#this got me so giddy kicking my feet at 3am in the morning
claryxjackson · 2 years
not being able to let go when you have them in your arms — sophie and mason
This got very long…
and very off topic…
there are also probably a ton of spelling mistakes cause I finished this at like 3am, but it’s chill
The first mistake Sophie Marshall made was trying to get out of bed in the first place.
She had turned the alarm off—so far slamming it on the bedside table until it ceased its incessant ringing had worked pretty well for her. She had managed to snag a mostly clean t-shirt—the LAFD crest emblazoned on it signalling that it was, in fact, not hers—from the various articles of clothing scattered about her bedroom. She had just pulled it over her head, freeing her hair from the collar when a pair of arms wrapped loosely around her waist.
Sophie tilted her head back ever so slightly, and glanced at Mason, noticing he had sat up as well. He was still blinking sleep from his eyes, and his hair was ruffled in a way she wished she found less attractive. They really did not have time to be late today. His chest was solid against her back, his arms comfortably warm around her torso. She leaned back to press a quick kiss on his cheek. His face was bristly with stubble, she noted, probably a side effect of him not having any of his belongings at her place. Though not an unwelcome one, she mused, recalling the beard he had grown in the early days of the pandemic.
“Nice shirt,” he mumbled. The bleariness of sleep had gone from his eyes, replaced with a glimmer of humour that made Sophie’s heart skip a beat. Sophie rolled her eyes at him as she pulled her hair into a loose ponytail.
“Thanks. My boyfriend gave it to me,” she replied, as an impish smile tugged at her lips. It didn’t cross her mind that up until this moment, the boyfriend vocabulary hadn’t been tossed around, even in conversation. It didn’t occur to her because in the moment—with his arms around her, taking a moment to bask in the undisturbed Austin morning—it felt right. She did, of course, notice when Mason’s body tensed against hers. Then the reality of what she had just said crashed into her like a kick to the chest.
Sophie twisted around, a feat not easily accomplished with Mason’s arms still secure around her waist. She wondered desperately if the fact that he hadn’t moved as a good sign, or maybe she had simply sent him into paralyzing shock.
When she finally managed to get a good look at his face, Mason had a grin on his face. The kind of dopey schoolboy grin she wouldn’t ordinarily have associated with him. Her eyes locked with his and his smile only grew.
“Boyfriend, huh?” Sophie shook her head and slumped back into her original position with a huff.
“You are unbelievable,” she muttered. Her eyes scanned her bedroom now that she knew she hadn’t frightened Mason—her boyfriend, she thought with a wave of giddiness—into cardiac arrest. Her eyes landed on the clock, and a bolt of panic shot through her—they were behind schedule.
She squirmed, attempting to pry herself free from Mason’s grip. She had almost done it too; she had planted her feet squarely on the cold hardwood floor, when Mason snaked an arm around her waist and pulled her back into the bed.
Sophie shrieked, the sound mingling with the echoes of her laughter. They were a flurry of flailing limbs and rustling blankets, but after a moment of struggle Sophie managed to at least sit up. Her hair was dishevelled, and her ponytail had slipped loose during the tussle. Mason wrapped his arms tighter around her waist, pulling her closer to him as he did. Oh, they so did it have time for that this morning.
“C’mon, we have to get to work,” she protested through her bouts of laughter. He pressed a quick kiss behind her ear, and she could feel the corners of his lips as they quirked with the beginnings of a smile.
“Or we could just stay in,” he suggested. “I would love to spend some time with my girlfriend.”
He kissed her neck again, and Sophie weakly considered swatting at his shoulder.
“I don’t wanna let you go just yet,” he breathed out after a moment. His breath is warm against the back of her neck and Sophie fought the urge to melt into his touch—to blow off work like he so clearly wanted to do. Thankfully, before she had a chance to make the decision, he pulled away and rested his chin on her shoulder. He blinked up at her, still grinning like a fool. Sophie tried to ignore the blush creeping up her neck and blooming across her cheeks—the blush she only seemed to get whenever Mason was involved. She tried to focus on the necessity of their timing, on how late they were going to be if they weren’t out of her apartment in the next five minutes.
“C’mon, Soph—“ Sophie exhaled, the rest of his words becoming an unintelligible stream as she came to terms with what she was going to do next. She twisted around again, coming face to face with Mason’s only mildly surprised expression. His smile had a touch of smugness to it; he had managed to distract her like this at least four times in the last two weeks alone.
She leaned forward the slightest bit and slung her arms loosely around his neck. Mason opened his mouth, presumably to speak, but Sophie shushed him.
“Don’t say anything else, okay?” Sophie said. He nodded once, though the smug smile was still fixed firmly in place. She pulled him in for a kiss, which he returned immediately.
“You win,” she mumbled, “we can be late. Hell , we can stay in all day if we want.”
He didn’t react for a moment, and she wondered vaguely if she’d frozen him again, but moments later he leaned back on the bed, bringing Sophie with him. Her hair fell like a golden curtain around her face, and Mason took a moment to blow a lock of her hair away. Sophie laughed softly at him, before leaning in to kiss him once more.
If either of them had bothered to check their phones, they surely would have noticed the dozens of texts asking where they were; and a handful more, asking what could possibly be keeping them.
Sophie Marshall’s second mistake had in fact been believing that she would make it to work that day at all.
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Fever drabble
(Fever, headache, collapse, caretaking, and snarkiness ensues)
Rain was coming down hard now, falling in heavy sheets that soaked Carson to his very core. He kept his eyes down as he walked, faintly amused at how easily the water mixed with his blood and disappeared onto the New York sidewalk. The city's usually bustling streets were all but empty, except for the few people that he'd seen take off in another direction at the sight of him. Surely he didn't look that bad. The blood clinging to his brow and soaking through his right pant leg came from what he would describe as "just a scratch". No, that was the least of his worries tonight.
Despite the chilly wind that came along with this unfortunate weather, Carson could still feel the fever radiating from his skin. Absently, he pawed at his forehead and neck as if to see if it had miraculously improved... or possibly gotten worse. But it was too hard to tell. This has happened to him once or twice before. Sometimes when a magic user takes in to much power, or slings around an absurd amount of energy, it can raise the body temperature along with other disorienting symptoms. The glow of the street lamps reflected in every wet surface was starting to give him a headache and he closed his eyes tightly for a few seconds.
Carson's apartment was on the other side of the city, the night so nice part to be exact, and even if he could walk all the way there without collapsing, he simply didn't want to. Calling a cab crossed his mind but he didn't have enough money left on him to catch a ride around the block. And so he made his reluctant trek towards Riley's office, hoping to God that she would be there.
They hardly knew each other, but since she was more or less the reason he was in this state, Carson decided that it would be okay to go bother her. A few days ago she'd asked him to fill in some blanks for her police report, and they didn't turn out to be yes or no questions. So he went out looking for a fight, and that's exactly what he got.
Carson grumbled to himself in frustration, pinching his nose to relive his growing headache, if only for a few seconds. When he rounded the corner the wind picked up and suddenly he was freezing. Realistically he knew that he still had a raging fever but his body seemed to do a 180, sending deep chills up his spine. He felt himself borrow deeper into his coat, drawing it tight across his body. Riley's office shouldn't be too far away now.
His feet grew heavy, making it difficult to move them back and forth. Any bystander would take him for a drunk, stumbling dizzily down the street at 3am. Really though he was having a hard time seeing just exactly where he was going. Carson just needed a good night's sleep and he'd be back on his feet, but the wet sidewalk wasn't a very good place to do that, as tempting as it may be. His head pounded worse and worse with every step and the chills were becoming unbearable. Somewhere in his head his brain was telling him, "get out of the damn rain before you kill yourself", it's a fight or flight type of thing. Picking up his pace, Carson tried to blink the blurriness from his eyes, scanning the street for the familiar window of Riley's office. She had her business logo and name etched onto it. As he moved his head around, squinting his eyes to look, he got the sudden feeling that he was going to be sick. A high fever can make you feel all sorts of things. He leaned against a wall, doubled over, just focused on taking deep breaths. The feeling didn't quite go away but once he was certain he wasn't going to humiliate himself by throwing up in the alley next to... CVS, he kept going. It must be close now.
Sure enough, Riley's blinds were closed but a warm yellow glow was coming from behind them. Carson looked both ways before hustling across the street, almost giddy with relief. The image of her soft leather sofa appeared in his mind. From what little he knew about her, Riley was a hard worker, more than dedicated enough to be awake at this time working on a stack of paperwork. He tripped a little on the steps up to the door, recovered, then knocked on it obnoxiously hard.
The door ripped open to reveal a casually dressed young woman of average height, average build, average brown hair, but stunning green eyes. Carson's brain must be fried at this point because he almost told her just that. She looked annoyed, just a few degrees shy of mad. He could tell she had prepared something to say but it died on her lips when she got a good look at him.
"What the hell happened to you?" She asked.
"Well I didn't quite get my ass kicked but apparently I really overdid it with the magic and you know how that goes."
"How would I have any idea how that goes?" She asked, frowning slightly. Right, she wasn't a magic user, probably didn't know much about it at all. But Carson didn't care to explain it at that moment.
"Can I come in?" He asked with a sigh. Riley opened the door wider then went back to sit at her desk. So he let himself in. Or tried to anyway.
He leaned heavily on the door as he stepped inside but a wave of dizziness rushed over him. So he stood there stupidly with the door open, letting the rain in. He planned to wait until he got his balance but before he knew it Riley was at his side. She held him up with one hand and closed the door with the other. When her hand brushed against his she felt the alarming heat rolling off him.
"Oh my god... " she said, lifting a hand to touch his forehead to get a more accurate reading. He flinched away so she couldn't reach it. "Do you want me to help you or not?"
Carson stopped moving and reluctantly let her touch his face, staring into the room to convey that he wasn't thrilled about it. Though it looked more like he was pouting.
"Magic or not a fever this high could kill you." Riley said with concern. As if on cue Carson's eyes went glassy and he fell clumsily to his knees. He was vaguely aware of Riley's voice saying his name, through a tunnel, underwater, and possibly in another country. The oscillating fan made a lot more sense as it hummed sweetly and felt the strong urge to put himself in front of it.
"Okay okay, hold on." She said mostly to herself, struggling to get him out of his wet coat and pry off his boots. Once that was done she helped him walk over to the couch. Carson sank into the cushions, closing his eyes in an effort to get the room to stop spinning. The fan swept his way, blowing cool air on his face which had gone back to being excruciatingly hot.
Riley disappeared for a minute, coming back just before Carson was about to engage in casual conversation with his new friend the fan. She sat down on the coffee table opposite him armed with a thermometer, a cool wet towel, and a glass of water.
"Open you eyes." She commanded. Carson did, lifting his head an inch above the back of the couch. Grabbing the glass of water first she held it up to his mouth for him to take a few sips. Carson tried to hold the glass for himself but she wouldn't let go, not trusting him to be able to do it. Which was probably for the best. Next she grabbed the thermometer and tried to put it in his mouth. Carson did that really annoying thing again where he turned his head and wiggled out of reach.
"Hold still, God damn it." Riley swore loudly. Carson's eyes went wide and he blinked a few times, making Riley feel a little bad for yelling at him. She lifted the thermometer again, more slowly this time, and he put it under his tongue before leaning back and closing his eyes again. As Riley waited for the beep, she studied his pale and sweaty face for a moment. Maybe it was just some side effect of magic overuse and there was nothing to worry about. She barely even knew Carson, let alone cared about him. As if to contradict herself, Riley felt her heart flutter with worry as she read the numbers -- 106⁰.
"Oh shit." She breathed, unsure what to do next. If her office had a shower she would have dragged him into it by now, but it didn't. What she did have, however, was a small kitchenette in the corner, including a fridge and freezer. Carson leaned over like he wanted to lay down so she helped him shift onto his back before running to the freezer, taking everything inside. There was a generous amount of frozen pasta, a few popsicles, and two actual ice packs.
"How you doing, Carson?" She asked.
"Eh..." he mumbled, "I've been better, I've been worse..."
"How about an actual answer," she prodded again.
"Oh, I feel terrible." He admitted. If Riley was going to ditch her important paperwork for this, at least he wasn't swearing up and down that he was completely fine like most guys she worked with. Carson's energy was waning and he felt the best thing he could do for himself was just go to sleep. Riley went to work with the frozen pasta, putting bags by his armpits, under his neck, and everywhere else she could put them to cool him down quickly.
She watched him sleep from where she was sitting on the coffee table. The wet cloth was still sitting next to the thermometer so she put it on his forehead, dabbing at it gently in a way that she hoped was comforting. Not that Carson would notice. Periodically she checked his temp through the night, relieved as it steadily fell back to normal. It wasn't the first time she'd slept at her office. Riley pulled her fold away cot out from the closet and settled into it so she had her own space but would be close by if he needed anything. Dozing off she a mental note to tell him tomorrow morning to never scare her like that again.
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azulemega · 6 years
Code: Too much Alcohol - Ch2
Megamind, Minion, Roxanne - Megamind/Roxanne (hinted at) Drama/Angst/some humor -  R (for alcoholism, cursing, sexual tension/thoughts)
When Megamind’s most recent plan fails miserably, he seeks to getting drunk to try to wind down. Hopefully he can stay sober enough to stop himself from making a mistake that he might live to regret.
(Chapter 1)
Remarkably Megamind was able to make it unscathed to Roxanne's 7th floor apartment balcony. Maybe it was the fact that he was basically on autopilot, just going through the motions of this particular drive/flight he's made a million times. It also helped that he was emotionally fueled and, thus, determined to speak his mind and reach his destination.
He put the motorbike in park and turned off the engine (thankful that he had installed a few mufflers a week ago to keep it nice and quiet). He then quickly made his way to Roxanne's glass sliding door and tried to open them.
"*Aggrevated sigh* of coursh da damn thing's locked. Easy fix!" Megamind pulled out his De-Gun and shot the lock. The lock disintegrated while the handle fell off and made a loud crashing sound on the floor inside the apartment.
"Pffftt...oops! Oh well!" Megamind giggled and slid open the door while trying to keep his steps straight as he walked in. The more he concentrated on his footfalls, the harder he started laughing. Even though he came in with serious intentions, everything suddenly seemed hysterical and he just couldn't calm himself down.
"What the fuck do you think you're doing here?!" The overhead light suddenly came on revealing the real Roxanne Ritchie looking extremely pissed with a baseball bat gripped tightly in her hands.
"I'ma comin' to tell yer stupid face dat you are a bitch and I am absolutely in wuv--" Megamind drunkenly started to reply but was cut abrupt as his face started to turn green with his stomach trying to come up his throat.
"*CanIuseyerbathroom!" Megamind blabbed urgently and quickly covered his mouth as he started to panic. [*Translation: 'Can I use yer bathroom!']
"Absolutely not! You'll have to get through my bat to step any further into my apartment," Roxanne replied agitation filling her voice as she held the bat tighter and got in batting stance.
"Please--I feel--sick--*gulp*-bath--room..." Megamind's face somehow amongst all that blue turned very green and he began to worry that his insides were going to be all over Roxanne's floor.
Roxanne realizing that he wasn't trying to pull some kind of trick, lowered her weapon and replied, "Umm okay...It's on the--"
"---anx!!!" Megamind whooshed past Roxanne and made his way to her lavatory, slamming the door, and immediately began retching.
"--the right....yeah..." Roxanne stood dumbfounded watching the door close. What the Hell is going on here? Matter of fact, what the Hell am I getting into by letting him further into my apartment? Seems something--*more throwing up could be heard*--is clearly wrong here. Is he sick? Wait, do aliens even get sick? Drunk? Seems possible...Maybe this is a good time to get in some deep questions? I mean he is disturbing me at an un-Godly hour and I'm helping him by letting him--*more tossing of cookies can be heard*--well, do "that".
Megamind felt miserable. The long ride over here must have sobered him up so he no longer felt giddy and calm. He physically felt sicker than a dog as he leaned into the toilet breathing hard. He could feel his emotions whelming up within him as was he pummeled by all the strong thoughts and he feelings he remembered from earlier at Evil Lair.
What the fuck is wrong with me?! I'm not like this...When did I become an animal?...I mean, I am evil, but I do have morals...How could I have even began to think that Roxanne was trying to trick people--well, me--by the way she talks or moves...This is Miss Ritchie we're talking about! She's professional and the most smartest person I've ever met. She'd never sink so low as to use her womanly ways to get what she wanted. Hell she'd just as quickly kick someone's ass if she even got a whiff of them trying to take advantage of her...She's not an object or prize to be won...Oh, Evil Gods, what was I thinking???
He began puking violently as His mind started to feel muddled and tired. The alcohol and exhaustion from the day finally started to catch up with him as he forgot where he was.
I'm just glad that I'm still in the Lair and not off doing something stupid. Minion, as always was right--shit, I said terrible things to him...*Sigh* I deserve this. I can't believe I was acting like such a fool and thinking like a creep. Not only that...He grabbed his mouth as if to hold back a sudden sob then continued thinking, Miss Ritchie...why would I think she'd want to be with m---
"Uhh...you almost done in there? It's 3am and some of us have to go to work in the morning..." Roxanne was starting to get annoyed and had no interests in letting someone (especially an evil villain) make vomiting noises to keep her up all night.
Megamind did not respond.
"Well, I'm coming in. I really don't want you in there all night..." Roxanne said assertively.
Megamind incoherently moaned not really to anyone, just mostly because he felt awful.
"Let's get this over with," Roxanne said to herself taking a deep breath. She opened the door to find Megamind sitting on her blue bath rug with his large head between his knees. He appeared to be staring at the ground with his eye lids half closed, looking the most defeated she had ever seen him.
"Are you alright?" She asked, not being able to help herself. Something is way of here. Villain or not, I'm going to have to assist him I want to get him out of here.  
"Oh SHIT! Where the hell did you come from?!" Megamind answered with full panic in his voice and bloodshot eyes almost popping out of his big, blue head as he backed up into the corner where the wall and bathtub connect.
"Didn't you hear me call from the door?---erm, nevermind..." Roxanne after fully seeing the horrible state he was in, looked away feeling her face blush with embarrassment. She'd never seen him so...vulnerable...His face was a deep hue of purple (no longer green, thank God) and he was gasping like a man who just finished a marathon. He reeked of sweat, alcohol and sick. This whole ordeal was so unlike Megamind that it made her very nervous.  
"I'm at your apartment *deep breath* aren't I?" Megamind replied pitifully and looked at the ground again as he tried to regain control of his breathing.
"Yup..." Roxanne looked around the bathroom trying to look anywhere but at him. This was the first time she'd been stuck in a situation like this with her usual kidnapper and she really wasn't sure of what to say or do.
"I'm sorry..." Megamind mumbled very quietly under his breath but sounding very loud in the silent apartment. He felt so gross about himself that he wasn’t even mad he let that bit of feeling slip.
Roxanne was completely shocked. There's no way she heard the words "I'm sorry" come out of Megamind's mouth. It just wasn't possible! He's never been sorry for anything as far as she knew.
Thinking against her best judgement and acting spontaneously, she replied, "Ummm...yeah, so you maybe want to call a truce for tonight?" She walked slowly toward the Evil Genius and held out her hand.
Megamind looked up at her eyes, slowly understanding what she was saying, making sure this wasn't some kind of trick. He then focused on her hand where he replied in a disconnected voice, "Yeah, sure..." He took Roxanne's outstretched hand and slowly stood on his feet while she tried to help steady him.
"So...you can sleep on my couch for one night but after this, you owe me," Roxanne stated as she let Megamind lean against her and they began to exit the bathroom.
"Yeah, yeah..." Megamind answered with sudden aggression. He could feel his hangover becoming a headache very quickly, making him feel very irritable. Maybe it was the close proximity of Roxanne’s body, but some of his anger from how she acted during the failed scheme earlier that day came back to him. His mood swings were really starting to piss him off too. Usually he was in control of this mess but here he was being manipulated by it.
"Hey, no need to be like that! I'm helping you out here. I mean I'm not the one puking in your home while you're trying to sleep!" Roxanne started to think she should just throw him out on to the balcony. Instead she continued to help lead him to the couch with an arm around his slender body.
"Pshh," Megamind rolled his eyes and huffed.
When they reached the couch, Roxanne heaved Megamind toward it. "There! You better be gone in the morning." She left him to go to open a closet in the hall, where she grabbed a blanket, slammed the door shut, and continued on with her demands from earlier, "I also expect you to fix my door and up my 'Frequent Kidnapping Card' benefits."
"Yeah, sure, whatever. It's done," pouted Megamind as he crossed his arms and glowered at her.
Roxanne tossed the blanket at him and replied with annoyance, "You can be really childish you know. I mean did you really just come here to tell me that I'm a 'bitch'?" She hadn't forgotten that outburst and had truly wanted an answer since she finally had his attention.
"Well...you are one," Megamind muttered under his breath and turned away from her to stare angrily at the wall. He was still feeling frustrated with her, himself and just...well, everything. He was done trying to mask his feelings and just decided to go with it. I mean, she was already upset with him and he was in no mood to try to right things.
"Oh, come on! What is this about?!" Roxanne just had it. Fuck this stupid attitude of his. I deserve some answers since he's the one that barged in on me. Surely he had a better reason to come and bother me while wasting my time to berate me...An idea suddenly came to her.
"Wait, is this about today's 'super successful plan' because you cannot be mad at me about that. It was your stupid scheme that didn't work and had nothing to do with me." She could feel heat rising in her cheeks and it felt good to let off some of the steam she's been building up for a few days. Of course that's what this is, just his fucking hurt pride. So predictable!
Megamind then slowly turned to face her. His long, blue face looked no longer angry, just sad. She couldn't stop staring his big, emerald eyes that appeared to hold so much pain. Where did this come from?...No, no! I'm not falling for that. He captured me at a very inconvenient time and I can't help that his plan was really, really bad...But why...why does he look so sad? Surely a villain wouldn't show this much sadness even if they are having an off night...
"You're right..." Megamind replied honestly and began to pull the blanket around his lean body as he laid down across the couch. "I'll be gone in the morning and will make all the arrangements to meet your demands. I respect your hospitality, Miss Ritchie." He turned away from her and prepared to try to go to sleep and relieve his aching giant head. I've just got to end this. Once I get some sleep, I can make up some story to explain myself. Right now...I've got to stop this pounding in my brain.
Wait! What the Hell was that?! Now he's admitting to being wrong and thanking me again? I just do not understand...Roxanne thought as her mind began to race with questions and utter confusion. It's got to be the fact that he was drunk. He's showing me so many emotions and sudden kindness...I just...I feel bad for him. I don't know how he did it but I do...
"Look, I'm sorry to for today," She replied truthfully.
Megamind slowly glanced over his shoulder at her giving her an interested look that said "continue".
"It's just...I've got other things going on in my life right now that's made our arrangement, or whatever it is, difficult..." Roxanne hesitated as Megamind set up suddenly with a wince and turned to fully face her. His green eyes glowed with surprise and hurt. Roxy, you know you shouldn't be doing this. I'm basically giving him the deets of a super secret project that literally involves him. He can't know or everything will be ruined...I've got to be very careful here...
"You mean, you're replacing my epic battles with Metro Mahn with something...else?" Megamind inquired sadly. He couldn't believe it. He laid back down on the couch and started to focus on his thoughts. This has to be a bad dream...It's just the lasting effects of the alcohol playing tricks on me, right?
"No, no, it's not that at all. What I'm working on is just a really complicated side project. It will in no way effect Metro City's top story which will always be you and Metro Man." This was the best answer that she could come up with. It was a partial lie but it was the best she could come up with hoping he wouldn’t begin barging her with questions.
"It's just been draining to work on and has made me irritable...Even my co-workers have commented on it, haha. But I can assure you that it's almost done and everything will be..." Roxanne stopped as she noticed Megamind had fallen asleep. Phew, thank goodness.
She noticed that part of the blanket had fallen off him and as a reaction fixed it.
"....you're not a...bitc...." Megamind mumbled sleepily as he drifted off into a deep slumber.
Roxanne smiled at him and watched as his face relaxed. He looked so peaceful lying there with a strange presence of innocence around him that confused her. If someone was to see him now, they would never that he is an evil vilian... Megamind smacked his lips and lightly licked them as he stretched and rolled his body away from her.
She felt her heart betray her as it fluttered at the sweet sleeping scene before her. She could feel her cheeks blushing as she quickly looked away thinking, Well, this has definitely been an interesting night, morning actually, haha...Maybe he's not all heartless after all?  
With the crazy events of the late night/early morning seeming to be at an end, Roxanne went back to her room and immediately fell asleep.
Roxanne awoke that next morning with a jump. Everything that happened last night came flooding back to her and she quickly made her way to living room to check to see if it was all real.
Megamind was not there nor was his motorbike.
That couldn't have been a dream?I know it happened.
She looked on  the couch and saw that a note was left for her on a folded blanket:
Miss Ritchie,
I do not remember what happened last night but I know that I owe you a new door. I hope that I did not ruin our relationship and as a free heads up, I will be planning the next kidnapping on Thursday. Hope that makes it up to you a bit.
ϟ M ϟ
Roxanne smiled and laughed to herself. Well, I guess this will have to do.
*~END~* (Chapter 1)
(Author’s note: Hope you guys liked this little drabble I did. There’s some connections to other stories that I might write this one is referring too. Thanks for reading! ♥)
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