#tried to keep this strictly aikoto focused because if I start summarizing all the info we'll be here all day lmao
theoneprecioustome · 10 months
P3RE Aikoto News
We got an influx of news today, so here is my attempt at gathering all the Aikoto ones! 😭
Portrait + Full Body Renders
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Aigis' render is finally out and they look really good together!
Aeon Social Link Confirmed
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Source: Famitsu
Famitsu were so excited about it that they literally put in the article title lol Thanks Famitsu!
Security Camera Recordings Confirmed
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So we'll get to see this moment, too.
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P3P Version of the Shrine Festival Confirmed
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Which means we may get to see Aikoto hand-holding:
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The "Live" Scene from P3M4 may or may not be in the game
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The way Makoto turns back is very reminiscent of this scene in the movies, so I'm thinking it's possible that they're adding it. It's worth noticing that in that same Famitsu interview linked above, Wada directly talks of the movies as works that allowed them to delve deeper into characters, and suggests that elements from them will find their way to P3R.
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Aikoto Battle Cut-ins
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Aikoto at School
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Thanks to Famitsu, we briefly get to see Aikoto at school. This scene has been kept the same as in the original game, so Aigis has her usual seat by Makoto's side.
Aigis Character Profile
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As always, her profile includes a line about her unusual attachment to Makoto. Here is the official translation available in the international Atlus P3RE Website:
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Aigis Edition
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They are literally releasing an "Aigis Edition" that includes an Aigis figurine 😂 The Atlus Shop in Japan also has another Limited Edition on sale that includes all this plus a Makoto Mug, a Makoto Tapestry and a Calendar. They really know how to target our wallets.
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You can see all the details in Atlus' Japanese Shop, HERE.
DLC Aikoto
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Tiny extra detail but you gotta love how Aikoto are featured here. Hopefully we'll get a look at their full DLC costumes soon!
The first two P3RE Figures are Aikoto! The Aigis figure is by Atlus and the Makoto one is by Kotobukiya.
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