#though dentists love me because I'm a very good patient who takes my antibiotics as prescribed and I don't cause them problems
kris-mage-fics · 7 months
In which I talk about shitty teeth a lot, and complain about how expensive it is to have bad teeth. Also I'm just generally annoyed and in a shit mood. I do try to focus on positives in my life because I so easily spiral down into bad depressions, but I'm not going to pretend this doesn't suck. (It's under the cut since I know talking about teeth problems can be a sensitive topic and don't want to force anyone to read something they don't want to read.)
Guess who has an abscessed tooth? That's right it's me! Well technically I don't know for sure it's abscessed, as I've yet to see a dentist (that's tomorrow). But I've already had a dozen of them in my life, and I've never been wrong about having one. Yes, I've had 12 abscessed teeth, as well as 10 root canals, 8 crowns, 3 pulled*, 1 bridge, and countless fillings. And that's just my adult teeth. Thing is this shit isn't even my fault! I just have crappy teeth with super thin enamel because they all came in when I was really, really young. So I'm in quite a bit of pain, and a shit mood. See this tooth is one of the two teeth anchoring the bridge. Which means I'm fucked because that bridge is going to have to come off to do anything to the tooth. I suppose I at least got 15 or 16 years out of the bridge, I guess the $3,000 I spent on it was worth it. And almost nothing is covered by disability, so I'll have to pay out of pocket for most of whatever I have done. Which sucks. I'm just really frustrated. Like haven't I gone through enough with my teeth? No, I guess not. I'm sick of them hurting and shelling out lots of money to fix them. I'm sick of dentists and endodontists. I'm sick of having to take so many antibiotics and that fucking up my already-not-great digestive system. *sigh* I'm just so tired. Ugh, right now I'm really jealous of my husband's stupid perfect teeth, and the total of three cavities he's had in his entire life. I might be miserable and in pain on and off for a while as I get this dealt with. Don't know yet how I'm going to deal with it, I'll have to talk over my options with the dentist tomorrow. I have an idea of what I want to do, but I don't know how feasible it is. I'd like to scream, but it wouldn't help me feel better, so I'll just be a grump for a while. *Not counting baby teeth pulled or the five wisdom teeth I had pulled. Yes I had five.
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