#they're ride or die for each other and forced to be a little manipulative to keep each other safe
science-lings · 2 months
"A Magician never reveals her secrets!" is the rule but Trucy's family has always been completely made up of other magicians. They've taught her all she knows, cards and throwing knives and sawing people in half and how to smile no matter what. So she may call Phoenix 'daddy' pretty much immediately but when she starts really thinking about him as her family is when she starts to teach him some magic.
She can tell that he's already a bit of a performer as well, his false smiles are practiced and perfected, he appreciates some theatrics, he knows the security that comes with an act. He's her father now, so she teaches him some sleight of hand and how to throw knives so he stops coming back from work all bruised from a card game gone wrong.
Just... the Wrights being a completely in-sync duo who above all, are performers, acting out the life they want others to think that they have. They have smiling iron masks that can only be seen through by each other and they're all each other has.
Phoenix didn't adopt Apollo when he figured out his parentage, no, he figured it was too late when Trucy started making him her magical assistant.
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CHURCH AND WHORE HEY YOU SAY??? well don't mind if i do ahem-
so like. what if them w a particularly small s/o a heem heem
Yes. I do say. I love them and would die for them and would give them a big hug. They deserve one each iwdjaiwdhfse but here you go anon! Enjoy!!! <3 Also I use they/them pronouns here for Church [ because of that one image. Hc them as enby!! I have lots of gender hcs for characters tho +) ], Just saying so no one is confused while reading!! <3 Although I'm 90% sure I did it in previous posts. I just forgot to say-
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Church & Jorge with a Small S/o Headcannons
GENRE - Romantic
TRIGGER WARNING - Kidnapping Manipulation, Intimidation, belittling, dehumanization ( again - Church and Jorge treating you like a fucking house pet ), Forced acts of affection, Cages
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Okay. G0L3M's are already kinda big so having two of them and you're even smaller than the average grunt? Oh buddy, You are in for not only a wild ride, but there isn't gonna be any stops.
I recommend reading through my general headcannons for Church and Jorge to establish the norm for them because the way they treat a smaller than average s/o is..... Well about what you'd expect after reading them.
They kinda just saw you and decided you were too small to take care of yourself - Pitying you for already surviving this long on your own. They pretty much just grabbed you and booked it, Like straight up nabbed you and said " You're our partner now " because they thought you looked cute.
You're a lot more susceptible to their strength and size, which means it's easier to both purposely and accidentally injure you. They'll try to be careful but as impulsive as they are, they may just accidentally end up grabbing you a little too roughly which is gonna cause some pretty mean bruising.
They can get very excited very easily, ESPECIALLY CHURCH. So the duo may accidentally hurt you. It doesn't help that they can't exactly heal you properly themselves either so will most likely head out to other MERC members for help.
You can't really do anything to stop them, after all they're strong and can probably pick you up easily as an average grunt. I'd imagine they already are able to snag a normal grunt with little to no problem because they're a lot stronger as well as there being two of them.
The way you squirm in their grasp and fight back against them despite being so small is even more endearing. You can't hurt them and they probably believe due to your stature, You can't keep up with a regular grunt in a fight so it's just adorable to watch you think you stand a chance against the two.
Belittling you is a lot more frequent, just a constant reminder of not only how small and frail you are compared to them: You can't even get to try and argue with them. Instead, they'll just continuously talk over you or ignore what your saying in favour of listening to the other. It can be extremely frustrating. They believe they know what's best for you so why would they need your opinion? Don't worry that pretty little head of yours. Basically these two go
Absolutely pampering you with affection though, They'll be giving you so many kisses. They just can't resist themselves when it comes to you and won't hold back on their affection either.
They're will always be one of them giving you some sort of physical affection, Since they don't really want to put you down, a little scared they might accidentally crush you so you are almost constantly being cradled.
Church's favourite type of affection is kisses. From Inuit kisses to neck kisses, they really don't hold back. It's a lot harder to kiss you due to the size difference but trust me, it will not stop them. They just love the feeling of you against their lips.
Jorge is more so for hand holding, But enjoys almost every kind of physical contact. He just overall prefers it and he likes feeling your tiny little hand in his. The physical contact makes him ecstatic. Even if it means he has to hold it tightly to keep you from trying to get away from him.
You probably don't get outside anymore though. They're a lot more paranoid than they would be with a more regular sized grunt. Generally speaking they feel everything and anything could be a threat so they'll keep you in their shared base 24/7 with usually one of them there to accompany you. If they can't both be there, They already have a small little pen for you ( like those dog pens ) to keep you in a safe space. Might even instruct some fellow MERC members to keep an eye out for them to make sure you don't get into any trouble while they're gone.
One advantage against these two however is use of small spaces. Just make sure that they aren't gonna be able to break your hidey holes surroundings since they are known for just kinda smashing what they can. Maybe it can at least give you a good head start.
You can get really into those creaks and crevasses and keep yourself always just out of reach and make sure to stay one step ahead. They'll already be underestimating you so if you can play to that advantage too, You could possibly get away with better chances than the average grunt!
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