#tr 223
matcha-meow · 1 year
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zooming into your favs in the background of manga panels until it's a ridiculous pixel quality ((a reminder that bajifuyu canonically spends 2005's new years together on the beach))
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unikittythings · 1 year
Tokyo revengers manga spoilers for chapters 221 to 223!
I just finished chapter 223 and Draken's death finally made me cry (yes that's the first time for this series)
So in true me fashion this developed into watching "sad tokyo revengers edits" and crying for 30 minutes 😭👍
Now that I had my monthly crying session I don't think that I will shed any more tears during the last chapters. It took me this long into the series to really cry and most of the time that's it for a while, but who knows 🤷‍♀️
0 notes
this-week-in-rust · 2 months
This Week in Rust 537
Hello and welcome to another issue of This Week in Rust! Rust is a programming language empowering everyone to build reliable and efficient software. This is a weekly summary of its progress and community. Want something mentioned? Tag us at @ThisWeekInRust on Twitter or @ThisWeekinRust on mastodon.social, or send us a pull request. Want to get involved? We love contributions.
This Week in Rust is openly developed on GitHub and archives can be viewed at this-week-in-rust.org. If you find any errors in this week's issue, please submit a PR.
Updates from Rust Community
Clippy: Deprecating feature = "cargo-clippy"
Updated baseline standards for Windows targets
Project/Tooling Updates
Replacing PyO3's API without breaking everything downstream
rust-analyzer changelog #223
rust-gcc February 2024 Monthly report
godot-rust February 2024 dev update
Fluvio v0.11.5 Release Updates
sshd-openpgp-auth version 0.3.0 and ssh-openpgp-auth version 0.2.2 as updates to the tooling providing OpenPGP based authentication for SSH host keys
Borrow checking without lifetimes
How to speed up the Rust compiler in March 2024
Code review in the Rust compiler
Rust thread_local!s are surprisingly expensive
Designing an Async Runtime for WASI 0.2
Rust Walkthroughs
Storing borrowed data in trait objects
Rust's early vs. late lifetime binding
How moving from Pandas to Polars made me write better code without writing better code
A Full Stack SaaS Template with Loco
Async Rust in a Nutshell
Real-time Streaming Analytics with Fluvio, DeepCausality, and Rust
[video] Modern All Rust Stack - Dioxus, Axum, Warp, SurrealDB
[video] Serverless Data Pipelines in Rust by Michele Vigilante
[FR] [video] Rust Lyon Meetup #8 - Impl Snake for Micro:bit — Cyril MARPAUD
Czech Rust community index
Launching RustRover: JetBrains’ Investment in Rust
[audio] RustShip: Rust in Art with Lisa Passing
Crate of the Week
This week's crate is srgn, a mix of tr, sed, rip-grep and tree-sitter.
Thanks to Alex Povel for the self-suggestion!
Please submit your suggestions and votes for next week!
Call for Testing
An important step for RFC implementation is for people to experiment with the implementation and give feedback, especially before stabilization. The following RFCs would benefit from user testing before moving forward:
No RFCs issued a call for testing this week.
If you are a feature implementer and would like your RFC to appear on the above list, add the new call-for-testing label to your RFC along with a comment providing testing instructions and/or guidance on which aspect(s) of the feature need testing.
Call for Participation; projects and speakers
CFP - Projects
Always wanted to contribute to open-source projects but did not know where to start? Every week we highlight some tasks from the Rust community for you to pick and get started!
Some of these tasks may also have mentors available, visit the task page for more information.
Ockam - Output for both ockam project ticket and ockam project enroll is improved, with support for --output json
Ockam - Syntax highlighting for fenced code blocks, in command help output, on Linux works
Ockam - Command - refactor to use typed interfaces to implement commands for kafka services
ZeroCopy - Don't generate warning when deriving on deprecated type
ZeroCopy - github.com/google/zerocopy
ZeroCopy - Test the output of zerocopy-derive
ZeroCopy - [CI] Check semver compatibility with all target platforms, not just the host platform
ZeroCopy - Inline many trait methods (in zerocopy and in derive-generated code)
Fluvio - fvm switch fails on some systems with running local cluster
Fluvio - Add new command fluvio cluster resume
CFP - Speakers
Are you a new or experienced speaker looking for a place to share something cool? This section highlights events that are being planned and are accepting submissions to join their event as a speaker.
Oxidize 2024 CFP closes 2024-03-24 | Berlin, Germany | Event date: 2024-05-28 - 2024-05-30
RustConf 2024 | CFP closes 2024-04-25 | Montreal, Canada | 2024-09-10
EuroRust 2024| CFP closes 2024-06-03 | Vienna, Austria & online | Event on 2024-10-10
If you are an event organizer hoping to expand the reach of your event, please submit a link to the submission website through a PR to TWiR.
Updates from the Rust Project
488 pull requests were merged in the last week
ffi_unwind_calls: treat RustIntrinsic like regular Rust calls
pattern_analysis: rework how we hide empty private fields
rustc: fix wasm64 metadata object files
add a proper with_no_queries to printing
add a way to add constructors for rustc_type_ir types
add initial support for DataFlowSanitizer
add new pattern_complexity attribute to add possibility to limit and check recursion in pattern matching
add platform-specific function to get the error number for HermitOS
add profiling support to AIX
add proper cfg to keep only one AlignmentEnum definition for different target_pointer_widths
allow statics pointing to mutable statics
always generate GEP i8 / ptradd for struct offsets
avoid collecting into vecs in some places
avoid using unnecessary queries when printing the query stack in panics
consider middle segments of paths in unused_qualifications
correctly generate item info of trait items
delete line if suggestion would replace it with an empty line
display short types for unimplemented trait
don't grab variances in TypeRelating relation if we're invariant
don't panic when waiting on poisoned queries
fix incorrect suggestion for uninitialized binding in pattern
fix issues in suggesting importing extern crate paths
fix link generation for foreign macro in jump to definition feature
implement missing ABI structures in StableMIR
improve renaming suggestion when item starts with underscore
made INVALID_DOC_ATTRIBUTES lint deny by default
make ZeroablePrimitive trait unsafe
make the success arms of if lhs || rhs meet up in a separate block
match lowering: Lower bindings in a predictable order
match lowering: Separate the bool case from other integers in TestKind
match lowering: pre-simplify or-patterns too
never say "Trait is implemented for{type error}"
normalizes-to: handle negative impls
opportunistically resolve regions when processing region outlives obligations
pattern analysis: Don't panic when encountering unexpected constructor
pattern analysis: abort on arity mismatch
preserve same vtable pointer when cloning raw waker, to fix Waker::will_wake
process alias-relate obligations in CoerceUnsized loop
properly deal with GATs when looking for method chains to point at
safe Transmute: Revise safety analysis
skip unnecessary comparison with half-open range patterns
split rustc_type_ir to avoid rustc_ast from depending on it
style library/core/src/error.rs
suggest moving definition if non-found macro_rules! is defined later
suggest removing superfluous semicolon when statements used as expression
the ordinary lowering of thir::ExprKind::Let is unreachable
use volatile access instead of #[used] for on_tls_callback
miri: add -Zmiri-track-alloc-accesses to readme and fix its wording
miri: log when we change the active thread, and fix logging for concurrency
miri: print thread name in miri error backtraces; add option to track read/write accesses
miri: tree Borrows diagnostic improvements
miri: windows: support getting the thread name
add ASCII fast-path for char::is_grapheme_extended
perf: improve write_fmt to handle simple strings
add display method to OsStr
have String use SliceIndex impls from str
use the OS thread name by default if THREAD_INFO has not been initialized
add missing get_name for wasm::thread
remove Mutex::unlock Function
implement unwind safety for Condvar on all platforms
make ReentrantLock public
codegen_gcc: debuginfo: Add support for debuginfo, without scope support
codegen_gcc: switch to the new set_special_chars_allowed_in_func_names API
cargo add: Fallback to rustc -v when no MSRV is set
cargo toml: Warn on unset Edition
cargo msrv: Report all incompatible packages, not just a random one
cargo rustc: Always pass --edition to rustc
cargo toml: Don't warn on unset Edition if only 2015 is compatible
cargo: add all unit's children recursively for doc.extern-map option
cargo: add "-Zpublic-dependency" for public-dependency feature
cargo: silently ignore cargo::rustc-check-cfg to avoid MSRV annoyance when stabilizing -Zcheck-cfg
cargo: stabilize global cache data tracking
rustdoc: Prevent inclusion of whitespace character after macro_rules ident
rustfmt: ensure space around binary exprs
clippy: identity_op: Fix duplicate diagnostics
clippy: let_underscore_untyped: fix false positive on async function
clippy: map_entry: Check insert expression for map use
clippy: misrefactored_assign_op: fix duplicate diagnostics
clippy: redundant_closure_call: don't lint closure originating from a macro
clippy: unnecessary_cast: avoid breaking precedence
clippy: add assigning_clones lint
clippy: add mixed_attributes_style lint
clippy: added msrv to threadlocal initializer check
clippy: check for try blocks in question_mark more consistently
clippy: dedup std_instead_of_core by using first segment span for uniqueness
clippy: don't emit "missing backticks" lint if the element is wrapped in <code> HTML tags
clippy: fix false positive in threadlocal! when falling back to os_local
clippy: fix derive_partial_eq_without_eq false positive on trait projection
clippy: fix nonminimal_bool lint regression
clippy: fix manual_memcpy wrong indexing for multi dimensional arrays
clippy: handle plural acronyms in doc_markdown
clippy: improve is_lint_level code
clippy: lower bstr version requirement to 1.6.0
clippy: pointers cannot be converted to integers at compile time
rust-analyzer: add hover display for trait assoc items
rust-analyzer: add basic support for native debug
rust-analyzer: autocomplete constants inside format strings
rust-analyzer: don't destructure struct with no public fields
rust-analyzer: don't highlight related assoc items of super traits
rust-analyzer: goto definition for deref_mut
rust-analyzer: goto definition for index_mut
rust-analyzer: goto-definition for constants inside range pattern
rust-analyzer: ignore generic arguments in intra doc link path resolution
rust-analyzer: put style lints behind disabled-by-default config
rust-analyzer: fix rust-project.json projects not preferring sysroot rustc
rust-analyzer: fix wrong closure kind deduction for closures with predicates
futures: parse rhs of select! arms using match-arm rules
Rust Compiler Performance Triage
A bunch of noise this week which has been dropped from the report (but may be present in the summary figures). As a result, the week is pretty busy in amount of changes, but the net effect is nearly neutral to a slight regression for most workloads.
Triage done by @simulacrum. Revision range: 71ffdf7..41d97c8
2 Regressions, 0 Improvements, 10 Mixed; 4 of them in rollups 51 artifact comparisons made in total
Full report here
Approved RFCs
Changes to Rust follow the Rust RFC (request for comments) process. These are the RFCs that were approved for implementation this week:
RFC: Make Cargo respect minimum supported Rust version (MSRV) when selecting dependencies
Final Comment Period
Every week, the team announces the 'final comment period' for RFCs and key PRs which are reaching a decision. Express your opinions now.
RFC: patchable-function-entry
RFC: Add native code coverage support in Cargo
RFC: Packages as (optional) namespaces
Tracking Issues & PRs
[disposition: merge] alloc: implement FromIterator for Box<str>
[disposition: merge] rework opaque type region inference
[disposition: merge] Make impl<Fd: AsFd> impl take ?Sized
[disposition: merge] Tracking issue for Allow a re-export for main (RFC 1260)
[disposition: merge] Update Windows platform support
[disposition: close] Resolve region bounds from components of type projection
[disposition: merge] Propagate temporary lifetime extension into if and match.
[disposition: merge] more eagerly instantiate binders
[disposition: merge] E0492: borrow of an interior mutable value may end up in the final value during const eval when no inner mutability is involved
[disposition: merge] align_offset, align_to: no longer allow implementations to spuriously fail to align
[disposition: merge] Soft-destabilize RustcEncodable & RustcDecodable, remove from prelude in next edition
[disposition: merge] impl From<TryReserveError> for io::Error
[disposition: merge] Tracking Issue for rustc --check-cfg integration
New and Updated RFCs
[new] Public Key Infrastructure for Rust Project
Upcoming Events
Rusty Events between 2024-03-06 - 2024-04-03 🦀
2024-03-06 | Virtual (Dublin, IE) | Rust Dublin
An intro to nom, parsing made easy for Rustaceans
2024-03-06 | Virtual (Indianapolis, IN, US) | Indy Rust
Indy.rs - with Social Distancing
2024-03-07 | Virtual (Charlottesville, NC, US) | Charlottesville Rust Meetup
Crafting Interpreters in Rust Collaboratively
2024-03-12 | Virtual (Dallas, TX, US) | Dallas Rust
Second Tuesday
2024-03-12 | Hybrid (Virtual + In-person) Munich, DE | Rust Munich
Rust Munich 2024 / 1 - hybrid
2024-03-13 | Virtual (Cardiff, UK) | Rust and C++ Cardiff
Rust for Rustaceans Book Club: Chapter 3 - Designing Interfaces
2024-03-14 | Virtual (Berlin, DE) | OpenTechSchool Berlin
Web Frontend Co-Learning (online)
2024-03-14 | Virtual (Berlin, DE) | OpenTechSchool Berlin + Rust Berlin
Rust Hack and Learn | Mirror: Rust Hack n Learn Meetup | Mirror: Berline.rs page
2024-03-14 | Virtual (Nürnberg, DE) | Rust Nüremberg
Rust Nürnberg online
2024-03-19 | Virtual (Washinigton, DC, US) | Rust DC
Mid-month Rustful
2024-03-20 | Virtual (Vancouver, BC, CA)| Vancouver Rust
Rust Study/Hack/Hang-out
2024-03-21 | Virtual (Charlottesville, NC, US) | Charlottesville Rust Meetup
Crafting Interpreters in Rust Collaboratively
2024-03-26 | Virtual + In Person (Barcelona, ES) | BcnRust
13th BcnRust Meetup - Stream
2024-03-28 | Virtual (Berlin, DE) | OpenTechSchool Berlin + Rust Berlin
Rust Hack and Learn | Mirror: Rust Hack n Learn Meetup
2024-04-02 | Virtual (Buffalo, NY, US) | Buffalo Rust
Buffalo Rust User Group
2024-04-03 | Virtual (Cardiff, UK) | Rust and C++ Cardiff
Rust for Rustaceans Book Club: Chapter 4 - Error Handling
2024-04-03 | Virtual (Indianapolis, IN, US) | Indy Rust
Indy.rs - with Social Distancing
2024-03-09 | Karnataka, Bengaluru, IN | Rust Bangalore
March 2024 Rustacean Meetup
2024-03-12 | Tokyo, JP | Tokyo Rust Meetup
Building the Isograph Compiler in Rust
2024-03-06 | Cologne / Köln, DE | Rust Cologne
Macros by simple Examples
2024-03-06 | Zürich, CH | Rust Zürisee
How to (partial) Migration - March Meetup
2024-03-07 | Copenhagen, DK | Copenhagen Rust Community
Rust Hack Night #3: Embedded on Espressif's ESP32C3
2024-03-12 | Munich, DE + Virtual | Rust Munich
Rust Munich 2024 / 1 - hybrid
2024-03-13 | Paris, FR | Paris Rustaceans
Rust Meetup in Paris
2024-03-14 | Reading, UK | Reading Rust Workshop
Reading Rust Meetup at Browns
2024-03-19 | Aarhus, DK | Rust Aarhus
Hack Night
2024-03-19 | Leipzig, DE | Rust - Modern Systems Programming in Leipzig
Rust Interactive Session
2024-03-19 | Prague, CZ | Rust Prague
Rust Meetup @ Charles University
2024-03-20 | Girona, ES | Rust Girona
Introduction to programming Microcontrollers with Rust
2024-03-20 | Lyon, FR | Rust Lyon
Rust Lyon Meetup #9
2024-03-21 | Augsburg, DE | Rust Meetup Augsburg
Augsburg Rust Meetup #6
2024-03-21 | Lille, FR | Rust Lille
Rust Lille #6: Du RSS et de L'ECS !
2024-03-26 | Barcelona, ES + Virtual | BcnRust
13th BcnRust Meetup
2024-03-27 - 2024-03-28 | London, UK | Rust Nation UK
Rust Nation 2024 - Conference
2024-03-28 | Berlin, DE | Rust Berlin
Rust and Tell
North America
2024-03-07 | Mountain View, CA, US | Mountain View Rust Meetup
Rust Meetup at Hacker Dojo
2024-03-12 | New York, NY, US | Rust NYC
Rust NYC Monthly Meetup
2024-03-13 | Boston, MA, US | Boston Rust Meetup
Northeastern Rust Lunch
2024-03-19 | San Francisco, CA, US | San Francisco Rust Study Group
Rust Hacking in Person
2024-03-21 | Seattle, WA, US | Seattle Rust User Group
Seattle Rust User Group Meetup
2024-03-27 | Austin, TX, US | Rust ATX
Rust Lunch - Fareground
2024-03-27 | Hawthorne, CA, US | Freeform
Rust in the Physical World 🦀 Tech Talk Event at Freeform
If you are running a Rust event please add it to the calendar to get it mentioned here. Please remember to add a link to the event too. Email the Rust Community Team for access.
Please see the latest Who's Hiring thread on r/rust
Quote of the Week
My experience with C++ is that, as I’ve become more of an expert in the language, I’ve become more disillusioned with it. It’s incredibly hard to do things that you should be able to do in software. And, it’s a huge problem for me to constantly be helping other engineers debug the same bugs over and over. It’s always another use after free. I’ve probably debugged 300 of those. [...]
In our experience using the Rust ecosystem for almost three years now, I don't think we found a bug in a single Rust crate that we've pulled off the shelf. We found a bug in one of them and that was a Rust crate wrapping a C library and the bug was in the C library. The software quality that you kind of get for free is amazing.
– Carter Schultz interviewed on the filtra blog
Thanks to George Barwood for the suggestion!
Please submit quotes and vote for next week!
This Week in Rust is edited by: nellshamrell, llogiq, cdmistman, ericseppanen, extrawurst, andrewpollack, U007D, kolharsam, joelmarcey, mariannegoldin, bennyvasquez.
Email list hosting is sponsored by The Rust Foundation
Discuss on r/rust
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mcavusoglu · 5 months
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Nutriway™ sertifikalı 🍃nane ile desteklenen Glister™ Ferahlatıcı Ağız Spreyi’nin bir dozu size anında uzun süre kalıcı nane tadında ferah bir nefes 🌬️sağlar. Cepte taşınabilecek pratik boyu 223 kereye kadar kullanım olanağı sunar. Ürün kodu: 124111
🩵Aerosol değildir. 🩵Boya ve yapay renklendirici içermez. 🩵Şeker içermez. 🩵Paraben içermez. 🩵Hayvansal kaynaklı bileşenler içermez.
amway.com.tr/tr/login/register/customer/abo/7956751 Bu linke tıklayarak kayıtlı müşteri olup tüm ürünleri alabilirsiniz
glister #ağızbakımı #ağızspreyi #ağızvedişsağlığı #ağızkokusu
Photocredit @fatmasefagungor
0 notes
soulgalaxywolf · 5 months
Hi, everyone! It's a bit late, but here's the second story for the Reedsy Weekly Writing Contest submission: #223 ACADEMIA
0 notes
upzy · 8 months
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-55 30 -267 194 -382 293 -447 382 -13 17 -55 76 -95 130 -64 87 -143 228
-172 306 -6 16 -15 26 -20 23 -11 -7 -30 -86 -36 -151 -2 -27 -11 -90 -19
-140 -9 -61 -13 -157 -12 -295 3 -229 18 -341 67 -474 16 -44 27 -82 24 -84
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31 -27 14 -50 -52 -72 -168 -250 -174 -266 -3 -10 -16 -34 -28 -53 -42 -68
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-13 69 -119 160 -208 39 -38 71 -75 71 -82 0 -14 236 -223 294 -260 22 -14 60
-44 85 -68 25 -23 74 -61 108 -83 34 -23 66 -48 70 -56 8 -14 142 -103 172
-114 9 -3 41 -22 71 -41 31 -20 103 -58 161 -86 l106 -50 57 -169 c31 -93 53
-172 49 -176 -23 -21 -246 -135 -335 -171 -57 -22 -125 -50 -151 -61 -26 -10
-87 -23 -134 -29 -47 -5 -89 -11 -92 -13 -3 -3 -33 -7 -65 -11 -70 -7 -76 -10
-70 -33 5 -18 34 -40 150 -112 495 -308 799 -435 1179 -494 268 -41 513 -44
753 -11 l111 16 78 -47 c80 -48 113 -72 113 -83 0 -27 -160 -190 -237 -243
-40 -27 -73 -53 -73 -58 0 -17 298 -12 381 6 41 8 82 19 91 25 36 19 91 5 59
-15 -24 -15 -115 -228 -159 -372 -28 -88 -57 -174 -65 -190 -23 -43 -59 -73
-197 -161 -115 -73 -303 -200 -440 -298 -30 -21 -89 -61 -130 -89 -41 -27 -91
-63 -110 -80 -19 -17 -83 -62 -142 -101 -59 -38 -107 -76 -107 -83 -1 -7 18
-45 40 -85 23 -40 56 -97 73 -127 18 -30 40 -75 50 -100 10 -25 22 -50 27 -57
6 -6 14 -25 19 -42 9 -32 -7 -60 -79 -133 -31 -32 -39 -48 -22 -48 8 0 48 42
94 99 23 29 33 21 53 -44 10 -30 21 -55 25 -55 4 0 19 -25 33 -56 33 -72 101
-174 165 -247 27 -31 54 -63 58 -71 4 -7 30 -29 56 -49 27 -20 81 -64 120 -98
69 -58 116 -90 342 -228 117 -72 187 -122 192 -138 2 -6 -26 -32 -64 -56 -37
-24 -105 -73 -150 -108 -85 -67 -129 -100 -328 -247 -66 -49 -126 -99 -132
-110 -19 -32 -16 -52 7 -52 13 0 20 7 20 19 0 10 17 34 38 53 34 30 66 54 186
138 23 16 141 104 166 123 8 7 28 21 45 31 16 11 34 23 40 28 5 5 24 20 40 33
49 41 172 125 184 125 5 0 14 -6 18 -13 4 -6 35 -32 68 -57 33 -24 67 -50 75
-56 8 -6 63 -57 121 -113 58 -55 112 -101 121 -101 8 0 21 7 28 15 17 20 275
214 326 245 68 41 134 80 229 135 50 29 135 79 190 111 55 32 125 71 155 87
421 219 618 317 634 317 3 0 39 16 80 35 41 19 81 35 87 35 7 0 10 3 6 6 -3 4
26 22 66 41 40 19 74 39 75 44 2 5 10 9 17 9 7 0 23 8 35 18 22 18 23 18 129
-87 120 -119 211 -201 222 -201 4 0 42 -35 86 -78 43 -43 101 -96 128 -117 28
-22 79 -69 115 -105 36 -36 76 -73 88 -82 33 -27 139 -122 223 -201 74 -70
225 -202 278 -242 14 -11 67 -59 117 -107 82 -80 114 -102 114 -80 0 12 -192
195 -369 351 -83 74 -151 138 -151 141 0 4 -30 31 -67 61 -38 30 -124 108
-193 175 -69 66 -135 127 -147 135 -24 17 -250 220 -380 343 l-83 79 5 111
c25 505 47 753 95 1041 4 28 13 91 20 140 16 126 13 121 63 92 23 -14 71 -34
107 -46 67 -22 98 -21 155 4 44 19 122 26 173 14 29 -6 107 -51 231 -132 102
-68 229 -143 281 -166 52 -24 109 -52 127 -63 l32 -19 14 23 c8 13 19 48 26
78 26 120 52 258 62 319 5 35 12 67 15 73 3 5 9 39 12 76 8 76 20 85 74 57 91
-46 433 -169 568 -205 36 -9 106 -29 155 -45 171 -52 404 -109 412 -101 8 8 3
327 -6 423 -11 106 -58 442 -91 648 -27 161 -26 171 11 205 44 39 79 43 178
20 147 -34 555 -84 590 -72 13 4 14 64 2 78 -12 12 -65 144 -107 268 -19 55
-40 109 -48 121 -22 33 -63 139 -59 151 3 10 20 10 168 -6 89 -10 224 -22 445
-40 94 -7 582 -11 1044 -9 48 1 107 -4 130 -9 22 -6 53 -13 68 -16 22 -5 37
-27 98 -148 40 -78 76 -149 81 -157 8 -16 205 -410 262 -526 16 -33 35 -67 42
-75 7 -8 43 -73 80 -145 120 -232 140 -268 225 -405 175 -285 209 -353 286
-587 63 -190 65 -200 29 -177 -40 26 -29 8 33 -54 61 -61 107 -85 272 -138 47
-15 117 -40 155 -56 39 -16 93 -36 120 -44 75 -23 121 -73 150 -164 13 -41 33
-102 45 -134 22 -65 16 -85 -19 -67 -14 8 -21 8 -21 1 0 -5 4 -10 9 -10 4 0
39 -23 76 -52 38 -28 94 -68 125 -87 31 -20 77 -49 102 -66 25 -16 59 -38 75
-47 196 -121 438 -280 547 -362 38 -28 91 -64 117 -81 57 -37 172 -116 179
-124 10 -13 106 -88 133 -105 55 -34 179 -159 165 -166 -7 -4 -137 -10 -288
-13 -235 -5 -294 -10 -405 -31 -221 -42 -481 -139 -644 -241 l-65 -40 674 -3
c370 -1 675 0 678 3 3 2 -33 46 -79 98 -46 51 -98 111 -116 133 l-32 39 112 7
c62 4 139 6 171 3 99 -8 126 -51 129 -200 2 -74 4 -85 20 -85 14 0 17 9 17 53
0 137 -49 245 -140 313 -22 16 -40 34 -40 39 0 6 -22 26 -47 45 -26 19 -57 44
-69 55 -12 11 -50 40 -84 65 -34 25 -78 59 -98 76 -20 17 -86 64 -146 105
-120 82 -127 86 -317 212 -74 49 -145 97 -159 107 -14 11 -54 36 -90 56 -36
20 -95 56 -131 80 -37 24 -71 44 -75 44 -5 1 -25 14 -44 30 -19 17 -40 30 -46
30 -7 0 -14 3 -16 8 -2 4 -21 19 -44 33 -39 26 -42 33 -83 160 -58 183 -66
200 -120 251 -51 50 -114 77 -386 164 -193 63 -214 80 -251 203 -76 258 -154
442 -257 605 -62 99 -97 157 -97 161 0 2 -33 59 -73 127 -130 218 -261 468
-432 823 -116 242 -204 413 -475 918 -28 54 -50 104 -47 111 6 16 262 151 362
191 38 15 86 36 105 46 19 11 41 19 48 19 8 0 26 8 40 19 15 10 54 31 87 46
33 16 63 33 67 38 3 6 13 12 22 13 8 1 28 11 45 23 25 18 30 19 41 6 7 -8 18
-15 24 -15 31 0 216 -155 216 -180 0 -5 14 -39 31 -77 79 -178 112 -203 272
-203 107 0 179 20 261 72 79 51 122 101 168 197 40 83 46 90 83 101 22 7 45
15 50 20 27 20 68 20 113 -1 60 -27 78 -32 240 -74 133 -35 133 -35 362 -35
237 0 381 14 485 47 121 38 253 86 293 106 41 21 132 113 197 200 36 48 177
305 227 412 127 272 207 595 193 780 -8 103 -39 243 -66 297 -20 39 -25 93
-10 102 5 3 20 34 34 68 14 35 40 95 58 133 18 39 31 75 30 81 0 6 6 42 14 80
9 38 18 83 20 99 6 52 7 439 1 465 -3 14 -9 39 -13 55 -13 56 -15 330 -2 440
25 231 5 325 -104 492 -48 73 -79 90 -287 152 -184 56 -211 60 -404 60 -93 1
-172 4 -177 7 -16 10 -372 6 -479 -6 -213 -22 -355 -42 -366 -51 -6 -5 -35
-14 -65 -20 -30 -6 -73 -15 -96 -20 -52 -10 -187 -58 -268 -94 -33 -15 -73
-33 -90 -40 -16 -7 -55 -25 -86 -39 -31 -14 -59 -26 -63 -26 -10 0 -99 -42
-116 -55 -8 -6 -35 -18 -60 -25 -25 -7 -57 -19 -71 -26 -23 -11 -34 -8 -115
31 -49 25 -98 45 -110 45 -11 0 -25 5 -32 12 -17 17 -136 14 -164 -4 -13 -8
-54 -24 -93 -36 -38 -12 -128 -50 -200 -85 -212 -104 -255 -121 -266 -110 -8
8 -7 33 1 84 15 87 19 381 7 459 -10 67 -22 90 -111 209 -38 52 -80 117 -93
143 -13 27 -41 68 -63 92 -22 24 -46 58 -55 77 -18 43 -31 57 -77 91 -41 31
-78 48 -123 55 -37 6 -94 32 -116 53 -9 8 -24 29 -32 46 -25 48 -67 164 -60
164 3 0 -1 8 -10 18 -8 9 -17 23 -19 31 -3 14 -12 25 -110 141 -97 115 -118
135 -183 170 -33 17 -71 41 -84 53 -24 22 -101 172 -101 198 0 8 -14 35 -30
62 -21 33 -37 47 -52 47 l-22 0 21 -19 c11 -11 35 -55 53 -98 71 -170 105
-215 199 -262 66 -34 122 -87 200 -190 31 -40 64 -84 74 -97 19 -24 44 -83 76
-179 32 -98 81 -142 181 -165 89 -20 160 -75 210 -163 16 -29 48 -71 70 -95
22 -23 40 -51 40 -62 0 -11 15 -37 33 -57 19 -21 60 -74 93 -118 l59 -80 3
-210 c2 -115 -2 -244 -7 -285 -26 -181 -33 -216 -56 -287 -30 -89 -65 -144
-155 -239 -90 -95 -127 -151 -156 -236 -51 -151 -174 -302 -291 -357 -55 -27
-108 -76 -236 -219 -36 -40 -103 -81 -157 -97 -71 -20 -134 -62 -174 -115 -23
-30 -48 -64 -56 -75 -26 -34 -103 -106 -141 -130 -57 -37 -94 -93 -128 -194
-38 -110 -71 -179 -99 -204 -11 -10 -69 -45 -129 -78 -59 -33 -118 -71 -129
-85 l-21 -26 -30 64 c-17 34 -45 81 -62 102 -35 43 -35 43 -56 169 -16 98 -27
117 -109 195 l-56 54 18 26 c190 274 297 504 362 772 17 69 37 145 45 170 17 51 20 120 6 120 -6 0 -22 -17 -37 -37 -33 -46 -195 -213 -206 -213 -13 0 -9 22 6 39 26 28 156 298 195 404 89 238 135 472 150 762 19 349 0 542 -85 850 -49 179 -90 305 -120 373 -15 31 -33 73 -41 92 -19 43 -28 28 -36 -60 -10 -107 -121 -340 -242 -506 -97 -133 -364 -387 -528 -501 -84 -59 -90 -57 -66 25 30 103 77 317 89 412 20 142 15 407 -9 540 -25 137 -65 286 -116 430 -20 58 -39 113 -42 123 -4 14 -43 26 -43 13 0 -2 23 -66 51 -143 69 -187 118 -383 131 -523 13 -150 3 -407 -21 -551 -25 -144 -73 -335 -94 -376 -17 -31 -14 -63 5 -63 11 0 163 100 200 132 14 13 37 31 51 41 13 9 41 33 63 53 21 19 63 56 93 82 143 125 167 148 178 174 7 16 19 31 28 34 8 3 15 11 15 18 0 6 15 27 33 46 17 20 33 39 33 44 1 4 17 30 37 56 19 26 60 99 90 161 72 153 75 160 83
219 4 31 10 48 16 42 22 -22 126 -363 168 -552 54 -243 64 -370 50 -622 -21
-361 -59 -553 -169 -859 -20 -56 -75 -175 -108 -234 -10 -16 -31 -57 -48 -90
-28 -55 -58 -103 -101 -162 -10 -14 -13 -27 -7 -37 7 -14 14 -12 48 11 22 14
54 38 71 52 17 14 42 34 56 43 13 10 46 45 73 77 27 33 51 58 53 56 14 -14
-84 -367 -125 -447 -7 -15 -14 -31 -15 -35 -1 -5 -32 -67 -68 -138 -81 -158
-187 -318 -206 -311 -7 3 -14 0 -16 -5 -2 -6 -31 -13 -66 -16 l-62 -6 -42 46
c-34 36 -56 49 -105 63 -35 10 -63 22 -63 27 0 5 -12 26 -27 48 -35 49 -72 63
-127 48 -23 -6 -43 -10 -44 -8 -2 2 -3 67 -3 144 1 110 -3 168 -23 270 -13 72
-25 135 -27 140 -4 14 11 55 20 55 21 0 281 231 281 250 0 3 10 16 23 27 38
35 102 106 133 148 16 22 37 49 46 59 14 16 15 22 5 34 -10 13 -15 10 -37 -19
-30 -40 -292 -309 -301 -309 -4 0 -22 24 -40 53 -30 46 -136 192 -164 223 -5
7 -23 29 -40 49 -16 20 -141 148 -276 283 -248 250 -449 436 -497 461 -15 7
-40 26 -57 41 -54 51 -282 217 -365 266 -225 134 -378 215 -510 269 -30 13
-93 39 -140 59 -46 20 -94 36 -105 36 -12 0 -26 5 -32 11 -14 14 -273 76 -393
95 -154 23 -348 36 -452 30 -116 -7 -348 -40 -438 -62 -126 -31 -357 -125
-455 -186 -209 -130 -293 -194 -472 -357 -39 -36 -77 -71 -85 -77 -77 -65
-315 -416 -390 -574 -27 -58 -62 -131 -78 -162 -16 -32 -25 -60 -20 -63 10 -6
21 8 48 62 11 23 25 50 31 60 5 10 24 50 42 88 51 113 198 343 259 405 19 20
54 61 78 91 38 50 168 180 218 219 11 8 44 36 74 61 182 153 422 288 630 354
242 78 502 110 781 96 104 -5 192 -12 197 -15 4 -2 46 -10 92 -16 84 -11 266
-55 285 -69 6 -4 30 -13 55 -20 126 -36 615 -267 675 -320 11 -10 49 -32 85
-49 36 -18 77 -40 91 -49 68 -46 86 -59 109 -80 14 -13 28 -23 31 -23 12 0
222 -171 344 -281 175 -155 530 -506 578 -569 22 -30 49 -64 59 -75 62 -71
148 -184 148 -196 0 -15 -19 -10 -39 10 -10 10 -33 27 -52 37 -19 11 -36 21
-39 24 -3 3 -17 12 -32 20 -14 8 -68 39 -120 69 -144 84 -208 117 -278 141
-36 13 -69 27 -75 32 -5 4 -21 8 -35 8 -14 0 -30 4 -35 9 -6 5 -55 23 -110 41
-55 17 -131 43 -170 57 -38 14 -92 31 -120 38 -27 7 -84 23 -125 35 -225 65
-432 105 -690 134 -92 10 -140 20 -180 39 -30 14 -84 35 -120 47 -36 12 -75
27 -87 33 -13 6 -25 8 -28 5 -3 -3 -34 3 -68 14 -34 10 -125 32 -201 48 -76
16 -147 32 -158 35 -10 4 -18 1 -18 -5 0 -12 -8 -10 140 -45 231 -55 571 -178
700 -254 36 -21 115 -63 175 -94 61 -30 137 -71 170 -91 33 -19 81 -46 107
-59 101 -53 220 -129 274 -176 22 -20 54 -45 70 -55 16 -11 99 -90 184 -176
186 -187 240 -245 240 -258 0 -6 4 -12 8 -14 14 -6 101 -118 107 -138 4 -11
11 -20 16 -20 5 0 22 -19 37 -42 15 -24 37 -54 49 -68 12 -14 36 -48 53 -75
17 -28 22 -40 12 -28 -11 12 -23 19 -26 15 -4 -3 -10 -2 -14 4 -12 19 -155 90
-228 115 -38 12 -71 26 -74 29 -13 18 -432 150 -570 179 -30 7 -64 16 -75 20
-63 26 -264 71 -400 90 -38 6 -97 15 -130 20 -118 21 -422 41 -610 41 -202 0
-391 -12 -595 -37 -187 -24 -194 -24 -222 1 -13 11 -34 36 -47 54 -45 65 -373
372 -396 372 -8 0 -15 -2 -15 -4 0 -2 79 -82 176 -177 97 -96 189 -193 205
-216 17 -24 53 -69 80 -100 28 -32 69 -85 92 -118 22 -33 43 -62 47 -65 21
-17 108 -165 167 -285 65 -132 106 -231 159 -386 29 -85 87 -344 109 -484 24
-154 45 -624 35 -766 -5 -63 -10 -135 -11 -162 -2 -26 -6 -44 -10 -40 -4 5
-24 62 -44 127 -38 121 -98 275 -154 399 -17 38 -31 75 -31 82 0 7 -6 15 -13
18 -7 2 -28 36 -47 73 -18 38 -36 71 -39 74 -9 7 -28 39 -57 95 -24 44 -61
102 -74 115 -11 11 -85 126 -92 143 -4 9 -11 17 -16 17 -4 0 -16 15 -26 33
-10 17 -29 43 -42 57 -12 14 -35 44 -51 66 -37 55 -75 103 -150 191 -35 39
-63 75 -63 78 0 9 -109 115 -118 115 -4 0 -41 33 -83 73 -41 39 -90 85 -109
101 -40 34 -208 144 -260 171 -19 9 -53 27 -75 38 -22 12 -42 22 -45 22 -12 4
-87 36 -102 45 -10 6 -49 10 -88 10 -80 0 -74 8 -85 -120 -3 -41 -9 -102 -13
-135 -13 -117 -8 -1251 6 -1405 29 -309 48 -476 62 -540 6 -25 15 -76 20 -115
15 -102 36 -216 48 -250 5 -16 18 -68 27 -115 26 -127 66 -271 85 -310 4 -9
11 -31 15 -50 4 -19 11 -41 16 -50 4 -8 24 -58 44 -110 21 -52 41 -99 45 -105
5 -5 19 -39 33 -75 32 -85 118 -263 131 -272 7 -5 5 -8 -4 -8 -29 0 -282 261
-350 360 -13 19 -46 60 -74 90 -28 30 -69 82 -91 115 -22 33 -46 64 -54 69
-32 20 -192 286 -287 475 -92 185 -187 415 -223 541 -7 25 -19 63 -26 85 -8
22 -32 112 -53 200 -79 316 -114 526 -158 943 -3 28 -10 52 -16 52 -8 0 -9
-40 -5 -132 7 -142 9 -158 34 -313 8 -55 19 -122 24 -150 18 -114 37 -223 48
-265 6 -25 15 -65 21 -90 6 -25 25 -94 41 -155 16 -60 36 -132 43 -160 7 -27
21 -68 30 -90 16 -37 70 -229 80 -285 28 -153 139 -517 206 -675 5 -11 21 -56
36 -100 15 -44 35 -96 46 -115 10 -19 18 -44 18 -55 0 -12 4 -25 8 -31 5 -5
19 -38 32 -74 44 -127 170 -371 262 -509 27 -40 47 -75 45 -77 -2 -3 -17 2
-33 10 -16 8 -72 35 -124 60 -94 44 -331 196 -482 309 -112 82 -371 347 -422
430 -12 19 -43 68 -70 108 -97 145 -207 375 -271 565 -68 200 -88 405 -87 859
1 258 12 362 57 546 26 108 31 150 17 134 -18 -20 -43 -105 -72 -245 -27 -125
-33 -177 -40 -380 -5 -129 -19 -311 -30 -405 -16 -130 -23 -251 -27 -515 -6
-373 6 -573 47 -781 11 -57 20 -112 20 -123 0 -30 -24 -3 -72 82 -64 112 -74
131 -86 144 -20 25 -133 255 -173 352 -89 217 -163 452 -193 611 -8 44 -22
109 -30 145 -40 177 -55 597 -28 775 35 228 106 467 185 620 105 204 160 291
247 396 30 37 78 95 105 130 85 106 186 208 290 292 55 44 107 87 115 94 18
17 138 106 200 149 73 51 203 129 237 143 36 15 58 37 46 44 -14 9 -210 -93
-299 -154 -109 -76 -190 -136 -225 -169 -21 -19 -75 -66 -120 -105 -84 -72
-158 -144 -241 -235 l-48 -51 0 133 c0 250 31 451 101 664 37 115 196 430 299
594 85 135 113 170 136 170 8 0 54 -16 102 -36 107 -44 221 -84 239 -84 36 0
2 21 -94 60 -211 83 -406 184 -516 268 -262 200 -360 414 -373 822 -9 248 17
560 46 560 5 0 30 -39 55 -87 56 -103 154 -251 204 -308 84 -94 245 -246 301
-285 19 -13 37 -27 40 -30 11 -13 111 -80 119 -80 5 0 12 -7 15 -16 4 -9 9
-14 12 -11 3 3 49 -16 102 -42 54 -27 126 -58 162 -71 36 -12 72 -29 81 -36
37 -33 44 -20 67 134 49 323 70 550 79 850 6 203 5 222 -10 222 -15 0 -17 -17
-18 -142z m10516 -1533 c61 -3 182 -8 270 -10 151 -5 168 -7 300 -46 210 -62
257 -86 298 -151 19 -29 50 -87 70 -128 31 -64 36 -86 39 -155 1 -44 -3 -120
-10 -170 -18 -138 -16 -368 5 -440 14 -49 17 -104 16 -305 0 -245 0 -245 -31
-352 -17 -58 -42 -130 -55 -160 -13 -29 -30 -69 -37 -88 -17 -42 -50 -100 -57
-100 -7 0 -76 59 -131 113 -24 23 -77 93 -118 155 -115 171 -211 235 -424 282
-85 19 -107 35 -218 151 -89 93 -113 113 -185 148 -117 56 -142 62 -367 81
-208 17 -239 25 -368 92 -64 33 -151 71 -192 85 -69 23 -87 24 -227 21 -84 -2
-154 -1 -155 2 -1 3 23 57 54 120 31 63 68 140 82 170 52 112 118 218 156 247
14 11 58 36 179 100 25 13 52 23 61 23 9 0 21 5 26 10 6 6 33 14 60 19 44 7
182 34 243 47 15 3 20 9 15 14 -6 6 -56 2 -129 -10 -66 -12 -133 -23 -150 -26
-61 -10 -137 -44 -240 -107 -127 -78 -125 -75 -289 -403 -113 -224 -119 -233
-184 -291 -37 -33 -80 -68 -95 -78 -16 -10 -43 -37 -61 -60 -34 -45 -120 -118
-176 -149 -52 -30 -106 -78 -183 -164 -43 -48 -160 -284 -203 -409 -39 -114
-53 -136 -55 -85 -1 15 -3 38 -5 52 -19 116 -13 365 11 500 2 14 11 67 20 118
9 51 20 103 24 115 5 12 9 25 9 30 3 39 34 152 82 297 65 196 91 260 112 277
8 7 65 33 127 58 133 53 163 66 256 110 94 45 205 95 211 95 2 0 50 22 107 49
320 152 532 230 694 256 222 36 566 67 663 59 25 -2 95 -6 155 -9z m-1921
-346 c55 -22 105 -44 110 -49 10 -10 -67 -51 -161 -86 -35 -13 -71 -28 -80
-34 -33 -19 -156 -70 -159 -67 -5 5 94 248 108 264 19 23 78 14 182 -28z
m-214 18 c0 -7 -4 -17 -9 -22 -9 -10 -83 -189 -148 -360 -68 -177 -111 -323
-151 -505 -76 -345 -89 -551 -51 -773 21 -116 21 -125 6 -187 -9 -36 -21 -94
-27 -130 -6 -36 -17 -96 -25 -135 -8 -38 -17 -92 -20 -119 -7 -54 -13 -53 -51
15 -104 187 -215 423 -261 559 -65 190 -34 436 120 960 71 241 157 490 179
517 8 10 67 43 178 98 35 18 159 70 195 83 42 15 65 14 65 -1z m-5215 -146
c114 -18 250 -42 280 -51 17 -5 82 -21 145 -35 63 -15 119 -30 125 -34 5 -4
28 -13 50 -19 88 -25 343 -104 390 -121 28 -9 82 -28 120 -41 100 -33 254
-103 249 -112 -3 -4 3 -8 13 -8 18 -1 81 -35 275 -148 81 -47 188 -123 188
-133 0 -20 -177 -169 -248 -209 -15 -8 -29 -17 -32 -20 -25 -28 -261 -160
-285 -160 -13 0 -30 21 -69 80 -16 25 -54 76 -85 113 -31 38 -73 90 -93 115
-40 52 -279 288 -318 315 -14 9 -54 38 -89 63 -106 76 -230 154 -341 214 -58
31 -134 72 -170 92 -36 20 -94 52 -130 72 -70 38 -68 40 25 27z m6097 -532
c26 -4 116 -42 200 -83 84 -41 180 -81 213 -90 33 -8 142 -22 242 -30 140 -12
197 -21 251 -41 130 -47 145 -58 313 -242 39 -43 94 -70 182 -90 107 -24 227
-84 290 -146 29 -29 83 -97 119 -152 40 -61 102 -135 158 -190 127 -125 158
-192 180 -385 13 -121 4 -212 -36 -373 -68 -272 -266 -700 -396 -859 -21 -26
-38 -50 -38 -55 0 -4 -26 -33 -59 -64 -53 -51 -69 -60 -167 -92 -228 -75 -349
-102 -495 -112 -62 -5 -99 -4 -103 3 -3 6 17 49 45 96 52 88 129 300 209 571
61 208 110 367 116 377 3 5 14 37 24 71 11 34 33 107 49 162 32 105 39 145 19
111 -24 -41 -182 -510 -228 -676 -91 -327 -204 -612 -272 -680 -56 -57 -233
-46 -513 33 -115 32 -134 58 -110 151 7 28 15 72 18 98 13 94 111 536 213 953
81 333 124 524 124 549 0 42 -19 -2 -40 -91 -12 -54 -40 -168 -63 -253 -61
-235 -110 -445 -182 -770 -60 -272 -88 -398 -118 -523 -6 -26 -16 -52 -22 -56
-15 -12 -150 -51 -177 -51 -49 0 -135 33 -218 83 -47 29 -92 57 -100 64 -8 7
-44 33 -80 59 -36 26 -91 72 -122 103 l-58 55 0 123 c0 277 109 942 220 1348
64 231 106 444 83 422 -7 -8 -113 -418 -167 -647 -54 -232 -83 -399 -142 -815
-7 -55 -19 -174 -25 -265 -7 -91 -13 -166 -14 -168 -4 -5 -167 89 -227 132
-235 169 -347 272 -389 361 -35 72 -35 81 -8 305 51 435 115 713 223 974 93
223 171 327 316 421 41 27 134 106 205 176 141 137 221 191 306 207 56 11 168
7 251 -9z m-6812 -327 c0 -4 -6 -17 -14 -28 -8 -11 -31 -61 -51 -110 -20 -49
-45 -105 -55 -125 -55 -101 -200 -469 -200 -505 0 -41 96 -228 195 -379 29
-44 79 -122 112 -174 34 -52 64 -88 67 -82 9 14 32 102 61 236 14 61 38 158
54 216 44 164 68 196 55 77 -9 -91 -7 -167 7 -238 27 -133 159 -479 187 -488
16 -5 16 32 -2 66 -48 97 -132 413 -109 412 5 -1 28 -26 52 -56 55 -68 149
-126 253 -154 l77 -21 90 21 c145 34 229 101 279 223 23 54 26 76 26 177 0
103 -3 121 -26 171 -14 30 -38 69 -52 87 -68 80 -197 143 -322 157 -86 10 -96
19 -59 50 42 35 239 166 305 203 90 50 94 49 131 -4 34 -50 149 -267 149 -282
0 -16 51 -125 56 -120 2 3 -3 38 -11 79 -37 183 -59 268 -82 318 -35 79 -40
111 -17 111 50 -1 321 -82 421 -126 61 -27 60 -25 157 -261 28 -70 56 -128 61
-130 6 -2 8 34 4 94 -4 54 -7 123 -8 155 -1 53 0 56 22 51 12 -3 41 -14 64
-25 l41 -19 7 -77 c9 -95 40 -158 101 -202 24 -17 44 -35 44 -39 0 -10 36 -21
44 -14 2 2 -27 35 -66 71 -66 64 -70 70 -77 125 -8 61 -4 107 9 107 4 0 36
-19 71 -43 78 -51 119 -71 130 -60 11 11 -37 94 -116 198 l-64 86 63 29 c85
38 187 102 264 163 35 27 67 46 71 41 22 -24 43 -191 48 -369 7 -229 0 -263
-88 -445 -74 -152 -110 -202 -187 -260 -67 -50 -74 -63 -61 -117 77 -316 110
-610 90 -779 -27 -212 -83 -519 -104 -559 -5 -11 -24 -36 -42 -56 -30 -34 -70
-125 -94 -216 -9 -34 -21 -48 -64 -77 -74 -48 -120 -102 -166 -193 -43 -86
-61 -106 -129 -143 -34 -18 -53 -37 -67 -67 -22 -46 -98 -130 -126 -138 -21
-7 -63 -76 -101 -164 -29 -68 -78 -121 -113 -121 -11 0 -25 -4 -31 -10 -13
-13 -116 -34 -427 -84 -430 -70 -441 -71 -797 -71 -409 0 -453 8 -665 114
-244 123 -231 113 -559 431 -105 102 -209 199 -231 215 -22 17 -72 59 -111 95
-183 167 -255 227 -322 266 -22 13 -35 30 -42 54 -16 64 -55 291 -86 504 l-17
120 22 14 c19 13 100 42 236 85 74 23 239 57 324 66 42 5 144 18 226 29 212
29 422 47 547 47 l107 0 -22 23 c-12 13 -42 36 -67 50 -25 14 -76 46 -115 71
-38 25 -110 66 -160 92 -49 26 -130 69 -180 96 -88 47 -91 48 -175 47 -47 -1
-112 -8 -145 -16 -151 -38 -323 -94 -412 -134 -17 -8 -36 -14 -42 -14 -9 0
-93 -36 -145 -62 -13 -7 -21 -6 -27 4 -12 18 -11 888 1 1193 8 186 14 253 24
263 11 11 24 10 82 -8 38 -12 77 -23 87 -24 9 -1 23 -8 29 -14 7 -7 17 -12 23
-12 14 0 215 -116 271 -156 344 -246 716 -689 987 -1179 125 -227 198 -395
283 -655 53 -162 75 -169 96 -35 20 125 17 661 -4 800 -9 61 -20 135 -23 165
-7 60 -42 230 -76 368 -20 83 -109 318 -181 482 -34 77 -150 274 -168 285 -6
4 -16 21 -24 38 -7 18 -34 58 -60 89 -25 31 -46 60 -46 65 0 5 15 10 33 11 17
1 109 9 202 17 259 23 585 33 585 17z m310 -12 c69 -6 130 -11 137 -12 9 -1 9
-9 -1 -32 -28 -64 -41 -91 -47 -96 -3 -3 -8 -21 -12 -41 -3 -20 -27 -95 -53
-165 -26 -71 -63 -172 -82 -224 -34 -93 -95 -282 -126 -390 -9 -30 -31 -120
-49 -199 -18 -80 -37 -146 -42 -147 -12 -4 -120 158 -226 340 -19 32 -47 79
-62 105 -53 88 -52 84 -25 158 57 151 78 203 126 303 27 58 70 149 96 203 25
53 46 99 46 101 0 2 11 29 25 61 l25 57 73 -7 c39 -3 128 -10 197 -15z m350
-41 c52 -11 145 -29 205 -40 61 -11 115 -21 120 -23 6 -2 -24 -20 -65 -41 -68
-34 -161 -91 -200 -122 -8 -6 -44 -34 -80 -60 -129 -95 -295 -270 -314 -330
-4 -13 -11 -23 -16 -23 -5 0 -14 -17 -21 -37 -7 -21 -14 -32 -17 -25 -3 11 21
90 48 157 34 82 115 245 122 245 4 0 8 5 8 11 0 6 11 25 25 43 26 34 32 56 16
56 -10 0 -101 -117 -101 -131 0 -4 -11 -25 -25 -45 -14 -20 -25 -31 -25 -25 0
14 105 295 139 373 23 54 4 53 181 17z m3695 -540 c-29 -94 -46 -120 -122
-192 -59 -56 -155 -177 -172 -217 -5 -14 -22 -63 -36 -110 -30 -102 -68 -148
-152 -186 -32 -15 -60 -29 -63 -33 -5 -6 -30 -21 -105 -62 -67 -37 -101 -79
-128 -160 -30 -89 -72 -166 -97 -179 -16 -9 -23 -4 -45 27 -22 33 -25 48 -25
121 0 156 12 176 146 247 78 41 129 77 162 114 21 24 82 166 82 191 0 37 56
122 112 171 34 30 70 62 81 72 11 9 24 17 28 17 5 0 21 19 36 43 61 95 108
141 169 165 33 13 79 33 104 45 25 12 46 19 48 15 2 -4 -8 -44 -23 -89z
m-3492 -36 c16 -8 35 -12 42 -9 18 7 80 -38 103 -76 11 -18 30 -62 43 -97 18
-53 21 -78 16 -139 -3 -41 -10 -79 -16 -85 -6 -6 -11 -19 -11 -28 0 -10 -14
-45 -31 -78 -30 -59 -86 -108 -160 -141 -48 -20 -160 -38 -192 -30 -18 5 -51
13 -73 19 -23 6 -62 23 -88 37 -36 20 -46 31 -46 52 -1 15 -9 45 -20 67 -34
71 -23 162 37 299 33 73 106 160 152 178 124 49 193 58 244 31z m1757 -15 c6
-7 24 -32 40 -55 17 -24 36 -43 43 -43 39 0 90 -25 123 -60 54 -57 84 -69 145
-58 64 12 104 -1 162 -52 53 -47 72 -89 86 -194 12 -82 25 -115 66 -164 53
-63 76 -134 85 -261 7 -103 12 -126 39 -179 29 -58 31 -68 31 -171 0 -88 -4
-121 -21 -163 l-20 -52 20 -54 c16 -42 21 -77 21 -156 0 -118 -18 -185 -72
-263 -19 -27 -42 -71 -52 -97 -16 -43 -17 -55 -6 -100 8 -32 11 -94 8 -162 -4
-123 -23 -177 -84 -248 -68 -79 -91 -121 -113 -203 -23 -91 -56 -144 -141
-227 -78 -77 -107 -121 -140 -215 -25 -68 -103 -164 -143 -177 -46 -14 -148
-99 -179 -149 -66 -106 -82 -125 -129 -156 -49 -31 -139 -122 -139 -141 0 -18
-95 -110 -130 -124 -19 -9 -60 -20 -89 -26 -63 -11 -115 -45 -186 -118 -56
-59 -134 -100 -238 -127 -59 -15 -73 -24 -103 -60 -27 -33 -47 -46 -92 -60
-31 -9 -90 -39 -130 -67 l-73 -49 -112 -8 c-62 -5 -129 -13 -151 -20 -23 -6
-67 -8 -110 -4 -59 6 -85 3 -145 -15 -68 -21 -80 -22 -140 -11 -45 9 -83 24
-121 49 -62 42 -102 45 -218 21 -59 -12 -66 -11 -142 14 -77 26 -81 26 -122
11 -106 -38 -162 -42 -283 -19 -58 11 -85 22 -111 45 -51 44 -105 69 -169 76
-51 6 -63 13 -115 60 -36 34 -71 79 -93 122 -44 83 -52 91 -150 138 -106 50
-144 99 -162 206 -4 27 -24 57 -74 112 -76 83 -74 79 -91 249 -6 54 -16 110
-24 125 -7 15 -16 60 -19 99 -5 59 -12 81 -36 117 -17 25 -31 58 -31 74 0 29
1 29 67 36 37 4 102 14 145 23 l77 15 72 -61 c102 -86 244 -175 324 -205 22
-8 61 -26 86 -39 43 -22 72 -31 224 -67 85 -20 438 -24 650 -6 253 21 331 32
744 111 87 16 110 13 76 -11 -36 -25 -95 -88 -95 -101 0 -23 18 -14 64 31 25
24 69 56 98 71 29 15 79 45 110 67 53 35 62 47 107 142 42 88 59 111 119 167
39 35 80 83 92 107 16 31 40 54 84 82 67 43 92 71 123 142 28 62 98 149 137
170 51 26 116 103 116 136 0 70 46 158 121 234 10 10 20 25 23 35 50 173 70
219 110 252 9 7 16 20 16 27 0 8 16 63 35 122 26 80 47 124 81 170 45 61 52
88 16 66 -9 -6 -32 -30 -50 -54 l-33 -43 7 54 c4 30 16 83 26 119 29 94 31
110 20 110 -26 0 -72 -144 -81 -255 -10 -118 -49 -277 -77 -312 -12 -15 -25
-25 -28 -22 -3 3 1 44 9 91 50 290 38 571 -40 904 -13 55 -27 107 -30 116 -5
11 14 32 63 72 49 40 82 77 110 124 52 89 105 195 127 257 34 99 38 107 59
115 32 13 114 12 126 -2z m-3854 -900 c38 -23 103 -57 144 -76 72 -33 241
-127 325 -181 l40 -25 -40 -7 c-22 -5 -85 -8 -140 -8 -221 -2 -665 -63 -890
-124 -71 -19 -150 -38 -175 -42 -25 -4 -49 -11 -55 -15 -5 -4 -22 -10 -37 -14
-26 -6 -27 -5 -33 51 -4 32 -10 78 -13 103 -14 93 -8 105 66 140 37 18 74 38
82 45 44 37 548 191 636 194 12 1 53 -18 90 -41z m-2903 -320 c8 -225 21 -347
52 -503 13 -66 26 -140 29 -165 3 -25 9 -55 12 -67 9 -32 -18 -30 -76 4 -47
27 -140 78 -227 123 -29 16 -81 49 -117 74 -36 25 -68 46 -72 46 -3 0 -23 15
-44 33 -58 51 -83 71 -106 87 -113 78 -544 492 -544 523 0 6 13 7 33 2 228
-49 371 -59 612 -45 169 10 217 18 355 53 94 25 86 40 93 -165z m9963 -216
c29 -18 65 -45 80 -59 50 -46 184 -123 226 -130 31 -4 53 -18 87 -53 41 -41
75 -69 211 -170 106 -78 234 -140 291 -140 35 0 37 -15 10 -69 -67 -139 -184
-224 -333 -241 -126 -15 -181 -3 -232 51 -24 24 -55 73 -71 109 -33 77 -84
159 -117 189 -25 23 -157 111 -166 111 -3 0 -52 23 -109 51 -72 35 -112 62
-130 86 l-27 35 12 101 c12 110 45 252 63 273 9 11 25 1 83 -49 39 -35 94 -78
122 -95z m-9299 -535 c32 -135 29 -152 -16 -128 -11 6 -32 11 -47 11 -26 0
-26 1 -20 48 13 102 26 250 26 317 0 39 4 88 8 110 5 30 9 7 13 -95 5 -95 15
-173 36 -263z m1054 -362 c16 -27 34 -60 40 -72 7 -13 16 -23 21 -23 4 0 8 -5
8 -12 0 -11 113 -185 150 -229 11 -13 24 -29 29 -35 5 -6 21 -30 35 -53 15
-23 33 -44 41 -48 8 -3 15 -11 15 -19 0 -8 4 -14 10 -14 5 0 40 -39 77 -86 81
-102 289 -313 353 -357 25 -17 47 -34 48 -39 6 -14 20 -8 27 11 6 21 -15 79
-79 213 -50 105 -76 165 -81 189 -4 18 6 17 160 -31 39 -12 82 -24 96 -27 23
-4 27 -11 32 -50 3 -29 14 -54 30 -71 40 -44 45 -62 30 -112 -11 -37 -26 -54
-79 -95 -35 -27 -81 -58 -102 -69 -20 -10 -39 -22 -42 -26 -3 -3 -77 -46 -164
-95 -115 -63 -163 -85 -174 -79 -8 5 -24 27 -36 48 -11 22 -29 49 -39 61 -52
63 -202 361 -251 497 -32 87 -81 213 -111 283 -7 17 -19 50 -25 75 -7 25 -15
50 -19 55 -17 23 -161 478 -161 508 0 6 30 -46 66 -118 37 -71 79 -152 95
-180z m-992 183 c79 -203 148 -363 180 -416 88 -149 249 -364 376 -500 26 -28
123 -111 159 -137 67 -48 77 -58 68 -67 -18 -18 -310 -39 -442 -33 -237 12
-615 70 -678 105 -9 5 -42 16 -72 26 -139 42 -731 343 -847 432 -18 13 -31 28
-28 32 2 4 28 8 57 9 29 1 67 6 83 11 17 4 73 19 125 31 155 36 401 140 485
205 54 41 67 34 105 -58 18 -46 60 -131 92 -191 32 -59 62 -117 67 -130 5 -13
34 -59 65 -102 31 -44 64 -91 74 -105 33 -47 90 -105 98 -97 4 4 2 28 -5 55
-32 126 -55 238 -71 357 -13 96 -39 495 -33 512 3 6 19 18 36 27 18 9 43 25
57 36 32 25 39 25 49 -2z m1531 -87 c107 -86 154 -126 184 -156 17 -17 35 -31
41 -32 5 -1 11 -6 13 -11 3 -9 -97 -22 -175 -22 -44 0 -57 -8 -45 -27 5 -8 53
-12 137 -13 143 -2 198 -18 229 -65 9 -14 40 -43 69 -66 59 -46 267 -248 267
-259 0 -8 -85 -25 -175 -35 -27 -3 -84 -1 -125 4 -83 11 -247 60 -287 86 -26
17 -57 78 -79 155 -7 25 -27 86 -45 135 -36 104 -99 346 -92 358 6 9 15 3 83
-52z m4609 -1213 c5 -35 13 -92 17 -128 3 -36 12 -90 19 -120 8 -30 21 -122
30 -205 9 -82 18 -157 20 -165 19 -65 34 -485 18 -501 -5 -5 -30 -2 -58 6 -28
8 -133 38 -235 66 -179 49 -244 69 -415 123 -126 40 -197 65 -209 75 -6 5 -22
12 -36 16 -42 13 -180 77 -180 85 0 3 22 16 48 28 27 12 76 49 110 82 34 33
69 60 76 60 8 0 52 -14 98 -30 46 -17 119 -42 163 -56 116 -37 272 -90 332
-113 l52 -21 7 35 c3 19 -1 76 -10 127 -10 51 -26 145 -37 208 -11 63 -21 160
-22 215 -2 98 -1 101 30 146 18 26 47 57 65 71 34 26 88 57 99 58 4 0 12 -28
18 -62z m-5030 -21 c6 -8 37 -26 68 -41 32 -15 67 -33 78 -39 11 -6 39 -21 63
-33 50 -25 54 -36 15 -46 -15 -4 -44 -11 -63 -17 -19 -5 -60 -17 -90 -25 -83
-23 -332 -58 -342 -48 -5 5 15 27 49 53 32 24 60 48 62 53 7 16 133 156 140
156 5 0 13 -6 20 -13z m4781 -243 c0 -28 6 -67 14 -85 7 -19 19 -74 26 -124 7
-49 21 -132 31 -184 11 -52 18 -96 15 -98 -2 -2 -48 13 -102 33 -183 66 -319
114 -369 130 -72 22 -105 35 -105 44 0 3 35 14 78 23 68 15 85 23 123 60 24
23 64 71 89 106 25 36 65 80 90 98 25 18 56 41 70 52 32 24 40 13 40 -55z
m-5556 -1274 c24 -36 53 -83 65 -105 12 -22 26 -47 31 -55 9 -14 64 -116 155
-285 107 -202 285 -415 420 -505 28 -19 52 -36 55 -39 3 -3 39 -28 80 -55 41
-27 93 -61 115 -76 22 -14 69 -42 105 -62 151 -82 216 -122 410 -255 125 -86
230 -170 230 -184 0 -3 -35 -29 -78 -57 -43 -28 -97 -65 -120 -84 -120 -96
-178 -137 -194 -138 -5 0 -27 19 -51 43 -63 61 -198 180 -227 199 -14 10 -52
36 -86 60 -124 87 -273 184 -464 303 -122 76 -216 153 -321 263 -125 132 -208
266 -293 472 -78 190 -93 222 -179 369 l-44 75 121 84 c67 47 137 97 156 113
l35 28 18 -22 c10 -12 38 -51 61 -87z"/>
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that's it. that's the post. he's code now.
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had to wrestle the code to be able to copy and paste it, so i guess Peter Selinger 2001-2019 of potrace 1.16 can get his credit since he loves it so much
(not that it would be erased without their intervention!! i had to type out the lines that weren't in the <path> tag before i realised who's fault it was!!!!! aaaaaaa!!!!!)
it's taking everything ive got to not download a svg compatible graphics software instead of just using a converter because i want it in a Nicer quality and i also want it in Colour and the realisation i could also have Guys stored in a matrix and perform math calcs for image manipulation is really dangerous waters. i just think having this guy so scalable would be such a nice thing for me but i have zero justification for the amount of effort this takes.
0 notes
puretallant1 · 1 year
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getting warmed up with my newly done Mizuno set from my buddy @lograssobrian made for me, Mizuno 223 with custom accra ICWT shafts and Limited Edition Blue STZ220 driver with Ventus TR Blue shaft and Mizuno Mcrafted putter with Stability Tour Shaft and mizuno T22 denim wedges #mizunogolf #mizunopro223 #mizunostz220ltd #mizunoproflihi #mcraftedputter #stabilitytourshaft #golf #golfer #golfersofinstagramgolf⛳️ #golfr #golflife #simian🦍golf #simian🦍troop #gorilla🦍strong #gorilla🦍long (at Queen's Harbour Yacht & Country Club) https://www.instagram.com/p/CpaRiw8OQY-/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
0 notes
ariesgamesandminis · 1 year
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Restocks are up from Iron Wind Metals for BattleTech!
20-036 RIGA FRIGATE 20-222 RABID COYOTE 20-241 RAZORBACK RZK-9S 20-261 Locust LCT-5V 20-263 SVANTOVIT INFANTRY FIGHTING 20-286 HAWK MOTH VTOL 20-305 Scorpion Light Tank 20-316 Goliath GOL-2H 20-328 Legionnaire LGN-2D / LGN-2K 20-367 SPIDER SDR-7K / SDR-7K2 20-382 Heavy LRM Carrier 20-428 ASSHUR ARTILLERY SPOTTER 20-444 Atlas II AS7-D-H 20-499 Bolla Stealth Tank Invictus / Infernus 20-5022 Blade BLD-XL 20-5049 Carnivore Assault Tank 20-5087 Atlas III AS7-D3 20-5098 Black Knight BLK-NT-5H 20-5099 Bruin 20-5117 Kodiak II 20-5118 Tomahawk II Prime 20-5119 Cave Lion 20-5122 Tenshi TN-10-O Prime 20-5123 Wendigo Prime 20-5131 Centurion CN11-O Prime 20-5182 Catapult CPLT-C1 20-5190 Dasher II 20-5192 War Crow Prime 20-5200 Carrion Crow Prime 20-5206 Regent Prime 20-627 LRM Carrier 20-655 Fire Scorpion 20-656 THUNDER STALLION   20-690 Owens OW-1 20-695 Fire Falcon Prime 20-713 SLAYER SL-15 Mech Scale Fighter 20-725 CAVALRY ATTACK HELICOPTER 20-751 Long Tom Artillery LT-MOB-25 20-779 Manticore Heavy Tank 20-786 HACHIMAN FIRE SUPPORT 20-793 Hollander BZK-F3 20-800 Hex Bases 20-819 Maxim Hover Transport 20-825 Bulldog Medium Tank 20-876 Dervish DV-6M 20-879 Clint CLNT-2-3T 20-900 Cicada CDA-2A 20-938 MARS ASSAULT VEHICLE 20-995 Legacy LGC-01 20-9116 Cougar Prime 99-201 Large Flat Top Hex Base #1 99-500 Small Bunker 99-501 Medium Bunker 99-502 Large Bunker 99-600 Small Missile Launcher Turret 99-601 Large Gun 99-602 Large Missile Launcher BT-006 Phalanx Battle Armor BT-007 Rottweiler Battle Armor BT-009 Trinity (Ying Long) Battle Armor BT-016 Broadsword BT-019 Leopard BT-026 Union (2708) BT-030 Sylph Battle Armor BT-076 Bashkir Micro Fighter BT-082 Seydlitz Micro Fighter BT-090 Avar Micro Fighter BT-130 Hauberk Battle Armor BT-133 Corona Battle Armor BT-134 Gray Death Legion Battle Armor BT-135 Argus AGS-4D BT-178 Jade Hawk JHK-03 BT-188 Nighthawk Battle Armor BT-189 Kobold Battle Armor BT-193 Purifier BA D (2 pc) (kneeling) BT-198 Tengu Battle Armor BT-207 Delphyne ProtoMech BT-209 Se'irim Medium Battle Armor BT-222 Tau Wraith BT-223 Tau Zombie BT-226 Fast Recon BT-230 Kopis Battle Armor BT-239 Jump Support Infantry BT-243 XTC Marine BT-244 Heavy Infantry - Standing BT-245 Heavy Infantry - Firing BT-277 Boggart Quad Protomech BT-287 Zephyros Infantry Support Vehicle BT-294 Hatamoto-Suna HTM-30S BT-352 Doloire DLR-OB B BT-363 Swiftwind Scout Car BT-364 Gabriel Hovercraft BT-370 Kurita Infantry BT-371 Davion Infantry BT-374 Roc Protomech BT-376 Minotaur Protomech BT-381 Basic Inner Sphere Battle Armor BT-382 Kanazuchi Battle Armor BT-383 Longinus Battle Armor BT-387 Gnome Battle Armor BT-388 Salamander Battle Armor BT-392 Raiden Battle Armor BT-406 Trebaruna TR-XB BT-427 Balac Strike VTOL BT-434 Leonidas Battle Armor BT-439 Black Wolf Battle Armor BT-442 Wulfen A BT-464 Cyrano Gunship BT-473 Atlas II AS7-D-H (Devlin) BT-475 Carrion Crow A 20-209D Rifleman Top Plates 20-244C Garm GRM-01A Arm Sprue 20-317B Ostroc 4C Legs 20-417B Marksman MBT M1 Turret 20-425E Shiro SH-P Banner 20-5052D Fennec FEC-1CM Antenna Sprue 20-5182D Catapult CPLT-K2 Arm Sprue 20-647B Sirocco SRC-3C Left Legs 20-647C Sirocco SRC-3C Right Legs 20-674ARM Falconer FLC-8R Arm Sprue 20-702B Corsair Aerotech Fighter Fins 20-741A J-27 Tow Vehicle Tractor Body 20-741B J-27 Tow Vehicle Trailer Body 20-755AMS Spartan SPT-N2 Arms 20-983ARM Mad Cat MK II Arm Sprue BT-288E Grand Titan T-IT-N14R "Vengeance" Gun BT-288G Grand Titan T-IT-N14R "Vengeance" Shell Sprue BT-292G Shiro SH-2P Banner BT-293C Hitotsume Kozo HKZ-1P Banner, Leg and Gun Spure BT-293D Hitotsume Kozo HKZ-1P Arm Sprue BT-294F Hatamoto-Suna HTM-30S Banner Sprue BT-450F Gyrfalcon 4 Jump Jet and Wings
#battletech #alphastrike #ironwindmetals #battletechalphastrike #miniatures #catalystgamelabs #battlemech #battletechminiatures #battletechpaintingandcustoms #mecha #tabletop #tabletopgames #tabletopgaming #wargaming #wargames #hobby #scifi #sciencefiction #miniaturepainting #mech #hovertank #6mmminis #6mmscifi #feldherr #dougram #gundam #robotech #armypainter #thearmypainter #chessex
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hardynwa · 1 year
6 AK47 Rifles Recovered by Military in Southeast Nigeria
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The Director Defence Media Operations, Major General Musa Danmadami said this during the bi-weekly News briefing in Abuja, Nigeria’s capital saying that the briefing covered the period of 26th January to 9th February 2023. General Danmadami said that “following the fire fight, troops also neutralised one terrorist and destroyed 10 motorcycles amongst others”. According to him, in furtherance to this, troops carried operational activities in villages, forest, towns and cities of Anambra, Abia, Enugu and Imo States geared towards restoring peace and normalcy to the region. Notably, troops raided an Indigenous People of Biafra/Eastern Security Network criminal in Ovuru community forest in Uzo-Uwanni Local Government Area of Enugu State and recovered one AK47 rifle, 5 rounds of 7.62mm special, one pump action gun, 31 rounds of cartridges, one locally made Improvised Explosive Device, one vehicle, battery, 2 solar panels, one wifi device and 3 hand held radios. Other items recovered are 2 radio chargers, 42 pairs of berets, 9 pairs of blue uniform trousers, 11 belts, 12 mobile phones, gunpowder and charms. Subsequently, in a follow up operation to another camp at Iyoun and Agubeji communities of the same Local Government Area, the troops raided and arrested 3 Indigenous People of Biafra/Eastern Security Network criminals. The Director also noted that ”troops responded to credible information on Indigenous People of Biafra/Eastern Security Network terrorist activities at County Primary School Amaruru in Ordu Local Government Area of Imo State and made contact with the terrorists.” He said that the troops also recovered one AK47 rifle and destroyed the terrorist shrines including posters with inscription of ‘No ELECTION’. Equally according to him, while on patrol along Road Eha – Amufu – nkalagu in Ishielu Local Government Area of Ebonyi State, troops arrested a suspected Indigenous People of Biafra/Eastern Security Network collaborator. He said that “preliminary investigation revealed that the suspect was responsible for the recruitment and initiation of youth for the terrorist group as well as being a spy for the terrorists”. Similarly, between 6 and 7 February 2023, the troops raided a suspected Indigenous People of Biafra/Eastern Security Network terrorist hideout in Nkalagu in Ishielu Local Government Area of Ebonyi State and Ugwuoba community in Oji River Local Government Area of Enugu State respectively. According to him, during the operation troops arrested one suspected IPOB/ESN criminal informant. “Troops also recovered one AK47 rifle, one SMG, one teargas launcher, one locally made pistol, 20 rounds of 7.62mm special ammo, 11 AK47 magazine, 260 rounds of 223 Remington ammunitions, Nigerian police uniforms, combats boots, solar panels, 15 fragmental jackets and 2 vehicles”, he said. Consequently, within the weeks under review, troops recovered 3 AK47 rifle, one Dane gun, one double barrel gun, one SMG, one tear gas launcher, 6 locally made pistol, 22 rounds of 7.62mm special ammo, 11 AK47 magazines, 260 rounds of 223 Remington ammunitions, one Trevor 21 rifle loaded with 23 rounds of 5.56mm ammo,11 expended cartridges, political banners, one vehicle, Nigerian police personnel uniforms, combat boots IPOB flyers , 3 motorcycles, and 2 mobile phones amongst others items. Troops equally neutralized 4 terrorists and arrested 9 terrorists. All recovered items and apprehended suspects have been handed over to the appropriate authority for further action. The Director noted that troops of Operation AWATSE have sustained the fight against criminal elements in the South West zone of the country. Notably, based on credible intelligence, troops conducted search operations to AJ Danpullo transport motorpark at Iddo in Lagos Mainland Local Government Area of Lagos State and arrested 1 suspected criminal who was to waybill some arms in his possession. General Danmadami said that “troops recovered from the suspect, 1 hand grenade, 25 rounds of 12.7mm ammunition, 1 roll of wire alongside other items suspected to be used for Improvised Explosive Device”s. Equally, troops raided some communities in Oshodi-Isolo Local Government Area of Lagos State and arrested 120 suspected drug peddlers. According to him, troops recovered 1 locally fabricated pistol, 10kg of cannabis, 5 grains of methamphetamine, 3 Kg of tramadol, 8 mobile phones, assorted charms amongst other items. All recovered items have been handed over to the appropriate authority. The Military High Command has commended the troop’s efforts in the various theatres of operations across the nation. It also acknowledged the Media for their partnership and continued cooperation with the military and other security agencies, in their quest to restore peace and security to the country. Read the full article
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goesbharata · 1 year
GLUCACARE BHARATA Khasiat dan kegunaan : – Kencing Manis / Diabetes Mellitus – Penyakit Gula Basah dan Kering – Mengontrol Gula Darah Komposisi : – Tinospora Crispa Caulis Ekstrak – Cinnamomum Buramanii Cortex Ektrak Kemasan : Box, Botol @50 Kapsul BPOM : POM TR 223 068 651 Harga Eceran Terendah : Rp. 195.000,- Dosis dan Cara Penggunaan : 1 kapsul, diminum 2 kali sehari Peringatan : – Hanya untuk…
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pdfsayar · 2 years
Zihnim Ellerimde
6 sonuç Boyut Önizleme İndirme Kelimeler Ellerimdeellerimde?autoplay ortak okullar: Şehİt oĞuzhan yaŞar anadolu lİsesİ bornova ŞÜkrÜ seher ergİl Çok programli anadolu lİsesİ yilmaz balaban İŞİtme engellİler İlkokulu ortaokulu neftchala, 3 …Kaynak: https://sehitoguzhanyasaranadolulisesi.meb.k12.tr/ … Ellerimde.pdf?CHK=a0b4510b6a17690bfac6f6d541e2aebc 223 KB Önizle İndir Direniş –…
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porevawad · 2 years
Technisat rns 315 bedienungsanleitung panasonic
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sachinsai85 · 2 years
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Office Ride TR=223 (12.05.2022) Total= 5779.36 km 🚵
#cycle2work #ride2office #officeride #solorider
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wrongplaceworsttime · 3 years
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raamitsu · 3 years
chapter 223 is… pretty relaxing a bit, though we still not sure whether draken is going to be alive or not. the ambulance has arrived and he’s in, thanks to senju, but then he started hallucinating emma??? ha ha i don’t know nan molla 🤷🏻‍♀️
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thenamelessghosts · 3 years
Tokyo revengers 223 spoilers.
Draken dying to "be with ema" Is the WORST ENDING for his arc holy fuck, it's literally just, how to deal with grief? Just die ❤. Bruh I do not give a shit if they're together in the "afterlife" Or whatever, it's bulshit and a cheap cop out to have a character grow past their grief and trauma.
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