#this post isn't an invitation to send me ocs trying to DISPROVE what i'm saying here
i-can-do-tricks · 2 years
I!!!! LOVE!!!!!!!!!!! PEOPLE’S OCS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i love seeing ocs and fursonas and blatant self inserts and secret self inserts and copies of canon characters made your own and ocs existing in canon universes that never meet the canon characters and ones that are dating canon characters as we speak!!!!!!!!! i love silly ones and stupid ones and sexy ones and adorable ones and serious ones and smart ones and tastefully powerful ones and nonsensically OP ones and ones made specifically to explore and help you understand something in your life and ones that you made for a laugh or just to thirst over!!!!!!!!!!!!! i love ocs made as a means of interacting with existing media in a more intimate fashion i love ocs made spur of the moment because you couldn’t think of anything to play as in a dnd game you’re invited to i love ocs made to genuinely explore a part of yourself with the low risk and all and i love ocs just made to flesh out a setting and make it feel more alive!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i love ocs that have the hottest art i’ve ever seen in my LIFE drawn of them i love ocs who have absolutely gorgeous text descriptions written that characterize them so clearly in my mind i love ocs who have bad art drawn of them or text that can’t seem to describe them the way you want i love ocs that only exist rattling around in your brain like a jingling dog toy or ones only ever known or understood in those quiet hours of low voices or DMs and “hey uh,,, do you want to hear about my ocs?” fucking YES. i’ve never seen an oc in my Life that was not dope or hot or cute or gender or had me yelling about how COOL as FUCK they were, sometimes even all of it at once!!!!!!! every oc i see makes me so goddamn happy that there are people cool and talented and brilliant and creative enough to make up WHOLE ASS GUYS in their head and then inflict them onto other people like a disease, so they’re living in THEIR heads now too!!!!!!!! someone coming up comfortable with me to want to share an oc they made with me is something i will never turn down ever because you know what the best part is???? that’s YOU, baby!!!! that oc you made, no matter how hard you thought you tried to keep yourself from making them a self insert, that poglo in your brain has a part of YOU in them, something about who you are or what you like or what you want, that is a core part of who they are and what they mean to you!!!!!! and SHARING those ocs means sharing yourself, too, that mortifying exhilaration of being known!!!!!!!!!!!! make ocs make ocs make ocs and i CAN’T stress this enough MAKE OCS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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