#ty for asking dani!! at this point in time i'm covered!! ๐Ÿ‘โœจ๐Ÿ’–
nocturnalsleuth ยท 2 months
Hey friendo, to help you out with avoiding flashy videos or GIFs, what tags can I use to help you out? I know it can vary from person to person...
The big go-to tags would be 'seizure warning' or 'flashing lights' (i also tag 'rapid cuts'/'animated text' but i think that's just me getting too specific, and some people use 'strobe lights'/strobing lights'/'pulsing lights')! The other tags I use are just for sorting/filtering purposes that aren't for content warnings ('video tag'/'gif tag'/'gif set').
But for the most part, I'm covered, even if something isn't tagged properly!
I have videos and gifs set to 'tap to start/play' with the accessibility settings on my phone, and xkit adds accessibility options and video player settings on tumblr desktop which do the same thing (and there are various gif/video/animation pausing extensions for firefox as well)!
It was definitely more of a concern when we were younger and it took several years before I was on meds that completely stopped the seizures. So unless I miss something like, two and a half days of doses (the amount i missed last time i had a seizure, i think it was December 2016), the chances of me having a seizure from a few seconds of an internet video are basically nil โœจโœŒ๏ธ๐Ÿ˜ŽโœŒ๏ธโœจ
honestly the worst thing that'll happen with the miniscule chance smth DOES slip under the radar is the little bit of panic that came with. y'know. years of hat-wearing/shade-wearing/trigger-avoiding-at-all-costs. lol
Fun Fact for those who dont know me irl: it was mandatory for me to wear a hat when I was outside at school and when I hit my teens the hat of choice was. A trilby. I still have it. Somewhere.
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