Tsuna, who had been touch starved by the time Reborn got to him, never refused cuddles.
So no, it wasn’t a hardship.
Except Tsuna’s Guardians refuse to accept that Xanxus was the perfect bedmate. They were pretty sure he was being coerced to staying put.
Tsuna didn’t have the heart to tell them that aside from the first morning, he wasn’t being coerced. In fact, he’s pretty much finding excuses to doing it.
“You’re weird, you know that, little Decimo,” Squalo cornered him on his way out one morning.
Tsuna’s learned to translate what Squalo means. Filtering out the curses and the yelling barely takes him any effort these days.
He blinked at this though. He doesn’t have the context so he doesn’t get offended. Yet. There’s still time for the offense. With the Varia, it’s practically sport.
“A lot of people want to sleep with the boss,” Squalo clarified. “But most of those people don’t stay once the wine glasses start getting thrown around. Or the cursing.”
Tsuna wants to sigh, but holds it in. People should stop underestimating him, he wanted to mutter, except it was so useful to be underestimated.
“I’m not ‘people’,” he said to Squalo quietly. “I’m Tsuna.”
Squalo smirked. “Yeah. So you are.”
A few months in, and Tsuna realized that his Guardians have stopped dramatically bursting into the Varia headquarters.
Not that he doesn’t appreciate it, but when his Guardians start behaving, that means something’s going to break soon. And he’s usually the one signing off on the repair bills.
“You guys are too quiet,” he accused Takeshi, stopping him on his way to breakfast.
Takeshi laughed. Whoever said that Takeshi was easy to interrogate was lying. “You’re so suspicious, Tsuna!”
Hayato would only sigh at him. Ryohei clapped him on the back and Chrome just kissed his cheek.
He didn’t even try with Hibari or Mukuro.
The only person who gave him some sort of insight was Lambo. The thirteen year old frowned at him, saying, “We’re just giving in to the inevitable. Everyone else was in denial? I think the only one you have to convince at the moment is Reborn.”
Tsuna blinked blankly. “What?”
Lambo blinked blankly back. “Reborn? Greatest Hitman in the World? Has the unfortunate habit of shooting people when they piss him off?”
Tsuna shaked his head. “No, I mean, what?”
At this point, Lambo started to smile. “Oh my god, you don’t know? I’m not going to tell you, I like being alive.”
Tsuna got nothing else from him.
He’s so confused, at this point, he really would welcome another assassination. At least that’s straightforward.
And then Xanxus gets drunk and Tsuna’s the one dragging his ass to Tsuna’s bed this time. Which is a novelty since contrary to popular belief, Xanxus only drinks in the Varia HQ, where he knows everyone and he’s secure of his own safety.
“I can’t believe you got drunk in the Iron Fort,” Tsuna muttered. “This must be what Nonno means about furthering the relationship between various allies. At least you trust me enough not to kill you.”
A heavy warm arm wraps itself around Tsuna’s waist and hauls him towards the sleepy figure.
Since he’s practically been Pavloved with cuddles, Tsuna just goes boneless and doesn’t resist.
“Don’t shoot me in the morning,” Tsuna said to the ceiling.
Tsuna doesn’t get shot, but Xanxus looks at him strangely in the morning.
He’s completely sure that the breakfast and coffee tray he brought was the shocker. Everyone in Italy seems to find it surprising that he can cook his own food.
“I brought you breakfast,” Tsuna announced, holding up the tray like an offering. “Is bacon alright? I also fried some eggs.”
Xanxus hesitated before eating, but his expression of delight at the edible food made Tsuna feel warm.
“Put the tray on the floor and come back to bed,” Tsuna announced after he brushed his teeth. “Squalo met me outside earlier and told me he cleared our schedule for today.”
“Trash, what are you doing?” Xanxus finally asked.
Tsuna looked at him in confusion. “Sleeping in? I swear, I spend all my vacation days sleeping. Riding herd on my Guardians gives me sleepless nights. They cause me insomnia, I swear.”
Xanxus stared for a few more minutes before huffing out a laugh. “Yeah. Mine too. Come here,” he gestured.
Tsuna willingly snuggled into those warm arms.
Xanxus’s expression was bemused, but he was also smiling. Tsuna took note, but didn’t really try to think about why. His Intuition tugged at him, but he ignored it. He was warm, sleepy and having a Vacation Day.
Part 2 coming up...
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