#truly its that talking about gender with trans ppl vs talking about gender with cis ppl meme. we're in advanced territory here
baltears · 2 years
as a nonbi/nary person it is not my responsibility to exert myself and spend my energy trying to actively distance myself from my agab in ways im not personally interested in doing. if people perceive me as a girl that is simply bc their third eye is closed and its not my fault
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rosirae-a · 6 years
first, context. ok so i already wrote abt it in the replies of this post but i figured this would be easier for people to reblog in this format & i can maybe write a bit more abt it.
the reason why cisswaps, rule 64/63 or whatever the rule is, also known as GENDERBENDS are transphobic are the usual reasons: invalidating trans ppl, etc. etc. etc. i won’t repeat that, because if you weren’t listening then chances are you won’t now.
though even KNOWING JUST THAT—that it invalidates trans ppl—y’all cis ppl won’t stop. like c’mon that’s all you should have 2 kno tbh. there’s already sumthin wrong w that.
still, though, hopefully i can clear things up a lil bit, & PLEASE TALK TO ME if u have more questions instead of vaguing at me or w/e. i’m so sick of seeing genderbends tbh. final note: i’m not tryna attack you, so don’t use that as an excuse to not listen.
so sum1 brought up the following idea (which i’m glad they did, since y’all need to tell us what’s confusing u so we can explain it. maybe logic will work ? who would’ve thought — sorry i’m salty):
Its funny how many people will say “I won’t interact with cisswaps they’re transphobic whats in their pants shouldn’t matter!” yet a lot of the time when they make muses trans they’ll usually swap their birth sex, usually to take a canon male muse and making them female-at-birth but now a transman instead of making them a transwoman or something, or just leaving them as their canon sex in the first place. Because what’s in their pants doesn’t matter, right. Has no one else caught this hypocrisy?
frankly, i can see where you might be a lil confused, if u’re viewing it that way/ so lemme clear a couple things up. i think a lot of the problem is people not seeing how writing characters as trans isn’t cisswapping/genderbending/w/e.
NOTE: the following is mostly applicable to mtf & ftm, though people who are other genders may also identify as trans, like me, whomst identifies as masc nb. this is not to ignore them; i would like to recognize them but focus on what the community generally identifies as a trans person when they’re writing noncis characters, since typically they’ll just call those ‘nonbinary,’ which they are as well. (it’s an individual choice to be called whichever, or both.)
first of all, whether the interpretation of the muse is cis or trans, the idea is that they end up with their canon gender.
this means that even if you have a muse that’s ftm (born female, identifying as male,) but they’re canonly identifying as feminine, that’s bad. that’s transphobic. we’re not excusing that, that’s some nasties who think they can get away with it cause their muse is trans ‘uwu u can’t hurt us !!!’ nope. still bad.
why is it bad? because that is basically cisswapping, but trying to cover it by saying that “no it’s just trans hcs.” that’s just as bad, so don’t get that idea in your heads that that’s okay, either.
if you say that a cis masc person is the “same thing” as someone who is trans mtf, by following the idea above of it being okay (since it’s “not really transphobic,” as some people claim, which the op of the confession noticed & rightfully identified as wrong) that’s nasty because it’s insinuating that even if someone is trans, it’s their sex that matters. cisswaps work similarly.
why are either of those bad? first of all, because trans people say so. but that’s not enough for you guys, clearly, so let me try to explain it another way:
it isn’t a cisswap when someone is trans mtf when their canon gender is female. that entire thought—that someone is cisswapped if their gender doesn’t match their sex—is inherently transphobic, because it’s saying that their sex is more important than their gender; that they aren’t “truly female.”
it’s okay that you may have thought that way. recognize it for what it is—a transphobic thought—and move on. you may think transphobic thoughts, but you can recognize them for what they are & move past them. it’s a significant step.
also, please note that y’all, when focusing on sex vs gender, ignore the fuck out of intersex people, whether y’all are cis or w/e. that’s a whole nother can of worms, though, so i’ll move on.
what we mean by “what’s in their pants doesn’t matter” isn’t that sex doesn’t matter—it does, to some extent. it changes their experiences if they are trans (having to bind, general dysphoria, etc.), & i can see that some of y’all wanna write about that.
but recognize that if you’re just trying to make them the “opposite sex” (again, real quick, reminder that intersex ppl exist,) to change that, you’re also harming millions of people. so maybe lay off on that. instead, you can have them deal with that but also be the same canon gender. that’s chill.
trans ftm ppl have to deal with sexist actions on the daily, just like cis fem ppl, or generally fem presenting people do. so y’all can have ur little ‘what if’s without being transphobic. y’all can write abt how sexist things are, or the different expectations that both men & women face (talking about them as society views them, as again intersex people) without being transphobic.
if you want to write that sort of stuff, just change their sex, not their gender. some mtf people will face sexism, though, to be clear, notably if they look female/passable for “naturally” female. (again, gross, since that implies being trans isn’t natural/it’s a choice beyond whether to actually transition.) however, it is because of that concept that you don’t have to cisswap to write your ‘uwu how’d it be different’ stuff.
they’re the same person, no matter what sex. their personality, won’t change, though maybe their views on how they experience the world — that you can easily also address by just writing a trans character. it’s that simple.
however, you should not write about transitioning & other trans experiences if you yourself are not trans. again, another can of worms, though. just take my word for it—and the hundreds of other trans ppl in our community that have to see themselves being invalidated & misrepresented every day.
when you have a genderbend, you’re saying that what’s in their pants does matter, past their daily experience (that tbh is often sexist bc often they’ll be written as shyer if they’re a female or w/e but another can of worms)
before you tell me you’re not saying that, rmmr that you’re insinuating that the character can’t be the same gender even if they’re another sex by saying that it’s cisswapping.
to finish this already too-long post:
your muse can be whatever sex you like, just keep the gender the same. (loosely, ofc, as they can be interpreted as being a diff gender canonly, such as demiboy or w/e)
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