#this is like psyc's ultimate definition of passionate love
june-again · 1 year
ok so u don’t have to post this at all—
but we actually haven’t spoken properly in so long and i literally had no idea that u weren’t with ur ex bf anymore and i’m so sorry because i know how painful a break up is, even if it was the right thing
just know that i love you and i got you— and that it’s okay to miss him
im posting it because unfortunately all i want to do is talk about him and wallow 😁
that's okay, tho, that you didn't know. i barely talked about it until now just because i was so unconcerned??? somehow?? which i guess is part of why it happened in the first place. idk if it was the right thing. seasonal depression just fucks me up and i do things i regret lol. but as far as i know, whether or not him and i are finished forever, right now is not the right time to try anything because we're both ahahhaghaghghh going through life stuff and its just not the right time idk
i love u sm. breakups do indeed suck. u should never date people or fall in love. unless its with me wink wonk
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