#they’re both turds
eye-of-yelough · 2 years
I love only bringing Anders with me on the Gamlens Biggest Treasure mission and treating it like the weirdest date ever
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zahri-melitor · 2 months
I think there’s a discussion to be had about how the lack of current consistent character bibles affects comics in terms of characterisation.
Because I think there actually is a lot more consistent characterisation than people sometimes want to realise when they’re complaining about appearances being out of character. There tends to be a background set of character notes writers who DON'T follow a character obsessively know about them when writing them, and they're often based in their early or most prominent stories. Even if people are willing to look, they’re mostly going to dip in to a couple of recced stories to refresh their memory of what their characterisation is like. Which is part of why character growth has trouble sticking (if what a less-frequent writer is referencing is not the most recent run) but also is frustrating when you're having the 'is this in character' debate because if 8 writers over 10 years all pull this trait out and use it again, there's a level of consistency that's hard to overlook, even if the main writer for the character isn't using it anymore.
It’s particularly noticeable in characterisations in crossovers and events. Because when a writer is juggling half a dozen characters they don’t usually write, they’re going to draw on their memories rather than do deep dive reads for the ones they’re less familiar with. So you get the ‘everyone knows’ character traits and beats.
And this leads to people who love a character vs people who are fine about the character but don't specifically read their runs having differing views on their personalities if these things clash.
Let’s use Damian for an example, because it’s really really obvious by comparing what I’m reading at the moment: Batman & Robin Eternal, Robin War, and Robin: Son of Batman. Two events (one with a crossover issue) and his main title in 2015.
Because if you only encounter Damian in crossovers and events, Damian being a little turd who uses insulting nicknames and proclaims his superiority to everyone is…a lot of what you’ve seen in previous crossovers and events. And he’s doing it again in Robin War and Batman & Robin Eternal. Now there are specifically different beats to this – Damian’s fully ready to sacrifice himself for Dick when he realises Dick’s in trouble. But he’s using frankly derogatory nicknames to Jason and Tim and insulting their abilities, and is even nastier to the We Are Robin kids. And he shows up in Eternal and out of the gate tells everyone they’ve been an idiot.
While if you’re a Damian fan reading his own titles, some of this characterisation rings as backsliding, as he doesn’t really use nicknames anymore in his own titles and has been soul searching about his own past and actions, so it’s not congruent with what you expect to see him doing.
Because if you're fully enmeshed in a character's lore and all their appearances, you obviously centre their protagonist stories and discount the crossover appearances that don't match. But if people only read those crossover appearances… that’s the character they know. And see. And it’s pretty consistent BETWEEN those appearances, so telling those people they’re wrong about a character they’ve encountered in multiple storylines is only going to get backs up on both sides. When actually these are two different completely valid views on a character, sourced from comics. It’s just that those personalities are particularly out of sync between “how they appear as a protagonist/regular” and “how they appear as a side character”.
And that can be incredibly frustrating to hear, when that’s your blorbo. But also, people who are treating repeated characterisation they encounter with a character over many years, across many titles and writers as ‘this is who the character is’ are not deliberately out to be mean to your blorbo. That’s the character they know!
And I think we should all think about that a bit more and take a deep breath.
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amanitaphalloides · 3 months
what is the jopkey manifesto. if you can share it for those of us not in the gc 🥺
anon thank you for asking this question i have been trying and trying to bait someone into asking. here is it copy and pasted
Jopkey: A Manifesto
Jopkey in Brief
Jopkey refers to the romantic/erotic pairing of Thomas Jopson and Cornelius Hickey, a couple of guys who actually existed in real life and have been twisted into something beyond recognition by Dan Simmons, AMC, and now random people online such as us. Jopkey is commonly referred to as “the thinking person’s Terror ship” due to it kinda making you think.
Arguments For Jopkey
Let us review the nuanced and delicate appeal of Jopkey.
Potential Dynamics
Two tops fight to the death. In this formulation, Jopson and Hickey fight (mentally or physically) for dominance until one of them is (mentally or physically) dead. And they’re both tops. Credit Hannah @groundwater for being insistent about this final point.
Daddy’s candy babies. A popular (loose definition of the word) dynamic in which Jopson and Hickey are equally devoted to pursuing Francis Crozier’s attentions. But in doing so they find themselves irrevocably drawn to their freakass competitor…
Realizing potential. Jopson and Hickey recognize, in each other, great untapped potential—perhaps to be annoying and evil, but perhaps also to be intriguing, exciting, and to live life to the fullest. Whether intentionally or otherwise, they spur each other to explore all life has to offer them. Which given the circumstances isn’t that much.
Situations in Which Jopkey Could Happen
Hatefucking at any time.
Everyone else dies and they have to repopulate the ships.
Angry grief sex after Crozier dies. Perhaps over his casket?
Hickey happens upon Jopson’s half-dead form and attempts to eat him. Jopson simply responds, eat this.
Pertinent Jopkey Moments
“I’ll be there in a minute, Jopson.” Hickey refuses to call him lieutenant. Hot!
Jopson’s mouth twitches while watching Hickey be punished as a boy. Glee, eroticism, or simply an expression of sympathetic pain? Perhaps all three. 
When Hickey picks up Neptune's turd he says "Sorry sir the dog relieved himself before I could call Mr Jopson." This implies he has watched Jopson pick up dog shit before and would feel comfortable calling Jopson for help. Hickey doing a task that he thinks should be Jopson's = they have so much in common.
This is also an early indication of their dynamic wherein they see their respective relationships to Crozier overlap. See "Daddy's candy babies" under Potential Dynamics above.
Jopson guards Hickey while he’s on tent arrest. Hickey teases Jopson about his shooting abilities with his hand down his pants, Jopson brags about all the critters he used to kill and eat and says “My aim’s just fine Mr. Hickey” sexily. Implies Hickey is also a critter to be skinned and devoured! Okay!
During this scene Hickey is touching his own penis and Jopson puts his hand in his own mouth. Through the transference property this means that they have had oral sex.
They appear next to one another in the list of Terror crew members in a published book in the gift shop of the National Maritime Museum as pictured here (ie they are cuddling):
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Arguments Against Jopkey
Despite the cold hard facts/group delusion depending on your perspective, some people are anti-Jopkey. Let’s take a look at the common reasons behind this unfortunate sentiment and resolve them one by one.
Anti-Jopkey Arguments and Resolutions
"Jopson simply does not think of Hickey."
Fortunately this is easily disputed. Jopson is constantly looking at Hickey like ARGH. Also we use our little imaginations. Sooooo.
The anti-Jopkey contingency argues "that’s just Liam Garrigan’s face" (re. point 2 in the above).
A typical argument and quite a simple one to dispel! We only need apply the “say yes to the text” ethos—by which we understand that everything present in the text is there to be explored and enjoyed, quite separate from the circumstances of its creation. Jopkey is not so weak as to be dependent upon the actors’ intentions. Regardless of whether or not AMC’s The Terror was filmed with the specific and singular intention of breathing life into Jopkey (which it was), all that truly matters is the effect. And ultimately the effect of Liam Garrigan’s face is eroticism, glee, intrigue, sympathy, and perhaps even romance.
The truth is there will never be consensus in the group chat or in the world, and Jopkey will never be true or untrue. It will remain Schrodinger’s Jopkey, and by offering insight into our psyches and groupthink dynamics, it is actually a vital and beautiful step towards world peace.
Jopkey Bangers
I Fucking Hate You - Godsmack
Since You’ve Been Gone - Kelly Clarkson
I Knew You Were Trouble - Taylor Swift
Jopkey Mood Board
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Affirmations for Jopkeyers
I am so smart for shipping Jopkey.
My phone knows the word Jopkey. It knows that I am not typing about Jockey.
I understand British accents perfectly. Every word Jopkey says is comprehensible to me.
My words and actions honor Jopkey and my Jopkeyer compatriots.
I can think completely secret erotic Jopkey thoughts on this bus; my brain is closed to psychic attacks from the bus driver and other passengers.
I know who these characters are; I can tell them apart from other light-haired and dark-haired men who appear onscreen together. I can recognize their interactions as unequivocally Jopkey.
The Jopkey Anthem
O Jopkey Jopkey! Of thee I sing!
With Jopkey I can do anything!
Jopkey helps me laugh and play
So I ship Jopkey every day! 
Thomas Jopson — You always wow!
I know who you are by now
When first I watched I couldn't see
But you're not just Muttonchops #3
And Hickey lad with your sly grin
Reminiscent of delicious sin
Could you really be so wrong?
Not according to my Jopkey song!
[alternate hickey apologist verse] And Hickey — the perfect man!
Through thick and thin we’ll always stan
You’ve never done nothin’ wrong
And so to you we sing this song !
I pray this ship will never sink
Lest we approach the mental brink
May Jopkey sail forevermore
And far outlive Lieutenant Gore.
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bronx-bomber87 · 6 months
Happy late Tuesday evening fandom. :) Ahhhh we’ve reached the ‘Feelings’ episode. I remember when it first premiered I lost my damn mind. I don’t have actual cable (cause too damn expensive lol) So I didn’t look up the preview for the next ep. I just watched it next day with Hulu. I went into this episode completely blind. When that scene came up, I went from in shock to laughing my damn ass off. Eric and Melissa get a gold star x 1000 for that scene. For the whole ep really. I can’t wait to delve into this one. I can already tell imma struggle with the gif amount ha Let’s get going.
3x09 Amber
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We start off with Jackson and Lucy listing all the ways they’re excited to be graduating from the program. Nolan tagging along not adding to it cause he is stuck a month behind them LOL What happens when you go rogue and don’t listen to your T.O ya turd…but I digress. Lucy has a Lucy-Lesson themed last day planned for her and Tim.
Gotta love her for being herself no matter what. Massive respect. Tells the boys she has a list full of steps to ensure a healthy parting. Of course she does haha That she’s going to make Tim go through every single one of them. I adore this woman so much. She truly is exactly what that man needs I love it so much. Jackson asks how she’s going do this? She laughs and says trickery HA Oh Lucy I love you so.
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We join our lovely duo in their shop. Lucy saying how it’s their last shift together. Tim gives her nothing. Her adding kinda crazy huh? He says ‘Not really.’ Oh Timothy fighting the feelings from the jump. Lucy can’t believe he could actually feel this way. Trying to goad him into to saying something. How they’ve ridden shoulder to shoulder for over a year now.
Tim shakes it off saying there will be a new rookie in that seat that’ll annoy crap out of him soon enough. Ok Tim… LOL Like you don’t love her ‘annoying you’ at all. Or talking about your personal life. Lucy keeps pushing it saying ‘So you’re not going to miss riding with me at all?’ Tim continues his deflection saying it’s a job not ‘happy hour’
Does he hear himself? Acting like you’re not going to miss her. Ain’t no one buying what you’re selling Timothy. His reply thrills Lucy though. Flagging all of this behavior as denial. She’s not wrong. It’s not just a river in Egypt as they say. He’s swimming in it doing laps. Tim is feeling like some Lucy like lesson is happening and says what? Lucy disregards him and plays it off with a 'Hmm? Nothing...' Baha
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Lucy asks if Tim sees himself as her mentor? He says no. He’s just her T.O. That it’s his job to make sure she’s not dangerously incompetent. When Lucy is released Into the world it’s not a disaster. Did he just decide to be a lying liar when he woke up this morning? Be in an absolute denial about their bond and what he is to her? SMH Oh Tim. Lucy shakes her own head not letting him affect her in the slightest.
Tim tells her he couldn’t wait to get off probation. Lucy replies she is very excited. Then goes into saying it’s important to acknowledge the loss for them both with this. Tim gets SO defensive when she calls it a 'Relationship' So she follows it up with partnership or mentorship LOL Man is seriously in massive avoidance of his feelings about today. He doesn’t understand why she needs closure. Lucy is going to see him at the station the next day as he mentions.
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Thus begins Lucy’s list. This starts when he asks what there is to talk about? It's so funny she has a list prepped and is going to make this happen. The second Tim see's this he grabs the list and chucks it out the damn window. Now if only your feelings for her could be dispatched that quickly eh Tim? She says littering is a $250 dollar fine. HA Tim replies that it was worth it. My god these two. Cracks me up so much. It’s like he’s purposely being obstinate so their eventual departure won’t be as hard.
If he’s a dick she won’t miss riding with him. Oh Tim you forget being a dick how this whole thing started my love. Naturally Lucy came prepared af with a second list. I’m dying. Did he really think his girl was only going to have one copy? You trained her Tim. Also Lucy knows you so damn well she made sure to have a second one. I adore them so much my heart may implode with happiness ha Lucy continues on without missing a beat. Like he didn’t just throw out her original copy LMAO
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They get an amber alert about a child abduction. The suspect is the husband. They’re going through a messy divorce. He was removed from the hospital due to being a threat. He has a sordid past of drug use and intent to sell. It’s not good…Angela gets ahold of the mother. Says her ex will do anything to get a fix. Even selling their baby. Good lord...
Lucy makes comment to Tim how awful this is. That the mother must be going out of her mind. Tim tries to take a pot shot at psychology again in his reply. Saying how if the parents had properly worked through their separation this could’ve been avoided? Lucy shuts his ass down immediately. She knows he's trying to undermine her list and her psychology prowess. Lucy says no the mother needs to get away from this man asap.
She tells him having easier access to counseling and mental health resources could prevent things like this. Tim seems like he is being a jackass in the moment. I mean he kind of is. BUT I have no doubt he grew up in a house where mental health was discredited by his father. That it was a sign of weakness to have emotions let alone any mental health issues. I’ve said this before we are the product of our environment growing up. Even when we fight against it things still come out.
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To Tim growing up psychology was stigmatized I believe. (it was for me too) So naturally his first inclination is to discredit it. Make fun of it because he doesn’t actually understand it. Leave it to Lucy teach him why it is important. How access to help and normalizing having mental health issues is important. Her next line says it all. She could not be more on the nose in her reply above.
Tim tries to turn it around again on her but she is on her shit today. Not to to be trifled with Tim. He knows she is a formidable opponent. When he says later on he’s going to miss riding with her. These are the moments he will miss the most. Her challenging him, standing up to him. Which in turn makes him grow because she shows him the world through a different lens.
Lucy does what she does best. Crushes him with her reply and throws his words back at him in the process. It’s a twofer. That look of his... He knows when she’s got him and he has no recourse. Lucy can’t help but gloat after that. She earned it and has his number. Boy is Tim so very aware of that. She’s got his goat as they say. It’s glorious.
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They find out the dad didn’t take the kid. A random woman did. Now the case has shifted in a more stressful way. This portion is what I like to call 'Tell me you’re married when you’re not married.’ A Tim Bradford Edition. Lucy is freaking out waiting for the ID on this woman. Saying they’re wasting time while this baby is out there. Tim tells her she needs to get her head on right in case this goes badly.
Lucy snaps back she’s squared away. Tim disagrees vehemently by replying if she was she wouldn’t have said that… He’ starts out strong then makes the mistake of saying ‘Look you’ve been lucky on the job so far..’ Her face oh my lord. Ready to chew him out and Tim instantly regrets what he says. Love love this moment for him.
He recognizes what he’s said was hurtful and wrong. Then apologizes and says it came out wrong. Good Hubby. Well intended but very wrong. Look at our boy self correcting all on his own. So proud. He then compliments her as his continued apology. Telling her she’s been through hell, stuff that would’ve broken a lot of veteran cops. That being said he tells her a dead kid is different.
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That a dead kid will change her forever. We all know he does not want that for her. She’s been through quite enough. Lucy concedes to his point. Saying she hopes their last shift doesn’t end with that. They both look emotional and Tim replies ‘ Me too...’ The most honest he’s been this entire episode with her. He knows she’s upset so he’s wonderful and brings up the list he can’t stand. Knowing it’ll distract her in the best way possible.
She lists off surrounding yourself with people who support, value and energize you. Tim is nodding along thinking he checks all those boxes for her. Then she says it’ll have to wait till later. Oh Lucy this man is all those things for you. You don’t see it just yet. He looks a little hurt she bypasses this. Like he isn't that for her. He supports and values her so much. Him asking her to revisit the list, despite his dislike of it is the epitome of what she just spoke above. Love is blind and not in the best way sometimes haha
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Lucy continues on saying to reflect on lessons learned. Good and bad and express gratitude. Tim is nodding along not hating where this is going. Genuinely asking her 'What he taught her that she is grateful for?' Her answer is perfection especially because we know how this episode ends. The absolute best thing he taught her was not to second guess herself. To see the BAMF he noticed from day one. Them reminiscing about Plain Clothes Day is the best.
How one look from him could send her into a tailspin. Tim is in complete agreeance with her assessment. Even smiling thinking about how far she has come. Teaching her to trust her instincts is one of the best gifts he could’ve given her. Especially since it strengthens her resolve to go against him and what he would do. She already had that in her but he reinforced it. Taught her to trust in it even when it didn’t go his way. He couldn’t be prouder of her and this moment is a beautiful reflection of that.
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Lucy takes a lovely moment and ruins it for Tim with mention of UC. Saying how trusting her instincts like she does now will be crucial for UC work. We watch the happy proud face devolve into one of worry. Tim asks her if she’s serious about being UC? Lucy seems insulted by this question and says ‘Yeah why? Do you not think I’m tough enough?’ Thinking does he not remember her successful op?
Tim tells her it’s not about being tough. He knows she’s tough. He thinks she’s too sensitive. Lucy looks so damn offended by this. (as she should be) He brings up Tamara and what she’s done for her. Her need to relive their last year plus together. Lucy defends her empathy fiercely. Saying it's what makes her a good cop. Tim tells her yes but not a good UC. Lucy is wounded and says as much 'Ouch…. ' When you know the scene you can see Lucy resetting. Formulating her plan to get back at Tim for what he said.
She starts off with a compliment. Telling him he was right. That he’ll always tell her the truth no matter how painful. Which is all true but Lucy is legit setting him up for this moment. Lulling him in. She gets serious saying she has been hiding behind her checklist all day. That she needs to tell him something she's been avoiding all day. You can see how Tim is almost holding his breath as she continues to speak. Not sure where this is going but having an inkling of it...
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Let me start off with this. I truly believe there is a kernel of truth to what she’s saying here. The things she says and brings up are accurate af. The way she assembled this convo on the fly. To me means she’s had this convo before in her head. Her saying it out loud brought some truth to it. S3 is where I believe the the attraction and work flirts were kicked into a very high gear. And now she was no longer going to be his rookie.
I don’t think this would’ve been the right time for them to start IMO. They weren't ready. I’ll always be for the timeline we received and what leads them there after this ep. But to say there isn't feelings of some sort on both sides at this point is foolish. With all they've been through over the last year or so.
The minute Lucy says she has feelings for Tim it starts the overdrive for him. Lucy doesn’t even let him reply. Just steamrolls over him. He can't even get a full sentence in above. Then hits him with another emotional bomb bringing up 2x11. How he saved her life. I mean faking or not she knows the bond that forged for them. So she is starting out STRONG with saying this. Tim is in complete paralysis from the start of this 'confession'
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The more she speaks the more he panics. Not because he doesn’t feel the same way. I think she’s nailing everything squarely on the head and he’s freaking out because of that. You watch Eric’s face and the myriad of emotions flitting across it. Goes from confusion, to realization, then he just panics and shuts down. She’s bringing up huge points. Him saving her life that bonded them in a way no one could ever touch.
How he is protective of her, why he doesn’t want her to go into UC is because of his feelings. To me where is the lie in this? There isn't. Now like I said Lucy is clearly doing this to get back at him. What she doesn’t realize is she’s exposing him and that explains his overloaded reaction. She’s exposing feelings he has repeatedly forced down into the depths of his soul.
Because her being his rookie he would never ever cross that line. Nor would I ever want him to. We all know Tim can’t handle his emotions well. Especially when it’s this intense. The one person who can usually guide him is the one provoking it in this moment. I truly believe she fell first. When he was a dumpster fire and there was no way in hell he could’ve reciprocated at the time. It was one way for a little while. But over time Lucy Chen has repeatedly wormed her way into his life. 2x11 was the start of those emotional dominos for him. They've been falling ever since.
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I’ve said before Tim doesn’t really understand why he feels the way he does about Lucy. Only that he does and it usually a driving force for him. To Tim in this moment it feels Lucy is calling him out. That she is pulling out this deep dark secret. One he thought he kept hidden away pretty well. This gif above is everything. He is literally malfunctioning at her bringing this up. She has short circuited him and it’s so funny tbh. He can’t process anything she’s saying. Eric you are the king of facial expressions good sir.
The hits keep coming through out the scene and he can’t form a thought. Once he does his replies are so stilted and funny. He’s stumbling over himself. Trying to compliment her and not hurt her feelings. Because even if he does have hidden feelings no way in hell this man is ready for them. To face them or realize what comes with them. It shows so very much in this scene. He’s trying so hard to be delicate about this and not hurt her. I love him for it tbh. Says he's flattered 'She's a great girl. I mean woman. Uhhh....' LOL Even says crap at the end cause he is at a loss for words. She has made him speechless.
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It’s then Lucy breaks and laughing her ass off. Poor Tim he was having a DEFCOM 1 panic attack. Trying to be gentle and sweet about his reply. Then she laughs. And he is so so mad at her. The way he says ‘Oh you’re sorry.’ He is not pleased. She just put him through emotional hell and just says she’s sorry. I mean it was a hell of a comeback to what he said to her. Rightfully deserved with how he told her she wasn’t built for UC.
What a straight up lie that was. Really just his desperate fear trying to keep her from it. Lucy got him real good though. Probably the best of her career in that moment. Lucy for the second time that day parrots his words back to him. Uses them against him. The capper to her moment. Listing off all the ways she just pulled off what he said she wasn't capable of. I mean well done madam. You broke him. You broke him real good. He's so upset about it.
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Her 'fake' confession comes at a cost though. The tension afterward is palpable. Tim is so visibly upset. It’s not because she got him. I do think that very much is part of it. The other part is the can of worms she potentially opened. She never gave him a real chance to reply. To get his head on right. Because idk he would’ve 100 percent said no to her. Probably would've have some non comittal answer cause it's Tim. But it wouldn't have been a straight up no. Why I say this is because when Tim Bradford is sure of something he is decisive af.
Like the screenwriter question from 3x07. It was an instant and firm no. This he struggled so very hard with it. The looks between them above are *phew* chemistry personified. Never had a ship say so much with just a look. Lucy thinks he’s really mad at her because of the trick itself. Rightfully so why in the hell would she actually think he might have feelings for her?
Lucy says she made it weird didn’t she? Tim deflects and says 'Nope.' She made it weird and knows it LOL. Lucy tries again and says she was just trying to make a point. She starts to backtrack and even in his anger with her he refuses to let her do that. Says not to because if she does it’ll undermine her point. The way she smiles at him. My heart. Takes care of her even when he’s mad. Yeah no feelings there between them….
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Then we reach the iconic parking garage scene. The end of an era for them both. Only fitting they do it in a spot that has held some meaningful moments. This scene is the perfect way for them to end this work relationship. One that ended up meaning far more than either of them ever anticipated. Tim denying all day how much he was going to miss riding with her. Waiting till this moment to reveal that wasn't true.
I love how the scene starts. Her saying ‘We did it’ Tim refusing any of the credit per usual says 'No you did it. 'He waits to the very last minute in his eval of her to say he will. Because well Tim. We all know and love him for it. It's a beautiful parallel to Plain Clothes day. A wonderful way to measure the immense progress she has made since that day. When all she did was second guess herself, let Tim rattle her cage most of the time and didn't trust her gut.
It was Tim’s mission to build that confidence in herself. To push her in a way that she would grow and never doubt herself again. Not only that but have the confidence to stand up for her instincts even when they were in stark contrast to his. Why his eval of her is just perfection. The words her soul had been longing to hear. The way he is looking at her while she reads this. Oh my lord. Just look at the man's eyes. Heart eyes for DAYS. Admiration and love shinning in them. Bursting at the seams with pride for her.
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You know Lucy has been yearning to hear that from Tim. Long before Plain Clothes Day. Something she wanted to earn from him. Reason being Tim has always been in her corner. Seen her really seen her since day one. Had faith in her like no one in her life ever has before. She grew up starved for attention and words of affirmation. For support of any kind. Parent's who didn't see her worth. Or praise any life choice she made. I did as well unfortunately. Feel you Lucy. So you long for those you respect to give you them.
To have that reassurance you are worth it and worth investing in. Lucy has wanted this from Tim for ages. He is beaming as she is reading her last eval. All he wanted to do was continue to empower her and his parting words do it beautifully. To have him write that out and her to feel how proud he is of her is glorious. The way he is looking at her is not how one looks at his former rookie. The level of heart eyes he has for her is always unreal. In this scene it’s explosive.
The flirting, the support, the teasing it all encompassing their relationship to this point. They shake hands for far longer than is necessary. LOL As he tells her not to ever let someone tell her she can’t do something. Not even him. I love this so much. Him accepting her going against the grain and praising her for it. Ugh my heart. Having a loaded hand shake while having those looks on their faces. Idiots in love who don’t even know it. She hands him her present. Saying they’ve reached the final step. Acceptance their checklist is complete. He is grinning like a fool.
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The scene finishes off perfectly with her pranking him with a call back to 2x01. The flour bomb. Fully encompassing this end of an era moment. This “gift” being her “thank you” for every lesson she ever learned. Her version of payback for all his Tim tests haha The look on her face is so damn cute. She is quite pleased with herself for this idea. Tim can’t even be mad about it. She had his number all day. Hell the last few episode really. Just shown her amazing growth right up to this moment.
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Their competitiveness is one of their love languages. A massive one really. Their pranks would be another. It's another form of affection between them. It all ends up to the same thing. I adore them so much. Their final words have me squeeing. They call each other by their FIRST names with no last name attached. Which Lucy has done but a rarity by Tim.
The end of an era and the beginning of another is what this scene represented to me. The extra flirting, the extended handshake and how flirty and intimate saying each others first name was. God I love these sfm. Their slow burn is one the best I’ve had the pleasure to go through.
Phew that was a content heavy one in the best way way. Hard to believe we only have 5 left in this season already.
Side notes- Non chenford
I ADORE Angela going back into her T.O. days just for Jackson. It’s so nice. How far they’ve come. Didn’t want him to finish up his final day as a rookie at the front desk. Bad ass woman.
The SL about the woman and her baby gets me in the feels makes me sad. Angela handles it like a pro when she gets on scene. So good.
Nyla is so good to John. Sees he’s bummed about Lucy/Jackson moving on and he’s stuck. She invites him to dinner with her and Lila. He says he doesn’t need the pity it’s ok. Damn Nolan take her being kind geez lol She turns it around says it’s not pity when he’s paying lmao Nolan is a schmuck but I do love their dynamic.
Thank you everyone who supports these reviews. I enjoy doing them so much. To have them so well received means the world. The likes, comments and reblog are all so appreciated. Shall see you all in 3x10 :)
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matchacowbee · 3 months
Here’s some random South Park hcs i had in my notes
most of these r tickle hcs💗:3
- Kyle hates when people point out how red his face can get when he laughs.
- Stan’s laugh is the cutest according to the girls. Giggles and snorts
- After realizing he was ticklish, Cartman went out of his way to avoid being tickled by the guys at all costs. He’s just very not used to being tickled, so it stresses him out when he feels vulnerable.
- Kenny uses cheer up tickles on everyone.
- Butters is a particular fan of Kenny’s cheer up tickles.
- When Tweek and Craig hang out, Craig “accidentally” lets Stripe crawl all over Tweek, causing him to squirm cuz it tickles. Craig totally doesn’t do this on purpose to see his bf giggle..
- Stan gets wake up tickles from his mom or sister sometimes.
Sharon -> “Stanley, sweetheart it’s time to get up.. maybe this will get you out of bed..” *tickles
Shelley -> “Wake up you turd!! >:( I’ll tickle you if I have to!”
- Kenny also gets wake up tickles from his siblings all the time. He also gives Karen tickles to get her to wake up or go to sleep
- Stan will threaten tickles if he’s being bothered by someone. Particularly Kyle.
Stan -> “You better stop, or I’ll tickle you..” “think I won’t Broflovski?!”
- When putting cartman to sleep, liane gives him gentle tickles and kisses bc she loves her son so much. He’ll get flustered and push her away but he doesn’t HATE it :3
Liane -> “awh goodnight muffin *tickles*”
Eric -> “meehehem stohohOp!! Jesus woman!”
- Butters gives verbal teases like, “tickle tickle! aww well you’re just ticklish all over!”
- When Kyle wins games over and over again or is just being a smart ass to the rest of his friends, they gang up on him and tickle him until he’s humbled.
Kyle -> “yknow, I learned something toda- ..wait n-nohohoo!! guhuhys!” ><
- Stan’s favorite person to tickle is Kyle because of his reactions. Seeing his best friend squirm around and actually act like a kid makes him happy.
- The girls know all the guys tickle spots, and constantly plan an attack on someone..
Some random hcs i have
- their heights are very particular to me 0_0
I say tallest goes from Butters, Stan, Kyle & Cartman, Kenny
- Bebe taught Wendy how to throw rocks at cars like how the boys taught her. (Wendy is not amused)
- Tweek still does boxing on the side
- Craig sometimes brings Stripe to school and lets him run around the classroom scaring people.
- Wendy likes bugs
- Cartman actually hates ipad kids 🫢 (I can’t see him as an actual ipad kid)
- Bebe is a Sephora 10 year old
- Kenny pets stray dogs and cats and tried to bring one home one time
- Stan and Kenny troll kids on roblox
- Kyle defends those kids on roblox
- Butters is the kid being trolled
- Cartman is scared of horror movies but won’t tell anyone
- most of the girls can’t stand Butters
- The sibling side characters are all friends :3
- Kyle and Kenny both have freckles, but Kenny’s aren’t as notable.
- Stan is real good at video games, and Kyle is good at board games. They’re both competitive asf >:3
And that’s about it for now :) lmk if you want any more 💗💗
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youre-ackermine · 4 months
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Some Levihan first Christmas living together headcanons nobody asked for ☃️
Characters: Levi Ackerman / Hange Zoe (mention of Erwin Smith / Miche Zacharias)
Modern AU / SFW / established relationship / non binary Hange / mention of alcohol
You can find a moodboard for these headcanons HERE
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Hange’s been leading the pharmaceutical research department in Trost University for a few months now and Levi is a personal trainer at Nanaba’s Gym, the trendiest health club in town
They met at Erwin and Miche’s housewarming party
After two years dating, Levi & Hange finally moved in together just after Halloweeen. They found a small apartment downtown. The neighbourhood is lively yet quiet enough and it’s near both Hange’s lab and Levi’s workplace
The couple adopted a cute ginger cat they called Sawney
From mid-November on, an excited Hange drags a grumpy Levi into various Christmas activities. He’s reluctant at first but their childlike wonder and restless enthusiasm finally win him over
They go to a Christmas market to find some decorations for their tree. New tradition as a couple: every year they’ll buy a decoration for each other as a gift. Hange’s first ornament reads “stay weird”, Levi’s “festive as fuck” (wtf is wrong with you guys? could you be more romantic?)
Hange stops at every single stall, gushing over everything with ohs and ahs and “Leeeeviiii!! Did you see that? It’s cute/amazing/funny/classy [pick one]”and Levi has to prevent them from buying every single crap (his words, not mine) they find to their (often questionable) liking
One of those crap being a woolly hat for their Sawney “he looks so cute with his ears sticking out of the hat, right Shorty?” Levi rolls his eyes. “Tch, the poor cat looks like a dumbass, Four-Eyes.” But he secretly finds it cute
They both taste all sorts of treats and beverages at the Christmas market. Hange loves mulled wine and Levi just frowns and says it tastes like spiced horse piss (and Hange’s breath is awful after a few sips)
They also go ice-skating when the sun starts to set. Clumsy Hange is surprisingly very good at it and teaches Levi, who stumbles a few times at first but Hange catches him in their arms (and kisses him every time because why not?)
Unfortunately Levi seems to have a hard time finding balance, which is odd given his job at the gym, but who am I to judge? So more kisses ensue, obviously (Levi you little shit lmao)
His cheeks and ears are tinged with red but it’s probably because of the mulled wine or the freezing-ass cold I guess
Whenever they can, they wander around a different part of town by night to enjoy the Christmas lights clung to each other
They wrap gifts for their loved ones together. Levi can’t help but sigh: “how the hell did you manage to make this look like it’s some turd wrapped in toilet paper, Four-Eyes?” They grin sheepishly and hand him the box and he shows them how to do this properly. Again. For the fourth time in a row.
In the end, Levi neatly wrapped all the gifts by himself. Hange beams (Four-Eyes you little shit lmao)
On Sundays they take a walk in the snow. Hange sure as fuck starts a snowball fight. “But they’re heart-shaped, Shorty!” they whine when he complains about the cannonball that just hit him in the face
They build a cute snowman together and make snow angels. Levi complains (again) because cold snow is sneaking under his clothes and Hange slides their hands under his shirt. ”C’mon Mr Grumps, let me warm up this soft skin of yours ^^” [insert Levi rolling eyes here]
Once they’re back home, they bake Christmas cookies together. Hange is in charge of the topping but, of course, it looks ugly as hell. Not to mention the filthy state of the kitchen after the cooking session. But Levi doesn’t have the heart to be mad at them, it’s the holidays after all. He wipes the frosting and flour off their face and kisses them on the cheek instead ;))
They don’t make much money yet so Levi cooks homemade treats as gifts for their friends and family. Christmas cookies, small jars of various jams, ingredients to make a hot chocolate or a brownie put together in a Mason jar with the recipe tied to it. Levi enjoys doing this for his loved ones. Even if they can afford buying presents for everyone in the next years, this will probably remain a tradition
Hange, on the other hand, buys silly little items for everyone, the cheaper and the cringier the better!
One evening after work, they go pick their Christmas tree together. It’s small because they don’t have much room in their apartment. They can’t help but bicker about how it must be decorated: Levi wants to pick one or two colours for a harmonious rendering, whereas Hange wants to put as many different colours as possible (as they should). They decide to decorate it in Hange’s way this year and Levi’s way next year (you wish, Levi)
Evening ritual: they put on their pajamas, cuddle up on the couch under a cosy, soft blanket with a cup of hot chocolate, Sawney resting on Hange’s lap, and watch silly Christmas movies on tv. Home alone is Hange’s favourite of course: they can’t help but admire the kid’s ingenious mind
For Christmas Eve’s dinner, Levi sets a simple but beautiful table and cooks a delicious meal for the both of them
By midnight, they open their gifts, a green set of gloves and scarf for Levi, a funny lunchbox for Hange
On Christmas day, they’ll go to Erwin and Miche’s fancy party with matching ugly sweaters (because Hange said so) and little gifts for all their friends
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We were talking about Christmas with @thehangetomylevi & about what Levi & Hange would do for their first Christmas together & these ideas started to pop up in my head!
Thanks Livia for encouraging me to post my silly Levihan Christmas HC 💚💜
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Header: @youre-ackermine
Christmas divider: @saradika-graphics
A/N: not beta/proof read - English is not my usual language
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olealoa · 4 months
made a big compilation of Evil Morty and Morty Prime SORTA being friends (along with foreshadowed friendship). im not too keen on how tumblr works so i have no idea if any of this is gonna make sense, but just bare with me. also, for the sake of not typing the same names a billion times, EM = evil morty and MP = morty prime.
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first off, just to start, this is a little frame that always stuck with me. EM is the first morty MP has actually met, so of course he’s curious about another version of himself.
and next is the BIGGG video. im not going to force you to watch it, so ill state my thoughts on it first and you can watch if you want to analyze more.
PART ONE aka when EM lead MP to the morty room
- to start, MP is obviously trying to make conversation
- EM is keeping that together cold, calm character probably to both not be forced to elaborate and to control evil rick
- MP states his ideas of rick, showing rebellion unlike other mortys. EM obviously took this to heart, even if he didn’t let MP leave.
- that strange stare EM gives MP
PART TWO aka when EM talks about “sellout mortys” (didn’t add the whole montage)
- EM refers to MP as a “sellout” morty, which is obviously an insult
- however he states he can’t hate him for it due to most mortys being “bred for it”
- gives MP the chance to see his issues with rick more clearly
PART THREE aka when both call rick a liar
- not much to say, just that they’re both in agreement and they jinxed eachother which is like totally a friend thing (im coping)
PART FOUR aka when EM states how MP probably relates to him
- it’s true, MP has been “evil” countless times
- EM puts enough ideas in his head where MP’s relationship with rick truly starts to get more shakey
PART FIVE aka when EM offers MP to come with
- do i even need to explain? he offers to MP that he’ll let him come, completely unmalicious
- even though EM says that second seat was a toilet, he still offered to let him come nonetheless
- MP literally calls EM cool
PART SIX aka when MP “tees up” EM
- once again not much to say, other than EM making snide remarks to rick and MP being curious as always
PART SEVEN aka MP and EM going into the same “fighting room”
- i know it’s realistically what would happen since the two mortys count as one rick in the machine, however they were still paired up so
PART EIGHT aka when EM kills nice rick
- EM could’ve literally killed MP so easily but he didnt
- kills nice rick once he admits he was just going to use the two, once again not a lot to say but EM protecting MP and himself in a way
PART NINE aka “the worst turd is a pizza”
- MP as always attempting to engage in casual conversation with EM
PART TEN aka when MP steps into EM’s portal
- there’s not a whole lot in the beginning, just EM explaining to MP stuff
- EM saying how he “doesn’t care” if MP comes or not
- the portal closing on MP, causing EM to immediately open the portal back up to once again offer to let him join
- morty explaining his dork ass reason, EM letting him come with
- although there’s probably a reason, EM acting like he doesn’t gaf and then opening up the portal 5 seconds later just to let morty enter. istg.
PART ELEVEN aka EM and MP regrouping with rick
- once again EM acting like he doesn’t really care, definitely not letting rick know he gave MP a second chance to come with
PART TWELVE aka “rick’s cheering section”
- EM stating “WE brought ourselves”
- really giving MP those free will points, defending both him and MP
PART THIRTEEN aka MP using a rick prime bot to save evil morty
- i don’t think i need to elaborate much, MP literally saves EM
- does the two fingers salute to EM, probably saying “you can trust me”
PART FOURTEEN aka EM doing a body swap thing
- we really don’t know enough about what EM actually did to figure this out
- it could be that they completely bodyswapped and EM was just in MP’s body now, but then he wouldn’t have his wires
- either way, they swapped shirts, see that in whatever way you want, friendship love, sibling love, bromantic, romantic, whatever way you view their relationship
- EM thanks MP, it’s hard to tell if it’s sarcastic or not because EM is always flat toned
PART FIFTEEN aka EM blows up the omega device
- MP, as usual, trying to engage in casual conversation
- lets EM know about the pretty visual, really trying to connect with him
- EM states “THIS didn’t make us friends”, maybe implying something like “THAT could make us friends” in a future season?
im full of cope, im practically losing it, but im so certain they’re trying to handle EM���s and MP’s relationship in a way where they aren’t purely acquaintances. and although MP makes him attempts at friendship more obvious, and EM refuses to act like they’re friends, he has almost as many “friendship” like moments on his own. i really hope we don’t have to wait for another season to pass for EM to appear again, he’s become alot more vital, especially since the main threat that we know of (prime rick) has been eliminated. i know the writers are probably gonna be kinda silly and just make EM the main villain, however these last few episodes have been purely to develop the characters rather than the plot, and EM’s and MP’s relationship has so much potential for something fun. i don’t think something like the freaky mortys theory will happen, however there is a lot of room to wiggle around in and develop their relationship, because it will ultimately develop both MP and EM which is definitely what the writers are wanting to do. anyways feel free to use this video, feel free to reblog with your own thoughts and ideas, these are just mine!!
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bfdifan26 · 4 months
Do you have any familial hcs for the burner characters?
TYSM FOR THJS Ask Yes i have a few
thjs one is less of a legit These Two Are Related headcanon and more of just how i view their dynamic, but i think limey and kit are like. they are the absolute peak of the ‘annoying little brother and cool older sister who teases him all the time’ trope. she makes fun of him a lot and he also messes with her but i think if anything bad happened to limey kit would scream and cry for a billion years she sees a single scratch on him and she goes WHO THE HELL and she asks her badass killer criminal jaywalking gf to go hunt down whoever hurt her little brother. he cant know about this though because he would abuse the hell out of it. he like shows all his dumb friends a bike or car or something and he’s like yeahh.. i already know how to drive it… and kit is like What the hell are you doing with that you turd. thats kit and limey to me
this second one is important to me. i like to think spraypaint and hanger are sisters mostly based off the fact that they’re both made out of metal and i also think them growing up together would make sense in terms of them shaping eachother as people, with hanger being someone who gets pushed around for a living and spraypaint being someone who does the pushing. they’re like that one post about how their sibling used to chase them around with a knife for hours. but i also think hanger is Super protective of spraypaint. they have a very strained relationship yeah but they absolutely care about eachother and show it when they Really have to. also i think this headcanon is pretty funny because their pretty much only canon interaction so far is spraypaint stabbing and killing hanger on accident
and lastly tissues and record to me have a grandparent and granddaughter thing going on. tissues to record is that one really distant relative you never see but when you do they always have Some weird shit going on that you get dragged into like halfway across the country. if the context called for it tissues would totally be like wow look how tall you’ve gotten. also tissues definitely spoils record and gets her allll the expensive shit she could never ask her parents for for no reason other than Granddaughter :-). this headcanon is largely fueled by a show i love. i wont elaborate
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frodo-with-glasses · 1 year
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Oh man, I don’t even know where to start talking about the families in LotR; much less where I’d stop. There’s so much that could be said. Name any one main character in this book, and the myriad connections that he or she has could spawn an essay all of its own.
Almost everyone in this story has a family, of course. With the exception of the wizards—and Sauron, I guess—no one exists in a vacuum. In the case of the minor characters, said family might be entirely off-screen, but the main characters often get a significant amount of time spent on their family dynamics; and sometimes, that familial love is a major character motivation in itself.
I never really thought of it before, but it’s striking me now that most of the families in LotR are healthy, happy ones. Of course they all have their share of struggles, disagreements, and misunderstandings, but family members in this story generally love each other and get along well. Exceptions to the rule—like the Sackville-Bagginses early in the story; or Smeagol and Deagol; or Denethor, Boromir, and Faramir’s debacle later on—stick out like turds in a perfume shop. I’d argue that their dysfunction seems even more heinous here than it would be in any other story, because they’re directly contrasted against so many examples of healthy family love.
There’s something really nice about that, isn’t there? In a day and age when family dysfunction seems to be the norm, both in real life and in stories, it’s so refreshing to have a world that softly whispers, “No, that’s not right, this is how it’s supposed to work.”
Not every family has to be riddled with drama. Not every son has to be at odds with his father, or sibling jealous of sibling, or adopted child agonizing about whether or not they’re really loved.
Sometimes, you just chill.
Sometimes your second cousin once removed is one of your best friends, and you go on a journey to help him that ends up changing your life forever. Sometimes the son is simply proud of his dad, and Dad is proud of his son, and sets up a play-date with him and the first kind stranger he meets. Sometimes your uncle raised you like his own since you were a little girl, and you love him like your own father, and you’ll risk your life to protect him when the time comes. Sometimes it just works! And that’s no less poignant and compelling than the angsty, drama-ridden stuff.
In fact, I’d even argue it can be more compelling.
Family love—storge—when it’s healthy, and happy, and unencumbered by abuse or dysfunction or drama, and allowed to take root and flourish, is the kind of love that gets woven into your being, whether your realize it or not. It’s the blood in your veins, the breath in your lungs, a vital part of who you are as a person. And there’s not a thing in the universe more powerful than that unshakable, bone-deep, part-of-your-DNA, running-at-all-cylinders kind of love.
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marimbles · 6 months
i started watching ouran tonight and omg i can't believe i'm watching this show. it's ridiculous but so fucking funny. i'm on ep 3 at the time of writing this but i've silently scrumpt about 10 times - eg when hikaru and kaoru saying them and haruhi should take french together and the immediate cut to tamaki sulking by a tree, and tamaki being self-aware that he and haruhi are the main characters + love interests. him loudly announcing "you boys are the homosexual supporting cast!" nearly killed me
i could do without whatever the fuck hikaru and kaoru have going on but everything else is great. thank you for putting this on my dash and i'm now seeing why this would be adrien's favourite show 🌹
FJDKDKDKD I’m so glad you’re having fun with it. it’s such a good time. I’m obsessed. Truly isn’t this the greatest screenshot in anime history
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Also it’s so funny to hear you call tamaki self-aware bc technically the declaration that he and haruhi are the main characters/love interests IS self-aware, but in like the least self-aware way possible. bc he spends the majority of both the anime and manga 200% convinced that his feelings for haruhi are “fatherly” and he loves her “like a daughter.” because of family trauma you will not learn about for a while but mostly because he’s the stupidest person who ever fictionally lived!!!! As proven in that same episode when he was so confident he could trick everyone into thinking he was haruhi by wearing a dark wig despite being like two feet taller than her. lmao
HDKDDKDK I feel u about the twincest angle but honestly it stopped bothering my after a while since Hikaru and kaoru are just pretending for an audience lol. they are successfully appealing to the Sam/dean shipping demographic 😂 They are both little trickster turds who are constantly picking on tamaki but also he deserves it bc he’s literally so dumb. And also they’d both die for him with no hesitation underneath their mockery. The twins actually have a really interesting character arc, even moreso in the manga, and they became my favorites after tamaki and haruhi! I love how they start as identical in both appearance and personality but as the show goes on you see how they’re actually very different people
Feel free to update me about your watch through whenever lol! Ouran is still very much on the brain and I’m excited to talk about it with anyone who is willing hehe
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spinthetags · 11 months
It’s June 1st, and the South Park Olympics has officially begun!
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The sign-ups are officially closed, and everyone who’s signed up has been added to their teams! That means the event can officially begin!
From today until July 1st (EST), participants may begin posting their attacks!
Here are a few relevant reminders:
- Points are internally calculated, and current point values will be both kept updated on this post, as well as updated officially via a new post once a week. We'll be keeping track of points per member too, even though they're not posted! If you’d like to refresh your memory on point guidelines, you can do so here!
- All attacks will be reblogged by this account (@spinthetags)! If your post isn’t reblogged within 24 hours, feel free to reach out so we can correct it! Make sure your post is tagged with #sp olympics, and feel free to tag us as well! You’re also welcome to use as many other tags as you want, as long as #sp olympics is within the first five.
- Remember that you can earn your team points by reblogging other attacks, regardless of whether they’re aimed towards your team or not! Make sure to support your fellow creators when you see their works!
- And finally: have fun! We look forward to seeing the things that you create! c:
(If you’d like to review the rules before you begin, they can be found here!)
Under the cut is the current point values of each team! Allow for 24 hours for point values to be updated following an attack.
Giant Douche - 960
Turd Sandwich - 868
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storiesofsvu · 2 years
Her Everything Ch 17
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Warnings: language, smut
The next near year nearly flew by, you attributed it to actually being able to have some time to yourself, having a steady partner to help raise Catalina helped one hell of a lot. She started spending a bit more time at Rafael’s apartment, basically whenever she asked to spend a couple of days with him and he was free. Rafael spent a lot of time with the two of you when you had her for the weekends, which you were more than okay with, he’d missed out on a lot, and you appreciated the extra set of eyes. You were ever insistent that his weekends remain just with him though, partially to let him get his time in, and partially to give yourself an extended break.
It was a chilly night in February that Rafael showed up to your door, apologizing immediately as he knew you didn’t like unannounced visits, but he just wanted to drop a couple of things off. You were confused at first but he handed you a bag from your favourite take out place (with extra truffle fries) and a bottle of your favourite wine with a simple ‘I know how hard today can be for you’ before giving your arm a squeeze and turning from the apartment. It was the anniversary of your Mother’s death, he knew you’d be grieving and wanted to do what he could to attempt to not having you sink completely down. The next month you returned the favour, bringing over one of his favourite meals, homemade from his Abuelita’s recipe. You were finally back to the point of being friends, of being comfortable around each other. Sure there were moments of awkwardness, usually Carisi sticking his foot in his mouth after making a comment, or bringing up a memory (‘Wasn’t today supposed to be your wedding date? I bought a real nice suit for that.’) that made you both cringe a bit and shoot him daggers. But things were smooth, they were easy, it was calming to be around each other.
It was mid October, the city still feeling the remnants of warmth from the summer, the days cool as the leaves turned, but still warm enough to enjoy being outside. You had The Good Place reruns on the t.v, thankful for anything that wasn’t Disney+ at this point, tidying up a few things when you heard a knock on the door.
“Oh..hey Raf.” You greeted as you pulled the door open. “Cat’s at Amanda’s, squad sleepover.”
“Rollins with three kids under seven?” He teased, a laugh on his face.
“Relax, Sonny’s there too.”
“So those two finally did get together?” You laughed, half rolling your eyes, more so at the two mentioned and not Rafael. Their will they wont they spanned most of your career in Manhattan
“Yeah.” Your eyes moved down to the binder in his hand, “you need something?”
“I found Cata’s homework stashed in her room from when I had her the other night.”
“That little turd!” Taking the book from him you flipped it open, not surprised to find it not finished, “she told me she didn’t have any.”
“She do this often?”
“Only when she knows I won’t let her see Billie ‘til it’s done. Those two are thick as thieves.”
“Yeah, I mean they were born a few months apart, they’re basically attached at the hip.” Sighing you tossed the binder onto the counter, “hey, I just opened a bottle of Macallan, you wanna come in?”
“Yeah..sure.” Rafael shot you a soft smile as you backed up, letting him into the apartment. You latched the door, tossing Cata’s homework down on the island, you’d deal with that issue at a later date. You poured Rafael a glass of scotch before the two of you moved into the living room, settling on the couch. “This is the one with the dead people who don’t know they’re in hell, right?” You laughed, taking a sip of your drink.
“I guess that about sums it up.”
The two of you settled into the evening, happy to have an evening off from work and parenting for once. You laughed over the show, relaying comments and quips every so often before it became more background noise as the scotch flowed openly. Memories were brought up, good ones, fun ones, you may have spent a little more than average time poking fun at Carisi (a lot to do with the moustache he had when he first arrived). A couple of hours easily passed before you stood from the couch, giving Rafael‘s knee a squeeze.
“I’ve gotta pee, I’ll be right back. Top us up?” He nodded as you hurried your way down the hallway. While you were washing your hands you heard him say something, you shouted a ‘what?’ pulling the door to the bathroom open, quickly moving back towards the kitchen.
“I sai-“ Rafael was abruptly cut off as he tried to round the corner to the hall the same instant you tried to round the corner into the kitchen, effectively crashing into you. You felt your breath catch in your throat at his proximity to you, the woody-ness of his cologne engulfing your senses as your hands used his shoulders to steady yourself. One of his hands caught your waist in an attempt to keep you from toppling over, his next words spoken were soft, nearly a whisper, “..you’re uh..out of ice.” His eyes darted from yours to your lips lightning fast, noticing the way one of your hands tightened around his shirt as his body made the motion to move away.
“Wait…” it was barely a breath, he almost missed it over the hammering in his chest, but he couldn’t mistake the warmth in your eyes for anything else. The hand on your waist tightened lightly, you closed the distance between you with a step, the hand resting on his shoulder wrapping around the back of his neck as you inched closer.
The moment your lips met could only be described as tossing a match into a fire that had been waiting to be lit for hours, soaking in accelerant. It was brief, just a few moments of lips dancing a very missed routine against each other before you pulled away, your forehead still resting on his. Your chest was heaving as if you’d just surfaced from diving to the bottom of the deep end of a pool, your mind was suddenly going a mile a minute, there was no ignoring the desire burning within you at this point.
“Sorry…” you murmured, starting to turn away when Rafael gently grabbed your wrist, effectively stopping you from moving.
“Don’t be.” His hand moved to your chin, tilting your face up so you would actually look him in the eye. There was a hint of sadness, of worry hidden behind them, but a warmth, an incredible softness you hadn’t seen since weeks before he left.
“Rafa…” His other hand smoothed the hair out of your face, cupping your cheek softly, you couldn’t resist leaning into it.
“Tell me to stop and I can walk out that door, pretend it never happened.”
“I don’t want that…”
Rafael’s lips met yours again, continuing the same rhythm as before, a sigh escaping his lips, his body relaxing against yours as you wrapped your arms around his neck. You felt like home, like he was finally back where he belonged. Gently, he backed you up against the wall, you tugged him tightly to you, groaning as his tongue swept into your mouth massaging against yours with expertise. The kiss was like something out of a daydream, part of you felt like you must be dreaming, that something that felt this wonderful couldn’t possibly be real.
The hand on your hip trailed up your side, tickling, leaving a trail of goosebumps in its path, it rounded your shoulder, softly tangling into your hair, somehow deepening the kiss even more. The length of the make out session made you feel like a teenager again, when it’s all that would happen, when a kiss meant absolutely everything. Though…things felt very similar tonight.
Rafael broke free of your lips, peppering kisses across your jawline, down to your neck. You let out a breathy moan at the feel of his teeth scraping against your skin, your hands digging into the roots of his hair, you were suddenly more than grateful for the new beard he was sporting, wondering how much it would tickle against other areas of your body. His teeth hit your pleasure point, sinking in heavier than before, his tongue darting out to sooth the burn as he started to suck against the spot, your hips jutted up, rolling against his, gasping as you could feel his growing bulge. Reluctantly he pulled away, his face inches from yours.
“Pretty sure I didn’t tell you to stop.” You murmured.
“I forgot how sassy you could get.” He smirked, nipping at your lip, his hands nudged at the back of your thighs and you let out a squeal as he picked you up.
Giggling, you wrapped your legs around his waist, lips meeting his again as he carried you down the hallway. Your hands began to tug at the hem of his shirt, sliding underneath it as they slowly pushed it up and off his body, taking advantage of the brief escape from the kiss you pulled your own shirt over your head. A gasp breaking into the room as Rafael buried his face into your chest, nuzzling against your tits, kissing and nipping practically every inch he could get to. One of the hands wrapped around your back swiftly undid your bra and you let it drop to the floor, adding to the trail of clothing. Your hand shot to the back of his head as his lips encased a nipple, sucking the supple flesh into his mouth, tongue swirling around it, flicking its peak. Your back arched, bringing him closer to you, whining at the vibrating growl he let out when you tugged at his hair.
Dropping your legs from his waist, you tugged him back to your lips, kissing him deeply while your hands moved to his belt, undoing his jeans, a hand sneaking in to palm his thickness. A grunted ‘fuck’ muttered against your skin as he rutted into your touch, his hands leaving your sides, pulling your pants and underwear down in one swift movement. Rafael’s mouth returned to the soft spot of your neck, determined to leave you feeling its presence in the morning, a hand grasped your leg, wrapping it back around his hip to give him better access. The other one trailed up your inner thigh, oh so softly cupping your heat. Your hips jolted toward him with a whine that morphed into a moan as his fingers began to swipe through your folds. Your breathing began to increase, the little whines begging him for more.
He ignored your clit completely, choosing to play with the juices leaking out of your pussy, coating his fingers with them completely before one sunk in. Your arms suddenly clenched around him, your head burying into his shoulder in a cry as he slowly started to pump it in and out. Rafael could feel how tight you were, how well your walls squeezed against him already. His hand moved softly, warming you up as his lips tenderly kissed up your jaw, his finger curling inside you. Your eyes met briefly, a world of unspoken words between them, a silent nod from you encouraging him to delve a second finger into you while his lips met yours again. Your hand grabbed at his bicep, nails digging into his skin when his fingers increased the pressure, hurrying their pace,
“Please…” you whimpered out. Rafael’s thumb came up, circling your clit in time with the way your hips rolled against his hand. His lips met yours again with such tenderness you thought you were about to melt…though the feeling of his hand against your pussy made you think you were about to explode. Pulling away you let out a yelp, teeth biting against the skin of his shoulder, he felt your walls fluttering around his hand. The burning through your body suddenly rushed to your pussy, pulsating in a heavy rhythm over and over, trembling when his thumb flicked against your clit. It built heavier than you’d expected, a sob escaping your lips as you came, your hips rutting against his, juices nearly exploding out of you, dampening the front of his briefs.
“That was new…” he smirked. You giggled softly, ducking your head to lay a breathless kiss against his chest.
“Certainly was.”
Rafael’s hand cupped your cheek, kissing you lightly, backing you to the bed that you dropped back onto, shifting so you were laying comfortably among the pillows. He tugged off his briefs before crawling over you, lips leaving a trail of kisses up your body until he met your mouth. You whined at the feeling of his cock against your folds, the heaviness rubbing against your clit. One of his hands reached down, lining himself up to your heat, a sudden gasp left your lips as your hand grasped his wrist causing him to pause, realizing his misfortune.
“Shit…I don-“
“It’s fine..I-it’s just been..a while…”
“Oh Carino…I won’t hurt you.” You couldn’t help but smile at the soft adoration in his eyes as he gazed down at you. Your hand moved from his arm, cupping his face as your lips met his.
Rafael slowly plunged his cock into you, inch by inch, he pulled back when he saw your brow furrow, slowly beginning to thrust bit by bit until he was fully seated in you. Both of you let out more than satisfied groans. Your walls stretched to feel every inch and ridge of him, aching in the most sinfully beautiful way, fluttering ever so lightly. Rafael let out a soft moan at the feeling, staying still until you were ready, but knowing the warmth of your wet walls was doing everything to drain all of his blood and thoughts down south.
Your hips rolled against him, a whimper leaving your lips as your clit rubbed against him, you needed more, and he was more than willing to give it to you. Your legs wrapped around his hips, pulling him deeper into you as he began to thrust against you, gently at first, making sure you were okay, but that moved on, his cock hitting spots inside you making you squeal. He circled his hips while buried inside of you, causing you to yelp, crushing his head into your shoulder as you panted beneath him. Rafael’s mouth hit your neck again, sucking against the sensitive skin, teeth grazing over it as his thrusts became more powerful and heated.
Fuck did you ever feel good, he could hear the wetness of your pussy echoing through the room, the sound of skin on skin, panting breaths and whimpering moans and grunts. His cock twitched at the way your walls pulsed around it, one of his hands shot up, pinning yours beside your head, fingers interlocking while the other one snuck down between your bodies. A sob left your lips when he pinched your clit, your entire body felt like it was about to explode, you clenched your eyes shut, your free hand digging into the back of his neck.
“Oh Rafa!” Your thighs trembled, wrapping so tightly you tugged him to still against you while you shook against his body. A strangled cry leaving your lips as your orgasm burst through your veins, leaving you seeing stars.
“Fuck..” Rafael’s voice was hoarse, his cock pulsing inside you, feeling about to burst, it only took a few more pumps against your squeezing cunt before he let out a loud moan, spilling inside you.
He stilled, his head dropping into your shoulder once again, both of you too breathless to even imagine trying to speak. You began to come to first, your fingers dancing dainty patterns along his sides and back, a hand curling into his hair to massage his scalp. You admired the gentle hum when that hand moved to his beard, scratching at it softly. Rafael kissed your neck, moving down to your shoulder as he ever so slowly rolled off you, already missing the contact.
Your feet kicked up the blanket around the two of you, curling against his chest. There were about a million thoughts and questions running through both of your brains, but right now…the endorphins were taking lead. Rafael kissed the top of your head softly, holding his lips there for a moment, his hands softly rubbing at your back. You nuzzled into his chest deeper, wrapping your arms around him tighter.
“That was…”
“Fucking incredible.” He murmured, causing you to giggle. A few more moments of silence and breath catching went by before you spoke again, your voice quiet, mumbled against his skin.
“Hard to believe it was a decade ago we disclosed…”
“Okay, now you’re just trying to make me feel old.” He shot back, making you laugh.
“Not at all..” your lips met his skin again, “just…feels like yesterday and a million years ago at the same time.”
“I know…” his heart beat failed to slow as he gained the courage for his next words, “and I’m sorry I was absent for half of it.”
“I know…” you kissed his cheek softly. The sudden blaring text tone of your phone echoed from the living room a few times, “I swear to GOD if that’s Rollins.” Shoving the blankets off, you grabbed the robe draped over the top of your closet, wrapping the satin around you as you moved through the apartment. Rafael heard you let out a frustrated groan. “Fucking Duolingo!” You appeared back in the doorway to the bedroom.
“You okay?” He asked, propping himself up against the headboard.
“Yeah.” You flashed him a smile, “but there are two fresh glasses of scotch out there…and I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t starving…can we order food?” You pouted and Rafael chuckled, the resemblance to your daughter even more evident when the pout was on your lips. He moved out of the bed, kissing you quickly before pulling on his briefs.
“Dynasty still have your favourite on special on Fridays?”
“Yup!” You smirked, “and this is your treat.” A giggle escaped your lips as he rolled his eyes, following you back to the main part of the apartment. The two of you had already downed most of a bottle of scotch already, and even with the food, your heavily distracted minds figured it would be the best idea to indulge in a second bottle as you marathoned some t.v before heading back to the bedroom.
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my-soupy-brain · 9 months
Crash Landing: Chapter 4
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Description: You and Mike make it to Malibu to meet the group that's there, including his brother, Phil. And some potential competition.
Warnings: SMUT AHEAD
Like Tucson, Malibu isn’t small. But you both figure if folks are alive, they’re going to be near the beach.
Who wouldn’t want an exquisite beach house for free?
Even if you can’t find anyone, you both decide to rest here for a while. The beautiful weather, exquisite views, options for multimillion dollar mansions — it’s a good place to call home.
You find a perfect abode along the beach, and decide to take a walk along the sand, but looking down the shoreline, Mike spots… movement. Figures. PEOPLE!
Mike points. 
“I’m not the only one seeing that, right?” he asks. You shake your head. “I see it, too.”
With no warning you take off running. Mike pulls ahead. As he nears a figure running toward him, he starts to shout: “Oh my God! Oh my God! Phil!”
But as Phil approaches Mike, he punches him in his groin, sending Mike to the ground. You run harder to reach him. 
“Mike! Mike, oh my God, are you OK? What the hell is the matter with you?” You shout at Phil as Mike writhes in pain. 
“Who are you?” the heavily-bearded Phil asks. 
“Ow! That hurt, ya turd!” Mike shouts at Phil before you can answer, standing up slowly. 
“That was for Christine!” Phil shouts at him, pointing his finger in his face. 
“Christine? From high school?! You haven’t seen me in three years and we survived a plague, and you’re mad about a girl from high school?!” Mike shouts.
Your mind is reeling, eyes watching the two of them like a ping-pong ball. Two brothers who survived this world-ending virus, and they’re fighting about a girl from high school. You have to laugh.
“I can’t believe this. It’s a miracle we’re here, Phil! I was trapped up there, worried about you and mom and dad for three years! This is a miracle, you turd!” Mike shouts, and that breaks Phil’s ice. They hug and smile, finally.
Phil apologizes as you introduce yourself, leading the two of you to his group, who are also random survivors who’ve banded together. 
You take a look at the others in the group — three women, all gorgeous — Phil, and another man. A quirky, cute woman smiles at Phil and takes his hand, introducing herself as Phil’s wife, Carol.
Phil walks you up to the house, the group following. You introduce yourself to the other members of the party, who seem happy to meet you — Carol especially.
“So how do you know Mike?” Carol asks with a smile. 
“Well, funny enough, he showed up on my boat randomly after dropping out of the sky,” you answer. “And…”
“And now she’s my girl,” Mike says, stopping to turn around, holding your hand as Carol claps. Melissa smiles, holding Todd’s hand. Phil makes a frustrated noise seeing Mike so happy.
And Ericka keeps her eyes trained on Mike, shooting daggers at you. 
For dinner you manage to enjoy a hearty meal. The group had a cow they recently butchered and have plenty to go around. 
Mike tells stories about Phil and their childhood, some of them embarrassing, making Phil annoyed. Considering Phil’s abuse on the beach, you think he has it coming. Mike manages to dredge up his childhood nickname, Skidmark.
After dinner, Phil wanders you through the house, insisting that right now, there’s not enough space even though there clearly is. As punishment for Mike, he exiles him to the outdoor furniture. 
“You can stay inside, we have room for one of you,” Phil adds, but you shake your head. 
“Mike can stay in my room, if he needs a place to sleep,” Ericka chimes. Your fist instinctively clenches. You can smell what she’s up to a mile away.
“I’ll stay out here with Mike,” you add, walking with him to the patio. You curl up on the couch together but before you fall asleep, Carol taps you on the shoulder.
“Phil was just being rotten to Mike,” she whispers. “There is a spare bedroom you’re welcome to use.” 
You hold her hand and thank her, Mike helping you up to move inside. 
Once the door closes Mike sighs. 
“My brother can be a lot but man, I really wish he wasn’t punishing you because he’s mad at me,” he says, pulling back the covers of the bed. 
“He’s not punishing me, I’m just refusing to leave you alone,” you add. “You’ll figure it out, I’m sure. It’s been a long time. He probably never thought he’d see you again. You’ll find your groove with him soon enough.”
Mike nods, putting his arm around you to hug you close. 
“Thank you, for everything. I wouldn’t have made it this far without you,” he says, leaning in to kiss you sweetly. You rope your arms over his neck and smile at him. 
“I’m glad you found him, though,” you whisper. “I’m glad you’re not alone.”
Mike quirks a smile. “I was never alone, now that I have you.”
He kisses you again, his tongue teasing your lips as he walks you toward the bed. It’s a double, so it will be a lot of shared space but you don’t mind. When he lays you down and crawls over you, your hands skate under his t-shirt to his chest, making you purr.
“You love that, don’t you,” he laughs lightly against your ear while he kisses your neck. “My chest. I’ve never seen anyone go crazy for it.”
“Well, they were fucking blind,” you giggle back, kissing his neck in return. 
His big hands push off your tank top strap, his lips kissing your shoulder. When you squirm, his other hand holds you down and you see the passion in his eyes. 
“Think we can be quiet,” he murmurs into your ear, making you moan and bite your lip. You nod. “We can certainly try.”
His hands skate down your body, pushing your shorts and panties down your thighs, his long finger caressing your hot sex. You moan again.
“Can’t be as loud here as we could be on the boat,” he chuckles. “Let’s see how fun this can be.”
You pull his shirt off and push his pants down in a hurry, your bodies frantic for each other as he crawls back in the bed and covers you both with the comforter.
When he slides inside you, you gasp a breath at the sensation. He smiles at you, the moonlight illuminating the room. “You’re so gorgeous,” Mike murmurs, kissing your lips, then your neck, then your breasts, where he takes a nipple in his mouth. Your body arches against him, his left hand traveling down the arch and to your hips. 
As his arm pulls you closer, he moves deeper, making you moan a little louder. 
“Oh, bad girl…getting noisy,” Mike says, kissing along your body. As he pushes faster the bed squeaks a little, making you both laugh. 
But as he tips his hips in the right direction, you’re gasping and clutching him. 
“Oh, Mike…fuck…” you whisper. He smiles at you. “Go ahead, baby, let me watch you come…”
Your head throws back on the pillow, his hand holding your thigh tight against him while he drives into you. You gasp and moan his name as quietly as you can, your entire body clenching in climax. 
“Fuck that’s hot,” Mike murmurs, looking down to see your bodies connected. “Oh, my God…”
With that, he leans closer to your chest, his head tucked against your neck to muffle his moans. With a few more pumps, he spills into you, your body taking every drop of pleasure from his. 
He goes limp and relaxed on top of you, your hands softly stroking his back as you kiss the side of his head. 
“Perfect,” you murmur against his messy hair. “You’re perfect.”
He pulls himself up to look at you, smiling, kissing your lips gently. 
“Takes one to know one,” he jokes, and you bring him back to your chest, holding him tightly before you eventually snuggle up together to fall asleep. 
“RISE AND SHINE!” Phil shouts through the door, pounding on it. You both jolt awake and look at the sun, figuring it’s only about 7 in the morning. No more sleeping in with Phil around. 
“WHAT ARE YOU DOIN’ IN THERE HUUUUUH?” Phil shouts through the closed door. Mike grumbles and puts on a pair of boxers and climbs out of bed to open it. 
“What do you want, Phil?” Mike asks tersely, waiting for a reply. 
“Well, I wanted to see — oh, hi, y/n! — Phil says, craning his neck to see you with the sheet pulled up to your bare chest, shielding yourself from his view. 
“I wanted to see if you wanted to join us for breakfast!” Phil says jovially. Mike nods, knowing this is all a game. 
“Yeah, sure. We’ll be out soon.”
“You might wanna put more clothes on. You too, y/n,” Phil says, laughing at his own joke. Ericka walks by behind Phil. 
“Lookin’ good, Mike,” she chimes, smiling at him. Mike slams the door. 
He returns to bed, climbing under the covers and pulling your body back to his. 
“I think Ericka has a thing for you,” you murmur, the thoughts running through your brain of the potential competition. Mike squeezes you tighter.
“Well that’s too bad because I’m yours,” he answers gently against your hair, moving it to kiss your neck. 
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bronx-bomber87 · 9 months
Good evening everyone and happy Tuesday :)
This ep is a fav of mine. I know there isn’t a ton of Chenford content. But the amount of goodies we get for both Tim and Lucy is so good. Its what I love about them they’re amazing together and separate. Obviously prefer them together but this is a fantastic separated ep. Not a ton of gifs so it'll be partially gifs mostly caps. Also this is a longer one since they BOTH have good SL's in this one.
2x07 Safety.
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The cold open is adorable. Tim would hate that phrasing but it’s true. I love sports so I get that excitement and happiness when your team does well. Look how happy he is. When the Rams won the Super Bowl a little while back I thought I bet Tim is thrilled LOL He is happy till a high speed pursuit interrupts his game. He sees the car chase is by his house. So in natural Tim fashion he heads outside to deal with it.
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He is sexy af in this scene. That badge around his neck as he calls dispatch and logs in some OT. Then climbs into his truck backs up to block the guy and dispatches of the chase quickly. Gets the guy out of the car and on the ground very fast. Once he’s done drives back into his driveway so he can finish watching the game. Classic. Love this man. So cute jumping up and down cause they won. Damn he cute.
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Roll call is upon them and Grey’s initiative today is community policing. Angela is out because she’s taking care of a recovering Wesley. (She ends up taking a side gig protecting a turd and his diamonds) Nolan gets a gig at the hospital leaving Harper open. Grey pairs Jackson with Tim and Lucy with Harper.
Lucy looks nervous af as she looks back at Nyla. I get why she has only seen bits and pieces of Harper. Those pieces they’ve been intense. Reminds me of when Nolan was paired with Tim. Just a little bit of terror in her eyes. It’s such a good ep for them both though. Their scenes are why it’s one of my fav eps.
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Grey says Tim/Jackson get the football community gig with the Rams and Lucy/Harper get the community council. Harper makes a crack about it being the 1950’s. The boys get football practice and the girls get the PTA meeting. Grey says fair enough. Only one way to settle this. Challenge Coins. They both have coins from impressive things they’ve done. Tim says he got his from the Chief personally. He’s so cute and proud. Harper being Harper tops him. Says that’s nice. Hers is from the Governor. Tim rolls his eyes haha
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Whoever slides theirs across the table closest to the edge wins. Lucy is adorable and in wifey mode already with her phone. Ready to capture the moment for him. I love how he looks over at her first before propelling his. Also his little butt wiggle I can not. Her matching his body posture is fantastic. An exact mirror really so she doesn’t miss a thing. They cute. I love them. Tim loses but Harper doesn’t want football anyways. I swear she did it just to make a point with Grey and mess with Tim.
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Poor Lucy bombs right off the bat with Harper. Asking her if she needs anything. Harper looks at her and says 'Officer...?' Lucy happily says Chen. Nyla is her charming self and tells her she’s not going to use her name. That today she’s Not Nolan. Lucy asks John if he has any tips to get on her good side. Nolan makes a crack that he’s not sure she has one LOL You’ll get there. I dare say Lucy and Harper end up closer than her and John ever were, but that is much farther down the road.
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First off let’s enjoy how ecstatic Tim looks to be at football practice. He is in one of his happy places right now. The man is radiating joy. It’s so cute. They’re watching practice and see a kid named AJ. How he is easily the best kid on the field. The director says that’s not what matters. His grades were trash before this program. Now he’s on the honor roll. They wave him over. Tim “grills” AJ on his work ethic, drills. and such its adorable. Clearly in his element talking to this kid. (Their scenes in this episode are primo)
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AJ’s mom shows up and pulls him over. Director tells them she was just released from prison. Been hard transition for them both. She was in for armed robbery with a serious heist crew. Cute little scene with Tim and Eric Weddle. Eric giving Tim crap for giving up football for the service. Jackson is geeking out next to him its pretty cute. Tim tells him not to make it weird when he bro hugs Eric Weddle LMFAO
Love them having another shot at a pair up. It goes much better this time. They see AJ and his mom fight and walk over. Ask if everything is ok... I mean clearly it’s not. She doesn't answer them. Instead she drags AJ away from practice. They can tell something is wrong they’re just not sure what yet.
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Back at the station Lucy and Harper are prepping for their meeting. Nyla tells her to keep this short and simple. Don’t promise anybody anything. Just to tell them ‘We’re aware of the problem and have a task force on it.’ Lucy questions that a bit but Harper says they’ll love that buzzword. She has Lucy lead the meeting. Poor Lucy she is not in the least prepared to do this. At first it works Nyla’s line. Lucy tells first guy verbatim what she’s supposed to. He takes her at her word and sits down. Harper looks proud from the other side of the room.
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Then things quickly go sideways for her rapidly. A woman tells her that her neighbor keeps feeding the squirrels. Lucy tries the line again and fails. She questions Lucy and says 'A squirrel task force?' I can't blame her haha The lady tells her she’s worried about her dogs cause squirrels attract coyotes. Lucy’s empathy kicks in and gets her in trouble with Nyla. Tells's her to give her the address of her neighbor. Then she is bombarded with tasks.
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Tim and Jackson meet Aj and his mom at their home. Just to make sure everything is copacetic. They can quickly see that it is not. Tim asks AJ if everything is ok. Seeing if he can get to him. It’s obvious that she’s trying to leave town with him. Before they can delve into why she’s leaving the car gets fire bombed. Clearly a targeted attack. Tim and Jackson get them to safety before calling it in.
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Jackson takes AJ's mom to the side for questioning and Tim checks in on AJ. I love this scene. Getting to see that soft side Lucy has brought out so much. She would be so happy to watch him with AJ. How well he bonds with him and tries to get him to open up. (wonder how he honed that skill in..) Tim starts off with tossing his football with him. He starts to build his rapport by telling him he’s talented. AJ replies says how his football is always with him. How much he loves to practice. Tim is soft in his reply says it sounds like him with how much he loves the sport. The dedication to get better.
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We’re about to get some background on Tim and I love it. Tim tells him in some ways the game saved him. AJ's interest is piqued. He asks Tim how so? Tim tells AJ growing up in his house was a bit chaotic. (Oh how understated that is my love) If you don’t know his backstory already at this point you get a sense his childhood was turbulent.
He empathizes with this kid. Relates to him and it’s written all over their scenes. It’s such a good episode for him. AJ says he knows a little something about that. Tim continues on to build rapport with him. Lets AJ know how his father was testy. Tim never knew what was going to set him off. That football was the only place he felt like he had control. I just love getting this insight into him as a character. Piece by piece we get to see why Tim is the way he is.
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This shows us why he needs control like he does. (I.e. always driving the shop and Lucy not doing so) The Tim tests are a product of this as well. His way of controlling his environment and training since he didn't have that growing up. He does everything for a reason. We’re all products of the environment we grew up in. It leaves marks on us whether we like it or not. I could go on and on about him. Very passionate about his character and what makes him tick. His growth. Eric portrays him so well I could go on and on about that too but I won’t haha
AJ agrees again with saying he too relates to that. Football is where he has most control as well. Tim continues on to let him know he gets it. Football taught him teamwork, discipline and it wasn’t just a game for him. (It makes sense why he enlisted. He got everything from the service he loved about football) AJ then asks what game they’re playing now? We connect then I rat on my mom? Tim instantly says 'I would never ask you to do that.' You can see the change in AJ. He knows Tim is being genuine. He just hands him his card. Tells him to call him if he needs anything.
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We return to Lucy and Harper responding to one of the many complaints they got. ‘Vagrants in the sewers.’ Harper is none to pleased about it. Says they're going fishing in the arm pit of L.A. Lucy tries to do her optimism thing. Saying isn’t this what community policing should be? Helping like this? Nyla shuts it down and says no it’s what she tells her it should be. That Lucy doesn’t want to be good at those meetings. Lucy asks why? Harper crushes her a bit more by saying if the higher ups see that it'll be all they’ll ever let her do…
They make it deep into the sewer when they find couple meth tweakers. This scene is hard to watch for how beat down Lucy is in this scene. Not just physically but that self esteem Tim has been trying to build up crumbling a bit due to it. They get attacked and Lucy has Harper's back while she cuffs one of them. Lucy is attacked by the second tweaker and overtaken. Harper jumps in to save her. Lucy thanks her but Nyla is livid she had to do so. Tells her those community meetings are all she’s good for. (Too mean Nyla too mean)
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It’s not the reaction I expected from Harper first time I watched it. Then rewatching like I have it’s what she needed. Little harsher than I would’ve liked, but needed for the message she ends up delivering. Lucy is upset while the guys get hauled away. Harper picks up on it and ask her if she has something on her mind? At first Lucy says no. Harper snarks back 'That's what I thought.' Lucy snaps and tells Nyla she is wrong about her. Harper isn’t convinced in the least.
Lucy fights back says she’s more than those meetings. Harper continues the harshness and replies she must be really good at paperwork.... Then she tacks on that she can’t fight. Lucy tells her she can she’s won a lot of fights. Harper says not this one. Lucy bites back he was huge. That it wasn't fair he was much bigger than her. Harper shoots her down again. Says she took him down and his buddy.
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Harper is getting under Lucy’s skin and she knows it. Says Lucy wants to hit her. That she can see it in her eyes. Tells Lucy to hit her. Lucy bawks and can't believe she's asking her to do this. Nyla shoves her to rile her up. Tells her come at her like that tweaker came after her. Lucy is pissed enough and does and quickly fails. Lucy is on her ass in seconds. Now Nyla is brutal but her message at its core is sound. Tells Lucy to stay down and get used to that position. Being a woman in uniform is anything but fair. That contrary to belief she is not a 6’2 180 lb man.
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Unfortunately this isn’t gif’ed it's too bad it's such a good scene. Harper goes on to tell her ‘Tim might be a good T.O. but he can’t teach her to fight like a girl.’ She's not wrong. Nyla continues on that they get a higher show of force especially from men. That when she’s alone against a desperate suspect and she’s between them and their freedom she can’t be thinking 'Oh my he’s bigger than me.'
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Harper helps her up. Tells her if she’s going to survive the streets as a 5’6 woman and one of color no less, she better be willing to learn what these boys don’t know how to teach (one of the best lines of the scene) Harpers impact on Lucy is immense. It’s not kind at first because Nyla isn’t in that place yet. She is a wrecking ball emotionally. Not her softest approach but her message like I said is sound in its logic. Lucy needs to know things she had no idea she needed until today. Why her pairing up with Nyla benefits her so much. Doesn't feel like it right now but it really does.
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Lucy tries to mend fences when they get back to station. It’s who she is. I would be same way. Tries to make a joke about the meeting. How she should've listened to Harper's way of it. She gets no reply then tries to ask about her challenge coin. Harper calls her on the chit chat. Lucy is then upfront and tells her she wants to learn the job the way Harper does it.
Lucy is smart and can see the logic of what Harper was telling her. Tim is great for her but he can’t teach her what Harper knows. Nyla sadly doesn’t take her olive branch. Tells her not to be like her. Lucy commends her career and all she’s done. Harper tells her wasn't worth what she lost. That she doesn’t even want to be her. Oh Nyla you broken soul.
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AJ shows up to station using Tim’s card like he was hoping he would. Tells Tim and Jackson his mom left for an errand and never came back. He’s worried something has happened to her. Tim asks him to be straight with them. That he’s stressed he gets it but can’t help her if he doesn’t. He tells them she had been hounded lately by her ex-BF to help be a getaway driver. Said he would kill AJ if she didn’t. They start to get a search grid going for her. Tim is so sweet puts his hand on his shoulder tells him it’ll be ok. I love this.
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Harper is jealous Tim and Jackson are squaring off against a heist crew. She asks Lucy what they’re doing at this house. Her reply is too funny. ‘Talk to neighbor about feeding squirrels…’ Harper tells her to stay in the shop. She goes to the door solo and talks to him. She notices his hand is messed up and is instantly suspicious. Harper returns and tells Lucy to run background check.
They look him up and Harper thinks it’s the UCLA bomber. Lucy tells her they’ll need DNA. Tries to call in a warrant and Harper says no. Just needs his trash. They don't need a warrant to do a lawful search of that. Lucy starts her redemption and says Harper will need a distraction then.
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Lucy knocks on the door pretending to be someone informing people about drought resistant plants. (her first mini UC) Guy isn't interested but she is persistent. Asks if she can have some water to buy Harper more time. Harper accidentally tears the bag of garbage as she is leaving. He spots Nyla outside the window and arms the floor. We hear the pressure plates click in to place.
Leaving Lucy stuck inside with his armed floor. We hear Nyla call for her (uses her last name BTW. )Lucy warns Harper to get the bomb squad. Tells her the house is armed and he’s rigging a bomb. Then is a total bad ass. Uses those worn spots she notices on his hardwood floor as her map. She slowly navigates the floor to the back room where he’s rigging a big bomb.
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After she stops him from arming the bomb she throws him out the window. Harper sees them exit. You know she just proved to Nyla how good she is under pressure. Also how smart she is. She got into the house no problem with her ruse, navigated her way out, and nabbed him before he set bomb off. Nyla asks if she’s gonna puke and she says no. Then does poor girl. All that adrenaline I can’t imagine.
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Lucy catches Harper before she leaves. Tells her it was nice working with her today. Nyla is kind and says me too. We see that growth kicking in. Tells Lucy she was wrong to discourage her today. Tells her to goes as far as she wants in this job. That she can be a cop like her but to be better. Tells her she’s has what it takes ‘Not Nolan’ ha
Lucy doing what she does best calling people out. Tells Harper she heard her call her Chen back at the house. Says she knows Harper knows her name haha Harper respects it and she gets a smile out of Nyla. Even John hasn’t gotten that LOL Lucy asks her if she can ask her advice from time to time. She gets a much better response this time and says 'Sure just not all the time' haha She has a rep to protect hehe. So begins a beautiful friendship.
Tim can teach her a lot of what she needs to know truly he can. But he can not teach the wisdom Nyla ends up teaching her. How to handle herself as a female cop. Talia missed the mark so badly with Lucy on that. Nyla truly capitalizes on this moving forward. Harper is exactly what Lucy needed. A strong bad ass female role model she could lean on from time to time. She is apart of the development of the Confident BAMF Lucy that we have today. One of the reasons I adore her character so much. Why I love this ep a lot as well. So good.
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Tim and Jackson save AJ’s mom from the heist that takes place. Angela luckily happened to be guarding the target as an off duty side gig. It was wrapped up nicely. They were able to keep AJ's mom from being charged since she was coerced. The ending is super sweet. Get to see Tim/Jackson playing with AJ. His mom watching on. Tim looks so happy and once again in his element. Bragging about how he was one of the top QBs in the state. Eric Weddle shows back up gives Tim crap. Says his interceptions were always perfect spirals ha
Ep ends super sweet Tim/AJ squaring off against Eric and Jackson. Lots of trash talking snd cuteness haha Perfect way to end the SL. Love this so for them individually so very much. Tim for showing his compassion and sharing his past with AJ. Lucy for growing and learning about herself as a cop. Harper becoming an ally for her is huge.
Fantastic episode. Thanks to all who continue to like/comment (love me some comments), and reblog. You are amazing and I appreciate you all.
Side notes-Non chenford
Not really much two main SLs were Tim and Lucy separately. So I will say I did like Nolan and the doctor. They had a good background and chemistry. Too bad they didn't work out.
Shall see you all in 2x08 :)
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krissiefox · 9 months
Adventures of Sonic The Hedgehog - Fast and Easy (Screenshots & Review)
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What happens when both our heroes and our villains have to deal with a sneaky pick-pocketing jerk? Let's find out!'
The episode starts with Sonic and Tails spying on Scratch and Grounder. They're setting up  a new trap and Sonic is curious to see what it is, so he eventually comes out of his hiding spot to ask the two badniks about it. To Sonic's surprise, they shoo him away, stating that they're after someone else. Sonic actually seems offended by this, as at this point he's probably fond of Scratch and Grounder’s antics and doesn't like them giving attention to someone else, hehe.
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Sonic seems to take it personally when he realizes Scratch and Grounder aren’t trying to abduct or kill him this time!
Eventually the two bots snag their target, whom is promptly rescued by Sonic. Unfortunately for our heroes, the target is Easy Eddie, a jerk-ass ferret who rudely complains about every nice thing Sonic tries to do for him, and he even bullies Tails, too. What a turd! By the time he finally leaves, Sonic and Tails are relieved to be rid of him.
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Poor Tails gets bullied and pushed around by Eddie right after Sonic saved him. :( Eddie sucks!
Meanwhile, at Robotnik’s fortress, Robotnik explains to Scratch and Grounder why catching Eddie was so important. At one point, Robotnik had a very powerful small chaos emerald attached to a ring, and Eddie had pick-pocketing it from him when passing by. Robotnik wants the ring back so he can use it flood a few countries on Mobius to scare all the world governments into surrendering to him.
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I like the sunset in the background. Pretty!
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Robotnik’s mustache gets a very “Dr. Suess” look to it when it gets all curly like that!
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Back to Sonic and Tails, we see them setting a camp to rest at. Tails realizes that Eddie stole the lucky coin he keeps in his sock! Sonic gets pissed and runs off to find Eddie. Nobody messes with his little buddy!
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Sonic looks like he’s about ready to choke that ferret!
Meanwhile, Eddie is busy at a school bus stop stealing food from some children. (this raises an Interesting point, I wonder if the governments on Mobius ever tried to convince Sonic and Tails to attend school, since they themselves are kids, too?) Eventually, both the heroes and the villains manage to find Eddie. Scratch and Grounder try to capture him again, but fail thanks to Sonic snatching Eddie up and replacing him with a rock inside their scooper machine. Robotnik gets pissed off that they brought him a rock, and Grounder tries to point out that it's a nice rock at-least, but the doc smashes them down to the ground anyway. As the two bots talk, this gives Sonic the knowledge of why Robotnik wants Eddie and, more specifically, his ring. After making Eddie give Tails his coin back, Sonic then also drags Eddie away to Professor Von Schlemmer's lab. At the same time, Robotnik gives Scratch a helmet to help him find Eddie. That helmet makes me think of Civvie 11's helmet...
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“Robotnik: You brought me a rock?!” “Grounder: At-least it’s a nice rock?...”
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Scratch looks like he’s ready to go on youtube and make videos about old FPS games...
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At the Professors lab, all sorts of ways are tried to get the ring off of Eddies finger. Many result in him being violenced or humiliated, which I don't entirely mind as he is a huge asshole. They actually get his ring off at one point, but then Eddie traps Sonic and the Professor inside one of the machines, snags the ring from Tails, and flees to Robotnik’s fortress. Robotnik pretends he's going to buy the ring off of Eddie only to then throw him in the dungeon!
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Tails says he can’t pull the ring off of Eddie’s finger even when he’s covered in lubricant. Um, maybe because you’re pulling his finger instead of the ring, Tails...?
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Have I mentioned how much I love the Robotnik art in this episode? They did an amazing job giving him so personality. :D
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Sonic arrives to steal the ring back from Robotnik before he can use it, and throws it into the ocean so nobody can find it again. Eddie appears, having escaped his prison cell by stealing the keys from Scratch, and seems to have finally given up stealing as he gives everyone their stuff back. Character growth!
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Tails got dat My Little Pony scrunchy face again. :D
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The sky and ocean in these scenes look real nice! And Sonic standing up on that cliff ledge makes me think of the Sonic CD opening video, too.
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Why did Eddie steal the Professor’s underwear?! What kinda stuff you into, Eddie?
In the Sonic says segment, Sonic and Tails almost get caught by Scratch and Grounder because Sonic skipped breakfast that morning. They go to eat and talk about how important it is to stay well fed. I agree! Heck, I tend to get headaches when I don't eat enough or snack to much on junk food without having a proper meal.
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This episode was great! It was nice to see that jerk Eddie eventually have some character growth, and it's always nice to see the Professor too. This episode also has some really nice art in it. Some of the backgrounds are quite pretty, and this episode might just have some of the most expressive Robotnik I've seen in the show. Definitely a good one to check out!
Now, my next review was actually going to be for "Sonically ever after" the last episode of the series, but I recently got a request to do a review for the pilot, which I hadn't even thought to include in all this. So, I'll be doing that one next, instead! See y'all next time, stay cool, and be kind to one another!
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anxresi · 1 year
Something just occurred to me...
And its barely Chloe-related! (shock, horror).
So basically, by the end of this season, there are eighteen, yes eighteen(!) full-time superheroes, right? Including: Pretty much ALL of Marinette’s classmates and passing teenage acquaintances (sans Chloe and Lila, of course).
My question is... has Marinette EVER considered the only one in her friend circle who she doesn’t know the identity of as a hero, the one who seems to be in love with her both in and out of costume and the one person she sees on a regular basis... could be Adrien/Chat Noir?
I know, it’s stupid, right? Considering they’re about a billion other plot holes and incidences of convenient stupidity the writers use just to get from A to B. But in view of the whole premise of the show seemingly resting on this obvious subterfuge, even if I was a kid I’d be pretty dumbfounded she hadn’t figured it out by now.
Now I’m sure there have been episodes that I’ve wiped from my memory where through the use of chicanery or shenanigans, Adrien has managed to be in two places at once to disprove this ‘clever’ idea in Marinette/ Ladybug’s head once and for all. You might even say it’s not important, and I should just ‘enjoy’ the show for what it is: a simple superhero cartoon for kids.
That’s the point though: I CAN’T enjoy it, obviously first because of legitimate issues I’ve had with the disgraceful treatment of my favorite character (guess who) but also down to the fact I honestly think it’s the biggest load of shit made from a great idea I’ve ever seen. Like taking a diamond, and using it to carve dog turds I suppose if you want a simple off-the-cuff analogy.
 Just reading the latest spoilers made me very sad, angry and confused that anyone could defend this mess by the time season 6 rolls around. Each to their own, but I think any audience member, whether they be 1 or 100 deserves to be treated with more respect than the absolute bilge the makers of Miraculous are shovelling. 
I would be bashing it relentlessly even if I WASN’T a massive fan of you-know-who, it’s simply breathtaking just how much the show plunges in quality with every passing season. And they say they want to give it at least eight?! That that doesn’t even include the ridiculous amount of individual spin-offs, Made-For-TV movies and live-action projects they have planned in the future? WOW. Compared to this overextension of property, even Spongebob seems a model of restraint.
The mind boggles at the cynical cash-grab of it all... but hey, if all that blatant rapaciousness for money over quality floats your boat, you’re welcome to it all. Just don’t ask me to understand your way of thinking, because I won’t. Ever. 
Sorry that I lapsed into one of my standard rants (come on, you know you love them), allow me to return to the original topic. The reason I pondered the issue of Marinette not even considering the fact that the love of her life and her superhero partner over 130 episodes might be one and the same is very symbolic to me of the show’s deeper problems. If it can’t even handle it’s central storyline right, how can you expect it to cope with anything else in this over-convoluted plot? The answer is, naturally: it doesn’t. 
In a better show, other elements might distract me from asking such a straightforward question, but seeing as there ain’t much of that here, my mind keeps returning to this one big query. And so far, I’ve yet to hear an acceptable answer. Any ideas, guys?
Still, looook over there! EIGHTEEN heroes eh, isn’t that something! All of which I’m sure will be fully-utilised and developed as part of the show’s core squad (something which the show has a SUPERB track record of), and all of course whom have various types of merchandise available NOW! And to show how brilliantly pre-planned everything is in advance, you can even get tons of limited edition Queen Bee stuff in all good shops already...
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