#this is 7 months old i rlly thought i already replied to this .. i hate u ellie oh my ogd
w-re-writes · 5 years
Fictober - Day 17 - “an honest muttonhead”
Fandom: A Song of Ice and Fire
Warnings: None
Word Count: 1867
Rating: General Audiences
Prompt: “There is just something about them/her/him.”
Unbeknownst to him, Cleos is the third wheel in a ridiculous road trip. His wife helps him through it.
(read on ao3)
Cleos Frey had never been a saint, but he was sure he did not deserve this punishment.
"Are you fucking kidding me?" His cousin, Jaime, said from the back seat. "Of course the Warrior would beat the Maid. It's right there in the name."
The gigantic woman in the passenger's seat exhaled with resignation. Brienne Tarth, she was called. Another employer of Catelyn Stark's. Reliable, strong. She’d been his manager for the past months, and Cleos liked her. Not the least because she’d also done an enviable job of ignoring Jaime’s constant japes. At least, until he managed to get under her skin.
"You're bypassing the fact," Brienne explained in a tired tone, "that the Warrior cannot harm the Maid. She's an innocent. But if she asked him to fight for a just cause, he could even get killed. She’d win any fight between them."
"But the Warrior cannot die!"
"But that’s not the point!"
Mother have mercy.
Cleos hadn't seen Brienne upset by anything until Jaime arrived to the Tully headquarters to oversee their negotiations with Tywin Lannister. Purchasing company branches was a merciless bloodbath, and Jaime had been sent to do what he did best—to rail people up until they yielded.
Jeyne help , Cleos texted his wife as soon as he got signal. They were waiting for Jaime to return from taking a leak in the woods. He’d insisted, despite the pouring rain.
What is it?
I’m this close to put myself in front of the car. Miss u.
Miss u too. It's Jaime, just tell embarrassing stories re him as a kid. Thats how genna shuts him up
Cleos glanced up at Brienne, who was also frowning and tapping on her phone.
Its nit just him , he typed back.
The girl too?
They nvr stop fighting
Its exhausting. Like Ty and Will
At that moment, Jaime closed the door with a self satisfied smile.
"All good, coz," he said ruefully, shaking his umbrella in an obnoxious way. "Let's go."
Cleos glanced at Brienne, who nodded her approval, and he started the engine.
This whole excuse of a road trip had been Jaime's idea. Cleos had said it was a ridiculous notion, with the weather they’d last the Seven knew how long. But Jaime had argued back. Flights had been canceled due to the storm, but by car it'd only be 7 hours to King’s Landing. "Shorter than waiting for the storm to blow over," Jaime had smiled. "We all win."
Yeah, right . Cleos had begun to wonder if he was trapped within one of the gods’ big jokes.
"Everyone knows that a blade blunts after hitting bone," Brienne was saying, raising her voice over the rain outside. "So a sword is not a good weapon during a zombie apocalypse."
"But the aesthetic," Jaime shook his fists at her, faking emotion. "What else do you have during the zombie apocalypse but aesthetics?"
He makes her laugh tho , Cleos texted Jeyne later, when they stopped at a petrol station in the middle of nowhere. They were all slightly damp, but for some reason Jaime managed to make it look classy. Brienne and him just looked annoyed.
Thats good?
Yeah, shes young but very serious, tries to hide it
That she's serious?
That she laughs
Brienne returned to the car from her expedition into the management store. "The road is closed," she announced, squaring her shoulders and handing Jaime and Cleos an apple juice box each. "But the man said they're cleaning it up and it should be done by tomorrow."
"There's no way around it?" Cleos asked. Of course the gods would make it harder for him. Of course.
Brienne shook her head.
"It'd take us three hours to get to the other road," Jaime chimed in, slurping his apple juice. "Not worth it."
"Then another five hours to circle back to King's Landing," Brienne agreed, not reluctantly. "Can you stop that?"
Jaime gulped his drink with added noise. Brienne rolled her eyes before turning to Cleos.
"The man said there's an inn further down. We should stop there for the night."
Cleos felt his face wrinkle in pain.
"Slumber party" Jaime finished his juice, looking straight at Brienne. "Yay."
Cleos u old fool , Jeyne had texted, adding two laughing emojis. Cleos frowned.
We r eating smtng n staying at an inn, call u soon , he sent her. Then he quoted her last message: Why?
"Coz, the Boss says they only got one room," Jaime's hand patted his shoulder. "We'll all have to share."
"The boss?" Cleos deepened his frown.
"Two beds, though," Brienne walked past them, carrying most of their bags on one hand. "And if you keep calling me Boss I’m going to expect you to shut up and do as I say, Lannister."
"Am I not doing that already?" he teased her, watching her stomp upstairs with determination. He gave a short laugh, picked what was left of their luggage, and trailed after her. Cleos checked his phone and followed, wondering just how insufferable dinner would be.
"No no no no no," Brienne was shaking her hands. "Under no circumstances would the Blue Knight lose to the Golden Knight. There’s a story about it."
“But only the one story,” Jaime insisted, nudging Cleos with an elbow as he cut his meal.
The inn was packed, and they’d been cramped into a corner. Cleos was not a short man, but he was sandwiched between the biggest woman he’d ever met and his cousin's inflated personality in the tiniest, primpiest table in the seven kingdoms. The tablecloth even had lace, which he knew because he had been inspecting everything in his immediate surroundings while his companions spoke nonstop.
"Are you saying it’s not canonical?"
"“I’m saying there’s a chance they never actually fought."
Cleos tried to remember when his remark about the decorative armour in the parlor had turned into a discussion about the age of heroes, or whatever this was. His mum used to tell him and his cousins stories about knights and dragons, and Brienne had been delighted when he'd told her. She loved all of that stuff. As for Jaime… Cleos hadn’t even known Jaime still cared about the stories.
Is she touching her hair? Jeyne’s reply chimed in his phone.
Cleos stopped the fork halfway to his mouth and glanced at his left. Brienne was talking about a historical TV show, tugging her hair behind her ears at least twice in the process.
Yes. What does that have to do w anythng? He texted back.
Is he listening to her? That message had a laughing-with-tears emoji.
Cleos looked to his right. Jaime had cupped his cheek on one hand, following her every word.
His brow furrowed so fast in realization he felt a muscle tear.
Can't be, he sent. It didn’t feel adamant enough. Impossible , he added.
Cleos had been at some office events where both Brienne and Jaime had attended, and he never thought… Surely Jeyne was wrong.
Brienne had sighed in relief when she had told him they’d reached an agreement. They were about to sign the contracts with Uncle Tywin, which was why they’d been traveling to King’s Landing in the first place. Jaime had been unfazed by the result, as usual, even though him and Brienne had written the final document.
Then again…
Cleos looked at Jeyne’s stream of emojis making fun of him (including some suggestive combinations of hand gestures and eggplants), and then again at his manager and cousin.
They were radiant.
Like everything else in that godsforsaken inn, the room was small and cozy, with lace decorating every textile in view.
Cleos sat on the edge of one of the beds, while Brienne threw herself in the other. Jaime was opening cabinets and doors, like a cat inspecting a new room.
Their not flirting , Cleos texted Jeyne, one handed, opening a couple of buttons on his shirt.
Sounds like it to me
"Hey," Jaime produced a box from one of the shelves. "Kingdompoly! What say you, coz? Shall we play, for old time’s sake?"
Cleos huffed. "Will loves it," he said. "So that means we’ve had to ban it from the house. I pass."
Jaime laughed. "Very well. And you, Boss? Fancy a play?"
"What are you, ten?" Brienne was decidedly not looking up at Jaime, intent only on her book, the edge of her mouth curling up just so. "Only if you’re prepared to lose."
"Ah, a challenge. You boast."
"Of course. My sisters hated me because I won all the time."
"That's because you weren’t playing me."
Are u still up?
Cleos had grabbed the spare key and beseeched the safety of the lobby. The rain was still pounding, but the waiting area was quiet in comparison to the tourney-worth of cackles the two blonds had been making.
The phone rang at the tune of the Rains of Castamere and Cleos picked up gratefully.
"Hi, husband mine." Jeyne's grin was palpable in her voice. "How’re the lovebirds?"
"Fighting," Cleos chuckled. "Over Kingdompoly."
"See what I do for our sons?"
Jeyne laughed. "I know. They miss you."
"And me them."
"But are you sure? I was rather hoping I had something to tease your mum with. Her favorite nephew, flirting with a Stark. Can you imagine?"
"I just told you. It's not flirting. They fight. And she's not a Stark, exactly."
"Is it fighting or is it bantering?"
Cleos mentally ran through months of constant teasing, chattering, endless nights of working together, heads bent into one single purpose.
"It’s not flirting," he insisted, stubborn as ever.
That made his wife laugh. It was warm.
"Well," Jeyne continued. "Come home as soon as you can and I'll show you proper flirting, then."
Gods, he missed her.
Cleos walked into their room an hour after. He'd assumed Jaime and him would share a bed, so his surprise was genuine when he discovered two large bulks in Brienne's.
Tip toeing his way through the carpet, Cleos peeked over the pink dossel. Kingdompoly was sprawled out on the mattress in disarray, Brienne asleep against the headboard, and Jaime tucked against her leg, his curls resting on her thigh.
Cleos bit his lip.
His first instinct was to wake Jaime up, a million arguments about impropriety crossing his mind. But they both looked strangely peaceful. And gratefully quiet.
Look what I found , Cleos typed to Jeyne.
It was a bit clumsy, but he managed to angle the camera, adjust the flash, and snap the picture.
Jeyne sent back a billion head-exploding emojis.
I told u!!!!!!!!!!!!!
She didn't have to seem so smug, but Cleos didn’t mind too much.
I got u something to bother mum with , he replied, sliding into his own bed.
My hero ! She said, with a heart emoji.
Cleos chuckled for himself, and peppered his text lingo with a smiley face for his wife.
Sinking into the pillow, Cleos glanced at his travel companions one last time. They breathed slowly in absolute comfort, holding each other in the bed. Maybe Jeyne wasn't so far off, after all. There is just something about them.
With a knowing grin, Cleos drifted into sleep.
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