#treme in particular
knowlesian · 2 years
hot david simon take: sure, the wire deserves all the praise it gets but treme and generation kill should get way way more
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xexyromero · 2 months
teacher's pet. esteban kukuriczka x fem!reader
fem!reader, esteban kukuriczka x reader, professor x aluna
cw: dry humping, age play, penetração, degradação.  
sinopse: seu professor de teatro te chama para uma aula particular.
wn: juntando quatro requests que eu recebi! kuku ciumento (obrigada @ifordoll), smut com kuku (obrigada @luludohs - com o enzo sai já já <3), dry humping (anonimo 1) & kuku prof/roleplay (anonimo 2).
“quem era aquele menino que te trouxe de carro?” esteban te perguntou, sentando na cadeira em frente a sua. ele permanecia neutro, como se perguntasse sobre o tempo ou sobre a cor do seu caderno. 
você foi pega de surpresa. o argentino não era de sentir ciúme e muito menos de perguntar qualquer coisa sobre sua vida pessoal. achou estranho. desde que começaram a transar, foi acordado que seria algo apenas casual, sem sentimentos. afinal, ele era professor e você aluna. 
“amigo meu, mora perto e quis me dar carona. algum problema, esteban?” e era verdade. seu professor te dava tudo que você queria e um pouco mais. não sentia muita necessidade de procurar em mais nenhum outro lugar. 
“ainda estamos na faculdade. me chame de professor.” 
seu corpo estremeceu. adorava quando ele falava grosso e tinha certeza que ele fez de propósito. estavam na sala de aula teórica dele, sozinhos. o homem pediu que você ficasse após a última aula para treinarem juntos uma audição que você faria. 
aula particular, como ele carinhosamente chamou. 
“desculpe, professor.” você disse, sentando na mesa dele, fazendo questão que o movimento puxasse a saia que usava para cima. “como eu disse, é só um amigo.”
ele suspirou, balançando a cabeça de um lado para o outro como se desaprovasse a sua resposta. quase como se tivesse errado a questão em uma prova. “então quer dizer que era seu amigo?” ele pergunta de novo. você assente com a cabeça. “é prática comum fazer boquete pros seus amigos?” 
esteban te olha com nojo. sua calcinha está ficando cada vez mais molhada. 
você se levanta rapidamente, se colocando de joelhos na frente dele. suas mãos tocam na coxa máscula e você o olha com rosto de súplica. “eu não fiz boquete pra ninguém, est- professor.” se corrige a tempo. ele coloca a mão grande na sua bochecha. “eu nunca faria isso. o único pau que eu gosto e quero é o seu.” faz questão de soar o mais manhosa possível, deitando o rosto sobre a palma que te afaga. 
“é, é?” ele pergunta e você confirma mais uma vez, balançando a cabeça com veracidade. “mostre pra mim.” a voz sombria. ele vai te fazer gozar só falando com você se continuar desse jeito. 
“mostrar como, professor?” a forma adorável como se comunica te causa arrepios, mas esteban adora. e você faz tudo para agradá-lo. aproveita e puxa o indicador alheio para si, chupando devagar. 
“você sabe como, querida.” 
era a deixa que precisava. tira a mão do homem da sua boca e corre os dedinhos atrevidos para o botão da calça, a fim de desabotoa-la e abrir o zíper. antes que conseguisse, é atingida por um forte tapa no rosto. você gemeu alto. 
“ficou burra, de repente?” o rosto permanece neutro. como ele conseguia se manter calmo, não sabia. mas sabia que o pau dele estava extremamente duro pelo tecido da calça. “senta no meu colo, de perna aberta. de frente pra mim.” obviamente você obedeceu, aproveitando para ficar com a bunda bem empinada no colo alheio. 
“assim, professor?” 
“assim. está fazendo direitinho. agora esfrega a buceta no meu pau. mostra pra mim o quanto que você quer que eu te foda.” 
você levanta o quadril levemente para tirar a calcinha e obedecê-lo, quando, mais uma vez, sente um tapa forte no rosto. o gemido dessa vez é ainda mais alto. “estou ficando cansado disso. se fosse pra foder uma menina burra, eu pegava qualquer uma no corredor.” seu corpo treme mais uma vez e você senta novamente, sentindo as lágrimas se formando no cantinho do olho. desvia o olhar para evitar que ele te veja chorando. 
tarde demais. “ah, não. além de tudo ela chora.” ele ri, sádico, beijando sua bochecha. “não ia levar tanto tapa se você não fosse tão burra. vou te dar mais uma chance. você consegue?” você fez rapidamente que sim com a cabeça. 
com cuidado e com hesitação, você aproxima a sua virilha coberta pela calcinha da virilha dele, coberta pela calça, levantando sua saia no processo, mas sem tirar nenhuma peça de roupa. “muito bem.” ele te encoraja e você, com um suspiro, começa a chocar seu quadril contra o dele. 
esteban coloca as mãos na sua cintura e começa a mover junto com você, chocando o pau duro contra sua buceta. a fricção começa a te deixar doida - os tecidos roçando no seu ponto mais sensível. você começa a gemer cada vez mais alto, abrindo as pernas como pode, querendo mais e mais e mais contato. 
“isso, querida.” o argentino não fica para trás, gemendo com você, só que mais baixinho e contido. a movimentação vai ficando cada vez mais frenética. “esfrega essa buceta suja no pau do seu professor, vai. mostra pra mim o quanto que você quer.” seu corpo se contraí todo.
ele te afasta de uma vez, segundos antes de você gozar. te conhece bem. sua frustração é quase palpável. 
“ah, estava indo tão bem. na hora do prêmio você não quer mais?” esteban desliza seu corpo e te deixa apoiada nos joelhos dele enquanto abre o próprio botão e zíper, libertando o pau duro da calça, que foge quase de uma vez. seus olhos brilham. 
“desculpe, professor. pensei que não ia me deixar gozar.” você admite, envergonhada, mas ainda imóvel do jeitinho que ele te deixou. “posso tirar minha calcinha?” se é que ainda era uma calcinha. já estava tão encharcada que não passava de um pano torcido. 
“não. afaste pro lado e senta.”  mais uma vez, você estava obediente e fez tal qual dito. puxou a calcinha para o lado (ou o que sobrou dela) e sentou de uma vez no pau de esteban, que já estava babado e pronto. 
assim que foi penetrada como um todo, respirou fundo, e começou a sentar com tudo no pau do homem. colocou as mãos no ombro alheio para se apoiar, tentando manter o ritmo. 
em poucas estocadas, você atingiu seu orgasmo com tudo e sentiu esteban atingindo o dele não muito tempo depois. as respirações estavam completamente descompensadas, dos dois, mas o argentino não deixou de te beijar com carinho, acariciando suas costas. 
“gostou de ser minha aluna, amor?” ele perguntou, rindo baixinho no seu ouvido. puxou da mochila aberta uma garrafinha de água. 
“gostei. mas espero que você não faça nada disso com nenhuma delas.” “só tenho olhos pra você. é a favorita do professor.” riram, enquanto você se levantava com dificuldade das pernas alheias. desde que esteban aceitara o trabalho de professor de teatro, você estava louca para viver aquela fantasia com ele. ficou muito feliz quando descobriu que o responsável pela chave da sala era ele mesmo e que não haviam câmeras.
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camptv-era · 1 year
Ace-Aro DJ
I was starting to skim Island for headcanon proof and I didn't even have to go far for it!
"Not So Happy Campers Part 1" has this:
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Duncan's remark of "She's all yours, man." Makes DJ give this face.
Yeah, the point of this scene could be 'blah, blah. Eva is undesirable' but we were just shown that Cody was trying to flirt with her too, and Duncan himself was turned off by her attitude/strength.
Then, Justin is announced! Everyone's surprised or delighted to see him. Everyone except...
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Even Duncan whom I headcanon as closeted bi is surprised.
DJ is the only one who makes two faces in this scene-- confused and then frowning. (Coincidentially, I'm also an aromantic Justin truther, but he's not who this post is about.)
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Now this scene!
In "X-treme Torture", the way Bridgette disproves DJ is the one who wrote that mystery haiku is... him deflecting.
...now that I'm typing this out, it feels like I can't word this well, but I hope you guys feel the same aro vibes I do in that particular interaction.
(We also need more smug DJ and DJ with bite moments tbh!)
No pictures for these next two examples of proof, since they're dialogue-based.
In "Up The Creek" DJ offers romantic advice to Geoff by comparing it to something he knows, that is, luring in a rabbit to feed.
In World Tour's Japan episode, he compares Alejandro's smooth moves being irresistible to his mom's gravy.
I think DJ is romance+sex repulsed, but he clearly has a thorough understanding of it. He was raised by two people in love!
He's emotionally mature and well rounded in physical activities too. His moms raised him well! He just feels uncomfortable when people make romantic remarks/advances toward him.
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He has no qualms in affectionate touches or contact. (See also: my DJ+Lindsay Friendship post!)
Except, when there's a romantic or sexual layer added to it:
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In this case (Action's "Aftermath II"), Geoff suggested off-screen that Gwen was being cozy with DJ when he just saved her life! He's clearly bothered by it, even though he was just talking pleasantly with Gwen.
In "Newf Kids on the Block" there's also that hot dog scene. (I've hit the picture limit TwT,) When Owen hits on DJ for Noah to try and get him into a alliance with Team Chris, DJ makes this face again.
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Yeah, yeah there's the gay joke here, but given DJ's character we know thus far: chill, kind and soft-hearted. He wouldn't be homophobic.
(Again, even if it was accidental or fanon, he has two moms. Plus, he's been shown to accept things more easily than others, like being on good terms with Gwen in Action after the Trent ordeal. I highly doubt someone's sexuality would deter DJ from being nice, if morality or social pressure doesn't.)
Anyway, though. It serves to add to my point. He's made that face (or one similar to it) when it comes to romantically suggestive situations!
He's also one of the only campers (if not the only one, I'm not really thinking hard about the other 99 contestants.) whose storylines have never revolved or included attraction in any way.
In conclusion: aro/ace DJ. 💙
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emotionsandphenomena · 22 hours
if you're looking for concise windows into the relationship dynamics, chapter 9 in book 2 of Emma has it all... I love this teasing exchange between Knightley and Emma:
"This is coming as you should do," said she; "like a gentleman. I am quite glad to see you."
He thanked her, observing, "How lucky that we should arrive at the same moment; for, if we had met first in the drawing-room, I doubt whether you would have discerned me to be more of a gen- tleman than usual. You might not have distinguished how I came by my look or manner."
"Yes I should; I am sure I should. There is always a look of consciousness or bustle when people come in a way which they know to be beneath them. You think you carry it off very well, I dare say; but with you it is a sort of bravado, an air of affected unconcern: I always observe it whenever I meet you under those circumstances. Now you have nothing to try for. You are not afraid of being supposed ashamed. You are not striving to look taller than any body else. Now I shall really be very happy to walk into the same room with you."
"Nonsensical girl!" was his reply, but not at all in anger.
and then the excellent dinner party scene, with Churchill and Emma exchanging flirty theories on What Is Up With Jane Fairfax. this, knowing the truth as a reader, is such great emotional cross purposes miscommunication - Emma leads the entire conversation and Churchill gamely agrees with her, which works well to hide his actual intentions towards Jane and simultaneously strokes Emma's ego. and then Harriet walks in and Emma spends a moment being obsessed with her:
Emma watched the entrée of her own particular little friend; and if she could not exult in her dignity and grace, she could not only love the blooming sweetness and the artless manner, but could most heartily rejoice in that light, cheerful, unsentimental disposition which allowed her so many alleviations of pleasure in the midst of the pangs of disappointed affection. There she sat and who would have guessed how many tears she had been lately shedding? To be in company, nicely dressed herself, and seeing others nicely dressed, to sit and smile and look pretty, and say nothing, was enough for the happiness of the present hour.
and then more Churchill flirting:
In he walked, the first and the handsomest; and after paying his compliments en passant to Miss Bates and her niece, made his way directly to the opposite side of the circle, where sat Miss Woodhouse; and till he could find a seat by her, would not sit at all. Emma divined what every body present must be thinking. She was his object, and every body must perceive it. She introduced him to her friend Miss Smith, and, at convenient moments afterwards, heard what each thought of the other. "He had never seen so lovely a face, and was delighted with her naïveté." And she,-"only to be sure it was paying him too great a compliment, but she did think there were some looks a little like Mr. Elton." Emma restrained her indignation, and only turned from her in silence.
I love especially that that last comment can be read as "Harriet how dare you compare my new hot guy to your annoying priest" or as "Harriet how dare you call him handsome he belongs to me and you also belong to me in an entirely separate way and my food can't touch!"
and then finally, Emma freaks out at the idea that Knightley might be in love with Jane Fairfax and calls it ridiculous, her main objection being that... if he married, her 6 year old nephew might not get the house. lmao. girl.
But Mr. Knightley does not want to marry. I am sure he has not the least idea of it. Do not put it into his head. Why should he marry? He is as happy as possible by himself; with his farm, and his sheep, and his library, and all the parish to manage; and he is ex- tremely fond of his brother's children. He has no occasion to marry, either to fill up his time or his heart.
I love the way that this chapter showcases all three different romantic entanglements Emma finds herself at the center of: a flirty, long-awaited courtship with Churchill, in which she gets to flatter herself as his "object", and takes equal pleasure in being so and in everyone knowing it. conversely, Harriet is "her particular friend"; if Emma is plumping her feathers over being the target of an eligible bachelor's affection, she imagines that Harriet can feel much the same about her. up to this point in the novel (Churchill's arrival shifting her focus), absolutely everything has been about what Emma can do for Harriet, how she can improve her, how she enjoys being fawned over by the less socially experienced and less wealthy girl. in this way, Emma gets to leverage her power dynamics in two directions: the pleasure of looking after Harriet, and the pleasure of being Churchill's object. obviously, class is a huge part of this, and of how Emma evaluates her world and everyone's respective place in it. and then, bookending the chapter, there's Knightley. I love that he spends this first half of the novel very much in the background, a reliable fixture. the outbursts over his possible marriage are Emma's only strong feelings about him so far, maybe excepting her very sweet (and telling!) comment about wanting to be done with being mad. in both the carriage conversation and the marriage freakout, Emma is concerned with Knightley's station: that he might not live up to it, that he might marry beneath it. in her relationships with Churchill and Harriet, Emma is enjoying the manipulation of class, gender, and social power dynamics at play. but she is extremely concerned with keeping Knightley at the right level, at her level. I know at the end of the novel she specifically appreciates how well matched they are, and I think this is seeded here. her chief anxiety over Knightley is that he, as a constant fixture in her life, might change (and so soon after Mrs. Weston left!). she makes fun of her father plenty for his resistance to anything different, but Emma can be the same about many things.
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tag game: 9 questions for 9 people
tagged by @phneltwrites one million years ago (december 2023)
last song: Tell You (Today) (original 12'' vocal) - Loose Joints . this is a disco deep cut that I heard for the first time the other day on twitter. anyway . really really good. i invite you to check it out if you enjoy a bop. go here for an absolutely wild 16-minute version described by the uploadeder as 'super wigged out and funky'.
currently watching: cooking crush. pit babe. the sign. (not up to date on any of these . Sigh.) khun chai (almost finished. love ittt). ossan's love 2018 (listen .... it's good actually). 1670 netflix. Treme (super underrated series about new orleans recovering in the wake of hurricane katria)
three ships: restricting this to the thai bl context 1. I gotta say both jiutian and tinncharn made me absolutely wild in the last few months so i think i have to include filmjam/jamfilm, tho I don't really have any thoughts on them themselves, haven't really engaged with any extra content, i juuuuust think they made good shows. 2. earthmix is probably the ship that I've ended up thinking about the most .. . the lore.....the lore ... !!! i simply cannot comment on this. 3. again i am transfixed by the LORE for OFFGUN....... they've prevailed they've traversed they've grown so much. hopefully they can continue working together for years to come. also you know what sneaky extra one. 4. forcebook. they just have a nice vibe!!! i like it when they hug after doing an emotional scene!!!!!!!!! i liked it when they yelled about their love for each other on top of that bungee jumping tower so sue me!!!!!!!
favorite color: green green green of the sludgy / earthy / olivey tones. I am getting big into earthy orange / terracotta as well.
currently consuming: turkish tea & halva
first ship: ok . how deep we gonna go. stuff I was reading in my early teens. martin / rose from the redwall books. (redwall was the first thing i Ever read fanfic for.) will / bran from the dark is rising. There's a surprising amount of fanfic for them! marcus / esca the eagle of the ninth. tbh several of those rosemary sutcliff books have these VERY intense masculine warrior bonds and it was uhh a Lot to process.
relationship status: n/a
last movie: leos carax, mauvais sang / the night is young
currently working on: wine qualifications!!!!!! honestly not that hard you just have to learn a bunch of stuff & also learn a particular framework to apply it. but also. like anything where you take an exam. you CAN mess up. & also applying for jobs that will work around this.
tagging the last 9 people in my notifs who didn't already get tagged in the last meme @waltermeadows @sirtomksy @luckshiptoshore @toranj @errantpixxi @heathyr @officialhagfish @annmariethrush @smashlampjaw
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ludi-ling · 1 year
Omg! Another Rogue and Gambit title? That's awesome! What's been going on since Mr. And Mrs. X? I've been out of the Romy loop.
Hi Simba, so good to hear from you again, it's been a helluva while! 😊
Well, I'm going to be honest and say that I haven't really been keeping up with X-Men stuff because I'm really not a fan of stuff that's happened post-2018-ish, and there are other readers who are much better placed to give you a run-down of what's happened. But in a nutshell:
All (most?) mutants now live on the living island of Krakoa in what is basically a neo-fascistic, isolationist state where mutants can live in harmony, and every super-powered mutant can be resurrected ad nauseum. (Where is my girl, Phantasia? I still don't know).
Rogue and Gambit were put on the new Exaclibur team, which I stopped subscribing to because it really wasn't my cup of tea, and I found a great deal of it boring af.
Gambit died and was resurrected. There's a bit of interesting stuff there because he died in the Otherworld where people never come back the same when they're resurrected. Or something.
Oh yeah, and he temporarily became Death again. I'm not sure there was any particular fallout from that, or if there was, it was never explicitly stated as far as I know.
R and G now have their own book again, in which some super-powered mutants are being kidnapped by [unknown baddie] for [reasons], and Destiny has told R&G to go and talk to a character called Manifold for [reasons], and he ends up being kidnapped by [unknown baddie]. Gambit appears to be drunk and perhaps dealing with non-specified stuff, and Rogue has been busy with super-heroing, which makes Gambit sad. They are having communication problems again, apparently.
There may have been stuff in-between, but since I haven't been reading stuff religiously, I may have missed it, in which case more knowledgeable people may add stuff in the comments.
They're also in 2 other books: 1) a new X-Treme X-Men mini, written by Claremont set in the Valle Soleada period, which is kind of meh, and they haven't really done anything interesting in it except hang around; 2) Captain Marvel, written by Kelly Thompson, where they're fighting with Carol against the Brood, and seem to have more of a stake in the plot.
I think that's everything? Again, if anyone else has anything to add, please do, because I'm really not the best person to ask on this. 😂
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caleb-tn · 2 months
Olha, faz tempo que você me olha
Eu sei que estou virando isca
Da tua caçada particular
Teu rosto desaparece na multidão, baby
Meu corpo treme pois eu sei bem
Vou ser atacada a qualquer momento
Sei que estou a mercê do perigo
Pois mordeu o meu pescoço
Cê viciou no meu gosto
Parte da sua cadeia alimentar
Descendo por meu umbigo, é noite de caça
Sei que estou a mercê do perigo
Pois mordeu o meu corpo
Cê viciou no meu gosto
Parte da sua cadeia alimentar
Descendo por meu umbigo, é noite de caça
No-no-no-noite de caça(noite de caça, noite de caça)
No-no-no-noite de caça(noite de caça, noite de caça)
No-no-no-noite de caça(noite de caça, noite de caça)
No-no-no-noite de caça(noite de caça, noite de caça)
Olha, faz tempo que você me olha
Eu sei que estou virando isca
Da tua caçada particular
Teu rosto desaparece na multidão, baby
Meu corpo treme pois eu sei bem
Vou ser atacada a qualquer momento
Sei que estou a mercê do perigo
Pois mordeu o meu pescoço
Cê viciou no meu gosto
Parte da sua cadeia alimentar
Descendo por meu umbigo, é noite de caça
Sei que estou a mercê do perigo
Pois mordeu o meu pescoço
Cê viciou no meu gosto
Parte da sua cadeia alimentar
Descendo por meu umbigo, é noite de caça
No-no-no-noite de caça(noite de caça, noite de caça)
No-no-no-noite de caça(noite de caça, noite de caça) Noite de caça, uh
No-no-no-noite de caça(noite de caça, noite de caça)
No-no-no-noite de caça(noite de caça, noite de caça) Noite de caça
Noite de caça
0 notes
fredborges98 · 5 months
A auto sugestão- o placebo psicológico em uma sociedade insaciável por conceitos utópicos ou distopicos de beleza, felicidade e sucesso.
Por: Fred Borges
Dedicado a todos os vivos, vivos- mortos e mortos- mortos.
Ao Deus que habita em mim cumprimentando e saudando o Deus que habita em você.
Cosméticos orgânicos para pele oleosa;
Maquiagem vegana para peles sensíveis;
Produtos capilares para cabelos cacheados e crespos;
Cuidados com a pele para homens;
Tratamentos anti-idade para pele madura;
Produtos de beleza para peles com acne;
Cosméticos sustentáveis e sem plástico;
Maquiagem personalizada com cores difíceis de encontrar;
Produtos naturais para cuidados com o cabelo seco e danificado.
Para cada " problema" uma " solução", para cada "desafio" uma " oportunidade, para cada " fragilidade" ou " fraqueza" uma "força"!
Já sentiu ou esteve num lugar em que Deus se sentiria em casa?
Deus é mais que um conceito religioso, é um conceito que extrapola,invade, derrama, apaga " fogos",incendeia " florestas" , provoca "guerras", causa desavenças, atritos, conflitos.
Deus é o próprio homem à procura de sua beleza em existir e justificar logo de partida sua chegada.
Deus é um estado físico ou metafísico, início, meio e fim.
Não se trata da beleza, trata-se de conviver com seu oposto, com sua oposição ou imposição,de conviver com o Deus que nos faz conviver com nossos conflitos e estado conflituoso ou modo ou essência em viver ou meta conviver.
Desde que o homem se fez reflexo ele reflete sobre sua breve existência.
Reflete sobre seu trajeto e trajetória de nascer, viver e morrer, toda esta reflexão é realmente necessária?
Sim e Não!
Pois precisamos a todo momento justificar a que viemos, como caminharemos, o que deixaremos, heranças e reminiscências metamórficas,quais serão nossos marcos e marcas atingidas, alcançadas, resultados obtidos, conquistas, contribuições, objetivos, metas, missões,propostas de visões disseminadas, multiplicadas, divididas, influencias, visibilidades, transparências, conotações, denotativa expressões,convergências, divergências, fluências, confluências, enfim não basta termos nascido,ter nos constituído milagre,mas angustiar-se em constatar que o milagre não passou de uma folha em branco, numa folha de uma única têmpera,cor e corte de uma país de clima temperado, de uma verde, amarela, ferrugem folha cor temperada com único tempero sal, e por fim sua queda vertiginosa e lenta, em seu próprio tempo, tempo do Outono.
Pois não precisamos provar nada a ninguém, temos nosso próprios termômetros e termostatos,temperos e alimento temperado, temos nossos processos individuais, privados, particulares de nascer, amadurecer, envelhecer e morrer.
Em certas culturas pessoas existem antes mesmo de suas concepções, são marcos e marcas antes mesmo de existirem, são melodias, são o canto dos pássaros, a relva que cresce, a terra que umedece, flores que florescem, árvores que crescem, tornam-se rígidas, enfraquecem, pragas acontecem, ventos fortes batem, elas caem, viram matéria de terra orgânica, de crescimento orgânico, se renovam, se transformam, metamorfose, viram almas, retornam almas, espíritos que se movimentam, estremece, treme, tremores acontecem, mudanças que provocam dor, doença,prazer, cura e saúde. Natura, natureza de idade nova, média e madura.
Não precisamos alimentar a espectativas alheias, só as que nos convém, de conveniência e tempo próprio, de individualidades e existências únicas, somos ou eu presente em nós, o eu existe, coexiste, persiste, vive, convive, sua justificativa não é gatilho, arma ou munição que pertença ao outro.
Tempo de falar, tempo de silenciar, tempo de pensar, refletir, ouvir-se, escutar-se, sentir-se, expressar-se, amar-se,enamorar-se,animar-se,
reanimar-se,inovar-se, renovar-se, tempo ao tempo, tempo exíguo, temor do tempo,tempo que nos consome, tempo de ter paciência, compreender o tempo de cada coisa, de cada processo, de cada rito, ritual, cultura, criar a própria rota, rotina, roda e moda.
Boa parte de tudo que pensamos ser, advém ou vem de crenças, crer que acontece, aconteceu ou acontecerá, que Jesus voltará, pois estava predestinado, destino atino, desatino, compensado, descompensado, equilibrio e desequilíbrio dos normais, naturais e comuns.
Nem tudo que é verdade, é realidade, mas tudo que pensamos acreditar que seja se faz, se realiza, e se concretiza.
Parte da cura é procura e pró cura.
Se acreditarmos que a vida é seguir modelos de beleza, felicidade e sucesso, fórmulas massificadas, personalizadas, customizadas, acabamos caindo na espiral da validação alheia,alienados e alinhavados, enclausurados ficamos disponibilizados ao SISTEMA e tudo que deixamos nos alienar, alheios e alienados permanece e perece ficamos.
Pois os conceitos de beleza, felicidade e sucesso são relativos ao tempo histórico, cultural, social, econômico e financeiro, das religiões, de cristãos, pagãos, ideologias, doutrinas, dogmas, filosofias,processos de entropia, utopia e distopia,antropologia, antropofagia e nos tornamos alimento que alimenta o SISTEMA, SISTEMA que grita, exige, demanda, explode, derrama água no fogo, fogo na terra, terra no ar, que vira pó e poeira numa tarde de Outono, folha do Outono que desprende e cai, e vida ciclica se faz, se rarefaz , se refaz, deixa cicatrizes, marcas, marcos no tempo, no placebo psicológico, emocional, espiritual e carnal ou físico de uma sociedade insaciável por conceitos utópicos ou distopicos de beleza, felicidade e sucesso.
Já sentiu ou esteve num lugar em que Deus se sentiria em casa?
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rad-review-of-gigs · 12 years
Dr. John
Under the Bridge, 19.07.2012
“Don’t hang your jacket on me for hanging in the projects” growls Malcolm John ‘Mac’ Rebennack Jr., aka Dr. John, on his 1973 album ‘In the Right Place’. The New Orleans funk and R & B legend has hung a few colourful jackets on himself in more than fifty picaresque years in the music business; from collaborations with a host of famous artists to heroin addiction and numerous scrapes with the law.
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Compared with some of his previous incarnations though, tonight’s outfit is quietly restrained. Here he shuffles onto stage with dark glasses and a walking cane, like the villain of a David Lynch movie, to the night time atmospherics of a Louisiana swamp. His ponytail is tied with a series of bands giving it the appearance of some oddity from Eraserhead. Draped in a fedora hat, crocodile skin shoes and necklaces of assorted bones and teeth, the Dr. John persona is carefully cultivated to express the voodoo mystique of the city he loves.
Settling at a piano dotted with skulls he’s somewhat detached from the audience at Under the Bridge and it’s exuberant trombonist Sarah Morrow who fills the void, coming front of stage to solo and hang the trunk of her instrument out over the crowd like an exploratory elephant. The punters adore her and the Lower 911 are clearly enjoying themselves as they rattle through the Doctor’s creole-infused back catalogue. Joined by the talented Jon Cleary on keyboards, who had earlier provided a support set of Alain Toussaint covers, it’s a great line up. Cleary’s feet kick out under the piano as if, up on top, he’s being smothered with a pillow, and so, is perfectly in tune with the gothic, cartoonish hue of the Dr. John enterprise.
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The performance languishes mid-set with brackish renditions of standards like ‘Let the Good Times Roll’ and ‘When the Saints Go Marching In’, and features none of the psychedelic rock Rebennack burst on the scene with in the late ‘60s. However his recent collaboration with The Black Keys’ guitarist Dan Auerbach on the critically acclaimed ‘Locked Down’ comes through strongly; from the album’s title track to the strolling blues of ‘Big Shot’ and the hustling rhythms of ‘Ice Age’. The pure funk of ‘You Lie’ is a particular highlight. His contribution to the soundtrack for Sleepless in Seattle, ‘Makin’ Whoopee’, surfaces, as does ‘My Indian Red’, a song performed on HBO’s Treme.
The subterranean venue has the weight of Roman Abramovich’s footballing ambition pressing down on it, not to mention the presence of some blank and intimidating Russian security staff, but it does have great acoustics. And after an hour and a half’s blizzard of jazz, funk, boogie woogie and blues the self-styled Night Tripper exits to the rapturous thunder of the sell-out audience, without so much as a wobble. And, belatedly, the trace of a smile on his lips.
Words by Adrian Cross Photo by Richard Gray
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conservedlythunderous · 9 months
triple whammy: 🔥 + humans, 🔥 + carapacians, 🔥 + cherubs
While they played the game the same as the rest of the trolls you can imagine they had little to say to friendly pawns and enemy ones didn't last very long. Given how viscerally Equius enjoyed an excuse to take out their violent impulses on a 'living' enemy many of the dersite forces chose to avoid the over-eager and frankly disturbing indigoblood rather than fight an enemy they both could not defeat, and that left them extremely uncomfortable with the experience even when they retreated. They just get too... worked up.
Equius has exceedingly little contact with the humans and public in general with regards to Earth-C. They've probably fixed a thing or two on request, perhaps corresponded with Jade over robot schematics, but they don't get many visitors. Dave in particular was "E%tremely troubled" when they sought out Equius for the first time in person under the auspices of "Wanting a rematch over that sorry excuse for a rap battle the last time", and came face-to-heaving-underbust with Zahak. He made it two verses before becoming too distracted to continue by the steadily swelling tank top, moments from it tearing at the seams from their panting.
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luaparticular · 1 year
Tântrica 2
Tudo começa no pensamento
os momentos
A gente se beija com calor, nossas línguas dançam
Minha mão passeando seu corpo, massageando e te excitando
adoro que você consegue misturar essa carinha de boa moça com a leoa na cama
uma dama, chorona
bela e calma
feroz e voraz
só você é capaz de me dar esse prazer.
Prazer que quero te dar, seja no café da manhã ou jantar
não importa você pode escolher, quero te chupar até amanhecer
e se a gente perder, o sono pra poder fazer de madrugada um amor lento e gostoso
de manhã quero com força e de novo
com você as palavras fluem assim como teu mel, quando sinto o gosto da porta do céu.
Paraíso particular, não adianta nem tentar, entender
é melhor pra você, se acostumar
com prazer que quero te dar
vem, vem cá
vem por cima, senta gostoso
olhando pra mim, pra eu enxergar na tua retina
todo essa imensidão de coisas que passam na tua mente
sorrindo, contente
“aí nego goza gostoso, eu adoro, é quente”
Você treme, suas pernas bambas
A gente se abraça e você quase disfarça que se viciou em mim
foi sim, foi sim. Hahahah
O tempo passa e a gente não sente, na verdade acredito que as horas passam agora entre as viagens a lua
E tu sabe vida, adoro te deixar nua
Deita no meu colo e relaxa
Cê começa a me beijar, já sabe onde vai parar
parece imã
Sem pudor, mesmo quando tá calor
não importa, cê fica cada vez mais gostosa
só de falar dá água na boca, te deixo louca
e geme pra mim
goza gostoso assim
uma delícia
sem fim.
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cffabioblog · 1 year
(© Canal 13 (Chile)
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(© CBS / SOFA Ent.)
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mi versión:
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NOTA: Hago mi particular versión caricaturesca de los personajes de la serie de libros Harry Potter.
Model  Sabado Gigante
Model  The Ed Sullivan Show
Location  ChusmaTeatro / ChusmaTheatrer, Chusmaworld, V Región
Algunos sketchs en relación al programa.. El de La Izquierda: Con Harry, Hermione Y Ron, los protagonistas de la serie de libros "Harry potter" visitan el programa de variedades mas antiguo del mundo con Don Francisco. El De La Derecha: Con Aleu De Mascota y Doña Tremebunda de modelo, el cantante chileno Larry Wilsoncanta "Que Quieres De Mi" al publico del teatro. La Canción:www.youtube.com/watch?v=3xlQbc…Copyrights de Arci Music. Nota: Ultimo programa grabado en el teatro, y debut de cámara de tv "GE-130 TVCAMERA", Apodado por experto en ficción, anime y animadores orientales como la "Aventurera"cámara o equipo eficaz de grabar y registrar imágenes y sonido perfecto, en especialen animes y mangas.
Harry Potter© J.K.Rowling. All Rights reserved.
Sabado Gigante© Canal 13 SpA. / Mario K. All Rights reserved.
Doña Treme© Pepo / WorldEditords. All Rights reserved.
Aleu© Universal. All Rights reserved.
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christoffersenlove · 1 year
What is the best light bulb to utilize?
Every vehicle driver understands the value of good illumination for driving at night or in rainy, snowy, or foggy problems. Illumination is just one of the standard factors of safety and security in the auto. LED light is just one of one of the most modern cars and truck fronts lights currently on the marketplace as well as is changing older choices such as xenon. In concept, it is technically fairly feasible to convert headlights to LEDs. Led headlight light bulbs are plug as well as play, tiny style implies that the setup will certainly be as simple as a halogen bulb of about 20 mins.
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They can operate in show headlight real estate, that implies you do not need to retrofit a projector for led headlight. You simply can create a suitable beam of light pattern and also far better visibility at nighttime, like what halogen headlight bulb can do. It is an incredibly powerful 36-watt bulb, with 4500 lumens, it offers the headlights of your cars and truck with an incredible and also powerful white light. They produce even more illumination per watt of power. Because of this, the effectiveness of each particular bulb is a lot greater. Obtaining a lot more h1 bulbs led reviews on google. Prior to you go out to the store to get the bulbs it is necessary to know the variety of lumens called for in the light bulb you are mosting likely to get. It is additionally extremely vital to make certain that you look at points like the color of the LED light bulbs. Since LED light bulbs have varied colors, it is necessary to guarantee that you find out the shades that you need before purchasing the light bulbs. It is essential that you get to think about picking the front lights light bulbs that will be having the white and brighter output shade as that will certainly make it comfy for you to drive also throughout the night. With the Philips ZES led chips, led headlight bulb can generate 4800 lumens, which are 120% brighter than halogen light bulbs. And also if you are getting the Philips X-Treme Ultinon from Philips. It is identified by an intense beam, with the ability of increasing power by an outstanding 200%. If you are uncertain concerning the type of light needed, you may require to seek the suggestions of a mechanic due to the fact that they will certainly be able to determine the kind of component that you have due to their experience. Halogen bulb ideal for those who can not bring Xenon bulbs because it uses a neutral white light that offers excellent sharpness to the roadway, with the simplicity of setup of any type of halogen bulb and also a power of 55 watts. Halogen lights used primarily in vehicles; they are incandescent bulbs yet use a lot less energy than conventional bulbs. In addition to higher illumination, LED light bulbs consume considerably less energy, which ultimately minimizes the lots on the generator and enables you to minimize fuel. The led set includes the necessary parts to transform the energy and also supply it to these light bulbs without the demand for setup adjustments, as they work with practically any lorry on the marketplace Incidentally, LED auto lights are not hazardous waste.
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desonestos · 1 year
Kkkkkkkkkkk.. aí é particular seu.. a gente né nem cavalo, mas é cada coice que o chifre treme.. kkkkkkkkkk
KKKKKKKK tem que ser kkkk. As vezes é necessário cortar uma liberdades. Mas é como eu digo sempre, não é o que fala... É o jeito sabe. Enfim. Como está o dia aí em... Sp certo?
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achadosparticulares · 2 years
Pra casa grande queimar
Eu também nasci pobre mas não nasci otário.
Já não bastava nascer preta, tinha que ser queer, gostar de chupar buceta.
Eu não volto pro armário, tampouco faço parte desse sistema binário
E atrasado que acha que ofender é chamar de macaco
Ofensa pra mim é vir da particular e não aprender que ser evoluído não vem do pó vem do primata
Cara gente branca, mesquinha, eugenista e escravocrata
Criadores da miscigenação e do embranquecimento, fruto do estupro de cada mãe preta
Eu não volto pro armário nem guardo minha revolta de anos no bolso ou na gaveta
Não volto pra senzala porque eu sou a senzala e a casa grande não me abala
Os brancos invasores da minha linhagem fiz de escada e daqui de cima minha rima tem mais alcance que a tua bala
E que fique o aviso:
Se ainda não entendeu do que a senzala é capaz, senta aí, seca a baba que o papo aqui sucinto
Me renovo nas ondas do mar, salve Iemanjá e com meus versos te hipnotizo
Me chame de ela, elu, ele, moreninha ou mulata.
Tu vai me ver muito ainda e quando eu passar espero que me aplauda.
Antes, jogada dos negreiros na água salgada
Hoje, na universidade, no corre, no movimento e só iniciei a caminhada
Mas já te deixo no chinelo enquanto tu bobeia
E se treme todo quando te encaro de frente, sem corrente porque meu destino não é cadeia
Abra a sua mente
Foi me embranquecendo e eu fui me apossando do sentimento de dono do mundo enquanto te deixo se questionando:
É homem ou é mulher?
É preta ou não é?
E seus mecanismos de racismo, serão sempre repetitivos?
Falta criatividade ou não quer enxergar o que arrancaram dos livros?
Se me permitem na casa grande entrar, me dão ferramentas pra casa grande incendiar
Não quiseram em nós procriar?
Não era pró-vida?
Desses teu papo de branco eu já tô promovida
Pode esbravejar, desde que banque tua atitude
Tu vai ter que aguentar que em mim não ficou um resquício da tua branquitude
Minha resistência vem da minha negritude
E quanto mais perto eu chego de vocês eu percebo que posso como nunca pude
Mesmo não sendo da tua trupe
Estou aqui porque fui arrastada e arrancada do meu povo pra te servir
Só que essa narrativa não é pra mim
E eu só sossego quando eu sentir
O cheiro da casa grande queimando subir
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herringdidriksen72 · 2 years
Do halogen bulbs make use of more electrical power than LED?
Every vehicle driver recognizes the importance of great lighting for driving at evening or in wet, snowy, or unclear problems. Lighting is just one of the standard aspects of safety and security in the auto. LED light is one of one of the most contemporary cars and truck headlights currently on the market and also is changing older alternatives such as xenon. In principle, it is technically quite feasible to convert fronts lights to LEDs. Led front lights light bulbs are plug as well as play, small style means that the installment will certainly be as straightforward as a halogen light bulb of about 20 mins.
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They can work in reflect headlight real estate, that suggests you do not require to retrofit a projector for led front lights. You simply can generate a good beam of light pattern and also much better visibility at nighttime, like what halogen front lights bulb can do. It is an incredibly powerful 36-watt light bulb, with 4500 lumens, it offers the headlights of your auto with an amazing and effective white light. They produce even more illumination per watt of power. As a result, the performance of each particular light bulb is a lot higher. Prior to you go out to the shop to acquire the light bulbs it is important to understand the variety of lumens required in the light bulb you are mosting likely to purchase. It is additionally really vital to make certain that you consider points like the shade of the LED light bulbs too. Since LED light bulbs have diverse colors, it is important to make certain that you identify the shades that you need before buying the bulbs. It is vital that you get to take into consideration picking the front lights light bulbs that will certainly be having the white and also brighter output shade as that will make it comfortable for you to drive even during the evening. With the Philips ZES led chips, led front lights light bulb can create 4800 lumens, which are 120% brighter than halogen light bulbs. More 9007 led headlight info can be found next. As well as if you are acquiring the Philips X-Treme Ultinon from Philips. It is distinguished by an extreme beam of light, with the ability of enhancing power by an outstanding 200%. If you are unclear about the kind of light needed, you might require to seek the suggestions of a mechanic since they will certainly be able to identify the type of part that you have due to their experience. Halogen bulb suitable for those that can not lug Xenon bulbs due to the fact that it supplies a neutral white light that offers excellent sharpness to the roadway, with the simplicity of installment of any kind of halogen light bulb and also a power of 55 watts. Halogen lights used mainly in lorries; they are incandescent bulbs yet utilize much less power than basic light bulbs. Along with greater illumination, LED light bulbs take in dramatically less energy, which ultimately reduces the lots on the generator and enables you to save money on fuel. The led set includes the needed components to transform the power and supply it to these bulbs without the requirement for setup changes, as they are compatible with almost any automobile on the marketplace By the way, LED car lights are not contaminated materials.
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