#this is both film's and namtan's first times performing on stage singing and dancing so please support them!
visualtaehyun · 3 months
Okay y'all listen- I know most Thai QL viewers on this site don't care about GMMTV's concerts and the general reaction here to the announcement of a Last Twilight concert looked to be a resounding Uhh why?
But this is literally a way to test the waters for NamtanFilm!
Look at the promo material and the ad spot! Even during the live show for Last Twilight's final episode, Namtan was already intentionally caught between her on-screen partner Mark and her future co-star Film. And both the English and Thai comments on the livestream the Last Twilight cast did the other day are full of NamtanFilm mentions. :)
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This concert opportunity is huge! All their BL actors have been getting fan meetings and concerts and the like for years now but this is a first for GMMTV's actresses, as far as I'm aware.
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(from this bts video of shooting the "Last Twilight New Dawn Live On Stage" spot)
So if you like GL, if you like Namtan and Film, or if you wanna support GMMTV actresses by showing the higher-ups that fans will show up for them and want them to have more opportunities like this - thinking about 23.5 here as well!! - then this. Is. The. Chance! If you have and use Twitter, please tweet about them along with the concert hashtags or like and retweet other fans' tweets about them (xitter is sadly THE place to be to support Thai artists). If you can spare the money, consider buying a livestream ticket. But most importantly please engage with any content and official posts about the concert featuring the girls, talk about them (and their performances!) on any socials, and tell other GL fans.
As I said, this isn't even just about NamtanFilm as a koojin (and thus Pluto), it's also about making noise for more GL content. Considering the trailer for 23.5 came out today, the possibility of a final episode live show, fan meetings, a concert etc. featuring MilkLove and ViewJune are on my mind as well now. I for one have been waiting for the GMMTV girls to get the same opportunities and hype the guys have been getting, so I've just been lying in wait, armed with pots and pans, to start being obnoxiously loud about my girls 😤
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