#this thought forcibly entered my head at 2 am this morning
cyantomatos · 1 year
Even Stars Will Fall - Ch 7
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Pairing: Eventual Oberyn Martell x fem!Reader x Ellaria Sand Word Count: ~3k Warnings: Rylan is a creep(pt 2 electric boogaloo)  Notes: Someday I will remember the foreshadowing I write into my own fics. And important plot details. Maybe.
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As it turns out, trying to commission a gift for someone when you have no money of your own and don’t know anything about the country – or really world – you’re living in is difficult, to say the least.
You woke the next morning full of confidence and pride in figuring out such a perfect gift. You knew less about Oberyn than you would like, but enough to know he would love this gift. Ellaria, too, since it was at least also partially a gift for her.
Your confidence deflated, somewhat, when halfway through breakfast you realized you had no idea how to get this gift.
First, you went to Doran. You needed money, and there was no way you were going to ask Oberyn for money to buy his own gift. The elder prince looked a little shocked when you entered his office, gesturing to the chair in front of his desk.
“I’m really sorry to bother you about this, I would just ask Oberyn really, but it felt wrong. Would I be able to borrow some money, maybe, to get a present made for his name day?” You twisted your hands together in your lap as you spoke, somewhat nervous.
Doran seemed to relax slightly as you spoke, and chuckled when you finished. “Of course, my dear. I can see why you would not want to ask my brother to pay for his own gift.” He leaned over, rummaging around for a moment in one of his desk drawers before re-emerging with a jingling bag that he deposited on the desk in front of you. “If I may, what have you decided to get him? I doubt you would be one to pile on another jewel-encrusted dagger or solid gold peacock statue.”
You grinned, shaking your head. “No, it’s not something fancy like that. I actually think he’ll like it, at least I hope he will anyway.” You briefly outlined the plan for Oberyn’s gift, your confidence growing as a grin spread across Doran’s face at your description.
Finally he nodded approvingly. “I think he will adore that gift.”
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“How are your lessons with Amphise going?” Oberyn set his wine glass down as he spoke, a slight smile playing on his face at your pained expression. “That well?”
You shrugged, setting down your silverware with a sigh. “I’m not sure if it’s because I’m learning so late, or if I’m really just a bad student. I can’t seem to focus, and I think she’s getting frustrated with me.”
Ellaria shook her head. “I doubt you are a bad student, my dear. I suspect it has more to do with your unique circumstances than anything. You cannot expect to catch up with years of training in just a few weeks.” She reached across the table, settling her hand over yours with a small smile. “You are too much like Oberyn, criticizing yourself when you are not immediately perfect at something.”
“Well, it becomes hard to accept anything less than perfection when I am so often perfect.” Oberyn grinned at you as Ellaria rolled her eyes fondly.
Your eyes darted between them as they spoke, a warm feeling settling over you. Their conversations had begun to feel less and less like you were an outsider looking in and more like you belonged. Like this was where you were meant to be.
Oberyn turned towards you again. “What do you have planned for tomorrow? You do not have lessons, correct?”
You sat up straighter, forcibly pulling yourself out of your thoughts. “Oh, um, I think Maricel was going to come have me try on some more dresses. Ellaria seems to think I need enough dresses to outfit a whole army.” Oberyn chuckled, shooting a grin at his lover.
“While I do not doubt that, I think outfitting the Dornish army in silk dresses may not be the best idea.”
You shrugged, matching his grin with one of your own. “Well, might not be the most practical, but you can’t deny it would confused any enemy they face. Might be an advantage.”
Oberyn erupted with laughter, tipping his head back towards the sky as your own grin grew. The sound filled the private garden, and you couldn’t help but feel a little pride blooming in your chest at getting that reaction out of the prince. Even Ellaria chuckled, shaking her head at the two of you.
“Gods help me, I cannot handle the both of you.”
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The next day, after what felt like an eternity of Maricel poking and prodding and holding various fabrics next to your face, you ventured out into the city. Equipped with a small purse of coins and a recommendation for who to visit, both courtesy of Doran, you headed out with the intention of ordering Oberyn’s name day gift.
Finding the small house proved easy enough, with a little direction from kind strangers. You described what you wanted to the short, older man than answered the door when you knocked, and when you mentioned it was a gift for the prince, he assured you it would be done with plenty of time to spare before the name day celebration and waved you off when you apologized for the short notice.
Finding your way back to the palace proved slightly more difficult.
You’d always felt you had a pretty good sense of direction, but you weren’t sure if it was the unfamiliar city or entirely different world you’d found yourself in, but after a while of wandering you realized you were hopelessly lost. You’d hoped you would be able to find your way back without asking for help again, but it was rapidly becoming clear that was not going to be easy.
Just as you were about to give up and ask someone, a tall shadow fell over you. “Ah, if it isn’t our own local mystery. Oberyn should keep better track of his treasures, you seem lost my dear.”
Fighting the wave of unease that spread over you at the familiar voice, you plastered a pleasant smile on your face and turned to face the prince’s cousin. “Lord Rylan. What a pleasant surprise.”
Rylan shot you a charming smile, inclining his head towards you. “I could say the same. Where are you headed? A beautiful woman such as yourself should not be wandering alone.”
Biting your tongue you lifted a hand helplessly. “Well, I was heading back from ordering a present for Oberyn’s name day, but I seem to have gotten lost trying to find my way back.”
For a split second it seemed like a shadow passed over Rylan’s face at the mention of a present for his cousin, but just as quickly it was gone, and the ever present charming smile was back in place. “You are in luck, my dear. I was just headed back to the palace myself, I could escort you. Sunspear can be quite confusing to those who are not used to finding their way.”
The lord held out his arm, and while you wanted nothing more than to assure him you could find your way back on your own, you reminded yourself it wouldn’t be a good idea to be rude to the prince’s cousin. No matter how much Oberyn seemed to dislike his own cousin.
And besides, you probably couldn’t find your way back on your own.
So you slipped your arm into his, mentally coaching yourself. You’d dealt with worse men before, and Rylan had yet to give you any reason to dislike him other than his vibes just feeling off. A short walk back to the palace wouldn’t be the end of the world.
Rylan beams down at you as you slip your arm into his, starting off down the street. “You really are not that far off from the palace, it will take us maybe a quarter of an hour to get there. It is unfortunate for you that the streets of Sunspear are so confusing. Those of us that have lived here most of our lives have no trouble navigating it, but it is often disorienting to outsiders.”
You give a polite little laugh, your eyes wandering to the colorful buildings as you walk past. “I was about to ask for directions when I found you, actually. I had to ask on my way there, and I was hoping I’d be able to remember the way back. Apparently not.”
“Ah, well, pride can get the best of us sometimes.” Rylan gives you another charming smile and guides you around a corner. There are a few market booths on this road, although it seems most of them are currently closed to avoid the mid-day heat beating down on the city streets. You glance at the open booths as you walk, glad Rylan doesn’t seem too interested in conversation at the moment.
One of the booths is painted a cheery orange color, although the vibrant paint is chipping off in spots. The roof is made of different fabrics stitched and tied together, with small gaps letting in thin shafts of light that dance over the counter. The young woman behind the counter is working a long, thin band of metal in her hands, wrapping it around a fiery red gem. Her dark hair is pulled back in a messy braid, curls escaping around the colorful scarf covering the top of her head. Her eyes flit up every few seconds to scan the scattered people out braving the heat. Scattered across the counter in front of her are a handful of pieces of jewelry, mostly necklaces, sparkling in the sun.
Rylan notices your preoccupation with the booth and slows his steps, glancing down at you. “Would you like to stop?” You hesitate, torn between your curiosity and your desire to get away from him as soon as possible. Your curiosity wins out though and you nod, turning towards the booth.
The woman’s eyes light up when she sees you moving towards her booth, and she immediately sits up straight and sets aside the necklace she is working on. She spreads her hands in a welcoming gesture, grinning widely at the two of you. “Welcome! I am surprised to see anyone out at this time of day.”
Rylan said something to the woman that you didn’t pay too close of attention too, instead scanning the colorful jewelry in front of you. Your eyes snag on a necklace with a small blue and white swirled gem wrapped in an almost black metal. It almost seems like an optical illusion as you stare at it, the colors catching in the sun and seeming to shift in the dancing light filtering through the cloth roof of the booth.
“I see something has caught your eye.” You glance up to see the woman watching you a bit closer than before, a slight smile curving her lips. Something about the way she watches you itches in the back of your brain, like you’ve felt it before, but you can’t quite place it.
“It’s beautiful, did you make all of these yourself?” The woman nods, pride seeping into her face.
“I made all of these. My mother taught me to make jewelry when I was little, just as her mother taught her, and her mother before that.” She holds up the piece she had been working on when you walked up. “The materials may change, but the women in my family have been making jewelry for generations.”
You can practically feel the boredom radiating off of Rylan, but when you glance up at him his face is arranged in a mask of polite intrigue. Your eyes slide back down to the blue necklace longingly, idly wondering if you have enough left over from what Doran had given you to buy it.
The woman’s hand comes into your view as she lifted the necklace, and when you look up she’s smiling at you. “Do you like it? I have had it for a while I am afraid, no one seems to gravitate towards this one. I think it may be the size of the stone, most opt for larger and flashier gems.”
She smiles slightly down at the necklace, and you’re struck by the way it reminds you of a mother looking proudly at her child. After a moment she looks back up, that shrewd expression back as she holds out the necklace. “I think it suits you. Perhaps it was meant to find you, and that is why no one else bought it.”
Instinctively you reach towards the small pouch tied at your waist, opening your mouth to ask how much she wanted. Before you can speak, however, the woman shakes her head.
“Take it. Sometimes things are meant to find people. Besides, you would be doing me a favor anyway, it has been taking up space in my booth for months now.” She motions you forward before you can protest, fastening the soft leather cord around your neck.
You stare down at the gem now resting against your chest, once again struck by the way the light plays in the colors. When you look back up the woman has a satisfied look on her face, and her eyes shift from the necklace up to meet yours.
“Are you sure? I don’t think I have enough to pay what it’s worth, but I feel bad just taking it.” She shakes her head, taking a step back.
“It is a gift. I hope it brings you happiness.”
“Well, it is rude to refuse a gift.” You almost jump as Rylan speaks, having totally forgotten he was even standing next to you. The woman doesn’t seem any more pleased either, her piercing eyes shifting to look at the lord. It’s subtle, the way a slight tinge of displeasure seeps into her eyes as she looks at him, and when she looks back at you it’s gone.
“He has a point, my dear.”
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Thankfully, the walk back to the palace doesn’t take much longer. You spend most of it tuning out Rylan as he describes the play you’d turned down attending with him the day before, instead studying the necklace now looped around your neck. No matter the lighting the colors seem to shift and change, although every time your eyes move they stop, and you’re left wondering if you were just imagining it.
Rylan comes to a stop at the front gates, turning to you with a charming smile. “This is where I must leave you I am afraid, I have matters to attend to at my own house.” He holds out his hand, and you reluctantly place yours in his, suppressing a shiver of displeasure as he bows slightly and presses a kiss to the back of your hand.
“Until next time, my dear.” With another grin he turns and walks off, and you’re left wondering just how long would be long enough before you can stand to be alone with him again.
You come to the conclusion after a moment that there isn’t a period of time long enough.
Walking back inside you breathe a sigh of relief at the cool air that hits you as soon as you’re out of the sun. Sunspear truly was a beautiful place, and you got the feeling the rest of Dorne would be just as beautiful if you ever saw it, but the oppressive heat was genuinely draining sometimes. You could only count your blessings that it wasn’t overly humid.
You headed down the hall, navigating with a little more confidence gained over the last couple weeks. There were still times where you took a wrong turn and had to ask someone for directions, but overall you usually found where you were going.
The guards stationed outside Doran’s office nodded to you as you stopped outside the large doors, opening them without question for you. Most of the palace staff recognized you on sight by this point, and Oberyn had made it clear you were to be treated with respect as his guest.
It wasn’t really like you could do much to harm either of the princes, anyway. You’d likely just hurt yourself in the process.
Doran was seated behind his desk, head bent over a piece of parchment as he wrote. He looked up at the sound of the doors opening, smiling warmly at you. “Ah, back already I see. Did you find what you needed?”
You nodded, walking forward with a smile. “I did, thank you. And it didn’t cost as much as you thought, I wanted to return the leftover money.” You held the much lighter than this morning pouch out as you came to a stop in front of the desk.
The elder prince only smiled and shook his head, holding up his hand as he settled back into the chair. “No, my dear, you may keep it. You may not have any expenses with my brother providing for you, but I imagine it would be nice to have money of your own if you should need or want it.”
You let your hand drop to your side with a sigh and a slight smile. “What is it today with people giving me things?” You hook the pouch back to the belt around your waist. “Thank you again by the way, he said it should be ready by Oberyn’s name day.”
Doran’s smile widened at that. “I hope my brother appreciates it, it is a thoughtful gift.”
You returned his smile, ignoring the butterflies that took up residence in your stomach as you thought about giving Oberyn his gift. “I hope so too.”
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Taglist: I know tags are being kinda iffy, but I’m still going to put them in because I don’t have that many so it doesn’t take much time
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L and Light’s relationship is basically just the Joker and Batman. 
I need to preface this by saying that I’ve only really watched the Lego Batman Movie. My point still stands
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fruitcoops · 3 years
can we get a part 2 to caps panic attack? like an outside perspective (not caps) maybe loops or like a cub or something ?
Y'all thought I was lying when I said I'd have Alarm Bells 2: Electric Boogaloo out soon, didn't you? Please ignore the fact that it's been juuuust under four months since the original fic, and enjoy draft #4! This is the longest I've spent on one fic! SW credit goes, of course, to @lumosinlove <3
TW for mentioned panic attacks
The door closed with a dull thud. Choking silence fell over the entire room before a cold, brittle, furious voice asked, “what the hell was that?”
Arthur swallowed around the dryness of his mouth and shook his head.
“What the hell was that?” Remus repeated. His temper was rare—Arthur had never seen him truly angry, but the tic at the edge of his jaw told a different story.
“I’m sorry,” he managed as he picked his clipboard up off the floor. “To—to all of you, I’m sorry.”
“I respect you a lot, Coach,” Dumo said, cutting Remus off before he could continue. “But that was out of line. Tonight’s game was bad. We all know that, especially Cap. That doesn’t excuse putting the blame on one person or throwing things.”
“You’re right.” He swallowed again and looked around the rest of the locker room; every other player stared at the ground, avoiding his gaze. Bitterness tinged his teeth—he was acting like the coach he had always promised he wouldn’t be. “I’m disappointed in myself for tonight’s game, and I took it out on all of you. Pascal is right, that wasn’t fair. I hope you can accept my apology and forgive me for losing my temper like that.”
“We’re not the ones you need to ask, though, are we?” James said from his stall without sparing him a glance.
Arthur suppressed a wince. He had been so preoccupied with his frustration at himself that he didn’t even notice the growing tension in Sirius’ body, nor the way he began leaning away as Arthur ranted. The same mask of fear, false control, and misery had painted Sirius’ face as when his mother—god, he looked at Arthur like he looked at that horrible woman—came to forcibly trade him to the Snakes. “You all deserve an apology,” he corrected. “But you’re right.”
“Excuse me for a minute,” Remus muttered as he stood and headed toward the door. They watched him go without a word.
“How can I make this up to you?” Arthur asked.
Finn’s shoulders sagged. “Don’t do it again.”
“I won’t.” A door down the hall creaked, and he prayed Sirius wasn’t suffering alone anymore.
“Apologize to Cap,” Dumo said.
“Don’t—” Leo faltered, then pressed his lips together. “Don’t tell us we all share blame as a collective, then make Cap take the weight. That’s a shitty thing to do.”
Arthur’s throat tightened. “It is. I never should have done that to any of you.”
A few beats of quiet passed before Kuny raised his hand; Arthur nodded to him. “Don’t yell when angry, please. Very loud. We already know when you are upset.”
“I’m sorry, Evgeni. I’ll keep that in mind.”
“Same as Kuny.”
“Can you give us specifics about what we did, next time?”
“Please don’t throw your clipboard.”
“I’ll stay another hour to go through tape, if that’s what it takes.”
“Try not to interrupt us, please.”
For the next five minutes, Arthur noted down every single suggestion he heard; several were followed by murmurs of agreement. “Anyone else?” he finally asked. The boys shook their heads. “Thank you for telling me. I promise I’ll do better in the future, and—”
The knock on the door was soft, but it echoed throughout the room and sent a bolt of nervousness through Arthur’s heart. Remus poked his head in a second later. “Coach, can we borrow you for a second?”
Arthur set his clipboard down and headed into the hall without hesitation.
Sirius…if he was being honest, Sirius was a wreck. His eyes were red-rimmed and his cheeks were pink; a tissue was crumpled into little more than atoms in his fist. Still, he kept his chin up. Arthur hated the idea that Sirius thought he needed to brace himself with faux confidence.
“I’m sorry.”
Sirius’ lower lip wobbled once. “Thank you.”
“You kept them going out there even when they were ready to give up. We didn’t win, but we kept playing because of your leadership. Thank you.” He received a curt nod in response and pointedly ignored the tremor in both of Sirius’ hands. “I took my frustration out on you, which was wrong for many reasons, the least of which being that you don’t deserve to be talked to like that. Sirius, I truly am sorry for everything that just happened in there.”
“Apology accepted,” Sirius said. His voice was rough, but steady. “The guys didn’t deserve that, either.”
“I know. I apologized to them as well.”
“Good.” He sniffled once, then held his hand out for Arthur to shake. “In that case, I forgive you.”
“Thank you.”
Remus waited by the locker room door with an entirely neutral expression that would have unsettled Arthur if it didn’t melt into something soft and tired when he wrapped an arm around Sirius’ waist. “Ready?” he asked quietly.
The gentle buzz of conversation vanished as they entered again; Arthur sent them on their way with wishes for a good night’s sleep and a promise to talk more in the morning, and they trooped out in a tight group. As soon as the last of them disappeared down the hallway, he sat down in the nearest stall with a heavy sigh.
“That was impressive,” a voice remarked from the door. The bench creaked as Moody sat down next to him with a huff. “How’re you feeling?”
“Like shit.”
“Figured. Cap forgave you?”
“Thankfully.” Arthur rubbed his eyes until he saw spots. “Christ, Alastor, I sent him into a panic attack.”
“Asking what you can do to be better was a good move for all of them. That’ll serve you well in the long run.”
“I’m just grateful Loops didn’t break my kneecaps,” he laughed humorlessly. He stared down at the clipboard and the notes crammed into the margins for a long moment. “How did I fuck up that badly?”
Moody shrugged. “You’re human. You got upset. Don’t do it again. While you were in the hall, they were all saying how you didn’t seem like yourself, so I’d take that as a sign you’re doing something right. Just pay attention next time, and take some deep breaths.”
“You sound like Molly.”
A heavy hand landed on the back of his shoulder and gave him a light shake. “She’s a smart woman. Now, if you’ll excuse me, I need to make sure my candy jar isn’t empty again. You have a team of locusts, Weasley.”
Arthur smiled at his retreating back. “Yeah, but they’re our locusts. You know you love ‘em.”
Moody’s glare was nothing but fond.
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anti-plexus · 3 years
Get Up (Clockwork x Reader) 
 WARNING: This story is my own AU. I know many of you like Slenderman, but in this AU, Slenderman is bad and Zalgo is good. I just wanted to see what it would be like to write about the Creepypastas as the “bad guys.” 
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 Your gun fell to the ground, softly landing on the snow.  
 Your breathing fanned out in clouds of white as you stood in the frigid forest. Clockwork patted your shoulder comfortingly, which was exceeding rare for her.  
 “Clock…” You whispered.  
 “Hey,” She grabbed your shoulders, swinging you around to meet her green eye and scarred mouth. “I know you didn’t want to, but this is your- no, this is OUR life now.” 
 “I know…” You answered, sneaking a glance at the body behind you. “But isn’t there more to life than killing?” 
 Clockwork looked at you seriously. “Not since we became pastas. Killing is our life.” 
 “But at what cost? We both know that the police will kill us if Slender doesn’t first.”  
 “You know I won’t let them do that to us, either of them.” Clockwork reassured you, even though the look in her faded green eye told you otherwise.  
 You could see that she was scared, it was as clear as day to you. Seeing a normally fearless Clockwork struggle to hide her fear broke your nonexistent heart. “Hey hey, it’s ok,” You reassured her. “We finished the mission, so let’s go back to Slenderbitch’s Mansion and get this over with.” 
 “You’re right,” Clockwork nodded. “But I don’t want to go back to that… that place.” 
 You knew she was talking about the Slender Mansion, a horrid house full of torture chambers and never-ending screams. You and Clockwork lived together in a rusty cabin about a mile or so from the mansion, making it easier for Slenderbitch to call upon both of you for missions. Most of the missions only included killing one or two people, but this particular mission was centered around killing a child. A child.  
 Clockwork watched as you scooped up the dead child’s body. “(Y/n)? What are you doing?” 
 Your voice rang out through the frosty trees, full of firm resolve. “This kid did not deserve to die. I’m going to bury him like a normal person.” 
 You could almost hear how badly Clockwork wanted to say, “You’re far from normal.” But she kept silent and followed your lead as you walked in the direction of the cabin.  
 You silently began to bury the body, feeling sad as the kid’s body disappeared beneath the dirt.  
 “I’m not sure why you’re doing this. It’s stupid and childish.” Clockwork commented as you finished burying the body.  
 “So? Aren’t we still children?”  
 “Bitch, I’m twenty-four.” Clockwork deadpanned.  
 “Still. Twenty-four ain’t that old, plus, I’m only nineteen. I’ve only been an adult for a year.” 
 “Fuck your half-assed logic.” You knew you had won. Again.  
 We’re all kids- 
 “Don’t you want to be a kid again?” You asked as you pushed the cabin door open. “I mean, wasn’t being a kid fun for you?” 
 Clockwork ignored you, finally having enough with your sentimental bullshit. “I’m going to my room,” She informed you before the corners of her lips twitched up. “Girls night is still on, right?” 
 This was her way of making amends and you accepted it with open arms. “Hell yeah, every night is girl's night!” 
 Clockwork retreated up the stairs to her room, shutting the door behind her. You knew she had a stash of cigs and alcohol in there so it didn’t surprise you when the smell of cigarette smoke began to drift downstairs where you resided. Smoking was a common pastime of yours, yet the smoke still managed to bother you. You coughed as you inhaled a breath of the foul-smelling smoke.  
 “Damn it, Clock…” You mumbled, internally cursing her smoking habit even though you had the same problem.  
 You dirty hypocrite- 
 You strolled to the living room, where the smoke was less potent. A half-open book lay on the coffee table. Before I let go, it was called.  
 Well, I got nothing else to do, You thought, picking up the book and flipping to the first page. Upon reading more, you managed to piece together the plot of the story and
it was surprisingly good. No wonder Clockwork liked it.  
 Time flew as you read, and you heard Clockwork’s footsteps in the kitchen. “(Y/n)?” 
 You forcibly put the book down. “Hm?” 
 “It’s seven. You ready?” Clockwork’s brown-haired head peeked out from the kitchen doorway, her green eye staring deep into your soul.  
 You gingerly stood up from the couch and made your way to the kitchen, where several bottles of liquor lay unopened on the counter.  
 You grabbed a bottle without hesitation, breaking the seal and taking a long gulp of the burning liquid. “Fuck, I missed this so much.” 
 “Me too, bitch.” Clock responded, grabbing another bottle and nearly downing it. You hiccuped slightly as you took another gulp, feeling your body begin to relax and your mind fuzz over.  
 You yelped as Clockwork proceeded to finish her bottle, slamming it on the ground with a drunken screech. “Holy shit, Clock!” 
 “Woooo! Fuck this SHIT, I’m going OUT toNight!” Clockwork cheered, drunkenly hooking her arm around your shoulders.  
 Fortunately, you recognized that that was a horrible idea. “Wait, Clock, you’re drunk.” 
 “sO? I’mma get waaaaaasted.” She slurred.  
 You deadpanned. “Bitch, you’re already wasted.” 
 “NO!” Clockwork screamed. “I’MMA GROWN WOMAN! FUCK YOU, SATAN!!” 
 “I'm not Satan, you loony bitch-“ 
 Then she tackled you. She fucking tackled you.  
 *The Next Morning* 
 It was a beautiful morning, if beautiful mornings translated to having the biggest hangover ever. You slowly sat up from your spot on the floor.  
 What in tarnation happened- Oh, never mind… You thought as you surveyed the living room. You spotted Clockwork laying a few feet from you, still passed out. You moved to stand up, pushing an empty bottle out of your way.  
 The kitchen was a mess. Empty bottles of alcohol lay smashed on the floor, the shattered pieces glinting at you. You sighed heavily.  
 What a horrible morning… 
 After drinking a glass of water and filling one up for Clockwork, you proceeded to re-enter the living room, plopping down on the couch. You heard someone shift and realized that Clockwork was waking up.  
 “Ugh..” Clockwork groaned, reaching up to rub her aching head. “What the fuck happened?” 
 “Welcome back,” You sarcastically greeted Clockwork, handing her a glass of water. “How did you sleep?” 
 “Fucking terrible,” Clockwork complained, taking the water and drinking it in one gulp. “This hangover is killing me.” 
 “Join the club.” You answered in a slightly salty tone.  
 Suddenly, Clockwork started laughing, but it wasn’t a normal laugh, maybe the hangover was getting to her… 
 You immediately stiffened when you saw a tear drop out of Clockwork’s good eye.  
 “Clock?! Are you ok?!” 
 Wet sobs emanated from Clockwork’s mouth as she grabbed onto you and buried her face into your neck. You almost didn’t believe your ears and eyes, why was Clock crying? 
 “Clockwork... Why are you crying?” 
 Clockwork unburied her face from your neck, her one green eye bright and wet. “Call me Natalie, please.” 
 “I-I thought you hated that name.” You stuttered, completely at loss as to why she was asking you to call her by the name she despised.  
 “I do…” Clockwork hiccuped. “But I want to be Natalie one last time, take me back, (Y/n). I want to be a kid again, even if it’s only for a few seconds.” 
 You couldn’t tell if Clockwork was still drunk or not, but it sure seemed that way. She hated the name “Natalie” with a burning passion. You didn’t know what happened to her, but it must have been bad, considering her eye and mouth. There were too many secrets here, in you and Clock’s unlikely friendship. She had found you robbing a store and watched as you burnt it to the ground with a lime green lighter. You could still hear the first words she said to you, “You’re coming with me, kid.” 
 And just like that, your life changed. Now you were a loyal (more like disloyal) pasta of Slenderman. You killed for him, listened to him, heck, you even trusted him. He just seemed so nice and inviting, until he tried to kill you. The
only reason you survived was because Clockwork stepped in, saying she would “teach you to be a better slave.” 
 She never did.  
 She lied to him, the almighty Slenderman, for you.  
 Now you could repay her, by comforting her at her worst.  
 “Shh, it’s ok,” You gently patted Clockwork’s back. “Natalie.” 
 “Thanks, bitch.” Clockwork sighed as she finally took a deep breath and wiped her tear-stained cheeks.  
 “Why… Why were you crying?” You asked hesitantly.  
 “I don’t know, probably just the air.” She reassured you, yet you knew it was a big, fat lie.  
 But that’s a problem for another day, you thought wearily. For now, you just wanted to stay with Clock- No, Natalie. You wanted to stay with Natalie, not Clockwork. Clockwork was just a persona, a wall protecting Natalie, the real thing. The only problem was that Natalie was faded, and she hated her own identity, especially her name. It doesn’t matter, she’s still my Clock. Your life sucked sometimes, but being with Natalie made it so much better. She gave you a reason to live, to enjoy life. And you were going to live to the fullest extent. Just for her.
I'm sorry if the beginning didn't make much sense, but it is 2:35 am currently. :)
Anyways, I hope you all enjoyed this. Have an awesome day! 👍👍
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ukiyo-jaem · 4 years
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my timer didn't go off to post this at 0:00 i am so sorry~~
warnings: smut (it's tasteful), mean parents (??) that's about it. it's got fluff in here. NOT PROOFREAD
words: 4.1k (there's a plot, trust me)
domestic!mark lee ugh a fan favorite~
I listened to Fool for You by Zayn while writing so...yeah. alrighty, let's go~~
Fool For You
summer breezes and fresh flowers. the first big stretch when you first wake up that has you reeling back into the euphoric feeling of your warm sheets. taking a bite of your favorite dessert that reminds you of home. that scent that carries you away to your childhood of good memories and make-believe scenarios; where the worst disaster was your parents calling you in for dinner.
that's what it felt like to be in his presence.
the late night summer dates with Mark were what felt like true heaven. the nights where both of you would stay up till the early dawn holding each other so closely. the stickiness of one's skin from the morning humidity was beauty in his eyes. your natural form where no one could take you away from him.
"no matter how much i say that i love you, i will always love you more than that."
his words held so much depth when he spoke to you. he treated you like his queen and he truly was your king. he was the love of your wildest dreams. but he was way better...because he was real.
both of your families condemned this love and thought of it as useless and a waste of time. yet, it was all the time for both of you. you didn't need anyone else except mark and mark alone.
but every knife has it's point...and you've both been reaching it slowly but surely. the calls to one's family becoming longer and less loud.
"i don't want to go to dinner with your family though." your words were heartbreaking to his ears but he had made his decision. "i know. please. i know you hate them-" "i could never hate anyone, mark. it pains me but i'd never let it turn into hate" you said and his shoulders dropped. "you're so strong. just one night and i will never ask you to go near them." his eyes pleaded from where he was laying on the bed. your body positioned at the end of the comfy and warm bed.
your mind was lost in thought until you felt his hand grab yours. "pretty please?" he pouted and you groaned laying down. "that's so not cool to pout." you said turning towards him. "but i know it works." he comes closer to lay soft kisses all over your face, ending with a meaningful kiss on your lips.
"fine." you breathed after he finished his moment of passion. "and that is why you're the best." he grabbed your body and pulled you on top of him.
"we have to leave soon." you complained and he groaned. "you wanted me to go so bad and now you're gonna make us late." you said straddling his waist. "yeah yeah yeah." he held your waist and sat up.
you rolled off as he puckered his lips, leaving your boyfriend waiting. "what are you gonna wear, handsome?" you opened the closet. "nice shirt. blazer. pants." he listed off the most vaguest items. "well duh but what color?" you looked at your dresses. "black." he said and you wanted to bang your head on the closet door.
"okay tomorrow we're going shopping and i'm making you add some more color into your wardrobe." you said taking his blazer and dress shirt down. "yes dear." he dragged out.
"i'm going to go get dressed and do makeup." you waved him off and disappeared into the bathroom.
makeup was simple as you were left alone. yet, once you were starting your hair, mark thought it was an amazing idea to come in and try to dance the time away.
music had been playing for the past 20 minutes through the household speakers. it was a usual occurrence and a well loved routine. say you won't let go by james arthur had been sweeping through the house for the past couple of minutes.
his arms wrapped around your waist and his cheek rested against your shoulder.
"you look as beautiful as ever, and i swear that everyday you get better. you make me feel this way some how-" his soft voice carrying you away from the daily task.
"im gonna love you till my lungs run out, i promise till death to us part like in our vows-" his hands gripped yours, twirling you around in the small bathroom, ending up with you both pressed up chest to chest, slow dancing on the tiled floor.
"dont cry." he pouted as he saw your eyes fill with tears. He gently wiped them before they could fall. "then don't be so freaking cute." you pouted and his smile stretched across his face. "ugh you're so cute." he kissed your cheek ever so gently as to not mess up your makeup.
"and you're looking as dashing as ever." you brushed your hands over his dress shirt, the first few buttons still unbuttoned, his silver chain still laying on his exposed collar bones.
"want me to do your hair?" you asked and he didn't hesitate to sit on the toilet lid and wait patiently.
he always seemed so relaxed with your fingers running through his hair; the requests at 3 am after he awakes from an unpleasant dream never making you angry.
his hair was so soft and fun to play with. but with a little touch of magic and hair product, he would transform into his model-like man.
you finished up and let him go relax in the bedroom.
your dress hugged your body so nicely and flattered every curve you thought you never possessed. when paired with the jewelery mark had gotten you for your guys' anniversary, a goddess was being put together in human form.
"ready?" you asked walking back to the room to get your shoes. a whistle made you scoff lightly at the behavior. "ready to come home already and have you all to myself." mark sighed but you walked over to put your phone in your hand-purse along with extra lipstick and perfume.
he started to look nervous about the whole situation. "relax. i'm here for you and you alone. if you want to leave as soon as we get there? we'll just go to a different restaurant." you put a hand on his chest comfortably. "you got this." he smiled as you knew all his emotions at once.
"now let's go. i'm hungry." you kissed his cheek quickly and wiped away the mark of your lip color.
both of you walked hand in hand out of the house and to his car where he nervously drived you both to the restaurant.
"here we are." was all he said as he parked facing the restaurant. inside the window sat his parents and brother. his brother was with his own partner as they all laughed. mark knew he didn't have to worry about his brother not accepting his love. it was all his parents.
"let's go. try to look happy. they're your parents." you defended them. something he never understood about you. when facing backlash from his parents, you just let it go and never returned the hate. you were so loving while they did nothing but try to bring you down.
"but they're raging assholes to you." he turned towards you and you shrugged, wiping something on his cheek away and keeping your hand on the side of his face.
"and that's fine. but you're their baby. they just want the best for you. they'll never be happy with anyone." you tried to put it into perspective but it never helped.
he took your hand off his face and held it tightly. "tell me you want to leave. and we're gone." he said and you laughed lightly. "fine." you agreed and his smile made everything feel better.
"let's get this over with." he exited and ran to get your door like the gentleman he was.
he hooked your arm in his and lead you both towards the entrance.
"try to make memories. they're your parents. they love you." you reminded and he rolled his eyes. "yes, dear." he opened the door for you and didn't let you enter without a quick and cheeky smack to your ass. he acted innocent as he lead you to the round table.
"Oh, Markie!" his mom called drawing all attention to both of your presences. his parents hugged and pinched his cheeks as you greeted his brother and his brother's partner. "you look amazing tonight, y/n." his brother's partner smiled. "oh thank you so much. you look even better though! are those Cartier earrings?!" you rejoiced at their exquisite tastes.
"Only the best for them." Mark's brother smiled and you coo'd at the pure love.
"Here sit next to me." The 2 seats were next to Mark's father and Mark's brother's partner.
You gladly accepted the seat and Mark sat down not long after you. "We already ordered for you guys not knowing when you would show up, I apologize." Mr. Lee smiled at Mark. "Oh that's alright. What's on the menu tonight?" Mark asked, his hand finding yours underneath the white dining cloth. "Well I thought with all your work that we'd treat us all to steak." His mother smiled and you could hear a sigh come from the girl next to you.
"But I haven't seen y/n's figure in a while so I made the exception for a plain salad for you." Mrs. Lee forcibly smiled at you. Mark's hand squeezed a little harder than normal. "Oh thank you for the consideration and accomodations, Mrs. Lee," Her eyes squinted as what seemed like spite. "and might i add that you look amazing tonight." your genuine sincerity broke almost everyone's hearts at the table. "oh why thank you but i'm not one for meaningless small talk." she took a sip from her dark red wine.
"it's alright. i completely understand." you smiled and and she rolled her eyes. "of course you do." she muttered and turned towards her youngest son. "so, mark, what is new at the company?" her eyes held eagerness for conversation, something you'd wish to see atleast once.
"don't listen to the old bat." the beautiful woman said that sat next to you. "it's her baby. nothing is ever good enough for him." she rolled her eyes. "i know. i understand where her heart is." your fingers toying with the dainty necklace resting on your collarbones.
"you can have some of my meal when it comes. i didn't know what they were going to pull so i made sure to eat a burger before i came." you both giggled at the matter as someone cleared their throat. you both looked up to see Mr. Lee sending daggers towards your direction.
"i apologize." you said straightening yourself up in your seat. "what was so funny?" he asked sternly. "we were actually talking about her new line coming out in a couple weeks. something with one of the models. you know how that is." she swooped to your defense. "by the way, how is it coming?" she asked, takin a sip of the ice water infront of her.
"it's..uh..going very well actually. i have some investors coming to my fashion show to see if they'd be interested in investing. if they invest then i would be able to organize shows in other parts of the world. milan, london, paris, beijing, new york, tokyo-" "but are you going to go back to school for business or just dilly-dally until something goes wrong?" Mrs. Lee asked quickly.
"well my father and mother are both ceo's of their company so they help guide me in what i have trouble with." you smiled. mark's hand has become steel as he hasn't let go yet. the waiters brought out the food one by one with a small and plain side salad being placed infront of your body.
mark stared at the bare plate in front of you and wanted to hurl at that being the only food you were going to eat tonight.
"i'm fine." you leaned over to whisper in his ear. "eat so they don't ask you questions." you nudged his elbow.
"sharing food is prohibited." Mr. Lee cut everyone off. "we're not." mark muttered defeated. you swallowed your pride and ate a leaf at a time to try and curb your actual hunger.
mark ate a couple bites but you could tell he was taking his anger out with chewing; jaw clenching was one of his tell-tale signs of anger...and this steak didn't look like tough meat.
"markie. we went to church this past week and there is this lovely graduate student new in the congregation." his mother called as she ate her own food. you could see most of the people almost choke on their food but you remained steady in eating.
inside though, your tears were building up behind a wall that you would try to make stand till tonight when you were truly alone.
"yeah?" he asked, not knowing what else to say.
"yes. and she's not seeing anyone right now. her parents agreed to an arranged marriage if you weren't opposing." the killer was that mark didn't say anything. yet, you could hear his knuckles pop as he gripped his steak knife.
the wall was slowly crumbling as you suddenly felt full of the plain watery vegetable. you put your fork down and could only stare at your lap where a napkin laid.
"say something, dude." his brother coughed weakly.
"hell no." mark bursted and everyone could see him try to reel in his words again.
"excuse me?!" Mr. Lee bellowed, causing other dining patrons to look over.
"I'm not going to marry anyone except the love of my life." mark steamed, dropping his utensils.
"you don't know who that is yet, mark. you can't screw around with marriage and get it wrong. especially waste it on a-" mark interrupted his mother, "a what, mom?" he asked and she suddenly lost her words.
silence fell over the table as your napkin had a single ring of wetness appear suddenly. "oh no, not here. not here, sweetie," the gracious lady beside you got up "come on, we're leaving." she said to her husband and lead you out of the restaurant quickly.
as soon as you were out of eye sight, you immediately broke down in ugly tears. "don't listen to them. you are absolutely gorgeous and are a match-made-in-heaven for mark." she rubbed your back sweetly.
"you are so nice to them for no reason. you will be more of a better person than they will ever be-" "we should go. it's gonna get ugly really quickly." Mark's brother nudged you both.
you looked in to see mark and his father standing neck to neck. then as quickly as it started, it ended with mark being the bigger man and leaving. yet, a tearful mr. and mrs. lee following him at a distance.
he wasted no time in taking you in his arms and holding you as you tried your best to cover your cries. "we're going to go before dad follows. i'll stop by tomorrow and check in on you guys. get out of here before dad goes crazy." Mark's brother shouted from his car window.
mark took your hand and dragged you to the car. he put you in and got out of there as quickly as he could.
he was as angry as you had ever seen him. you didn't try to touch him or do anything on the silent ride home. yet, his hand quickly grabbed yours.
"i should have never brought you to them. im so stupid." he groaned as he hit his wheel. "no you're not." you fought with him and he didn't have the heart to go against you.
"you are the best thing that's ever happened to me." he said, a glaze setting into his eyes that you had never seen before.
"and i could never imagine life without you." he swallowed hard and you stayed there in shocked silence.
"you make me better." tears started to roll down his cheeks as he pulled into the driveway.
"please don't cry." yet your empathetic heart made your eyes spill. you both looked at eachother and laughed at the messed up states.
"then you stop crying." he defended and you looked to you lap again. he got out of his side and trailed to yours quickly.
"im gonna show you how much i love you." he said and this sparkle in his eye gleamed so brightly, everyone would've thought he was crazy.
"okay." was all you could respond with, a small smile gracing your perfect face.
he grabbed your legs and carried you all the way to the door. he crossed the doorway and it felt different. it felt more hot and flustered and more passionate.
he closed the door and immediately had you against it. the kisses were hot and filled with lust. yet, you could tell he was getting flustered and trying to rush things. the feeling of two hands on his face made him take a breath of fresh air. "let's just take it slower tonight." you whispered but he heard you loud and clear.
he picked your legs up and put them around his waist, taking his blazer off and throwing it somewhere in the living room. you dress hugged you so perfectly but you wouldn't be needing it anymore tonight.
he navigated the house as if it were you; the back of his hand. your back was now pressed to a cool matress. his hands were rough yet slow as he pulled the black fabric off of your body. his shirt was eventually off and nothing was left between your torsos besides skin.
the moonlight cascading through the window reflected off his chain and it was no longer the soft and loving without a care mark you were used to.
he was going to make you feel his love for you. from the way his fingers played with your clothed core slowly to the heavy breathing between kisses made the night air intoxicating.
his lips were against your neck making imprints of red and purple that were sure to last for a week. both of you rocked against each other in such a rhythm that would have the ocean asking for lessons on harmony.
he picked you up and situated your body at the top of the bed where he wasted no time in shimmying the dress off of your hips so he was met with nothing but you in your panties.
those were long gone as he grabbed and ripped.
"spit." he held his hand out. you obeyed and he wasted no time in running his hand up and down your already wet core.
the kisses were rushed and heated yet you both remembered to slow down as he trailed slowly down your body, kissing every part he could see and praise.
"so beautiful." he whispered, licking a bold stripe up your pussy. you gasped and tried to readjust yourself yet his strong grip on your thighs kept you ground. his arms were hooked around you upper thighs as his hands held your hips and waist down to the bed.
his dark eyes still held that shimmer in them that made you even weaker in the knees.
he wasted none of his time with teasing and gave you exactly what you wanted. "please don't stop." your hands getting lost in his hair.
his hips grinded into the mattress steadily. "im so close already." you whined as he continued his relentless pleasure. "let go for me, baby." he pleaded and if drove you so close to the edge. it made him even more excited as you were blissed out.
it was the perfect time to take advantage of your love, yet, he was going to take care and love you till both of you couldn't.
he took off the confines of his pants and met you at the top of the bed, where you were still completely gone in the euphoric wonderland he pleasured himself to sending you into.
he was slow at first but quickly got lost in this intimate feeling of being so close to you and feeling you in a way no one could relate to.
"faster." you whined but he slowed down. "no, babygirl. we're going to do this right." he cleared the hair from your face and quickly pressed your lips together in a heated kiss.
your leg now over his shoulder as he slowly pounded into you. the knot in his and your stomach felt so much more different and pleasure filled.
your fucked out moans were like angels singing in his ears as your jewelery shined in the moonlight. both of you got sloppier as you were so close to climaxing.
"please cum in me." you begged, grabbing his hand and interlacing your fingers.
he dropped your leg and got closer, sharing a kiss that left both of you breathless. then the explosion. it was as if a bomb of stars had gone off behind your eyelids as you could only feel your back arch with the unexplained feeling of being... full.
both of you laid breathless and sweaty as you tried to regain your composure and drift down to reality.
mark laid on your chest, listening to your heartbeat as he could feel his own match yours.
once he felt your fingers start to dance through his hair, he knew that he needed to be like this forever. he needed you and only you. he couldn't miss this opportunity on his soul mate coming to him from the beginning.
his arms hooked around your body as reality was hitting.
"i love you, y/n." he said and he could hear your heart begin to beat faster.
"not as much as i could ever love you." you pinky traced up his nose bridge as he slowly drifted into sleep holding the one he cares about most...so close.
"mmmmm steak." he watched as your eyes lit up at the treat in front of you. "it wasn't even enjoyable yesterday. it's amazing today though." mark's brother admitted from right next to him.
his brother and his partner came over to check up and brought take-out steaks to treat everyone with. just a relaxing night at home with everyone he truly loves and can feel the love from.
he watched your happiness and was automatically taken away~
"she's nothing to you!" his mom yelled as you were lead away from the scene.
"she's everything FOR me." mark retaliated. "but we just want what's best for you." his dad pleaded. "but happiness is all I need. why can't you see that and how she makes me the most happy." mark was at his wits ends.
he needed you and was going to have you as long as you both were breathing.
"it's only going to be a problem in the end that we have to clean up." Mrs. Lee had tears coming down her face.
a brief silence plagued the table. "so are you going to show up to the wedding or no?" he asked and if pure shock could kill someone, his parents would have been 6 feet under.
"no." spoken of disbelief.
"i will not bless the marriage!" his father screamed and stood up, causing mark to chest up to his own father. "you don't need to. I am going to marry that girl out there whether it kills me or not." mark pointed to your crying being not even 100 feet away.
"you're a fool if you believe you actually love her. you're young. you don't know what love is!" Mr. Lee had Mark's collar in his hands.
yet mark broke his grip and straightened his collar.
"then I guess I'm a fool for her and her love." and with that he left to comfort you and try to rebuild you diminished character.
"earth to Handsome." he was shocked back to reality by your smile and everyone's concerned faces. "i thought you stopped breathing or something." his brother laughed as he saw you clutch your chest and laugh lightly.
"scared us there for a minute." his brother's partner laughed along with you.
"so what was so nice going on in la-la land?" you asked taking a bit from your steak. mark shrugged, taking a sip from his wine glass.
"just...thinking." he smiled.
"well don't do that again. you scared me, you fool." you laughed.
he didn't want to admit that he had been daydreaming of you walking down the aisle in the most beautiful of dresses; something that still could never compare to your beauty. but that will be for a later confession at a later date. one where you'd know his secret: there's an engagement ring with your name on it hiding in his dress shoes in his closet. waiting for the right time in the near future.
he could only smile at your cute expression in the moment.
"then i guess i'm a fool for you."
**these are all my opinions on how i read the boys and how i watch them interact with others. this is my own personal opinions and are in no way facts unless cited to proof. thank you®
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knight-queen · 3 years
Lunatic Parade Subaru Sakamaki– (Chapter 4)
[Chapter 1] [Chapter 2] [Chapter 3]
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Place: Hotel • Mortstein,Guest room / ホテル•モーントシュタイン客室 
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Yui: (I feel like tiredness is still left on my body but...I must refresh myself.)
(Umm...Subaru kun is…)
Subaru: nh...nnn…
Yui: (He’s still sleeping…)
Subaru kun, good morning.
...Time to get up already!
Subaru: ……
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Yui: (Oh no, he’s not in the mood to get up…)
Subaru ku一
Subaru: Nnh...whatta disgusting pillow…
Yui: Eh…!?
*Holds her*
Yui: (...kh…!)
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(He’s misunderstanding me by thinking that I’m his pillow or something…!)
Subaru: Nnnh…
(On the first day, he was the one to say “Do not cross over on his bed-part…!”, but now he’s…!)
Subaru: ……
Yui: (What shall I do?)
→  Selection
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Forcibly rub / 無理矢起理こす 
Let him just sleep quietly / そっと寝かせておく(+Correct)
Yui: (But…)
(He was more exhausted than I was, so it should be okay to let him sleep a little bit more.)
(...Aight, it’s decided.)
Subaru: Zzz….
Yui: (Fufu...looks like he’s having a peaceful time while sleeping.)
(May it’s good that he didn’t wake up….!)
*After a moment*
Subaru: Nng…?
*Fades to CG*
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Subaru: ……
Yui: (H- he woke up…?)
Subaru: …...Yui?
Yui: Eh...Err...good morning…
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Subaru: ...kh!
Wha...What are you doing here!?
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This was my bed-part! Do ye’ think it’s alright to enter my bed-side like this!?
Yui: (He’s saying the same thing he said on the 1st day…)
Yo- you’re wrong…! When I was about to wake you up, then you did this while sleeping…!
Subaru: HAAH!? ME!?
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kh...I see.
Yui: (Uuh...this situation is embarrassing…)
A- anyways! You have to wake up already!
Subaru: Tch...I have to huh. I’m gonna wake up…
*CG Fades*
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Yui: (Last day of the parade…)
(If we complete the orders of the antique art-dealer, we can properly apologize to Earl Walter afterwards…)
(I must get back my heart from him…!)
Place: Aizen Stahl, Antique Art Store / アイゼン シュタール古美術商店 
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Yui: Hello, good morning!
Antique Art Dealer: Ooh, you two! I have been waiting. How’s your condition?
Yui: We’re already fine. Thank you for carrying us all the way up to the hotel yesterday.
Antique Art Dealer: Nope, don’t worry about that.
Subaru: If so, then don’t leave such notes which reach my nerves.
Yui: Wai- Subaru kun…!
Subaru: Hmph. And...What’s the last task?
We aren’t gonn’ have a leisure time today after all.
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Antique Art Dealer: That’s right. Well then, I shall present today’s mission for you.
I want two of you to search…
My pet.
Yui: Ehh…!?
Subaru: Your pet!?
Antique Art Dealer: Mhm. When I took my pet to the Saint Honore Park today, it escaped away.
Yui: Escaped away...Err, by the way, what kind of pet…?
Antique Art Dealer: A parrot.
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Subaru: Haah!? Is there any idiot to ever exist who’ll take a parrot outside!?
Antique Art Dealer: You can see, right in front of you.
Subaru: Don’t ye’ talk back!
Yui: Th- there, there...we’ve got no other options since it ran away…
Let’s go searching?
Subaru: Aah...right…
Yui: (Parrot huuuh...I hope we can find that out without any troubles…)
Place: サントノレパーク通り/ Saint Honoré Park, Street
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Yui: (We’ve come here but…)
...It’s unbelievably crowded compared to the first day…
Subaru: ...Haah...earsore…
Yui: If there’s so many people, then we can’t ask around one by one.
Where should we get started…
???: Oh my? Could it be you two are…
Yui: (Hm…?)
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Clown A: Yeah, looks like so! We’ve also met before!
Yui: Ah…!
Subaru: You are…!
Yui: (He’s the Mr Clown that we had met on the first day…!)
Clown A: Seems like you are being in trouble in this amusement park this time too~
Oh, plus did you find the head-mask?
Yui: Ah, yes! Thank you for helping us that time!
Clown A: Don’t mention it. By the way, are you trying to find something today as well?
Subaru: Yeah...we’re searching a parrot around.
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Clown A: Parrot? ...Could it be that belongs to the person who was screaming today saying his pet escaped away?
Subaru: That’s right. We must gotta find out that old guy’s parrot.
Yui: Have you seen it somewhere?
Clown A: Umm...I’ve seen that today, but I don’t know where it is now…
Yui: I get you…
Clown A: Ah, that’s right! What if we distribute everyone a notice-poster?
Subaru: Poster?
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Clown A: Exactly! Since there are so many visitors here today and,
If we pass out posters about this everyone, then you may find that pet out quickly.
Of course, we will support you in delivering those posters.
Yui: No kidding!?
Clown A: Sure thing! We also have a debt of gratitude for your show-performance.
Yui: What should we do? Subaru kun
Subaru: It can't be any help just by asking four or five. If it’s the case then I’ll agree on passing out posters or whatever it takes.
Yui: Aight, let’s start making posters right away!
*After a while*
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Yui: (It’ll be better if it has an illustration which is easier to understand and helpful to find out.)
(Drawing a parrot is difficult but...I can count on the photo that they’ve shown us a while ago…)
Subaru: ………
Yui: ...Alright, it’s done!
I’ve drawn it this way, how’s it!?
(I’m thinking it looks good even someone like me has drawn it…)
Subaru: ……
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...Isn’t that a crumbled cake?
Yui: Eeeh!? You’re wrong, it’s a parrot!?
Subaru: ...My bad, but whatever it’s looking like, it doesn’t look like a parrot…
Yui: N- no way…
Subaru: Parrot...hm...I also don’t know that much though…
*he starts drawing*
Subaru: ...Shouldn’t it...pretty much look like this?
Yui: Wah...cool…! It’s a parrot…!
You’re unexpectedly good at painting!
Subaru: Surprisingly you say, but it’s needless. By the way...you’re awfully unskilled.
Yui: Uuh…
(I can’t say anything back about it…)
...Anyway, I think we should now scatter so many copies of it.
Clown A: Leave it to me!
I’m gonna distribute in the middle of this park, soI bet you can get some kind of information!
Yui: W- we’re looking forward to that!
(I hope we’ll get a little bit of information by doing it…)
*After a while*
Clown A: Heyy!
Subaru: What’s up?
Clown A: Looks like we’ve come up to know something at once! That pet it possibly in the street over there!
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Yui: (Looks like it was effective to make posters!)
Let’s go there!
Place: サントノレパーク通り/ Saint Honoré Park, Street
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Subaru: Fuck, where did that damn parrot go!?
Yui: ーAh! Look, Subaru kun! It’s on the roof of the attraction box office!!
Subaru: Tch...this guy playing stupid with us arround…!
Yui: (...It has reached such a place like in the roof huuh…)
*parrot screeches*
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Yui: What now, if we just wait here then it’s gonna fly away…!
Subaru: ...I’m gonna fly there and get that.
Yui: Eh!? You can’t! That parrot is pretty big plus...
Subaru: If I take a lot of time just climbing on the roof, it’s gonna run away.
Yui: But…
Subaru: Just be quiet and wait ‘re.
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Yui: (Hm…? Ah, the child is…!)
Subaru kun, waitー
*Screen shakes*
Subaru: ...kh, haa?
Vampire Children C: Ah...I’m so sorrー
Ah...my ice-cream is…
Yui: (It fell off when he collided…?)
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Subaru: Oi! Look front while walking! It’s dangerous!
Yui: Su- Subaru kun, calm down…
Err...are you okay?
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Vampire Children C: Uuh...my ice-cream...it fell…*crying*
Yui: (He’s crying…!? Oh no!?)
Subaru: Tch...stop it…
Anyway, I am gonna get the parrー
*Parrot flies away*
Subaru: Oii!! Wait up!!
Yui: (It escaped…)
Subaru: Of shit...I was very close…
Vampire Children C: Uuuh….uuuh…
Subaru: ...che.
Yui: (I’m Subaru kun is very angry?)
I- I am sure...this child didn’t get bumped onto you willinー
Subaru: Yeah...I’m aware of that.
Oi, brat.
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Vampire Children C: ….Big brother, I’m so sorry...it was my fault…
Subaru: That doesn’t matter now. Above that...you dropped your ice cream huh.
Vampire Children C: Y- yes…
Subaru: ...Which shop is selling it? I’m gonna buy you a new one in exchange.
Yui: Subaru kun…!
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Subaru: Even though it’s just an ice-cream to me...but to this brat, maybe it’s something more than that.
Yui: (I see...so that’s why…)
Vampire Children C: Thank you, Oniichan, Oneechan!
|| Oniichan means big brother and Oneechan means big sister in Japanese.
The shop is right over there! I’ll lead you the way.
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After this, the boy take us to the shop but一
We were too late, so the ice-creams were already sold out.
This child who was tearing up Subaru kun bought him a pudding from a different shop. For that, somehow he stopped crying.
For a moment, I thought what bad could come up, but the boy returned to his parents while waving his hand to us putting on a smiling face at last 一
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End of Monologue
Yui: At the end, that boy was having a happy face right….!
Subaru: Aah...with this, finally it got settled.
Yui: Yes. Thanks for working hard.
Subaru: Well...time to go back for the main task. We’ve lost so much time for sure but 一
*Parrot screeches*
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Yui: Eh...that sound of a bird…! It means…!
Yui: Kyaa…!
(Now, it just flies though in front of us!?)
Subaru: That bastard...found it…! This time I ain’t let ‘em escape for sure!
Place: Gardening Shop / 園芸店 
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Yui: Haah….kh...haah…
(We had to run quite a bit...this place...a granening shop…?)
*Parrot screeches*
Subaru: Tch...where is it planning to go…!
Place: Garnering Shop, Glasshouse/ 園芸店 温室
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Yui: (It’s taking us in such kind of places…)
(Ah...it has stopped on this tree…!)
Subaru kun, it’s the right chance, yes?
Subaru: 一Hold it. Don’t go now.
Yui: Eh...but why…?
Subaru: The tree where the parrot standing is...the Devil’s Tree.
Yui: Devil’s Tree…?
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Subaru: This is a tree which reacts to a small stimulus and aimlessly attacks the ones who will go nearby it...
Once you get entwined with it’s branches, it won’t be easy to escape away from it.
Yui: Such a tree is…
Subaru: Yeah...that’s why the only way is to secretly go near it and wait for the perfect chance…
Do ye’ even try to make noises that much.
Yui: Yes…
(I’ll do my best…)
Subaru: ...Aight, just a bit一
Clown A: Oooi~! You two!
Yui: Eh?
Subaru: Aah!?
Clown A: That’s good! I’ve been searching for you!
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Subaru: Oi, ye’ dummy! Be quiet!
Clown A: Eh? What do you just say?
Subaru: I said...SHUT UP!!
*Slightly hit the tree*
Yui: Ah, Subaru kun, if you do so, then the tree will…!
Subaru: Ah, oh no…!
*The tree starts attacking*
Yui: Kyaaa!?
(The branch is...wrapped around my body…!)
Subaru: Che…! Let go!!
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Yui: Oh no, if you do so then, again…!
*Screen shakes*
Subaru: Uwaa!?
Yui: Kyaaaa!?
*After a while*
Place: Diamante Fountain / ディアマンテ泉
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Subaru: Haah...oh shit, we had to face something terrible…
Yui: Yes...you’re right…
(In the conclusion, when一)
(We couldn’t move at all, then we were somehow saved…)
Clown A: I’m sorry...I thought to give you the information about the parrot right away and…
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Subaru: Even if so, there was a Devil Tree out there
You knew that, no!?
Yui: W- well, well...but he didn’t have any bad-intention and also…
If Mr. Clown wouldn’t help us then I don’t know what bad could happen…
Subaru: Tch…
...It’s fine. Chasing after that parrot comes first over anything now.
Yui: (Exactly...Before a while, the parrot escaped away when we couldn’t move ourselves for that tree…)
Clown A: If it runs away even if you chase after that then,
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What about luring out that parrot instead?
Yui: Luring…? Even if you say that, but how 一
Subaru: No, wait. There’s a way I guess.
Yui: Eh…?
Subaru: You see, that Old-Uncle mentioned before. The tarts which is selling out in the Tart • Tatan. Tarts are it’s favorite dish.
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Yui: So, if we lure the parrot using tarts…
Subaru: ...We’ll be able to catch that for sure.
Clown A: Tart • Tatan is nearby this place, however一
Subaru: Near? Then we’re on our way.
Yui: Yes…!
(Let’s do our best so it’ll go smoothly…!)
*They walks away*
Clown A: ...However, tarts may have gotten sold out since today’s the last day of the Parade, I wanted to say.
I hope everything’s gonna be okay…
Place:Tart Tatan,Glimmer Street Shops /タルト• タタングリンマーストリート店
Yui: ...kh…!
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Subaru: Aah? What’s up with this crowding…!
Yui: An- anyway, let’s ask the people whether this shop’s selling out tarts or not.
Err, excuse me! We want to take-out some well-known tarts from this shop…
Tart • Tatan Clerk: My sincere apologies. We’ve served too many customers today so,
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So the tarts which were for take-out have already sold out…
Yui: So- sold out…!?
Subaru: Then, it’s okay even if we don’t take-out that. We can get the tarts by using the reserving-food method.
Yui: Oh, that’s right. Sorry for that, then we’re gonna reserve tarts for 2 person一
Tart • Tatan Clerk: Actually...the reservation is not available since the customers have already filled that over…
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Subaru: What!?
Yui: S-such…!
(We had come this far but…)
Subaru: ...At the end, the only way is to chase after that huh…?
Yui: As you see, it’s the only way I think…?
???: Ah! Oniichan! Oneechan!
Yui: Eh, this voice…
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Ah, look Subaru kun! The child who’s waving his hand to us is….
Subaru: Ah? ...It’s the kid from the before.
Yui: (Ne-nevertheless, the food that’s decorated like a mountain on their table is...Tart…!)
Vampire Child C: What are you doing here?
Yui: Umm…
Subaru: Honestly, I don’t wanna ask for the tart to a kid but...we got no other choices…
Yui: Looks like...so…
(I don’t know if he can give us one or two tarts but...let’s try it by asking him…)
Well, you see…
*After the conversation*
Yui: ...that’s what happened.
Vampire Children C: That parrot, it’s the bird that I saw while I collided with Oniichan?
Subaru: Yup, that one.
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Vampire Children C: I see. Then I’ll ofcourse give you! It will do, right?
Father: You two were the ones who gave my son pudding, huh.
I am sorry that earlier my child has burdened you with unreasonable things. If this tart will come out handy then take as much as you want.
Yui: Eh, really!?
Father: Ofcourse. You were the one who took care of my child earlier.
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Mother: Yeah, we’re really grateful for that.
Yui: Thank you so much!
Subaru: No kidding…?
Your kindness has come out as a huge help…
Yui: Y-yeah….?
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(It makes me happy that he said it but…)
(But we don’t have time for that.)
Yui: Then, let’s use this tart and lure out the parrot!
Thank you so much!
Vampire Children C: Mhm, do your best!
Place: Onyx Tower, Inside Hall / オーニュクスタワー内部ホール
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Yui: Phew...is it okay to arrange these like this?
Subaru: Yeah...all we can do now is to just wait.
Yui: (I spread it here, from where the smell should get spread the most but…)
(I really hope it’ll come, please…!)
*Wind blows + parrot comes*
Subaru: ….Hm?
Yui: Ah!
(It comes…!)
*parrot(s) screech*
...here, they go!?
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(For some reason, so many of them have come!?)
Subaru: Oi, oi, what’s going on!? Where did they come from!
*Parrot(s) screech*
Yui: (Wah...they all have started to eat these all at once…)
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Subaru, what can we do!? I am not that sure which one of them is the parrot that we’ve been searching…
Subaru: Me neither! By the way, the fastest way will be to get the Old-Uncle for conforming.
Which’s why...we gotta catch all of ‘em right now…!
*After a moment*
Yui: Haah...hah...kh…haah…
Subaru: ....kh...with this...we’re done catching each of them…?
Yui: Pr- probably…
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(We’ve caught all of them when they’ve gone crazy eating the tarts but…)
(But I’m tired beyond my imagination…)
Subaru: ...Haah...now, we gotta call out that old-uncle for confirming in one of these一
Antique Art Dealer: 一Oh my, oh my...you have caught unexpected number of them.
Subaru: kh...you…!
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Antique Art Dealer: Yeaah, I’ve come here to visit when I heard that so many parrots are gathered on the top of the tower…
I didn't think you’d catch so many of them.
Subaru: I think yer’ parrot in one of them! Check out!
Antique Art Dealer: Mhm, I will.
Subaru: ……
Yui: ……
(God please…! I hope his parrot is one of these…!)
Antique Art Dealer: ...Yup! This one!
*Parrot screeches*
Yui: Eh...It means…
Antique Art Dealer: Yeah, your mission is complete!
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Subaru: OH YAAAAY!!
Yui: (That’s great…! Finally we’re done with these…!)
Subaru: Oi, you’re satisfied now I guess. Then hurry up and handover the things that ya’ promised us.
Antique Art Dealer: Ofcourse, I am aware of that.
Look, I’ve brought those with me.
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Yui: (Ah...that’s right...it’s not over yet.)
(We have to go to the place where Earl Walter is.)
Subaru: Finally we’ve got to the starting point…
Yui: (Subaru kun had to face so many difficult things till now, yet…)
(He’s still dealing with these …)
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Yui: Umm...Subaru kun, I am sorry...you’re having so much trouble for me…
Subaru: Ah? What are you saying such things, don’t worry.
It was originally my fault starting with and…
...I am gonna go to meet Earl Walter. You wait here.
Yui: Eh...But…
Subaru: I’ll...hurry up and get back your heart at once.
Who can be silent to a guy who’s doing whatever he wants to with any kind of people around.
Yui: Subaru kun…
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Subaru: Ah...which is why...you should just be silent and listen to what I say. *blushing*
Yui: Yes…
But, I can’t make you feel hurt all by yourself.
That’s why I also want to go and apologize with you.
Subaru: ...Tch, do as you wish.
Antique Art Dealer: ...Hehehe. You don’t have to go there.
Subaru: Ah? What? What’s so funny?
*BG blurred to white*
Subaru: ...kh…!?
Yui: Wh- what!?
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(Smoke is getting filled here…! I can’t see the front…!)
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Antique Art Dealer?: ...You two did well.
Yui: (Eh...this voice…)
Subaru: ...kh, this bastard is, Walter!?
Earl Walter: Kukuku...Hahaha…!
*BG is back*
Yui: (Ah...the smoke disappeared一)
*Clothing sound*
Earl Walter: ...Is it the first time to see me in this appearance?
Yui: You are...Earl Walter…?
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Earl Walter: Certainly. I have been observing your actions very closely.
Subaru: Closely you say...you mean by distinguishing yourself to an old-man!?
What was that...it means we’ve been rushing around for abiding your orders all these times…
Earl Walter: I think that I was a little bit mean with you. However, you were the one to break the goods of my castle to begin with.
This is why I wanted you to feel grief by doing these tasks.
Subaru: ...Hmph.
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Earl Walter: ...Then, we shall move onto the main issue. Yui Komori, I’m talking about your heart.
Yui: ...Yes.
Earl Walter: The fact that you’re the one and only person who’s worthy to possess this treasure,
I have gotten the proof of this claim clearly with my own eyes.
...Therefore, I shall give your heart back.
*Heart’s pounding*
Yui: ...kh…
*Screen’s white for an instant*
Yui: (...kh...for a moment, I felt something strange in my body…)
(My heart is...back…?)
Subaru: ...Oi, you alright?
Yui: I- I think so…?
Subaru: ...ngh…
*Subaru gets closer + loses her dress*
Subaru: Kyaa…!?
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Subaru: ...I’m gonna confirm it. ….nnnh...mnn…!
Yui: ...eek…!
(His fangs are…)
Subaru: ...Haah...mnn…!
...Haah...the taste is the same as always…
(Eh...it means…!)
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Earl Walter: Heh...told you right? “I’ll give her heart back.”
Yui: ...Thank you very much!
(I’m relieved now…!)
Earl Walter: From here on, walk on your life by being worthy of having this heart.
Yui: Yes…!
Subaru: We'd know it even if you wouldn’t say!
Earl Walter: ...Fufu, good.
Well then...the finale of the parade is coming soon…
Enjoy that till the end upto your heart's content.
With this, I am going to take my leave.
Earl Walter: Kukuku...Hahaha!
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Yui: (Ah...he disappeared…)
Subaru: Jeez, what was wrong with that guy…
Yui: Yes...he’s a very mysterious person.
(I feel like he has taught us a very important lesson.)
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The END of Chapter O 4 一
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Top 6 Underrated Comedy Scenes in IPK
Version: Arnav Singh Raizada & Situational Comedy
After a certain Khushi Kumari Gupta entered ASR’s life, let’s say she’s given him many moments to laugh. But sometimes, fate wants to laugh at his expense too. Here are six underrated moments in IPK where life did not give Arnav any lemons to make lemonade. 
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1. Banwari, The Dhobi (S3, E10)
The one day Arnav decides to do something right, the entire universe conspires to make everything go wrong. His day pretty much goes like this; Mission “Khushi, I am Sorry” Obstacle #1: Arnav can’t say sorry. Everyone can, but no one helps. Because Arnav never asks for help.
Solution - Just find Khushi. Obstacle #2: Ask Lavanya. Feign ignorance... feign ignorance... doesn’t Lavanya know who I’m talking about? Feign ignorance... she’s taken a vacation WHAT *fuck*.
Solution - Call Khushi
Obstacle #3: Can’t English when Khushi’s on the phone. Also, cuts the call himself, has the Rabba Ve wind, and facepalms himself.  But the moment of this hilarious day that takes the cake is when Arnav instructs JP on whoever is by the door, to send that person to his room.  Arnav (ready with the intense look): I need to speak to you
Someone with a voice that does not give him the Rabba Ve : Yes sir, tell me, anyways I’m used to the [scolding] Arnav (turns dramatically, intensity dead): WHO ARE YOU? 
Not Khushi: Banwari, aapka dhobi.  *sigh* We’re with you Arnav bitwa, we’re with you. Although you shouldn’t have yelled at Banwari ji. Banwari kinda predicted though. 
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2. Oh Aman! (S3, E34)
Before Khushi, khushingly, threw the mitti (soil) all over herself which led to the gentle-hot-sexy-eye-blow-dust-shy Rabba Ve; the mitti was in her hands, in his pot, and all the way from Arnav’s room to the living room.
And here was Aman, being Aman, taking every meticulous note of what his sir was saying.
“Okay Aman, I was saying that our delegates are arriving tomorrow at Banglore. Prepare your team and give them-” Arnav notices the soil on the floor “-Mitti?” 
“Foreign delegates ko mitti dena hai, sir?” We should give the foreign delegates soil, sir? 
No Aman bitwa!
“Oh Shut up Aman!”
This moment is outright hilarious and one can literally see Aman blurting out the first thought in his head - and it’s too late - before he gets yelled at by Arnav.
Poor Aman though;
ASR: *asks for confirmation by asking Aman to repeat*
Aman: *repeats*
ASR: *says something stupid*
Aman: *repeats?*
ASR: Oh shut up *I was commenting on something you have no idea and I expect you to understand my stupidity as you are more worthy than me in several scenarios and I don’t think you are human*
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3. The Newly Shadi Shuda Arnav Singh Raizada (S6, E31)
When Arnav Singh Raizada got hitched (more like forcing a woman to elope with him), one expected many hearts to be broken. After all, the kunwara krorepati - bachelor billionaire - was off the market! But the one heart that I never expected to be broken by Arnav’ marital status, was of Shukla ji’s! Alternating between an Arnav who had no idea that man before him existed, and the canteen waala who believes he is an intrinsic part of Arnav’s life - it is one of the funniest scenes in the show. Shukla: Sir, I was just gone for a day and-
ASR: Who the hell are you?
Shukla: Sir I’m Shukla, the canteen waala *cue ugly crying* I AM THE ONE who brings your daily morning tea, without sugar, and your daily evening coffee, without sugar, to you.
ASR: *invoking Kanan Biswa from MPKDH Pretentious Movie Review* Toh problem kya hai?
Shukla: Sir that’s exactly what I’m asking, if there was an issue with *sobs*
ASR: Come to the point
Shukla: Nobody wants the canteen food, they’ve all found a new lunch service *sobbing continues* This provides me the bread and butter for my home and YOU destroyed-
ASR: What the! What did I do?
ASR: I got married, how is that a problem to you?
Shukla: *sobs and leaves*
ASR: Sabki problem kya hai yaar! it’s awesome seeing ASR say yaar Crazy people.
*If this scene does not make you laugh, I will be extremely judgmental of you* 
Also whoever played Shukla ji, your crying was epic. 
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4. Presenting Lakshmi Nagar, by Manorama Raizada (S7, E1)
There’s one thing about going to your in-laws house, there’s another thing of somebody frightening you to no end about it.
Manorama and Arnav have the strangest friendship - they are both well aware of the other’s faults and are not hesitant to use those faults - but somehow believe the first thing that is out of their mouths.
This scene might have not been funny, if Arnav was not straight up terrified and believing everything Mami ji said (until she would say something completely obnoxious). One can see that Arnav literally hangs on every word Mami says *lol*
Arnav: *can handle a fashion empire, a sleazy brother-in-law and millions of rupees*
Mami: *describes food floating in oil at his in-laws house*
Arnav: *nearly shits his pants*
This scene truly works wonders because of the fantastic acting and chemistry between Barun Sobti and Utkarsha Naik.
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5. Khushi’s Dream Man, Not Arnav Singh Raizada (S7, E3)
Arnav knew Khushi liked Salman, enough to put a poster in his room to annoy the hell out of him. But here he sees that she loves Salman. Honestly dreams about marrying him - in a cheaply cut out poster of him and her in a palanquin.
And even though he has been in her room several times before, this is the first team he notices the little things about her.
It is cute and hilarious because in one second Arnav has five immediate opinions about her.
Arnav: I have to see Salman here, too? That too six times?
Arnav: Certified crazy… wait… what’s that
Arnav: A wedding palanquin with Khushi and… what… Salman?! WHAT THE?
Arnav: She’s crazy, childish but adorable, loveable and oh my fuck this little cutie patootie asdfghjk ahh I need to stahp;
The mental ‘what the’ was loud enough to shatter the walls of Gupta house.
Also, Barun, you are a treasure.
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6. Never Underestimate the Power of a Common Belan (& Bua ji) (S8 E9)
I cannot begin with what I love about this specific episode. It is AMAZING to see Arnav get roasted (sorry bitwa), especially by his in-laws for a very valid reason.
He forgot his wife’s birthday. And he realised that. While yelling at her. In her home. In front of her family *slow claps*.
The hilarious series of moments begin from Arnav stating he doesn’t want to eat, and Bua ji (oh I love her in these episodes) just comes in front of him - stares at him - and challenges him to leave the house without eating. #ToughLove #BuajiRoxx (Abha ji, you are amazing)
The day really isn’t cut out for Arnav. It isn’t.
How Not To Celebrate Your Wife’s Birthday  - Arnav Singh Raizada
On the night before her birthday, call her the biggest mistake of your life (don’t worry, if she wants to leave the house have something in handy to blackmail her with to stay back).
On the day of her birthday, yell at her, preferably in her house, where her family is present.
Oh, you still don’t know it’s her birthday.
Try to say h-hha...happ...ha
Don’t refuse lunch. Bua ji has a powerful belan.
Tell your wife hh..hh-hhaaa-- happy singh?
Notice what she’s missing, and buy the replacement (especially one that does not suit her style nor necessities)
Don’t attempt to pacify the family.
Eat 584219 puris, no questions asked.
Then look at your wife, ask for…. water.
Continue eating the puris.
Get served more puris. Win the family’s heart, oh fuck, not your wife’s though.
Give her the gift, selected and signed by your assistant. Oh, and don’t forget to say ha-ha---handsfree?
Act surprised when; she doesn’t believe the gift is yours, uses the bag what several middle class people use bags for, gets a heart attack on the price.
Oh don’t mention the price of the gift.
Forcibly feed cake, cut the cake, and attempt to flirt when she’s absolutely not in the mood.
Kiss her and give her the one meaningful gift, when she’s asleep.
Realise that you’ve fucked up and you’ll fuck up further. It’s a good thing you married her (oh shit and reminded her about the contract) and your cousin is her friend who can help you for the rest of your life.
With sincere What Thes, ASR.
Penned by NK. So that’s it for today - hope you all had a fun time reading this! And a big hug to all those who inspired me (you know who you are).
A big thank you to the scriptwriters and creatives for coming with these wonderful moments - comedy is one of the most difficult things to write!
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Late Night Endeavors『 Sirius Black x Gryffindor!Reader 』
A/N: Guess who couldn’t write for like a whole month? ME! I don’t have an excuse, I just had really bad writers' block, but amidst my disappearance emerges a Sirius oneshot which I’m not entirely satisfied with but oh well. The reader is gender neutral and is in Gryffindor by the way, enjoy!
Warnings: None
Word count: 1, 700+
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It wasn't uncommon to see students burning the midnight oil in the common rooms, there were always a handful of people studying and revising into the late hours of the night and as of your sixth year you had found yourself always being a part of this group.
Your teachers hadn't been joking or exaggerating in the slightest, NEWT classes were very very difficult and they only seemed to be getting even harder.
The difference between the workload you had the year prior and now was appalling, you'd think that you would have had more free time now that you were dropping several subjects but you found yourself using up all this said free time for nothing but studying and trying to fulfill all of your requirements, which according to Sirius Black, a friend of yours, was unhealthy, which you thought was a bit hypocritical seeing as he spends all his free time playing pranks on people and causing trouble.
He was always nagging that you shouldn't overwork yourself and that you should let yourself have a break every once in a while but you simply couldn't afford to do that.
You were aiming to be a healer, that meant that you had to have top marks on Potions, Herbology, Transfiguration, Charms, and Defense Against the Dark Arts. Which may not seem like a lot at first but it seemed like all your professors had it in for you because the number of essays you've written, all the books you've had to read and the number of hours you've spent practicing spells and charms was just way too much.
But you knew you had to push through, it had always been your dream to be a healer and nothing was gonna stop you, not even the hardest essay or the most complicated potion could hold you down but it wasn't as if it were possible to avoid the limitations your body had.
Your dormmate had just bid you goodnight and left to go to bed, it was now only you and the usual late night workers in the common room. You were working on a rather nasty essay Professor Slughorn assigned, well, you were trying to work on the essay. It must have been the days worth of sleep deprivation and fatigue finally crashing down on you because you found yourself falling in and out of consciousness, this kept going on for a few minutes until you finally stopped resisting and fell asleep on top of your books.
You were in a rather uncomfortable position but you didn't really care because of the much needed rest you were getting.
The remaining students in the common room didn't pay much attention to you, it was normal to see a snoozing person or two in the common room at that hour and by the time it was 2 am you were the only one left in the common room.
Sirius had woken up not soon after and went to get a glass of water. When he went to go back to sleep he noticed that James had fallen asleep whilst watching the Marauder's Map (Most likely watching Lily Evan's name glide across her dorm room) and had forgotten to close it. Sirius scoffed at his friend's carelessness and reached over to grab the map.
Sirius pointed his wand at the map and whilst he was saying "Mischief managed." His eyes flickered to the familiar name which much to Sirius' annoyance and exasperation was still down at the common room. He glanced at his watch and saw that it was almost three in the morning.
He quickly headed to the common room ready to forcibly take your books from you if he needed to.
As he was getting closer to the common room he started saying "What in the bloody hell are you doing still up?" But the words died in his mouth once he spotted your sleeping figure hunched over at one of the many desks in the room.
He couldn't help but chuckle at the sight. He gently placed his hand on your shoulder and nudged you a bit.
"Hey, wake up sleepy head."
You shifted at his words and slowly opened your eyes. You slowly took in your surrounding and suddenly jolted up.
"Merlin's beard, what time is it?" You quickly scanned the common room. The fire in the fireplace was now reduced to bright embers, all the usually filled tables, desks and couches were empty and the grandfather clock on the opposite corner of the room chimed as the hour hand reached three o'clock.
"Well, as you can see" Sirius gestured towards the ringing clock, "It's three in the morning."
You groaned and rubbed your eyes frustratingly. "I've been asleep for almost seven hours."
Sirius took the seat beside you, "You really have to take care of yourself more." He said while rubbing dried ink that lifted off the book you were laying on off your cheek. You felt yourself blush at this action.
You nodded quickly and turned to hide your red cheeks from him, "Yeah, you're right." You started to pack your things into your bag.
You had to stop losing your composure around him or else he'd realize that your feelings for him weren't as platonic as before.
You had started gaining feelings for Sirius the previous year, you thought that it was just a little crush and that it would fade in a few weeks but it just wouldn't seem to go away. You supposed you were doing a good job of hiding it because Sirius hadn't seemed to notice anything or maybe he was just really dense. Whatever it was, you were thankful that he hasn't realized anything, you didn't want your feelings jeopardizing your friendship.
An idea suddenly popped in Sirius' head and a mischievous smile formed on his features. You've known Sirius for years, you were well aware of what that look meant.
"What are you planning on doing this time, Sirius?" You asked reproachfully.
"What do you say to grabbing a little snack before heading to bed?"
You guffawed at him, was he really planning on going out at this hour?
"It's 3 in the morning, I am not sneaking out with you."
"Oh come on, it'll be fun!" Sirius grabbed your hand and gave you his infamous puppy dog eyes while repeating your name repeatedly.
You ignored the butterflies in your stomach and flicked him on the forehead playfully.
"I said no, Sirius!" You said, "We'll only get caught and get into a heap load of trouble with McGonagall."
He gasped and stood up dramatically, he placed a hand over his chest "How insulting, I never thought that you of all people would think I would let such a thing happen, don't you know who you're talking to?"
He held his hand out for you to grab "Come on, don't you trust me?"
You thought it through for a few seconds. It was true that your chances of getting caught were much smaller seeing as you were to be accompanied by Sirius Black, troublemaker extraordinaire, he was probably an expert at sneaking around the castle late at night by now.
You also wouldn't say no to spending some more time with the Gryffindor, you hadn't been spending as much time with him as much as before.
Some food would be nice too.
"Fine then." You said as you took his outstretched hand with yours. He flashed you a giddy grin and led you out of the common room.
There were a few close calls, you almost ran into Filch whilst on the fourth floor but luckily you were right by a secret passage that led to the second floor where you narrowly avoided getting seen by Peeves who was vandalizing a portrait of a scandalized looking warlock.
In a few short minutes, you had reached the large portrait that led to the kitchens in the basement. 
"Won't the house elves tell on us?" You whispered worriedly as he tickled the pear on the portrait.
"No, they love shoving food in our faces, they'd never snitch." And at that, he pushed the portrait open and you two headed inside.
There weren't many house elves in the kitchen at that time, which was expected, even house elves need sleep too.
The ones that were present were the house elves that were responsible for cleaning the castle whilst everyone was asleep, according to Sirius.
Upon entering the vast room which was almost identical to the Great Hall, you and Sirius were suddenly surrounded by a dozen house elves all talking at once. They all seemed very excited and eager to help.
Soon, after all your pockets were filled to the brim with pastries and snacks, you and Sirius returned to the common room where you two sat by the newly lit fire, courtesy of Sirius, and ate and talked about whatever popped in your minds.
You missed hanging out with Sirius, he always found a way to help you forget about your worries, you don't think you've been this relaxed since the beginning of the term.
One you two finished the last of your food and realized that it was almost five in the morning you two decided to call it a day. 
"I had a lot of fun," You said as you two stood to head back to your dorms "I really needed this." 
You leaned in to place a small kiss on his cheek. "Thanks, Sirius."
He seemed to be caught off guard with the kiss because he was speechless for a few seconds before quickly regaining his composure.
You bid him goodnight and went to climb up the stairs to your dorm but you hadn't even gotten up a dozen steps when Sirius was calling out your name.
You hurried back down to the foot of the stairs where Sirius was still standing.
"What is it?" You asked
"Well, I was thinking," Sirius shuffled nervously under your gaze which was very unlike his usually confident demeanor. "What if we did this again? You know hang out but maybe when it was later in the day and at Hogsmeade.." He hesitated for a moment "I'm trying to ask you out on a date."
It would be an understatement to say that you were surprised, the first thing you blurted out was "Wait, really?"
"No, I'm just playing you--of course, really!"
Sirius then started going on about how he wouldn't joke about something like that, you couldn't help but grin.
"I'd love to go on a date with you."
Sirius stopped mid-sentence, he seemed to burst with joy "Oh thank god, this is great, very great, I should get to planning-"
"I think we should get to sleeping first." You grinned, Sirius nodded.
"Goodnight, Sirius."
"Night, love."
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Heart of a Lion
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Just a heads up, but I put a vulgarity warning in this chapter because there’s a part that is a little different from the usual vanilla stuff and I want people to be shocked but not scared. It’s basically some name calling and mentions of certain ‘favors’ but that’s it. Not sure if it’s necessary, but I’m doing it anyway. 
I’m really excited for this chapter because reader is really going to start coming into their own!
Chapter 7 Fight or Flight
Shinso x Reader
Rated M for Future Mature Themes (Not Explicit)
Tags: slow burn, mutual pining, secretive quirk
Summary: You never wanted to be a hero. You come from a long family of heroes, so why not just be a normal person? That’s what you hoped, until you re-connected with your old High School friend/crush.
Chapter 1 / Chapter 2 / Chapter 3 / Chapter 4 / Chapter 5 / Chapter 6 / Chapter 7 / Chapter 8 / Chapter 9 /
Well this is fun. You thought as you woke up to a deflated bed and rocks lodged in your back. You cursed Shinso for convincing you to go on this trip. At least, you would have thunk that, until you saw a rare morning bed head Shinso with his hair down instead of the usual flayed back. You inwardly thanked him for the opportunity.
The morning proceeded smoothly as the team had breakfast and headed out toward the river. The coordinator informed everyone that the activity would be canoeing down and then up the river. Then it would be time for lunch and after, there would be time to swim in the river. At night, after dinner, there would be a special “Trial of Courage” that was kept secret on what the ‘Trial’ would be. The coordinator mentioned that the residents reassured there would be no feral animals to interrupt the trial, so there was nothing really to fear. This reassured no one.
“Everyone choose a partner to help operate the Canoe. Once you choose, this will be your partner for the rest of the activities for the day, so choose wisely.”
Almost immediately, you felt your hand being forcibly raised in the air.
“Got my partner.” Shinso said proudly. “That is, if you want me.”
You snatched your hand back, trying to laugh off his questionable double entendre. “I guess you’ll do.”
Shinso started making quick work loading supplies into the canoe. You gathered the safety supplies and carried them toward the boat. It didn’t take long before everyone was on the water and floating down the river. You sat in the front as Shinso sat in the back.
“Hey,” He said to you and you turned your head. “We’re going downstream so don’t worry about rowing. I got it covered.”
“Aw, how chivalrous.” You cooed.
“Don’t get cocky. You need to save your strength for rowing upstream.”
You pouted to yourself as you observed the still water. The boat was a bit far from the group and there weren’t many people around, so the river was quiet for the most part. You let yourself relax a bit as you hear Shinso lightly correct the canoe’s course in the water.
You let out a big sigh that didn’t go unnoticed by Shinso. “Something bothering you?”
“Nothing, it’s just…” you twisted your hips to look at the Indigo haired boy behind you. “Everything is happening so fast. Just last week I had a crap job and went home alone every day. Now, I have a job that takes us on trips like this and I’m talking to you again. It feels surreal, like…”
Your words fell, but Shinso knew what you were going to say. “Like everything’s a dream and you’re about to wake up.”
You nodded.
“Well, if it means anything, I feel that way too.” Shinso looked away as a light shade of pink danced across his cheeks. “Not many people get third chances. I was happy that we got the opportunity to talk again, so much so, I was scared it was a dream.”
You turned around to hide the blush that was also forming on your cheeks. God, does he even realize that he makes everything sound so romanticized? “Well… I am a treat.” Was all you mustered to say and you heard a chuckle behind you.
“Of course, you are.”
The rest of the river passed with no problems, although, your arms were dying from rowing back upstream. After packing up, the coordinator had somehow found a megaphone and was currently yelling that it was time for lunch. “Who the hell gave her a megaphone,” was the thought on everyone’s mind as everybody sat down at the benches for lunch. You decided to sit with your team to chat with them, and to make sure no one was getting the wrong idea about you and Shinso. The entire day, you tried to convince yourself that you weren’t already hearing rumors about you when you’ve only been there for a damn week. You also didn’t want that pressure on Shinso. He has more important things to worry about.
“If you want to go swimming, you have about three hours of free time.” The coordinator announced after mostly everyone was done with their lunch. “Just make sure you’re back in time for dinner and the Trial of Courage!”
“I’m going to go and change into my swimsuit.” You told your team. “I’ll meet you out in the water!”
You made your way back to your tent and grabbed your swim gear. Before you got to the outhouse to change, you overheard someone mention your name.
“Ugh, who the hell do they think they are?” A woman said behind the outhouse.
“For real… here for only one week and he’s all over them.” Another woman added. You really hoped this wasn’t going where you think it’s going.
“I can’t believe it! He won’t even spare a look toward my way and I’ve known him for two years! I bet they bribed him, that fucking slut-”
“Well maybe he’s all over me because I actually care about him.” You revealed yourselves to the three wicked women. You recognized them from another department. You gave silent thanks because you didn’t know what you would do if you had to work next to these two-faced women. “And I don’t talk shit about his friends behind his back.”
“Friend? Please, I bet you suck him off in the office whenever you can.”
“The only reason a man would change that drastically is if someone seduced them.”
“So, what is it? Promised to be his little toy for his attention?”
You felt an anger boil up from within you. They claimed to like Shinso, yet they say all these things behind his back. “You better watch what you say.” A form of energy unknowingly jolted throughout your body and resided in your irises. “Before I make you regret it.”
You saw the women back off and fast walked away. You heard one whisper something about your eyes. Shit.
You clutched your head in frustration, trying to get a hold of yourself. Damn those women. You didn’t want your quirk to accidentally activate, especially not here.
“You’re not going to tell me what’s wrong?” You heard Shinso ask for the twentieth time since you got back from changing.
You both were currently walking through the forest as part of the Test of Courage, but it was just an over glorified walk through the woods at night. The entire time you knew you must have sported an annoyed look because you felt that way ever since your interaction with those women. You couldn’t get what they said out of your head. How dare they talk about Shinso like that.
“I said I’m fine, Shinso.” You said, your voice not even trying to mask your annoyance.
“Bull Shit.” He said as he grabbed your shoulders, forcing you to stop walking. “You were fine until you went to go change. What the hell happened?”
You gritted your teeth. “I’m not sure if I should tell you.”
You could see Shinso’s expression grow dark. “Tell me, what happened.”
“I just over heard some women from the design department… they were talking about us and…” Your voice fell short. You couldn’t bring yourself to repeat what they said. It made you feel disgusted.
“What did they say?” Shinso’s voice became deep and laced with anger.
You sighed. “They said that the only reason you hang out with me is because… I do… sexual favors for you.” Your voice trailed off at the end. It’s not like you were shy about it, but more so you feared how Shinso would react.
“I’m going to kill that entire department.”
Yeah, that reaction. “I know your not serious, don’t worry about it.”
“No, I am. I’m going to tell them all to jump off a bridge.”
You saw him start to walk back toward the camp, but you quickly grabbed his hand. “Look, it doesn’t bother me, it’ll be fine.”
He still looked unsure, but you gave him your best begging eyes. “Please?”
He grunted and continued the path. “Just tell me when they bother you again. I’ll put them in their place.” You wondered if he noticed that he still held onto your hand, but you weren’t going to mention it.
You both walked in silence as you continue the path with his hand in yours. You marveled at the thought of what it might be like if you could do this everywhere with him. Would he mind? Would he want you to hold his hand? Does he want you like you wanted him?
Your thought process came to a complete halt as you hear the shuffling of bushes. It didn’t sound like it came from the immediate vicinity, but you hope it was just someone getting ready to prank Shinso and you.
“Hey, why did you-“
You shushed him as you focused on where the sound was coming from. You barely made out some of the voices you heard.
“Where… brats… lesson… deal with Shinso…”
You gripped onto Shinso’s hand and lead him behind an array of shrubberies. You gave him a ‘please just trust me and be quiet’ look and held a finger over your lips, hoping he’d understand.
He nodded.
You both observed the clearing you just left to see a man, who didn’t look like he had the best intentions, enter it. “Come out little brats! I know you’re here somewhere!” You couldn’t put your finger on it, but you recognize the voice. “Damn, they were just here. Where did they go?”
This was bad. Shinso didn’t have his binding cloth with him and the camp was a ways away. The intruder had a different tone of voice than the one you heard before, so he must have separated with someone who was heading to the camp. You hope the others could handle it.
Shinso grabbed your attention and gestured a finger toward you and pointed toward the woods. You barely had time to decipher what he meant when he suddenly jumped over the bushes into the clearing.
What the hell is he doing?! You thought as your mind reeled for a solution to get out of the situation.
“Yeah, and what do you want?” Shinso retorted, clenching his fists.
“Oh! There you are!” The stranger chuckled. “Thought you were here. Was afraid my friend’s locator quirk went wrong somewhere.”
Shinso brows knitted together.
“What? Upset that your quirk isn’t working?” He tapped on a device that was currently wrapped around his head. “Got this little present off the black market. Protects me from psychic quirk users, just like you!”
“And how do you know about me?”
“Oh, I know a lot about you.” He sported a grin. “After all, we went to the same school.”
What? You thought. You searched your memories to see if you could remember who he was. Was he in the hero course with him?
“You even succeeded in entering the hero course. I never even got to congratulate you on your success.”
Now you remembered.
He was never a fan of Shinso, especially after the sports festival. His quirk wasn’t that strong, so not many people took him seriously. If you remember correctly, he had a quirk that made him able to grow any part of his body made from keratin. However, the keratin that grew wasn’t that strong.
“No matter how hard I tried, I could never get strong enough to protect me or my family. But now…” He removed a bottle from his jacket and downs it in one go. “I have all the power I need.”
Shinso took a step back as he observed the man in front of him. Yuto had his eyes clenched in pain as his slim body morphed two times his size and his muscles growing throughout his body, along with his hair, and nails that grew into claws.
All you could do was sit and watch as the villain started to power up. Anxiety raided through your body, your fight or flight senses betraying you as you chose to do neither. You observed the device still securely wrapped around Yuto’s head. How the hell is Shinso going to defeat him now?
You could tell he was thinking the same thing, but before he even had time to react, the villain charged and sent him flying to the nearest tree. He groaned in pain, as he could barely stand up.
“What’s wrong Shinso? Why don’t you use your quirk?” Yuto taunted. “You’re a hero, right? Fight me like one!” He landed another blow, sending him in the opposite direction.
You couldn’t watch this. With just one hit, Shinso was already looking beaten up and had at least a couple of cracked ribs. He was wasting time at this point, hoping you would have gone for backup, but you knew it was too late for that.
You crouched on your knees and cupped your hands together. You gather all the emotions you were feeling into your heart: anger, fear, and the intense desire to protect that in which you care about.
You had to do something. You had to save him.
You needed to call upon the lioness.
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libralita · 5 years
Where is She? Part 5
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | A Matter of Words (Part 4.5) | Part 6 | Part 7 | Part 8 | Part 9 (End)
For this Easter, you will get two parts! We continue with the beach episode! According to the wiki, diagonals make Jumin anxious so I decided to interrupt the reason for that. Also, in this part Yoosung and Joyce both get wet and kiss. Jumin is perfectly fine with that, too! Intrigued? Confused? Find out more!
Jumin rarely dreamed. When he did dream, he was aware of it and was able to control it. That was the way of most things in his life.
That night he dreamed he was in the middle of a wheat field. He frowned, wondering why he was dreaming about this. Maybe it was his subconscious saying that he should invest in wheat?
He then heard faint humming in the distance. It was obvious why he was dreaming about that. Just two hours and forty-seven minutes ago from the time he went to sleep, he had heard that song and dance with Joyce to it. It was fresh in his mind. He decided to follow the sound to see where the dream would lead him next. Just where was she?
Jumin then saw a silhouette of Joyce. She faced the setting sun and it outlined her slender frame. She started singing the song. She claimed that she couldn’t sing but Jumin would disagree. Most women who sung to him were trying to be seductive or show off their stunning talent. Joyce was a more quiet and soft sound. She wasn’t trying to impress him. She was just singing.
Jumin went closer to Joyce and she turned, grinning at him. Then she held out her hand to him and Jumin reached to take it. Their fingertips touched before he was dragged back. It felt like strength of a thousand men was ripping him from this place.
He let out a shout but was cut off when he was pulled forcibly into his C&R office chair. He blinked looking around him. It was utterly silent and it felt ominous. Just a strange dream. He told himself as he attempted to get up, but he was stuck.
Jumin cringed at that voice and closed his eyes. Just a strange dream.
“Jumin, look at me…”
He opened his eyes and he went from being in the C&R office to his desk that he used in his teens for studying. Everything was neatly arranged.
Suddenly everything on this desk was messed up and he couldn’t move to fix it. Out of the corner of his eye he could see her sitting next to him on top of his desk. He looked over, seeing long legs and a short red and black dress. It was low cut and made him feel things he did not want to feel.
He couldn’t look her in the eyes, he just stared at the patterns on her dress. They were all diagonals and the dream them made them seem like they were moving. It made him so anxious, he just wanted them to stop.
“You still won’t call me mother…”
“No.” Jumin woke up, saying that through gritted teeth. He took a shuddering breath, running his hand through his hair.
“Meow.” Elizabeth III moved closer to him and settled in his lap.
“Just…a strange dream…” he muttered softly, petting her. “I am sorry for waking you.”
She responded by purring and his chest loosened a tad. He shifted so he was laying back down, perfectly in the middle of the bed, with Elizabeth on his chest.
He closed his eyes, gently petting his precious cat. He found himself muttering softly, “I’ll swim and sail on savage seas…with never a fear of drowning…” before falling back asleep.
This time it was mercifully dreamless.
The next morning Joyce came down stairs to see Beth and Zen chatting at the breakfast table. Kaya and Jaehee were sitting across from each other on their lap tops. Yoosung was downing breakfast. Apparently, Beth and Zen had made up after their fight the previous night. Joyce would have to talk to her later on to hear what happened.
“So, who’s down to try the beach again?” Beth asked.
“Aaaand sent!” Kaya said, ignoring Beth and pressing enter on her keyboard. Jaehee’s own lap top pinged.
“If you guys are going to do work, then you might as well do it in the sun.” Yoosung said, taking a bite of his breakfast.
Kaya closed her lap top, “Actually, Zen and I are going to go play volleyball. Seven is refereeing.”
Joyce raised an eyebrow at Zen, “did you willingly agree to this?”
“Of course! Just a little friendly competition!”
“God bless his soul.” Beth said quietly, as she put her head down in prayer. “But at least you figured out how to get Kaya to take a break.”
“I don’t know if that’s the best way…especially for Zen,” Joyce joked.
“At least I’m putting my lap top down.”
Beth looked at Joyce, Jaehee, and Yoosung. “You three should come with me!”
“I will!” Yoosung said excitedly, “I want to try boogieboarding!”
Joyce nodded and Jaehee shrugged. “As long as I don’t get sand in my lap top.”
“I already asked Jumin and he said he had to brush out Elizabeth III so it’ll be us four!.” Beth said, “It’ll be fun!”
Joyce, Jaehee, and Beth sat out on the beach. Yoosung was out boogieboarding. Sounding like he was having a blast.
“Kaya’s resume is actually quite impressive for someone so young.” Jaehee said, looking at her lap top.
“Hey, we’re only a few years younger than—OW!”
Beth was cut off when she was hit by something. Joyce had taken off her shoes so quickly that they had flung off and smacked Beth. “Go get help!” She called running into the sea, untying her skirt, just leaving her in her bathing suit.
The other two women looked out to the sea. Yoosung was way farther out and he looked like he was struggling to keep above water.
“C’mon!” Beth said, pulling Jaehee up. “Jumin’s in the cabin, I’ll go find the others”
Jaehee scrambled up and ran up to the cabin while Beth bolted up the path to go find the others.
Joyce pumped her arms and legs in the ocean. “Yoosung!” She called, trying to see if he would respond. She noticed a hand in the air just a few feet away. She swam towards him, she grabbed him but used her legs to keep him at a distance in case he tried to use her as a flotation device. Then she swam back to the shore as fast as she could.
Once she got closer to the shore she began attempting to carry Yoosung, trudging forward as fast as she could. Jumin came running out of the cabin with Jaehee behind. He beelined for Joyce and Yoosung. Together they got Yoosung to shore.
“Yoosung! Yoosung, answer me!” Jumin demanded, sounding panicked.
“Lay him down.” Joyce said, guiding him down on his back. She lifted his head up slightly to see if he was breathing.
He wasn’t.
She pinched his nose and pressed her lips to his, breathing two deep breaths and then began pressing his chest over and over again—
Until, finally, Yoosung coughed. Water sputtered out of his mouth. Joyce quickly used all her strength to move him onto his side as he continued to cough up water. Jumin quickly moved close to help Yoosung.
“Is he okay?!” Beth asked, sounding panicked. Seven, Kaya, Beth, and Zen had all run over to them.
“He’s fine, now…” Joyce said, taking a sigh of relief and sitting down into the sand. She looked up at Jumin, “he should probably be taken back to the mainland to a hospital, just in case.”
Jumin nodded and Zen piped up. “I’ll take him back.”
Seven and Zen both went to Yoosung to help him up. He was shivering and still breathing heavily. He looked at Joyce, tears in his eyes. “T-Thank you.”
Joyce blinked a little dully, starting to feel the adrenaline ware off and gave him a happy but tired smile. “No problem.”
Jumin put in a call to arrange for their trip back as quickly as possible and then looked down at Joyce. “Are you alright?”
She looked back at him and gave a shrug. “I’m fine. First, Elizabeth III and now Yoosung. I should get an award or something.”
Jumin looked at her strangely, with those intense gray eyes. He offered her hand to help her up. She took it and was surprised when he put his two firm hands on her shoulders. “Jumin?”
He made a strained noise and then cleared his throat, “Thank you, for saving Yoosung.”
Joyce gave him another shrug, “like I said, it was no problem. What anyone would do!”
Jumin nodded and then said, “You should get back, you look tired.” He, somewhat awkwardly, moved his hands away.
“I think I will.” Joyce said, nodding. She was feeling very tired.
It bothered Jumin that he was barely keeping his emotions in line.
That strange dream had made him wary. Why was he dreaming about Joyce and then dreaming about his…that woman? He decided to pass up on Beth’s offer to go down to the beach to clear his mind.
If he had just gone with them, then perhaps he could have prevented Yoosung from coming into contact with danger. He did not know if the RFA could handle another death after Rika.
Then wild what-if scenarios started playing in his head and they revolved around Joyce. What if Joyce wasn’t as strong of a swimmer as she thought she was?—She was, she saved Yoosung—But what if she wasn’t? What if she went down with Yoosung?—But Jumin had run out so quickly, he would have saved them both. He was strong enough—What if he wasn’t? What if he couldn’t save them both? What if saved one of them but not the other? What if Joyce died?
What if, what if, what if….
He thought about his conversation with Joyce. He didn’t know why he had put his hands on her shoulders. He probably looked like a mad man. He just felt the need to touch her. The urge made him feel ill. He needed to show how grateful he was that she had saved Yoosung.
He was also equally grateful that she was still there. That she hadn’t died. That part of him wanted to wrap her up in his arms and never let anything harm her. Should he have hugged her to show his gratitude? No, she would probably file a restraining order.
Jumin blinked up, had been staring at his empty wine glass. He looked up to see Beth.
“Are you okay?”
Jumin tilted his head at her, “fine. Why wouldn’t I be?”
“You were staring for a pretty long time.”
“I was just lost in thought.”
Beth was quiet for a moment and gently put a hand on his shoulder, “if you need to talk, just let me know, okay?”
Jumin frowned slightly, looking at her hand on his shoulder. “Why would I want to do that?”
Beth snorted, “because talking can make you feel better. It’s why I do it all the time. Secretly I’m really sad and I need to talk about everything.”
“…Is that a joke?”
“Thea last part is but the first part isn’t. Talking can help.” Beth said, shrugging. “I’m your friend so you can talk to me.”
Jumin still remained confused at this. Beth chuckled and shook her head. “You are a strange woman.”
“Thank you, Jumin.”
Yah see what I did there? Joyce and Yoosung are literally wet because they were in the ocean. Joyce “kisses” Yoosung because she’s giving him CPR. And Jumin is fine with it. Get it? I’ll…just see myself out…
Also, @mrs-han I told you Joyce was Gryffindor.
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Want You Back - [ No More Sad Songs - Part 2.5 ]
Continuing No More Sad songs, just using a favorite song title, but I'm noticing as I write the story, it doesn't really match the actual song. I also watched the last episode of Stranger Things season 2 about 10 times in a row, to get all the wording right. So I hope you're enjoying this series, even though I don't think it's my best work, but I’ve had a great time writing it <3 
The week went on as normal, me not speaking to Billy and Billy trying to make me jealous, by sucking face with different girls everyday. Was I jealous, not exactly, sure I had some feelings towards him and at the moment, they weren't good feelings either.  That night I spent with Billy was great, but if he wondered why I thought he was an ass, he wasn't helping his case by doing this. I let out a deep sigh as my locker was forcibly shut, I glared at the person who did it. " What the hell Steve " I groaned while starring at him,  " You really made an impression on Hargrove, nearly beat my ass today asking what we had going on? " he sighed deeply.  I rolled my eyes as I opened my locker back up, " Did you tell him about... Us? " he then questioned. " There was no us Steve, we screwed around, that was it... And no,  I didn't tell him. Only Nick and Jonathan knew about what happened between us " I stated, " Jonathan knew? " he asked. " He's to smart Steve, so let's just drop this " I sighed shutting my locker, " You moved on and so have I ". " I didn't.... " he started, but I sighed deeply before cutting him off " You did ". I walked away from that conversation, walked right past Billy and the goons, not even batting a eye. After school I drove home, letting out a sigh as I parked my bike in the driveway. I heard a car door slam behind me " You know! I don't understand you! ", I turned around to see Billy stomping up the driveway. " What ever do you mean? " I questioned with an innocent act, " I've been trying to get your attention for the last week and all you've been doing is ignoring me " he scoffed. " You've been trying the wrong way  " I rolled my eyes, " You're ignoring me, why? " he questioned.  " I wasn't ignoring you " I muttered as I walked towards my house, " Yeah right. We made plans for last Saturday, gave me your number, then completely ignored every call I made! So Bullshit, you weren't ignoring me " he scoffed as he followed. " I had shit going on with my brother that night you took me home, so excuse me that I was too upset to answer the phone. I stayed in my room that entire weekend, I don;t understand why it matters to you so much, we spent a few hours together " I spat back unlocking my front door, " It doesn't matter to me that much, it just pissed me off " he muttered. " Well, I'm sure you've gotten over it by now, moved on " I stated, " Why do you always do that, you assume everything when it comes to me " he questioned.  " Because I'm not wrong! You've been trying to get my attention all week by making out with other girls, how many did you have sex with? " I spat, making him sigh deeply. " See, maybe we're just to different to hangout... " I sighed running my hand through my hair, " Bullshit, we could be perfect together, we're both kind of assholes " he exclaimed. I rolled my eyes, True. He wasn't wrong. He groaned deeply while pushing me up against the front door and slammed his lips onto mine, that spark, that damn park was back.  After a few seconds of kissing,  he pulled away. " Don't act like you don't feel that... " he sighed deeply, I didn't reply though. I let out a deep sigh before grabbing his hand and pulled him into my house, you probably know what happened next.
The next morning, I rolled over in bed, only to collide with another body. " Good morning Princess " Billy smirked, I couldn't help but smile slightly " Still with the nicknames? ". He chuckled " Get used to it Princess ", I couldn't help but roll my eyes. " Are you always going to roll your eyes at me? " he asked with a brow raised, " Get used to it, Princess " I smirked as I threw my blankets off and stood up. Walking over to my closet, pulling on a large t - shirt. " Why can't we just stay in bed all day? " he yawned, I sighed as I slipped a pair of pants on " Because it's the middle of the week and I'm not skipping school to lay around all day ". " Not even for me? " he asked with a pout, " Not even for you, now get dressed, Bathroom's down the hall " I smiled throwing his clothes at him. I heard him groan as I opened my bedroom door and made my way towards the kitchen, Nick was sitting at the table, sipping coffee and reading the newspaper. " So... Have fun last night? " Nick stated with a smirk, I rolled my eyes as I grabbed two bowls and a box of cereal. " Don't say a word when he comes down okay, don't embarrass me " I stated seriously while pouring cereal into the two bowls, he shrugged " You two are the ones who kept me up all night. I'm starting my new job on the force today ". " Sorry... Forgot you were joining Hoppers team today " I sighed as  I heard Billy's footsteps coming from the bathroom, I let out a deep sigh ( Please have a shirt on, Please don't still be naked ). I groaned deeply when I saw him enter the kitchen, fully clothed, but his shirt was completely unbuttoned. Nick chuckled slightly at Billy's shocked expression, I guess seeing my brother in a deputy outfit took him by surprise. " Did you sleep well last night Billy? " Nick asked with a smile, crossing his arms over his chest. " Uhh... How do you know my name? " Billy asked curiously, but also looked at me with a smirk ( Like I had been talking about him to my brother, yeah right ). " Oh Little Y/N said it enough last night. More like screamed it " he chuckled as he stood up, I glared at him intensely. " Just don't hurt my sister, I know where you live and I carry a gun " Nick walked out of the house seconds later, " You never told me your brother was a cop " Billy groaned deeply as he sat down on one of the kitchen chairs. " He just joined the force, calm down " I smirked, which made him sigh deeply. " So, it's time for a serious talk " I sighed while sitting across from him at the table, " Oh shit, not serious talk " he whined while looking at me intensely. " Are you going to ignore me in school, or in public? " I questioned avoiding eye contact, I felt pathetic for asking, but I just needed to know. I didn't want to experience the same thing I did with Steve. " I don't think after a night like last night, I could just ignore you. Why would  I anyways " he asked with a slight smirk, I shrugged slightly " Just a past experience ". " Well whoever treated you like that, is a dumb ass... Who was it? " he asked curiously, " Just some guy from school, nothing to be worried about " I sighed deeply. " I better not have to worry, I don't plan on sharing " he smirked pulling my onto his lap, I rolled my eyes " Time for school Hargrove, Let's go ". I quickly got up and walked towards the door, " But, I'm not done with my cereal " he whined. I rolled my eyes while opening the front door, he groaned deeply while following. " Button it up " I stated seriously, he smirked before buttoning a few of the buttons on his shirt. " Let me drive you today " he smiled, I sighed deeply " Okay fine, but if any of your little play things try and start anything with me, you'd better step in or last night might not ever happen again ". " You're kind of evil aren't you " he smirked, which only caused me to smile at him. " Okay, let's go. I gotta drive Max,  you don't mind right " he asked, I smiled at him slightly. " What! " he exclaimed loudly, quickly getting into the drivers seat. " You just ask me if something's okay, I would've expected you to demand everything " I smirked crossing my arms, he chuckled " Clearly takes a certain kind of woman to tame the beast ". " Ew " I heard from behind me, I glanced over my shoulder to see a young red headed girl. I chuckled quietly as she climbed into the backseat of his car, I quickly jumped into the passenger seat. As we drove, I feared for my life at first, but after a few minutes, I calmed down. " Are you Y/N? " I heard Max ask, I chuckled slightly while nodding. " So, are you guys okay. I don't want to deal with another weekend when Billy hogs the phone and never shuts up about you " sh sighed deeply, " I have my own friends, maybe I want to talk to them sometimes ". I glanced over at Billy and smirked, " What, those nerds you hang out with " he scoffed. Max mumbled something under her breath, but I couldn't make out what she said. The rest of the ride was a bit on the awkward side, it was extremely quiet, except for the loud ass radio. Once we arrived in the parking lot, I got out of Billy's car, allowing Max to get out and run across to the middle school. " What was that about? " I questioned, " Her friends are not nerds, they're good kids ". Billy rolled his eyes and groaned as he stepped out of his car, but didn't say anything. I grabbed my bag as I shut the door, " You should be a little nicer to Max, one day you might regret being a dick to her " I stated with a sigh. He sent me a small glare " You're not the boss of me you know, we spent one night together ", " Fine! " I exclaimed as I started walking towards the building. I heard him groan deeply the further I got, but before I walked into the building I turned around, noticing Carol and Tommy standing next to him now. " Actually we spent two nights together and they weren't that satisfying in my opinion! " I shouted back while wearing a smirk, then made my way into the building, letting out a small sigh.
Steve was standing by my locker, giving me one of those looks. " So, you didn't listen to my warning? " he questioned, " Don't know what you mean? " I smiled innocently. " Y/N " he stated sternly, I rolled my eyes " What Steve? Wanna tell me I'm making a bad decision, I probably am, but I've made so many bad decisions, one more isn't gonna hurt me ". He sighed deeply " Just watch yourself with him, I've seen the anger and violent side of him, Just protect yourself ", I sighed deeply. " Just know that being around him is already causing a shit storm of rumors " he stated with another one of those Steve looks. " What rumors? " I questioned curiously, " Just that Billy gave you a ride this morning... If you needed a ride this morning, you should've called me " he sighed, I rolled my eyes " Stop whatever you're doing, we were never friends, so just because some other guy is showing a little attention towards me, now you care. You didn't care when you were dating Nancy ". He sighed deeply " I know, I'm sorry! I regret the way I treated you and ignored you, Lied! I regret it all and if there's any chance that we could have a friendship, I would do anything ", I stared at him for a few seconds before sighing. " Alright... Meet me at the pizza place after school, we can talk about a potential friendship " I smiled before walking down the hallway, headed towards my first class. After a few hours of classes, it was now lunch. I was a bit on edge because not only had I had people whispering about me, but I had yet to see Nancy or Jonathan. Who was I supposed to have lunch with, Steve? Awkward, Billy and the posse', even worse. I walked into the cafeteria, ignoring the stared of everyone. I sat down at the empty table, praying to see a familiar face. I let out a deep sigh when someone sat down next to me, but it  none f my friends.  " Wow, it is really sad that you have no real friends " Carol smirked, followed by Tommy laughing. I clenched my jaw, just telling myself ' Don't freak out, don't freak out '. " Carol, shut it! " Billy barked, which shut everyone up.Part of me wanted to thank him, the other part wanted to smack him. I glanced up to see the table full of people, people  I had not once ever spoke to. " You okay " Billy questioned, probably sensing how uncomfortable I was. I shrugged my shoulder slightly, but kept my mouth closed. " Oh she's fine, she's a loser, but she's fine " Tommy chuckled, now I was telling myself not to flip the table and kick some ass. " I said shut it!! " Billy growled, " No Billy, she screws you one time and then acts like stuck up bitch. We all know she's not some innocent little girl! " Carol groaned rolling her eyes, " Oh fuck off " I stated clearly. Everything went quiet, which only made what I was about to say, a hell of a lot louder. " You think I'm a loser, if anybody here are losers, it's you two. You're the biggest fucking hypocrites, you think your so high  and mighty, but all you two are are a bunch of followers. Steve chose someone over you and you ditched him for Mr. California. I can't believe anyone is this school is actually afraid of you. Not me, not anymore, because I've always wondered what it would be like to hit you, should that day be today that I finally do it! " I exclaimed shoving my tray towards them and standing up, matching out of the cafeteria. " Hey, Hey Hey " I heard someone say while following me, I knew it was Billy, I just didn't know if I wanted to talk to him. He grabbed my hand which forced me to stop, " What the hell was that? " he asked. I glanced at him with a small shrug, he quickly grabbed my face and placed a kiss on my lips. " It was very hot " he smirked, which made me chuckle slightly. " Can I see you tonight? " he questioned with a smile, " Can't tonight, I made plans with Steve " I sighed leaning against the locker. " What? Since when did you know Harrington? " he scoffed," Since forever, he and I grew up in this town, we're friends "  I stated unsure if it was even the truth. He clenched his jaw tightly while sharing at me intensely, " Yeah right, you know what... Forget it " he scoffed as he walked away. " Billy, come on! " I called after him, just to get ignored in the end. Great, why are all these guys so dramatic.
Once school was let out, I figured since little Billy boy was mad at me for no reason, I walked home, which was a half an hour walk. But don't worry, Billy made sure to drive past me, like an ass. When I got home, I let out a deep sigh after seeing Billy leaning up against his car in my driveway. " What do you want now!? " I exclaimed, this was like a game of cat and mouse, that I didn't want to play. " I was supposed to drive you home " he smirked, I glared at him " You're driving me insane, I hope you know that ". He chuckled as he walked towards me " Hopefully in a good way ", " In a confused way, you're weird. Mad one second, then smirking at me the next, what is with you " I sighed shaking my head. He chuckled while grabbing my hand " I told you i like you, I can't stay away. It's not easy to show many emotions, but I wanna be different with you ", I nodded slightly " Remember this morning when I told you about a guy that, didn't  speak to me in school or in public ". He sighed while nodding, " It was Steve. He and I used to mess around, I liked him a lot. He had a reputation of King Steve, so basically he ignored me in school and in public. Then when I was tired of sneaking around, he shut me out and started dating Nancy. He and I have a past, he wants to make up for it, wants to try to form a friendship. What you and I have is two days together, I want to sped more with you, but nothing is going on with Steve if that's what you're worried about " I sighed honestly. He took a deep breathe in, looking a bit on edge. Things went quiet, which didn't look good to me. I let out a deep sigh " Just don't start a fight with him ", I then started walking towards my house. It wasn't until I heard his car start up, that I regretted my decision to be honest. I got ready to go over the the pizza place, which I didn't want to go to now, but I wanted to give Steve the benefit of the doubt. I rode my bike over and sat at the window table, then I waited... And waited. As I watched out the window, I saw Billy's car go by, it was quick, but I could tell he wasn't alone. What was I now feeling, sadness? I barely knew him, how could this already hurt. " You know he's using you " I heard a familiar voice state, it was Carol. " He's attracted to your innocence and bravery, you were just a quest to conquer and you gave up so easily "  she stated while walking over to the table where Tommy sat, I sighed deeply. I didn't want her words to affect me so much, but they did, maybe I should've known better. I left the pizza place when 7 pm hit, clearly Steve wasn't going to show. I walked into my dark house, Nick was still working. I was just happy I didn't have to explain anything to him, shit was complicated. 
A few days passed by, not once did I see Nancy, Jonathan or even Steve. I spent some time with Billy though, he showed up at my house the night I was supposed to hang out with Steve. We talked mostly, kissed a little, things felt like they were moving fast, but also so slow. More rumors had started of Billy and I and as much as I tried to ignore it, it wasn't easy. Billy starts fights with people who looked at him or I the wrong way, if someone would make a comment about the rumors, they'd be headed to the nurses office soon. I found it odd. It's not like we were in a relationship, from what people say, Billy didn't date. He seemed like he was willing when he was with me, but maybe it was all an act. On Thursday night, there was a small party, that I was invited too ( Surprisingly ), which was weird because it was at Carol's house. I went with Billy, he drove of course. I drank a bit too much, on top of that, more people were coming at me with information on Billy. " Oh he was at Tina's Tuesday night " ( Lie ). " I slept with him a few days ago, he's get in bed right? " ( Lie ) " Stop trying to change him, he doesn't need to be with someone like you. You're a nobody ". That one came from Tina herself, " He also drove me around when you were to busy with Steve ". I knew that one was the truth, she had been the one with him. I was overwhelmed and drunk, so I ended up walking outside. Billy caught up, I did everything in my power to get away from him.  I confronted him about everything everyone was saying, " Why are you trying to run from me, I'm not letting you go that easy " he stated seriously. " But why me! You've gone through so many other girls in this town, I don't understand " I exclaimed, " Clearly you're never going to understand that I like you, you don't take shit from anyone, you're strong and loving. And I know my past is fucked up, you're never going to see past that I guess! So I'm going to stop fucking trying " he shouted loudly running his hands through his hair. I glanced down, again regretting everything. " Let me drive you home " he then sighed, " You don't have to, I can just call Nick " I stated in my drunken haze. " Y/N... " he groaned while getting in t he car, I nodded quickly while getting in the passenger seat. It was a quiet ride to my house, he didn't even have the radio playing. " I'm sorry Billy "  I sighed quietly, he didn't reply. I looked out the window as we pulled up in front of my house, " You know, I've got a pretty shitty life at home, so I thought I could escape it and spend sometime with someone I enjoy being around " he stated with a sigh.  If I didn't feel guilty before, I did now. " I guess I'm just not meant for a happy, normal life. I'll just get back to my playboy ways, that's all I'm good for right? " he sighed deeply, lighting a cigarette. " Billy I'm sorry! " I whispered loud enough for him to hear, he shook his head " You're sorry doesn't mean shit to me right now ". I had to get out of this car, before I started crying, his words and the alcohol were affecting me so much and I didn't want to cry in front of him. " I'm sorry " I muttered as I slid out of the car, then basically ran into the house. Nick was sitting on the couch, his arm draped around his girlfriend Amy's shoulder ( The high school sweethearts ). When I busted through the front door, I had tears already streaming down my face, I felt pathetic. Nick jumped up, " What's wrong? " he questioned. I shook my head " I don't want to talk about it ", I then ran to my room , shutting the door, but not locking it. I striped out of my party clothes, before throwing myself onto my bed. Seconds later, my phone rang. I answered it, hoping it was Billy, there was something about him that I just couldn't shake. " Hello? " I asked quietly, " Y/N... " I heard Steve sigh. " Steve?! Where have you been? " I asked loudly, I heard him nervously chuckle " Can't really explain that now, I just wanted to call and make sure everything was going okay ". I furrowed my brows, " What?... Everything's fine with me... What's going on? " I asked. " I can't tell you... Not yet, I will one day I Promise " he sighed, then I heard communication coming from his end. " I gotta go Y/N, stay safe " he exclaimed, then hung up. I sat there, my hand still grasping my phone. What was going on? What kind of call was that?
That night I tried to sleep, but after Steve's call, I was worried, not just for him but for Nancy and Jonathan, wherever the hell they were. I didn't go to school the next day, hoping I could just escape my problems for a day. But they found me, later that night. I was sitting in my room, reading a book. It was about, 10:50 pm. All of a sudden there was a noise at my window, which was open slightly. I put my book down, taking a deep breath before getting up and walking towards it. I was about to close it, when Billy came out of nowhere, pushing the window up all the way, so he could fit through it. I shrieked quietly " What the hell Billy! ", I ran over to my door and locked it quickly, no needing Nick barging in with a gun. " What are you doing here? " I asked him as he took off his jacket, he didn't respond. " Billy " I sighed walking towards him, that's when I noticed his face. He had a small bruise on his cheek, " Billy, what happened? " I whispered sitting down on my bed next to him. He looked upset, not in an angry way, but in a sad way. Since he wasn't answering, I just did what I felt was right, I hugged him. Surprisingly, he hugged me back and we just sat there, quietly. After a few minutes, he spoke. " I'm sorry I came, just didn't know where else to go " he sighed, " It's okay, don't worry about it " I whispered. " Told you I had a shitty life at home " he sighed hugging me tighter, I let out a deep sigh " Wanna sleep here? ". He shoved his face into my neck and nodded, " Even though it might get me into more trouble, I don't want to leave " he added. I nodded before I pulled away, shutting off my light and shutting the window. He and I laid in my bed silently for a while, so silent I thought he had fallen asleep. " Thanks for letting me stay " he sighed as he pulled me close, " It's alright... Billy about yesterday, I'm so sorry for how I acted. I'm insecure about all this, not many guys have taken an interest in me, so this is new for me " I sighed deeply. " I get it. but you've got to understand that you're the first person I've met in this town, that I actually like and want to spend time with. I'm not going to fuck that up " he stated honestly, I chuckled quietly " Okay I'll try, but your friends. Your followers are assholes ". That got a loud chuckle from him " Will you let me take you out? ", " Like on a date? " I gasped. He chuckled again " Yes, don't sound so surprised ", I sighed deeply " Alright ". And with that, things were better, but I still had Steve in the back of my mind. Billy did take me out the next day, it was nothing big or extravagant. We just got dinner, went for a drive and spent some time at the beach, it was perfect to me. I still hadn't heard from Steve, Nancy or Jonathan, which still had me confused. I just wanted to know that everyone was okay. 
Sunday morning I got a call from Billy, asking to go out again. " You don't have to ask you know "  I chuckled, " Well, I don't want to expect anything... I just wanted to make sure you weren't busy "  he stated. " You're adorable " I smirked, making him groan loudly " I an not! I'll pick you up later ". I chuckled " Okay, Sex god, see you later ", " That's more like it ". After hanging up, I showered and got ready. Nick was sitting in the kitchen when I walked out of my room, I smiled at him as I grabbed a bottle of water out of the fridge. " So, are you going out with Billy again? " Nick questioned curiously, I nodded with a small smile. He smiled back " Just tell him next time he wants to come visit you at 10:30 at night,  to just use the front door instead of the window ", I looked at him with a shocked look. He chuckled " I was young once too Y/N, I snuck into many girls windows in my time ", " Ew " I scoffed. He laughed slightly " I don't care if he comes around or stays the night, he just made so much noise climbing in that window, so tell him to use the front door ", I nodded giving him a quick hug. Before I walked back into my room, Nick spoke again. " I can tell your happy and if he's making you happy, spend as much time with him as possible " he smiled, which caused me to smile back " Okay, thanks for not freaking out ". He nodded once more, before I walked back into my room to finish getting ready.
After the finishing touches, I walked into the living room, sitting down on one of the arm chairs. Nick and Amy were all snuggled up on the couch, watching some movie. " Excited for your date night? " Amy smiled widely, I nodded smiling as well. " Do you know where he's taking you? " Nick asked in big brother mode, " No, we're probably just going to drive around " I sighed.  " Well, just use protection " Nick stated, causing Amy to smack him. I chuckled " Don't worry Nick, I've got it covered ", Nick nodded but grimaced. Moments later a horn sounded and that was my cue, I quickly said my goodbyes before leaving the house. I dashed over to Billy's car, getting in quickly. " You're late " I joked, my smile soon dropped as I saw the tense look on his face. " What's wrong? " I asked with a huff, " I gotta find Max before we can go out " he muttered. " That's fine, where is she? " I asked as he pulled out of my driveway, " Well I went to the Wheelers, but apparently She's over at the Byers house. I had to use my charm to get the directions from Karen. She wanted me " he smirked. I rolled my eyes " Ew! I could've just given you the directions, I grew up with the Byers ", " Oh " he groaned. " Yeah, oh " I chuckled, " I can't believe you were flirting with Mrs. Wheeler! ".  He groaned deeply " Why? Are you jealous ", " Yeah right,  she's nice, but come on " I scoffed. " Don't worry, you won't lose me to her " he chuckled, only making me roll my eyes. On the way to the Byers house, we talked. I could still tell he was annoyed, " I just hope that little shit is there, my dad's going to kick my ass if I can't find her " I heard him mutter. " Hey, don't call her that " I stated, " She's a pain, I told you how my dad is. Treats her like a saint and me like, a fucking disappointment. I don't understand why she needs a damn babysitter, she's 13 years old. Hell, when I was 13 I was... " he sighed stopping himself from finishing. " I could only imagine how you were at that age " I smirked, " All I'm saying is she's a pain, we'd be going off on our date, instead of trying to find her " he muttered. " It's fine Billy " I sighed placing my hand on his, but he was still aggravated, something told me when we did find max, it wasn't going to be a very good reunion. When we pulled up outside of the Byers house, I noticed Steve's car parked out front. Billy revved the engine, letting anyone around know was he was coming. He stopped the car and gave me a ' Stay in the car ' look, Steve was already standing outside of the home, waiting. Billy got out of the car while lighting a cigarette, " Am I dreaming or is that you Harrington? " Billy asked. Steve replied with something, but I couldn't make out what he said. Billy took off his leather jacket, threw it in the drivers seat and then shut the door. I'm guessing Steve hadn't noticed me yet, what the fuck was Billy doing? They walked towards each other slightly, having some kind of chat. The longer I sat there, watching the two males interact, a bad feeling started to set in. After a few seconds of Billy fidgeting and Steve shaking his head, Billy pointed his cigarette at the front window. Where Mike, Lucas, Dustin and Max were all watching, " Shit... " I muttered under my breathe. My guess is, Billy asked where Max was, Steve denied knowing and things were now going to go down. Once Billy pushed Steve to the ground, which forced me out of the car. " Billy! " I shouted, but he ignored me, busting into the house. " Y/N... " Steve questioned with a confused look on his face, " You didn't see that did you ". I quickly rolled my eyes while helping him up, then I went after the dumb ass, but before I made it, he slammed the door. That didn't stop me though, I still went in. And I couldn't believe what I was witnessing. Billy had Lucas pushed up against a bookshelf, the walls were covered in thousands of drawings, the house was a mess. " You're dead Sinclair, you're dead " Billy threatened the boy, before Steve stepped in. " No, you are " he stated while swinging a punch at Billy, which only made Billy laugh. I stood there in bewilderment, I couldn't believe what was going on. " Looks like you have some fire in you after all huh. I've been waiting to meet this king Steve everybody's been telling me so much about " Billy stated in a cocky way, Steve glared at him " Get out ". A moment of silence went by, I stared at the two ( Please, Billy ) I thought to myself, I was hoping he was going to make the right decision and just leave. My hopes were quickly blown when Billy threw a punch at Steve, which Steve dodged, punching Billy back a few times. Dustin was cheering on Steve, Max though new he was no match for Billy. After the two of them tussled through the house, Billy grabbed Steve, sending him to the ground. He then climbed on top of Steve, sending him punch after punch. This was a side of Billy I had yet to see, of course it had to be happening to Steve though, the boy who was still very important to me.  " He's going to kill him " I whispered loud enough for the four kids to hear me, I didn't know what else to do. He wouldn't have stopped for me, I couldn't do anything to help. Max grabbed a syringe full of something, probably a sensitive. I didn't understand why it was there or what had been going on in this house the last week, so who knows what could've been in that syringe. She marched over to them, slamming the syringe into Billy's neck. That took everyone off guard, including billy. He stood up, the syringe still sticking out of his neck. He took a moment to pull it out, before looking at her. " The hell is this " Billy asked Max, " You little shit, what did you do? ". No one said a word, just watching, until Billy collapsed to the floor. He honestly deserved it, so I wasn't freaking out. Actually I was, I wanted to make sure Steve was okay, but I was to nervous to move. So I stood back with the boys. Once Billy hit the floor, the laughing started from him. Max, who was clearly fed up with his shit, grabbed a bat that had literal nails sticking out of it. " From here on out, you lever me and my friends alone, Do you understand? " she asked holding the bat in swinging position, " Screw you " Billy muttered. Max swung the bat, hitting the floor between his legs.  " Said do you understand, say it. Say it!! " she yelled, " I understand " Billy mumbled. " What? " she questioned. " I understand... " and he was out. She dropped the bat before grabbing his car keys, " Let's get out of here " she stated. The four of them glanced at me, " Go ahead, I'll uh, deal with him " I sighed deeply. Max nodded, while Dustin patted me on the back. " Grab some bandages for Steve's face, we'll patch him up in the car " Mike shouted. " You okay " I asked Lucas, he nodded while smiling at me slightly. The four of them got ready, I helped them get Steve into Billy's car. " Please, Please be careful " I stated sternly, earning a nod from each of them.
Once the car was out of the driveway and out of sight, I walked back into the house, slamming the door. Billy groaned, but didn't move much. I glanced around the Byers home, it was so weird. I decided to snoop, because I wanted to know what was happening in this town, since no one wanted to tell me the truth. First, I called Nick to  pick us up, then the snooping began.  Not only did I look at the pictures covering the wall ( Definitely made by Will ), I went into the refrigerator, looking for some ice for Billy ( Even though he didn't deserve it ). But When I opened it, something fell out, which cause a small gasp from me. What that thing was, was questionable, all I can say is that it was a monster. I walked over to Billy and kicked the bottom of his boot, " Wake up " I sighed loudly. He moved a little, but mostly groaned. " Billy, it's time to go! " I stated a little more forcefully, he opened his eyes slightly " What's happening? ". " We're leaving soon, so let's go " I sighed, " Where are we going? " he then muttered. " Home " I groaned, pulling him into a sitting position. " I blew it huh, ruined any chance I had with you " he groaned while he struggled to keep his eyes open, " I'm not talking about this now, I'm too mad and upset " I stated sternly. He sighed deeply, but then started to look nervous " Please, don't take me home... If I go home like this, I'm dead. Please Y/N, I know you're mad, but please, I can't go home " . I sighed deeply and even though he didn't deserve it, I pitied him. " Fine, you can stay at my house. Nick's going to be here soon and you have to help me, get you outside " I sighed, he nodded as he slowly got to his feet, but was not steady. I put one arm over my shoulder and helped him through the front door, thankfully Nick  was pulling up the driveway. I sighed deeply as Nick jumped out of his car and rushed to help me get Billy in the backseat, " What happened? " he questioned. " Alpha bullshit " I groaned slamming the back door, then climbing into the front seat. " Are you okay? " Nick asked with a sigh, I'm fine, just annoyed " I stated honestly. Nick started the  car and put it into drive, " Should I drop him at home? " Nick asked with a sigh. I shook my head " No, he's staying at our place tonight ", Nick sent me a look, but because it was dark out, I couldn't see it. " Just trust me " I sighed while looking at the window, " Alright " he stated. The ride back was quiet, other than Billy groaning in the backseat. When we arrived to my house, Nick helped me get Billy into the house and to my room. He was laid out on my bed, I quickly pulled his boots off and threw my blankets over his body. I quickly changed my clothes and then made my way into the living room, laying down on the couch, covering myself with a blanket. I fell asleep in no time, thinking about the kids and Steve, hoping they were safe.
The next morning, Nick nudged me awake around 9 am. " Your guest is up " he stated before walking out the front door, leaving for work. I groaned deeply as I stood up, stretched and walked to my bedroom ( I wish last night had just been a dream ). " Good morning Sunshine "  I stated with a glare. He groaned deeply as he stood up and slipped on his shoes, " Breakfast and coffee are in the kitchen " I stated with my arms crossed before leaving the room and walking to the kitchen. Nick had made eggs for us, he probably guessed that I wouldn't be going to school today. Billy made his way into the kitchen, " Do you know where my keys are? " he asked while taking a plate off eggs. I shrugged, I was not about to rat out Max. " Y/N... I think we should talk about last night " he sighed deeply, " No! Billy how you acted last night was unacceptable, you threatened a child,  beat the shit out of Steve and that's not okay! Lucas didn't deserve that shit, he is a good kid, they all are, I've babysat all of them. You need to figure out another way to channel your rage, I was afraid last night. For myself and those kids, for Steve... For fucking you Billy. Your gonna end up in jail and I don't know if I want to be associated with someone like that " I spat. He clenched his jaw " Y/N, you have to understand. I only act like that because of how my dad is... I don't wanna lose what we've started to have ", " Well, until you change your ways, I don't wanna hang out anymore. You need to take care of yourself first Billy, I'm sorry " I stated quietly while glancing down. I knew I was doing the right thing, but I was still upset about it. I really liked Billy, but I didn't want to be around him if he was going to be like that. He nodded his head, but looked upset. " Thanks for  letting me stay over... I guess I'll see you in school " he sighed sadly, before walking out of my house. I wiped my eyes, tears starting to form. I did all the dishes, then took a long hot shower. Once I finished, I looked at myself in the mirror, wondering how my life had become so dramatic.
The next few days of school, I skipped. I just wasn't ready to leave my house. On Wednesday, I was home alone when the doorbell rang. I groaned deeply, but still answered it. There stood Steve, Nancy, Jonathan, Hopper and Joyce. I let out a deep sigh, inviting them all inside. " So, you here to tell me what's going on finally and why I found a monster in Joyce's refrigerator " I asked with a brow raised and my hands n my hips, they all looked at each other before nodding. Finally after all  this time, I was finally going to learn the truth. We all sat around my living room, Hopper explaining everything. He didn't leave out a single detail, the taking of Will Byers, the demogorgon and demo dogs. Barb's death. The mysterious little girl with powers, everything. It left me shocked and speechless,I knew something was going on, but not this. I believed it though. I swore to keep everything a secret, I doubt anyone would believe me anyways. Once everything was said, they all left, Joyce invited me for dinner on Saturday and Nancy gave me a tight hug. Steve however, didn't leave. " I heard what happened with Billy " Steve stated with a sigh, I nodded " Words spread fast ". He smiled at me " Do you ever think that we could try again? ", I shrugged " Maybe, but not anytime soon. Steve I can tell that you still love Nancy and all this information is a lot to take in. I wanna be friends first, then maybe we can see where it goes from there ". He let out a small sigh, but smiled " I'd like that, wanna order pizza and watch chick flicks ", I chuckled " Pizza yes, no chickflicks.... Or alien movies ". He smiled wide " Agree'd ". Who knows where my life was going to take me, maybe somewhere in the future I'd end up with Steve or even Billy,  Maybe I'd end up alone. All I know is, I was going to start living for me, no one else.
I know you know, I will never get over you. No matter where I go, I'm always gonna want you back. Want You Back.
Hey guys, Thank you so much for reading. This is the end of the Main story, but I do have Billy and Steve endings coming soon. I really hope you enjoyed,  You're all amazing. Thank You <3<3
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I Remember You: Chapter 3, The Story of Carrie Anne-Mari Amell
Cullen Rutherford/Female Amell Inquisitor slow burn. SFW.
Prologue: https://capriswritingnartshenanigans.tumblr.com/post/172406242751/i-remember-you-prologue , Chapter 1: https://capriswritingnartshenanigans.tumblr.com/post/172434681636/i-remember-you-chapter-1-the-inquisition , Chapter 2: https://capriswritingnartshenanigans.tumblr.com/post/175821889166/i-remember-you-chapter-2-catching-up-and-some ,   Catch it on AO3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/14145420/chapters/35970945
Cullen wants the whole truth, and Carrie gives it to him. 
Carrie shuffled her feet as she finally gives the room she woke up in earlier that day a good search. As Cassandra had informed her that the small cabin was to be hers (for now, anyway), she wanted to be sure nothing... Odd was lurking therein. The dresser only held some casual clothes of her size and a few more sets of armors, and a crate on the desk had more weapons. As she moved things around where she wanted them, the raven in its cage on the floor cawed loudly, spooking her into dropping the dagger in her hand. Then, someone knocked; a soft, almost hesitant knock. Frowning, she picked the dagger up and set it in the dresser's bottom drawer, then closed it, before heading to the door. A chilly breeze and a dark night greeted her, as did the sight of a rather disheveled Cullen; he was in what seemed to be a clean set of training clothes (a rough-spun tunic and breeches) and his hair was damp and clinging to his face in some places. As he stepped closer to her, the smell of soap, pine, and moss strongly came to her nose.
“I... I wanted to ask. About earlier.” He wasn't looking at her; rather, he kept his eyes on anything but her it seemed. She felt her nerves stir as she remembered what he meant...
“I do not want to explain it now, as we have much more to discuss... But if you want to know more, we can talk later Cullen, and I'll do my best to tell you everything that I'm able to.” She remembered her offer she had stated before they all had to go about figuring out which scouting parties would be sent to the Hinterlands, as well as more in depth of their future plans with the mages and templars. After they dispersed, she'd somehow gotten drawn into a... disagreement between Lady Josephine and Marquis DuRellion; she still wasn't sure how they'd convinced him to agreeing to let the Inquisition stay in Haven...
“Oh, um...” She moved out the doorway, gesturing into the small cabin. “Come in, please... I'll try to answer your questions...” His amber gaze flickered up to her face for a second before he entered, wiping his snow-covered boots on the door mat. She quietly closed the door behind him as he began to speak.
“How? How... How are you alive? Or are you necessarily even alive, not just a body possessed by some spirit or something?” She turned to him, blue-grey eyes meeting amber ones, in a quiet but tense moment. She thought carefully of how to explain things to him, and then even more carefully of what she could and couldn't tell him.
“I am alive, truly alive, I promise. It's a very long story, please, have a seat. We'll be here a while.” He looked as though he wanted to argue but took a seat in the chair by the desk as she sat on the bed, across from him. Then, after taking a deep breath to try to calm her nerves, she began:
“It's a very long story, one that reaches well before we ever met in the Fereldan circle tower. You see, I originally come from a small town just outside of Val Royeaux; my mother was an apostate hiding as a bard for one of the noblewomen there, and my father was a chevelier. He hadn't wanted me to grow up around the court nonsense, so we lived in the small town... I always had trouble sleeping, even as a young child. I saw things, horrible things; sometimes murders, or plagues, or... most importantly, twisted monsters that raged upon villages and towns, destroying everything in their wake. They were darkspawn, you see... when I was only eight years old, I had a vision of the fifth Blight well before it truly spilled over into our world. My father, who's grandfather had become a Grey Warden after he had his family, recognized my descriptions of the 'monsters' from the tales he was told as a child and teen. He took me to the local chantry, and then I was off to meet the holy Beatrix III herself, and the other upper clerics. She was a smart woman, and always had been; she'd frequently spoken to the remaining Grey Wardens, and because of that, my dream deeply worried her. She sent for a few of the older Grey Wardens, ones who would likely be able to make some sense of my dreams... In the end, Beatrix wanted to keep me protected in case I had true seer powers, which would require me to be removed from my parents. When they tried to carry me away the first time, I accidentally set the curtains and the templars' hair on fire. That when we found out I was a mage, and it made it much easier to take me away...” She let out a shaky breath as these memories hit her hard, nearly rendering her to tears. She still had nightmares about when she was taken away, her mother screaming and pleading for them to not, and her father attempting to fight the templars pushing them back.
“Once the Grey Wardens came and gave their thoughts on my dreams, I was moved from circle to circle, more rapidly as my dreams became more clear; the Wardens advised seeing if the Blight's starting place could be predicted, you see. Once I came to the Fereldan circle, my dreams became utterly clear and understandable. I could even see the expressions and features of the beasts and persons within the dreams then, down to their eye color and the shape of their teeth. It's why I spent an entire year there, rather than only a month or so. It seems so very long ago, when I first met you and Irving, and later, the Warden...” She shook herself, trying to keep on track. “As for what happened... Do you remember the night I found you right as you were getting off duty, and I begged you to come with me so I could speak to you?” She peered at him, her fingers itching for a hood to pull over her face, though she was now in night wear, and it was impossible to do that. He nodded slowly, his hands gripping each other in front of him.  
“I remember. You looked sick with how pale you were, and your nightclothes stuck to your skin with sweat...” His lips pressed together into a line, taking most of the color out of them. She continued.
“Right. Earlier that night, I saw another vision in my dreams... I saw demons pouring out of somewhere within a circle tower, mages and templars alike being massacred or worse, forcibly turned into abominations. When I woke from it, I ran to Irving and told him of it... After, he went to get Knight-Commander Greagoir, and during his leave, I went to find you. When I returned, they had decided it wasn't safe there for me. Their plan was to send me to Lothering for some time, just to make sure nothing was going to happen, and to inform Beatrix on what had happened. The cover story was, of course, that I had died from sickness.” She looked up from the floor to him again. His face was utterly surprised; his eyes were wide and his mouth was slightly opened. Keeping her nerve, she went on.
“So, before dawn, I was dressed in merchant clothes (that really didn't fit me; they were made for a fully grown man, not a fourteen year old girl), and a few high-ranking templars were in mercenary armors, and off we went to Lothering. To think, only a few days before this, Duncan had come recruiting... It's why I had been absent for a few days before my quote-on-quote 'death'; to keep him from asking for me to come with him. But, anyway... On our way to Lothering, we were ambushed, by darkspawn no less. I only survived because I was suddenly able to use my magic to make myself stealthier; no smelling or seeing me. I tried to fight at first but... There were just too many. I... I don't want to talk about what happened to the templars... I'm sure you can guess.” She took another few shaky breathes. “A-After they were... dead... and the darkspawn had moved on, I took as much supplies as I could carry with me. I grabbed one of the dead's bow and arrows, and used a map to find my way. I practiced in the morning and evening with the bow, and once I reached the town, I spent days training myself. I wasn't sure where to go, to be honest... I was still there once that foul man Loghain came through, bad mouthing the Wardens, and even still when Caprica, or well, the Warden came. I hid from her, of course... I wouldn't have been able to answer her then why I was there...” She came to a full stop, chewing her lip. She was lost to her thoughts for some time, before Cullen brought her back to the real world.
“And then? What happened after that? How did you end up here? How in the blessed name of Andraste are you and Varric Tethras such good friends? Unless you were in Kirkwall, I don't see how you'd seem to know him so well... Or, better yet, why you seem so informal with the Divines and Leliana!” He stood up, his hands running through his hair rapidly and roughly. He seemed lost for words for a moment, and his lower lip quivered as he stared at the door. After some time, he looked back to her, an almost wild panic in his eyes, and asked once more: “What happened next?” And she told him.
She spent a few hours explaining how, once Lothering had fell, she went to Denerim for around half of a year, and spent much of her time trying to grasp her magic and practicing her archery... And stealth skills. She admitted to having been little more than a thief until she met up with the Warden, who had come there some time later. The Warden had convinced her to flee to Kirkwall, and, with one last thieving spree, she had the money to take a boat there that wouldn't take nearly as long as one of the refugee boats. Her fifteenth birthday had passed on that trip, which had lasted a little less than six weeks. Once she landed, she had snuck her way into Kirkwall... And met Bethany Hawke some time after. She told of how she slithered her way into making potions and poisons for the mercenaries there, and later took sneakier jobs that required a lot of stealth. After amassing some wealth, Carrie went back to Fereldan to help the Warden for some time, then returned to Kirkwall. In all, four years passed between her arrival and then return to Kirkwall; after returning, she fully met Hawke and was her help from the shadows. She was at the Conclave to report to Justinia about just how bad the mage-templar fights had become, as well as finally learn about the Inquisition and possibly help with it.
“I watched over you a lot more once I returned. I didn't try to approach you... Caprica warned me against it, saying 'after the Fereldan tower, he needs time', and I agreed. I just tried to add a little touch of help when you were abomination hunting, or when you were ganged up on in the alleyways. That's... Really all it is to my tale.” She paused for a moment, thinking. After a few moments, she continued. “I became friends with Leliana due to her being involved with Caprica, and friends with Varric after Hawke introduced me to her mates. As for the Divines... Beatrix tried to become friendlier with me, as she knew I'd never have a normal life; Justinia did the same, though I was closer with Justinia. She had my phylactery destroyed to keep templars or seekers who knew of me from tracking me down... When she took the throne, she asked me only once if I was going to give her trouble; I told her no, and she decided to trust me.” She laughed, snorting. “I mean, Leliana could have just tracked me down anyway.” She glanced at Cullen, who was quietly sitting still, staring at the floor. He didn't speak or move for some time after she fully stopped speaking; just simply kept his eyes on the floor, elbow on knee and chin in hand.
“Why didn't Cassandra recognize you?”
“Justinia... Knew of how her brother died. She was worried her old past grudges would cause her to deeply distrust me.” He looked up to her, chewing his lower lip. He slowly stood, but when she went to stand with him, he waved for her to stay seated.
“Thank you... Thank you for telling me this. I need to think about all of it, alright? Maybe... We can talk about it tomorrow? If there's time.” She hadn't noticed before, but now she saw just how dark the bags under his eyes were, and just how thin he was; he looked like a sickly man, a man that had lost quite a bit weight and muscle in a short time.
“Of course, Cullen. I would love to.” He bid her a soft farewell, and saw himself out of her cabin, closing the door behind him with a thud.
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ofheartandmind · 6 years
A Galaxy of Lies
Read Part 1: Here 
A/N: I found one discrepancy in part 1 that was part of a earlier draft, that got left in the final. Sorry about the confusion, but just so we’re clear, reader is not the youngest. She has two older brothers, and one younger one. They’ll be mentioned more as the story progresses
Also if your wondering where I get the inspiration for reader from, think Cersei from GOT, but like A LOT less incest. In fact, no incest.
Warnings: None
Part 2 
   Your first up close impression of the First Order was that it was an actual dumpster fire. In fact, a section of their mammoth flagship, The Supremacy, was literally on fire and missing its right half when your ship arrived in a docking bay. Upon exiting hyperspace your pilot had been forced to maneuver around a surrounding belt of debris. And in the end that had turned out to be the missing half of the ship, blown to smithereens.      
   “A casualty of their indiscretions with the rebels,” king Muhaperr murmured while you gazed out a window at the devastation.
   The two of you sat in a veiled booth located at the center of the vessel. His highness had chosen to make a humble entrance. Delivering you to Kylo ren in a simple passenger ship and not one of the hundreds of embellished star cruisers belonging to the crown. At the entranced was a small squadron of guards, and then seated in back of you and your father were five of his retainers. A representative of the council had also come along as well, one Lord Galenea. 
 A small party, as not to offend your hosts.
   Looking down at your folded hands you couldn’t help but be embarrassed at the jewelry and gown your maids had forced on you. Today you were going to begin force training to become the apprentice of Ren. However, when you had attempted to slip into your armour, a sleek and durable outfit, you had been stopped.
   “His highness has requested we dress you in your finest, milady,” your head-maid supplied.
   Though you had been displeased, you had not become your father’s right hand by disobeying or questioning his orders, so you submitted with a scowl. The gown was new; constructed totally of iridescent crystals from a enriched mining planet in the Ahakista system. The slightest amount of movement made the garment shimmer, and with the added moonstone rings on your fingers and a matching necklace you appeared lovelier than any star in the galaxy.
   But these were not just warm parting gifts from father to his daughter. Your father did nothing that would not significantly benefit his cause. And if you had any doubt of that, if you may have believed for a second the king cared about how you felt, that was shattered by your twit of a brother.
   Alezach was twenty-five, five years your senior with, what you considered, a mind ten years beneath you. He was an entitled fool of a prince who thought himself the perfect choice for the crown though he was quite far from the oldest or the smartest. He had marched into your rooms and scared away your ladies before you had departed early this morning.
   “Look at you sister, all dressed up for a date with destiny” he purred, circling you.
   You rolled your eyes at his attempted to intimidate you. Alezach had been validated far too long by the misogynistic views of Maniru. Your fear of him was so little, you didn’t flinch when he grabbed your face and squeezed it between his grubby hands.
   “Always remember little sister, you are a pawn. The force you might have, but father cares not what petty rocks you can lift with your mind. He’s dressed you up to appeal to that beast, Ren’s lustful senses. A pretty face to distract him until you slit his throat. That’s all you are, a knife waiting to be used.”  
   Yes, Alezach was right. Even now sitting right beside your father as you prepared to disembark the passengership, you knew your brother had spoken the truth. However that didn’t make it any less satisfying to throw his pathetic form against a wall with the force.
   As you exited the craft,your family’s guards formed a protective enclosure around you and your father. Now out in the open you started to truly experience the First Order’s might.
   Hundreds of tie-fighters and smaller battle cruisers lined the floors, ready to be deployed at a moments notice. AT-Walkers equipped with fearsome looking blasters starred you down. Dozens of models of newly advanced weaponry were stacked about the room, and in the distance you could see engineers milling around like ants, creating more. Before you could venture further to look, your father halted you with a firm grip on your elbow. The message was clear, stay back and be silent for now. Your inhaled deeply, keeping your annoyance a unseen.
   Towards the middle of the hangar marching was heard. And then the gleaming white suites of at least fifty stormtroopers came to a stop and stood at attention before your party.
   Then in perfect succession they parted, separating to form two straight lines on opposite sides. From this a man appeared and the troops pair by pair saluted him as he approached. His hair was a burning shade of red that stuck out considerably more because of the severe amount of black he wore. He was a stranger to you, but your father seemed to know him well you noted, watching as he glided forward to heartily shake the redhead's hand.
   “Your majesty,” the man drawled, “welcome aboard. I hope your travel was, restful. I am aware our coordinates are very...cluttered at the moment.”
   King Muhaperr’s chuckle was deep, startling a few bustling officers as they passed.
   “Oh yes, yes. But think nothing of it General Hux, it was fine journey, thank you for having us.”
   General Hux raised an eyebrow, a curious look fell onto his face.  “Us?” he questioned. “Forgive me, much has happened and I was not all the way briefed on your visit. This is visit is diplomatic in nature yes? To strengthen the ties of our alliance?
   Your father’s smile was large, comforting even. Though the general did not lose his suspicious look. “My visit is all of those things and more, general. The First Order has always been a crucial variable in the fight for the galaxy and I have come today to acknowledge that fact, and to reward it.”
   His are stretched out behind and when he called your name you moved to answer the call. Your steps were dainty, though this wasn’t the man you were meant to seduce a little sway in your hips didn’t hurt. The humming of machinery seemed to melt into quietness as you came into view. The officers that had been at work behind the troopers all paused, watching you.
   “May I present a gift.  My only daughter, princess of the kingdom of Maniru.”
   The general blinked owlishly, both blown away and taken back. He was still taking you in seconds later until something chivalrous  must of bite him in the ass. He dashed forward and cupped your hand, placing a kiss on its center.  He bowed slightly, “my princess, how lovely to meet you.”
   You curtsied in return, “Likewise. I am glad to make the acquaintance of the famed general Hux.” All the suspicion the man seemed to have possessed earlier vanished at just the bat of your eyelash it seemed. He beamed at you before turning to your father.
   “Surely this marriage proposal is unexpected, my king. But I am honored and accept it all the same,” Hux said, enthused.
   The retainers who had also exited the ship began to whisper amongst themselves at the general’s foolish assumptions. King Muhaperr raised his own eyebrow this time, but said nothing. Instead they all looked to you, knowingly.
    “How dare you,” you growled, shocking the red head still cradling your hand. You could feel something break inside of you after a day of aggravation. After dealing with everyone dictating your actions and rubbing your misfortune in your face, this was the final straw.  This alway happened when your temper was tested, the force would well out of you, almost uncontrollably. Clenching and unclenching your hands, you brought one up to eye level, curving your fingers to constrict the man’s airways. Hux’s eyes widened in realization, as if this had happened to him before.  
   “I am no ones bride, you presumptuous man!” You spat.  
   When the storm-troopers finally comprehend what is going on, they cocked their blasters, and in response your guards rushed forward to defend you and the king. But as soon as everything began it stopped, and your arm was forcible lowered back to your side. Hux was released and inhaled, before flopping to the floor.
    It was then that your nerves fluttered, and your skin seemed to vibrate as if in anticipation. Something powerful was getting closer. The hangar was still quiet, shocked at the uproar and making it easy to hear an eerie sound of heavy footsteps. The direction of where they came from had your attention immediately. The vibration seemed to rise, entering your head and connecting the dots for you. So this was what it felt like to be in the presence of another force user. 
   The footsteps grew louder and when the officer and troopers instantly dropped to their knees, you knew who had come. 
   The first time you saw the supreme leader Kylo ren you noticed he was a hulk of a man. He had barrel like chest with wide shoulders draped in black robes. He was taller than any person you had ever met as well. His scared face, while handsome was actually, quite melancholy; made that way by the natural pout of his large lips. 
   But what struck you the most was how he stared right at you. Not your father, or general Hux or any other man. But you, the woman always fighting for the spotlight.Without looking away from you he chuckled, only then glancing down at the flustered Hux. 
“General, what were you thinking?,” Kylo ren asked the man, then looked back to you. “Your gift? No, she’s mine.” 
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Day 2: Shadows (part 2)
*This is part 2 of the story :)
Chapter 2
Chapter 2: Keep an eye out for anything suspicious
In the Yorozuya headquarters.
"AH!" Gintoki looked like death. "My damn head hurts so much!" He gulped down strawberry milk.
"That's your own fault Gin-chan. You abuse the free drinks you can get too much." Kagura said with her mouth full of rice and egg.
"Yeah, yeah, I know. You know Gin-san can't pass up on free stuff though." Gintoki laid down on the couch to get over the hangover. Meanwhile Kagura turned on the television which was on the news channel.
"It has been reported that another woman's body has been found in the streets of Edo. According to the police it is revealed that she died at 2:14 AM last night. This is the 10th woman to die such a gruesome way. Whoever the killer is they like to dye their victim's hair blonde and leave scars on their faces after they have brutally killed them. If anyone has any information pertaining to this case please call the police. All information will be confidential and anonymous. Please stay safe everybody!" Kagura switched the television off.
"What a jerk-aru. What kind of twisted guy can cold-heartedly kill those women-aru?!" Kagura burst in anger.
"He's a sick bastard indeed. Kagura you shouldn't wander late at night also. It's too dangerous." Gintoki warned her. Something about the information he had heard left him feeling uncanny. It's so weird that the murderer likes to dye their victim's hair blonde and leave scars on their face after they die. I wonder what's the motive behind this.
Just then the bell rang. *Ding dong*
"Oi, Kagura check who it is." Gintoki said with a deadpan expression.
"Gin-chan why don't you check-aru? I'm still eating, yes?" Kagura replied with a deadpan expression.
"Ugh, fine." Gintoki got off the couch and went for the door. "Who is it?" He asked as he was sliding the door open. As soon as he saw who was at the door he slammed it shut.
"OI!" A voice yelled out from the other side of the door.
"Gin-chan who is it-aru?" Kagura asked hearing the commotion.
"Don't worry Kagura it's nobody." Gintoki replied back.
Hijikata lowered his voice and said, "it's about the series of killings that's been going on. We need your help."
Gintoki calmed down after hearing the reason why the damn tax robbers came all the way to his apartment. He slid the door open. "Come on in."
Hijikata sat on the opposite side of Kagura and Gintoki. He took a cigarette out from the pack and took out his mayonnaise bottle lighter and lit the cigarette. He took a deep breath from the cigarette and exhaled.
"I'm assuming you heard about the string of murders that's been going on." Hijikata said.
"Well, duh. That's the only reason I let you in after you said that." Gintoki replied while picking his nose. "So, what kind of help do you need from us?" Gintoki asked.
"Well we got information that he's currently residing in the independent city, Yoshiwara. Since the government has no rule in the city, I was wondering if you can get the Hyakka's leader to collaborate with us and help us get our culprit." Hijikata said as he took in another breath from the cigarette.
"So you want us to ask Tsukuyo for help. Why should we do that for you tax robbers?" Gintoki asked.
A vein appeared on Hijikita's face. "It's not for us. It's for the women who got murdered and for any more possible victims."
"Mayora's right Gin-chan." Kagura chimed in. "Alright we'll ask Tsukki for help. So you can leave it to us and go Mayora. We'll let you know what Tsukki says."
"Alright, thanks. I leave it to you guys." Hijikata got up and left.
Gintoki sighed. "Yosh. Let's head to Yoshiwara." Internally Gintoki was scared as hell because of what had happened the night before. I'm prepared for all the kunais in the world.
Gintoki and Kagura were in Yoshiwara and walking towards the shop where Tsukuyo resides. Kagura saw Tsukuyo sitting and smoking her kiseru from a distance and ran towards her.
"TSUKKI!" Kagura yelled out. She hugged Tsukuyo while rubbing her head back and forth. "I missed you so much Tsukki! How have you been-aru? Also thank you again for bringing stupid Gin-chan back home safely-aru."
Tsukuyo gave Kagura a small smile. "Hiya there Kagura. It's no problem really. I missed ya ta. What brings ya and Gintoki ta Yoshiwara?" Tsukuyo asked.
Gintoki entered in the conversation. "Y-Yo Tsukuyo. We're here to ask you for help actually."
"Help? Is somethin' wrong? What can I help ya with?" Tsukuyo asked.
"It's a long story actually." Gintoki replied.
"Give me one second." Tsukuyo walked into the back of the shop and brought back out hot tea and dangos for Gintoki and Kaugra. She set it down next to them. "Okay, ah'm ready ta hear tha story."
Gintoki proceeded to tell her the whole story and why he was asking for help. "So yeah. That's why we need your help."
"I see. I did hear 'bout tha murders, but I didn' know the murderer was residin' in Yoshiwara." Tsukuyo admitted. "Ah'll do mah best ta help the Shinsengumi out."
"Great. Thanks Tsukuyo we appreciate it." Gintoki was grateful she agreed. "Kagura, go let Mayora know that Tsukuyo's helping out."
"Roger that." Kagura said. "Bye Tsukki, I'll see you next time, hope you and Gin-chan have some lovey dovey time!" Kagura said as she had the biggest grin on her face.
"Bye Kagura, see ya. Get home safe, ya hear? A-An' what do ya mean lovey dovey time?!" Tsukuyo said.
"I will! You know what I mean hehe." Kagura giggled and skipped. Bye!" Kagura smiled and gave a wave as she was leaving.
Tsukuyo calmed down from Kagura's comment and turned serious again. "Gintoki, I don' think ya should let Kagura and Shinpachi follow ya in with this one." Tsukuyo said with a concerned voice.
"I was thinking the same. I would like to keep them out of this one also." Gintoki agreed.
A huge wave of relief overcame Tsukuyo. "The Hyakka an' ah'll investigate an' let ya know 'bout anythin' that pops up."
"No need to. I'm going to help you out." Gintoki responded.
"Y-Ya don' have ta. Ah've got this under control." Tsukuyo argued.
"Just accept my help damn woman. We don't know what kind of monster we're dealing with. Besides, this case could use all the help it could get." Gintoki said seriously.
Tsukuyo reluctantly gave in. "F-Fine. Just don' get yerself in any trouble without me, alright?"
"Alright Tsukki~" Gintoki replied teasingly.
It was nighttime in Yoshiwara once again. Gintoki was at a bar just enjoying some free food, while Tsukuyo was out working. Gintoki dare not lay a finger on alcohol because of the terrible hangover that he had this morning.
I get the feeling that I'm being watched. But by who? Gintoki thought.
Sitting at the corner of the bar was Hayate. He was cautiously keeping his eye on Gintoki. Tonight's the perfect night to get rid of him.
"Ah I'm so full. Thanks for the free food." Gintoki got up and started to take his leave.
"Please come again savior of Yoshiwara!" The staff chirped as Gintoki was waving at them.
Hayate immediately followed Gintoki, but made sure to be like a shadow in the night so Gintoki wouldn't notice.
Gintoki kept walking around and ended up walking towards a secluded area to lure this person out. Someone's following me. Whoever it is, is not so lucky to run into me. He came into a dead end and immediately turned around. "Show yourself." Gintoki yelled out.
A minute after Gintoki yelled a man stepped out from the shadow of the night. He had the most sinister smile on his face. He gave off such an eerie feeling it managed to send a small shiver down Gintoki's spine. The man finally spoke. "Hello there Sakata-san."
"Who are you and why are you following me?" Gintoki asked coldly.
"Ah, my apologies. I go by the name Hayate." Hayate bowed his head down slightly.
"Why are you following me?" Gintoki asked once more.
Hayate went silent. He kept the sinister smile on his face. All of a sudden Hayate lunged forward to attack Gintoki. But instead of attacking Gintoki, he threw mud on his face. This caused Gintoki to lose his vision. Hayate then slashed Gintoki's right arm.
C-Crap. There was something on that weapon! I'm starting to feel numb. That sword has got to be poisoned. This is bad. I can't move my arm.
Meanwhile Tsukuyo was now patrolling the area right near where Gintoki was at the very moment. She was looking for him because he had promised to meet her at the bar. But by the time she got there, he was gone. Damn where could he be?! Then she was in front of the path that led to a secluded area. Something in her heart kept telling her to check the area out. Ah'm gettin' some weird vibes. I think I needa check tha place out. Tsukuyo started running towards the area where Gintoki was.
"You know Sakata-san. I personally think you're a great man. It's such a shame really. If you only didn't come near my woman." Hayate said.
*Pant, pant* Gintoki's breathing got labored and his voice turned coarse. "I-I don't remember messing with any man's woman."
"Oh, really? Hm. Well I guess we're not officially together as of now. We will be though once you're out of the picture." Hayate replied. Then he grabbed Gintoki by the collar and said, "Tsukuyo is mine. She's mine. If I can't have her, you can't have her."
This guy! He's after Tuskuyo. This guy… he's obsessed with Tsukuyo. Wait a minute… Just as Gintoki was about to puzzle the pieces together his thoughts were put to a halt by Hayate's creepy voice.
"Good-bye Sakata-san." Hayate then let out an unnatural laugh. *AHAHAHAHAHAHA* Just as he was about to deliver his final blow they heard a voice.
"Hey! What's goin' on there?!" Tsukuyo yelled out. It looks like a fight is goin' on there. She then hurled her kunais at Hayate. Hayate barely managed to deflect them and he ran off. Like a shadow he just disappeared. Tsk, the guy got away. Tsukuyo continued to run and saw a body leaning against the wall. She noticed the all familiar yukata anywhere. "GINTOKIIIIII!" Tsukuyo yelled. "Oi Gintoki. Hang in there ah'm gonna get ya some help!"
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awhilesince · 4 years
Saturday, 6 December 1828
5 1/2
11 3/4
at my desk at 6 1/2, and reading Miller’s gardener’s dictionary Till 8 10/60 articles Luereus, Castanea Land, Gramen ploughing, Sorbus, Luick, Osculus, – Breakfast at 8 10/60 – 
went out at 9 – from then to 4 (came home while the men were at dinner) in the Cunnery plantation – found William Keighley junior just come – had him cutting down the upper Cunnery plantation hedge felling a few firs at the other end of the plantation, and the old black Italian poplar and valuing the 13 sycamores Mosey felled in the Clough Till about 4 1/2 about 66 feet of the sycamores at 1/4 per foot about 10 feet of wood in the poplar at 1/6, but a little hollow at the bottom so called it 14/. George Naylor came to me to me in the morning to ask to buy a few larches – found out they were for Womersley to build a shed of some sort at his stone quarry for 2 delvers soon afterwards came and chose out 6 larches at 1/3 = 716 and 2 ditto at 5/. = 10/. William K– (Keighley) to get me 2 bushes of acorns from Studley near Ripon – my intention to plant them around the young trees in the Coneyry wood – the 2 gardeners planting and helping to clear away – John and William and the horses charging away and snigging trees for Mosey and his man to saw up into railing –said William K– (Keighley) they reckon 18 feet of wood to yield a pack of bark – the allowance made for bark in measuring wood mentioned in Hoppus, it is not the Custom to make in Yorkshire – George Naylor appointed surveyor of the high ways in Southowram – 
I am brought me about 10 a letter 3 pages and the ends from Mrs Barlow (Paris) – is she besides herself 
‘anything relating to you brings on the fever ….. I think it right to say that I think it is more than my life is worth for me to remain here and to see you …. it would be very material to my health if you could remain away until I could be clear off in the spring …. for me to be seeking a new place of abode at this sseason of the year is more than I can undertake perhaps in my delicate state and yet in it better I should do so than witness your return here I shall tell Mrs S Barlow not to come and I can leave the field open to you early in the spring ….. if without too much inconvenience to yourself you could lengthen your absence it is the last favour I shall ever ask of you and an early answer would afford great relief to a suffering invalid   your poor aunt with tears begs to me to remain to triumph over Madame de Rosny alas she little knows the pearl beyond all price is gone lost forever she little knows that Madame de Rosny could say of her niece Miss Lister of Shibden that she feared from the character given her by Madame de Boive (Boyve) that her being under her roof might increase the ill fame her own character already possessed   good god and is it to such a none you have fallen from the path ….. am I to believe her statements true   and is your fall complete   oh how I have struggled to avert this believe me on my word I regret nothing for myself the agony is to have seen and perhaps again to see your degradation I feel no jealousy no malice no selfish motive as far as I am concerned it must be the same to me to whom you prostrate yourself’   then anxiety for my return to the paths of virtue invokes the blessings of heaven upon me and hopes I may never have one days bitterness as the many I am doomed to endure but I shall ever pray for you Anne my own dear lost one  oh good god support me in this ssevere trial oh how I loved honour and virtue and wished to see you enshrined in them I have still one consolation that if your good uncle could see the passing here below that he could never condemn me in any advice I have ventured to give you’  when well goes to see my aunt for her own sake   ‘she says you are going to remain in Paris two years Madame de Rosny had private conversations with Madame de Boive (Boyve) before I went to England they related to you the countess said she so pressingly asked her to call she could not refuse her   I did not mention any this gout of malice Anne but I think it my duty to point out that your new favorite is not blessed with much discretion and that I think it right to warn you to it cut of this I ssupose you have begun to be sensible that you will teach her to be more so for your own sake   a young Englishman  she tried for after you were gone and it quite turned her head because he was richer but he has cut her   she told Ferdinande her husband was much better with the Marquis Nicolai than with you who were not she thought ‘‘riche’’ 
the woman wont go to her when Mrs B- (Barlow) goes – Dr Tupper has not yet made up his mind about the apartment – the Senés anxious to keep such good tenants, and have carpeted my bedroom, Mrs B– (Barlow) thinking Miss MacL– (MacLean) would like it better –
(left margin: all emphasis dashes, marked in the original are always dotted, by me instead of lines under matter)
plenty of money to supply my aunt with – kept her bed since last week, and has not seen her ‘nor does she know I am writing; but I thought the fever might abate after this letter was written, and which hung upon my mind – would willingly die but for Jane 
‘but I must stay and endure all that my beloved god ordains do not be afraid that I shall be at or ment to you or trouble you in future   no doubt this is the last request I shall ever make you and it is to enable Jane to remain here this winter who very unwillingly gives up Paris oh Anne how happily we could have remained together if …. But it was decreed we should part   you love eclat to court the attention of the stranger and the far away (quoted from my last) and I shall soon be for gotten oh that I could as easily forget you   but I have been forgotten and put aside since last ….. this time twelve month you were still all you all to be  and I gloried in you  we took sacrament together on the twenty eighth of this month and I thought it would render our friendship still more sacred Anne are you happier now if you wish me to burn your next letter trust me to do it if it so requested oh I remember how you looked after your residence in Rue Matignon when you made believe to be in your sore throat   oh horror of horrors I rave again    I bear you no ill will my wound is too deep for that filled with poignant and deep sorrow bless you may the almighty bless you may I never see you again and may you find one as faithfully devoted as’ …. I cannot make it out – ‘how much I could tell you but will not plague you any more nor am I able to go through the horrible task    I should have been glad to have been spared the asking you to prolong your stay and at any other time I should have been off without saying a word    excuse this letter if I have said aught to offend you I intended it not cut my peace is gone and I know not what I write   
M. Touchon’s apparatus for extracting the human calculus, much approved by Sir Astley Cooper – was to have operated (was sent for) upon a Mr Jordan ‘but by the time  he arrived Mr J– (Jordan) was too ill to submit to it’ – ‘the countess says you delighted in such conversations as I blush to hear – teach her discretion if you can and not to boast so much of your favours sso publicly’ – It seems my ‘aunt is remarably well’ – is she be sides herself  mused a few minutes as I stood by William Keighley cutting down the upper Cunnery plantation hedge but soon turned to him and occupied myself with what I was about just saying within myself is she mad   to quarrel with the little countess now would never do true or not as this I must be wary and mind what I am about my heart is not interested my head will have fairer play but shall I leave Paris and thus get out of it all would Dijon do for us for my aunt may indeed live these dozen years  came home when the men went to dinner and from one to two and a quarter no from    
from 12 50/60 to 2 10/60 at my desk – and wrote what I thought of writing and sending in the evening to Mrs B– (Barlow) in answer to her tirade – at 2 10/60 went back to the plantation staid there perhaps near 1/2 hour after William K– (Keighley) went then went down to the bottom of the walk – their ashes partly washed away by a flush of water from Charles Howarth’s – must this stopt – then measuring to see how much railing it would take to rail off the whole of Lower brook ing wood and the walk above (in Lower brook Ing) anew – about 200 yards in length – 
came in at 5 20/60 – dressed – Dinner at 6 1/4 – came upstairs at 6 55/60 (had my wine afterwards) and from then to 7 55/60 wrote and sent by John to
‘Madame Madame Barlow, Rue des Champs Elysées No. 6, Paris’ the following 2 pages with 4 or 5 lines on the end of the other side to my aunt – Shibden Saturday evening 6 December 1828. Maria! I have been out all day, and have just got your letter – my heart aches more than perhaps you think, but would ache still more were it not supported by a conscience comparatively void of offence – I have neither time nor spirit to enter into detail – my letter, to save the next mail, must be in the posting - office in an hour; and I have ordered the servant to have his horse standing ready in the stable – at all rates, I lose not a moment in complying with your request to write as soon as I can – you have always found me at least ready to oblige you to the utmost of my poor ability; and on this, surely, not when scandal can shake your faith – if after your receipt of these few hurried lines, you still wish me not to return, I will do all I can to oblige you in this, also – But I give you my word of honour, you are mistaken –Madame G– (Galvani) is, at this moment, forcibly recalled to my mind, whom I have heard more than once observe, that the French not only tell all they know, but much more – not only count over what they have received, but  boast of what they have not – to me considered individually and singly, all this is unimportant: – to me considered collectively and in connection with others, it has an importance exactly equal to the credit given to it by those whose good opinion and regard I value – Perhaps, Maria, I might  justly complain to find myself so precipitately condemned unheard – Presumptive evidence, however plausible, should always be received with caution; and even the positive assertion of those whose veracity we have in any instance been known to doubt, should be well examined, and well weighed, before we attempt to fix on it the stamp of truth – But if you continue to do me the injustice you do me at present, I shall not blame your heart for it; and this at least, will shed one little beam of light along the darksome cloud that you have thrown around me – If you still desire my not returning to Paris till you are gone, (and may I entreat you to spare me, as soon as you can, at least the misery of suspense) I will do my utmost to manage it, and will take all the care in my power never to intrude upon you more – my constant prayer will be for your happiness – and may you live to discover that your esteem has not been deservedly forfeited by your ever steadily and sincerely affectionate friend AL (Anne Lister) – will you be good enough to send the 3 or 4 following lines to my aunt – Shibden Saturday evening 6 December 1828. my dear aunt   I am in a hurry to send off my letter to Mrs B– (Barlow) I find Dr T– Tupper can still give no decided answer – without further hesitation, lose no time in taking our present apartment for 3 months longer – It delights us to hear such continued good accounts of you – very busy – I shall stay over the rent-day, at all rates – all quite well – ever most affectionately yours AL (Anne Lister) – my father and Marian send their love’ – 
went downstairs at 7 55/60 and had my wine – then asleep on the sofa above an hour, till 10 – then talking about my aunt’s return to Shibden (my father always wishes it and will see no objection – no difficulties in the way), the difference it would make to all parties, servants etc. etc. and came upstairs at 10 40/60 – then till 11 wrote (all but the 2 first lines) of the first 13 lines of today, etc. Highish wind now at 11 p.m. – Very fine day –
(SH:7/ML/E/11/0102) (SH:7/ML/E/11/0103) (SH:7/ML/E/11/0104)
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kenzieam · 7 years
Lost Girl - Chapter 2 (Eric and Fox)
Tumblr media
Rating: M (swearing, violence, smut, blah blah)
Genre: Drama/Angst
****Trigger Warnings - mention of torture, abuse****
Thanks everyone for the re-blogs and support!!! IT IS SO AWESOME!!!
@emmysrandomthoughts @beautifulramblingbrains @iammarylastar @tigpooh67 @bookwarm85  @badassbaker @captstefanbrandt  @treeleaf  @beltz2016  @girlwith100names @gaia25 @readsalot73 @slayer0507 @stone-met @lostinthebeans @lauraaan182 @girlslovestorys  @lacy-love @fuckthatfeeling  @sparklemichele @vitaevandal  @micolegg @frecklefaceb @jaihardy  @bookgirlthings @queenara4  @bluelassbird @mom2reesie @pathybo @letmagichappen @shaunarcanine @equalstrashflavoredtrash @itschibi @elaacreditava @lilu46 @tonyt1995 @jojogoo65 @littlesouthernrebel @sterek-foreverandever
A huge thank you to my beta and Jai-sister @iammarylastar ! Quelle equipe!
What happens if Fox disappears, and is returned to Eric two years later, but is not the same woman he loves???
This chapter is a little wordy and technical, but I wanted to establish the challenges Eric and Fox are facing, thanks for reading my lovelies!
Eric paced restlessly in the conference room, too on edge to even try to relax or sit down. His nerves were raw and painful, the scab he’d managed to build over the great gaping hole in his heart had been ripped away and he felt weak from the fresh blood loss, sticky with the arterial spray.
It was mid-morning and Eric was waiting, none too patiently, for the Erudite doctor’s report. Max sat nearby, and had given up telling Eric to relax hours ago, when the water bottle Eric had been drinking from had exploded against the wall near Max’s head. Neither of the remaining prisoners matched the description of Dawson, but Max had received word that one of the bodies back at the bunker did and he had just returned from informing Dawson’s new widow to find that Eric’s stalking had remained unchanged, if anything, it had become more frenetic. Deciding he liked his head attached to his shoulders, he had said nothing and sat again, crossing his arms over his chest and tipping his head back against the wall. Eric’s ceaseless pacing providing a constant, if morbid white noise.
The door opened and Max opened his eyes to see the head Erudite doctor, flanked by two more white-jacketed staff enter the room. Eric stopped, eyes blazing and watched them with a predator’s gaze until they sat at one side of the table. Only then did Eric move to the other side and stiffly sit, back straight, hands gripping the arm rests.
The doctor waited until Max was seated before clearing his throat and beginning his report.
“We have positively identified the subject as the missing Dauntless woman, Fox Phoenix LaRue.” He paused and Eric scoffed, his voice hard.
“And? We already fucking knew that!”
“Eric.” Max snapped. The doctor cleared his throat nervously and continued, eyeing Eric uneasily.
“She is extremely malnourished, as evidenced by her gaunt appearance. I have ordered a massive multivitamin/mineral infusion to combat and treat the deterioration her body has already experienced, as well as started her on a nutritionally complete meal regime. Based off of previous medical records, the patient has a vast amount of new scarring and healed injuries; including some broken bones that fortunately were set correctly and have healed properly. Visual inspection revealed suspicious scarring on the patient’s lower abdomen, which we recognized as striae, more commonly known as stretch marks. This led us to an internal examination and the realization that she has given birth recently, I’d say within the last two months. Based on the varying ages and appearance of the striae, I estimated she has carried a baby to full term and given birth once before as well.”
“She has children?” Max asked, glancing at Eric, who stared blankly.
“She refuses to answer, so as of right now, we don‘t know if either offspring have survived.”
Max swallowed hard. “What else?”
“She remembers nothing beyond the past two years. The presence of scarring on the back of the subject’s scalp suggests a brain injury. We believe she is suffering from severe Post-Traumatic Retrograde Amnesia. However, I believe she has also, to a certain extent, been forcibly indoctrinated, or brainwashed. There may also be a degree of Stockholm Syndrome at play as well. Psychology is not my field, I have asked a colleague to evaluate her for a more complete mental diagnosis.”
“Amnesia? Stockholm Syndrome? Brainwashing?! What the hell does all that mean?” Eric demanded, his heart beginning to pound with dread.
The doctor focused on him. “You were the patient’s….?”
“Fiancé.” Eric spat.
“Fiancé, yes. Well, pending my colleague’s evaluation, it means that the Fox LaRue that you knew is no longer the Fox LaRue behind that door. There is a chance, and again I will have to consult with my colleague, that massive doses of healing serum may help reverse some of this, coupled with practical therapies and time.”
“Fox might come back?” Max asked, a hint of hope in his voice.
“Perhaps, I can make no guarantees right now. My colleague needs to thoroughly examine her first.”
“When will your colleague arrive?” Max asked.
“I expect him momentarily.”
“I want to see her.” Eric growled.
The doctor shook his head. “I want my colleague to evaluate her first.”
“No fucking way-”
“Your presence, especially agitated like it is now, will not help her. I want a clean assessment from my colleague.”
“Eric, he’s right. We need to wait.” Max said lowly, tensing to react if Eric exploded.
Eric exhaled sharply, clenching and unclenching his fists. The doctor sat farther back with a wary gaze and Max could feel the warring energies in Eric right now, battling each other for control. Finally, Eric nodded.
“As soon as he’s done, I’m going to her.”
“Acceptable, provided you do not upset her. If you agitate her, I will have you removed.” The doctor warned and Eric nodded tightly.
Pushing away, he spun the chair he sat in around, turning his back to the doctor and effectively ending the conversation. Max glanced at him then rose to walk around the table, speaking lowly with the doctors as they left the room.
Nagging thoughts gnawed at Eric’s mind and sanity. Did Fox have living children somewhere? If so, did she have a mate, a partner? If she remembers nothing about Dauntless, has she started a whole new life? Eric knew for a fact that he would not survive this intact if the answer to the last two questions was yes. The last two years had been utter misery, pure hell; and Eric’s soul had withered to the point that he questioned it’s continued existence. Fox’s reappearance, alive and functioning was balm to his agonized heart, he could feel it reawakening, absorbing Fox’s presence like water to parched ground. But Eric had been so damaged by Fox’s absence that he knew with certainty he would not survive losing her again, at least not with his sanity, heart or soul intact. His body might continue on, a bitter shell, but little more.
He ached to touch her again, curl her into his arms and bury his head in her hair, inhaling her scent, green apples and grass, sunny skies and gentle rain. Fox’s body comforted Eric like nothing else, her presence and natural fragrance the things he had come to depend on after a hard day of leadership. When it had become clear that Fox wasn’t returning, Eric had tried to escape into alcohol, but becoming blackout drunk almost nightly hadn’t taken away his pain and he’d stopped trying after sobering up one morning and discovering that he’d accidentally broken his favourite picture of Fox the night before in a slobbering haze.
Eric was so wrapped up in his thoughts that he didn’t hear Max calling him until the older man reached the chair and spun it back around. Eric started, blinking away the memories and the tears they’d brought and levelled a glare at him.
“The psychologist has finished his evaluation. He’d like to meet with us.”
Eric nodded tiredly. He didn’t give a flying fuck right now, he just wanted Fox. He scrubbed his eyes with the heels of his hands, rubbing hard.
Max nodded at someone in the doorway and Eric lifted his head to see the doctor from before walk in, a tall older man beside him. The older man’s face was lined with other people’s troubles, his brow sporting a permanent worry line.
Again, Max took the seat beside Eric and the doctors sat across the table.
The doctor spoke first. “Gentlemen, this is my colleague, Dr. Young. He has spoken with the patient-”
“She has a name,” Eric snarled, tired of this ‘patient’ business. “It’s Fox.”
“Excuse me,” the doctor’s cheeks darkened slightly. “Dr. Young has spoken with Fox and is ready to present his findings.”
Dr. Young began to speak immediately. “Fox’s case is unique. She does indeed suffer from Post-Traumatic Retrograde Amnesia, to a severe degree; she remembers nothing beyond the past two years. I am concerned however, there is usually some degree of regained memory by now and Fox still remembers nothing. This may be a deliberate, if subconscious act on Fox’s part, a survival mechanism is you will, but I tend to favour another theory. Amnesiacs need stimulation to spur their memories, submersion in their past environments to trigger the brain to re-establish the connections between recall and stored memories that have been damaged. Fox has been isolated from her home and past life, confined in a new and harsh environment. Her memories remain locked but I am curious to see what returning to her home faction will trigger.
Based on specific analytical questions, I can also say with certainty that Fox has been forcibly indoctrinated, or brainwashed. The blank slate that was her amnesiac mind has been rewritten to favour a factionless view of life and authority. She immediately shows hatred towards Dauntless, blames them for cruelly treating the factionless, raiding their stores and the like, but by asking carefully worded questions I can see the traces of her previous morals and viewpoints. She would not cling to these if she had willingly adopted the beliefs of the factionless. Therefore, I can say with confidence she has been forcibly indoctrinated and continues to fight it, which is nothing but encouraging.”
“What about Stockholm Syndrome?” Max asked quietly.
Eric sat up straighter, waiting. What he knew of the phenomenon was that the victim falls in love with their captor; had this happened to Fox? Was this person the father of her children, an obstacle in Eric’s way?
The doctor shook his head as he began to speak. “No, I see no real evidence of Stockholm syndrome, she has been indoctrinated and remembers no other life to contradict that. It is as if she was born factionless, has never been part of Dauntless.“
“Is it reversible?” Eric’s voice was low, his hands white-knuckled on the chair arms. His face had grown paler and paler as the doctor had continued speaking, his hope growing fainter with each word.
“I believe it’s possible, with time and certain therapies, as well as infusions of healing serum.”
“What types of therapy?” Eric’s stomach clenched, he did not want Fox to be doped up on medications.
“Practical therapy, cognitive, occupational. Basically just immersion back into her regular life, once it’s determined she would not be a threat to others. I strongly recommend she stay here in Dauntless, there is no need for her to be transferred to our psychiatric centre at Erudite.”
“You mean returning to her shared apartment with Eric, going back to her job?” Max was leaning forwards, listening intently. Fox had been like a daughter to him, and his private agony at her absence had been deep.
“Not right away, perhaps a shared accommodation with a female friend; tasks and chores to be done rather than the immediate responsibility of her previous occupation. Too much all at once would be overwhelming, she needs gradual reintegration into her previous life.”
Max sat back, glanced over at Eric and raised his brow to the younger man. Eric leaned back as well, crossed his arms over his chest.
“I want to see her now.” Eric said flatly.
The doctor sighed then nodded. Standing he said, “I’ll take you there.” He looked over at Max. “When I return we can discuss the specifics of Fox’s treatments.” He looked back up at Eric as he started to walk away. “Max can fill you in when you return.”
Eric was hardly listening, his full attention focused on Fox, so close to him now. He reluctantly tuned back in when it became obvious the doctor wasn’t going to stop talking.
“Fox is restrained right now. Currently she is confined to a bed, with the IV therapies I ordered being infused in numerous lines. She has been bathed and cleaned, all her current wounds and injuries treated. She has been relatively uncommunicative so far, beyond answering our questions. Two guards will remain outside the room, for as much her protection as yours. I will not tolerate you agitating her. Do not attempt to continue your previous relationship, she does not remember you. Answer her questions, feel free to ask your own simple ones, but do not force her in any way. Do not touch her, do not assume she will tolerate any form of intimacy from you.”
“I’m not going to try and fuck her!” Eric growled angrily, partially enraged that the doctor would think him low enough to try and partially because every fibre in his body screamed to touch her, reassure himself that she was alive and real. He just wanted to hold her hand for Christ’s sake, maybe stroke her cheek. To hear this doctor talk, anything Eric did would set Fox off, he’d need to sit on his hands.
The doctor stopped in front of a closed door, an armed guard stood on either side. He nodded tightly to Eric, then reached forwards and turned the knob, pushed the door open.
Eric stepped through the door, barely hearing it close behind him. His whole being was focussed on the woman in front of him.
Fox looked up and met his gaze. Eric recognized fear amidst the rage and hate in her eyes, but she didn’t look away or cower. She was almost unrecognizably gaunt, her cheekbones sharp blades in her face, her collarbones fully visible. The treatment gown she wore absolutely dwarfed her scrawny frame. Her skin was pale with ill health, marked with fresh wounds and freshly healed scars. Her wrists were wrapped in thick, padded leather restraints, with enough slack she could sit up or lay down at her leisure, but short enough that she wouldn’t be able to grab at Eric. The head of the bed was raised, Fox almost sitting upright. She watched him carefully as he approached, her expression remained guarded, almost belligerent.
Slowly, partly not to startle Fox and partly because he was so overwhelmed with conflicting emotions, Eric sat in the empty chair near her bedside. He inhaled unsteadily, licked his lips.
“Fox…. hi baby,” he offered tentatively.
“I am not ‘Fox’,” she snapped back, no trace of the woman he loved in her raspy voice and Eric felt his tenuous hope flare and die.
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