#they met soon after the war started and he dumped them in factory kid duty
mareliini · 2 years
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related: discord server said rip and i wasn't able to post the last pic 😔😔
Here are!!! Fairy fashion planning, albeit for one outfit only. It's Varpu's for some very very very lategame chapters somewhat based on known finnish iron age dresses.
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kitaychan · 3 years
White Flame
Chapter 9
Rating: M
Warnings: Blood, Psychological Horror
General Summary:  Royal/ Magical AU.  As their two Kingdoms get closer to a war, the past keeps on hovering around their choices. Prince Ivan has a hard time controlling his magical powers while being tormented by a mysterious ghost and Prince Alfred embarcs in seeking a revenge that might cost more than it’s worth it.
Preview:  Alfred’s curiosity was enlarged and fed while Arthur observed from afar. He had turned the stubborn child into a man of science and Alfred’s deeds filled him with happiness, who wouldn’t take pride in such development?
Ironically, it was a bittersweet achievement, how could he, who had been raised by magic holders, raise this kid to be so eskeptic and reject any form of magic with scientific hypothesis?
Tolys walked down the hallway, the air was filled with a delicious, sweet smell.
The kitchen was a neglected place in the palace, after the queen’s death, only the servants would frequent it.
He wasn’t enthusiastic either, the place was beautiful and neat, the utensils shined, lined up in perfect order but the walls weren’t designed for a kitchen, the heat would enclose itself, overwhelming whoever entered the place.
A tall man stood by the counter, facing away from him, concentrated in the rhythmic chopping of vegetables, his broad figure seemed foreign, more suitable for a battlefield or a plantation, but the last feast had showed Tolys how much work it meant to be a chef in the palace, those large animals meant for feeding the royalty wouldn’t cook themselves. He felt relieved knowing that he’s duties were easier.
He stood awkwardly by the door, clearing his throat. “I need your help, you know almost everyone here, and there is this girl I need to find.”
The chopping stopped, the man turned to acknowledge his presence, arching an eyebrow. “I’m busy, I’ve lost the help I had in here, you’ll have to ask the maids or something.”
Tolys watched the man, his quick movements as to resume his task. “Perhaps you know her-”
The man frowned, annoyance coating his words. “Look, I have work to do, I can’t help you with your romances.”
“Sadik, you don’t have to stop your task-”
“well, tell me her name-”
Embarrassment overwhelmed Tolys, he had no clue as how to find her. “I… I do not know her,” He cursed Ivan mentally, how could he sent him without information, it was a waste of time, he hoped the outburst from the garden was enough to describe her,  “She’s uh, she has brown hair, she was scolded yesterday, by the prince...”
“For the love of-” Sadik’s face changed, he left the knife in the counter, “Look, throwing her out of here was enough, what’s with the royals and their persecutions?”
“He wants to apologize, nothing more if you could tell me-”
“Since when does a prince care about what a servant thinks of him?”
Tolys faltered, he had the same question but taking care of this request as soon as he could would assure him the rest of the day with Feliks “I’m just trying to do my job, I don’t question his intentions.”
Sadik turned his back on him, his tone harsh “You should.”
Tolys glanced around, the oven was lit, a smoky smell coming out of it. “I believe his words, she could be back and you’d have less work”
The man cursed, hurrying to the oven and taking out a tray, sweet overtaking the smoky smell. Not meeting his gaze, Sadik answered. “I will tell her that you are looking for her, it’ll be up to her if she comes or not. Tell your prince that his cake is ruined, though, he wouldn’t care, they are leaving today. Shouldn’t you be there?”
Tolys gasped, leaving the kitchen hurriedly, he had a couple of days for this but he was caught up clearing his time to remember that they’d be leaving today for the ball, his nervousness increased but he slowed his pace, would they care if he didn’t bid them goodbye? Probably not.
He reached the entrance, a carriage was prepared, he saw Natalya crushing her fiancé in a hug, Tolys chuckled at the display in front of him, as Ivan patted her back awkwardly, prying her off.
Tolys didn’t understand why Ivan was so weary of her, but he served as distraction when he could, he lowered his head not bearing Natalya’s gaze.
The prince shook his shoulder lightly and asked, “Did you find her?”
He could see Natalya glaring at him. He shook his head.
Ivan sighed, handing Tolys an envelope, “Deliver this” before he could answer, the prince turned away, Natalya following him.
Feliks was standing near them, not hiding his amusement, he waved in his direction. They engaged in small talk while everything was arranged.
When the carriage left, Tolys couldn’t help but feel uneasy, Natalya was digging knives in his back, and he wondered why was she acting like that, after all she used to ignore his presence all along.
She approached, frowning deeply, her blue eyes were cold, and Tolys was reminded of the king.  “Give me the letter.” she fumed.
The brunette blinked, looking down at the envelope, “But-”
“Give me the letter” She demanded again.
Feliks chuckled, taking the envelope from him and presenting it to Natalya, she snatched it from his hand and walked away.
Tolys eyes widened and he fidgeted with his hands. “Feliks!”
The blonde shrugged, smiling mischievously. “Let her take it, in the worst case, Ivan has written a love letter and she’ll read it, perhaps we can get rid of her. Now, we leave before she notices.”
Tolys followed him, each step that took him further away from the palace gave him a sense of entitlement.
A feeling that had vanished since his parents died, since he served that first tea for Yekaterina, shaking uncontrollably and spilling it, although she had been understanding and assured him he’d be safe, Tolys couldn’t shake off the uneasiness he felt in his heart.
All this time he had been following their commands, lowering his head and nodding at their words.
Walking hurriedly while taking Feliks hand was refreshing, he was doing something he wanted, he wasn’t another servant in the palace, he wasn’t another of their properties, he was just Tolys, he was fooling around not working.
A smile grew on his lips, as they reached the city, he deserved this small moment of happiness.
Alfred couldn’t believe they had arrived.
He glanced around, the surroundings hitting him with a wave of unfamiliarity and dullness, this was nothing as he had imagined Gilbert’s hometown to be.
He expected a grandiose city with tall churches and monuments, a palace taken out of a fairytale pages. Instead, they had entered a vast territory of rural areas that seemed concerningly empty, and reached a central city overflowing with people, small houses and numerous factories.
Stone paths ran like a gray river throughout the city, forming a maze that not even Arthur was able to explain, the sky was covered with gray clouds, although Alfred could have sworn it was smoke.
The people walked hurriedly in the streets, they weren’t greeting each other warmly, these people seemed apathetic towards their own neighbours and the newcomers, paying a small disinterested look at their carriage before turning away.
The palace was made of stone, its presence overwhelmed with the antique vibe it gave, Alfred smiled to himself, the architects of his kingdom were better, this palace looked more like an old fortress, stone and steel coating every inch of the place, he hoped the interior to be more welcoming.
Alfred opened the carriage door with ease, stepping out, his legs were numb. He dreaded these long trips.
A familiar voice called out.  “The little knight has grown!”  Gilbert greeted him at the entrance, reaching out his hand for Alfred to shake.
Before Alfred could respond, Arthur scolded. “At least help your sister out, where are your manners Alfred?”
Gilbert smiled, reaching out his hand for Madelaine. “Arthur, I see you kept your bitter attitude. How is he treating you, young lady?”
Alfred stared at them, Madelaine laughed at his remark while Arthur scoffed.
A prickle of jealousy ran over Alfred, his sister managed to maintain a close relationship with Arthur, the latter taking time from his duties to give her lessons while he just dumped a bunch of books in Alfred’s desk each day.
A conversation about the gardens started, rolling his eyes at their formal behaviour, he kept quiet.
Half of their day was spent in casual chatting, Gilbert showed them around.
When they got out for a stroll, Alfred managed to stay back with Gilbert, he was telling him about Roderich and making fun of him for quitting his job and returning,
“I knew he couldn’t do it. He is too refined for being a tutor, apparently, the kid got on his nerves but the last straw was when this kid decided he had enough of Roddy’s lectures.” Gilbert chuckled, slowing his pace to mimic Alfred’s. “This kid, I think he is older than you by a year or so, he’s got a bad temper just like his father,”
Gilbert glanced around, his smile grew, Alfred recognized his mocking tone.“I do not blame him, would you like to be bossed around by some foreigner while you are supposed to become the king?”
Alfred frowned at his words, shaking his head, Gilbert knew why he was staying behind, he was reminding Alfred of his goal, wasn’t he? of course he was, he had gotten his letters, he knew his plan.
Alfred met his eyes, feeling confident. “Where is Ludwig?”
Gilbert eyes scanned him, he shook his head. “You are eager to meet my brother, aren’t you? It’s a shame, he’s too busy right now, we have to do a lot of changes, this ball adds more pressure into him than I first thought.”
Disappointment coated Alfred’s thoughts, all this had been for nothing? He sighed. “Changes?”
“Yes, you saw the city, we have to tend to the people’s needs, we don’t want a shortage of food, this war has taken a toll on everybody, we have to reactive trades, why do you think we offered to host your little party?”
Alfred nodded, lowering his eyes.“So, you’d be opposed to start another war?”
“That is a stupid question, Alfred. Nobody wants to start a war, not even a battle. You do not start a war, it just happens. What you do is prepare in case of one, and if you have arguments to hold your statements, if you give us reasons to be concerned, then, you’ll have our help. If I were you, I’d take care of my own problems before sticking my nose in another Kingdom.”
“But you could get more resources, if we win their land, their people would be ours, that means natural resources and manpower.”
Gilbert halted, looking at him curiously before smirking.“You’ve been paying attention, that’s good,”  His red eyes seemed to ponder for a moment, glancing forward, Arthur was watching them. “Enough plotting for today” he whispered, “let’s get some food! There is someone who wants to see you”
Arthur had been watching closely, he sensed something was wrong, it annoyed him not knowing what.
Alfred had been eager to arrive, behaving better each day and preparing himself, for a while, Arthur held the small hope that it wasn’t an act, that Alfred was willing to listen to him. After the outburst in that meeting, Arthur tried to console the boy.
“I am not your father, Alfred, but you are not alone either.” That’s what he had told him. He remembered how the boy had cried, his reluctance to believe his words but that day, Alfred had stopped locking himself away, he left the library open, he asked Arthur for advise.
He wanted to help him, to protect them. Alfred wanted knowledge and Arthur tried to provide him the tools, perseverance is a noble trait, one that Alfred needed to learn.
When the boy complained about being bored, Arthur didn’t know what to do, he had been raised to be independent, but Alfred was always nagging him with questions, with requests, getting mad when he wasn’t given the answer.
In a coward act of neglection, Arthur had told him to “find teachers and friends that provided him with discussions and new discoveries.” when in reality he did so because Alfred’s questions were new to him, he didn’t know how to solve his problems, but somehow that advise had helped.
For Alfred, it was easier to engage in conversation with others than to stare at an old book for hours, the topics were engraved in Alfred’s mind more easily if he attended and participated in the scientific fairs and see the experiments himself.
Alfred’s curiosity was enlarged and fed while Arthur observed from afar. He had turned the stubborn child into a man of science and Alfred’s deeds filled him with happiness, who wouldn’t take pride in such development?
Ironically, it was a bittersweet achievement, how could he, who had been raised by magic holders, raise this kid to be so eskeptic and reject any form of magic with scientific hypothesis?
Alfred showed little respect for him and his beliefs, anytime he approached the topic Alfred would enter a state of fierce denial. But now, that they were heading back to the palace, he was acting different, he had glued himself to Gilbert, and the latter was very much rubbing it in Arthur’s face but the boy seemed disappointed. Could it be that this trip had discouraged him from his scientific dreams?
Arthur barely noticed they had been led into the dinning room, only an annoyingly familiar voice took him out of his thoughts.
“My dear Madelaine, you look beautiful!”
Arthur glared at the speaker, why was Francis here.
The man was giving the twins a crushing hug, smiling brightly. “And Alfred, you’ve grown so much”
When he met Arthur’s gaze his smile faded. “You took too long in that stroll, I was waiting for hours!”
Arthur ignored him, taking a seat in the table. Francis kept a conversation with the twins, Alfred seemed way too happy to see that man, and Arthur fought not to acknowledge the growing jealousy in him.
The meals were served and Prince Ludwig accompanied them, the boy was overly formal, he seemed older than he actually was and behaved better than his older brother.
Alfred seemed to regain his cheerful attitude, questioning about the city, finding common ground with Ludwig as they shared their enthusiasm for science.
Around the afternoon, they had been sitting in the main hall, listening to Roderich play the piano as Madeline observed him closely.
Some servants entered to announce that a carriage had arrived.
Gilbert cursed. “They weren’t supposed to be here so early.”
A single glance to the window was enough for Arthur to know who it belonged to, the blue tones and the engravings gave off their identity.
Alfred offered to go with Gilbert and Ludwig to greet the guests, and Arthur’s heartbeat grew faster, he approached Francis and urged him to keep an eye on Alfred.
As he watched them leave, Arthur stood by the window, looking intently at the carriage, the doors were opened and he saw the figure of a man stepping out, Arthur was sure this was the prince, he held out his hand an a blonde woman stepped out, their resemblance was unmistakable.
To Arthur’s surprise, nobody else went out of the carriage. Could it be that their father refused the invitation?
The boy was older than Alfred but the way the woman treated him, gave off the idea of who was the oldest sibling.
While she had a gentle expression in her face, he had an unnerving aura, a chill run down his spine when he saw Alfred shaking his hand.
Arthur felt a gush of cold wind behind his neck. Emerald eyes found themselves locking their gaze with a pair of violet eyes.
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thehardy-boys · 6 years
Friends Tommy Shelby x Reader Request
Hey everyone, If anyones listening... I really loved this request. I keep on saying I’ll have it done by Sunday and then I finish it earlier!  I have a couple more request I’ll finish up hopefully over Thanksgiving break! Please request things!!!
Request: Would you be able to do a Tommy Shelby x reader best friends one like they always work together, fight together, plan together. For the sake of Tommy she attempts to get on with Grace, but as soon as Tommy is away Grace becomes spiteful. Maybe Tommy walks in and sees this.
Warning: A bit of swearing Also I have nothing against Grace at all. She’s lovely!
"Are you out of your mind, Tommy?!" You whisper yelled. You and Tommy were standing in the corner of the church Polly had brought you to. For some reason, on occasion Polly made the two of you come and sit. You both thought it was Polly's way of saying you both were devils and needed help, but it never seemed to work. Tommy had just begrudgingly told you of the case of guns that his men accidentally found. 
"Why haven't you bloody dumped them, Tom?!" You scolded. Tommy sighed and not wanting to face the wrath that was prominent on your face he looked up. You scoffed noticing his undesired want for eye contact, " God won't help you now." "Charlie won't move them until the full moons passed, that's in three days. Then we'll chuck them, Okay?" Tommy responded after a full minute of ignoring your furious stare. "You do realize there's an inspector coming to Birmingham right now to weed all the bad apples out don't you? " Tommy started to speak, but you continued over him. "And yes it may be a bloody coincidence but its a bloody scary coincidence. And Tom," Tommy sighed and turned his head even farther away from you trying to ignore your words but you weren't going to have that. So, you reached out and took his chin in your hand and turned it to face you. "If that officer finds you with the case of guns, you can forget about the bloody Peaky Blinders coming up in the world, do understand that?" You let go of his chin and sighed. You looked away from Tommys piercing cool breezy blue eyes and instead examined the people sitting in the church. You felt Tommy turn your chin so you were facing him just like you had done. "Look (y/n), It'll be alright. I can take care of myself, It's you who I'm worried about." You narrowed your eyes about to make a snarky comeback when Polly brushed past both of you saying, "Oh, come on both of you, enough with the lovebirds, Gods watching for god sake." Tommy immediately let go of your chin and quickly followed Polly out of the church door. Leaving you standing there with a hint of red on your cheeks. You and Tommy grew up together in Birmingham. While all the other children were afraid of the Shelbys' because of there ties to gypsies you found it fascinating. Your parents had scolded you numerous times for running off to the caravans and having your fortune told.  And after the first couple times the Shelbys saw you around they welcomed you into the family with open arms. You were a girlfriend to Ada, a helper to Polly, a laugh for John and Arthur and for Tommy you were a partner. You both had been adventurous teenagers, constantly running about, sneaking out at night, and plotting together. But soon, as all things must end your safe haven in Birmingham did as well. You both had gone off to the war. Tommy was drafted as was your father. You soon realized you were doing nothing good just worrying in Birmingham so you volunteered as a nurse and away you went. The things you saw out on the battlefield were horrifying. Dragging half-dead men across the field trying to get them to safety.  Bowing your head in shame and sadness after another soldier didn't make it through the night. Gritting your teeth as you heard the screams of pain from the soldiers you were stitching up. You and Tommy both returned to Birmingham damaged physically and mentally but relived the other made it. You both acknowledged that the other would never be the same but for some reason, neither of you minded. As soon as you heard of Tommy's plan to start a business you started to help immediately. You quickly snapped out of your daydream to quickly follow Tommy and Polly out the door. As you left the church you were met with a rather aggressive blast of wind causing you to shiver.  Polly was grumbling something that sounded along the lines of, "I brought you both here to pray, bloody pray. And what do you do? Get into a bloody spat!" You and Tommy chuckled as you heard Polly mumbling to herself. "It not our fault, Pol. We never asked for God." Tommy said with a smirk on his face. You giggled at the sight of Polly's frustrated face. "I can't deal with you two pests. I'm going to the market to get something for dinner." And with a shake of her head, she left the two of you standing there on the front steps of the church. Tommy turned to you with a smile and a cigarette hanging from his lips. He offered you his arm and you gladly took it. And the two of you walked together in comfortable silence. Weeks went by and the inspector was getting more and more bothersome. Tommy had done his best at challenging him but he had other things to deal with, like Kimber. The two of you were sitting in the betting shops office deep in thought. "You best be careful Tom." You warned quietly. He nodded solemnly. "Kimbers a slimy man. You may be working for him today, but tomorrow you may be his new enemy." You continued on. Tommy and you had been plotting since this afternoon on how to make sure Kimber doesn't take advantage of the Peaky Blinders. You stood up from your sit grabbed the cigarette dangling from Tommy's lips and took a long drag. He looked up at you with his dolphin blue eyes, that now had a hint of fondness swimming in them. "Hows Grace?" You asked. Tommy immediately looked away from you. "She's uh, she's doing alright. " He looked up at you from his seat. "How are you doing?" "Are you both happy?" You said exhaling a cloud of smoke. "I am. We are. " He replied simply. You gave him a small smile. "Then I'm happy." You whispered. You ignored the cracking of your heart at his words.  Over the entirety of your life with Tommy, you had grown quite fond of the man.  You might go as far as saying you love him. There was something about him. He radiated power and violence but deep down you knew he would never hurt a thing if he had a choice.   "My God! When did it get so cold?" You yelled. Tommy chuckled at your outburst. You both had called it quits when the clock showed 1 A.M. "I'll walk you home." Tommy offered while placing an arm around your shoulders. You both walked silently through the ghostly Birmingham streets. You both heard the faint drunken yells of men happily celebrating another day. You looked to your left and saw a mesmerizing view of Birmingham's docks and factories. You stopped walking and just stared at the scene before you. The fire was blazing every couple minutes. Men yelling for more coal. The wisps of smoke waltzing in the air made you smile into the night. The water looked like glass reflecting the moon perfectly. Tommy offered you a cigarette which you gratefully took. The two of you stood there smoking and watching. Unbeknownst to you, Tommy was watching you. The way your silhouette sparkled in the moonlight was captivating. The way the smoke dripped from your mouth just added to your allure. An allure Tommy was having a hard time resisting. You sighed. "Beautiful isn't it?" Tommy pulled his eyes away from you to rest them on the bustling factories. "I don't know, I've seen a lot prettier." You chuckled looking down. "You would say that. But look its Birmingham's heart. Look at the way the furnaces blaze every couple minutes. It's her heart beating. Fighting to stay alive."   You both fell silent watching until you both grew too tired to stand upright and trundled on home. The next morning you made your way to the Garrison hoping to see Ada there so you could chat a bit. You took a seat at the bar to find Grace on duty as the bartender. "Morning Grace, you look lovely." You said with a cheerful smile. She looked at you like a marble statue, "What can I get you?" You were taken aback by her cold shoulder but you recovered quickly from her rather brisk response, "I'm fine right now, thanks. I'm just waiting to meet Ada." Grace gave you a stiff nod and continued to serve other customers. You didn't hate Grace but you didn't love her either. You constantly tried to spark a conversation or even a short chat with her but she would never cooperate. Sometimes she would have a snide remark about your clothing or she would adamantly disagree with you on something.  You didn't know why she was so rude. You had no idea where you went wrong. But for the sake of a Tommy, you tried to get on. "She hates me, Ada! And I don't know what to do about it!" You vented. "Why don't you do all of us a favor and remove the rod that's stuck up her a-" You coughed loudly as to alert Ada that you weren't the only ones present at the market. "I can't do that. Tommy and Grace are together. If I start something with her That would most likely stop me and Tommy's friendship" You explained. "Look (y/n), Grace doesn't like anyone its part of her charming personality. She'll get off her high horse soon." Ada responded while examining a melon. "Does this melon look a bit brown to you?" The Garrison was closing down the crowds of drunken men had stumbled home leaving the Shelbys, you, and Grace. John was the first  to go, he slurred something that resembled, "Hav tu go put em kids ta bedsh." Then Arthur stumbled on home and soon Polly and Ada followed suit leaving just you, Grace and Tommy. Not wanting to be a third wheel you began to head out. "Night Tom, Grace." You said with a smile as you pulled on your coat.   Tommy stood up, "I'll walk you home. It's late." You shook your head. "Really, its fine you two have fun." Tommy looked a bit worried leaving you alone to walk home. "No, I think I should, a lot of drunkards out tonight. Let me get my coat." You continued your protests until he left the room to fetch his jacket, leaving you alone with Grace. "I'm really sorry. I'll leave now so you guys can continue your evening." You offered with a smile. "I can see right through you." Were the first couple words Grace said to you. "Pardon?" You said in confusion. "I know you're trying to steal him from me. But guess what?" Grace stood up from her chair and crossed the room towards you. You took a step back afraid of what she was going to do. "Tommy would never like someone like you. Look at your clothes, your hair, your smile, your nothing but a damaged nurse from the war with no parents." Silenced pierced the room like a dagger. Your mouth hung open in shock. But soon the shock transformed into sadness. Tears filled your eyes and soon they overflowed and they trickled down your cheeks. "Why? I don't understand? Why are you so mean?" You struggled to form any kind of sentence. You heard Tommy re-enter the room only to stop when he saw the situation. "(y/n)?" Was the only word you heard from him before you turned and hurried out of the Garrison and through the ashy streets. You soon saw your familiar street name, thank god you were almost home! You ran up to your door and fumbled with your keys for a few seconds. Your hands were shaking from the adrenaline of running and the raw emotion coursing through your veins. You finally opened your door and slammed it shut. You slid down until you were sitting on the ground and your back was leaning against the door. Only then did you truly let the emotion inside of you free. You didn't know how long you were crying but eventually, you had no tears left in you. And that left you with nothing else but the words Grace had said to you. She was right. You were just a damaged nurse from the war with no parents. Why would Tommy want someone so damaged? Who were you to even like someone like Tommy? Someone so beautiful and smart. You would never deserve a man like him. You were a fool to even consider it. You jumped at the sound of banging coming from the door behind you. Slowly you stood up and unlocked the door but not the chain only allowing a few inches to look through. You weren't entirely surprised to find Thomas Shelby on your doorstep. He looked angry, disheveled, and tired, but mostly angry. You sighed. "I'm really tired right now Tommy, can we talk in the morning?" You asked you voice a bit horse form all the crying. "No, We are going to talk about what the fuck happened back there." He demanded with a voice that was as sharp as a broken piece of glass. "Nothing happened back there Tommy." You began to close the door when his hand slapped against it preventing you from moving it. His anger transformed into hope and he looked at you pleadingly, "Please, lets talk, I want to talk." You internally debated for a couple of seconds but soon you were unlatching the chain and standing aside to let him in.  You thought he would go through to the drawing room but when you turned around he was right in front of you. "How long?" He demanded quietly. You looked everywhere but him, "What do you mean?" It was a feebel attempt at buying yourself some time and it didn't work. "How fucking long has she been insulting you!?" He yelled. Making you jump a bit. You had seen Tommy yell many times but you were never in front of him only beside him. And you couldn't believe how scary he was. He seemed to realize he shocked you. "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I just, I'm angry. How long?" "Over a couple months now." You said looking at the floor. "What has she said to you?" He took a step closer to you. "Nothing that bad until tonight. She has never really liked me, always challenging me, sometimes insulting my outfit. But tonight..." You trailed off. "What about tonight (y/n)?" Tommy asked in a low voice, "She just really insulted me directly. Accused me of trying to steal you. Saying I was damaged." You finally looked at him. "Look, Tommy, It's fine I-" You were cut off by Tommy's loud voice. "No, (y/n) It's not fine. You are my best friend, you-you are everything, your funny, caring beautiful, and- you should have told me and I'm, I'm so sorry." The last couple words he said turned to a hoarse whisper.  This was the most emotion you had seen from Tommy in awhile. "I left her." Tommy stepped even closer to you, you weren't sure if it was even possible. He caressed your face rubbing away the traces of the tears you once had shed. "I never loved her." He whispered. "What?" "I took her because I thought I could never have you. I thought I would be able to play along and watch you meet someone and be happy with someone else but I was breaking day after day." He caressed your cheek and gently ghosted his fingertips over your lips. "I love you." You looked at him. "I love you," you whispered. He slowly moved even closer until your lips were mere centimeters apart. "May I?" He asked quietly. To answer him you slowly closed the gap between the two of you. It was lovely. The way his warm lips enveloped yours was mesmerizing. The both of you moved in perfect synch.  After a few minutes of pure bliss, the two of you reluctantly pulled apart and looked at each other not saying a word, both just so captivated by the others beauty.
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