#they're soooo cute jace i love them
immobiliter · 29 days
@scarletooyoroi sent: What was a better idea than an exchange of sweets on an off day? Being a field body for so long since his newest journey, hitting up familiar haunts with a welcomed companion was novel. There was a certain energy to Navia that attracted him, compelling the ronin to form up a more delectable memory this time around.
Harmless pot shots, shared stories, there was certainly no shortage of mirth for them to share. A new line was being defined, and in truth, he welcomed it with open arms.
"Goodness! To think pleasantries can be turned into mishaps. Have to pity dealing with an robotic exhaust blast like that." Yet, he's quick to remedy the situation as his side of this 'culinary exchange' was made. A fresh batch of Tri-Color dango being drawn onto their snack and tea table, the luster certainly showed his skill. "This has been a long time staple in Hanamizaka, by old and young alike." With that said, while a touch dramatic, he'd give a short, gentlemanly bow to Navia.
"And now, I'd like to bring another Inazuma memory into the growing measure. How about a treat for treat trade?" He'd mention, peeking a gleaming jade eye towards her.
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       A soft laugh escaped her lips as Thoma returned to the room with his plate of treats in hand; they'd not known each other long ( and she could not say for how long he'd remain in Poisson, interrupted as they both had been by their chaotic meeting in the waterways and the Epiclese's latest farce of a trial ), but his presence brought a warmth to her hometown that she hadn't realised was missing. Thoma was charismatic, charming, good in a fight and had travelled from a country that Navia had always longed to know more about. As the Tri-color dango was placed in front of her, she suppressed another laugh at his short bow before taking a bite. “ I can see why. It's delicious! ” Milky and sweet at the same time, she would absolutely have to trouble him for the recipe at some point.
       “ A trade? ” Her blue eyes lit up, resting her chin on the palm of her hand thoughtfully. “ Well, seeing as you are already highly skilled in the kitchen, I suppose I could show you how to make my specialty dish. ” She did not have a batch prepared, unfortunately, but the art of baking was sometimes just as fun as the art of eating. “ Or, as is Fontanian tradition, we make this our entrée and I take you out to the Hotel Debord for our main course. On me, of course, seeing as you're a guest of the Spina. ”
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foxglovegames · 2 months
Sorry, please ignore my previous message—that was sent before I could even type anything 😭.
Just wanted to scream about the Adrian and Hazel DLC, which I finally finished, and how I lost it entirely at the whole "Uncle Jacey" and "pregnancy" thing (Cameron, you shit-stirrer). Also, just how Adrian didn't totally deny the possibility of it happening soon-ish (I see you devs with that Hazel and Sina comment, pfft). Also, just Caroline being dragged away from hovering on their engagement is the funniest thing I've read—let her cook! She was their first shipper and has been waiting years for this! Hazel returning the head pats and constantly playing with Adrian's hair, too? Devs, you spoil us 🥺. Speaking of, THANK YOU FOR THE ZOE AND JACE FOOD IN HAZEL AND ADRIAN'S DLC. I love those two as much as I do Hazel and Adrian (and am doing them next), and to see they're romantically tangled in that timeline has me 😤. Does Jace ever get the guts to finally ask Zoe out? The people me want to know and how much groveling begging did Zoe make him do for making her wait? I didn't get to message y'all after doing Stephanie's base route either because things got tumultuous on my end, but she is soooo cute (Stephanie stans, I get it now) and want to throw some Stephanie x Jace love, because I don't think I've seen any content of them here??? I was laughing so hard throughout their route during a hard time, so it really alleviated my mood. Also, Jace getting a taste of his own medicine with an older, protective brother? Justice. Also, just screaming about their height difference. Jace and Hazel's bond in this route too was ❤️. Anyway, will go on to play the rest of the DLC, but thank you, Clara and Millie, for a fun game ❤️. I'm so excited for Burn the Midnight Oil and which vampires/demons I'll sell my soul to—I mean, smooch.
No worries, haha! Thank you for sharing your thoughts with us again, they're so much fun to read. 💜
Also, just Caroline being dragged away from hovering on their engagement is the funniest thing I've read—let her cook!
We wish we could have shown Caroline trying to plan one of the twins' weddings, we feel like that would have been quite chaotic but very fun lol
Does Jace ever get the guts to finally ask Zoe out?
For the sanity of everyone involved, let's hope the answer to that question is yes haha
Hope you enjoy the rest of the DLC! And thank you for your excitement for our next project - although it's got quite different vibes from Trouble Comes Twice, we're working hard to make it a fun experience for you guys so it's always nice to know there's people looking forward to seeing more of it. 😭💜✨
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