#un journal
chchae · 2 years
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C’est primière fois que j’écris par français.
C’est difficille pour moi.
En tous cas, aujourdhui- j’ai promené avec mama et puis avoir vu des belle fleurs ensuite Nous avons pris une icecreame devant le lac, C’est très très bon. Chaque quand nous sommes allées y, avoir pris mangè ça. Nous promenâmes un peu plus. Voir des canards et aussi avoir pris des selfies. Voilà:) Ça a eu comme même belle un jour aujourd’hui.
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moonlayl · 6 months
Israel has lost the fucking plot. This is insane.
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More than 90 UN workers have been killed by Israel since October 7th, by the way.
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Like all they have to do is accuse anyone or any place of being Hamas/Hamas base with NO proof, to justify bombing/killing, and some of you, along with western politicians are like “yeah seems legit”.
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mysharona1987 · 2 months
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A tale of two headlines.
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gaykarstaagforever · 5 months
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1) The UN put a Emirati prince, who is also head of a state oil company, in charge of its climate change talks.
2) CNN is shocked that this fossil fuel billionaire, who somehow hijacked this already-pointless conference for horny alcoholic diplomats, thinks there is no scientific proof for human-caused climate change.
With journalism this embarrassingly absurd, who needs Facebook misinformation?
I don't know anything about this Laura Paddison who works for CNN. But it is obvious I have no reason to.
This is how the world boils to death. And if no one cares this hard, then good riddance.
The Ruling Council of Krypton wasn't this rock-stupid.
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fidjiefidjie · 2 months
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📰 "Crise agricole 🚜 : comment relancer après le grand ratage"
La Une de l'Opinion
Gif Giphy
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silicacid · 4 months
No evidence of inflated mortality reporting from the Gaza Ministry of Health
Benjamin Q Huynh, Elizabeth T Chin, Paul B Spiegel
Published: December 06, 2023
Mortality reporting is a crucial indicator of the severity of a conflict setting, but it can also be inflated or under-reported for political purposes. Amidst the ongoing conflict in Gaza, some political parties have indicated scepticism about the reporting of fatalities by the Gaza Ministry of Health (MoH).
The Gaza MoH has historically reported accurate mortality data, with discrepancies between MoH reporting and independent United Nations analyses ranging from 1·5% to 3·8% in previous conflicts. A comparison between the Gaza MoH and Israeli Foreign Ministry mortality figures for the 2014 war yielded an 8·0% discrepancy.2 Public scepticism of the current reports by the Gaza MoH might undermine the efforts to reduce civilian harm and provide life-saving assistance. Using publicly available information, we compared the Gaza MoH's mortality reports with a separate source of mortality reporting and found no evidence of inflated rates. We conducted a temporal analysis of cumulative-reported mortality within Gaza for deaths of Gazans as reported by the MoH and reported staff member deaths from the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA), from Oct 7 to Nov 10, 2023. These two data sources used independent methods of mortality verification, enabling assessment of reporting consistency.
We observed similar daily trends, indicating temporal consistency in response to bombing events until a spike of UNRWA staff deaths occurred on Oct 26, 2023, when 14 UNRWA staff members were killed, of whom 13 died in their homes due to bombings. Subsequent attacks raised the UNRWA death rate while MoH hospital services diminished until MoH communications and mortality reporting collapsed on Nov 10, 2023. During this period, mortality might have been under-reported by the Gaza MoH due to decreased capacity. Cumulative reported deaths were 101 UNRWA staff members and 11,078 Gazans over 35 days. By comparison, an average of 4884 registered deaths occurred per year in 2015–19 in Gaza.
Cumulative reported mortality rates (Oct 7–Nov 10, 2023)
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Data are calculated by separate death reports from the Gaza Ministry of Health (MoH; red line) and the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA; blue line).
If MoH mortality figures were substantially inflated, the MoH mortality rates would be expected to be higher than the UNRWA mortality rates. Instead, the MoH mortality rates are lower than the rates reported for UNRWA staff (5.3 deaths per 1000 vs 7.8 deaths per 1000, as of Nov 10, 2023). Hypothetically, if MoH mortality data were inflated from, for example, an underlying value of 2–4 deaths per 1000, it would imply that UNRWA staff mortality risk is 2.0–3.9 times higher than that of the public. This scenario is unlikely as many UNRWA staff deaths occurred at home or in areas with high civilian populations, such as in schools or shelters.
Mortality reporting is difficult to conduct in ongoing conflicts. Initial news reports might be imprecise, and subsequent verified reports might undercount deaths that are not recorded by hospitals or morgues, such as persons buried under rubble. However, difficulties obtaining accurate mortality figures should not be interpreted as intentionally misreported data. Although valid mortality counts are important, the situation in Gaza is severe, with high levels of civilian harm and extremely restricted access to aid. Efforts to dispute mortality reporting should not distract from the humanitarian imperative to save civilian lives by ensuring appropriate medical supplies, food, water, and fuel are provided immediately.
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anxious-glow · 5 months
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Met up with a friend from middleschool and was very disappointed. We were such good friends but I realized again how different we were and how different are lives are and how different they will be. After all these years, she is still the same- nothing has changed. I’ve been to so many countries this year doing exciting things and looking for what’s next. I have goals and ambitions and she doesn’t. There was no more communication. There was nothing to talk about so we parted early.
Coincidentally, I ran into a friend of a friend who was meeting with my close uni friend. Looking back it was like fate that I joined them for dinner and had a better time than less than an hour ago with my old friend.
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reuna · 3 months
"The court case is emblematic of a wider confrontation that seems to ask, from within the very same institutions that established it, if this human rights infrastructure is real, or just a theatre to be convened in the service of some international caste system."
"The case will be dismissed, of course, as it already has been, forcefully by the US, UK, Canada, Germany and others. But there is a cost to dismissing concepts and processes that underpin the very legitimacy of these countries’ claim to moral authority. Crucially, this moral authority is the reason for appointing themselves the sound custodians of a global foreign policy where the weak are protected and the aggressive arrested. The conflict has put such allies in the position of undermining their own systems or ignoring them, leaching away credibility.
When you are on the wrong side of the UN secretary general, numerous human rights organisations, and objecting to a submission in a global court to which you are a signatory (and in the case of the US and the UK, a court that you established), you are dismantling your house with the very tools that built it. I winced listening to Rishi Sunak justifying airstrikes on the Houthis in Yemen on the grounds of “breaches of international law” and ensuring parties cannot “act with impunity” – the sort of language that appeals and refers to norms that are being blitzed in Gaza. It never sounded more hollow."
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iphigeniacomplex · 7 days
[It is abominable, unquenchable by touch] by Diane Seuss
It is abominable, unquenchable by touch, closer to the sublime than sentimental, more animal than hominid, I've seen it in the eyes of birds weaving on a stem of ragweed, voracious, singular, there is no one like me, Dickinson in her narrow bed, her cold clenched hands, her penmanship unreadable, even following a recipe for black cake, her black cake came out strange, lusher than the template, and every freak I ever met had that same look in their eyes, armless, threading a needle with their lips and teeth, legless, rounding a corner on their cerulean cart, monarchic, imperious, wild, sad, and like every virgin queen, the need for love revolting and grand.
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brother-emperors · 5 months
nikkicafeina said: There's just /something/ there when all our revolutionary leaders learned about justice and heroism and politics from Europe (sometimes IN Europe) and Europe learned it from Rome and in the end it just comes down to how we've never learned to say "freedom" in our own languages, and maybe we never can.
I actually have a much more optimistic opinion on this! even if our history has been brutalized four times over (spain, america, japan, and both marcos administrations), we did, as a people, learn to cry for freedom, and it did not come from a place of Roman imagery or European thought.
there were parts of the Philippines that managed to escape the full force of imperial violence due to the simple fact of geography, and they resisted tyranny as much as someone inspired by the writings of Rizal did, and there were parts of the Philippines that have always resisted the forceful reach of Manila to culturally assimilate and consume all other cultures and regions under an invented national one. these are calls for freedom, maybe without language, but it IS resistance born out of the filipino people, without the hand of europe to guide it.
even if much of our history was lost, rewritten, bastardized, the Filipino people have always resisted, even if the conclusion was tragic or forced into something else by someone's poetic but misguided bullshit, because at the end of the day, it is intolerable to be under the foot of someone else and it always has been, everywhere across the world.
the continuation of imperial visuals (whether it's the Western talking points of the government, the architecture, the Roman Empire) has a lot to do with structures of power. the government is distinctly European-Western. honestly, it's fucking American. it's driven by capitalism and imperialism, or a desire to ally with imperialist nations, to subjugate and maintain power to benefit a handful of officials who desire profit above all else. this is a tragedy, and we seem unable to shake it!
but. our students have always come forward to fight against injustice. we burned effigies, we protested, we call for justice even when our journalists are killed, our farmers are massacred in the streets, when our people are shot down by the military. many people from my province do not have a higher education, they would not know of the messy politics of imperial powers, but they do know that the elections were bullshit and the farmers are suffering and government doesn't fucking care, so they all turned out to march through the city to cry for justice, to be recognized.
today, we hold hands across seas with other oppressed people who are also desperate for freedom and peace. it would be nice to have our own words for it! but I'm not sure that we need it. it's enough to stand next to our countrymen and for others across the world and say, I got your back.
as the chant goes: from the classrooms to the streets, etc.
if our history had not been colonized, we might have had our own words and philosophies for it, instead of borrowed approximations, but the desire for freedom and justice is very much ours, and we have always called for it through action. the language now, I think, is one of solidarity. like, I think above all else, we MUST believe in a better future.
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5 • Septiembre • 2023
Día 9 Contacto Cero.
¿Con que tatuaje nuevo eh? (Lo siento, creo que volví a recaer y revise una que otra red, pero si se lo preguntan no le hable)
Recuerdo cuando decías que lo querías, vaya que los sueños se cumplen. Inspirándome y releyendo el ultimo escrito no relacionado con el contacto cero… tuve razón corazón, tienes muchos amigos y los haces reír con tus chistes malos.
¿Sigues en el hoyo en el que me contaste que estabas?, ¿la linterna que te di ese último día sirve para iluminar de vez en cuando ese cuarto que se traga hasta la luz (menos la de mi lamparita)?.
Hoy… volví a recaer y a llorar peeeeero, en el transcurso del día me pude mejorar, hoy sin querer escribir tu nombre por ahí y que guapo te ves en esa fotografía blanco y negro ( lo siento juro que si respete el no mandar mensaje)
Te ves delgado, ¿has comido bien?, ¿que tal tu dieta?, ¿sabe fea?, ¿extrañas que alguien perciba ese aroma tan peculiar de levadura en tu cuerpo?, ¿extrañas que alguien colara el chile de tu asado?, tengo demasiado en la cabeza, lo siento.
Lo siento.
Lo siento.
Lo siento.
¿La condena del perdón?, perdón…
Yo… he estado planeando remodelar el cuarto y sigo pensando en hacerme esos tatuajes… quizás deba hacerme uno para entender tu gusto ( me gustó mucho el diseño del tuyo, quiero uno igual)
Hoy también nos enteramos que el ojo alegre de mi trabajo ya esta enamorado. Me he dado cuenta que el amor nos cambia… para bien o para mal.
Hoy no me pude levantar… y falte al hospital… ayer en la noche no pare de llorar y hoy por la mañana… fatal.
Hoy… te extrañé mas de lo normal y mis ojos hinchados me fueron a delatar, use lentes de sol enormes para poder derramar el mar.
¿Tu también lloras de vez en cuando?, ¿eres mas feliz sin mi?, yo estoy aprendiendo a cuidar de mi ( de nuevo… creo… o ¿de cero?).
Te extraño, te quiero.
Te amo… como la Luna ama al Sol, Te amo de aquí hasta…
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gravityinyourwords · 1 year
Guia para hacer un Vision Board
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a-room-of-my-own · 6 months
Tiens le Guillaume Meurice - grand spécialiste du micro trottoir pas drôle payé avec mes impôts - s’est pris un avertissement de sa patronne pour ses propos à l’antenne et maintenant vient chialer qu’il va faire appel à la justice qui est pourtant - si j’ai bien lu mes fiches - patriarcale, bourgeoise et néocoloniale.
En plus on parle d’un avertissement, pas d’un licenciement. Le mec est à deux doigts de découvrir qu’il bosse pour le service public et qu’il a des comptes à rendre. Déjà que le service public est à 90% à gauche et que tout le monde se tamponne du pluralisme, il va venir geindre qu’on le laisse pas faire du Rivarol à l’antenne.
Mais crée ton média mon petit coco ! Faits et Documents recrute peut-être !
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mysharona1987 · 6 months
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J'irai bien faire un plouf au lac d'à côté. Mais j'aurais aussi pu envisager d'embrasser cette femme, tiens, ça m'aurais fait du bien d'avoir cette sensation. Mais les incertitudes des envies partagées sont là, sources de tous mes problèmes
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fidjiefidjie · 1 month
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"Attentat :comment Poutine va se venger ?" 📰
La Une :La dépêche du Midi
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