#tyr quit adopting him challenge you've known him for four hours
tiredassmage · 1 year
Whadda heck are words? What’s dialogue? I’m struggling. Leo’s poor decisions on Nar Shadaa continue to be unraveled by our non-local agent adksfnlsaf
This is doing numbers on me emotionally and also cause good stars above how do people flirt I’ve suddenly never seen a romance in my life Tyr go easy on me dude (Cipher Nine kisses you and diagnoses you with Emotions, Would You Like to Talk About Them? more at 11?)
When he returns to the room, Leo’s curled up with one of the pillows, a hand twining idly in a long lock of dark hair with unfocused dark eyes settled somewhere along the wall.
Tyr props a shoulder in the doorway and flashes a grin. “Miss me?”
Leo blinks, brought back into the present before he smiles and tosses his hair back over his shoulder. “You stayed.”
Tyr bluffs a light huff of laughter. “‘Course I did, gorgeous,” he teases as he saunters over. “Y’don’t find goods like this just anywhere, right?” He momentarily caresses Leo’s ass before he falls back into bed with him, Leo rolling onto his back to let Tyr straddle him again.
Tyr brushes his hair back from his eyes. “Hey,” he says softly, “Wha’s a matter? Somethin’ on your mind?”
Leo shakes his head, but his gaze remains elusive. Tyr works fingers gently through his hair for a few more moments, carefully teasing out knots he comes across. Leo’s fingers tangle in his shirt at his sides, twisting slowly a few times until the fabric is pulled more taught across his back.
Tyr stops and looks back down at him. “If you’re uncomfortable, just say the word,” he says. “You owe me nothing, Captain.”
Leo’s head shakes again. “It’s… It’s not…”
Tyr’s hands settle on either side of his head, just enough to brace himself. “Drinks catchin’ up with you, handsome?”
Leo’s nose screws up in a mild frown that pulls a faint breath of a chuckle out of Tyr. He settles beside the smuggler, resting against one arm. “D’you wanna talk?”
Leo’s frown wavers for a moment as he shuffles to face him. “Awfully uh… awfully accommodation’ for a man I picked up at a cantina.”
Tyr offers him a softer smile before he reaches out and traces a finger softly down Leo’s nose. “Troubles are a credit a piece, Captain,” he says. “Sometimes cheaper. They ain’t so easy to solve, though.”
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