#though we'll see bc I have another week for 9-1-1 so I might do this one and tgd and not worry about it xD
Promo time!!
Hi Grace :))
Dramatic speech?
No okay it looks like a different one
Oh okay just a fancy thing
OOGH can we talk about Tommy's HAIR there :OOO ❤️❤️
Ohhh a cancer thing!! But also ? Like both but not quite ?!! lol
Hmm dramatic speech
Who is this guy???
Y'all I am STRESSED 😭😭😭😳😬 xdd
Can we not get ONE WEEK XD
ONE WEEK of rest lol xD
That's the last of my last thoughts! Now it's time for the. . .
I absolutely LOVED this episode!! It was so good. And the DRAMA y'all!!! The ANSGT!!! Lovely lol xD <333. Seeing Marjan's side interspersed the others looking for her was just mMH! Amazing :DDD. Also I am LOVING these Marjan storylines we're getting!! A slay for real :D. She deserves it and she is serving SO HARD!! I don't usually say serve but it felt appropriate here lol. Anyway yeah it was an amazing, and super emotional 😭😭💔, episode :DDD!! So great 🥰🥰❤️. And so many nice happy moments in the beginning!! Or sweet moments :D. Especially with the rest of the 126 been after they find out she's missing but also on Marjan's side, like with Mouse, even if (though) she was just Marjan hallucinating herself :)). Anyway!! Lovely ❤️❤️❤️❤️.
Now it's time for the individual parts!
Okay so since I'm watching the next episode a few days late, probably sometime this weekend, it's currently the Thursday after the next episode lol. Sh xD. This will most likely be pretty short though because I have a lot going on.
Tommy! We didn't see her much but she was so sweet at the end :)). I'm so sorry for you having to sit through that ballet performance girl xDD. But yeah, she was great at her job I'm sure lol. I love her <33 🥰.
Grace! I love her :)). As soon as Judd said he knew what to do I was like :DD :O Grace!! So that was why she had to work ;)). Like plot wise I mean lol. Anyway, she was great at he job 🥰🥰. And great when we saw her at the end too of course :).
Paul, Judd, and Owen! I'm pairing them up in their groups lol. I love them :'D. They were great this episode, adorable and funny in the beginning XD, and great at finding Marjan later on :)). I'm so glad they did, too <333. And Marjan and Paul at the end ❤️❤️❤️🥰😭. My besties <33.
Mateo, TK, and Carlos! Mateooo 😭😭😭❤️💔. My poor boyy <333. I love him :'((. Also I just have to mention the Tarlos conversation at the beginning - amazing xD. I love them so much lol <3. I'm talking about the bit about firing Owen lol. Anyway, they were all great at their jobs!! They all played a big role in finding her :)).
Marjan! Our lovely girl :'). AAAAAAHHHHHHHHH!!!! She did so good this episode 😭. She slayed so hard :D. Everything she did to escape and fight Grant was just incredible, especially given that she was actually (physically) doing it all alone. Like, dude, she was in a car crash and then she got SHOT o.o! Girl was going through it xd. And I REMEMBER saying last week (not technically by the time I'm actually writing this but shhh) with the promo "maybe that's young Marjan or something?" but I didn't think I'd be RIGHT!!! Not totally, anyway xD. Then I was like, okay so she's not real, but Marjan hadn't seen the car yet, so how is she imagining her (after other people didn't acknowledge her)? And then it WAS MARJAN!!! I also figured the flowers would be a family member using the nickname and I just- aGH!! And I'm so proud of myself for guessing that (and the whole thing in general lol) :DD! Anyway, I feel awful for her - hasn't she had enough traumatic car crashes?? As a kid, in the beginning of season 3, and now?? - but she was amazing this episode :')). Everything with finding out it was her was just 😭😭😭. And even before then, just for Mouse thinking she's a separate character, and then it's extra heartbreaking when you think back on it after finding out it was Marjan :'((. D':, but also :')) because it was just so good xd. Anyway, yeah <3. She did amazing at her job this episode (staying alive xdd). I love her so much ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️🥰.
Overall, I really enjoyed this episode! I thought it was super amazing, and I'm glad we got to see all of the 126 (minus Tommy unfortunately) helping find Marjan - that was really great :'). They're my family your honor 😭. I don't mean that literally, just kind of in a "they're my babeys" kinda way xD. Anyway, we got to see everyone, but we still got a good focus on our wonderful girl Marjan <333. She did so well, and I am so glad she's okay 😭😭😭❤️ xd. I'm also lowkey kinda glad Mouse wasn't real, because any more casualties (not that I'm sad about Grant, but I just mean like, other people) from that crash would just be extra heartbreaking :'((. Still, knowing it happened to Marjan is just :'((( 😭💔. But, yeah :'). I loved the episode, I thought it was absolutely amazing. Everyone was go great 🥰. I'm so proud of all of them, especially Marjan <333.
So yeah! I loved this episode, I thought it was great. The next one looks crazy! This has been my review of. . .
9-1-1: Lone Star, Season 4, Episode 9: Road Kill
It was so good! The next episode looks really interesting. I'm excited! I'll be back next week with my review of. . .
9-1-1: Lone Star, Season 4, Episode 10: Sellouts
See you then!
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