#this does not include the crazy 'everyone gets turned into a vampire' au i wrote in summer 2006
chthonic-cassandra · 2 years
More 'close-reading my own juvenilia' - four summers of trying, in various ways, to write about Lucy's transformation:
August 2006: Blood of the Innocent
August 2007: Succubus
June 2008: Curtain'd Sleep
May 2009: Portrait of a Lady
(Obviously my present self thinks younger me was missing some important things in all of these, but that is contrary to the point of juvenilia close-reading, which is determinedly non-judgmental.)
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Hear me out ----> SPN/Gravity Falls AU
A while back I saw a post(that i cannot find again, much to my chagrin) that listed a bunch of things Grunkle Stan did that have extreme Dean energy (this includes a brief but sincere attempt to make Jurassic Park real) and now a Gravity Falls AU lives in my head featuring:
Dean as Stan, who left home when he was twenty-one after a massive fight with his parents and Sam over Sam’s college shit and was a drifter for seven years until Sam called him and said he needed help in this podunk town in Oregon
Sam as Ford, who did manage to get out and go to college, met Kevin(as McGucket), and proceeded to do some real shady work with eldritch beings that resulted in both of them proceeding to get visions of some messed up shit, which causes Kevin to quit the project, leaving Sam to call Dean to Gravity Falls....we all know what happens next, Sam falls through an inter-dimensional portal and Dean is like “Okay I live here now, gotta figure out how to get Sam back”. Problem is, he only has one journal and needs two more. Where could they possibly be?
Flash-forward about twelve years; cult survivors, podcast hosts, and sorta-siblings Anna and Cas are driving up to Oregon to look at the weird shit present in Gravity Falls/The Mystery Shack and their shitty car breaks down. Cas staying to supervise the car while Anna goes and scopes out some potential material has nothing to do with the hot tourist trap guy who happens to be a mechanic, it doesn’t Anna.
Cue the pilot incident where Anna almost becomes Queen of the Gnomes and Cas gets to drive a golf cart and gnomes are defeated with leaf blowers. Car’s still broken and there is obviously a lot of weird shit going on here so why not hang out for the summer?
More below the cut, including recurring characters and some plot lines
Featuring such recurring characters as:
-Cassie Robinson my beloved, small town writer who desperately wants to break into the big time. Writes a combination of political and social critiques and the standard local stuff. We get introduced to her in the second episode, where Anna and Cas discover that she built the Gobblewonker in attempt for publicity so that someone will read the Gravity Falls Tooter(yes i just made up the name of the town’s newspaper) She regularly appears when Anna and Cas are researching local history or when a robot comes to threaten the Shack because Dean owes her money again.
-Claire, Kaia, Alex, and Patience as the resident teenage nuisances who nominally work at the Shack but actually mostly cause a lot of problems for the local-definitely gay-sheriffs. Claire and Cas are almost definitely related but they don’t know this at first, a minor plot point near the end of season one is figuring out that they are in fact related and the shocking realization that Claire likes Anna better. Anna is pretty good friends with all of them and Cas is minorly terrified, as you should be with teenage girls who live in the woods and absolutely know how to throw knives. Alex being a pyschic is a major plot point of season two especially after they become friends with Kevin and realize that hey, the shit of twelve years ago is happening again except it’s spreading to people who aren’t even involved this time.
-For that matter, collection of pyschics Missouri, Pamela, Alex, and Kevin who regularly find out weird pieces of information that sometimes become plot relevant and sometimes do not at all.
-Jody and Donna who also only do their job nominally because ACAB and mostly just maintain trails and shit around town cause they used to be park rangers but being sheriffs pays more and also they can make sure no one gets arrested for stupid shit. They regularly show up in like the weirdest places which Donna always defends as ‘we’re on a date’. No one questions this.
-Victor Henrikson as the investigating FBI agent in season two who is just like “i don’t know what the fuck is going on here but I KNOW it’s sketchy what is wrong with this town” because yes there is a witch here her name is Rowena and yeah she brews potions and stuff during the full moon no one sees anything wrong with this at all except Henrikson who was prepared to arrest a nutty drifter building a doomsday device but not prepared to deal with a whole town of people who absolutely believe in ghosts. His partner is Billie, who, like in the show, doesn’t think that some people should get to break rules whenever the fuck they want and is thus absolutely ready to rain justice down on this crazy white boy who think’s he’s gonna end the world. I kinda love her perspective cause it’s like, okay just because someone is the protagonist of the story doesn’t mean they’re special.
-Charlie and Ash as the only people in town who get wifi on a regular basis and thus show up when there’s some kind of need for tech or phone calls. Running gag that nothing works tech wise unless one of them is in the vicinity, with the exception of TVs. There is also absolutely the episode where they play a game of D&D in real life and Charlie has never been happier but Dean and Ash absolutely rig it because they suck.
-Bela Talbot in the role of Pacifica Northwest cause she’s a bitch and I LOVE HER SO MUCH.
-Kelly Kline my beloved, who’s the liason for the local Yakama tribe(cause I read a headcanon that she’s Native and that lives in my head rent free baby) who regularly reminds people that certain things are not for you to touch, there’s got to be respect there. This theme stays pretty constant throughout the show cause while after awhile Cas kinda forgets about the podcast he’s supposed to be co-hosting, Anna is still on top of things and trying to collect stories so she and Kelly butt heads a lot while Cas and Jack(who’s like eight) discuss frogs and bees in great detail.
-The Banes twins who comprise the other half of the witch activity in this town and who are very very nice but you do not want to fuck with them whatsoever. They show up extremely often and always give very strange but specific excuses to why they are certain places such as “checking the frequencies of the energy in this location” and that’s a running gag for awhile until it turns out in season 2 that they’ve been aware of the machine Dean’s rebuilding for awhile now and they’re working on protective measures to keep everyone safe no matter what comes out of it this time.
(Also, to compensate for the fact that Sam and Dean are not twins and thus someone would probably realize that there is a different dude living in the weird house in the woods, the Banes go a little Society of the Blind Eye and modified people’s memories. Because they want Dean to get the portal right and then shut it down permanently once things are the way they’re supposed to be again)
-Benny who is absolutely still a vampire, he runs the diner. The vampirism is a well-established fact and no one questions it, in fact Anna finds it hot.
Plot Lines of Season One Include:
-Bela Talbot whom I love attempting to buy/steal/destroy the Shack because she knows there’s some funky machinery down there and a lot of weird artifacts that she could make another fortune selling, yes she summons demons so that she can figure out where the deed to the place is, yes Anna gets to punch her in the face at one point because “These are my friends, you bitch!”
-Cas trying to decipher some of the stuff in Sam’s journals and figure out who the hell wrote them. This involves him thoroughly annoying basically everyone in town except Kelly because they are weird best friends who absolutely have long conversations about the difference between local mythologies and urban legends.
-Anna sincerely making friends for like the first time in her life and deeply enjoying being a kind of weird aunt to the local girl gang and the person who brings Rowena gossip and does have a weird love/hate relationship with Bela going. Like, I mentioned in the beginning that Anna and Cas are cult survivors, their social weirdness and then re-joining the world is absolutely discussed. Are they choosing some of the weirdest people ever to base their social knowledge on? Yes. They don’t care.
-Subplot of Dean genuinely trying to get Cas to go out with him but Cas does not realize this whatsoever so they’re just both awkward as fuck. Running gag of Dean walking up to Cas all smooth and trying to ask him out but Cas just...does not get slang and thinks Netflix and chill really does mean Netflix and chill. They end up watching Wynonna Earp.
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hope-for-olicity · 6 years
Fabulous Olicity Fanfic Friday - November 2nd, 2018
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Happy Friday! So this is my attempt to both thank awesome fanfic writers for their amazing work and offer my recommendations to anyone who is interested. Here are the fantastic fanfic stories I read this week! They are posted in the order I read them. I’m slowly catching up on my reading and feel so very lucky to be in this fandom with so many AMAZING writers! Hugs! 
Re-Airrow: Episode 2x07 by @lostolicityscenes - Another sort of longish one. I wrote Scene 1 because I wanted to see more of the fallout of last episode’s talk and also further my subplot of why Isabel hates Felicity it takes place before the episode. Scene 2 includes a character that I introduced in 1x08. Did I do that so that I could feature him here and Felicity’s offhand comment in the episode would refer to him? Yes I did! Scene 3 is mostly set up for later and adds to Isabel and Felicity’s increasing hostility. Lastly, scene 4 takes place after the events of the episode. I remember the first time I watched it I was struck by Oliver’s expression and thought, this is the moment he knows he loves her. https://lostolicityscenes.tumblr.com/post/179220041276/re-airrow-episode-2x07
Charmed I'm Sure! multi-chapter WIP by @christinabeggs - What happens when three witchy sisters take on the evil in the world? https://archiveofourown.org/works/15852249/chapters/36922482
seemingly impossible (but not untrue) multi-chapter WIP by @alexiablackbriar13 - Young genius historian Dr Felicity Smoak unknowingly and accidentally calls up a bewitched alchemical manuscript within the Oxford Bodleian Libraries - a book that has been lost for centuries. Descended from an old and distinguished line of witches, Felicity wants nothing to do with magic, despite her unruly and powerful abilities. But her discovery of Ashmole 782 sets the world of creatures stirring; with a mystery afoot and new, dangerous magical abilities manifesting for her to navigate, she is approached by the enigmatic vampire biochemist Professor Oliver Queen, who seems to have a deep interest in both the manuscript… and her. Based on A Discovery of Witches by Deborah Harkness. https://archiveofourown.org/works/16224353/chapters/37923743  
Love and Little Cupcakes multi-chapter WIP by @christinabeggs - Felicity loved sweets so much that she paid no attention to her lovelife. Until Thea Queen came into her store wanting fabulous cupcakes for her sixteenth birthday. SO ADORABLE! http://archiveofourown.org/works/12400539/chapters/28216053
Oliver the Cardinal by @someonesaidcake - “Forgive me Father, for I have sinned.” Her words taunted him, a man of the cloth, sworn to an oath that had been forced upon him. But his heart sat elsewhere... with her. https://archiveofourown.org/works/16334099
Oliver the (Divorce) Lawyer multi-chapter WIP @someonesaidcake - Black tie, white shirt, grey suit... when Oliver put them on that chilly December morning, he hadn't planned on meeting her. 'Her' being Felicity Smoak, the sassy dark haired college student and daughter of his (only) client. This should be fun... https://archiveofourown.org/works/14823708/chapters/34304472
Whiskey and Romance multi-chapter WIP by @mindramblingsfics - Felicity Smoak gets the opportunity of a lifetime to compete for the hand of Prince Tommy Merlyn. She is taken from her normal mundane Vegas life and is soon swept up into a lifestyle full of nobles, drama, obligations and chaos. All the while trying to stay afloat, someone else begins to win her heart, Tommy’s best friend, Oliver Queen. https://archiveofourown.org/works/14441952/chapters/33357156
The Phoenix Rises multi-chapter WIP by @supersillyanddorky06 - For two years, Felicity has lived as a woman happily married to Oliver Queen. They have had their differences, like they always do, but nothing they could not come back from. Until now. Things crumble to the ground as an evil from the past descends upon their married life and tragedy reigns, they face something they never have before. But Felicity knows together, they can brave through. Oliver has no intention of letting go. Neither does she. Mature content. Mild swearing. A lot of sexual tension. You will probably want to bash their heads together at times. http://archiveofourown.org/works/4413614/chapters/10024649
Rebels Connected multi-chapter WIP by @mindramblingsfics - Felicity Smoak is an escaped mutant on the run. Oliver Queen, leader of an underground safe house for mutants to call home comes to her rescue. Everything changes once he brings her into the organization and his life. https://archiveofourown.org/works/16014089/chapters/37369784
The Reason multi-chapter WIP by flipflops - Oliver is an Alpha and Felicity is an Omega....circumstances lead Oliver to find this out and a very bad time or maybe very good time... https://archiveofourown.org/works/15012431
Undisclosed Desires multi-chapter WIP by @green-arrows-of-karamel - People seldom show their true face to the world. Nobody knows this better than Felicity Smoak. She worked hard to get where she is and nothing, not even a nuisance like having a stalker, can stop her. When the threat proves to be more serious than she thought, Felicity is forced to hire Green Arrow Security. Her reluctance to have a bodyguard, shadowing her all day long, transforms itself into a —irrational, some would say— dislike for the man in charge of her safety. No other client had ever driven Oliver so crazy as Felicity Smoak does. That has nothing to do with her mesmerizing beauty or her astonishing intelligence but everything to do with her exasperating stubbornness. Honestly, he doesn't know what’s her problem is with him. If it wasn't because, Thea, his little sister, made him promise that he’d personally protect the woman, he would have quit months ago. It takes very little to ignite the fire between them. A single innocent comment can turn into an epic battle of vicious words, with the only purpose of irking each other. Everyone around them watches all happening from the front row. They ask themselves what will befall first… Felicity and Oliver killing each other, or realizing that they’re in love. https://archiveofourown.org/works/15808077/chapters/36794202
Beyond the Spotlight multi-chapter WIP by @arrow-through-my-writers-block - Bodyguard/Popstar AU. Felicity Smoak is music's hottest star. But when her fame and deeply hidden secrets breed threats to her life that cannot be ignored, she hires Oliver Queen. As her new head of security/pet bodyguard, their personalities clash. Can he protect her from the many unknown enemies from her past that hunt her, or will her intriguing complexities and his own developing feelings be a detriment to them both? http://archiveofourown.org/works/11067006/chapters/24679221
Fictober18 #22 - “I know how you love to play games.” by @tdgal1 - A continuation of the vampire series. The sisters try to help out! https://tdgal1.tumblr.com/post/179313475755/fictober18-22-i-know-how-you-love-to-play
Fictober18 #23 - “This is not new, it only feels like it.” by @tdgal1 - A continuation of the vampire series. Dinner with the sisters continues. https://tdgal1.tumblr.com/post/179357810215/fictober18-23-this-is-not-new-it-only-feels
Just Beneath the Surface multi-chapter WIP by @smoaking-greenarrow - When an S.O.S signal is sent to the FBI from a woman named Felicity Smoak, Director Oliver Queen knows that she is in grave danger. He can’t help but notice the haunting similarities between what’s happening to her and what happened nine years ago; in thirteen unsolved cold cases that drove ex-agent John Diggle out of the bureau. With a race against the clock, Oliver enlists the help of his old mentor to reopen the investigation, and hopefully save Felicity’s life. https://archiveofourown.org/works/16239002/chapters/37963052
The Predator multi-chapter WIP by @supersillyanddorky06 - Oliver Queen is the one anomaly in the Chicago Outfit. He is the only non-blooded member to be a part of the high circle in thefamily. His reputation precedes him and he is their best hunter. Felicity Smoak, daughter of theStarling boss, infiltrates his house, intent on killing him. But a startling encounter tips the scales. He goes on the prowl and she escapes. Hate, heat, and friction. Sparks. But something bigger is happening in their world. And despite their disagreements, only they can fight it down. Mob AU. Not Bratva. Enemies-lovers. http://archiveofourown.org/works/5077885/chapters/21891689
H(a)unted by @smoaking-greenarrow - Prompt: I had a prompt idea :) One where Oliver is (finally) out of prison but very aware of his surroundings, especially when he goes out with Felicity and William. He doesn’t want to let them out of his sight because he’s, kinda paranoid for the lack of a better term, about something happening to them and their safety. Set in season 7ish but canon noncompliant :) http://smoaking-greenarrow.tumblr.com/post/179438084324/haunted
Kiss and Plate by @crazycrystal10 - Prompt - "Why didn't he come and talk to me himself?" Pregnant, hormonal Felicity Smoak × Loving hubby, Oliver Queen. https://archiveofourown.org/works/16415555
Angel multi-chapter WIP by @it-was-a-red-heeler - Oliver encounters a stripper by the name of Angel and is blown away. https://archiveofourown.org/works/15961898/chapters/37227686#workskin
Fictober18 #24 - “You know this, you know this to be true.” by @tdgal1 -  A continuation of the vampire series. Felicity continues to try to get Oliver to see reason. https://tdgal1.tumblr.com/post/179459661835/fictober18-24-you-know-this-you-know-this-to
Fear Wakes You Up multi-chapter WIP by @smoakmonster - In a world divided into factions, being Divergent means certain death. For years, Oliver has hidden his terrible secrets–masking his own Divergence within the chaos of Dauntless, covering up the sins of his father’s past that mark his body beneath tattoos, and pushing himself to overcome his nightmares through endless simulations. He’s biding his time until he can somehow save his sister back in Abnegation. But everything changes the day a new batch of transfers arrive. The day he meets her. https://archiveofourown.org/works/16058117/chapters/37490819
Home To You multi-chapter WIP by @the-shy-and-anxious-fangirl - Oliver Queen has never done what his family expected of him. He took a gap year after high school instead of going to college right away. He quit his fraternity sophomore year to join the student newspaper, switching his major from business to journalism. He became a photojournalist for a wire service instead of taking a place at Queen Consolidated. He went missing after six months instead of coming home for his sister’s twenty-first birthday. He survived five years of captivity in a war zone when everyone thought he was dead. He came home. But home didn’t have a place for him in it anymore. His parents were both dead, casualties of their own mistakes and a city they had turned against them. His sister was all grown up, the CEO of Queen Consolidated with a fiancé and a dog and a life of her own. Oliver didn’t belong in his old life, but there was nowhere else for him to go. He was a man without a home, without any way of finding one, until he stopped by the IT department of his sister’s company to get files off an old, battered memory card, and found a woman with curly blonde hair and bright, intelligent eyes chewing on a bright red pen and swearing at a computer screen. https://archiveofourown.org/works/12613188/chapters/28734552
The Queen's Mage multi-chapter WIP by @the-shy-and-anxious-fangirl - Words have power, and mages, those with the aptitude to draw on that power, are few in number. Thus, their services are highly sought after by anyone who has exhausted all mundane means of solving whatever problem is plaguing them. Felicity is reminded of this fact the hard way when she is hired by Moira Queen, the Lady Starling, to find and return to her son Oliver, who fled his family home five years ago following the death of his father. With a threat hanging over her should she return without Robert Queen's heir, Felicity begins her search. When she finds Oliver, and ends up joining his vigilante crusade while she waits for him to decide whether to return home, the last thing she expects to do is fall in love with him. https://archiveofourown.org/works/14617068/chapters/33781269
Elizabeth Grace Smoak multi-chapter WIP by @lynn8828 - What if Felicity and Oliver briefly had met before he got on the Gambit? Despite her best efforts, Felicity was unable to get in contact with the famous Oliver Queen after having a one night stand with him and getting pregnant with his child. After raising their child for five years after finding out that Oliver died on the Gambit, she finds out he is alive and knows that she needs to tell him about their daughter. But will he believe her? AMAZING STORY!! http://archiveofourown.org/works/13639371/chapters/31322715
From Somewhere Within multi-chapter WIP by @smoaking-greenarrow - Their connection has always felt natural to them, safe and secure. But others tend to fear what they don’t understand, and as far as their enemies are concerned, the world isn’t ready to accept two people who can know each other the way that Oliver and Felicity do. https://archiveofourown.org/works/16009244/chapters/37356257
And So The Adventure Begins multi-chapter WIP by @mindramblingsfics - Felicity spent her first year of college focused solely on her studies. In year two, with the convincing of her best friends Iris and Sara, she lets her hair down a bit. Oliver spent his first year partying with his wingman Tommy and living up to the status that came with his last name. He realizes he should buckle down focus on the most important part: actual school. Oliver and Felicity meet, and even though they are on different ends of the spectrum, they don't realize that they can each bring out hidden parts of one another. https://archiveofourown.org/works/15800025/chapters/36771018
Pieces of Always multi-chapter WIP by @so-caffeinated and @dust2dust34 - Life continues after Forever is Composed of Nows. Ongoing non-linear collection of family moments for the Queens. http://archiveofourown.org/works/8220479/chapters/18840356
// @emmaamelia95 // @mel-loves-all // @oliverfel4 // @green-arrows-of-karamel // @coal000 // @miriam1779 // @memcjo// @captainolicitysbedroom // @tdgal1 // @spaztronautwriter // @lalawo1// @quiveringbunny // @wrongshipper // @thebookjumper // @vaelisamaza // @myhauntedblacksoul // @lovelycssefan // @laurabelle2930 // 
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onewfantaesy · 6 years
i updated the au masterlist page
but here have a post w everything that wasn’t included previously bc this is where i made it lmao have fun
step idol au: bandific au. taemin’s mom is dating yunho from dbsk. taemin’s step-dad is yunho from dbsk.
step teacher au: yunboa. taemin’s dad is dating his history teacher. taemin’s dad ends up marrying his history teacher.
kidnap au: taemin played hooky and stole a pair of jeans with key and they got arrested and taemin found out he was kidnapped. yunho is his father. he’s 11 and his life just got turned upside down.
genius au: lil baby taemin is a Genius and he’s like 8 and is a freshman in high school along with his big brother onew. minkey are their friends. kai is taemin’s best friend.
beacon street au: ontae high school au. taemin lives on beacon street and works at the beacon street diner. onew forces his friends minho and key to go to the diner with him and be regulars. taemin’s a shipyard kid, and that’s like, important.
crossing guard au: old man onew is a crossing guard and taemin and kai are kindergarteners and he loves watching over them and making sure they cross the street safely.
forest god au: taemin died when he was 12 but got turned into a god by the all-father. he’s now god of the forest. he really loves the baby deer and the bunnies.
blankie au: girl!minho and key. taemin is their lil baby boy. taemin is obsessed w his blankie
tween vamp au: taemin got turned into a vampire when he was 11. key was his teacher, and also a vampire. onew is key’s?? partner??? they take this poor abandoned little vamp boy in bc taemin literally would have died if they hadn’t.
thighs au: i think it’s girl!taemin and minho??? they hooked up on tinder and minho tried to give her shit for not shaving her thighs and taeyeon was just like “listen bitch first of all-”
lil booger au: taemin is the much younger brother on jonghyun and jinki. minkey are their parents.
sad ghost au: bandifc. taemin got ran over by a van in like rdd era and his ghost haunted the sm building for like 2 years before he finally passed on. it was really depressing. he relived his death over and over and over again. he didn’t know he was dead.
sneak au: bandfic. taemin sneaks out. like all the time. he gets caught by paparazzi. he gets shit on for it. he continued to sneak out.
citadel of onews au: rick and morty au but with shinee.
divorced au: heechul and jessica are divorced. taemin is their son. heechul moves back in with them. taemin is annoyed. taemin also has anemia and just wants to sleep at his auntie krystal’s house bc his dad pisses him off.
mini mommy au: jongtaeng and baby taemin.
ot5 hogwarts au: exactly what it sounds like. i think ontae are brothers. 
secret adoption au: lunew?? taemin is their son but taemin didn’t know that until lmao he was like 11. he only found out because his grandparents that he thought were his parents started treating him like shit. lunew were pissed that their baby was being treated like that when they didn’t even want to give him up in the first place.
secret boyfriends au: taekai high school au. no one knows they’re dating. chanyeol finds out bc he’s on the football team with kai and sees the texts. taemin gets bullied. big brother onew helps him get back at chanyeol and his stupid goons. taekai eventually let everyone know they’re boyfriends and they’re cute af.
super hero au: ontae brothers where they can both astral manipulate and shit. taemin decided to join super villain key. onew and his group of boring ass good guys always try to save taemin. taemin just is the literal definition of shrug emoji but with super powers.
twin college au: college au where taemin finds out he has a twin sister solely bc housing fucked up and put him and a girl in the same campus apartment. taeyeon didn’t know she was adopted.
uncle yunho au: taemin parents are abusive af and yunho is his uncle/godfather who saves him. taemin gets kidnapped after he moves in with yunho. it was traumatic. taemin almost died. key was the only one at school who treated him normally afterwards.
dozen au: bandfic where taemin is literally one of twelve children. he hates it. i was watching cheaper by the dozen and it just sort of wrote itself honestly.
tarzan au: taemin is found by onkey in the jungle. he was living with gorillas. he was like 5.
boy next door au: taemin is jongkey’s little neighbor. he likes to walk through their kitchen door and put his drawings on their fridge and play with their dogs.
doomsday au: bandfic where shinee’s managers and a tv station make shinee think they’re stranded on an island in the middle of the apocalypse. they kind of go a little crazy. a helicopter with a camera crew has to come down and be like “HAHA IT WAS A HIDDEN CAMERA!!!” taemin flips the fuck out. he’s very sunburned.
bullied au: bandfic but taemin’s been systematically bullied since like debut. no one knew until the bullies made a public apology during ace promotions. taemin had a panic attack when people found out the shit they did to him.
bow au: 2min. baby key. minho puts bows in key’s baby hair and taemin thinks it’s stupid.
graham cracker au: taemin, jonghyun, key, and minho ride their bikes down meadow street so the wizard at the end of the cul de sac will give them chocolate graham crackers. onew is that wizard.
middle school au: taemin is gwiboon’s much younger brother and she’s married to jinki and they have a small son minho. jinki is taemin’s middle school teacher. taemin’s parents are bad parents.
whale shark au: mermaid au but taemin’s bonded with a whale shark. jongyu are marine biologists that love watching taemin and his whale shark migrate.
lost prince au: taemin is the prince, and he’s three and he’s lost, and jongho find him but don’t realize he’s the prince.
tinder jongtae au: college-ish au where jongtae match on tinder and Spend The Night Together but then taemin’s older brother jinki just “taemin why the fuck is your snapchat bitmoji at my coworker’s house gdi taemin my friends have sent me screenshots of ur tinder DON’T FUCK MY COWORKER”
soulmate au: jongtae are soulmates and when a soulmate writes on their arm, the other can see it. taemin is in high school and writes all his homework on his hands. jonghyun is in college and thinks it’s annoying af.
europa au: space au where jongkey are aliens on europa, one of jupiter’s moons, and taemin is their adopted son.
finals au: bandfic but it’s just taemin acting stupid at the library during finals with his friends and the videos of them doing stupid shit go viral before people even realize it’s SHINee’s taemin in them
royalty au: jinki is the crown prince, and taemin is the king’s bastard son. he’s also half-elf.
i’m going to school au: just scenerios of what taemin might have been like when he was on that “i’m going to school” show with gain.
new school au: heechul is taemin’s dad, and taemin’s twin brother kai and their mother died in a car accident and now taemin goes to a new school because he was Traumatized
fourth grade au: ot5 are all in the same class and they find out they were all born on the same day (May 25th) and they bond over being geminis
st hedwig au: taemin lives in an orphanage called St. Hedwig’s and his teacher Jinki and his partner Minho end up adopting him
amish au: taemin was amish before he became an idol.
futon au: college au where boyfriends taekai just always spend the night on onkey’s futon bc taemin’s roommate doesn’t like it when taemin’s boyfriend sleeps over but kai goes to a different university
mermaid au: key, taemin, and minho are mermaids. taemin’s warrior parents died in a shark attack when he was a baby so key became his caretaker. jongyu are humans that they talk to a lot
711 au: college au where taemin works at 7-11 and he gets robbed at gunpoint and it’s traumatizing but he gets out of a midterm so shrug emoji. he and amber work together. shindong is a shit manager.
chill au: college au ontae netflix and chill. roommate kai. taemin gets chapped lips.
ballerino au: taemin gets bullied in high school bc he takes ballet but he’s a good ballerino who’s going places
vampire au: taemin got turned into a vampire when he was five and onew is his master and just ot5 being vampires but taemin is stuck in the body of a child also he pretty much always also acts like a child but “I’M A HUNDRED YEARS OLD LET ME HAVE WINE”
age gap au: taemin is like way younger than his big brother key and onew is their dad and jongkey are dating
senior boys au: jonghyun, key, and minho are seniors in high school. onew is their calculus teacher. taemin is onew’s son who’s a freshman. at one point, taemin accidentally sends jonghyun nudes. it was a big deal. taekai might be a thing in this au? i can’t really remember
bard au: taemin and the rest of ot5 are bards from dragon age & they operate in orlais, mainly val royeaux. jongtae have an intense rivalry. also taemin’s half-elf.
bard inquisitor au: literally bard au but taemin also becomes the inquisitor from dragon age inquisition. people freak out bc he’s orlesian lmao.
child star au: key is taemin’s dad and taemin became a child star when he was on a sitcom when he was like 3. taemin was a bit of a shit in his teenage years. the spotlight can do that to a kid.
arcade au: onew works at the local arcade and taemin takes full advantage of his big brother working there. taemin and his lil nerd friends - kai and ravi - hang out there all the time. key is the bully, bc where there’s a nerd in an arcade there’s a bully. i think i wrote this after watching stranger things lmao
exec board au: college au where ot5 are on the exec board for a club. taemin is a freshman who Does Not Take Thing Seriously. he’s fundraising chair. him and his friends sell weird shit at the food tents but make so much money that key can’t stand it.
college bro au: college au taekai riding together on their skateboards or some shit idk
musclehead au: college au taemin works at the rec center at fuckass o’clock. jonghyun is a stupid musclehead that dirties his perfectly clean mirrors.
boarding school au: taemin’s mom remarries and he gets sent to some snooty boarding school that his step-dad’s family has always gone to. he meets his step-brother, jinki, for the firs time when they meet at school. shit gets weird. taemin lies about his biological dad.
kidnapping au: taemin is jinki’s very much younger baby brother, and taemin was kidnapped when he was almost five years old. jinki becomes a cop and becomes obsessed with finding taemin, and he does, five years later, when a little boy is sitting in the station because his parents just got arrested.
kidnapping au 2: bandfic au. taemin is jinki’s little brother, only he didn’t know that because he was kidnapped when he was a toddler.
morning news au: taemin in onho’s little boy. he’s very cute. he reads the newspaper in the morning even though he can’t read yet.
reblog my shit thank u
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isabeau25 · 6 years
Get To Know Your Author
Tagged by @eastofthemoon!
1. How did you come up with your username and what does it mean?
There’s a book called Dove Isabeau that I loved as a kid, and also I loved the movie Ladyhawk, and Isabeau was one of the main characters.
2. Which fanfic of yours has the most feedback? (bookmarks/subscriptions/hits/kudos).
Room with a View (although Can’t Take the Sky From Me was a very close second  - I had to do actual math to figure it out; I’m impressed I remember how to math.)
3. What is your AO3 profile icon, and why did you choose it?
I don’t have one. I never bothered to upload it. If I did, it would be the same as the one for this account. It’s my cat Nibbs laying on my foot not long after we found him in my parents’ backyard. I use it because he’s cute and fluffy, and because I don’t like pictures of me floating around the internet.
4. Do you have any regular/favourite commenters?
I love all my commenters! It’s always exciting to get the notice that someone took the time to comment and I go back and reread them all all the time.
@maychorian​ has commented on a bunch of my Voltron fics (almost all of them I think), and I’m always super excited when I see her comments because she leaves such excellent and well thought out ones.
5. Is there a fanfic that you keep going back to read again and again?
Hound by story_monger I come back to because it’s so well done. The writing is fantastic, and the sense of suspense is amazing, and I really love the way it dealt with different layers of trauma and wove together the way past trauma continued to impact how present trauma was processed and dealt with. Plus the team was wonderfully tender with Keith, and he got cuddles.
Hyggelig by heyheroics I’ve gone back and reread a couple times. It is an example of the ever rare, non-romantic Keith and Lance center story. Well written and even though it’s not finished, the chapters read as short stories, so I’m not left with cliff hangers. I’m always excited when it updates.
I reread pieces from @maychorian​ all the time, particularly from the Boom Crash series and the Dream Seam series (*whispers* a lot of the time I skip straight to the cuddles. She writes the best cuddles.)
The Raised by Lions series by @eastofthemoon​ I like to go back and reread. Red and her strange furless cub are super fun to read about, and then Shiro comes along and there is even more fluff and cuddles.
Basically there’s a shortage of platonic fluff and cuddles in the Voltron fandom and when I run out, I go back and re-read my favorite cuddles.
6. How many stories are you subscribed to? How many do you have bookmarked?
I have like 12 bookmarked and 4 subscriptions. I always forget that’s a thing you can do on AO3.
7. Which AU do you find yourself writing the most?
.... so many. I’ve been working on The Five Lion Cafe au lately, trying to finish up the next one (almost done *fingers crossed*), and Mermaid Rescue and Rehab Inc. is up next on my list to finish, so I’ve been picking on that. 
I’d like to get back to Babe’s in Space at some point. I have general outlines for lots of short stories in that AU, and there actually is a bigger over arching plot if I ever get to it.
8. How many people are subscribed and bookmarked to you in total? (you can view this on the stats page)
91 subscriptions and 992 bookmarks
9. Is there something you’d like to write about but are afraid of people judging you for it? (Feeling brave? If so, share it!)
Mostly platonic physical intimacy, just because I don’t want to deal with it being labeled as romantic or shippy (I guess that’s not so much a fear of being judged as just not feeling like dealing with other people’s reactions). Once something is posted, you have no control over how it’s received or interpreted. That’s just the nature of publishing something; you have to let it go (or drive yourself crazy trying to force people to see it only the way you want, which is just not worth the time or energy).
Because of that, I sometimes pull back from writing a scene as intimate as I’d like, or I choose a slightly different approach to it, just because I don’t want to deal with seeing it labeled as a ship in the tags and comments.
10. Is there anything you would like to be better at? Writing certain scenes or genres, replying to comments, updating better, etc.
Action sequences and creating suspense. It’s hard to translate the movie-like images in my head into words for action sequences. I watch a lot of youtube videos for reference when I’m trying to write them.
And suspense, when done well, is just a great thing to be able to do. It keeps the reader engaged and makes the piece more exciting.
Also replying to comments! They mean so much to me, and I’m so terrible at replying.
11. Do you write rarepairs or popular ships more often?
Not really? I guess Ronin and Tara from Epic qualify as a rarepair just because the fandom for Epic is so small. I think the idea of Ezor and Kolivan from Voltron being a crack pair (not one that ever would or should show up in canon) is hysterical, but I haven’t written anything for them yet.
I really just don’t ship much in general.
12. How many stories have you posted on AO3 to this day (finished and unfinished)?
As of December 22, 2018, I have 49 stories up on AO3, all of them finished. I never start posting a story unless it’s already done.
13. How many stories do you have saved in/with your writing program?
So, that’s really hard to calculate. For every fandom I have what amounts to a dump document where I write random scenes and stories that I’m not sure will go any where, in addition to that I have:
Epic - 14 docs, most of those are probably single stories
ROTG - 9 docs, but I don’t think I separated out many of the WIPs from my main dump doc, so there’s probably more WIP there.
Voltron - 15 docs, but some of those documents are for series, so there’s might be multiple WIPs in the document.
And that’s just the unfinished stuff. I didn’t include the stories that are done. I usually keep those on my hard drive too because I don’t trust the internet not to suddenly eat my work.
14. Do you write down story ideas, or just keep them in your head?
I keep them in my head way too often, then go back to stories I’ve set down for a couple months (or years) and don’t remember what was going to happen. I’m trying to get better about writing out at least a general outline for stories so that doesn’t happen.
15. Have you ever co-authored a story?
I have co-authored with @eastofthemoon and @ladydouji. I’m kind of a flake about writing though and I’m really bad at keeping deadlines with something I just do for fun, so I don’t team up very often.
16. How did you discover AO3?
Google search for fanfiction because there wasn’t enough decent stuff on ff.net.
17. Do you consider yourself to be a popular or famous author in your fandom(s) on AO3?
I don’t think so? I don’t pay much attention so I don’t have much bases for comparison.
18. Do you have a nickname or fandom name for your readers?
19. Was there an author who inspired or encouraged you to write?
I read a lot growing up (not so much now - grad school does a really good job burning you out when it comes to reading). I loved fantasy mostly, and a little bit of sci-fi, although that’s never been a super sharp distinction for me.
Patricia McKillip is my favorite author. I absolutely love the way she writes and the way she crafts stories. I really enjoyed Jane Yolen, and Bruce Coville too.
20. What writing advice would you give to a beginning author?
I really like Neil Gaiman’s 8 Rules of Writing.
The most important thing you can do is write. Get the words on the paper. That’s really the hardest part. I like his last rule best though “Write your story as it needs to be written. Write it honestly and tell it as best you can.”
21. Do you plot out your stories, or do you just figure it out as you go?
I usually know where they’re going (in my head at least, by the time I actually start getting words on the page), but sometimes they end up taking unexpected turns or new scenes show up out of now where while I’m writing. That’s part of what makes writing exciting. 
22. Have you ever gotten a bad comment on a story? If so, what did you do?
Nothing terrible, but a few (at least one of which went over my head until years later because they were being sarcastic).
I find I have an increasingly low reserve of energy, and things like that are not worth spending it on. I just ignore them.
23. Is there a certain type of scene that you have a hard time writing? (action, smut, etc..)
Interpersonal conflict! Why would these two normally rational people who care about each other let a thing escalate to the point of them actually fighting over it, or having it damaging their relationship, or coming to blows over it? And how do I write that in a way that doesn’t sound contrived and is in character to everyone involved.
24. What story(s) are you working on now?
Right now I’m working on finishing up the next Five Lions Cafe story, and also working on the last of the Mermaid Rescue and Rehab series.
I’m also working on a story that is probably going to be called Bad Moon on the Rise, and is focused on Lance and the Red Lion’s bond (and also has quintessence vampires).
25. Do you plan your next project(s) before you finish your current ongoing story(s)?
Yes! My brain never stops planning stories. Never.
26. Do you have a daily writing goal set for yourself?
Not really. Sometimes I’ll got through stretches where I write a lot, and other times my brain just melts and refuses to make words.
27. Do you think you’ve improved as a writer since you first started?
Yes! Even just going back a few years, but I’ve been writing since I was in elementary school, so there has been a great deal of improvement from the epic and fully illustrated “There are dinosaur ghosts living in our playground” that I wrote in first grade (and tried to convince my teacher was true).
28. What is your favorite story that you’ve written?
It’s actually not even up on AO3. It’s the only Narnia fanfic I ever wrote, and it’s called Refuge. One of those things that just felt unfinished and unaddressed in the Prince Caspian movie, and I like how I addressed it.
29. What is your least favorite story that you’ve written?
*Snorts* Thankfully lost to the great ether of individual fan sites that no longer exist, I had some CATS fanfics that were pretty terrible.
There’s also some Ronin Warriors stuff, and I think some stuff from the original Voltron dub, that’s pretty terrible, but I don’t have the heart to take down because people were actually kind enough to leave nice comments on them.
30. Where do you see yourself (as a writer) in 5 years?
The same, but hopefully better at it. I don’t really have any aspirations to be a professional writer. I’m happy just doing it for fun.
31. What is the easiest thing about writing?
The stories!
32. What is the hardest thing about writing?
Putting the words on the page!
33. Why do you write?
Because it’s fun! And challenging! And it gets the things in my head out of my head!
Tagging: anyone who wants to. I think all the people I know on tumblr have already been tagged.
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