#ugh i just. idk how he'd eventually buy something from you
kaeyx · 20 days
imagine being a stripper n chuuya is a regular at the club you work at & he's managed to catch ur eye.. oh the demons
(heading to a private room w/ him, or maybe you let him take you home and act out all his fantasies ohh lor djdn)
- 🐍
Imagine you work in a club in PM territory and there's some other gang trying to intrude on the turf, and they're not big in Yokohama specifically but they are incredibly violent. And the PM can't let people think that someone can barge into a protected establishment and do whatever they want, so Chuuya gets sent in twice a week or so to keep an eye on the general area.
You like to man the bar on the nights he's in because nobody else will, since Chuuya comes in and orders a drink before sitting in silence for hours, barely looking at any of the dancers and not buying any services. The owner refuses to kick him out and everyone is instructed to be very nice to him though, so he's a mystery you want to crack. Chuuya tells you he's not going to pay you anything for sitting across from him and chatting, but says nothing when you ask him why he's in a strip club if he's not watching the dancers or paying for a room. He's a gorgeous man, young and obviously very wealthy, so you have no idea why he'd have to resort to escorts for sex. Not that he ever gets an escort.
The whole situation is weird but it's fun to try and get conversation out of him on slow nights, when you're not going to be making tips anyway and none of your normal regulars are there. Chuuya loosens up considerably after his first drink, letting you see a cheerful, charming man underneath the usual scowl he wears when he sits in his corner and scans the club for hours at a time.
Chuuya is very glad he decided to take care of this thing himself. While his subordinates scan the neighbourhood he protects the main business that's getting targeted, and coincidentally gets to spend more time with you. You're relentless in your advances and don't seem deterred by the fact that there's no money in it for you, even though Chuuya would have no issues with paying you. Hell he could probably buy the whole club, but he doesn't want you to think he's here for that, incase word gets around and he starts attracting the other employees' attention.
You're fucking gorgeous though, always dressed in something skimpy and pretty, your hair smelling like perfume and your hands well tended to. You serve drinks and walk around with a practiced sway in your hips and there's more than one patron who likes to shove their tips right into your waistband. Chuuya likes watching you talk and laugh, working diligently throughout the night to entertain everyone.
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j-u-p-i-t-e-r1 · 2 years
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Mikey x reader
Tags: No ones dead Besides Shinichiro ,Alternate Universe - No Time Travel, mainly fluff, Maybe angst idk how to tag people
It was a chilly morning, the sun hadn't risen enough to warm up the city yet. It was times like this I cursed the Japanese school girl uniform, the skirt doing nothing to keep my legs warm. I shivered a bit and walked faster, thinking the excessive movement would warm me up and get me to school quicker.
I'm going to a new school actually, I had just moved into the neighborhood. It's a bit cliché huh?
I'm not too nervous though, it's not like I'm an unlikable person so I should get along with others and fit in. One thing though, is I heard rumors about a bunch of delinquent formed gangs around here. That's obviously a cause for concern, I pray that I can avoid all that!
My pace slowed as a convenience store caught my attention. 'I got my allowance early this month.. I could buy a snack or two right..?' I thought, trying to reason with myself on why I'm not a fatass before heading inside. A little bell on the door dinged as I entered. It was warmer than outside which was nice but honestly the floors were a bit filthy, sticky with old soda stains and crumbs. 'Ugh it's not that hard to sweep and mop.. Whatever, where are the sweets?' I looked around a bit before making a beeline to the isle I needed and grabbed some of my favorite snacks. My bag might be a little small but if I shove it all in there it should fit. As I headed up to the register, I noticed a boy who was a bit shorter than me getting yelled at by the store owner?
"For the last time no! This is a convenience store! If you want something you pay with money, we don't accept IOU's!" The owner slammed his hand on the counter but the boy didn't look phased at all he just kept saying 'I promise I'll pay you back'. I looked to see what he wanted and it was just a single taiyaki. The guy didn't seem like he'd be leaving empty handed so I decided to just-
"Excuse me," I intervened, "I'll just buy it for him." I said as I put my items on the counter to be rung up. "Are you sure?" The store owner asked to make sure and went to scan after I nodded yes.
"Thanks, I'll pay you back..uh..?"
"My name is (Y/n), what's yours?" I smiled before handing him his taiyaki. "You can call me Mikey." He took it and immediately opened it. He had a satisfied smile on his face as he chewed, seeing him happy was worth buying it for him even if I didn't know the guy. "Uh bye-bye..!" I bid him farewell as I left the store, he waved.
'Doubt he'll pay me back..' I thought before walking on.
The school day was uneventful, everyone crowded around me during break, interested in the new girl which was a bit unsettling at first but eventually things calmed down like I knew it would. I made friends with some girls from my class already so things were looking good! If you were thinking this would be a story where I would be a loner and get bullied, you're dead wrong because having no friends and getting harassed simply isn't poggers and why wouldn't people wanna be friends with me? I'm epic. Sorry I'll fix the fourth wall.
'Anyways, the first day of school went without any problems!' I thought as I skipped home. Honestly why don't people skip more? It's faster and more fun than walking, this is a fault of society. Unfortunately I had to stop skipping as a group of boys were in the way on the sidewalk. I muttered an 'excuse me' and tried to walk around them but then one of them grabbed my arm. "Hey! Where do you think you're going?" He grinned showing off a missing tooth. I suppressed the urge to gag. "Dude let me go, I'm just heading home.." I tried tugging my arm free, one of the other boys who'd been smoking a cigarette blew the smoke in my face before saying, "You gotta pay if you wanna pass, little lady." I coughed a bit and faced away from them, not just because of the smoke but because they were all fucking hideous. "Listen, I don't have any money on me besides a bit of change, I spent it on lunch okay?" I tried telling them but they weren't buying it.
"You expect me to believe you don't got bus or train money? Whatever. You can always pay us in a different way.." the guy who seemed to be the leader chuckled darkly before heading towards me and the other guy holding my arm. "A-ayo.. I hope you're not insinuating what I think you are.." I nervously laughed trying to step back only to get the reply "I don't know what that word means."
It felt like there was a frog in my throat, I wanted to scream but nothing came out, I told myself to run but my legs wouldn't move. The guy reached his hand out to lift my shirt and I just-
"FUCK!" He screamed and fell over clutching his crotch. I stared at my raised leg for a second before realizing I kicked him in the balls. I tried not to laugh, but c'mon! His whole face was bright red and he had a few tears- he looked like a idiot!
"You little whore, we weren't gonna rough you up too bad but now we'll make sure you aren't leaving without paying us a proper apology.." the guy holding my arm pushed me back and slammed me against the chain fence that was by the sidewalk. I grunted at the impact and the struggle I tried putting up though it seemed useless, there were like 5 guys all surrounding me, there's no way I could get out.
"L-listen listen listen! I didn't mean to kick him I swear! It was a reflex! Besides, didn't your mother teach you how to treat ladies? 'Cause it ain't like this that's for damn sure!" I panicked and tried breaking free from the one holding my arms above my head while another reached for my skirt. 'Oh shit oh fuck oh shit oh fuck-'
All of a sudden, like a flash, they were off me. As if one of them was thrown into the others and sent them all tumbling down like bowling pins, well in this case it was more like kicked. "H..huh?" I looked at the boys who were now stumbling to get back on their feet and then over at where the attack came from. "Hey you're..!" I recognized him from this morning, the boy I bought the snack for.. but what was he trying to do? He's way smaller than most of them plus they outnumber him! "Uhm.. you don't gotta worry about me! Just get outta here or they'll just beat you up!" I tried warning him but he paid no mind and walked forward till he was face to face with the leader guy from earlier. "Who the hell do you think you- oh..shit.." his face paled as if he made some crucial revelation, and soon the other boys made the same look and immediately started bowing.
'What is going on? Is he someone important..?' I questioned as other boys started sweating. "Uh we know what it looks like but-!" He wasn't able to finish his sentence as he got a kick straight to the face that sent him flying back. "Woah!" I looked at Mikey in disbelief, 'He's really that strong what the hell..?'
"I don't know what the hell makes you think you can do crap like this on my turf but I'll tell ya that scum like you guys ain't welcome here." That was the last thing he said before beating the shit out of the rest of them. All I did was stare in awe, I mean how could I not? That was so.. fucking badass! They were all knocked out bloody on the ground while he didn't have so much as a scratch on him. "Thanks," I spoke up, "I guess that was you paying me back huh..?" I chuckled only for him to give me a confused look.
"Oh! I remember you now." He smiled. 'What. He just.. forgot about me? I mean sure it's been a day but..' I suddenly felt a bit embarrassed but I mean it makes sense I guess, why would he remember me? We only spoke for like 5 minutes. "I wouldn't count that as paying you back, I would've done that for anyone," he walked towards me and picked up my bag that I had dropped in the scuffle, "So as an actual pay back, I can give you a ride home? My bike isn't parked too far away." He held out my bag for me to take. 'Should I really..? It is getting dark and I don't wanna risk getting attacked again- but who's to say he won't attack me!? I don't even know the guy!' I hesitated but after looking at the kind smile he gave me.. I had a feeling in my gut that he wasn't a bad person.
I grabbed my bag from him, "Yeah, thanks, that would be nice." "Alright follow me." He cheerfully walked on the knocked out guys, not caring about the painful groans they let out.
I sat behind him on his bike and held on to his waist. While walking to his bike I had told him where I lived and that he didn't have to rush to get there. The hum of that bike wasn't too loud so I decided to ask a few questions. "Mikey? So like.. why did those guys freak out and bow when they saw you? I just thought I was kinda weird.." I chuckled and waited for him to answer. He hesitated like he was wondering if he should answer but he eventually did, "I'm the leader of a gang called Toman."
Uh oh.
Am I seriously on some gang leader's bike and he's driving to MY HOUSE? God (Y/n) you're such an idiot- wait no I'm not!? This guy doesn't look like a delinquent, that's why I trusted him in the first place so it's now my fault! Is he screwing with me? Even so, he was really strong... to take on 5 guys at once without breaking a sweat? Crazy. He must've sensed my fear or something because he immediately went, "I'm not gonna hurt you or anything, I don't hit women. The only people I have business with are other delinquents. Besides it would be rude after you bought me that taiyaki- actually, do you have any money on you?" He looked back at me. "Uh yeah I have a bit, why?" "Can you buy me another taiyaki?" He grinned a cheesy smile which I discovered quickly was hard to say no to.
After a quick detour to a corner store we were back to heading to my house. "You must really like those huh?" I laughed as he practically devoured it. "Mhmm." Was all he responded with. Is this guy really with a gang? It's weird for a delinquent to be so nice and young looking. He's not that intimidating, besides when he beat up those guys earlier..
"We're here right? This should be your street." He said as he turned a corner. "Yup! Just 4 houses down." He rode with me all the way to my doorstep. By the time I got home the sun was almost finished setting. As I hopped off, I turned to thank him again. "Bye-bye Mikey, and thanks for saving me and stuff." I grinned when he gave me a boyish smile, "It was no problem, have a good night (Y/n)-chin!" Huh? "(Y/n)-chin..?" "Yep (Y/n)-chin. Bye see ya around!" He called out as he drove off, his bike growling with the speed it had.
"That's his nickname for me huh..? What a weirdo.." I laughed and headed inside. I didn't expect much from today but I met someone interesting that's for sure, I hope I can see him again.
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