lowrezbonuslevel · 1 month
🪄 and 🌙 for Tillda please!
Sure thing!
Q: "🪄 (Magic Wand) - Are they capable of wielding magic? Is it a learned skill, or is it innate? What sorts of spells can they cast? Do they possess any magical items or artifacts? [e.g. the Dimensional Mantle]"
A: I headcanon that Taranza's species as a whole (including Tillda) have innate abilities in both plant and web magic (and probably crystal magic too). But that doesn't mean all of them practice or use that magic on a regular basis—Tillda, for example, rarely has a major reason to make webs aside from doing her hair, and she almost never uses her plant magic. So, she's not exactly battle-tested, but she wouldn't hesitate to sling a spell or two in self-defense.
PS: If Taranza's is pink and Sectonia's is golden, I think Tillda's magic aura ought to be purple!
(continued answers + sketches under the cut!)
PPS: It was mostly Tillda that supported Taranza's study of puppeteering magic (which is NOT one of their species' innate abilities). She didn't understand the first thing about it herself, but it was one of the few things that continued to make her little brother genuinely cheerful in the wake of their parents' sudden absence, so… escorting him to puppetry classes and sorcerers' seminars was soon just part of life.
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Q: "🌙 (Moon) - Is your OC a particularly light or heavy sleeper? Somewhere in-between? Do they take naps?"
A: I would have to think Tillda is a heavy sleeper. Her job is pretty stressful and she always comes home tired. And she does take naps, but never intentionally…
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(To be honest, she probably has chronic fatigue.)
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