#thorki's storyline was always explicitly about homes and homecomings
kinnoth · 2 years
You ever think about how "if you were here, I'd hug you"//"I'm here" is effectively the end of Thor and Loki's 6 movie emotional arc of death and conflict and loss and heartbreak and literal apocalypse, like they have to sacrifice their literal planet--
Like, stories are about endings, ultimately. There's the journey, but in a story, the end is the moral point: people get what they work for; people get what they deserve.
Thor and Loki's story was about empire and family and ambition and power and the questions of who they are, in the bigger sense, in the world they inhabit, but also who they are, internally, to themselves and to each other
Thor's story ends in Loki's arms. Loki's story ends in Thor's.
Can I come home, Thor asks in 2011
I'm here, Loki answers in 2017
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