#this is old but i haven't seen these pics anywhere on tumblr
jaejoongg · 2 years
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I miss drabble challenges with people in the same fandom.
It was simple, pick a theme, pick fandom, pic characters and write a drabble (100 words) or more and post to your journal blog, to to the fandom drabble journal sight and post your drabble and update your drabble theme list.
Oh those were the days, super short fan fics, one word theme charts in grid form that you would pick at random and cross out or highlight when you completed said theme. Share your fan drabbles with friends. It was drabble challenges that made be have the inspiration to write. And I had a great knack for writing drabbles. Those short moments in time in a character's life that you could put almost anywhere in the cannon story line.
Sadly I haven't seen anyone do these things anymore. I stopped writing fan drabbles a few years before I started tumblr and RPing. I miss those days. I really do.
Hell I still have old drabble charts from over 15 years ago from various drabble challenge blogs from various journaling sights back when journaling sights was a thing. We are talking about times before Tumblr, TicTok, Twitter and god knows what else people use now a days. But that is beside the point.
We need to make drabble challenges and drabble challenge journal sights a thing again!!!.
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