#they walked in on nightmare and the mtt putting them to good-**get's hit by same airplane and also fucking dies
cakesmelons · 10 months
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The harem discovers MTTs tongues
They're just shocked don't worry :)
(Hey, psst, devil on your shoulder Sunny speaking, they may not admit it but they're all totally into it, should put them tongues to use if you know what I me- **gets hit by a truck and fucking dies)
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yellowninjaleopard · 6 years
autumn winds chapter eight: a royal visitation.
Autumns eyes opened and ajusted to the brightness of the sun through the large window of the hospital room. She also noticed Nona laying next to her, sitting up she got out of her bed and walked over to her backpack, picking it up and placing it next to her bed, because she felt better that it was closer to her. Autumn sighed and looked at the photo of her and frisk, they were both much younger then, autumn feared frisk wouldn't recognises her, but, she dissmissed that negative thought and had courage that frisk will be happy to see her, autumn's plan was to find frisk, get home, since frisks parents were dead, autumn would ask her parents if they could adopt frisk into their family, then they'd be together forever. Autumn smiled. But was interrupted by a yawn coming from Nona. Autumn walked over to a laundry basket to find her clothes and shoes, but also a red and grey striped sweater, a oak brown overall dress, Grey scratched leggings and two odd socks, one blue and one pink, Everything in the basket had been washed, autumn got dressed in the bathroom, when she came out she saw Nona sitting on the bed in her clothes, smiling at autumn showing her bright white teeth, but had no shoes on. [*Don't you have any shoes kid?] Nona shook her head no, autumn then remembered the shoe box in the closet, Autumn walked over to the closet, opened the doors and picked up a pair of little pink flowery kids shoes and closed the closet doors. She brought the shoes over to Nona, Nona put on the shoes and walked around, testing them. Nona looked at autumn and smiled. "Thank you Mana!" Said Nona cheerfully. Suddenly there was a Knock on the door, walking in, there stood a rabbit monster with curly black fur that covered her eyes, pink fur was seen on the ends of her ears, she wore a nurse outfit with a nametag that reads "Dr L, Fuzzina" the rabbit monster smiled. "Oh, i see you're awake, my name is doctor Lucida fuzzina. How are you doing human?" Lucida asked. Autumn answered [*I'm doing ok, doc, m'leg's healed up nicely.] Lucida smiled, she noticed Nona. "How did you get in here sweetheart?" Said Lucida in a cooing tone of voice. Nona came up and held autumn's hand tightly, autumn knew bandy would get jealous. [*Her name's Nona, she was in here when i woke up, but don't worry, I'll take care of her.] Lucida smiled warmly at Autumn, before walking out of the room. Leaving autumn and Nona to wonder about how many monsters are as nice as Lucida or the monsters in Snowdin or the ruins. Autumn looked down at Nona, Nona looked up at autumn. [*Are you...All by yourself down here kid?] Nona frowned slightly but replied "y-yeah, i want my mama to come back now..." Autumn thought about it, but remembered her mother and grandmother having an argument over money, when her Grandmother accidentally admitted to leaving her mother's little sister on MTT EBOTT while she was out with her friends, then lying about her being kidnapped. Autumn still remembers the look of shock and anger on her mom's face. Autumn snapped out of her flashback and looked down at Nona again. [*I think that's gonna take a little time, y'know?] Nona looked a little sad. Autumn kneeled down to Nonas level. [*I dunno what's going on either, but, I'll look out for ya til then.] Nona smiled as autumn ruffled her hair. Suddenly, three large goat Monsters entered autumn's room, two of them wearing crowns. One looked like a Queen, she wore a purple and violet robe like dress, a familiar emblem on it. The largest one seemed to be a king, he wore red and yellow robes, he had a large white and yellow beard which was tied in a plat, the last one was like the one in autumn's last nightmare, same robe, same long, sharp ended horns, the same scar on his arm and the same robe. The queen was the first to speak. "Greetings child, i am toriel, queen of the underground, this is my husband asgore-" said toriel gesturing to the bearded goat monster. Asgore waved and smiled. "-and this is my oldest son asriel." Said toriel, gesturing to the tall goat monster, asriel smiled. Then asgore spoke. "We have recently received a call from a shop owner in Snowdin town, she seemed quite worrisome for you, you are the eigthed human to fall in the last few days." Asriel spoke next "yeah, that last human was real trouble, they hurt chara.." autumn snapped [*WHERE IS SHE?!] This surprised everyone in the room. Asgore spoke up. "Child, what do you mean?" Tears were in autumns eyes, threatening to spill and stream down her face. [*Where is the other human? My friend? Where. Is. Frisk?! You're the royal family! You've gotta know where she is!] Asriel, Toriel and asgore stared at ​Autumn, looking at her in simpathy, asriel felt the most heartache, the other human was this humans friend, asriel thought of chara, he couldn't​imagine what this human has gone through, all for the sake of her best friend. [*Please...I just...Want to bring her home...] Autumn let her orange hair cover her eyes as she sobbed quietly, asriel couldn't stand this, thinking back, the human never did anything to anyone, all they did was cry for help or be shoved around by chara, asriel loved chara, really, but even he knew, deep down, not all humans are bad right?. Asriel then lifted autumn's chin with his thumb and index finger slightly, looking into her glossy, bloodshot eyes, tears still forming and falling, staining autumn's freckled face. Asriel sighed, letting his heart get the best of him. "They're in old home prison, that's where we took them at least, just tell dogeressa and dogamy we sent you to collect you're friend, please don't cry." Said asriel, wiping away autumn's tears with his thumb gently, autumn hugged asriel, wrapping her arms around his neck and closing her eyes as he held her slightly but comfortingly. Asriel thought to himself 'she seems so nice, she can't be bad right? Chara could understand right?' autumn pulled away sniffing and smiling. Suddenly, bandy ran in a tackle hugged Autumn sobbing and bawling. "Autumn!! *Sniff* you're ok right?! You're all better now right?!" Asked bandy, his arms wrapped around autumn's middle just above her stomach area. Autumn chuckled and ruffled bandy's hair. [*'T's ok bandatron! I'm cool, I'm fine. It's ok..] bandy turned around only to see three petrified monsters. Toriel spoke "h-how...How in the world..?!" Said toriel, astonished that a child who had been dead for nearly twenty years now is alive and moving suddenly. Asriel walked past his mother and father to face to young boy. Asriel stared down at him, while he looked scared out of his mind, bandy's attention was mostly on asriels scar. Asriel then spoke. "Is it really you?" Said asriel in a slightly calm yet cold voice. Bandy teared up, his lips quivered. "s-sorry...I'm sorry" bandy slowly fell to his knees gripping asriels robes tightly, his head hanging low as he sobbed "I'm so sorry...I never wanted to h-hurt anyone, *sniff* i didn't want to hit you!!" Bandy cried. Asriel was shocked by this, then he realised bandy's eyes were grey, they used to be a bright orange. Asriel then had a doubt. 'what' if chara was wrong.? What if this child wasn't dangerous, maybe if chara hadn't scared him or challenged him, he wouldn't of attacked? Could asriel have befriended this human had chara not been so quick to judge?' asriel remembered how scared this human was when they had found him, looking at them with such...Horror. asriel gently pushed bandy off of his robe, bandy flinching at his touch. Asriel sat on his knees, wrapping his arms around bandy carefully, bandy shook slightly but calmed down. autumn watched and smiled, knowing bandy had made things right with not only asriel, but himself. Asriel spoke "it's alright, I've forgiven you. But, maybe, we could be friends?” asriel offered, pulling away from the hug, holding out his hand for bandy to take, hesitant, bandy looked back at autumn who motioned for bandy to go ahead, bandy turned back to asriel and took his hand, asriel smiled and stood. Nona walked next to autumn and put her hands behind her back. Toriel then asked "how is this possible?" Autumn looked at bandy, then Nona, then back to the royal family. [*When i fell down, i woke up in this big black place full of nothing, there where lights so i followed em and bandy was the first one i met, the others asked me to find their bodies and souls so they can go home to whoever they have waiting for em, as for Nona some monster met me in my dreams asking me to give Nona her soul, he was this big dragon skeleton monster dressed like the grimm reaper, he also told me to tell 'chara' that he's sorry, i think he said his name was "Gaster".] The royal family looked at Autumn in shock. [* I'm sorry but I've gotta go, I've gotta get to frisk.] Toriel snapped out of her thoughts and spoke "oh, of course, i shall send Asriel with-" Toriel was cut off [*it's fine, i can find it myself, it's ok.] Toriel thought for a moment before handing autumn a map of old home, autumn put her backpack over her shoulders and smiled, putting the map in her shorts pocket. Toriel then handed Nona a small toy knife. "I believe this is yours child." Said toriel. Nonas face lit up as she put her toy knife in her front pocket. "Good luck human, i hope the best for you." Said asriel. [*The names Autumn, Autumn windsfield, thanks for helping me, don't worry, I'll pay you back one day.] Autumn smiled and walked out of the hospital, bandy carrying Frisk's backpack and Nona skipping happily holding autumn's hand, the other souls and wimsum following closely behind her. Autumn smiled and saw the river person, autumn and the others got river persons boat. "Where to? Snowdin?" Said the river person. [*The prison please, i have a buddy to bail out.] "Off we go then" the boat started moving. Autumn relaxed. The wind blew her hair and her braids flew behind her, her torn bow swayed to one side. Autumn looked at the photo of frisk and her. Autumn smiled, thinking about how frisk was doing right now, autumn was so close now. All she has to do now, is stay courageous.
To be continued...
[*Knowing that you're finally going to find you're best friend, fills you with COURAGE.]
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oldscarredlove · 7 years
AfterGone - Part 3/3
Part 1 - http://scarredlove.tumblr.com/post/158033060124/aftergone-part-13 Part 2 - http://scarredlove.tumblr.com/post/158033367624/aftergone-part-23 The Origins of AG
Swap > (Can’t remember) Fell > (Don’t know) Ink - @comyet Geno, Error > @loverofpiggies Mute > @sori4rt
—CONTINUE— According to Blueberry it’s been a lil over a month since I was first brought here to the Omega Timeline and believe me, it has been quite joyful. I enjoy hanging out with the other AUs and it’s funny to tease them, especially UnderFell since we tend to FIGHT a lot. They’d throw me a bone or I’d make one comment and then everyone stands back, at least it keeps me in shape.
Right now? I was drifting in and out of sleep one of the many love-seats, having one of my own now (or one I prefer to use at least). I’ve been sleeping a lot more, slowly trusting the others and losing the bags under my eyes, the nightmares have also been vanishing also or at least not been as terrifying as they used to be.
During my time here, I’ve gotten to know quite a bit of each AU whilst also gaining information from Blueberry. Turns out I’m the only Sans who has a claw instead of telekinesis like the rest, well, for now anyway. The main people I tend to speak more to, however, are probably UnderSwap Papyrus, Ink Sans and Mute Sans, each are quite unique to hang out with and I talk to them about different stuff.
With US Paps, we discuss my sister and my friends -and yes, it still is a touchy subject for me and I think it always will be.I do get emotional whilst talking about it, who wouldn’t? But it has kept me sane, lifting a weight off my shoulders which I never knew was there. Pap is the only one who truly knows about my AU, everyone else only knows that Chara killed everyone, they tricked me and killed themself to stop RESETS.
Ink makes me laugh, he’s been teaching me how to draw so I can put all my negativity and depression into something that isn’t self-loathing. I have to say I’m doing pretty good if I do say so myself although Ink is a master at art, welp, can’t control that. But when we’re not drawing, he talks about how he doesn’t have an AU like Error and Geno and how he’s kept himself sane. I look up to him for his humanity (although we’re the same height, heh).
Mute is a different case, since he doesn’t talk, Ink provided him with a pen and some paper, allowing him to communicate. It’s a slow conversation but I enjoy it, its rather peaceful to sit back and take a breather with a nice cup of either tea or ketchup. We talk about the other AUs and what ifs really, it’s kinda funny. CRASH I jolted up from my seat and scouted around, seeing SwapFell Sans and UnderSwap Pap in fighting stances with Blueberry looking upset. I groaned and rolled my eyes. This is getting ridiculous, I can already guess what was going on. Blueberry and Sourberry (yes, that’s his nickname) bumped into each other and Blueberry’s tacos had gotten all over Sour’s ‘battle body’, I could see the sause running down his armour and onto the floor with the rest.
I stood up and walked off, heading back to the corridor full of grey doors, to my AU. I basically spend half my time here in the Omega Timeline now, it keeps me from going mad and trust me, there have been several times when I’ve gone off the bend…
Thanks to a certain child… — I bet some of you are wondering:
“Hey, what’ja do with the souls?” “Hey, why haven’t you left the Underground?” Welp, first of all, I never left because I don’t deserve it, everyone’s dream was to go to the Human world and make peace and live among with them, I didn’t really care back then since I didn’t really care much about the humans in the first place. If we came up it was a 50-50 chance of making peace or another war would occur.
So now, with everyone dead and unable to come back when it’s now possible? I don’t think I should be allowed to go and live with them, besides, time has frozen down here so why should it be any different up there? This whole universe is basically dead now.
As for the souls… That’s much more complicated. During the…’incident’, the human and I found the souls. Since humans couldn’t absorb other human souls, they figured they’d destroy them instead rather than hand them to me. They were smarter than that because if I did have them? They’d either RESET or I’d kill them before they do anything. I would’ve been a god, or close enough to one. But there is one question I know you’re wanting to ask… “What happened to Chara’s soul?” …Fun fact: They’re still alive and kicking.
Just not in the way you think… —PAUSE— I shook the body of the human, screaming and begging them to RESET the timeline. To bring all the monsters back. To bring my friends back. My sister back.
After my voice had become a whisper and my movements became slow, I stopped and saw everything flash before my eyes, haunting me, taunting me. My thoughts only repeated one thing: what have I done?
I closed my eyes and covered my blood-coated hands over my jaw-hinges, trying to block out the image and sounds of the monsters, begging for their lives. Tears slithered and slipped over my cheekbones, my face hot from anger but my chest cold with sadness. I never should’ve gave the human what they wanted. I should’ve been more DETERMINED.
Instead I was weak. A coward.
I opened my eyes and gasped, falling off my knees and backing away in fear. The human I didn’t know, wearing blue, magenta and brown, their neck red with blood, was glowing.
I didn’t get what was going on until the light grew smaller and smaller, ending up being a circle in the middle of their chest. Their soul. A red heart came into view and floated up slowly, peacefully. I was shaking and I couldn’t stop. As soon as I saw the soul I had to make a quick decision: Capture it and lock it away somewhere or….
My movements however were quicker, I teleported to it and grabbed it, my own soul glowing weakly. I didn’t know what to do, I had the soul in my literal grip and all I could do was stare. I pulled the collar of my T-shirt lowere so my white, upside-down heart was in view and hesitantly brought it closer to my own soul, my skull sweaty with nervousness.
I fell completely onto my back and screamed, louder then I ever had and thought that my own jaw was going to break off. It felt like my chest was burning, being scolded by the lava at Hotland. I couldn’t breathe and during my agony I couldn’t think clearly but I may or may not have screamed for my sister and everyone’s forgiveness.
The pain was something I deserved though, I’d killed everyone, believing it was for the best of everyone so the human would stop. I was wrong of course but I couldn’t turn back time. Then suddenly it all stopped, the pain quickly faded and left me gasping for air although I had no lungs like humans or some monsters.
My skull was wet with tears and sweat, my whole body was twitching and unsure if I should move, risking the chance of going through the pain again. I sat up slowly after what seemed like ten minutes, happy to discover the pain really was gone. Groaning with the achy feeling, I rubbed in between my eye-sockets and scratched my skull, yelping in pain.
What the…?
I ran my hand over the left side of my skull and felt it, a crack going around my entire head. I was unsure of why it was still in place and hadn’t fallen to the ground but I was glad it was still in it’s rightful position, I took a peak at my soul too and was again shocked.
It still had the shape of a regular monster soul but it was now red with a crack that looks similar to the one on my face on the left side of it. Tears rose up again but after closing my eyes for a minute, they were gone. I stood up and looked back at where I came from… deciding I needed to clean this whole place up from its filth.
I bet Papyrus would be proud of my cleaning. — It’s been a week or something since that dreadful day. I hated thinking about it but what else was there to do now? All I could do was pace the whole
UnderGround, watch replays and old videos of Mettaton’s shows, Alphys’ anime collection and read his manga or train with Undyne’s non-magical weapons. I felt awful to even touch any of that stuff but I might as well make myself suffer some more. Who am I without my guilt and hatred? I can’t even remember what I was like when I was cheerful anymore.
After a few episodes of  the MTT Quiz Show, my soul started to beat rapidly and before I realised it, I was on the floor, curled into a ball of pain and struggling to breathe. I heard imaginary laughter, toying with me and my sanity, I knew who it belonged to and tried to see if the human was here, my eyes landed on a being but it wasn’t a human.
It was myself.
Their cheekbones were blushing pink, their eye-sockets completely soulless and had black tear-marks running down their face and their grin… It was the scariest thing I ever saw.
My reflection giggled and crouched down to me, I scrambled to sit up and moved away, hitting the wall with a bump, they laughed harder. “This is a great show! I never thought I’d see a more pathetic look of you Sans but you proved me wrong! Congrats!” They started to clap and winked at me, I growled in anger.
“Heya par’ner! See, I do keep my promises, unlike a certain someone!” They stood straight and walked toward the window. “It’s so quiet down here, so boring.
“If it’s boring, why end it?”
“Because!” They glanced at me and winked again, “it’s hilarious to see you in such a state!” They walked up to me and knelt, I pressed against the wall as much as I could. “How did it feel Sans? Killing everyone you loved? Killing everyone who depended on you to get their revenge in the previous resets?”
Those words… They were the ones that made me go off the edge… I was going mad, all my guilt and shame was making me insane. I couldn’t live on like this, I just couldn’t. What was the point anymore? I had nothing left and my life has no meaning…
Using my weakest moment to their advantage, they fully possessed me, taking over my body for an entire…. month? I had no clue how long, it seemed live forever. They sliced down the trees of the forest, they destroyed every puzzle, they tore up all the plants, wrecked Hotland and the Core and made the castle crumble to the ground, the barrier vanishing from sight.
I couldn’t wake up, didn’t wanna, what could I do to stop them? They were stronger than me and I’d always fall for their tricks.. but then we came across the Graveyard, they took pleasure at looking over the reminders of all the monsters that were slain. Then they looked at Papyrus’ grave… and their own.
I felt them weaken, like some small part of them acknowledges the fact that they are no longer alive. They never were. They materialized my claw and were ready to slice this place to nothing but rubble and splinters. It was then when I woke up, somewhere in the back of my skull, I kept telling myself to stay alive.
That I had to be DETERMINED to defeat the human.
Stay determined to defeat the human… The one thing I never did…. It felt like I was drowning, the human’s hatred was as thick and black as tar. I struggled to escape, I had to protect Papyrus and everyone! Even if it’s only their graves, their spirits must live on!
“WhAT arE YoU DoInG?” No way was I ever letting them control me again! Not after everything that had happened. We split apart, both gasping for air and balance, when I looked back at them they were staring at me with daggers. I sensed magic in use so I made sure I was quicker than them. I summoned a Gaster Blaster
I only had to hit them once. —CONTINUE— From then one, they never came back, sure I’d have my moments of anxiety and what not but that day was one I could never forget. They’re now one with me, their soul and mine are now finally in sync,and that’s why I’m happy with deciding to come back to the Omega Timeline, because they help me stay in control of my emotions, not the human.
After going to Alphys’ Lab, I’d accidentally hit a button or something and turned on his old monitor that showed footage from the cameras. I ended up watching them and found out that they were never there, it was my own mind screwing with me, meaning I’d basically went on a rampage in my own despair.
Time makes fools out of us all.
I stopped in front of Papyrus’ grave and knelt down, lifting her scarf up and over her tombstone. Whilst turning around and going back to the grey door to the Omega Timeline, I slipped on the blood-red scarf and opened the door, taking in the scene one last time. As soon as I returned, Error stood there looking both annoyed and arrogant whilst Ink looked unsure.
“AG, are you sure you wanna do this? You can’t ever-”
“Shut up, she’s letting me do my thing! Don’t spoil it for me!” Error glared at Ink. I sighed. “I’m sure Ink, I’ve thought about this for a while and this is the best solution I can think of, staying in my AU is making me ill and not to mention that it’s basically dead already.”
He groaned out of frustration. “Fine…” he leaned toward me and whispered. “Hey, how’d you even persuade Error to do this for free?”
I giggled and placed a finger over my mouth. “I don’t know what you mean!” Error’s blue threads wrapped around the door to my world, I lost my smiled instantly and watched it all unfold before me. Error looked like a child at a sweet shop, taking pleasure at destroying things.
The door shattered at the pressure of his threads, leaving a blank wall behind, he immediately walked off with a grin on his face and humming something. Ink rolled his eyes and the both of us cleaned up the mess he’d left.
I had tears going down my face, but this time it was tears of joy. I was at peace, I was finally able to move on, I shall live on for everyone. For Papyrus. —GAME OVER—
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