#they'd probably wind up in some permutation of elf afterlife therapy
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so @sunflowersupremes posted an au that i had this really viscerally horrified reaction to. couldn’t stop thinking about it, so i went to known peddler in all things horrible happening to maedhros @outofangband to chat about all the ways well-meaning tirion society could make late stage fëanorians even worse. we ended up talking in dms about it, topics covered include:
the noldor’s general ‘let’s pretend none of this ever happened’ vibe, and their subsequent failure to actually help with any of the brothers’ many, many mental problems
their preferal for keeping things nice and calm and peaceful over, again, actually helping
stopping an hour-long mae v mags shriekfest by gagging the boys and telling them to not make such a racket, like
this not helping maedhros’ angband issues At All
maedhros’ angband issues cause many, many problems! sometimes he’ll start acting like he’s still there, and none of the amanyar know how to deal with it
they just - they don’t get it. they weren’t there for the war, they don’t know how to deal with its wounds, they especially don’t know anything about angband survivors or the ways that trauma lingers
sometimes they get offended by how maedhros acts. sometimes they think he’s being deliberately insulting or sarcastic. fun!
(most of the angband stuff is nelyo’s, for the record, and i feel like i’m not doing it justice)
there just being so potential for abuse in this situation, intentional and well-meaning
how the only person they’re in regular contact with who might Get It is finrod
how finrod could very well bear a grudge. especially if he’s heard the the-fëanorians-left-us-to-die version of the nirnaeth
how they have very little access to their comfort items, mostly because the amanyar find them disgusting
granted there is probably at least one severed limb in there, but there’s also a piece of tangled cord one of the twins made that maglor has
it gets taken away because 'you caused those boys a lot of grief, you know? please stop romanticising your relationship with them'
this led into me going on a rant about how everyone is wrong about maglor’s relationship with the twins except me
but just - that. that mood
‘be the people we want you to be, and we can forget all this nastiness ever happened’
that reads so terrifying to me
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